201 2 Ann ual R eport

2012 Annual Report
The Mission Statement for
The Foundation for Mott Community College
The Foundation for Mott Community College is a community
based charitable organization whose major purpose is to
acquire and distribute resources to the students, faculty
and staff of Mott Community College, as it contributes to
educational, literary, multicultural and financial efforts that
advance excellence and richness to the community.
The Mission Statement for Mott Community College
The mission of Mott Community College is to provide high quality, accessible and affordable educational opportunities and
services including university transfer, technical and lifelong
learning programs that promote individual development and
improve the overall quality of life in a multicultural community.
Joe Black, Chair, Board of Directors, Foundation for Mott Community College
I am so pleased to be working with Lennetta Coney in her efforts to raise money
for people like “Janette,” the 18-year-old graduate of an inner city school, now
enrolled at Mott. Lennetta’s letter over the holidays describing her work on behalf
of Mott touched my heart. Her 25 years of service to improve the lives of others
was an inspiration to me—and I know to many, many others.
Lennetta Coney, President, Foundation for Mott Community College
People like Joe Black not only make my job easier, but they make it even more
rewarding. Joe has volunteered countless hours to the Foundation for Mott Community
College to ensure that our financial resources are being leveraged in the best possible
way. He isn’t paid for this job. But Joe understands the need. Joe gets that this
business is all about people. It’s all about the future. It’s about this community.
It is a delight to work with Joe and a dedicated board of 29 representatives and
leaders from throughout Genesee County who give above and beyond what is
expected or asked of them. I invite you to take a look at the Board photo enclosed
within these pages to see the others who graciously volunteer their time and money
to make Mott College the state-of-the-art academic institution that it is today.
Dear Friends
The greater part of our efforts at the Foundation is about raising money to
Please consider additional ways you can help us have an even greater and
help sustain the mission of this truly outstanding educational institution.
more meaningful impact in the months and years to come. Would you be
We really, really want you to see the impact our volunteers, our donors, our
willing to join us in making an impact on our students at Mott College? In
faculty and staff—all those associated with the College—are having on our
our community? I invite you to give and see the impact your gifts will make.
students and on the greater Flint community. It goes so much further than
maintaining the bricks and mortar of this now 90-year old institution. Most of
We are here in this community for a larger purpose. We believe we can
these people are friends and family, they are the children of friends and family.
change lives.
MCC represents a huge portion of our lives.
Please give and join us as we see the impact philanthropy can make in all
Stories like our student “Janette” overcoming personal hardship to become
of our lives.
active in the student body and do well in the classroom are what our efforts
are all about. The air of confidence she exudes today is due to the people
highlighted in this annual report. I urge you to read the names. I think they
will make you as proud as we are. It’s heartwarming to see the impact and
what can be done when good people come together on behalf of others.
We have seen thousands of lives that have gone from despair to hope with
the gracious dollars our donors give on an annual basis. It’s about helping our
sons and daughters, our brothers and sisters, our mothers and fathers. Far too
many people in our region simply do not have the financial means to attend
college without our support. It is an honor to help them.
Lennetta Coney,
President, Foundation for Mott Community College
Joe Black,
Chair, FMCC Board
t h e i m pac t o n c a m p u s & b e yo n d
“I think MCC has a huge impact
not just on the students, but on
the community”
--Theresa Stephens-Lock
Chief Lock sees her role at Mott as far more than providing
outstanding protection for the campus community. Her vision
for impacting the community extends a mile radius around the
Flint campus into the neighborhoods where her sworn police
officers regularly respond to emergency calls. Her professionally
trained officers also serve on neighborhood committees as well
as provide support for a wide variety of community events. Her
impact and the impact of the Public Safety Department goes
way beyond providing protection - together they provide an
outstanding community service.
director/Chief, Department of Public Safety,
Mott Community College
First Black Female Police Chief in Genesee County;
one of 19 in the State of Michigan
“I believe everyone can achieve
what they want in life, but they have
to have the tools and training to get
there. Mott College provides those
things and more.”
--Anthony F. Alexander
t h e i m pac t a l l ov e r t h e U n i t e d S tat e s
Anthony sees his role as a change agent in a community that he
loves. He also sees Mott as a change agent in the lives of students
who attend. But his admiration for the college extends way beyond
that, as he notes the outstanding success of Mott being selected
as one of the top 10 colleges in the country, President M. Richard
Shaink being named the top college President, and the Men’s
basketball team earning repeated championships in the nation.
He is proud to see the nationwide impact that MCC is making.
President of Bruin Club of Genesee County
Booster organization responsible for raising thousands
of dollars for Mott athletic programs. Mentor to young
African American males.
t h e l o n g t e r m i m pa c t.
“Mott’s impact on
our community is
great—both short
term and long term.
One of the best
community colleges
in the country.”
--Libby Maynard and Olof Karlstrom
Libby Maynard and Olof Karlstrom see education as having a lasting
impact. Together they note the success of the students of Mott once
they graduate. Many graduates have gone on to earn unprecedented
personal and professional achievements that have truly made their
communities a better place to live and do business.
Libby Maynard and Olof Karlstrom
Foundation for mott community college benefactors
Libby is President of The Michigan Prospect and Olof is a
former Vice President for Flint Junior College, now Mott
Community College.
Permanently Restricted
Adam Ryan McIntosh AKA OPIE Automotive Technology Scholarship Endowment
Akhila & Rajamani Scholarship Endowment
Anna Paulina Koegel Endowment
Arab American Heritage Council Scholarship Endowment
Arlene Martin Kocsis Cosmetology
Scholarship Endowment
Ben & Edna Diehl Scholarship Endowment
Big John Steak & Onion Scholarship
Cathy Cady Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Celia M. Turner Endowment
Community Strengthening of Burton
Scholarship Endowment
Doc Ross Memorial Music Fund Scholarship Endowment
Donald E. Ewles Criminal Justice Scholarship Endowment
Dr. Charles N. Pappas Scholarship Endowment
Dr. Ellen Howe Scholarship Endowment
Dr. Joyce Toet Scholarship Endowment
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship
Dr. William & Bernice Blamer Scholarship Endowment
Drs. Avery & Mildred Aldridge Scholarship Endowment
Drs. Vivian & Billie Lewis Scholarship
Flint Area School Employees Credit Union Scholarship Endowment
Flint Banjo Club Scholarship Endowment
Frank DeLorenzo Scholarship Endowment
Friends of Mott Library Endowment
Gail Ann Bennett Rachor, Ed.D., Scholarship Endowment
Genesys Scholarship Fund Endowment
Harry and Kathryn Yeotis Scholarship
HealthPlus of Michigan/Dr. Gary Roat
Scholarship Endowment
Helene Streich Endowment
International Institute Endowment
Jennifer A. O’Neil Graphic Design Scholarship Endowment
John K. Krupp, CPA Scholarship Endowment
John W. and Marion E. Esson Scholarship Endowment
Juanita Carr Library Grant Endowment
Judge Thomas C. Yeotis Scholarship
Kathleen Drummond Scholarship Endowment
Kay M. Hope Scholarship Endowment
Lapeer Learner Scholarship Endowment
Leo W. & Genevieve Dorr Scholarship
Lifelong Learning for Seniors Endowment
Margaret E. English Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Marian Dew Snipes Scholarship Endowment
MCC Retirees Scholarship Endowment
McFarlan Home Endowment
Medical/Science Scholarship Endowment
Nartel Family Foundation Scholarship
Olivia P. Maynard & S. Olof Karlstrom
Pappas Endowment – C.S. Mott Foundation
Raymond W. Glowski & Suzanne M. Packard Music Scholarship Endowment
Rev. A.C. & Dorothy M. Lee Scholarship Endowment
Ridgway H. & Shannon E. White Scholarship Endowment
Ruth Kaplan Braun Scholarship Endowment
Sales & Marketing Executives of Greater Flint Scholarship Endowment
Sara Coley Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Skinner-McEvoy Scholarship Endowment
Veronica & Willie Artis Scholarship Endowment
Walworth Student Scholarship Endowment
Wanda L. & M. Harry Piper Grant Fund
Wanda L. & M. Harry Piper Women’s Fund Endowment
Women In Education Endowment
Board Designated Endowments
Alumni Student Assistance Scholarship
Barbara Stephenson Scholarship Endowment
Bommarito Family Award Endowment
Building Trades Council Scholarship
C.S. Harding Foundation Endowment
Charles M. & Marilynn Donnelly Memorial
Scholarship Endowment
Chet Wilson Environmental Scholarship
Dennis J. Saturnino MCC/Kettering Scholarship Endowment
Doris Mumby Endowment
Edward Thorne Scholarship Endowment
Endowment Growth Initiative
Institutional Scholarship Fund
Nursing Fund
Science & Math Initiative
Fred Lamb Scholarship Endowment
General Scholarship Endowment
Grayce Scholt Scholarship Endowment
Janice Dulin Memorial Conference Endowment
Jim Lee Fine Arts Camp Endowment
Lenore Croudy Endowment
Lillian Walters Endowment
Lloyd Rodnick Scholarship Endowment
Mathulakshmi Iyer Scholarship Endowment
Pemberton Endowment
President’s Endowment
Ruby Hudson Scholarship Endowment
Ruth Rawlings Mott Endowment
Science and Technology Endowment
Sherm Mitchell Music Scholarship Endowment
Dr. Wise B. Joseph Excellence Award:
Anthropology/Sociology Fund Endowment
ADN Alumni Scholarship
ATIGroup Scholarship
Barbara & David Young Scholarship
Begole Brownell Fund
Community Foundation of Greater Flint
Alan J. Ferrari Scholarship
Dr. Clement A. Alfred Humanitarian Award Fund for Dental Hygiene Students
Delco-CADD Student Learner Scholarship
Developmental Math Initiative
Dr. Archie Attarian Scholarship
Eddie Chandler Scholarship
Edgar B. Holt Scholarship
Flint Downtown Host Lions Club Scholarship
Flint Rotary Club Scholarship
FMCC Regional Technology Center
Frank Friedman Special Education Scholarship
General Scholarship Fund
Honors Alumni Scholarship
Kelly Martin North Branch Scholarship
Kim Fonger Memorial Scholarship
Lapeer Co. Community Foundation
Women’s Fund
Livingston M-TEC Scholarship
MCC/UM-Flint Initiative
Patricia Alexander Scholarship
Philip J. Braun Fund
Physical Therapist Assistance Reciprocation Scholarship
Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Alumni Scholarship
Rainbow Corvette Club Scholarship
Steel Band Scholarships
Wendell T. Williams Scholarship
Other Awards and
Divisional Funds
Other Funds
Alumni Student Assistance Operating Fund
Ballenger Eminent Persons Lecture Series
Benjamin M. Connelly Autism and Special Needs Student Fund
Cultural Celebrations Fund
Faculty and Staff Innovation Awards
FMCC Entrepreneurship Fund
GRiT – Green Initiatives Team Fund
Hispanic Awards Ceremony Fund
Lifelong Learning for Seniors Fund
MCC Gardening Association Fund
MCCEA Book Loan Fund
Mott Middle College High School & Steelheads Support Fund
Presidential Fund for Student Success
Women In Education Fellowship &
Operating Funds
Division Funds
Athletic Division Fund
Don Jarrard Golf Scholarship
Business Division
Business Division Fund
Cooperative Education Fund
Cosmetology Scholarship
Culinary Arts Scholarship
Ellen’s Clothes Closet
Floyd McAfee/Rueterbusch/Mason
MCC Culinary Arts Fund
McKay Model Office
Michigan Bell/Ameritech Scholarship
Schrieber Memorial Scholarship
Fine Arts
Andrea Zlatec Floden Scholarship
Art Enrichment Fund
Art Fund for Faculty
Douglas Larmor Scholarship
Fine Arts Division Fund
Garrett B. Ebmeyer Scholarship
John R. Davis Music Scholarship
John R. Nelson Scholarship
Keith E. Fulmer Memorial Art & Design Scholarship
MacArthur Music Scholarship
Music Events
Photography Innovation Fund
Scott Norris Scholarship
Theatre Enrichment Fund
Judge Thomas Yeotis Fund for
Jazz Musicians
Underhill Music Scholarship
Health Science
Dental Assistant/Hygiene Administrative Fund
Dental Program
Health Sciences Division Fund
Nursing Program
Anna Bradley Writers Workshop
Blevins/Bradley/Naughton Award
Film Enrichment Fund
Humanities Division Fund
Library Services
Friends of Mott Library Operating Fund
Library Division Fund
Math and Science
Anatomy Fund
Biology Fund
Chemistry Fund
Donnelly’s Courtyard
Ed Schleg Science Scholarship
Geology Fund
Kathryn P. Caraway Scholarship Award
Science & Math Student Award
Science Fund
Public Safety
Public Safety Division Fund
Social Science
Carroll Clark Award
Ginger Edwards Social Work Award
IDS Traveling History Project
Joe Perisa Award
Marvin Persky
Meredith Mead
Political Science
Psychology Award
Social Science Division Fund
Social Science Humanitarian Award
Apprenticeship Award
Information Technology Division Fund
Technology Division Fund SEE
t h e f o u n dat i o n ’ s v i s i o n a r i e s
Standing (left to right)
Sixto Olivo, Kimberly Blair, Teresa McClelland-Sargent, CFP, CDF, Joseph Black,
Al Kloss, Jimmy King, Helene Streich, John Krupp, CPA, Michael Thorp, MCC Alumni
Association Liaison, John Matonich, Todd Johnson, Lennetta Coney, Raymond
Curtin, Esq., Marcia McGee, M. Richard Shaink, PhD, Armando Hernandez,
Jamie Truesdell III, and Valaria Conerly Moon.
The Foundation for Mott Community College
Board of Directors
Seated, (left to right)
Diane Parker, Ruby Jean Butler, Norwood Jewell, Karen McDonald-Lopez, Esq.,
Claude High, Elisabeth Saab, Lenore Croudy, and Douglas Bacon.
Nancy Jenkins, Denise Ketchmark, Esq., MCC Bruin Liaison, Edward Mitchell, Gloria
Scruggs, Rajagopal Shantaram, PhD, Richard A. Shick, DDS, MS
Many thanks to the individuals who supported Mott Community College and the Foundation
January 1 – December 31, 2012
Dr. Mostafa & Antonietta Abuzeid
Susan Acosta
Velma Adams
Gregory Eason & Karen
Aldridge Eason
Patricia Alexander
Virgil Alexander
Bilal Ali
Mohammad Alkotob &
Ruba Mahfouz-Alkotob
Jenny Allar
Thomas Allen Richard Allinger
Karen Amore
The Hon. Peter &
Alice Anastor
Kenneth Anderson Rosia Anderson Murphy
Raeda Andoni
Mohammad Ansari
Dr. Robert Anthony
Mildred Arbor Kendal & Bobbi Arthur
Ezra Artis, Sr.
Robert Atkinson
Dr. Archie & Patricia Attarian
Kenneth & Ann Auernhammer
Matthew Bach
Richard Bacha
Douglas Baehr
Thomas Bandy
Ricky & Lisa Banks
Yusif Barakat
Althea Barbee
Rodney Barber
Leanne Barkus
Robert Barnett
Barbara Barrell
Cheryl Bassett
The Hon. Duncan &
Dana Beagle
Kelly & Joyce Beardslee
Dr. Gladys Beckwith
Dorothy Bednarski
Carl Bekofske
Elizabeth Bellehumeur
Dr. Jeffrey & Laura Bennett
Richard & Diane Benson
Lillian Berak
Neda Berenjian
Randee Bernstein
Sultan Bhimani
Jane Bingham
Edward & Mary Birkmeier
Krista Black
Mavis Blacque
Clara Blakely
George & Virginia Bland
Jack & Alice Blosser
El Nita Blount
Christopher Bolla
Douglas Booth
Margaret Bourcier
Jeffrey & Tammy Bowers
Connie Bowren
David & Julianna Boze
Farinaz Bozorgnia
Timothy & Sherry Bradish
Lenn & Edith Bradley
Patrick & Jennifer Brady
Lisa Brantley
Sadie Briggance Vann
Kathleen Brittain
Timothy & Regina Broomfield
Dr. Duane & Marilyn Brown
Glen & Betty Brown
Inez Brown
Roger & Johanna Brown
Ulysses & Carol Brown
Willie & Ethel Bruce
Orene Bryant
P. Thomas & Mary Bryson Pamela Buck-Christian
Kathleen Buckley-O’Neill
Gail Burleson
Dr. Avon Burns
Kathleen Burton
Dr. Stephen & Loren Burton
Ruby Jean Butler
Roosevelt Caldwell
Kenneth & Betty Lou Campbell
Sharon Campbell
Audrey Campbell-Renick
Shari Capps
Dr. Dorothea Carlis
Madonna Carpenter
Barbara Carr
Michael Carr
Susan Carter
Matthew & Ruth Cassidy
Judith Cawhorn
John Chalmers
Nina Chaney
Aisha Changezi
Ward Chapman & the
Hon. Judith Fullerton
Bruce Childs
John & Linda Chinonis
Mary Christian
William Sr. & Virginia Churchill
James & Vicki Chybowski
Carlos & Nancy Cisneros
Herman Clark
Heidi Clippard
Donald Clough
Deborah Coates
Mary Coleman Johnson
The Hon. Tracy Collier-Nix
Kathy Collingwood
Charles & Judith Comeau
Mary Conaton
Craig & Lennetta Coney
Nathan Cook
Patricia Cooper
Jean Craig Flynn
Thomas & Audrey Crampton
Jim Crawford
Robert Creamer &
Kathryn Gurin
Anne Crites
Nancy Cronin
Fred Cross
Lenore Croudy
Joyce Crump
Herbert & Juanita Crump Michael & Tammy Cummings
Bernard Cunningham
Karen Curtiss
Mary Cusack
Treva Daniels-Carlson
Anne Davis
Barbara Davis
Janet Davis
Maxine Davis
Greggory & Barbara Dawes
Kristi Dawley
Veronica De La Rosa
Keffie & Delores Deen
Linda Deflorio
Joslyn Deloach
John Dempsey
Denise Denington
Stephany Diana
Jenny Dickenson
Dr. Paul Dickson
Helen Dilworth
Dr. Quincy Dobbs
Berlin & Constance Dobson
Donna Dodds Hamm
Dallas Dort
Christopher & Jennifer Dowd
Lewis Driskell
David & Elizabeth Drouillard
James Drummond
Lorie Dumond
Johnnie Dunn
Dr. Marion Dunn
Annie Dye
Delores Early
Linda Ebeling
Future Edelen
Clyde Edwards &
Corinne Archie-Edwards
LaGussie Edwards
Robert & Susan Edwards
Loretta Ellwood
Dr. James English
Kathleen Etherly
Christopher Everson
*Donald E. & Sharon Ewles
RosAnn Failla
Said Farah
Dr. John Cherry & the
Hon. Pamela Faris
Dr. Brian Feige &
Pamela Schaefer
Laura Felix Smith
Janet Felton
Robert Fenton
Kyle & Lottie Ferguson
Karen Firth
Denise Fish
Natasha Fisher
Whitney Fisher
Pauline Fishler
Andrea Floden
Robert Florkowski
Andrew & Jennifer Follett
John Fontana
Harold Ford
Thomas & Margaret Forsythe
John & Karen Forte
Kim Fowlkes
Michael & Nancy Frawley
John & Catherine Frederick
Frank & Rae Friedman
Joel Friedman
Brian & Jessica Fritz
Ricky & Denise Frost
Keith Frye
Dr. Amy Fugate
Kenneth Fulmer
Mara Fulmer
David & Diane Gagne
Jerry Gaines
Melinda Gaither
Tendaji Ganges
Tisha Garbe
Larry Gawthrop
Debra Gibes
Terry Gilson
Dr. Raymond & Jill Gist
Grace Glass
* Deceased
Joshua Gonzalez & Rebecca Gale-Gonzalez
Bettie Goodman
Kathleen Goodrow
Janet Goodwin
Rosemary Grain
Purnell Green II
Tyree & Sylvia Green
Edna Green-Perry
Melvin & Annie Gregory
Joseph & Julianna Gulish
George & Diane Gutgesell
Michael Hagan
Thomas & Deborah Hagen
Gary Hajek
Norman Hale
Dean & Joan Haley
Jeannette Hall
Ingrid Halling
Grant Hamady
Dr. Franklin & Betty Hamilton
Donald & Jennifer Hammond
Teresa Hammond-Cross
Eman Hammoud
Lori Hancock
Joseph & Paulette Hannenberg
Carl & Sylvia Hansen
Kristen Hansen
Korie Harden
Brian Harding
Clark Harris
Glenn Harris & Michele Dunnum
Sandra Harris
Diana Harsch
John & Janis Hartranft
Lucille Hawkins
Philip & Diane Haycock
Abdullah Haydar
Steve & Rosanne Heddy
Bettye Hendricks
Thomas Herman &
Jeanne Pepper
Jack & Joy Hershberger
Dolores Herzog
Ramon Hill
Jeffrey & Kimberly Himelhoch
Jessica Himstedt
David & Constance Hoffmeyer
Delores Holbrook
Terrell Holland
Lorean Holmes
Robert & Denise Hooks
Alison Hopkins
Robert & Betty Howald
Thomas & Patricia Howie
C. Dale Hubbard & Helen Nelson-Hubbard
Adrian & Cordelia Hughes
Almeda Hunter
Bess Hurand
Gary & Carol Hurand
Lynne Hurand
Patricia Ignash
Kathy Irwin
Edwin & Suzanne Jakeway
Nancy Jenkins
Scott & Priscilla Jenkins
James Jennings
Ernie & Tamara Johnson
John & Dianne Johnson
Jameeka Johnson
Lolanda Johnson, Esq.
Markeda Johnson
Sandra Johnson
Deborah Jones
Dennis & Patricia Jones
Gary Jones
Brenda Jordan
Paul & Cheryl Jordan
Dr. Larry Juchartz &
Dr. Christy Rishoi
Fahim Kahn & Rukhsana Yasmin
S. Olof Karlstrom & Olivia Maynard
Serene Katranji-Zeni
G. Donald & Elaine Kaye
Syed Kazmi
Kevin & Carol Keane
Linda Keller
Michael & Kay Kelly
William Kelly, Jr.
Mark & Lysbeth Kennedy
Harriet Kenworthy
Azmat Khan
The Hon. Daniel &
Jennifer Kildee
Jimmy & Jessie King
Shawn Kingsland
Wilma Kingsley
Ronald Klassen
Joseph Klobucher
Monica Knepp
Teresa Knight
Albert & Barbara Koegel
Dr. Laurie Kohout
Jerry & Janet Koontz
Dr. William & Dorothy Kornegay
Judith Koskinen
Gary Kovacs
Jimmy & Marsha Krause
Jeremy & Jennifer Kroninger
Bilal Kurdi
Rosa Lambaria
Mary Lamberson
Virginia Landaal
Ebony Landers
Carrie Langbo
Ann Lattie
Audrey Lattie
Thaddeus & Andrea Lau
Annette Le Blanc
Kay Lennerth
Barry & Martha Lewis
Dr. Billie & Nina Lewis
Lee Lewis
Sandra Lichon
Brian Liljeblad
Janet Lishman
Alvern Lock & Theresa Stephens-Lock
Andre’ Louis
William Sr. & Pamela Loving
Alan Luce
Marie Luckner
Michael & Dawn Macciomei
Laurence & Rose MacDonald
Edward & Katherine Madsen
Anthony & Anne Magalski
Cleora Magee
James Sr. & Patricia Malcolm
Laura Mandernack
Patricia Markowicz
Robert & Barbara Martin
Ayah Masfaka
Sarah Mason
Geraldine Mazza
Patrick McAvinchey &
Anna Davis
Dr. Lillie McCain
Joyce McCain
Elden & Gloria McClure
Karen McDonald-Lopez, Esq.
Thomas & Audrey McDonough
Daniel & Debbie McIntosh
Shirley McReynolds
Michael & Kay Melet
Bea Messmore
Nancy Metcalfe
Lillie Millender
Duane & Diane Miller
Gail Miller
Louvella Miller
Dr. Townes Miller
Tracey Miller
Trisha Miller
Paul & Ruth Minert
Curtis Mitchell
Edward & Valia Mitchell
James Mitchell
James & Dyanna Mitchell
Susaye Mitchell
Thomas & Carolyn Mogford
Shobana Mohanan
Amena Moiz
Kenneth & Deborah Moore
William & Susan Morgan
John & Sheilah Morley
Dr. Scott Mortimer
Janice Motley
John Mrozik & Heather Sisto
John Mucha III
Dr. Srinivas Mukkamala &
Dr. Nita Kulkarni
Charles & Jessie Muldrew
Samuel Muller
James & Pamela Murdock
Scott & Jayme Murphy
Rebecca Myszenski
Sayed & Samya Nassar
Sharon Naughton
Ronald & Tracy Nemets Paul & Jean Newman
Loren & Penelope Nichols
Lyle & Carol Nielsen
Thomas Nobles
Bryant Nolden
Matthew, J.D. & Jillian Norwood
Joe Novajosky
Lohra Nye
M. Anas Obeid
Gail Odom
Timothy & Juanita Oesch
Mary O’Rourke
Kimberly Owens
James Owensby, Sr.
Patricia Oxley
Connie Palmer
David & Joanne Panzlau
Linda Patrick
Peter Paul
Bradley & Nancy Pear
Celia Perez-Booth
MariaEstela Perry
Al Perry
Brenda Phillips
Richard & Candice Pickens
Dr. Mark & Nancy Plucer
Antony & Lisa Poma
Delois Porter
Makala Porter
Mikala Porter
Joseph & Mary Powers
Michael & Susan Praski
Douglas Prehoda
JoAnn Preseau
Robert Preville
Dia Price
Mary Procopio
Steve Pytlowanyj & Family
Charles & Arlene Rachor
Dr. Gail Rachor
Brian Rasmussen
Patricia Reedy
William Reich & Beverly Vargo
Dr. Jacquelyn Reinertson
Lynne Reynolds
Jerry Rhoden
James & Mary Jane Richardson
Michael & Julianne Riha
Dennis Roberts
Sen. David Robertson
Millie Robinson
Dr. Steven & Kathryn Robinson Jeffry & Anne Rocco
Robert & Margot Roedel
Richard & Sharon Roffman
Alan Rohde
Kathleen Rollins
Kathryn Rometty
Robert & Sheryl Rosenberger
James Rouse
Paul & Nancy Rozycki
Michael & Virginia Rucks
Kristine Rundell
Linda Rutherford
Lynette Ryan
Elisabeth Saab
Khalil & Ann Saab
Janice Sabolish
Dr. Saed & Mona Sahouri
Kimberley Salerno
Brooke Sanders
Mark & Cynthia Sanders
Shane Sanders
Dale Sargent & Teresa
Dr. Dennis Saturnino
Joshua & Amanda Sauvie
Randy & Sharon Schapel
Clarence Scharer
Fr. Philip Schmitter
Grayce Scholt
Cheryl Schuppler
Gloria Scruggs
Cleorah Scruggs-DeBose
Elaine Selo
Sally Shaheen Joseph, J.D.
Dr. M. Richard & Sally Shaink
Howard & Rita Shand
Dr. Rajagopal & Chandrika Shantaram
Michael & Patricia Sharp
Dolores Sharpe
Dr. Richard & Rose Marie Shick
Erin Shirey
Fran Silverthorn
Jean Simi
Michael & Michelle Simon
Beverly Sims
A. R. & Jessie Sirna
George & Mary Skaff
Richard & Kimberly Skaff
Woodrow Skaff
Roger & Valerie Skulsky
Jason Slade
Leslie Slining
Candice Smith
Desiree Smith
Dr. Ernestine Smith
Gerald & Virginia Smith
Zack Smith, Jr.
Leonard Smorch &
Robyn Lucka
Anne Snider-Lenartowicz Frank Sobie
Dr. Thomas & Mary Spademan
Richard Sparkes
Raynetta Speed
Wayne & Marjorie Stafford
Ronald & Julie Steffey
Paul II & Phyllis Stewart
Helene Streich
Mark & Kathleen Stroia
Brandon Sturgis
Matthew Sullivan
Lance Sumpter
Keith Sweeney
Sheila Swyrtek
Mark Szmigiel & Kimberley Brown
Dr. Josha Talison
Ernelle Taylor
Dr. Maxwell Taylor & Julie Lazar-Taylor
James & Roberta Teahen
Ronald & Joan Teal
Jared Terrell
Michael & Jennifer Tews
The Hon. Michael Theile
Charles & Kimberly Thiel
Justus Thigpen, Sr.
Reba Thigpen
Alma Thoma
Connie Thomas
Daniel & Candice Thomas
McKinley & Doris Thomas
Cheryl Thompson
Linda Thompson
Joan Thorne
Michael & Ginny Thorp
Joseph & Ruth Thrash
Donald & Shirley Titmus
Michael & Laura Tobias
Joan Topham
Paul Torre & Davin
Henry Townsend
Michael & Michele Traver
Diane Tremblay
Laura Tripp
Sarah Tucker
Bitha Tucker
Stanley Turner
Anthony & Dollene Turner
John Tyler
Linda Uren
Carol Van Buren
Dr. Gail Van Etten
Dr. Lyman Jr. & Marion
Van Winkle
John & Sophie Vargo
Erik & Emily Varney
Barry Sr. & Joanne Vath
Katie Vaughn
Sandra Vaughn
Jack Vickers, Jr.
Carol Viele
Charles & Chery Wagonlander
Billy & Hellen Walker
Linda Walker
Danielle Ward
Patricia Ward
Richard & Alice Ward
Christine Waters
Dr. Wrex & Karen Weaver
Will Weidner & Sushma Kittali-Weidner
Dale Weighill
Douglas Weiland
Samuel Sr. & Faye Wells
Adrienne Wells
Lionel & Suzanne Wernette
Donald & Barbara Wesley
Janet Westhoff
Paula Weston
Gary & Nancy White
Joseph Whitehead
Gregory Wilcox
Charles & Jacqueline Williams
Linda Williams
Moses & Sadie Williams
Patty Williams
Sharene Williams
Dr. Sue Wisenberg
Dr. Dale Wolfgram
Cathy Wolford
Harold & Deidre Woodson
Clifford & Linda Worstenholm
Dennis & Mari Yancho
Lynda Yeotis
The Hon. Thomas & Magdalene Yeotis
Carol Ann Young
Justin Young
Sara Young
Mark & Lynn Zink
Many thanks to the corporate
donors who supported
Mott Community College
and The Foundation
January 1 – December 31, 2012
Abdullah Raffee, MD, FACP
Accounting for All
African American Students
for Advancement
American Metal Roofs, Inc.
Arab American Heritage Council
Arif Management LLC
Art Beauchamp ACE Hardware
Arthur Bishop Trust-Chase/
ATI Group
Baker College of Flint
Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Beecher High School
Beecher Scholarship Incentive Program
Best Project
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
Boye Knives
Brady Events & Marketing
Brenda Clack Community Foundation
Bristol Chiropractic Centre PC
Bruin Club of Genesee County
Carolyn Mawby Chorale
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
Cislo Title Company
Citizens for John J. Gleason
Collins & Blaha, PC
Committee for a Prosperous Michigan
Committee to Retain
Sheriff Pickell
Community Foundation of Greater Flint
Counseling for All Ages
David Leyton Committee
Dell Computer Corporation
Delta Sigma Theta-Flint Alumnae
DG Woodwind Repair
Dom Polski Cultural Center
E&L Construction Group
Fifth Third Bank - Eastern Michigan
Financial & Tax Planning, Inc.
Financial Plus Federal Credit Union
Five Fold Ministry Christian Center
Flint Genesee Job Corps Center
Flint Institute of Music
Flint Jewish Federation
Flint Journal/MLive Media Group
Flint Public Library
Flint Rotary Club
Flint Women’s Forum
FM Financial Credit Union
Friends of Genesee Health Plan
Gawthrop, CPA PC
Genesee County All-Star Classic
Genesee County Community Mental Health
Genesee District Library
Genesee Health Plan
Genesee Intermediate School District
Genesee Packaging, Inc.
Genesee Regional Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Genesee Wind Symphony
Genesys Regional Medical Center
Girls Scouts of SE Michigan
Grand Blanc Chamber of Commerce
HealthPlus of Michigan
Hirotech America
House of Prayer Baptist Church
Hurley Foundation
Jawad A. Shah, MD, PC
JE Klobucar/JD Klobucher Foundation
Jewish Community Services
John B. Pruchnicki Trust - Estate of John Pruchnicki
John K. Krupp, CPA
Kettering University
Landaal Packaging Systems
Lapeer County Bank and Trust Co.
Law Offices of Robert Hugh Marve III
Lawrence E. Moon Funeral Home
Loeb Charitable Trust of Citizens Bank
Loving Hands, Inc.
Luce, Basil and Collins
M. Harry Piper & Wanda L. Piper Designated Fund
of the Community
Foundation of Greater Flint
Metropolitan Baptist Tabernacle
Michigan Association of Woodturners
Midrose Realty, LLC
Motherly Intercession, Inc.
Mott Children’s Health Center
Mott Community College Education Association Fine Arts Division President’s Office Social Science Fund
Mott Middle College High
School Band Endowment
of the Community
Foundation of Greater Flint
Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist Church
Nartel Family Foundation
Old Newsboys of Flint
Phi Delta Kappa Inc. - Gamma Delta Chapter
Pierians, Inc. - Greater Flint Chapter
Regional Emergency Medical Services
Renaissance Leadership
Resource Genesee
Robbie Dean Press
Rowe Professional Services Co.
Ruth Mott Foundation
Schmald Tool & Die Inc.
Security Credit Union
Shape of Future Things to Come, Inc.
Shard Financial Services
Sierra Club - Nepessing
SJC Enterprise-McDonald’s 0222
Srinivas Mukkamala, M.D.
Stabenow for US Senate
THA Architects Engineers
The Alnour Foundation
The Arif Foundation
The Coffee Beanery
The Steelheads
The Williams Firm, PC
Thomas & Delaney, PC
Tomlinson Design & Advertising
UAW Region 1-C
United Way of Genesee County
University of Michigan-Flint Chancellor’s Office
Valley Publishing
Weinstein Electric Co
Woodrow Stanley
Leadership, PAC
Young Chevrolet Cadillac
Zeta Beta Omega Chapter
Many thanks to the
individuals who supported
Mott Community College and
The Foundation in memory of
family and friends
January 1 – December 31, 2012
In Memory of Adam Ryan
AKA “OPIE” McIntosh
David M. & Constance L. Hoffmeyer
Daniel & Debbie McIntosh
Patricia H. Reedy
In Memory of Eddie T.
Chandler III
Thomas A. Bandy
Cislo Title Company
Patricia L. Cooper
Michael E. & Dawn M. Macciomei
Ronald A. & Tracy L. Nemets
Anne Marie Snider-
Paul A. II & Phyllis D. Stewart
Billy K. & Hellen K. Walker
In Memory of
Margaret B. DePriest
George S. Yurek
In Memory of Leroy &
Gladys Dismuke
John & Catherine Frederick
In Memory of
Donald E. Ewles
Susan M. Acosta
Virgil C. Alexander
Kendal A. & Bobbi J. Arthur
Elizabeth Bellehumeur
Tammy L. Bowers
Kathy S. Collingwood
Mary E. Conaton
Mary C. Cusack
Jenny Dickenson
Rick & Denise Frost
George A. & Diane C. Gutgesell
Joseph E. & Paulette M. Hannenberg
Dennis L. & Patricia L. Jones
Edward L. & Katherine E. Madsen
Anthony R. & Anne M. Magalski
Robert J. & Barbara A. Martin
William E. Reich & Beverly A. Vargo
Millie J. Robinson
Mark C. & Cynthia L. Sanders
Laura Felix Smith
Gerald T. & Virginia R. Smith
Mark R. & Kathleen H. Stroia
Donald E. & Shirley J. Titmus
Barry K. Sr. & Joanne A. Vath
Richard K. & Alice H. Ward
Joseph Whitehead
In Memory of Keith Fulmer
Accounting for All
American Metal Roofs, Inc.
Lillian J. Berak
Edward & Mary P. Birkmeier
Matthew B. & Ruth A. Cassidy
Deborah J. Coates
Joel E. Friedman &
Dorothy F. Cohen
Mary C. Cusack
John V. Dempsey
Robert B. & Susan R. Edwards
John & Karen Forte
Brian J. & Jessica M. Fritz
Kenneth E. Fulmer
Mara Fulmer
Thomas D. & Deborah A. Hagen
Gary S. Hajek
Sylvia J. Hansen
Philip L. & Diane M. Haycock
Patricia M. Ignash
Jewish Community Services
Monica Knepp
Sarah T. Mason
MCC Social Science Fund
MCCEA Faculty Union
Michigan Association of Woodturners
Thomas J. & Carolyn C. Mogford
Scott A. Mortimer, D.D.S.
John J. Mrozik & Heather S. Sisto
Patricia Oxley
Celia Perez-Booth
Elaine Selo
Patricia A. Sharp
A. R. & Jessie D. Sirna
Brandon D. Sturgis
James M. III & Roberta C. Teahen
Ronald L. & Joan M. Teal
Linda L. Walker
Christine M. Waters
Dennis A. & Mari S. Yancho
Lynda G. Yeotis
Net Assets of $5,895,349
In Memory of
Ernest Johnson &
Esther Franklin
Mary Coleman Johnson
In Memory of John E.
“Big John” Klobucar
JE Klobucar/JD Klobucher Foundation
Joseph D. Klobucher
In Memory of
Dr. Vivian Lewis
Melvin E. & Annie N. Gregory
In Memory of
Julie K. Macksood
Mary Jean Lamberson
In Memory of Bill &
Sandy Markowicz
Patricia A. Markowicz
In Memory of
James Messmore
Kelly B. & Joyce A. Beardslee
Charles B. & Judith M. Comeau
Bea Messmore
In memory of
Michael Pylypiw, Sr.
The Hon. Duncan M. &
Dana Beagle
Kathleen Buckley-O’Neill
Greggory D. & Barbara A. Dawes
Denise D. Fish, Attorney
Mark Horrigan & Teresa A. Knight
Thomas E. & Patricia A. Howie
Jerry G. & Janet A. Koontz
Tracey L. Miller
Connie Palmer
Steve Pytlowanyj & Family
Kristine J. Rundell
The Hon. Thomas C. & Magdalene L. Yeotis
Many thanks to the
individuals who supported
Mott Community College and
The Foundation in honor of
family and friends
January 1 – December 31, 2012
In Memory of
Edward Thorne
Duane R. & Marilyn Brown
Joan Thorne
In Honor of
John Mucha, Jr.
John Mucha III
In Memory of
Ruth A. Van Zandt
Phi Delta Kappa Inc.-Gamma Delta Chapter
In Honor of the
Marriage of Glenn
Harris & Michele
In Honor of Al Koegel
Jeffry & Anne Rocco
In Honor of
Grant H. Wessel
Jeffrey & Kimberly Himelhoch
computer lists and electronic publishing, it is possible that some
names have been inadvertently omitted or incorrectly published. If
you notice a mistake, please accept our apology. Please also alert
The Foundation for Mott Community College at 810.762.0425 or email
foundation@mcc.edu so we can correct our records. Thank you!
Unrestricted Funds
In Honor of
Dr. James H. Drummond
Lorean Holmes
In Memory of
Jerome F. O’Rourke, Esq.
Mary O’Rourke
We make every effort to honor all of our generous contributions in an
Gary L. White
accurate and timely manner. However, even with modern technology,
In Memory of
Melvin T. Perry
Edna Green-Perry
Temporarily Restricted
Permanently Restricted Funds
As of 12.31.12
total support to MCC
Fiscal Year
Percent of Unrestricted
Net Assets
Over the years, the FMCC has earnestly looked at maximizing portfolio growth.
Standards dictate that all prudent foundations distribute at least 5% per annum
as opposed to simply receiving gifts and investing assets. FMCC is striving
to be that fourth funding stream** for its institutionally related charitable
organization Mott Community College.
**College funding is based on: Property Taxes, State Funding, and Tuition
Do you know an MCC Alumnus who is deserving of being
recognized as a Distinguished Alumni?
Each year, the Alumni Association of Mott Community College presents the Distinguished Alumni Awards. The recipients represent a select number of individuals who
have proven to be an inspiration. Each have earned significant career and/or personal
achievements, have had a long lasting affect on a business or community, and have
demonstrated a visible commitment to the community. The recipients have attended
Flint Junior College, Flint Community College, Genesee Community College, and/or
Mott Community College. All of our honorees are selected by a committee comprised
of community leaders, as well as college faculty and staff. Bestowing this recognition
represents one of MCC’s most prestigious honors. Portraits are located in a permanent display in the Alumni Room, located in the Prahl College Center.
Ezra R. Artis, Sr.
Gladys Beckwith
Philip Braun*
Dan Cady
John Chinonis
Bill Churchill, Sr.
Barbara J. Buell Clark
Stephanie K. Confer
Frank DeLorenzo*
Dr. George Eastman
The Hon. Paul Gadola
Dr. Raymond Gist
Kathleen Glynn
Edna Green-Perry
Helen Juanita Ham*
Dr. Ellen Howe*
Sally Shaheen Joseph, JD
Jimmy King
Albert J. Koegel
John Krupp, CPA
Pamela Loving
Sixto Olivo
Jerome O’Rourke*
William F. Pickard
Wanda Piper
Michael Rachor
The Hon. Robert Ransom
Art Reyes II
The Hon. Donald Riegle, Jr.
The Hon. Ramona Roberts
Philip W. Shaltz
JoAnne & Julius Shaw
Dr. Richard A. Shick
Woodrow W. Skaff
Raynetta Speed
State Rep. Woodrow Stanley
Scott Swedorski
Dr. Charles Teaberry
Justus Thigpen, Sr.
Michael J. Thorp
The Hon. Thomas C. Yeotis
Honorary Alumni Award
Coach Steve Schmidt
Presidential Citation
Nick Pappadakis*
* Now deceased
Follow us on Twitter: @MCCAlumsFriends • Facebook: Mott Community College Alumni Association
Mott Community College’s Distinguished Alumni Award was established in 2002
for the purpose of recognizing truly outstanding women and men who have
provided an inspirational impact to students and/or the community and for their
significant contributions to career achievement and community service. By
honoring our former students, we hope to inspire today’s students to strive for
both personal and professional success.
MCC Distinguished Alumni Nomination Criteria:
Distinguished MCC Alumni nominees should be individuals who have attended Flint
Junior College, Flint Community College, Genesee Community College, and/or Mott
Community College. The nominees will be judged on the following criteria:
Role Model – Inspiring excellence in others.
Outstanding Success – Significant career or personal achievements.
Impact - Accomplishments which have changed the community for the better.
Community Service – Demonstration of a visible commitment to the community.
Nominations must be submitted to The Foundation for MCC by November 1, 2013.
Nomination forms are available online at www.mcc.edu/alumni/alumni_award.shtml.
For further information, please call (810) 762-0425.
Alumni Association
President Michael J. Thorp
Vice President Vanessa Nelson
Treasurer Grace Glass
Darlene Anderson-LeFlore
Betty Lou Campbell
Dan Cady
John Chinonis
Jill Gist
Dean Haley
Charley McClendon
Sally Shaheen Joseph, JD
Sixto Olivo
Stacey Vanucci
Gennois Wiggins
Judge Thomas C. Yeotis
Ex-Officio Lennetta Coney,
President, Foundation for Mott
Community College
The Foundation for Mott Community College staff is represented by, from left to right:
Mary Brown, Kacey Seay, President Lennetta Coney, Sue Frownfelter, Vera Jenkins,
Mary Yarbrough and Anoopa Todd.
Please consider making a greater impact
on our students and our community.
Give and See the Impact!
I/we want to give the gift of learning through the Annual Community Appeal.
Our gift should be directed as follows:
$_______ annual gift (may be used where the need is greatest)
❍ Platinum $1,200 and up ❍ Bronze $250
❍ Friends of MCC $50
❍ Gold $1,000
❍ Dean’s Circle $150
❍ Black & Gold $25
❍ Silver $500
❍ Scholarship Level $100 ❍ Other Amount: $__________
$_______ Endowment Growth Initiative (endowment to be used as needed over time)
Please note that my gift above is
❍ in memory ❍ in tribute ❍ in honor of:
Method of Payment
❍ P ersonal Check ❍ C redit Card: Type of Card _________________________
Total amount to be charged $_______________
Name as it appears on card (please print)
Credit card numberExp date
Authorizing signature Date
City State Email
Matching Gifts
❍ My gift may be matched from my employer or spouse’s employer.
I will contact the company for the appropriate form and send it to you.
Name of company:
Your gift to The Foundation for Mott Community College is tax deductible as provided by law.
Mail to: F oundation for Mott Community College
1401 E. Court Street, Flint, MI 48503-2089