1119 Main Administration Building College Park, Maryland 20742-5031 301.405.5252 TEL 301.405.8195 FAX OFFICE OF THE SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT AND PROVOST May 30, 2012 MEMORANDUM TO: Cheng-i Wei Dean, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources FROM: Mike Colson ~ Senior Coordinator for Academic Programs SUBJECT: Correction: Proposal to Modify the Curriculum of the B.S. in Animal Science (PCC log no. 11026) The memo dated May 21, 2012, which indicated approval for the modified curriculum of the BS in Animal Science, erroneously referenced the MS in Plant Sciences in the body of the memo. That memo should have confirmed that, at its meeting on April 6, 2012, the Senate Committee on Programs, Curricula and Courses approved the proposal to modify the curriculum of the BS in Animal Sciences. I apologize for that error. I am resending the pdf file with this memo attached and ask that all update their records accordingly. Thank you. MDCI Enclosure cc: David Salness, Chair, Senate PCC Committee Sarah Bauder, Office of Student Financial Aid Reka Montfort, University Senate Erin Howard, Office of Information Technology Donna Williams, Institutional Research & Planning Anne Turkos, University Archives Linda Yokoi, Office of the Registrar Robert Gaines, Undergraduate Studies Leon Slaughter, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Tom Porter, Department of Animal and Avian Sciences .. ..~ • U N I V E R SIT Y 0 F 1119 Main Administration Building College Park, Maryland 20742-5031 301.405.5252 TEL 301.405.8195 FAX " MARYLAND OFFICE OF THE SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT AND PROVOST May 21, 2012 MEMORANDUM TO: Cheng-i Wei Dean, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources FROM: SUBJECT: ~ Elizabeth Beise Associate Provost for Academic Planning and Programs 0f Proposal to Modify the Curriculum of the B.S. in Animal Science (PCC log no. 11026) At its meeting on April 6, 2012, the Senate Committee on Programs, Curricula and Courses approved your proposal to modify the curriculum ofthe MS in Plant Sciences. A copy of the approved proposal is attached. The change is effective Fall 2012. The School should ensure that the change is fully described in the Undergraduate Catalog and in all relevant descriptive materials, including the program's four-year plan (contact Lisa Kiely at lkiely@umd.edu for more information), and that all advisors are informed. MDC/ Enclosure cc: David Salness, Chair, Senate PCC Committee Sarah Bauder, Office of Student Financial Aid Reka Montfort, University Senate Erin Howard, Office of Information Technology Donna Williams, Institutional Research & Planning Anne Turkos, University Archives Linda Yokoi, Office of the Registrar Robert Gaines, Undergraduate Studies Leon Slaughter, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Tom Porter, Department of Animal and Avian Sciences THE UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, COLLEGE PARK PROGRAM/CURRICULUM/UNIT PROPOSAL • Please email the rest of the proposal as an MSWord attachment to pcc-submissionsCOlumd.edu. • IPCC LOG NO. Please submit the signed form to the Office of the Associate Provost ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ­ for Academic Planning and Programs, 1119 Main Administration Building, Campus. College/School: AGNR Please also add College/School Unit Code-First 8 digits: 01202500 Unit Codes can be found at: https://hypprod.umd.edulHtml Reports/units. htm DepartmentIProgram: ANSC Please also add Oepartment/ProgramUnit Code-Last 7 digits: 1250701 Type of Action (choose one): X Curriculum change (including informal specializations) o Renaming ofprogram orformal Area ofConcentration o Addition/deletion offormal Area ofConcentration o Suspend/delete program 0 New academic degree/award program 0 New Professional Studies award iteration 0 New Minor 0 Other Italics indicate that the proposed program action must be presented to the full University Senate for consideration. Summary of Proposed Action: The following change is proposed for ANSC options 01 04A, 01 04C, 01040 Since CHEMI 05 is no longer being offered by the University, our curriculum for the options which required that course (01 04A, 0 I 04C, 01040) should be updated to include CHEM231 in its place. This will also give students additional flexibility in scheduling their courses, as CHEM231 is offered every semester. =====::::::::==============::==:====================================================== APPROYAL SIGNATURES - Please print name, sign, 1. Department Committee Chair 2. Department Chair e additional lines for multi-unit programs. ~~~~~::::::z::~~~~~~~~~:::;:===:- _ ~ :::gd~~. 5. Dean OftnfaradU"', SCh0l'\~req:ir~.d)) J 6. Chair, Seuate PeC 'J:f<1!vrb~ 7. University Senate Chair (if required) ---....,....c:------~----------------8. Senior Vice President and Provost ---'-'~~~ THE UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, COLLEGE PARK PROGRAM/CURRICULUMIUNIT PROPOSAL • Please email the rest of the proposal as an MSWord attachment to pcc-submissionsCa)umd.edu. • Ipee LOG NO. ·11 02 ,f} Please submit the signed form to the Office of the Associate Provost for Academic Planning and Programs, 1119 Main Administration Building, Campus. College/School: AGNR Please also add College/School Unit Code-First 8 digits: 01202500 Unit Codes can befound at: https://hypprod.umd.edu/Html Reports/units.htm DepartmentlProgram: ANSC Please also add OepartmentlProgram Unit Code-Last 7 digits: 1250701 Type of Action (choose one): X Curriculum change (including informal specializations) o Renaming ofprogram orformal Area ofConcentration o Addition/deletion offormal Area ofConcentration o Suspend/delete program 0 New academic degree/award program 0 New Professional Studies award iteration 0 New Minor IJ Other Italics indicate that the proposed program action must be presented to the fUll University Senate for consideration. Summary of Proposed Action: The following change is proposed for ANSC options 0104A, 01040, 0104E, 0104F, 12990 ANse330 (Equine Science) has been approved to count as an Advanced Animal Science Elective for all ANse Options, with the exception of the Equine Studies option. This is because that course is already required for that option, and is therefore not optional as an elective. This course was evaluated by the faculty and found to be equal in academic rigor to the other ANSe courses in this category. Adding it to the list gives students an additional option in their academic planning, as well as increasing the course enrollment. ==================================================================================== APPROVAL SIGNATURES - Please IlIjnt name, sign, and . Use additional lines for multi-unit programs. 1. Department Committee Chair _~::::::::~~~~~s;:;.~~~E=;[~-""'=iiJ------------- 5. 6. Chair, Senate PCC 7. University Senate Chair (if required) 8. Senior Vice President and Provost _ Animal Sciences Curriculum Worksheet - Post Fall 2010 ANIMAL CARE AND MANAGEMENT OPTION (Ol04A) O~D "'. . . . $,o ~ Address (Home) Name UID Transfer From Date Entered . \ : B. ANIMAL SCIENCES REQUIREMENTS (56 cr) I \: 1~!.ulldame~~§~dies(9uL_ Semester Cr Course 3 ENGLlOI 3 ENGL39* (After 60 cr) 3 MA m 113 (US) 2. Distributive Studies (29-31 cr) a. Humauities aud the Arts (9 cr) S,mut" Grade Sem - - ­ ~l:!!!!< ._ _ LU. Fl Arts HA Other (HO,HL,Hf\) Gr. Cr Course 3/4 MAm220 (l40) 4 CHEM1311132 4 BSCIl06 Grade ­ , . Co .. 3 3 3 I 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 Social Scieuee (9 er) _~ !l Social or Political History (3 er) .Semester _=- Grade Cr Course LLJ-­ (8H) __ ii) Behavioral and Social Sci~~~_(6-8 er) I Semester ---~ Grade Cr Course '~ECON200/AREC2S0(SB) c=IJ (8B) Advance Studies (6-8 er) (Afte~_ 60 er) Semester Grade Cr Course _~ ----t:±t1~r;,;;I;.;O;;;.S~;;;.4...:.;~;.;~"-~ - - - - - - ­ (300/400 level courses, Dot endillg in 8 or 9, outside AN8C, 4. Diversity (3er; may be in 2 or 3 above) ~ Grade Cr Course I _ 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 ANSCIOlII03 ANSC21l ANSC212 ANSC214 ANSC446/447 ANSC314 ANSC315 ANSC327 ANSC340 ANSCAdvElectI* * ANSCAdvElectII** BSCIlO5 BSCI223 CHEMl05 AREC306 Select 9 cr from the following: ANSC220 ANSC232 ANSC242 ANSC250 ANSC255 ANSC260 ANSC262 _ Sem Gr. Cr. Course i i i GRAND TOTAL> 120 CREDITS CUMULATIVE SUMMARY SEMESTER CUMULATIVE Year Credits QPA Credits QPA **6-credits from ANSC (420,435,437, 443,444,450,452,453,455 or 497) Updated Sept 2010 (LCD) or capstone Coune ill major) ...,.,....,...-...................,...1 _ Phone (Local) C. ELECTIVES (14-16cr) Cr. Course -2 Mathematics aud the Scie.uees (11 er) .-:Semester Phone Advisor Email Address \ " A. Core Liberal Arts and Studies : i{ _ I (D) CORE = 47-S0 *ProCessional Writing - Exempt iC "A" in ENGLI0l; Any ENGL39x proCessional writing course. Animal Sciences Curriculum Worksheet· Post Fall 2011 ANIMAL CARE AND MANAGEMENT OPTION (Ol04A) N~W' vE-ItS ,,,ttJ Address (Home) Name _ UID -­ Transfer From Date Entered A. OlreLiberlil Arts and Studies . B.,ANIMAL SCIENCES REQUIREMENTS (56 cr) (', 1"1 : ~C'O: _ _ _ 1~ !"un~~~ntalStudie~~ Semester Grade Cr Course --3 ENGLlOl 3 ENGL39* (After 60 cr) 3 MAm 113 (115) 2. Distributive ,~tu~ies (29-31 cr) a. Humanities andthe Arts (9 cr) Semester , Grade Cr Course Sem -- , , Lit.(HL~ ~ Arts (HA~ _ _ _ _' , 0t!!.er (HO,HL,HA) b. Mathematics and the Sciences (11 cr) Se~ester .­-' _Grad~ Cr Course 3/4 MAm220 (140)­ , 4 CHEM1311132 ~ 4 BSCIl06 c. Social Science (9 cr) i) Social o.r. ~l'litical History (3 cr) Semester Grade Cr Course ___I-LJ-- - (SH) ii) Behavioral and Social Science (6-8 cr) Semester ' Grade Cr Course I ;,; IECON200/AREC250 (SB) ___:c _ _ _ _. ~ 3. Advanc! Studies (6-8 cr) (After 60 cr) Semester Grade Cr Course _ _ _ ~(ANSC420) _ _ _..;..' c=::I:TILlo:,~:;.:I:.::O;..:.M;.:;3:.;:0~11,-- (SB) .. " : " ':' \ Gr. Cr. 3 3 3 I 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 ',I, 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 Course ANSClOl/103 ANSC211 ANSC212 ANSC214 ANSC446/447 ANSC314 ANSC315 ANSC327 ANSC340 ANSCAdvElect1** ANSCAdvElect1I* * BSCll05 BSCI223 CHEM105 (or CHmME) AREC306 Select 9 cr from the following: ANSC220 ANSC232 ANSC242 ANSC250 ANSC255 ANSC260 ANSC262 _ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ -,'" ' ..'., " ',-~._--- ............... - . -..... --- ... ' '-." " , , ,,;,1 ,\r~~ aud C. ELECTIVES (14-16cr) Sem i Gr. , Cr. , Course I ; 11 •. ':'(':" _ ! ''',{ I',: '" GRAND TOTAL> 120 CREDITS CUMULATIVE SUMMARY CUMULATIVE SEMESTER Year Credits QPA Credits QPA 4. Diversity (3cr; may be in 2 or 3 above) Semester Grade Cr Course (D) CORE =47-50 *Professional Writing - Exempt if "A" in ENGLlOl; Any ENGL39x professional writing course. ,,­ .:._~--.l ,i, .. ,,,, , " . . !: ~ ~ ... I r i ..: ... ;1 **6-credits from ANSC (330,420,435, 437,443,444,450,452,453;455 or 497) Updated July 2011 (LCD) or capstone course in major) ;'1:«) ,"! !!i" { I'I'! - (300/400 level courses, not ending in 8 or 9, outside ANSC, 1-1-1­ Advisor Email Address : ··Ii', IS (:" .. , _ _ Phone Phone (Local) Animal Sciences Curriculum Worksheet - Post Fall 2010 EQUINE STUDIES OPTION (OI04C) ,'j ~ I _ Grade -­ Cr Course - Sem Gr. _0' ENGLlOl 3 ENGL39· (After 60 cr) 3 MATH 113 (115) 2. Distributive Studies (29-31 cr) a. Hllmanities and the Arts (9 cr) 3 ~ ~!:2!m Ut"Fl Arts HA Other (HO,HL,HA) b. Mathematics and the Sciences (11 cr) Semester Grade Cr Course 3/4 MATH220 (140) ; 4 CHEM131/132 4 BSCIl06 c. Social Science (9 cr) i) Social or Political History (3 cr) Semester Grade Cr Course I I I " . ~ __ Course ANSCIOl/103 ANSC211 ANSC212 ANSC214 ANSC220 ANSC232 ANSC446/447 ANSC314 ANSC315 ANSC327 ANSC330 ANSCAdvElectI* * ANSCAdvElectII* * ANSCAdvElectIII* * 4 BSCIl05 4 BSCI223 3 CHEM105 3 AREC306 _ C. ELECTIVES (12-14cr) Sem Gr. Cr. Course i i i Cr. 3 3 3 I 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 GRAND TOTAL> 120 CREDITS CUMULATIVE SUMMARY SEMESTER CUMULATIVE Year Credits QPA Credits QPA (SH) *~?-credits from ANSC (340,420,435,437, __ '!,4l,444,450,452,453,455 or 497) (SB) _ c::=:r::IJ~IOM3012 (300/400 level counes, not eudiug iu 8 or 9, outside ANSC, or capstone coune in major) 4. Diversity (3cr; may be iu 2 or 3 above) Semester Grade Cr Course -- '-'-1-­ • -­ ii) Behavioral Bud Social Scieuce (6-8 cr) ~ Grade Cr Course _ _ _--1~ECON200/AREC250(SB) 3. Adv~lI.ce Studies (6-8 cr) (Arter 60 cr) Semester Grade Cr Course - - ~~(AN~SC;;..:.4~20 .)..... 11 ~,', Phone Phone (Locw) Advisor ,B. ANIMAL SCIENCES REQUIREMENTS (56 cr) I .!:. Fu~~a~.Stu~i~l9.C!) Semester --­ V~IU't)~ Email Address A. 'Core Liberal Arts and Studies } , i O&.P Address (Home) Name UID Transfer From Date Entered . Equine EI -- --. - _. ONE Relluired 2 ANSCIIO 2 ANSC233 3 ANSC236 3 ANSC237 Updated Sept 2010 (LCD) (D) CORE = 47-50 ·Professional Writting - Exempt if "A" in ENGLIOlj Any ENGL39x professional writing course Animal Sciences Curriculum Worksheet - Post Fall 2011 EQUINE STUDIES OPTION (Ol04C) filE '#J ,,~~ I tl V Address (Home) Name _ UID Phone Phone (Local) _ _ Transfer From Date Entered - Advisor Email Address _ ~ ........ "'-" iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii , A. Core Liberal Arts and Studies (. ru:( B. ANIMAL SCIENCES REQUIREMENTS (56 cr) :,tJ l'r· ____..!- Fund.amental Stndies (9...£1"_)_ _ Semester Grade· Cr Course c_·_·_ _ _ 3 ENGLI0l 3 ENGL39* (After 60 cr) 3 MATH 113 (115) 2. Distributive Stndi~s (29-31 cr) a. Humanities and tbe Arts (9 cr) Semester Grade Cr Cuurse ; \ : '..... i Scm Gr. .~ E=H Lit·iHq _ _ _ _ .' . _ Arts (HA) Othe.!..(HO,HL,HA) b. Matbem~and tbe Sciences (ll cr) Semester !Grade Cr Course ,"\ 4 MATH220 (140)-­ CHEM131/132 ". 4 BSCIl06 3/4 c. Social Sci~nce' (9 cr) i) Social or Political History (3 cr) Semester Grade Cr Course 1-1-1­ E±±j~~~~) **9~!edits from Cr. t.. i i i ANSClOlII03 ANSC211 ANSC2l2 ANSC214 ANSC220 ANSC232 ANSC446/447 ANSC314 ANSC315 ANSC327 ANSC330 ANSCAdvElectI** ANSCAdvElectII" ANSCAdvElectIII" BSCIl05 BSCI223 CHEM105 (or CHE~M231) AREC306 '­ ._­ I ; 4. Diversity (3crj may be in 2 or 3 above) Semester Grade Cr Course (D) CORE =47-50 *Professional Writting - Exempt if "A" in ENGLI0lj Any ENGL39x professional writing course ~ \ ;. ~ --. -----­ \rr\;ilI(~' I.,.. " ,"t' I -=-_ I.'_t_l.~' I; • "\ I ;. c. GRAND TOTAL> 120 CREDITS CUMULATIVE SUMMARY CUMULATIVE SEMESTER Year Credits QPA Credits QPA ANSC (340,420,435,437, or 497) in ~ ..... ,.~ I : ~ I ""' ... : . ( r l ---i -~ ._---.L _ .. ;:"" ~ :4 I 'v _L __ Updated July 2011 fLCD) or capstone course in major) ' Course Equine EI~c-ti{.es: ONE Required 2 ANSCllO 2 ANSC233 3 ANSC236 3 ANSC237 _ (300/400 level counes, f10t ending in 8 or 9, outside ANSe, -- 1-'-'­ ~ 4 4 3 3 Gr. 443,~iWO,452,453,455 (58) --- . Sem Course (SH) t=1::=jECON200/AREC250 iSB) 3. Advance Stndies (6-8 cr) (After 60 cr) Semester : Grade Cr Course " ,. .. ii) Bebavioral and Social Science (6-8 cr) Semester Grade Cr Course --- , Cr. 3 3 3 I 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 C. ELECTIVES (l2-14cr) ... -_.... .. ""'----.-. .... Animal Sciences Curriculum Worksheet - Post Fall 2010 Laboratory Animal Management OPTION (Ol04D) Address (Home) Name UID Transfer From Date Entered Ol-l» \leu,"tJ Phone Phone (Local) _ _ _ Advisor Email Address _ ..... .; A. <Are Liberal Arts and Studies " ]B.:ANIMAL SCIENCES REQ([IREMENTS (55 cr) , ',;' '\ r:-; I ~ . ~.J!'u~~21m~ntal StudiesJge,:L Semester . ..---Grade Cr Course -_.­ 3 ENGLlOI 3 ENGL39* (After 60 er) 3 MATH 113 (115) 2. Distributive Studies (29-31 er) a. Humanities and the Arts (9 er) Semester Grade Cr Course Sem Gr. --- ~-- _I I I Lit. (HL) Arts (HA Other (HO,HL,HA) b. Mathematics and the Sciences (II er) Semester .~. Grade Cr Course 3/4 MATH220 (140) , 4 CHEM1311132 4 BSCIl06 e. Social Science (9 er) i) Socia~ or.Political History (3 er) Semester Grade Cr Course o _ _ "]~ - , - ­ . , 3. Advance Studies (6-8 er) (After 60 er) Semester Grade Cr Course _ _ _ ~f-"-'{AN:::,=.:SC=:_"42::_=_0L..! ~ 1;.'1 " I" !' Sem Gr. Cr. \ I ~ .'. ,. l'" ;!!: I Cr. 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 4 2 3 3 {II" f , GRAND TOTAL> 120 CREDITS CUMULATIVE SUMMARY SEMESTER CUMULATIVE Year Credits QPA Credits . :: QPA , *~~credits (SR) from ANSC (420,435,443, 497) 44~450,452 or _ _ _ _ _c=:::ITI""{B;;..;I;;..;O;.;;.M..=c3=-0_1.... !- - - - - - ­ (300/400 level courses, nol ending in 8 or 9, outside ANSC, Updated Sept 2010 (LCD) or capslone course in major) 4. Diversity (3er; may be in 2 or 3 above) Semester Grade Cr Course '-1-1-­ . Course ~~, (SH) ii) Behavioral and Social Science (6-8 er) Grade Cr Course Semester _ _ _..:....~ECON200/AREC2S0 (SB) ___,_,_c=r::=J .. Course ANSC 10 1/103 ANSC211 ANSC212 ANSC214 ANSC220, 255 or 26 2 ANSC260 ANSC314 ANSC327 ANSC340 ANSC446 & 447 ANSC437 ANSC453 ANSC455 ANSCAdvElectl* * ANSCAdvElectII** 4 BSCIl05 4 BSCI223 3 CHEM105 C. ELECTIVES (15-17cr) (D) CORE =47-50 *Professional Writting - Exempt if "A" in ENGLI0l; Any ENGL39x professional writing course ...... ,,: .. : Animal Sciences Curriculum Worksheet - Post Fall 2011 LABORATORYANIMAL MANAGEMENT OPTION (0104D) Address (Home) Name tJ~W ~Il.S'DtJ _ DID Transfer From Date Entered .................. _ _ Advisor Email Address _ "iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-· ,~" •.. _... _.,..,;.._,.,.<.-~.;.,- -. 'A. Core LiberalArts and Studies j \., ,~.) _. Phone Phone (Local) ('I , -- I._FandamentaJ.~_!Udies ,B.ANIMAL SCIENCES REQUIREMENTS (55 cr) ,IlIC . ,--'--' Sem (9cr) _ _ ! ---Semester Grade: Cr Conrse ------_. 3 ENGLlOl 3 ENGL39* (After 60 cr) 3 MAm 113 (115) 2. Distributive Stndies (29-31 cr) a. Humanities and the Arts (9 cr) Semester _Grade £!:. Course ~ - -~-- ---8=1 b. Math~matics and the Sciences (11 cr) Semester Grade Cr Course . , 3/4 MAm220 (140) 4 CHEM1311132 " . 4 BSCIl06 e. Social Science (9 cr) i) Social or ~olit!~al History (3 cr) Semester Grade Cr Course - - - - Gr, AL~~t~~ -.- ­ . . ~ ___ . ~-- , .. -- (SH) ii) Behavioral and Social Science (6-8 cr) Grade Cr Course Semester _ _ _~L,~_~L~JECON200/AREC250(SB) ~ 3. Advance Studies (6-8 cr) (After 60 cr) Semester Grade Cr Course ~m Gr. Cr. '\. i I " 4. Diversity (3cr; may be in 2 or 3 above) Semester Grade Cr Course (D) CORE = 47-50 *Professional Writting - Exempt if "A" in ENGLI0lj Any ENGL39x professional writing course 01 ' :i I: Course i i i Cr, 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 I I I 1. I ' "'f'< ! , ~" Ct.!!l GRAND TOTAL> 120 CREDITS CUMULATIVE SUMMARY SEMESTER CUMULATIVE Year Credits QPA Credits i,-Hi -t-:-­ ,.> QPA --T 'l ,t n, i **6-credi~ from ANSC (330,420,435, 443,4.:t,4,450,452 or 497) ­ -t 'I Updated July 20 II (LCD) or capstone coune in major) -,-- , Sem : _ _ _--1~"={AN==-===SC=:_.:.:42=0!'-----c=:::I:!J{BIOM301) (300/400 level counes, not ending in 8 or 9, outside ANSC, ---..,.~----Jl~ .- Course ANSClOl/103 ANSC211 ANSC212 ANSC214 ANSC220, 255 or 26 2 ANSC260 ANSC314 ANSC327 ANSC340 ANSC446 & 447 ANSC437 ANSC453 ANSC455 ANSCAdvElectI** ANSCAdvElectll** 4 BSCIl05 4 BSCI223 3 CHEM105 (or CHE~M231) C. ELECTIVES (15-17cr) ··;sx ,,\ \' " , THE UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, COLLEGE PARK PROGRAM/CURRICULUMIUNIT PROPOSAL • Please ~m~il th_e rest of the proposal as an MSWord attachment to pcc-submlsslOnslaJumd.edu. • IPCC LOG NO. Please submit the signed form to the Office of the Associate Provost - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ­ for Academic Planning and Programs, 1119 Main Administration Building, Campus. College/School: AGNR Please also add College/School Unit Code-First 8 digits: 01202500 Unit Codes can befound at: https://hypprod.umd.edu/Html Reports/units.htm DepartmentIProgram: ANSC Please also add Department/Program Unit Code-Last 7 digits: 1250701 Type of Action (choose one): X Curriculum change (including informal specializations) D Renaming ofprogram orformal Area o.fConcentration D Addition/deletion offormal Area ofConcentration D Suspend/delete program D New academic degree/award program D New Professional Studies award iteration D New Minor D Other Italics indicate that the proposed program action must be presented to the full University Senate for consideration. Summary of Proposed Action: There are two proposed changes to the curriculum for the 01 04F (Animal Biotechnology) option. 1. BSCI 348 (Bioinfonnatics) is no longer taught under that course number - it is now BSCI380. As BSCI380 is not offered regularly, we propose to accept BSCI380 or departmentally approved equivalent. New requirement will read: "3 credits from the following courses: ANSC435, BSCI380 or departmentally approved equivalent, or BSCI413" 2. ANSC242 (Dairy Cattle Management) will be added to the list of acceptable management courses for this option. Both of these changes give students increased options in fulfilling their course requirements, and greater flexibility in scheduling, while still adhering to the biotechnological principles of this option. These changes will not affect benchmarking or 4-year planning for the students. ========================================================== =========~==~=========== APPROVAL SIGNATURES - Please pri1'J1. name, sign, an ---7 1. Department Committee 2. Department Chair 3. C~hair... ~ ~ C~legdSChO~PCCCh~ ~.~~C~b~~j_~_L__~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~~~~~ ~Gf22~ 5. Dean o~ School (If reqUired) _ 4. Dean 6. Chair, Senate PCC _ 7. {'biversity Senate Chair (if required) 8. Senior Vice President and Provost Animal Sciences Curriculum Worksheet - Post Fall 2010 ANIMAL BIOTECHNOLOGY OPTION (Ol04F) OLD UID Transfer From Date Entered _ B. ANIMAL SCIENCES REQUIREMENTS (63 cr) 1. Fundamental Studies (9cr) Sem Cr Course 3 ENGLlOl 3 ENGL39* (After 60 cr) 3 MAm 113 (115) 2. Distributive Studies (29-31 cr) a. Humanities and the Arts (9 cr) Semester Grade Cr Course _ _ _~ - Lit.(HL) Grade - ~ - - GL 4 4 MAm220 (140) CHEM1311132 BSCIl05 c. Social Science (9 cr) i) Social or Political History (3 cr) Semester Grade Cr Course ___l-----.LJ-­ (S8) ii) Behavioral and Social Science (6-8 cr) Semester Grade Cr Course _ _ _....,~ECON200/AREC250(SB) CIJ 3 3 3 I 3 3 Sem I Gr. I Cr. Course 4lpHYSl21-ifPreVel 41PHYSl22 - ifPreVet GRAND TOTAL> 120 CREDITS CUMULATIVE SUMMARY SEMESTER CUMULATIVE Year Credits QPA Credits QPA ***9-credits from ANSC (340,420,443, 447,450,452,453 and 455) ~~IOM30l} ****ANSC(443,444,446 or 452) or 9, outside ANSC, or capstone course in major) 4. Diversity (3cr; may be in 2 or 3 above) Semester Grade Cr Course 1-'-1-­ 3 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 ANSC 10111 03 ANSC211 ANSC212 ANSC214 ANSC(mlmlO** ANSC314 ANSCAdvElectI*** ANSCAdvElectII**" ANSCAdvElectIlI** * AdvPhvsiol Elect*"· • Biotech Elect***** ANSC327 ANSC437 ANSC497 BSCI223 BSCI330(230) CHEM23 11232 CHEM24 1/242 CHEM27 11272 BCHM463 _ **ANSC(220,255,260 or 262) _ _.......,L-----.12Jf"::'(AN=:-::=:=SC~42::.::.0:'------ -­ _ (SB) 3. Advance Studies (6-8 cr) (After 60 cr) Semester Grade Cr Course (300/400 level courses, not ending in 8 _ Phone (Local) C. ELECTIVES (8-10cr) Cr. Course Arts(HA 3/4 Phone Advisor Email Address A. Core Liberal Arts and Studies -Semester VER~IOtJ Address (Home) Name *"**"ANSC435,BSCI348 or BSCI413 (D) CORE = 47-SO *Professional Writting - Exempt if"A" in ENGLI0l; Any ENGL39x professional writing course Updated Sept 2010 (LCD) Animal Sciences Curriculum Worksheet - Post Fall 2011 ANIMAL BIOTECHNOLOGY OPTION (0104F) New Version Name UID Transfer From D t E Date Entered t d A. Core Liberal Arts and Studies 3 3 Phone Phone (Local) E Email il Add Address Ad Advisor i B. ANIMAL SCIENCES REQUIREMENTS (63 cr) 1. Fundamental Studies (9cr) Semester Grade Cr Course 3 Address (Home) Sem Gr. 2. Distributive Studies (29-31 cr) a. Humanities and the Arts (9 cr) Semester Grade Cr Course Lit. (HL) Arts (HA) Other (HO,HL,HA) b. Mathematics and the Sciences (11 cr) Semester Grade Cr Course 3/4 4 4 MATH220 (140) CHEM131/132 BSCI105 c. Social Science (9 cr) i) Social or Political History (3 cr) Semester Grade Cr Course (SH) ii) Behavioral and Social Science (6-8 cr) Semester Grade Cr Course 4/3 ECON200/AREC250 (SB) Sem Gr. Cr. 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 ANSC101/103 ANSC211 ANSC212 ANSC214 ANSC(mgmt)** ANSC314 ANSCAdvElectI*** ANSCAdvElectI ANSCAdvElectII*** ANSCAdvElectIII*** AdvPhysiol Elect**** Biotech Elect***** ANSC327 ANSC437 ANSC497 BSCI223 BSCI330(230) CHEM231/232 CHEM241/242 CHEM271/272 BCHM463 Course 4 PHYS121 - if PreVet 4 PHYS122 - if PreVet Cr. Course 3 3 3 1 3 3 ENGL101 ENGL39* (After 60 cr) MATH 113 (115) C. ELECTIVES (8-10cr) GRAND TOTAL ≥ 120 CREDITS CUMULATIVE SUMMARY SEMESTER CUMULATIVE Year Credits QPA Credits QPA **ANSC(220,242,255,260 or 262) (SB) ***9-credits from ANSC (330,340,420, 443,447,450,452,453, 455, and 460) 3. Advance Studies (6-8 cr) (After 60 cr) Semester Grade Cr Course 3 3 (ANSC420) (BIOM301) ****ANSC(443,444,446 or 452) (300/400 level courses, not ending in 8 or 9, outside ANSC, *****3 credits from BSCI 380, BSCI 411, ANSC435, or departmentally approved equivalent or capstone course in major) 4. Diversity (3cr; may be in 2 or 3 above) Semester Grade Cr Course Updated Feb 2012 (LCD) (D) CORE = 47-50 *Professional Writting - Exempt if "A" in ENGL101; Any ENGL39x professional writing course Revised Tim J Lap,;;a,;.;,",;.;,",;;,e From: Sent: To: SUbject: _ Leon H. Slaughter Friday, December 09, 2011 9:54 AM Tim J Lapanne FW: Support to include CMPS courses in curriculum Tim, Please include the email from Bob with the AN5C proposal. Thanks, Leon From: Libby C Dufour Sent: Friday, December 09,2011 9:49 AM To: Leon H. Slaughter Subject: FW: Support to include CMPS courses in curriculum Hi Leon, Below is the support from Bob Infantino regarding our PCC submissions. His proposed re-wording makes perfect sense to me, as it changes nothing about what we've proposed, merely further clarifies what courses students can choose from. Please let me know if you need anything else on this or if there are further questions. Thanks. --Libby Libby Dufour Assistant Director, Undergraduate Program Department of Animal & Avian Sciences 1415 Animal Sciences Center University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742-2311 301-405-1373 From: Robert L. Infantino Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2011 10:24 AM To: Libby C Dufour Cc: ANSC Chair Subject: RE: Support to include CMPS courses in curriculum Libby - sorry for the delay, there were some convolutions to the response, so I wanted to straighten them out. I have checked with both departments, and we approve the inclusion of both courses in your curriculum changes, with the following provisos: For #1 - it is fine to include B5CI380 as an option, but we are in the process of changing its number. Your statement is incorrect - B5CI 380 is offered every fall, and it is our plan to continue with that. The new number will be B5C1411. We don't plan to offer B5CI 413 anytime soon, so I would drop that language - if it comes back, you could always allow students by departmental-approval. So, I would change the requirement to read: 3 credits from B5CI 380, B5CI 411, AN5C435, or departmentally approved equivalent. For #2 - fine to include CHEM 231 only. 1 Thanks. B =1=1=1=1=1=1=1=1=1=1=1=1=1=1=1=1=1=1=1 Robert L. Infantino, Ph.D. Associate Dean College of Computer, Mathematical, and l\Jatural Sciences 2300 Symons Hall I I I_I I"" a ,...,_ .... , """'T_"" _..., __ I r--",. ,...,_ ..... , ..., ..... --y -,-,,',J email: rinfanti@umd.edu http://biology.umd.edu/faculty/robertinfantino From: Libby C Dufour Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2011 11:50 AM To: Robert L. Infantino Cc: ANSC Chair Subject: Support to include CIVIPS courses in curriculum Hello Dr. Infantino, The ANSC Department has two proposals going forward to the Senate PCC that involve courses in the CMPS College, so they asked that we get a letter of support from you regarding these two proposals. The proposals are as follows: 1. For our Animal Biotechnology option, we just updated the curriculum to reflect the change in a BSCI course number. BSCI had previously given their support for BSCI348 to be part of the curriculum for this option, and that course number is now BSC1380. The curriculum change specifies the BSCI380 course number, and also includes flexibility for future course change numbers. The proposal language is as follows: I/BSCI 348 (Bioinformatics) is no longer taught under that course number - it is now B5C1380. As B5CI380 is not offered regularly, we propose to accept B5CI380 or departmentally approved equivalent. New requirement will read: 1/3 credits from the following courses: AN5C43S, B5CI380 or departmentally approved equivalent, or B5C14131/ 2. For our Animal Care and Management, Equine Studies, and Laboratory Animal Management options, students were previously required to take CHEM10S, which was supported by the Chemistry department. With the Chemistry department no longer offering CHEMlOS, we are updating the curriculum to reflect that, by having students take CHEM231 (but not CHEM232) instead. 1thank you in advance for your support of these proposals, and please let me know if you have any questions on these or require any clarification. I have also cc'd our department chair, Dr. Tom Porter, on this email, if you need to communicate with him. Regards, Libby Dufour Libby Dufour Assistant Director, Undergraduate Program Department of Animal & Avian Sciences 1415 Animal Sciences Center University of Maryland 2