• NIVERSITY OF 1119 Main Administtation Building College Park, Maryland 20742-5031 301.405.5252 TEL 30] .405.8195 FAX YLAND OFF CE OF THE SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT FO ACADEMIC AFFAIRS AND PROVOST November 9,2009 Cheng-i Wei Dean, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources John Townshend Dean, College of Behavioral and Social Sciences Elizabeth Beise ,6;1~ Interim Associate Provost for Academic Planning and Programs Proposal to Modify the Land Use Concentration for the B.S. in Environmental Science and Policy (PCC log no. 09008) At its meeting on November 6,2009, the Senate Committee on Programs, Curricula and Co ses approved your proposal to modify the Land Use concentration for the B.S. in ironmental Science and Policy. A copy of the approved proposal is attached. The changes are effective Spring 20 I O. The College should ensure that the changes are ful y described in the Undergraduate Catalog and in all relevant descriptive materials, and that all ad isors are informed. M C/ En losure cc: Alex Chen, Chair, Senate PCC Committee Sarah Bauder, Office of Student Financial Aid Reka Montfort, University Senate Erin Howard, Data Administration Donna Williams, Institutional Research & Planning Anne Turkos, Archives Linda Yokoi, Office of the Registrar James Dietz, Undergraduate Studies Bruce James, Environmental Science and Policy Wendy Whittemore, Environmental Science and Policy Martha Geores, Geography THE UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, COLLEGE PARK PROGRAM/CURRICULUM PROPOSAL DIRECTIO S: • Provide one 1'0011 \vith original approval signatures in lines 1 - 4 tor each proposed action. Keep this toon to one page in length. • Early consultation with the Otlice of the Associate Provost tor Academic Planning & Programs is strongly recommended if there are questions or concerns. particularly with new programs. • Please submit the signed foon to Claudia Rector. Otlice of the Associate Provost tor Academic Planning and Programs. 1119 Main Administration Building. Campus. • Please email the rest of the proposal as an MSWord attachment to pcc-submissions!Q'umd.edu. MITTED IPCCLOGNO 09008 E/SCHOOL BSOS DEPAR MENTIPROGRAM GEOGIENSP PROPO~ED ACTION (A separate formfor each) ADD_ _ DELETE_ _ CHANGE X DESC TION (PrOVide a succinct account ofthe proposed action. Details should be provided in an attachm nt. Provide old and new sample programsfor curriculum changes.) • • S eral courses have been deleted from the Technical uirements and moved to the Restricted Electives. This will allow nts who have a strong interest in Geographic Information Systems, Remote Sensing, and/or Computer Cartography to mplete the Minor in GIS and have it recognized on their tnmscript Currently, ENSP students who have an interest in the T chnical courses complete all the same courses - but it cannot be recognized on their transcript as an Approved Minor cause of the "overlap mle." This has a negative impact on their perceived preparation by employers. S eral courses have been added to the Restricted Electives to provide more choices and to reflect current course offerings. mSTIFI ATIONIREASONSIRESOURCES (Briefly explain the reasonfor the proposed action. Identify the source 0 new resources that may be required Details should be provided in an attachment.) idents who do not have a strong interest in the Technical courses related to Land Use nevertheless receive a solid . troduction via GEOG 372 and GEOG 373. • ese changes will reduce slightly the demand on Technical GEOG courses, and reduce demand on GEOG 212 in particular. ~ng the number of choices in Restrided Electives will reduce the demands on all of them • APPRO AL SIGNATURES ent Committee Chair 2.Dep;at'l$entChair .3-u£:~ SchoolPCCChair -..!!!~print name, sign, and date f/:~. r(TaoL-<,(""s C IRIZ I AI C { CI )..( c: ,-(~-£J Q5kP~ 1'k~~A E. G-eo,ttS ~.~ • . P6.AJU II ¢ Cf I ii11f/O? ,,!ZZ.!OL . -1)-01 I 8. Vice P sident for Academic Affairs & Provost 7 r~ m;~ fF-----'-JU!f.----='-"f--lL(O----'--~- ­ VPAAP 8'{)5 LAND USE (CURRENT - Effective since Fall ‘06) Reviewed: 6.23.08 UM Core: ENGL 101___________, (HL)_____________, (HA) _____________, (HL/HA/HO/IE) ______________, (SH) ______________, Diversity _____________ Adv. Writing ____________, Adv. Studies_____________ , (SB)_____________ , (SB/IE) ______________. Grading Policy: Environmental Science and Policy students must earn C grades or higher in all ENSP core courses and in all required courses and restricted electives in the concentration. Required from ENSP Core: Course All three: ENSP 101 (PS) ENSP 102 ENSP 400 (AS) Title Cr Offered Intro. to Environmental Science Intro. to Environmental Policy Capstone in Env. Sci & Policy 3 3 3 F Sp Sp, F Calculus I (recommended) Elementary Calculus I 4 3 Introduction to Biometrics Intro. Statistics for Psychology Principles of Biology II Prerequisites Grade Completed Notes Senior year; ENSP 101 and 102 ___ ___ ___ _________ _________ _________ __________ __________ __________ Sp, F, Su Sp, F, Su dept. perm. or MATH 115 w/C or better dept. perm. or MATH 113, or 115 ___ ___ _________ _________ __________ __________ 3 3 Sp, F Sp, F, Su MATH 115 MATH 111 or equiv. ___ ___ _________ _________ __________ __________ 4 Sp, F, Su placement in MATH 110 or higher 3/1 Sp, F Intro. to Economics and the Envir Principles of Micro-Economics 4 4 Sp, F Sp, F, Su MATH 220 or higher recommended MATH 110 or higher ___ ___ _________ _________ __________ __________ World in Cultural Perspective/Lab - MOVE GEOG 212 3/1 Sp Move 212 (Lab) to Area 2 Technical Skills 3/1 Sp, F, Su 3 3 3 Sp F Sp, F ___ ___ _________ ___________ _________ _________ Calculus: MATH 140 (MS) or MATH 220 (MS) Statistics: BIOM 301 or PSYC 200 Biology: BSCI 106 (LL) Earth Sciences: GEOG 201/211 (PL) Geography of Env Systems/Lab - Economics: AREC 240 (SB) or ECON 200 (SB) Geography: GEOG 202/212 (SB) And: One (1) course from the following 2 groups: Chemistry: CHEM 131/132 (PL) General Chemistry I placement in MATH 113 or higher Govt & Politics: AREC 332 ENSP 330 GVPT 273 Intro. to Natural Resource Policy Introduction to Environmental Law Intro. to Environmental Politics AREC 240 or ECON 200 Permission of dept; Junior standing. GVPT 170 or ENSP 102 (recommended) Continued Required for LAND USE: TECHNIQUES AND METH0DS – 9 credits: Course Title Selected in consultation with your advisor. GEOG 306 Quantitative Methods - MOVE GEOG 372 Remote Sensing GEOG 373 Geographic Information Systems GEOG 375 Cartography - DELETE GEOG 475 Adv Cartography - MOVE * Check with GEOG advisor LOWER LEVEL FOCUS – 3-4 credits: Select Course Title One of: GEOG 123 GEOG 130 GEOG 140 GVPT 260 ENST 200 URSP 100 Cr Offered 3 3 3 3 3 F, Sp F,W, Su F,W, Su * Sp Prerequisites Grade Completed Notes Grade Completed Notes ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ MOVE to ENSP Core Statistics No longer offered MOVE to Area 2 – Technical Skills as you consider your upper-level focus (below) Global Change Developing Countries Coastal Environments State and Local Government Fundamentals of Soil Science Challenge of the Cities Cr 3 3 3 3 4 3 Offered Sp Sp F Sp Sp F Prerequisites CHEM 131/132 RESTRICTED ELECTIVES – 22-25 credits. Students will take 8 courses (total), including at least one course from each of the five (5) areas below: Area 1 – Social/Cultural Dimensions (choose at least 1) Course Title Cr Offered ANTH 450 GEOG 332 GEOG 334 GEOG 431 - MOVE GVPT 461 3 3 3 3 3 F Sp F, Sp F, Su Sp Area 2 – Technical Skills (choose at least 1) Course Title Cr Offered GEOG 418 Field and Lab Tech. in Env Science 3 F GEOG 432 GEOG 472 GEOG 473 Location and Spatial Analysis Rem Sensing, Digital Proc and Anal. Applications of GIS 3 3 3 Sp Sp Sp Cr Offered 3 3 3 3 F F Sp, Su Sp, Su Environmental Anthropology Economic Geography The American City: Past and Pres Culture & Natural Resource Mgt Metropolitan Government Area 3 – Regional Dimensions (choose at least 1) Course Title AREC 455 Economics of Land Use ENST 373 Nat History of the Chesapeake Bay GEOG 310 Maryland GEOG 312 US and Canada * Check with advisor on availability Prerequisites Grade Completed Notes Grade Completed Notes Grade Completed Notes Junior standing Now used as Land Use Capstone Prerequisites Field component takes place in the summer; check Sched of Classes. GEOG 372 GEOG 373 Prerequisites ECON 306 A course in Biology or dept perm Continued Area 4 – Ecological Dimensions (choose at least 1) Course Title Cr Offered BSCI 361 or GEOG 342 BSCI 362 BSCI 460 BSCI 462 GEOG 442 ENST 430 ENST 450 ENST 460 ENST 461 ENST 444 PLSC 471 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Sp Sp F F F F Sp F Sp F F F Ecology or Biogeography Ecol of Marsh and Dune Veg Plant Ecology Population Ecology Biogeography and Env Change Wetland Soils Wetland Ecology Wildlife Management Urban Wildlife Management Restoration Ecology Forest Ecology Area 5 – International Dimensions (choose at least 1) Course Title AREC 332 AREC 365 GEOG 331 GEOG 411 DELETE GEOG 456 ENST 479 Cr Offered Intro to Natural Resources Policy World Hunger, Pop, and Food Supply Hum Dimensions of Global Chng Regional Impl of Env Chng 3 3 3 3 Sp F, Sp F Social Geog of Metro Areas in Global Persp Tropical Ecol and Resource Mgmt 3 F 2 Sp Prerequisites BSCI 106 and (MATH 140 or 220) GEOG 201/211 BSCI 106 BSCI 106 BSCI 106 and MATH 220 GEOG 342 ENST 200 BIOM 301 or permission Two semesters of lab Biology Grade Completed ____ ____ ____ ____ Notes Grade Completed Notes Grade Completed Notes MATH 220 BSCI 106 or PLSC 201 Prerequisites AREC 240 GEOG 201 or 202 or permission No longer offered. BSCI 106 and a course in Economics APPLICATION & SYNTHESIS – 6 credits Course ENSP 386 GEOG 4xx Title Internship Capstone in Land Use (TBA) >> Advisor notes, substitutions, etc. Cr Offered 3-6 3 F, Sp, Su Prerequisites Dept. permission LAND USE - PROPOSED As of: 4.13.09 UM Core: ENGL 101___________, (HL)_____________, (HA) _____________, (HL/HA/HO/IE) ______________, (SH) ______________, Diversity _____________ Adv. Writing ____________, Adv. Studies_____________ , (SB)_____________ , (SB/IE) ______________. Grading Policy: Environmental Science and Policy students must earn C grades or higher in all ENSP core courses and in all required courses and restricted electives in the concentration. Required from ENSP Core: Course All three: ENSP 101 (PS) ENSP 102 ENSP 400 (AS) Title Cr Offered Intro. to Environmental Science Intro. to Environmental Policy Capstone in Env. Sci & Policy 3 3 3 F Sp Sp, F Calculus I (recommended) Elementary Calculus I 4 3 Introduction to Biometrics Quantitative Methods Intro. Statistics for Psychology Principles of Biology II Prerequisites Grade Completed Notes Senior year; ENSP 101 and 102 ___ ___ ___ _________ _________ _________ __________ __________ __________ Sp, F, Su Sp, F, Su dept. perm. or MATH 115 w/C or better dept. perm. or MATH 113, or 115 ___ ___ _________ _________ __________ __________ 3 3 3 Sp, F F, Sp Sp, F, Su MATH 115 ___ ___ _________ _________ __________ __________ 4 Sp, F, Su placement in MATH 110 or higher 3/1 Sp, F 4 4 Sp, F Sp, F, Su ___ ___ _________ _________ __________ __________ 3/1 Sp 3/1 Sp, F, Su 3 3 3 Sp F Sp, F ___ ___ _________ ___________ _________ _________ Calculus: MATH 140 (MS) or MATH 220 (MS) Statistics: BIOM 301 or Add – GEOG 306 or PSYC 200 MATH 111 or equiv. Biology: BSCI 106 (LL) Earth Sciences: GEOG 201/211 (PL) Geography of Env Systems/Lab - Economics: AREC 240 (SB) or ECON 200 (SB) Intro. to Economics and the Envir Principles of Micro-Economics MATH 220 or higher recommended MATH 110 or higher Geography: GEOG 202 (SB) World in Cultural Perspective And: One (1) course from the following 2 groups: Chemistry: CHEM 131/132 (PL) General Chemistry I placement in MATH 113 or higher Govt & Politics: AREC 332 ENSP 330 GVPT 273 Intro. to Natural Resource Policy Introduction to Environmental Law Intro. to Environmental Politics AREC 240 or ECON 200 Permission of dept; Junior standing. GVPT 170 or ENSP 102 (recommended) Continued Required for LAND USE: TECHNIQUES AND METH0DS – 6 credits: Course Title GEOG 372 GEOG 373 Selected in consultation with your advisor. Remote Sensing Geographic Information Systems LOWER LEVEL FOCUS – 3-4 credits: Select Course Title One of: GEOG 123 GEOG 130 GEOG 140 GVPT 260 ENST 200 URSP 100 Cr Offered 3 3 Sp,Su,W F,W, Su Prerequisites Grade Completed Notes Prerequisites Grade Completed Notes ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ as you consider your upper-level focus (below) Global Change Developing Countries Coastal Environments State and Local Government Fundamentals of Soil Science Challenge of the Cities Cr 3 3 3 3 4 3 Offered Sp Sp F Sp Sp F CHEM 131/132 RESTRICTED ELECTIVES – 21-24 credits. Students will take 8 courses (total), including at least one course and 3 credits from each of the five (5) areas below: Area 1 – Social/Cultural Dimensions (choose at least 1 course and 3 credits) Course Title Cr Offered ANTH 450 Add – ENST 440 Add – GEOG 212 GEOG 332 GEOG 334 Add – GEOG 434 Add – GEOG 435 GVPT 461 Add – SOCY 305 Environmental Anthropology Crops, Soils, and Civilization Research/Lab in Cultural Geog Economic Geography The American City: Past and Present The Contemporary City Population Geography Metropolitan Government Scarcity in Modern Society 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 F Sp F, Sp * F, Sp Sp Sp Sp F, Sp, Su Prerequisites Grade Completed Notes Grade Completed Notes Junior standing * Check with advisor on availability Area 2 – Technical Skills (choose at least 1 course and 3 credits) Course Title Cr Offered Add – GEOG 415 Prerequisites 3 F GEOG 201/211, GEOG 306 or equiv GEOG 418 Land Use, Climate Chg and Sustainability Field and Lab Tech. in Env Science 3 F Field component takes place in the summer; check Sched of Classes. GEOG 432 GEOG 472 GEOG 473 Add – GEOG 475 Add – GEOG 476 Location and Spatial Analysis Rem Sensing, Digital Proc and Anal. Applications of GIS Adv Cartography Programming for Geographers 3 3 3 3 3 Sp F Sp Sp Fa GEOG 372 GEOG 373 GEOG 373 GEOG 306 or equivalent Area 3 – Regional Dimensions (choose at least 1 course and 3 credits) Course Title Cr Offered AREC 455 ENST 373 GEOG 310 GEOG 312 GEOG 313 Add – GEOG 410 Economics of Land Use Nat History of the Chesapeake Bay Maryland US and Canada Latin America and the Caribbean Washington, DC : Past and Present 3 3 3 3 3 3 F F Sp, Su Sp, Su Su Sp Prerequisites Area 4 – Ecological Dimensions (choose at least 1 course and 3 credits) Course Title Cr Offered BSCI 361 or GEOG 342 BSCI 362 BSCI 460 BSCI 462 GEOG 442 ENST 430 ENST 450 ENST 460 ENST 461 ENST 444 PLSC 471 Ecology or Biogeography Ecol of Marsh and Dune Veg Plant Ecology Population Ecology Biogeography and Env Change Wetland Soils Wetland Ecology Wildlife Management Urban Wildlife Management Restoration Ecology Forest Ecology 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Sp Sp F F F F Sp F Sp F F F Prerequisites BSCI 106 and (MATH 140 or 220) GEOG 201/211 BSCI 106 BSCI 106 BSCI 106 and MATH 220 GEOG 342 ENST 200 BIOM 301 or permission Two semesters of lab Biology ENST 479 Intro to Natural Resources Policy World Hunger, Pop, and Food Supply Hum Dimensions of Global Chng Social Geog of Metro Areas in Global Persp Tropical Ecol and Resource Mgmt 3 3 3 3 Sp F, Sp F F 2 Sp Completed Notes Grade Completed Notes ____ ____ ____ ____ Grade Completed Notes Grade Completed Notes MATH 220 BSCI 106 or PLSC 201 Area 5 – International Dimensions (choose at least 1 course and 3 credits) Course Title Cr Offered AREC 332 AREC 365 GEOG 331 GEOG 456 Grade ECON 306 A course in Biology or dept perm Prerequisites AREC 240 GEOG 201 or 202 or permission BSCI 106 and a course in Economics APPLICATION & SYNTHESIS – 6 credits Course ENSP 386 Add – GEOG 431 Title Internship Culture & Natural Resource Mgt >> Advisor notes, substitutions, etc. Cr Offered 3-6 3 F, Sp, Su F, Su Prerequisites Dept. permission