1119 M a i n A d m i n i s t r a t i o n B u i l d i n g
C o l l e g e Park, M a r y l a n d 20742^5031
301.405.5252 T E L 301.405.8195 F A X
November 5, 2013
John Tovrashend
Dean, College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
Elizabeth Beise
Associate Provost for Academic Planning and Programs
Proposal to Modify the Master of Applied Anthropology (PCC log no. 13014)
The proposal to modify the Master of Applied Anthropology has been administratively
approved. A copy of the approved proposal is attached.
The change is effective Spring 2014. Please ensure that the change is fully described in
the Graduate Catalog and in all relevant descriptive materials.
Marilee Lindemann, Chair, Senate PCC Committee
Sarah Bauder, Office of Student Financial Aid
Reka Montfort, University Senate
Erin Howard, Division of Information Technology
Pam Phillips, Institutional Research, Planning & Assessment
Anne Turkos, University Archives
Linda Yokoi, Office of the Registrar
Alex Chen, Graduate School
Wayne Mcintosh, College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
Paul Schackel, Department of Anthropology
Please email the rest of the proposal as an MSWord attachment
to pcc-submissionsftT'
Please submit the signed form to the Office of the Associate Provost
for Academic Planning and Programs, 1119 Main Administration Building, Campus.
College/School: College of Behavioral and Social Sciences (01202800)
Please also add College/School Unit Code-First 8 digits:
Unit Codes can be found at: https.V/hypprod. umd. edit/Html Reports/units, htm
Department/Program: Anthropology (1280501)
Please also add Department/Program Unit Code-Last 7 digits:
Type of Action (choose one):
V Curriculum change (including informal specializations)
• New academic degree/award program
• Renaming ofprogram or formal Area of Concentration • New Professional Studies award iteration
• Addition/deletion offormal Area of Concentration
• New Minor
• Suspend/delete program
• Other
Italics indicate that the proposed program action must be presented to the full University Senate
Summary of Proposed Action:
A new course, ANTH722: Ecological Anthropology is to be added to the graduate curriculum. This new course will
satisfy the same requirement as ANTH720: Theory and Practice in Applied Biological Anthropology.
APPROVAL SIGNATURES - Please print name, sign, and date.
1. Department Committee Chair
/f^yU^^^J PtiPjUS^i
2. Department Chair
3. College/School PGG<Chair
4. Dean
5. Dean of the Graddate^ School (if required)
6. Chair, Senate P C C
7. University Senate Chair (if required)
8. Senior Vice President and Provost
Use additional lines fof
Due to recent faculty retirements and new hires the expertise of the Anthropology de
shifted. ANTH722: Ecological Anthropology more closely matches the expertise and res
our current tenure-track faculty. This new offering will give MAA and PhD Students t
background for internships, examinations, and dissertation work.
ANTH722 will be offered in the Spring of 2014 and will continue to be offered every
are no plans to offer ANTH720: Advanced Studies in Theory and Practice of Applied B
Anthropology in the future. But because the proposed requirements will allow student
ANTH722 or ANTI-1720, current students will not be impacted. As students outside Ant
register for ANTH720, there should be little to no impact on them.
An overview of some important approaches to ecological anthropology. Population, sy
community, political, behavioral and evolutionary ecology will be examined as they h
a range of anthropological questions. Complexity theory (nonlinear dynamics) and to
theory will also be addressed. Students will map the field of ecological anthropolo
strengths and weaknesses of contemporary approaches, methods and theories.
Current Requirements
Proposed Requirements
Proposed Requirements
ANTH 740: Anthropological Theories of t
ANTH 760: Development of Social/Cultura
ANTH 601: Applied Anthropology (3 credi
ANTH 601: Applied Anthropology (3 credits
ANTH 630: Quantification and Statistics
ANTH 630: Quantification and Statistics in Applied Anthropology (3 credits)
ANTH 606; Qualitative Methods in Applie
ANTH 606: Qualitative Methods in Applied Anthropology (3 credits)
ANTH 720: Advanced Studies in Theory a
ANTH 720: Advanced Studies in Theory and Practice of Applied Biological Anthropology (3 credits)
ANTH 740: Anthropological Theories of the Past (3 credits)
ANTH 760: Development of Social/Cultural Theory (3 credits)
Current Requirements
ANTH 601:
ANTH 630:
ANTH 606:
ANTH 720:
ANTH 601: Applied Anthropology (3 credi
Applied Anthropology (3 credits)
ANTH 630: Quantification and Statistics
Quantification and Statistics in Applied Anthropology (3 credits)
ANTH 606: Qualitative Methods in Applie
Qualitative Methods in Applied Anthropology (3 credits)
ANTH 720: Advanced Studies in Theory a
Advanced Studies in Theory and Practice of Applied Biological Anthropology (3 credits)
ANTH 740: Anthropological Theories of t
ANTH 760: Development of Social/Cultura
ANTH 740: Anthropological Theories of the Past (3 credits)
ANTH 760: Development of Social/Cultural Theory (3 credits)
ANTH 722
Ecological Anthropologj'
Spring 2014
Dr. Sean S. Downey
Department of Anthropology
University of Maryland
Class Location: TBD
Office Hours: Woods Hall 1106, Wednesday 9:30-11:30 A M and by appouitnient
Office Telephone: 301-405-1427
Email: sdownev2fa),
Course Description
This course is intended to provide an overview of some important approaches to
ecological anthropology. We will examine population, systems, community, political,
behavioral and evolutionary ecology as they have been applied to a range of
anthropological questions. We will also consider complexity theory (nonlinear dynamics)
and touch upon topics in game theory. Our aim is to help you map the field of ecological
anthropology and to assess the strengths and weaknesses of contemporary approaches,
methods and theories. Note that this seminar is required for all students in the graduate
program in the Anthropology Department.
The course is structured as a seminar in which participants will have the opportunity to
introduce the readings and lead discussion. Periodically, guest lecturers will be invited to
provide access to experts in the subdomains of ecological anthropology. Along with
readings, lectures and discussions, this course will expose you to some of the rudimentary
logic of quantitative modeling. However, N O mathematical or computer skills are
required in this course.
Course Requirements
1) Read all required readings in advance of each class session. The only book that you
must purchase for the course is a short, low-priced publication by Len Fisher (2009):
Fisher, Len. 2009. The Perfect Swarm: The Science of Complexity in Everyday Life
Books, New York. This book can be purchased from at low cost:
A l l other readings, along with syllabus and related course materials, will be available
from our course webpage
2) Here we carry on the ancient Oxbridge tradition of tutorial essays, amended to suit the
seminar format. You will write ten short synopses (1-2 pages, double-spaced) of the key
arguments in selected weekly readings over the course of the semester. These short
essays are due the week that the relevant readings are discussed, and uploaded to otir
course website by the start of class. Late essays will not be accepted. Use footnotes and
bibliographic citations. Avoid using direct quotations; accurate paraphrasing is very
strongly preferred. Because only ten essays are required over the entire semester, you will
be able to skip five weeks. It will be wise to save at least a couple of the "free passes" for
the end of the semester!
For each short essay, your task is to write a few paragraphs summarizing the essence of
whatever arguments appear to link the assigned readings of that week. For example, if
you were reading about the Prisoner's Dilemma model, you would be expected to
summarize the arguments that link this idea in game theory to real-world situations. In
addition you must provide 2-3 pithy questions following (on a separate page from) your
essay for discussion in class. Note that you are not being asked to critique the readings,
but rather to set out the central thesis persuasively, in such a way as to highlight the
strengths and possibilities of each approach. Save your critiques for our seminar
discussions, and use the essays to explore the attractions of each of the approaches we
will consider.
Dr. Downey will read and critique these short essays according to three criteria: (1) how
well you captured the essential argument(s); (2) how clearly you expressed your
understanding of the arguments (and evidence i f applicable); and, (3) the thoughtfulness
of the questions you raise about it. The essays will be graded on a numerical scale from 1
to 10, with "10" representing perfection. If (as will frequently be the case) the readings
make several distinct arguments, summarize what strikes you as most important and
interesting, but don't exceed two double-spaced pages for the entire essay.
3) Active participation in class discussions of the readings. Your contributions of pithy
questions for the discussion are essential for getting a good grade. Each week, one or
more students will be assigned the role of discussion leader(s) for the following week.
How you choose to fulfill this weighty obligation is up to you, but at the very least you
should prepare a brief spoken summary and a series of "talking points" related to the
specific readings for the week. Of course you can do something more elaborate, but
before you prepare a 30 minute film or interpretive dance piece on the week's topic
remember that the idea is to involve the whole class in the conversation.
4) A final research paper, 10-15 pages in length (double-spaced), on a topic of your
choice. You should discuss the topic for this final paper with Dr. Downey before you go
forward with it. You are encouraged to consult with your fellow students in addition to
Dr. Downey. This final assignment may take a number of forms and formats: (a) research
article; (b) a NSF style research proposal; or (c) a report based on a pilot study of a
relevant dataset. You may collaborate with others in the class, but each collaborator must
write their own final paper. The final paper will be due on Monday, May 2, and must be
submitted in electronic form via the course website.
Grading: short papers (50%) + participation (20%) + final project (30%) =
Weekly topics
January 11
Introduction to Ecological Anthropology
January 18
Ecological Anthropology / Scale & Evolutionary Forces
January 25
Community Ecology / Humans & Biotic Diversity
February 1
Foraging Theory: Models and Tools
February 8
Behavioral Ecology: Applications to Humans
February 15
Niche & Niche Construction / Swarm Intelligence
February 22
Selection and Neutrality
March 1
Evolutionary Ecology of Primate Reproduction
March 8
Emergence and Resilience
March 15
Spring Break
March 22
Urban Ecology
March 29
Conservation and Community Partnerships
April 5
Political Ecology: History, Concepts and Methods
April 12
Globalization, Development and Sustainability
April 19
Institutions, Cooperation / Group Selection
April 26
Diet Evolution and Modem Health
January 11
Introduction to Ecological Anthropology
January 18
Ecological Anthropology / Scale & Evolutionary Forces
Biersack, A . 1999. From the "New Ecology" to the new ecologies. American
Anthropologist 101: 5-18.
Levin, S. 1992. The problem of pattern and scale in ecology. The Robert H. MacArthur
Lecture. Ecology 73: 1943-1967.
Lewontin, R. 2002. The Triple Helix: Gene, Organism, and Environment. Cambridg
M A . Harvard University Press. Pp 41-68.
Orlove, B. 1980. Ecological Anthropology. Annual Review of Anthropology 9: 235-273.
Scoones, I. 1999. New Ecology and the Social Sciences: What Prospects for a Fruitful
Engagement? Annual Review of Anthropology 28: 479-507.
**Background readings provided (optional): Steward (1955, Ch2); Harris et al. (1996).
January 25
Community Ecology / Humans & Biotic Diversity
Pianka, E. R. 1994. Evolutionary Ecology (Fifth Edition). New York: HarperCollins
College Publishers. Ch 16 (Community and Ecosystem Ecology).
Pianka, E. R. 1994. Evolutionary Ecology (Fifth Edition). New York: HarperCollins
College Publishers. Ch 17 (Biotic Diversity and Community Stability).
Blondel, J. 2006. The 'Design' of Mediterranean Landscapes: A Millennial Story of
Humans and Ecological Systems during the Historic Period. Human Ecology 34:
Brown, J., et al. 2002. The fractal nature of nature: power laws, ecological complexity
and biodiversity. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Lond
357: 619-626.
Williams, J. W., et al. 2005. Anthropogenic impacts upon plant species richness and net
primary productivity in California. Ecology Letters 8: 127-137.
February 1
Foraging Theory: Models and Tools
Hawkes, K., et al. 1982. Why hunters gather: optimal foraging and the Ache of eastern
Paraguay. American Ethnologist 9: 379-398.
Winterhalder, B. 1997. Gifts given, gifts taken: the behavioral ecology of non-market,
intra-group exchange. Journal of Archaeological Research 5: 121-168.
Winterhalder, B. and E.A. Smith 2000. Analyzing adaptive strategies: Human behavioral
ecology at twenty-five. Evolutionary Anthropology 9(2): 51-72.
Smith, E.A., M . Borgerhoff Mulder & K . Hill. 2001. Controversies in the evolutionary
social sciences: a guide for the perplexed. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 16
Bliege-Bird, R. 1999. Cooperation and conflict: the behavioral ecology of the sexual
division of labor. Evolutionary Anthropology 8(2): 65-75.
February 8
Behavioral Ecology: Applications to Humans
Hawkes, K . 1991 Showing off: tests of an hypothesis about men's foraging goals.
Ethology and Sociobiology 12: 29-54.
Smuts, B. 1995. The evolutionary origins of patriarchy. Human Nature 6: 1-32.
Gurven, M . and K . Hill. 2009. Why Do Men Hunt? A Reevaluation of "Man the Hunter"
and the Sexual Division of Labor. Current Anthropology 50(1): 51-74.
Bliege-Bird, R. and D.W. Bird. 2008. Why Women Hunt: Risk and Contemporary
Foraging in a Western Desert Aboriginal Community. Current Anthropology
49(4): 655-693.
Bliege-Bird, R. and E.A. Smith. 2005. Signaling theory, strategic interaction, and
symbolic capital. Current Anthropology A6: 221-248.
February 15 Niche & Niche Construction / Swarm Intelligence
Laland, K . N . , Odling-Smee, F.J. & Feldman, M.W. 2000. Niche construction, biological
evolution and cultural change. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23(1): 131-175.
Odling-Smee, F.J., Laland, K . N . & Feldman, M . W . 1996. Niche construction. American
Naturalist 147(4): 641-648.
Brown, J. H., Heske, E. J. 1990. Control of a desert-grassland transition by a keystone
rodent guild. Science 250(4988): 1705-1707.
Fisher, L. 2009. The Perfect Swarm: The Science of Complexity in Everyday Lif
Books, New York. (To be purchased via or similar source)
**Background readings provided (optional): Chave (2004); Harte (2003); Hu et al.
(2006); Pianka (1994, Ch 13 The Ecological Niche).
February 22
Selection and Neutrality
Kauffman, S.A. 1991. Antichaos and adaptation. Scientific American (August): 78-84.
Nowak, M . 2006. Finite Populations. In Evolutionary Dynamics, pp. 93-97.
Mitchell, M . 2009. Dynamics, chaos and prediction. In Complexity: A Guided Tour.
Oxford University Press, pp. 15-39.
Lansing, J.S. and M . Cox. 2011. The Domain of the Replicators: Selection, Neutrality,
and Cultural Evolution. Current Anthropology 52(1): 1-22.
Watch : Geoff West, Scaling Laws (Google Tech Talk):
**Background readings provided (optional): Gravel et al. (2006); and, on self-organized
March 1
Evolutionary Ecology of Primate Reproduction
Voland, E. 1998. The evolutionary ecology of human reproduction. Annual Review of
Anthropology 27: 347-374.
Ellison, P.T. 2003. Energetics and reproductive effort. American Journal of Human
Biology 15: 342-351.
Pike, I.L. 2005. Maternal stress and fetal responses: evolutionary perspectives on
preterm delivery. American Journal of Human Biology 17(1): 55-65.
Tecot, S., et al. 2012. Infant parking and nesting, not allomatemal care, influence
Malagasy primate life histories. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 66: 1375
**Background readings provided (optional): Bateson et al. (2004); Pike and Williams
March 8
Complexity and Emergence
Scheffer, M . , et al. 2012. Anticipating critical transitions. Science 338 (19 October): 344348.
Lansing, J.S., et al. 2012. Alternate stable states in a social-ecological system. Santa Fe
Institute Papers.
Lansing, J.S., et al. 2011. A n ongoing Austronesian expansion in Island Southeast Asia.
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 30: 262-272.
Lansing, J.S., and K . M . Fox. 2011. Niche construction on Bali: The gods of the
countryside. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (B) 366: 92
**Background readings provided (optional): Albert and Barbasi (2002); Dunne et al.
(2002); Levin (2003); Folke (2006).
March 22
Urban Ecology
Alberti, M . , et al. 2003. Integrating Humans into Ecology: Opportunities and Challenges
for Studying Urban Ecosystems. Bioscience 53(12): 1169-1179.
Grimm, N.B. and C. Redman. 2004. Approaches to the study of urban ecosystems: The
case of Central Arizona—Phoenix. Urban Ecosystems 7: 199-213.
Wackemagel, M . et al. 2006. The Ecological Footprint of cities and regions: comparing
resource availability with resource demand. Environment and Urbanization 18(1)
Bettencourt, L . M . A . , J. Lobo, D. Helbing, C. Kiihnert, and G.B. West. 2007. Growth,
innovation, scaling, and the pace of life in cities. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences 104(17): 7301-7306.
March 29
Conservation and Community Partnerships