~. UNIVERSITY OF •. ~. 1119 Main Administration Building College Park, Maryland 20742-5031 301.405.5252 TEL 301.405.8195 FAX 'MARYLAND OFFICE OFTHE SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS AND PROVOST February 28, 2011 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Donna Wiseman Dean, College of Education Elizabeth Beise ..K~ Associate Provost for Academic Planning and Programs Proposals to Restructure Secondary Education Programs (PCC log nos. 09045 and 09046) On May 19,2010, Chancellor Kirwan approved your proposals to restructure your Secondary Education programs. On December 22,2011 (with a correction letter issued February 8, 2011), the Maryland Higher Education Commission also approved these proposals. The approved changes are as follows: 1. The bachelor degree program in Secondary Education (both RA./B.S.) replaces the bachelor degree program in Secondary Education-Mathematics, which has been discontinued. 2. The following bachelor degree programs have also been discontinued: Secondary Education-English (Language Arts), Secondary Education-Foreign Languages, Secondary Education-Social Studies, Secondary Education-Science. 3. The following Areas of Concentration have been established under the new Secondary Education program: Secondary Education-English (Language Arts), Secondary Education­ Foreign Languages, Secondary Education-Mathematics, Secondary Education-Social Studies, Secondary Education-Science. These changes are effective Fall 2011. The College should ensure that the change is fully described in the Undergraduate Catalog and in all relevant descriptive materials, and that all advisors are informed. MDC/ Enclosure cc: David Salness, Chair, Senate PCC Committee Sarah Bauder, Office of Student Financial Aid Reka Montfort, University Senate Erin Howard, Data Administration Donna Williams, Institutional Research & Planning Anne Turkos, University Archives Linda Yokoi, Office of the Registrar James Dietz, Undergraduate Studies Steve Koziol, College of Education Francine Hultgren, Curriculum and Instruction Martin O'Malley Governor Anthony G. Brown Lt. Governor MHEC Kevin M. O'Keefe December 22, 2010 Cha'lrman Creating a state of achievement James E. Lyons, Sr. Dr. Nariman Farvardin Senior VPAA & Provost University of Maryland, College Park 1119 Main Administration Building College Park, MD 20742-5031 OFFICE OF 1HECSEA-NFFIOARIRVSP Secretary of Higher Education fOr~ ACAOI:MI 3 2011 J£!),i 1<1 CliVI!) UMCP Dear Dr. Farvardin: The Maryland Higher Education Commission has reviewed a request from the University of Maryland, College Park to change the title of its Bachelor of Arts/Science (B.A/B.S.) in Secondary Education programs, convert four existing Education degree majors to Areas of Concentration (A.O.C.) and move them under the Secondary Education degree. I am pleased to inform you that based on the recommendation of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Academic Affairs, Dr. George W. Reid, the request has been approved. This decision was based on an analysis of the proposal in conjunction with the Maryland Higher Education Commission's Policies and Procedures for Academic Program Proposals, the Maryland State Plan for Postsecondary Education, and a thirty day review by the Maryland higher education community. The program demonstrates potential for success, an essential factor in making this decision. For purposes of providing emollment and degree data to the Commission, please use the following HEGIS and CIP codes: New Current Current Program Title New Program Title Degree Level CIP HEGIS CIP Secondary Education­ 0833-00 13.1311 13.1205 Secondlary Education RA/B.S. Mathematics For purposes of providing emollment and degree data to the Commission, please use the HEGIS and CIP codes: . New Current New Current Current Program Title Degree Level HEGIS HEGIS CIP Secondary Education-English (Language Arts) AO.C. 0803-04 0833-00 13.1305 AO.C. Secondary Education-Foreign Languages 0803-05 0833-00 13.1306 Secondary Education-Social Studies AO.C. 0803-07 0833-00 13.1318 Secondary Education-Science AO.C. 0834-00 0833-00 13.1316 following New CIP 13.1205 13.1205 13.1205 13.1205 Should the program require any substantial changes in the future, please keep the Commission apprised. I wish you continued success. Sincerely, ~~4 a~e_~_~.~~~ns, Sr. Secretary of Higher Education JEL:GWR:ggs cc: Ms. Diane Hampton, Director of Institutional Relations, MICUA MARYlAND HIGHER EDUCATION COMMISSION 839 B'ostgate Rd.' Suite 400. Annapolis. MD 21401-3013 T 410.260.4500· 800.974.0203 • F 410.260.3200 • For Deaf & Hard of Hearing Maryland Relay 1.800.201.7165 • www.mhec.state.md.us Martin O'Malley Governor Anthony G. Brown Lt. Governor MHEC AnwerHasan Chairperson Creating a state of ad1ievement Elisabeth A. Sachs Interim Secretary CORRECTED February 8, 2011 OFFICE OF THE SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS AND PROVOST Dr. Nariman Farvardin Senior VPAA & Provost University of Maryland, College Park 1119 Main Administration Building College Park, MD 20742-5031 FEB 14 2011 RECEIVED UMCP Dear Dr. Farvardin: The Maryland Higher Education Commission sent a letter dated December 22, 2010 approving a request from the University of Maryland, College Park to change the title of its Bachelor of Arts/Science (B.A/B.S.) in Secondary Education programs, and convert four degree majors to Areas of Concentration under the Secondary Education de'gree. During a recent review, it was noted that the B.A./B.S. in Secondary Education-Mathematics should have been converted to an Area of Concentration (AO.C.) under the Secondary Education program. This change will be reflected in the Commission's Academic Program Inventory as follows: h\ . Program Title ::::~II';;<~' Degree Level AO.C. HEGIS 0833-00 CIP Additionally, the inventory will be updated to reflect that the following degree programs have been discontinued: . Discontinued Program Title Secondary Education-English (Language Arts) Secondary Education-Foreign Languages Secondary Education-Sociia1 Studies Secondary Education-Science Degree Level B.A/B.S. B.A./B.S. B.A./B.S. B.A/B.S. HEGIS 0803-04 0803-05 0803-07 0834-00 CIP 13.1305 13.1306 13.1318 13.1316 Should the programs require any substantial changes in the future, please keep the Commission apprised. I wish you continued su(~cess. Elisa e A Sachs Interim Secretary of Higher Education ; f. ',:, EAS:SAB:ggs cc: Ms. Theresa Hollander, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, USM MARYLAND HIGHER EDUCATION COMMISSION 839 Bestgate Rd. Suite 400. Annapolis. MD 21401-3013 T 410.260.4500.800.974.0:203. F 410.260.3200. TTY for the Deaf 800.735.2258 www.mhec.state.md.us (,rFICE OF THE SI \~IOI{ VP lOR ACADEMIC;\! I AII?\ MAY 2 1 2L J RECEIVED UMCP OFFICE OF THE CHANCELLOR May 19,2010 1807 University of Maryland, Baltimore Dr. C. D. Mote, Jr. 1101 Main Administration Building University of Maryland, College Park College Park, MD 20742 1856 University of Maryland, College Pari< Dear Dan: 1865 Bowie State University Thank you for forwarding the request of the University of Maryland, College Park, to rename the following programs: \866 Towson University 1886 University of Maryland Eastern Shore 1898 Frostburg State University 1900 Coppin State University 1925 Salisbury University 1925 University of Baltimore 1925 University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science 1947 University of Maryland University College 1966 U.niversity of Maryland, Baltimore County 1985 University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute 1. B.S. in Secondary Education in Mathematics to the more general title of the B.S. in Secondary Education 2. RA. in Secondary Education in Foreign Languages to the more general title of the RA. in Secondary Education. Discontinue the following Bachelor degree programs: 1. Secondary Education - English (Lang.Arts) 2. Secondary Education - Social Studies (RA. and RS.) 3. Secondary Education - Science I am delighted to approve these changes. Please express my appreciation to departmental faculty for their careful work in planning for these changes. ~ms, William E. Kirwan Chancellor cc: Irwin Goldstein, Sf. Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Theresa Hollander, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs v!Nariman Farvardin, Sf. Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost Donna Wiseman, Dean, College of Education, UMCP 3300 Metzerott Road • Adelphi,MD 20783-1690 • Phone: 301.445.1901 • Fax:301.445.1931. www.usmd.edu THE UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, COLLEGE PARK PROGRAMlCURRICULUMlUNIT PROPOSAL • Please email the rest of the proposal as an MSWord attachment to pcc-submissions@umd.edu. • IPCC LOG NO. 09046 Please submit the signed fonn to the Offic(: of the Associate Provost 'for Academic Planning and Programs, 1119 Main Administration Building, Campus. _ College/School: College of Education College/School Unit Code-First 8 digits: 01203100 Unit Codes can be found at: https://hypprod.umd.edu/Html Reports/units.htm DepartmentlProgram: Curriculum and Instruction Department/Program Unit code-Last 7 digits: 1310701 Type of Action (choose one): o Curriculum change (including informal specializations) x Renaming ofprogram or formal Area ofConcentration o Addition/deletion offormal Area ofConcentration 0 New academic degree/award program 0 New Professional Studies award iteration 0 New Minor x Suspend/delete program x Other-Establish specializations. Italics indicate that the proposed program action must be presented to the full University Senate for consideration. Summary of Proposed Action: This cover sheet incorporates multiple deletion proposals. These related proposals were consolidated under one PCC proposal log number to better organize and present the numerous proposals put forward by the College of Education in fall 2009. The proposals organized under PCC-log number 09046 include proposals that relate to the restructuring ofthe B.S. in Secondary Education, and includes the following: 09034 Rename EDCI B.S. in Secondary Education-Mathematics as B.S. in Secondary Education 09035 Suspend EDCI B.S. in Secondary Education-Science 09036 Suspend EDCI B.S. in Secondary Education-Social Studies 09037 Establish EDCI B.S. in Secondary Education Specializations in Science, Mathematics, and Social Studies. Individual cover sheets for each proposal are attached. ==================--================================================================= APPROVAL SIGNATURES - Please print name, sign, and date. Use additional lines for multi-unit programs. I. Department Committee Chair see attached 2. Department Chair see attached _ 3. College/School PCC Chair see attached 4. Dean see attached - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5. Dean of the Graduate School (if required) 6. Chair, Senate PCC see attached 7. University Senate Chair (if required) ---:;\ _ ~.?".,L~~:~-r¥-""-""'--'1%~' -r.-'- 8. Vice President for Academic Affairs & Pmvnst 11/ ~ ij.-_.j-y'3/U.....L., 'Lf-l-.JIbrL....-- , 1--, ~~~ 7 2 Iff, _ - _ -_ - _- _ THE UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, COLLEGE PARK PROGRAMlCURRICULUMlUNIT PROPOSAL • Plkase email the rest of the proposal as an MSWord attachment to cc- ubmi i ns .edu. • '1 PCCLOGNO. Proposals: 09034-09037 PI ase submit the signed form to the Office of the Associate Provost fo Academic Planning and Programs. t t t 9 Main Administration Building, Campus. This cover sheet contains multiple proposals: Coli e/S boof: Education 09034 Rename EDCI B. S. in Secondary Education-Mathematics as B.S. in Secondary Education 09035 Suspend EDCI B.S. in Secondary Education-Science m ntIProgram: Curriculum and InstructionlBacbelor of Science in Secondary Education - . ­ 09036 Suspend EDCI B.S. in Secondary Education-Social Studies Establish EDCI B. S. in Secondary Education Specializations in Science, Mathematics, and Social Studies f ction (cboose one): 09037 o Cu ·cu urn change (including informal specializations) 0 New academic degree/awardprogram X Ren m g ofprogram orformal Area ofConcentration 0 New Professional Studies award iteration o Add tio 'deletion offormal Area of Concentration D New Minor D Other D Sus en 'delete program Italics i ic te that the proposed program action must be presented to the fUll University Senate for consideration. of Proposed Action: ,. ( ~)r . -1_-, A,tnr-atlnn roO - .. -.~ n~ .-.. . = __1_ i' - .J18_ .... .., f • The If -" .. _- --0--- --- - - - - - - - - . , - - Sl.· .Aat; ~---- .-1!~~ .. ~.u -- ! - --0--- --- ------­ .; AA O' • .lOo~L· ~ _ -' ·C'O &:Il,..,QI1'i,..I ~·if~ ~ •. I AL SIGNATURES - Please print name, sign, and date. Use additional lines for multi-unit programs. ...L:A;U>NI!J"No!.CI/lcr:..-~G=I2-A:z:.!...-"'i=,-£?5.=r2-~_.l...o<aJ..".k-""""""''''''''''~....L.~~s-.=~=~ _ _..!.!-.j1l1 40 '1 LIN!''' u4~ ~ t\NtYJr ~\1.A'i-BEe,.. L 6. ~~ VAl-L.1 Il I0>/04 " lo~1 (j 'i II o the Graduate_S_c_h_O_Ol" ('£~ "~+-J r" ,e",-. ,i ,-", .Jq-~ _ ~et+-;rcfH ~ , enatePCC __ i7 7. Uni er ity Senate Chair (if required) esident for Academic Affairs & Provost - - - - - - - - - 11 />-jaYjo J ------------------------ THE UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, COLLEGE PARK PROGRAM/CURRICULUMIUNIT PROPOSAL IPCC LOG NO. • PI ase email the rest of the proposal as an MSWord attachment to cc­ ubmissions umd.edu. • 09034'1 PI ase submit the signed fonn to the Office of the Associate Provost fo Academic Planning and Programs, 1119 Main Administration Building, Campus. _ Departm ntIProgram: Curriculum and InstructionlBachelor of Science in Secondary Education - Mathematics Type of ction (choose one): D Curricu urn change (including informal specializations) D Additio deletion offormal Area ofConcentration D New academic degree/award program D New Professional Studies award iteration D New Minor D Suspen Ydelete program D Other X Renam ng ofprogram orformal Area ofConcentration Italics indic te that the proposed program action must be presented to the full University Senate for consideration. Summa of Proposed Action: All of the secondary education BS majors adhere to a common curriculum framework (see attached Secondary Education Curricul m Framework); thus, it makes sense to consolidate the existing secondary education program options. The departme t intends to create a single Bachelor of Science degree in Secondary Education by renaming the Bachelor of Science i Secondary Education - Mathematics and changing it to a Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education. Once the achelor of Science degree in Secondary Education is established, areas of specialization will be created for each oft e separate disciplinary tracks: Science, Mathematics, and Social Studies. Internal major codes will continue to be used t track the different specializations to meet state reporting demands. ==================================================================== AL SIGNATURES - Please print name, sign, and date. Use additional lines for multi-unit programs. - LA- '-'-N"'-'lV" -'k"l- - - -=b=i2. =A-'- "'i.o; gl-l~=!'2-=- - _- '-fi"'-'-4k- "'-Jr-:&-:' ' ' ' ' - - - -'-~ ' ' ' ' =-'~ -' - _ =.:= - _ /--u-s:i --'-'----1II 2. Dep L.",.A VA""' c;;if~ l\NtYlr (,\l.A~€~e- ~ L 0 '1 ttI 6 >!04 6. ~~ /. /051 (J /1 5. 6. 7. 8. esident for Academic Affairs & Provost ---------------~----------- '1 I I L SECONDARY EDUCATION CURRICULUM FRAMEWORK StCONDARY EDUCATION CONTENT MAJOR REQUIREMENT: Consistent with the requirements ofthe Maryland Redesign, all secondary education majors complete a major in the content discipline (e.g., students interested in teaching social studies must complete a major in history, geography, or government and politics). II. S ~CONDARY EDUCATION PROGRAM - COMMON CORE: All secondary education majors complete the following 14 credits: EDPS 210 0 EDPS20 I or EDPS 30 EDHD 413 EDHD426 EDCI463 EDCI474 Historical and Philosophical Perspectives on Education or Education in Contemporary American Society or Foundations of Education Adolescent Development Cognition & Motivation in Reading: Reading in Content Areas Reading in the Secondary School Inclusion, Diversity and Professionalism in Secondary Education 3 3 3 3 2 IlL Sf;CONDARY EDUCATION PROGRAM - PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION COURSE WORK: All secondary education majors complete a series ofdiscipline-specific professional education courses: ENGLIS fI Professional Education Courses (BA Degree Only) EDCI466 L terature for Adolescents (3) EDCI467 T aching Writing (3) EDCI416 Curriculum and Instruction in Secondary Education: English (3) EDCI417 Bases for English Language Instruction (3) EDCI447 F eld Experience in English Teaching (I) EDCI440 S udent Teaching Seminar in Secondary Education: English (I) EDCI441 S udent Teaching in Secondary Schools: English (12) FOREIGN LANGUAGE Professional Education Courses (BA Degree Only) EDCI410 qmiculum and Instruction in Secondary Education: Foreign Language (3) EDCI433 I traduction to Foreign Language Methods (3) EDCI438 F eld Experience in Second Language Education (I) EDCI430 S~dent Teaching Seminar in Secondary Education: Foreign Language (I) EDCI431 Srudent Teaching in Secondary Schools: Foreign Language (12) MATHEMATICS Professional Education Courses (BS Degree Only) EDCI457 Teaching and Learning Middle School Mathematics (3) EDCI455 J\, ethods of Teaching Mathematics in Secondary Schools (3) EDC1355 F eld Experience in Secondary Mathematics Education (I) EDCI450 Student Teaching Seminar in Secondary Education: Mathematics (I) EDCI451 Student Teaching in Secondary Schools: Mathematics (12) SCIENCE Professional Education Courses (BS Degree Only) EDCI41 I ~OWledge, Reasoning, and Learning in Science (3) EDC1375 F" eld Experience in Science Education (I) EDCI470 arning and Teaching in Science (3) EDCI471 S dent Teaching in Secondary Schools: Science (12) EDCI480Jactices in Secondary School Science Teaching (2) SOCIA STUDIES Professional Education Courses (BS or BA Degree, depending on content major) EDCI426 aterials & Resources in Social Studies (3) EDCI427 i~rriCUlum and Instruction in Secondary Education: Social Studies (3) EDCI428 ield Experience in Secondary Social Studies Teaching (I) EDCI421 dent Teaching in Secondary Schools: Social Studies (12) EDCI420 dent Teaching Seminar in Secondary Education: Social Studies (I) IV, 'NIVERSITY GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS: CORE LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES THE UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, COLLEGE PARK PROGRAMICURRICULUMIUNIT PROPOSAL IPCC LOG NO. • Please email the rest of the proposal as an MSWord attachment to pcc-submissions@umd.edu. • 0903 5' l it Please submit the signed form to the Office ofthe Associate Provost for Academic Planning and Programs, 1119 Main Administration Building, Campus. _ College/School: Education DepartmentlProgram: Curriculum and InstructionlBachelor of Science in Secondary Education - Science Type of Action (choose one): o Curriculum change (including infonnal specializations) o Renaming ofprogram or formal Area ofConcentration o Addition/deletion offormal Area ofConcentration X Suspend/delete program 0 0 0 0 New academic degree/awardprogram New Professional Studies award iteration New Minor Other: Italics indicate that the proposed program action must be presented to the fUll University Senate for consideration. Summary of Proposed Action: All of the secondary education BS majors adhere to a common curriculum framework (see attached Secondary Education Curriculum Framework); thus, it makes sense to consolidate the existing secondary education program options. The department intends to delete the individual secondary education major tracks and create a single Bachelor of Science degree in Secondary Education, with areas of specialization in each of the discipline areas. This proposal seeks to delete the Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education - Science (which will be replaced by a science area of specialization in the renamed Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education degree program). ==================================================================================== APPROVAL SIGNATURES - Please print name, sign, and date. Use additional lines for multi-unit programs. 1. Department Committee Chair Jd'-")J'- '-N" A-"'- - - - "G" '«~,.\-!.!. . !o:(-" ~ £I2-'-"='- _ _---.JUb""~c-'=""'--"'~~--==-lL.f'-CA...--=:::....::==---- 2. Department Chair cJr~ffiL· '--'---JI/~/ ocr 3. College/School PCC Chair 4. Dean 5fAJ7 G:- td~).L:..-C _-----'1'---'-'(/L...:.t?--.L..,~~/---'-"5',------- _ 5. Dean ofthe Graduate School (if required) 6. Chair, Senate PCC 7. University Senate Chair (if required) _ 8. Vice President for Academic Affairs & Provost _ SECONDARY EDUCATION CURRICULUM FRAMEWORK I. SECONDARY EDUCATION CONTENT MAJOR REQUIREMENT: Consistent with the requirements ofthe Maryland Redesign. all secondary education majors complete a major in the content discipline (e.g., students interested in teaching social studies must complete a major in history, geography, or government and politics). II. SECONDARY EDUCATION PROGRAM - COMMON CORE: All secondary education majors complete the following 14 credits.' EDPS 210 or EDPS20 I orEDPS 301 EDHD 413 EDHD426 EDCI463 EDCI474 Historical and Philosophical Perspectives on Education or Education in Contemporary American Society or Foundations of Education Adolescent Development Cognition & Motivation in Reading: Reading in Content Areas Reading in the Secondary School Inclusion, Diversity and Professionalism in Secondary Education 3 3 3 3 2 III. SECONDARY EDUCATION PROGRAM - PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION COURSE WORK: All secondary education majors complete a series ofdiscipline-specific professional education courses: ENGLISH Professional Education Courses (BA Degree Only) EDCI466 Literature for Adolescents (3) EDCI467 Teaching Writing (3) EDCI416 Curriculum and Instruction in Secondary Education: English (3) EDCI417 Bases for English Language Instruction (3) EDCI447 Field Experience in English Teaching (1) EDCI440 Student Teaching Seminar in Secondary Education: English (1) EDCI441 Student Teaching in Secondary Schools: English (12) FOREIGN LANGUAGE Professional Education Courses (BA Degree Only) EDCI410 Curriculum and Instruction in Secondary Education: Foreign Language (3) EDCI433 Ililtroduction to Foreign Language Methods (3) EDCI438 Field Experience in Second Language Education (I) EDCI430 Student Teaching Seminar in Secondary Education: Foreign Language (1) EDCI431 Student Teaching in Secondary Schools: Foreign Language (12) MATHEMATICS Professional Education Courses (BS Degree Only) EDCI457 Teaching and Learning Middle School Mathematics (3) EDCI455 Methods of Teaching Mathematics in Secondary Schools (3) EDCI355 Field Experience in Secondary Mathematics Education (1) EDCI450 Student Teaching Seminar in Secondary Education: Mathematics (1) EDCI451 Student Teaching in Secondary Schools: Mathematics (12) SCIENCE Professional Education Courses (BS Degree Only) EDCI411 Knowledge, Reasoning, and Learning in Science (3) EDCI375 Field Experience in Science Education (I) EDCI470 Learning and Teaching in Science (3) EDCI471 Student Teaching in Secondary Schools: Science (12) EDCI480 Practices in Secondary School Science Teaching (2) SOCIAL STUDIES Professional Education Courses (BS or BA Degree, depending on content major) EDCI426 EDCI427 EDCI428 EDCI421 EDCI420 Materials & Resources in Social Studies (3) Curriculum and Instruction in Secondary Education: Social Studies (3) Field Experience in Secondary Social Studies Teaching (I) Student Teaching in Secondary Schools: Social Studies (12) Student Teaching Seminar in Secondary Education: Social Studies (1) IV. UNIVERSITY GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS: CORE LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES THE UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, COLLEGE PARK PROGRAMlCURRICULUMIUNIT PROPOSAL • PI ase ~m~i1 the rest of the proposal as an MSWord attachment to ceo ubmlSSlOns umd.edu. • ,PCC LOG NO . PI ase submit the signed form to the Office of the Associate Provost fo Academic Planning and Programs, 1119 Main Administration Building, Campus. 09036"11 _ College/S hool: Education DepartmlntIProgram: Curriculum and InstructionlBachelor of Science in Secondary Education - Social Studies Type of ction (choose one): D curricu~um change (including informal specializations) o Renami o Additio g ofprogram or formal Area ofConcentration deletion offormal Area ofConcentration X Suspen delete program 0 New academic degree/award program 0 New Professional Studies award iteration 0 New Minor 0 Other: Italics indic te that the proposed program action must be presented to the fUll University Senate for consideration. Summa of Proposed Action: All of the secondary education BS majors adhere to a common curriculum framework (see attached Secondary Education Curricul m Framework); thus, it makes sense to consolidate the existing secondary education program options. The departme t intends to delete the individual secondary education major tracks and create a single Bachelor of Science degree in Secondary Education, with areas of specialization in each of the discipline areas. This pro sal seeks to delete the Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education - Social Studies (which will be replaced by a soci I studies area of specialization in the renamed Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education degree program). ~AT;RE=;~;le':e p:int:me~~:te.~Use:;;;;:naJ=:::'s j; m:;;:;u p;ogr=~ 1. Dep entCornrnitteeChair t)-.J'->"", b~B'£a- ~r... ...... 21...l ~ 2.~ ~C~_L_\_N_~_~ ~~~_~_'_~~~~~~~~~_~~~~~~ PI"''''.... GaA=02~ "'-" ~~ __ 3. cOlleJschOO! PCC Chai, III o~( 09 ~lL~~~fo~ II{G~/09 --'----------'---'------------l..,.L>oo"-'->o-""-'=b>-~--=-=-----"=---~---'-------'------ 4. Dean 5. Dean fthe Graduate School (if required) 6. Chair, enate PCC 7. DUivetity Senate Chai, (if required) 8. Vice TSident fo' Academic Armi", & Provost _ SECONDARY EDUCATION CURRICULUM FRAMEWORK L S ~CONDARY EDUCATION CONTENT MAJOR REQUIREMENT: Consistent with the requirements ofthe Maryland Redesign, all secondary education majors complete a major in the content discipline (e.g., students interested in teaching social studies must complete a major in history, geography, or government and politics). IL S ~CONDARY EDUCATION PROGRAM - COMMON CORE: All secondary education majors complete the following 14 credits: EDPS 210 0 EDPS201 or EDPS 30 EDHD 413 EDHD426 EDCI463 EDCI474 Historical and Philosophical Perspectives on Education or Education in Contemporary American Society or Foundations of Education Adolescent Development Cognition & Motivation in Reading: Reading in Content Areas Reading in the Secondary School Inclusion, Diversity and Professionalism in Secondary Education 3 3 3 3 2 III. S~CONDARY EDUCATION PROGRAM - PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION COURSE WORK: All secondary education majors complete a series ofdiscipline-specific professional education courses: ENGLIS tI Professional Education Courses (BA Degree Only) EDCI466 L terature for Adolescents (3) EDCI467 T aching Writing (3) EDCI4l6 Clmiculum and Instruction in Secondary Education: English (3) EDCI4l7 Bases for English Language Instruction (3) EDCI447 F eld Experience in English Teaching (1) EDCI440 S udent Teaching Seminar in Secondary Education: English (1) EDCI441 S udent Teaching in Secondary Schools: English (12) FOREIGN LANGUAGE Professional Education Courses (BA Degree Only) EDCI410 C/miculum and Instruction in Secondary Education: Foreign Language (3) EDCI433 II troduction to Foreign Language Methods (3) EDCI438 F eld Experience in Second Language Education (1) EDCI430 Srudent Teaching Seminar in Secondary Education: Foreign Language (I) EDCI431 S rudent Teaching in Secondary Schools: Foreign Language (12) MATHEI\fATICS Professional Education Courses (BS Degree Only) EDCI457 EDCI455 EDC1355 EDCI450 EDCI451 Teaching and Learning Middle School Mathematics (3) IV ethods of Teaching Mathematics in Secondary Schools (3) F eld Experience in Secondary Mathematics Education (1) Scudent Teaching Seminar in Secondary Education: Mathematics (1) Student Teaching in Secondary Schools: Mathematics (12) SCIENC E Professional Education Courses (BS Degree Only) EDCI41 I Knowledge, Reasoning, and Learning in Science (3) EDC1375 F eld Experience in Science Education (1) EDCI470 L~arning and Teaching in Science (3) EDCI471 S~dent Teaching in Secondary Schools: Science (12) EDCI480 P actices in Secondary School Science Teaching (2) SOCIAL STUDIES Professional Education Courses (BS or BA Degree, depending on content major) EDCI426 1\ aterials & Resources in Social Studies (3) EDCI427 ( urriculum and Instruction in Secondary Education: Social Studies (3) EDCI428 F'eld Experience in Secondary Social Studies Teaching (1) EDCI42 I Student Teaching in Secondary Schools: Social Studies (12) EDCI420 Student Teaching Seminar in Secondary Education: Social Studies (1) IV, bNIVERSITY GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS: CORE LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES THE UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, COLLEGE PARK PROGRAMICURRICULUMIUNIT PROPOSAL • PI ase ~m~il the rest of the proposal as an MSWord attachment to cC ubmlSSlons umd.edu. !PCC LOG NO o • . 'It 0 9 03 .....7 I PI ase submit the signed form to the Office ofthe Associate Provost fo Academic Planning and Programs, 1119 Main Administration Building, Campus. _ ---'---'''--~~ COllegeJSfhOOI: Educ.tion Departm ntIProgram: Curriculum and InstructionlBachelor of Science in Secondary Education Type of ction (choose one): IJ Curricu urn change (including informal specializations) D Renami g ofprogram or formal Area ofConcentration D Additio /deletion offormal Area ofConcentration D Suspen Vdelete program D New academic degree/award program D New Professional Studies award iteration D New Minor X Other: Addition of area of specialization Italics indic te that the proposed program action must be presented to the fUll University Senate for consideration. Summa of Proposed Action: All of the secondary education BS majors adhere to a common curriculum framework (see attached Secondary Education Curricul Framework); thus, it makes sense to consolidate the existing secondary education program options. The departme t intends to create a single Bachelor of Science degree in Secondary Education by renaming the Bachelor of Science i Secondary Education - Mathematics and changing it to a Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education. Once the Bach lor of Science degree in Secondary Education is established, areas of specialization will be created for each of the separ te disciplinary tracks: Science, Mathematics, and Social Studies. Internal major codes will continue to be used to track t e different specializations to meet state reporting demands. This prop~sal seeks to add three ...... o£Speci.lizatioo (Science, M.them.ties, and Soci.1 Studies) to the new, ~f~~n~~se~on~::u~~~~~~~~~~~~ APPR01AL SIGNATURES - Please print name, sign, and date. Use additional lines for multi-unit programs. I. De~en,committeeChair j1,..,"~ ~~02- 2. Dep on, Chair '-- , '" 0.-\ \J "'~\ 3. Colleg /SchooI PCC Chair h~Oq ck/fL-L'1!£LL L. ~-w~ It {o>:( O~ ll/OS leA 4. Dean 5. Dean fthe G'a<luate School (ihequi,ed) 6. Chair, tenate PCC 7. Univer ity Senate Chair (if required) _ 8. Vice ptesident for Academic Affairs & Provost _ SECONDARY EDUCATION CURRICULUM FRAMEWORK L S ~CONDARY EDUCATION CONTENT MAJOR REQUIREMENT: Consistent with the requirements ofthe Maryland Redesign, all secondary education majors complete a major in the content discipline (e.g., students interested in teaching social studies must complete a major in history, geography, or government and politics). II. S ~CONDARY EDUCATION PROGRAM - COMMON CORE: All secondary education majors complete the following 14 credits: EDPS 210 crEDPS201 or EDPS 30 EDHD 413 EDHD 426 EDCI463 EDCI474 Historical and Philosophical Perspectives on Education or Education in Contemporary American Society or Foundations of Education Adolescent Development Cognition & Motivation in Reading: Reading in Content Areas Reading in the Secondary School Inclusion, Diversity and Professionalism in Secondary Education 3 3 3 3 2 IlLS ~CONDARYEDUCATION PROGRAM - PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION COURSE WORK: All secondary education majors complete a series ofdiscipline-specific professional education courses: ENGLIS a: Professional Education Courses (BA Degree Only) EDCI466 L terature for Adolescents (3) EDCI467 T eaching Writing (3) EDCI416 Curriculum and Instruction in Secondary Education: English (3) EDCI417 Bases for English Language Instruction (3) . . . . EDCI447 Ffld Expenence m EnglIsh Teachmg (1) EDCI440 S dent Teaching Seminar in Secondary Education: English (1) EDCl441 S dent Teaching in Secondary Schools: English (12) FOREI~N LANGUAGE Professional Education Courses (BA Degree Only) EDCI410 EDCI433 EDCI438 EDCI430 EDCI431 urriculum and Instruction in Secondary Education: Foreign Language (3) I troduction to Foreign Language Methods (3) F eld Experience in Second Language Education (I) S dent Teaching Seminar in Secondary Education: Foreign Language (1) S dent Teaching in Secondary Schools: Foreign Language (12) MATHE TICS Professional Education Courses (BS Degree Only) EDCI457 aching and Learning Middle School Mathematics (3) EDCI455 ethods of Teaching Mathematics in Secondary Schools (3) EDC1355 .eld Experience in Secondary Mathematics Education (1) EDCI450 dent Teaching Seminar in Secondary Education: Mathematics (1) EDCI451 dent Teaching in Secondary Schools: Mathematics (12) SCIENC Professional Education Courses (BS Degree Only) EDCI411 EDC1375 EDCI470 EDCI471 EDCI480 owledge, Reasoning, and Learning in Science (3) ield Experience in Science Education (1) earning and Teaching in Science (3) tudent Teaching in Secondary Schools: Science (12) ractices in Secondary School Science Teaching (2) SOCIA STUDIES Professional Education Courses (BS or BA Degree, depending on content major) EDCI426 EDCI427 EDCI428 EDCI421 EDCI420 IV. aterials & Resources in Social Studies (3) urriculum and Instruction in Secondary Education: Social Studies (3) ield Experience in Secondary Social Studies Teaching (I) tudent Teaching in Secondary Schools: Social Studies (12) tudent Teaching Seminar in Secondary Education: Social Studies (I) NIVERSITY GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS: CORE LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES UNIVERSITY SYSTEM OF MARYLAND INSTITUTION PROPOSAL FOR New Instructional Program Substantial Expansion/Major Modification Cooperative Degree Program ------- X University of Maryland, College Park Institution Submitting Proposal Secondary Education Title of Proposed Program Bachelor of ArtsIBachelor of Science Degree to be Awarded Fall 2010 Projected Implementation Date 080300 Proposed HEGIS Code 13.1205 Proposed CIP Code Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education Department in which program will be located Dr. Kathleen Angeletti, Assistant Dean 301-405-2358 Contact Phone Number kangel@umd.edu Contact E-Mail Address Department Contact October 21, 2010 Date nee 1 I. Rationale for the Program This proposal is a component of a larger proposal to reorganize our Secondary Education majors into one general Secondary Education major. The first part of the proposal is to change the name of our Bachelor’s program in Secondary Education Mathematics to the more general title of Secondary Education. Our goal with this larger proposal is to offer a general Secondary Education Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Arts degree instead of the existing thematic Bachelor degree programs that we now offer in Secondary Education-English-Language Arts; Foreign Languages; Social Studies, Mathematics; and Science, all of which we propose to discontinue as part of the larger proposal. The proposal presented in this document is to convert these existing thematic degree areas into Areas of Concentration within the general Secondary Education program. There will be no substantial changes to the curricula. This proposal is simply to reorganize the current Secondary Education offerings under one program with Areas of Concentration in English, Foreign Languages, Social Studies, Mathematics, and Science. The overall effect of this proposal will be to streamline and simplify the Secondary Education major offerings for prospective students, an effort that we believe will contribute to the University of Maryland goal of preparing future high school teachers for the State of Maryland. II. Educational objectives of the Secondary Education degree As is the case with the University’s current Secondary Education programs, the educational objectives will be as follows: The program in Secondary Education will lead to the Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts degree and will prepare teachers in various subject areas for teaching in middle schools and secondary schools, grades 7-12. Along with the Secondary Education major, students must also double-major in a separate content area. The Areas of Concentration within the Secondary Education major will build pedagogical and professional teaching knowledge within the context of the student’s content major. III. Description of program as it would appear in the catalog The Department of Curriculum and Instruction offers an undergraduate curriculum in Secondary Education that leads to the Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts degree and prepares teachers in various subject areas for teaching in middle schools and secondary schools, grades 7-12. All Secondary Education majors are required to have an academic content major that satisfies the requirements of the academic department and meets the standards of teacher certification. Candidates who follow the proposed sequencing of courses can complete both majors in four years with careful advisement and scheduling. Graduates of the Secondary Education program meet the requirements for certification in Maryland and additional states that are affiliated with the Interstate Reciprocity Agreement through the Maryland State Department of Education. IV. Total number of credits and their distribution I. II. III. IV. University General Education Requirements: 43 Credits Secondary Education Content Major Requirement (credits vary by program) Secondary Education Program Common Core Requirements: 14 Credits. Secondary Education Program Area of Concentration– Professional Education Coursework (credits vary by concentration). Students choose one of the following based on their content major: a. English Professional Education Courses: 26 Credits 2 b. c. d. e. Foreign Language Professional Education Courses: 26 Credits Mathematics Professional Education Courses: 26 Credits Science Professional Education Courses: 29 Credits Social Science Professional Education Courses: 33 Credits V. List of courses by title and number Secondary Education Program Common Core Requirements: 14 Credits Course EDPS 210, Historical and Philosophical Perspectives on Education or EDPS 201, Education in Contemporary American Society or EDPS 301, Foundations of Education EDHD 413, Adolescent Development EDHD 426, Cognition & Motivation in Reading: Reading in Content Areas EDCI 463, Reading in the Secondary School EDCI 474, Inclusion, Diversity and Professionalism in Secondary Education Credits 3 Total Areas of Concentration – Professional Education Course Work (Students choose one) English Area of Concentration EDCI 466, Literature for Adolescents EDCI 467, Teaching Writing EDCI 416, Curriculum and Instruction in Secondary Education: English EDCI 417, Bases for English Language Instruction EDCI 447, Field Experience in English Teaching EDCI 440, Student Teaching Seminar in Secondary Education: English EDCI 441, Student Teaching in Secondary Schools: English Total Foreign Language Area of Concentration EDCI 410, Methods I: K-12 Foreign Language Methods and Technology EDCI 433, Advanced K-12 Foreign Language Methods and Technology EDCI 438, Field Experience in Second Language Education EDCI 430, Student Teaching Seminar in Secondary Education: Foreign Language EDCI 431, Student Teaching in Secondary Schools: Foreign Language 400-Level Literature Courses in the Foreign Language Total Mathematics Area of Concentration EDCI 457, Teaching and Learning Middle School Mathematics EDCI 455, Methods of Teaching Mathematics in Secondary Schools EDCI 355, Field Experience in Secondary Mathematics Education EDCI 450, Student Teaching Seminar in Secondary Education: Mathematics EDCI 451, Student Teaching in Secondary Schools: Mathematics MATH 430, Euclidean & Non-Euclidean Geometries STAT 400, Applied Probability & Statistics I or STAT 410, Introduction to Probability Theory Total Science Area of Concentration EDCI 411, Knowledge, Reasoning, and Learning in Science EDCI 375, Field Experience in Science Education 3 3 3 2 14 3 3 3 3 1 1 12 26 3 3 1 1 12 6 26 3 3 1 1 12 3 3 26 3 1 3 EDCI 470, Learning and Teaching in Science EDCI 471, Student Teaching in Secondary Schools: Science EDCI 480, Practices in Secondary School Science Teaching MATH 140, Calculus I MATH 141, Calculus II Total Social Studies Area of Concentration EDCI 426, Materials & Resources in Social Studies EDCI 427, Curriculum and Instruction in Secondary Education: Social Studies EDCI 428, Field Experience in Secondary Social Studies Teaching EDCI 421, Student Teaching in Secondary Schools: Social Studies EDCI 420, Student Teaching Seminar in Secondary Education: Social Studies ECON 201, Principle of Microeconomics SOCY 100, Introduction to Sociology or SOCY 105, Introduction to Contemporary Social Problems PSYC 100, Introduction to Psychology ANTH 240, Introduction to Anthropology or ANTH 260, Introduction to Sociocultural Anthropology and Linguistics Total 3 12 2 4 4 29 3 3 1 12 1 4 3 3 3 33 VI. Expected student learning outcomes As is the case with the University’s current Secondary Education programs, the educational objectives will be as follows: 1. Content knowledge: teacher candidates will have in-depth knowledge of the subject matter that they teach as described in professional, state, and institutional standards. They will demonstrate their knowledge through inquiry, critical analysis, and synthesis of subject. 2. Pedagogical and Professional Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions: Teacher candidates can effectively plan classroom-based instruction or activities for their roles as teachers. Candidates’ knowledge, skills, and dispositions are applied effectively in practice. 3. Professional Dispositions: Teacher candidates are able to work with students, families, and communities in ways that reflect the dispositions expected of professional educators as delineated in professional, state, and institutional standards. VII. Faculty resources The program will be administered by the Department of Curriculum and Instruction in the same manner that the current thematic secondary education programs are administered. There will be no changes to faculty teaching in this program as a result of this change. 4