Changes to Bachelor of Music Music Theory & Composition Concentration THEORY AREA Old and new program requirements are attached. A summary of the changes and rationale is as follows: 1. Remove: Requirement for courses no longer offered in the division; MUSC 452: Keyboard Harmony and MUSC 494: Survey of Theory. 2. Replace Requirement of MUSC 485: Music in the 20th Century with a choice of an upperlevel history course from among: MUSC 480: Music in Antiquity and the Middle Ages; MUSC 481: Music in the Renaissance; MUSC 482: Music in the Baroque Era; MUSC 483: Music in the Classic Era; MUSC 484: Music in the Romantic Era; or MUSC 485: Music in the 20th Century. 3. Replace: Requirement of MUSC 451: Analysis of Music, MUSC 470: Harmonic and Contrapuntal Practices of the 20th Century, and MUSC 471: Contemporary Compositional Techniques with a choice of three Theory/Composition courses at 400-level or higher (on approval), from a prescribed list. 4. Add: MUET 220: World Popular Musics and Identity to degree requirements, as per the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM) requirement for all Bachelor of Music (BM) degrees. (Also fulfills University CORE HA Diversity requirement.) 5. Add: Two new courses: MUSC 464: Theories of Heinrich Schenker and MUSC 461: Theory and Analysis of Post-Tonal and Twelve-Tone Music. This brings the total required credits to 120-122. 6. Change: Entrance requirements to BM Theory area. Students enter the School in another area and apply to the Theory specialization in the sophomore year, concurrent with the regular admission timeline for the School of Music. Students will submit a letter of application to the Theory/Composition Division Chair, along with their most recent transcript and a portfolio of materials that best represents their work in music theory to date. Acceptance is contingent upon the student receiving an A [A=4.0] in each course in the undergraduate core theory curriculum (MUSC150: Theory of Music I, MUSC 151: Theory of Music II, MUSC 250: Advanced Theory of Music I, and MUSC 251: Advanced Theory of Music II). The proposed changes allow for more flexibility in the theory program by making providing more choice among required theory classes. Rather than specify a few upper-level courses (MUSC 451: Analysis of Music and MUSC 485: Music in the 20th Century) every BM Theory student must take, this change strengthens the program of study by allowing students to take additional advanced courses. It also allows students to tailor their program of study according to their needs and interests, in consultation with a faculty advisor. The new required courses (MUSC 464: The Theories of Heinrich Schenker, MUSC 461: Theory and Analysis of Atonal and Twelve-tone Music, and MUSC 465: Theory in Analysis) demand that BM Theory students gain literacy and practical Page 1 of 6 experience with what has become a central approach to the study of common-practice tonal music (18th and 19th centuries) in contemporary music theory. Courses proposed for addition and deletion reflect changes in UM faculty and in the field. The entrance requirements are being proposed because entering freshman generally have no experience with Music Theory as a scholarly discipline--i.e., as a critical discipline in the humanities, concerned with analysis of musical literature rather than rudiments of musical grammar. This move to base acceptance to the BM Theory area on demonstrated aptitude, interest, and some familiarity with Music Theory as a scholarly discipline brings the BM Theory program area admission requirements in line with admission requirements in other areas in the School of Music. Students enrolled in the program prior to the effective date of the proposed curriculum changes may complete their program under the old requirements if they wish. This will not impact course offerings. Furthermore, the proposed changes do not impact any articulation or transfer programs. Page 2 of 6 Current Program Requirements 2006-2007 Page 3 of 6 Current Suggested Program 2006-2007 Page 4 of 6 Proposed Program 2007-2008 BACHELOR OF MUSIC – MUSIC THEORY & COMPOSITION THEORY AREA MAJOR PERFORMANCE AREA (15 crs.) Grade Crs Term Course MUSP 109 Lessons 2 MUSP 110 Lessons 2 MUSP 207 Lessons 2 MUSP 208 Lessons 2 MUSP 305 Lessons 2 Ensembles: MUSC 229/329 Large Ensemble 1 MUSC 229/329 Large Ensemble 1 MUSC 229/329 Large Ensemble 1 MUSC 229/329 Large Ensemble 1 MUSC 229/329 Large Ensemble 1 (44 crs.) MAJOR ACADEMIC AREA Term Course Grade Crs MUSC 102 Class Piano I 2 MUSC 103 Class Piano II 2 MUSC 150 Theory I 3 MUSC 151 Theory II 3 MUSC 250 Adv Theory I 4 MUSC 251 Adv Theory II 4 MUSC 230 Music History I 3 MUSC 330 Music History II 3 MUSC 331 Music History III 3 MUSC 450 Musical Form 3 MUSC 460 Counterpoint 3 MUSC 463 MIDI Applications 3 MUSC 490 Conducting 2 MUSC 464 Theories of Schenker 3 MUSC 461 Post Tonal & Twelve Tone 3 One music history course chosen from the following: (3crs.) MUSC 480 Antiquity & Middle Ages 3 MUSC 481 Renaissance 3 MUSC 482 Baroque Era 3 MUSC 483 Classic Era 3 MUSC 484 Romantic Era 3 MUSC 485 Twentieth Century 3 Three courses chosen from the following: (9 crs.) Three courses selected from the following: _____MUSC 451 Analysis of Music _____ _____MUSC 455 Theory of Jazz _____ _____MUSC 470 Harm. and Contra. Pract. _____ _____MUSC 471 Contemp. Comp. Tech. _____ _____MUSC 465 Theory in Analysis _____ _____MUSC 4__ (with division permission) MUSC 099 PERFORMANCE ATTENDANCE (0Crs.) MUSC 099 Performance Attendance 0 MUSC 099 Performance Attendance 0 MUSC 099 Performance Attendance 0 MUSC 099 Performance Attendance 0 MUSC 099 Performance Attendance 0 MUSC 099 Performance Attendance 0 Music Elective Term Course Grade ____ _____________________ _____ CORE REQUIREMENTS (48 crs.) Term Grade Crs Course UNIV 101 Intro to Univ. 2 FUNDAMENTAL STUDIES ENGL 101 <FE> ENGL 391 <JE> MATH 110 <FM> 3 3 3 DISTRIBUTIVE STUDIES Arts and Humanities 3 Humanities Literature <HL> MUET 220 3 Humanities History/Theory of Art <HA> 3 Humanities <HL>, <HA> or <HO> Mathematics and Science Three courses chosen from these areas: Physical Science <PL>/<PS>, Life Science <LL>/<LS> or Math & Formal Reasoning <MS>. One course must be a lab. All three courses cannot be in one area. Lab 4 3 3 Social Sciences and History 3 Social or Political History <SH> 3 Behavioral and Social Sciences <SB> 3 Behavioral and Social Sciences <SB> Diversity <D> 3 Chosen from the approved list <D> ADVANCED STUDIES Two courses at the 300 or 400 level course outside major 3 3 1 Crs. _____ Total Credits Page 5 of 6 120 7/06 BACHELOR OF MUSIC– MUSIC THEORY & COMPOSITION THEORY AREA Freshman Year Semester 1 MUSP 109 MUSC 229/329 MUSC 150 MUSC 102 ENGL 101 UNIV 101 Lessons Ensemble Theory I Class Piano I Fresh. Writing Intro to Univ. 2 crs 1 3 2 3 2 13 Semester 2 MUSP 110 MUSC 229/329 MUSC 151 MUSC 103 MATH 110 Distributive Studies Lessons Ensemble Theory II Class Piano II Fund. Math (4crs. lab sci.) 2 crs 1 3 2 3 4 15 Lessons Ensemble Adv. Theory II Music History 2 1 4 3 6 16 Sophomore Year Semester 1 MUSP 207 MUSC 229/329 MUSC 250 MUSC 230 MUET 220 <HA><D> Distributive Studies Lessons Ensemble Adv. Theory I Music History World Music 2 1 4 3 3 3 16 Semester 2 MUSP 208 MUSC 229/329 MUSC 251 MUSC 330 Distributive Studies Junior Year Semester 1 MUSP 305 MUSC 229/329 MUSC 331 MUSC 450 MUSC 463 Distributive Studies Lessons Ensemble Music History Musical Form MIDI Appl. 2 1 3 3 3 3 15 Semester 2 MUSC 48x MUSC 460 ENGL 391 Advanced Studies Distributive Studies Music History 3 Counterpoint 3 Tech. Writing 3 3 3 15 Senior Year Semester 1 MUSC 4xx Theory Elective 3 MUSC 4xx Theory Elective 3 MUSC 464 Theories of Schenker 3 Advanced Studies 3 Distributive Studies 3 15 Semester 2 MUSC 4xx Theory Elective MUSC 461 Post Tonal/12 Tone MUSC 490 Conducting Distributive Studies Elective Total Credits Page 6 of 6 6 3 2 3 1 15 120 Changes to Bachelor of Music Music Theory & Composition Concentration COMPOSITION AREA The proposed requirements are identical to the current requirements except the following: Remove: 1 elective credit in existing BM composition program. Add: Required private lessons in composition during the first year (MUSP119T and MUSP120T), increasing the total credits of Applied Lessons from 14 to 18. This brings the total required credits for the composition area to 123. Add: Requirement that all undergraduate composers have at least one performance of one of their original compositions each year at UM during their tenure. The vast majority of students in the composition area enter the program as freshmen, yet their study of composition (in required applied lessons) is not scheduled to begin until the sophomore year. The vast majority of composition students desire to begin study immediately. Additionally, this differs from many of our peer institutions (e.g. Eastman School of Music, Indiana University) and other BM programs in the School of Music, where students enroll in lessons for 8 total semesters. Since adding the lessons will bring the program to 124 credits, the one elective credit is no longer needed (for a final total of 123). The addition of a required yearly performance of a student work strengthens current performance requirements, which involves a single performance during the student's tenure at Maryland. Again, this requirement brings the composition area in better alignment with current performance requirements in other areas of the Bachelor of Music. No new courses are being proposed. Composition lessons that will be taken during the freshman year (MUSP119T & MUSP120T) already exist. Statement: Students enrolled in the program prior to the effective date of the proposed curriculum changes may complete their program under the old requirements if they wish. This will not impact course offerings. Furthermore, the proposed changes do not impact any articulation or transfer programs. Students who enter after their first semester on campus will be treated similarly to those in the BM-Performance concentration. All students will first enroll in MUSP119T. At the end of each semester, students may petition the composition faculty to have one or more semesters of composition lessons waived to put them on track for a timely graduation. The student should be at or above the appropriate compositional level for their skills. 1 Current Program 2006-2007 BACHELOR OF MUSIC – MUSIC THEORY AND COMPOSITION COMPOSITION AREA MAJOR PERFORMANCE AREA Term Course MUSP 109 Instrument Lessons MUSP 110 Instrument Lessons MUSP 207 Instrument Lessons MUSP 208 Instrument Lessons MUSP 119T Composition Lessons * MUSP 120T Composition Lessons * MUSP 217T Composition Lessons MUSP 218T Composition Lessons MUSP 315T Composition Lessons MUSP 316T Composition Lessons MUSP 419T Composition Lessons MUSP 420T Composition Lessons Ensembles MUSC 229/329 Large Ensemble MUSC 229/329 Large Ensemble MUSC 229/329 Large Ensemble MUSC 229/329 Large Ensemble MUSC 229/329 Large Ensemble MUSC 229/329 Large Ensemble MUSC 229/329 Large Ensemble MUSC 229/329 Large Ensemble UNIV 101 Intro to Univ. (30 crs.) Grade Crs 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 FUNDAMENTAL STUDIES ENGL 101 <FE> ENGL 391 <JE> MATH 110 <FM> 3 Humanities Literature <HL> MUET 220 3 Humanities History/Theory of Art <HA> 3 Humanities <HL>, <HA> or <HO> Mathematics and Science Three courses chosen from these areas: Physical Science <PL>/<PS>, Life Science <LL>/<LS> or Math & Formal Reasoning <MS>. One course must be a lab. All three courses cannot be in one area. MAJOR ACADEMIC AREA (44 credits) Term Course Grade Crs MUSC 102 Class Piano I 2 MUSC 103 Class Piano II 2 MUSC 150 Theory I 3 MUSC 151 Theory II 3 MUSC 250 Adv Theory I 4 MUSC 251 Adv Theory II 4 MUSC 230 Music History I 3 MUSC 330 Music History II 3 MUSC 331 Music History III 3 MUSC 450 Musical Form 3 MUSC 460 Counterpoint 3 MUSC 463 MIDI Applications 3 MUSC 470 Harmonic & 3 Contrapuntal MUSC 486 Orchestration 3 MUSC 490 Conducting I 2 MUET 220 World Music 3 ELECTIVES CORE REQUIREMENTS Course Term 3 3 3 DISTRIBUTIVE STUDIES Arts and Humanities 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MUSC 099 PERFORMANCE ATTENDANCE MUSC 099 Performance Attendance MUSC 099 Performance Attendance MUSC 099 Performance Attendance MUSC 099 Performance Attendance MUSC 099 Performance Attendance MUSC 099 Performance Attendance 2 Lab 4 3 3 Social Sciences and History 3 Social or Political History <SH> 3 Behavioral and Social Sciences <SB> 3 Behavioral and Social Sciences <SB> Diversity <D> MUET 220 Chosen from the approved list 3 <D> ADVANCED STUDIES (0Crs.) 0 0 0 0 0 0 Two courses at the 300 or 400 level course outside major 3 3 Total Credits 120 7/06 (1) (45 crs.) Grade Crs * MUSP 119T & 120T are optional for students who want a full 8 semesters of composition lessons. 2 Current Program 2006-2007 BACHELOR OF MUSIC – MUSIC THEORY AND COMPOSITION COMPOSITION AREA SUGGESTED PROGRAM Freshman Year Semester 1 MUSP 109 MUSC 229 MUSC 150 MUSC 102 ENGL 101 Distributive Studies UNIV 101 Inst. Lessons Large Ensemble Theory I Class Piano I Fresh. Writing Intro to Univ. Semester 2 MUSP 110 Inst. Lessons MUSC 229 Large Ensemble MUSC 151 Theory II MUSC 103 Class Piano II MATH 110 Fund. Math Distributive Studies (lab sci.) 2 crs 1 3 2 3 3 2 16 2 crs 1 3 2 3 4 15 Sophomore Year Semester 1 MUSP 207 MUSP 217T MUSC 229 MUSC 250 MUSC 230 Distributive Studies Inst. Lessons Comp. Lessons Large Ensemble Adv. Theory I Music History Semester 2 MUSP 208 MUSP 218T MUSC 229 MUSC 251 Distributive Studies 2 2 1 4 3 3 15 Inst. Lessons Comp. Lessons Large Ensemble Adv. Theory II 2 2 1 4 6 15 Comp. Lessons Large Ensemble Music History Musical Form MIDI Appl. World Music 2 1 3 3 3 3 Junior Year Semester 1 MUSP 315T MUSC 229 MUSC 330 Comp. Lessons 2 Large Ensemble 1 Music History 3 MUSC 460 Counterpoint 3 ENGL 391 Distributive Studies Tech. Writing 3 3 15 Semester 2 MUSP 316T MUSC 229 MUSC 331 MUSC 450 MUSC 463 MUET 220 <HA><D> 15 Senior Year Semester 1 MUSP 419T MUSC 229 Semester 2 MUSP 420T MUSC 229 MUSC 486 Advanced Studies Distributive Studies Electives Comp. Lessons 2 Large Ensemble 1 MUSC 470 Harmonic & Contrapuntal 3 MUSC 490 Conducting 2 Advanced Studies 3 Distributive Studies 3 14 Total Credits 3 Comp. Lessons 4 Large Ensemble 1 Orchestration 3 3 3 1 15 120 Proposed Program 2007-2008 BACHELOR OF MUSIC – MUSIC THEORY AND COMPOSITION COMPOSITION AREA MAJOR PERFORMANCE AREA Term Course MUSP 109 Instrument Lessons MUSP 110 Instrument Lessons MUSP 207 Instrument Lessons MUSP 208 Instrument Lessons MUSP 119T Composition Lessons MUSP 120T Composition Lessons MUSP 217T Composition Lessons MUSP 218T Composition Lessons MUSP 315T Composition Lessons MUSP 316T Composition Lessons MUSP 419T Composition Lessons MUSP 420T Composition Lessons Ensembles MUSC 229/329 Large Ensemble MUSC 229/329 Large Ensemble MUSC 229/329 Large Ensemble MUSC 229/329 Large Ensemble MUSC 229/329 Large Ensemble MUSC 229/329 Large Ensemble MUSC 229/329 Large Ensemble MUSC 229/329 Large Ensemble (34 crs.) Grade Crs 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 CORE REQUIREMENTS Term Course UNIV 101 Intro to Univ. 2 FUNDAMENTAL STUDIES ENGL 101 <FE> ENGL 391 <JE> MATH 110 <FM> 3 3 3 DISTRIBUTIVE STUDIES Arts and Humanities 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 Humanities Literature <HL> MUET 220 3 Humanities History/Theory of Art <HA> 3 Humanities <HL>, <HA> or <HO> Mathematics and Science Three courses chosen from these areas: Physical Science <PL>/<PS>, Life Science <LL>/<LS> or Math & Formal Reasoning <MS>. One course must be a lab. All three courses cannot be in one area. MAJOR ACADEMIC AREA (44 credits) Term Course Grade Crs MUSC 102 Class Piano I 2 MUSC 103 Class Piano II 2 MUSC 150 Theory I 3 MUSC 151 Theory II 3 MUSC 250 Adv Theory I 4 MUSC 251 Adv Theory II 4 MUSC 230 Music History I 3 MUSC 330 Music History II 3 MUSC 331 Music History III 3 MUSC 450 Musical Form 3 MUSC 460 Counterpoint 3 MUSC 463 MIDI Applications 3 MUSC 470 Harmonic & 3 Contrapuntal MUSC 486 Orchestration 3 MUSC 490 Conducting I 2 MUET 220 World Music 3 MUSC 099 PERFORMANCE ATTENDANCE MUSC 099 Performance Attendance MUSC 099 Performance Attendance MUSC 099 Performance Attendance MUSC 099 Performance Attendance MUSC 099 Performance Attendance MUSC 099 Performance Attendance (45 crs.) Grade Crs Lab 4 3 3 Social Sciences and History 3 Social or Political History <SH> 3 Behavioral and Social Sciences <SB> 3 Behavioral and Social Sciences <SB> Diversity <D> MUET 220 (0Crs.) 0 0 0 0 0 0 Chosen from the approved list 3 <D> ADVANCED STUDIES Two courses at the 300 or 400 level course outside major 3 3 Total Credits 123 10/06 4 Proposed Program 2007-2008 BACHELOR OF MUSIC – MUSIC THEORY AND COMPOSITION COMPOSITION AREA SUGGESTED PROGRAM Freshman Year Semester 1 MUSP 109 MUSP 119T MUSC 229 MUSC 150 MUSC 102 ENGL 101 UNIV 101 Inst. Lessons Comp. Lessons Large Ensemble Theory I Class Piano I Fresh. Writing Intro to Univ. Semester 2 MUSP 110 MUSP 120T MUSC 229 MUSC 151 MUSC 103 MATH 110 Distributive Studies 2 crs 2 1 3 2 3 2 15 Inst. Lessons Comp Lessons Large Ensemble Theory II Class Piano II Fund. Math 2 crs 2 1 3 2 3 3 16 Inst. Lessons Comp. Lessons Large Ensemble Adv. Theory II 2 2 1 4 6 15 Comp. Lessons Large Ensemble Music History Musical Form MIDI Appl. World Music 2 1 3 3 3 3 Sophomore Year Semester 1 MUSP 207 MUSP 217T MUSC 229 MUSC 250 MUSC 230 Distributive Studies Inst. Lessons Comp. Lessons Large Ensemble Adv. Theory I Music History Semester 2 MUSP 208 MUSP 218T MUSC 229 MUSC 251 Distributive Studies 2 2 1 4 3 3 15 Junior Year Semester 1 MUSP 315T MUSC 229 MUSC 330 Comp. Lessons 2 Large Ensemble 1 Music History 3 MUSC 460 Counterpoint 3 ENGL 391 Distributive Studies Tech. Writing 3 3 15 Semester 2 MUSP 316T MUSC 229 MUSC 331 MUSC 450 MUSC 463 MUET 220 <HA><D> 15 Senior Year Semester 1 MUSP 419T MUSC 229 Semester 2 MUSP 420T Comp. Lessons MUSC 229 Large Ensemble MUSC 486 Orchestration Advanced Studies Distributive Studies (lab sci.) Comp. Lessons 2 Large Ensemble 1 MUSC 470 Harmonic & Contrapuntal 3 MUSC 490 Conducting 2 Advanced Studies 3 Distributive Studies 6 17 Total Credits 5 4 1 3 3 4 15 123