October 20, 2004 Dr William W. Destler Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost 1119 Main Administration Building Campus Dear Provost Destler; I forward with my enthusiastic approval the proposal from the School of Languages Literatures and Cultures (SLLC) for a new PhD program in Second Language Acquisition. The emerging discipline of Second Language Acquisition (SLA) is the major research area of Professor Michael Long, director of the SLLC. Prior to coming to UMCP Professor Long was instrumental in building the SLA program at the University of Hawaii into the preeminent program in the country. In this enterprise, Professor Long is capitalizing on our “unfair advantages” at UMCP: • • • • • our location on the doorstep of Washington, DC, an international city; the presence on this campus of the Center for Advanced Study of Languages (CASL), a federally funded University Affiliated Research Center (UARC) that is already funding a broad range of linguistic and language-acquisition initiatives; the presence on the SLLC faculty of a solid core of faculty whose major research area is second language acquisition; the presence within the College of Arts and Humanities of the National Foreign Language Center; and the presence of a significant population of faculty in related units in ARHU, and, more importantly, across the campus, also dedicated to the study of language acquisition. This proposal has been carefully reviewed by the Arts and Humanities PCC committee to determine that it contains the appropriate curricular rigor for a doctoral program. That body voted unanimously to approve the program. It has also been reviewed carefully by the College APAC to determine whether the resources claimed as necessary for the program are in fact in place to support a new doctoral program. That body also approved this proposal with considerable enthusiasm and without demurer. As the proposal makes clear, the study of second language acquisition is an emerging research area in which there exists the potential to attract significant research funding. This fact is recognized by Dr. Long as well as by Director Brecht and others endorsing the proposal in their letters of support. It may be stating the obvious to emphasize that it is necessary for UMCP to mount this PhD program in order to compete for this research funding. I scarcely think that I need to emphasize the desirability to increase the base of external funding for any program on this campus in the current budgetary climate. That we are confident that the proposed PhD program will quickly become recognized as one of the leaders in the discipline makes all the more compelling the case for its approval. As you know, this College took a proactive stance in 2000, by reconfiguring four free-standing language departments into a single School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures. In doing so, we were creating a new model for the school, one in which initiatives that crossed language-family barriers could grow. The master’s program in Second Language Acquisition and Application is one such cooperative enterprise; the current SLA doctoral program is the logical next step. I have already pledged to the support of this program significant College resources to help launch the program. The school is currently searching for a faculty member at the senior rank in SLA, and they will search again in 2007 for a second new position at the Assistant Professor level. The letters of support (in the appendices) from various departmental administrators and faculty outside of the SLLC and from beyond the Campus indicate the breadth of the support for this initiative. I give it my strongest endorsement and urge its acceptance by the campus committees that must review it. Sincerely, James F. Harris Dean JFH:csr I. Overview and Rationale IA. The nature of the proposed Ph.D program and why it should be offered at UMCP IA1. The scope and intellectual content of SLA Despite the fact that most work dates only from the late 1960s, the field of second language acquisition (SLA) is already broad in scope. It encompasses basic and applied work on the acquisition and loss of foreign and second (third, etc.) languages and dialects by children and adults learning naturalistically and/or with the aid of formal instruction, as individuals or in social, e.g., migrant, groups, in foreign, second language, and lingua franca settings. Basic questions SLA researchers ask include the following: How do people learn foreign languages, second languages, and new dialects of their own language? What are the relative contributions of innate and learned linguistic knowledge, i.e., of nature and nurture, to the acquisition process? Why do so many adults do so poorly at foreign language learning, when almost all children learn their native language and other languages with seeming ease, regardless of IQ and social circumstances? Is adult loss of access to innate linguistic knowledge a factor? Do individual differences play a part? Are different psychological processes involved in child and adult language learning? Why are some foreign languages and types of languages so much harder for adults to learn than others? Does general proficiency in a foreign language later transfer satisfactorily to help meet specialized adult needs in particular academic and occupational settings, or is specialized training from the outset more efficient? Do adult bilinguals make better (third) language learners than monolinguals? Under what circumstances is adult success more likely? How can adult foreign language learning environments be engineered to improve outcomes? These are just a few of the questions at the intellectual core of SLA. In pursuit of answers, theorists draw on knowledge bases in several disciplines, including linguistics, applied linguistics, psychology, educational psychology, measurement, anthropology, and increasingly, SLA itself. Research methods employed run the gamut from naturalistic observation in field settings, through descriptive and quasi-experimental studies, to experimental laboratory work and computer simulations. In addition, SLA researchers design and employ a wide array of language-specific data-collection and analysis procedures, ranging from elicited imitation and grammaticality judgment and preference tests, through linguistic profiling and discourse analysis, to criterion-referenced, taskbased performance tests and global measures of oral proficiency. Theory and research in SLA is intellectually fascinating, and constitutes a relatively new part of the rapidly growing interdisciplinary field of cognitive science (a developing strength at College Park), unified by its principal object of inquiry: the human mind. While SLA’s overall scope is broad, the proposed Ph.D. program will be highly specialized and visibly differentiated from all major competitors. Strongly cognitively 2 oriented in approach, the focus will be foreign language learning and use by adults, with particular emphasis on the less commonly taught languages (LCTLs). The program is not designed for, but will be open to, individuals planning to work in education programs for school-age children, whose needs and concerns are very different. Important specializations available to students would include work on maturational constraints and the so-called Critical Period Hypothesis; cognitive processes, e.g., automatization and the roles of implicit and explicit language learning; individual differences, e.g., age, language aptitude, intelligence, memory, cognitive style, attitude, motivation, and prior languagelearning experience; foreign language speech processing; linguistic profiling and the cross-linguistic study of foreign language development; dialect recognition and acquisition; third language acquisition and cross-training, e.g., the effects on third language acquisition of prior command of a typologically proximate or distant native or second language; developmental and cross-cultural pragmatics; the advanced learner (a hitherto much neglected but increasingly important dimension of the field); learner needs analysis; the acquisition of specialized language abilities required for many adult learners’ academic or professional work; and cutting across all of these (along with work on French, German, Spanish, and other commonly taught modern European languages), the acquisition, teaching, and testing of less commonly taught and rarely taught languages, such as Arabic, Persian, Hebrew, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Pashto, Turkish, Hindi-Urdu, etc. No other Ph.D. program in the U.S.A. is aligned this way, yet these foci fit naturally together, with faculty strengths in the School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (SLLC) and elsewhere at College Park, with widespread student interest, with rapidly growing numbers of job opportunities in academia and government service, and with burgeoning national and international needs and the targets of outside funding resources. Applications of SLA theory and research findings on which students are expected to work include (1) the development, implementation, and validation of new procedures for task-based learner needs analysis, (2) new measures of language aptitude and other individual difference variables; and (3) new measures of criterion-referenced language performance; (4) multivariate analyses of factors predicting success and failure in adult foreign language classrooms (like those traversed by several thousand College Park students each year), as opposed to study abroad programs and other types of immersion experiences for adults; (5) matching foreign language instructional approaches with adult learner types, defined in terms of profiles of state and trait variables; (6) identification of residual linguistic, including cross-cultural pragmatic, problems of very advanced adult learners; (7) rapid ramp-up strategies for instruction in federal government language programs in less commonly taught and rarely taught languages, for which both trained instructors and teaching materials are often lacking; (8) dialect identification and other areas of forensic linguistics; (9) foreign language programs for various special learners, e.g., the hearing impaired and certain abnormal populations; (10) the design of training programs for foreign and second language use by adults in a variety of academic and occupational settings; (11) evaluations of such programs; and (12) statistical metaanalyses of emerging bodies of substantive research findings in a number of areas of SLA research, both basic and applied, which are of growing interest in the field. 3 Program graduates would be in great demand in the job market. The demand for experts in SLA has never been greater, and is only likely to grow. The majority would enter government service as expert foreign language professionals in the large training programs operated by several federal departments and agencies, or else work in academia in the USA and abroad, teaching SLA in departments of linguistics, applied linguistics, and foreign languages, and sometimes directing university foreign language programs, as well. Other options include work in refugee programs operated by a variety of NGOs and international agencies, and careers in the training of interpreters and translators, in publishing, and in university international program offices and study abroad programs. Several powerful forces in today’s world, many of them highly regrettable, such as war, famine, ethnic cleansing, and forced economic migration, as well as globalization, make the learning of foreign and second languages by individuals, families, and larger groups an increasingly frequent, important, and urgent phenomenon. SLA is far from the only relevant problem-solving knowledge base, but it is a crucial one. IA2. The relevance of the proposed program to institutional priorities In addition to being a program that addresses critical U.S. needs, SLA is an area where Maryland can quickly achieve a position of national leadership. As detailed in section VIII, below, there are excellent faculty members at College Park whose combined expertise rivals or exceeds that of top-ranked institutions in the field. A first-rate Ph.D. program will leverage and complement existing institutional strengths, and simultaneously provide an expert knowledge base and source of well-trained graduates absolutely crucial, but currently in short supply, elsewhere on campus. The new federally funded University-Affiliated Research Center (UARC), the Center for Advanced Study of Language (CASL), and the College of Arts and Sciences’ (ARHU) National Foreign Language Center (NFLC), for example, are both units that specialize in research and policy on foreign languages in the USA, with LCTLs crucial in each case. Both CASL and the NFLC depend fundamentally, although by no means exclusively, on exactly the sort of expertise the Ph.D. program would develop and the graduates it would produce. For these reasons, CASL is willing to provide full funding for a number of students in the proposed program, and both CASL and NFLC will provide paid internships.1 SLA is clearly an institutional priority, just as it is a rapidly growing national priority. To illustrate, work on learner needs analysis, on individual difference variables, and on matching choices among instructional options to learner types with varying linguistic profiles, increasingly influences the design of instructional programs for adults at very advanced proficiency levels, e.g., students in the so-called National Flagship programs (part of the National Security Education Program’s National Foreign Language Initiative, a contract administered by NFLC), and career diplomats and staff in a variety of state and federal government departments and agencies. Research findings on simplification and elaboration processes in foreigner talk discourse, and from discourse 1 See Appendix E for letters of support for the proposed program from the Directors of both CASL and NFLC. 4 analyses of language use in occupational and educational settings, is relevant for the design of advanced language training and the development of specialized foreign language teaching materials, such as those currently being produced as part of the U.S. Defense Department-funded, multi-million dollar LangNet project in the NFLC. Research on cross-cultural and developmental pragmatics is recognized as crucial for many of the same government employees, for those striving to improve success rates for immigrants and members of ethnolinguistic minorities, e.g., speakers of what are often (unjustly) stigmatized dialects, in workplace settings in the U.S.A. and countries around the world, and for cross-cultural understanding in the global community. IA3. Market demand The job market in academe, government, the corporate sector, and elsewhere is excellent locally, nationally, and internationally, and will remain so for the foreseeable future. Most SLA Ph.D. holders teach in universities in the U.S.A. and overseas, or enter government service, but other career options include the business sector (many major corporations in industrialized societies, e.g., banks, airlines, and trading companies, have their own language and cross-cultural training programs), the military, refugee programs, publishing, and various components of criminal justice systems. Demand for professionals with doctoral level training in SLA, especially if combined with advanced language competency in foreign languages, and less commonly and rarely taught foreign languages, in particular, has increased over the past ten years due to new geopolitical and economic realities. We are witnessing enormous growth in foreign language education programs for government employees2 and an increase in requests for double-major foreign language options in disciplines such as business, government and politics, engineering, and social services. In particular, increased demand 2 To give some idea of the scope of the demand, a number of government agencies in the Washington, D.C. area alone each employ several thousand foreign language professionals and operate very large foreign language training programs for their staff. A major initiative was recently begun to raise the lowest proficiency level of all those career foreign language professionals from level 2 to level 3 on the Interagency Language Roundtable scale, an effort that will probably require an average of three to four semesters of language study for most individuals. The Defense Language Institute in Monterey provides language training to approximately six thousand students at any one time, and employs several hundred instructors and a large research and testing staff for the purpose. A smaller operation in Washington, D.C. does the same for high-ranking staff, often involving intensive training in rarely taught languages for small groups of senior officers. All branches of the U.S. military provide distance foreign language skills maintenance programs for thousands of military linguists (foreign language specialists) in the field. The Foreign Service Institute operates a major intensive foreign language program for diplomatic staff in Virginia, again involving a large specialist teaching and research staff. The major focus of all these programs is the less commonly and rarely taught languages. Specialists in SLA are needed to staff the upper echelons of all these and many other programs. 5 for professionals with dual competency in the discipline and a foreign language (at very advanced proficiency levels) has been expressed by the National Security Agency (NSA), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the State Department, and the Department of Defense, among other federal agencies. Entry will be highly competitive, and the program heavily research-oriented. Graduates will be among the best trained and most attractive of those produced by the 40 such programs around the country each year and if they so choose, can confidently expect to secure tenure-line appointments at major universities in the USA and overseas in what is very much a seller’s market, and will remain so for years to come. Major 20th and 21st century geo-political trends -- globalization, large and growing refugee and immigrant populations, labor markets that cross national boundaries, greatly increased international travel, etc. -- and rapidly widening recognition of the importance of foreign and second language development have created numerous tenure-line positions requiring doctoral level expertise in SLA, demand as yet unmet by the hopelessly inadequate supply of well trained applicants. It is difficult to quantify openings in the government and corporate sector, as the announcements tend to appear in a wide variety of publications, many not commonly read by university faculty. Numbers in academe are easier to assess, however, and alone provide sufficient evidence of the enormous demand for SLA specialists. Many job opportunities are announced in SLA and applied linguistics each year, increasingly in university foreign language departments. These openings and others will make a Ph.D. in SLA -- with strong foreign language specialization opportunities, including in less commonly taught languages -- (a) a natural for SLLC, (b) exceptionally useful to many USG agencies and departments, and to CASL, and (c) correspondingly attractive for many students. The expanding job market no doubt partially accounts for the number of applications for doctoral study in SLA and applied linguistics in U.S. programs. One indication of employment opportunities at the national and international level comes in the form of a survey by Dr. Lianne Hinton, at UC, Berkeley. Hinton surveyed university-level openings advertised on Linguist List in 2002. In that venue alone, 167 were advertised for SLA/Applied Linguistics.3 The tally certainly underestimates the total number available, since many SLA openings are not advertised on Linguist List at all. A survey conducted while this proposal was being prepared of position announcements for the 2005-06 academic year on the American Association for Applied Linguistics and 3 The other categories were Computational Linguistics – 128, General linguistics -- 55 (generally not in a linguistics department, and tied in many cases to applied linguistics), Syntax – 41, Phonetics – 35, Phonology – 34, psycholinguistics – 34, translation – 34, sociolinguistics 31, Cognitive Science – 24, semantics – 21, Language description – 17, text/corpus, linguistics – 15, Discourse analysis – 9, Forensic Linguistics - 2 (both international), Historical linguistics – 10, Lexicography – 10, Morphology – 8, Neurolinguistics – 8, Ling & Lit – 7, Pragmatics – 6, typology – 6, anthropological Linguistics – 6, Linguistic theories – 5, writing systems – 3. 6 Modern Language Association web-sites shows approximately 100 openings suitable for SLA Ph.D. holders.4 Based on these two statistics, and our extensive knowledge of the field, a conservative estimate of employment opportunities for holders of the proposed Ph.D. in SLA would be 100 annually. This number can be expected to increase steadily in the coming years. The supply of high quality graduates for those posts alone, not to mention those in industry, government service, and elsewhere, is manifestly inadequate. While roughly 500 students a year probably emerge from the approximately 40 doctoral programs in SLA in the U.S.A. and Canada each year, most seasoned SLA faculty would estimate that fewer than 20 “first round draft picks” are produced annually by U.S. and Canadian programs combined. It is clear that demand everywhere far outstrips supply, and that the gap is only likely to increase for the foreseeable future, due to the geopolitical trends outlined earlier. There is a clear, demonstrable need for a new topclass Ph.D. in SLA program, and plenty of job opportunities for its graduates. Due to rigorous admission standards, the high quality of faculty supervision and instruction, the heavy research orientation, and overall program and campus quality, all Maryland graduates would be highly competitive in this market. IA4. Student demand There exist large numbers of high quality potential students at both masters and doctoral levels inside the U.S. and overseas. Once in place, the new Ph.D. program would quickly attract many of the best who currently apply elsewhere. Because few existing programs have a national reputation, competition among applicants to enter the best two or three is fierce. To illustrate, the University of Hawai’i’s Department of Second Language Studies -- ranked the top program in every category in surveys conducted by three different universities since the early 1990s -- accepts barely 50% of applicants to its M.A. program, and approximately 1 in 20 applicants to its Ph.D. in SLA. Based simply on student hopes for such a program at Maryland, and given the known presence of several outstanding faculty, SLLC has received a steady stream of inquiries from prospective Ph.D. students during the past few months (see Appendix B), and several strong ones are eager, ready and waiting to move to College Park in Fall, 2005, if the program is approved. Should that happen, and the program be advertised, we anticipate a situation comparable to Hawai’i’s in short order, with demand from top students soon far exceeding places offered in the Maryland program IA5. UMCP’s competitiveness for externally funded research grants and contracts SLA is a prime example of a field capable of producing a dramatic increase in external funding won for UMCP, and the Ph.D. in SLA proposed here is the necessary mechanism. The Ph.D. is required because a critical mass of top faculty and highly 4 A complete listing of the positions is available from SLLC’s M.A. in SLAA Program Director. A representative sample is included as Appendix A. 7 trained doctoral students and post-doctorates is as essential in SLA as in any other field for a university wishing to secure and staff the sizable, competitive, externally funded contracts and grants now available, as well as to provide the expertise increasingly needed by the NFLC and CASL to help execute many of their own grants and contracts. IA6. UMCP to become the premier U.S. campus for solving the nation’s language problems UMCP is in a position to become the leading campus in the nation for helping to meet the country’s language needs and helping to solve its language problems. Several units at UMCP will be relevant to attaining such a lofty, but we believe, realistic goal. The University already has one of the top theoretical linguistics departments in the USA. There is outstanding relevant faculty strength in Hearing and Speech Sciences, in Measurement, Evaluation and Statistics (within the College of Education), in computational linguistics and computer science (UMIACS), in Philosophy, in Psychology, and in cognitive science in general. The campus houses the widely respected and influential national think tank on language policy and foreign language education, the National Foreign Language Center (NFLC), which oversees foreign language projects worth millions of dollars. Most important of all, it hosts CASL, the first ever University Affiliated Research Center (UARC) devoted to language (especially less commonly taught foreign language) research, both basic and applied. CASL is already bringing significant levels of funding (in eight figures per annum) to our campus, and prospects are excellent that this figure will soon increase substantially. Last but not least, within SLLC, where the proposed Ph.D. would be housed, there are already several very strong undergraduate and graduate language, literature and culture programs, staffed by excellent faculty members. Some of them are directly involved in SLLC’s popular M.A. in Second Language Acquisition and Application (SLAA) program, but there are others, e.g., in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Hebrew, Arabic, and Persian, who have research interests in the field, and who would find an outlet for those aspects of their interests by working with the SLA Ph.D. students. IB. The size of the proposed Ph.D. program To ensure extremely high standards from the outset, annual intake to the program would initially be limited to between five and ten students per year. Such numbers, resulting in an average of approximately 30 students in residence at College Park after four years, would be manageable with available staffing levels and projected financial support, described below. Based on the Hawai’i experience and knowledge of the field, many times that number would soon apply each year, starting in Year 2, by which time the new Ph.D.’s existence would have become known locally, nationally, and internationally. An eventual acceptance rate of about 10% is anticipated. As noted above, SLLC currently houses a master's-level Second Language Acquisition and Application (M.A. in SLAA) program, which combines a focus on advanced language training in French, Spanish, German, Russian, or Japanese with the study of Second Language Acquisition. Although the program officially began only three 8 years ago, approximately 35 students are currently enrolled, and 15 more have already graduated with an M.A. since Spring, 2002. While relatively small compared to SLA programs at some other universities, these figures are considerable for a new program that has barely been advertised, and only admits students with advanced proficiency in one of the five languages mentioned. The respectable numbers already achieved provide a solid indication of the demand for training in SLA at the graduate level; more telling is the fact that the SLLC Director, SLAA Graduate Director, and affiliated faculty members regularly receive enquiries from students wishing to combine the study of SLA with Arabic, Chinese, Korean, or Italian (to name just a few languages), as well as from students who would like to pursue a Ph.D. in SLA. Given (i) the quality of expected applicants, (ii) demanding program entry requirements, including a completed, relevant masters degree (meaning few, if any, deficiency requirements for students to make up), and (iii) the parameters of the intended curriculum described below, the projected average time to degree completion will be four years. Taken together, the expected average cohort size and average time to completion indicate a pool of 30-40 students in residence at any one time, as of the program’s fifth year in existence. II. Curriculum IIA. Catalog description of the program, including educational objectives and areas of concentration Students in the new Ph.D. in SLA will receive rigorous training in at least two of four areas of emphasis -- (i) second language learning, (ii) second language instruction, (iii) second language assessment, and (iv) second language use -- as well as in (v) quantitative and/or qualitative research methods. Students will select two of the four areas, (i) – (iv), above. After completing any needed deficiency coursework, they will take two courses in each of those two areas, plus two electives, at least one typically, but not obligatorily, in the area of their proposed dissertation work. They will also take a minimum of two research courses, for a minimum total of eight courses. For example, a student planning to do his or her dissertation work in the area of second language learning will take a minimum of two courses in that area, two more in one of the other three areas, two electives, and two research methods courses. In practice, many students may be expected to choose to take more than eight courses while at College Park, including coursework in more than two of areas (i) to (iv). See Appendix C for sample course rotations. IIB. Course requirements and other program components With the approval of their advisor and/or the Ph.D. program Director, after compensating for any coursework deficiencies upon entry, students will complete a minimum of 24 credits of post-M.A. coursework, at least 12 credits of which must consist of courses designated as research courses. This is in addition to at least 12 credits in SLA 899, 9 dissertation research. Such courses constitute a large proportion of the listings in Appendix D, which are, in turn, a sampling of those available at College Park. Students will choose two courses from the lists in each of two areas, and two more as electives (at least one of which will typically be in the dissertation area), plus two courses in research methods. In addition, students will be strongly encouraged to take at least one course in the philosophy of science (a major area of strength at College Park), e.g., PHIL 651, which we consider a very valuable part of the preparation of any cognitive scientist, including those working on second language acquisition. Additional courses not listed in Appendix D may be selected upon an advisor’s or Director’s approval. Foreign Language Exit Requirement Students who are native speakers of English must demonstrate proficiency in two languages other than English. The must demonstrate proficiency in one or both languages either at the “intermediate” level, as assessed through translation of a text in the field (with dictionary help), or at the “advanced” level, as assessed via an oral interview. Students who are non-native speakers of English must demonstrate proficiency in English, plus (with the same options as above) one other language that is not their native language. Comprehensive exams As a prerequisite for advancement to candidacy, students will be required to write two papers deemed publishable in a major refereed SLA journal by an examining committee of three faculty members. The strong preference is that at least one of the papers should in fact be published in such a journal during completion of the student’s program. The papers must be presented publicly and approved by the committee after the presentation. One of the papers must be in the student’s chosen area for the dissertation, the other in a second area. Successful completion of the two papers and surrounding processes replaces the comprehensive examinations required in some doctoral programs. Admission to candidacy and the dissertation After satisfactory completion of the research papers, a student is admitted to candidacy. The student must then defend a dissertation proposal before five members of the Graduate Faculty who will serve as the dissertation committee, including one as committee Chair. After admission to candidacy, the student registers for credits in SLA 899 until submission of the dissertation, which must make a substantial and original contribution to knowledge. The Chair of the dissertation committee, in consultation with the other committee members, determines whether a draft is adequate to be defended publicly at an oral examination. The dissertation must be approved by a five-member examination committee, one of whom is the Dean’s representative. On completion of the approved dissertation, a hard copy will be submitted to the department, along with either a second hard copy or an electronic version for the SLLC web page. 10 IIC. Admissions requirements Applicants to the program will be required to have successfully completed a master’s degree from an accredited university in a relevant field, e.g., SLA, linguistics, psychology, applied linguistics, or education. They must provide three letters of recommendation from academic and/or professional referees. They must submit a statement of purpose describing their academic and career background and future plans, specifying why they believe the UMCP program is suitable for them, and they for it, and how they would expect to use the training received at College Park. Finally, and most importantly, they must provide evidence of an ability for, and desire to undertake, scholarly work appropriate for the heavily research-oriented Ph.D. in SLA, e.g., an excellent masters thesis and/or one or more publications. Students whose native language is not English must provide a TOEFL score of 620 or higher unless they completed their masters degree at an English-medium university within the previous three years. Verbal and quantitative GRE scores will be required of all native speakers of English, and are recommended for non-native speakers, as well. III. Faculty and Organization Academic direction and oversight The Ph.D. in SLA program will be housed within a single academic department at College Park, the School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (SLLC). The Program Director will be the Director of the current M.A. in SLAA program, who will assume senior administrative responsibility for both programs. He or she will be assisted by the Ph.D. program’s Graduate Faculty (GF). In addition to members of the current SLLC faculty, and two anticipated new hires, several outstanding faculty members from other UMCP units have enthusiastically committed to becoming affiliate faculty members, and several others are expected to follow. A full projected faculty listing, together with individuals’ areas of specialization, is provided in Section VIII, below. Note that a search for one of the new hires, an Associate or Full Professor of SLA, has been approved, budgeted for, and is already under way, the individual to be in place by Fall, 2005; the second, at the Assistant rank, is planned for Fall, 2007. IV. Off-campus Programs The program will be wholly residential. There will be no off-campus locations, nor a distance education component. 11 V. Other Issues VA. Cooperative arrangements with other institutions or organizations None are required or currently anticipated. VB. Accreditation There are no accrediting bodies for graduate programs in Second Language Acquisition. VI. Commitment to Diversity SLLC’s M.A. program in Second Language Acquisition and Application (SLAA) has already attracted a wide range of students who represent a diverse group of countries and ethnicities. The Ph.D. program, which would not be tied to fluency in one of five specific languages, as is the M.A., would open the door to an even more diverse population of students and graduate faculty. Many core research areas in SLA are intrinsically concerned with diversity, an issue of special significance for the College of Arts and Humanities (ARHU), the University, and the State of Maryland. Understanding communication (and communication breakdowns) among speakers of different languages, races, genders and cultures in academic, workplace, and other social settings is a major research focus in the field, especially in the work of specialists in developmental and cross-cultural pragmatics. So is the acquisition and assessment of the ability to operate successfully and harmoniously across cultures, including traditionally problematic boundaries of race and class. The same is true of dialect differences, often linguistic markers of racial, economic, social and cultural differences within communities. Development of an understanding and appreciation of another culture is an inherent part of developing proficiency, especially high-level proficiency, in a foreign language. Improving the efficiency of the development process is arguably one of the best ways of increasing cross-cultural understanding and an appreciation for human diversity. Students and faculty in the proposed Ph.D. program will themselves inevitably represent a rich array of languages and cultures, and many dimensions of cultural diversity will figure among their core research interests. SLA faculty members at College Park already reflect the diversity of which the College of Arts and Humanities and SLLC are justifiably proud, and approximately 50% of the intake to the doctoral program are expected to be international students. The often wide cultural differences involved in a principal focus of the new program, the less commonly taught and rarely taught languages, mean that, if anything, the diversity of both faculty and students in the Ph.D. will likely be even greater than that which already exists in SLLC’s M.A. in SLAA. 12 VII. Required Physical Resources VIIA. Library resources Library resources for the new program have been discussed with Helen Pedersoli in McKeldin, and bibliographies of books and serials compiled by faculty specializing in each area of the program have been delivered to her. Evaluations of existing holdings are currently in progress and expected to be completed very soon. Dr. Pedersoli reported (10/14/04) that evaluations completed so far showed sufficient holdings in the areas surveyed, but final figures and formal approval is still pending. Given the existence of adequate material for SLLC’s existing M.A. in SLAA and for its long-standing programs in most of the foreign languages likely to be involved in the program, including less commonly taught foreign languages, and given the paucity of SLA research conducted in most of the LCTLs (an important reason for creating the new Ph.D.), little need for additional library resources is anticipated, but as described below, adequate financial support is available from both CASL and SLLC, as needed. VIIB. Facilities and equipment Facilities and equipment for the proposed program are already abundant at College Park. This is due to the existence of the SLLC’s M.A. in SLAA program, which led to installation of a research laboratory in the basement of Jimenez Hall that can also satisfy initial doctoral program needs, as well, and to excellent research facilities in surrounding departments and other units, e.g., Linguistics, and the College’s National Foreign Language Center. Most important of all, the University’s new federally funded research center, CASL, is installing state-of-the-art research facilities and equipment designed specifically for precisely the kinds of projects to be undertaken by many of the future Ph.D. students, several of whom at any one time can be expected to be working in CASL or on projects directly relevant to CASL’s research agenda, their doctoral studies often funded by CASL. Office space for two new faculty members will be required, and is available in SLLC’s premises in Jimenez Hall. The same is true for the first year’s student cohort. Additional office space -- two offices for Ph.D. students employed as research assistants on outside grants or contracts -- will be required by Year 2 of the program, and thereafter. One such office is available in Jimenez. The other will be found elsewhere on campus, or possibly in the University’s Research Triangle (e.g., in the Patapsco building, where NFLC is located), paid for by indirect costs from the same externally funded contracts and grants that will be supporting the doctoral studies of the students concerned. 13 VIIC. Impact on use of existing facilities and equipment By Year 2 of the program, when some 14-15 new doctoral students will be in residence, the impact on use of the School’s SLAA laboratory will likely become noticeable, given the number of laboratory-style empirical studies that will be under way in house by then. Some minor expansion into an adjacent room, and purchase of additional digital sound recording equipment may be necessary, with such equipment budgeted for in contract and grant overheads. Other options will include borrowing and/or renting laboratory space from surrounding units, e.g., CASL, NFLC, the Department of Linguistics and the Maryland English Institute (MEI). Overall, no serious overload of existing facilities or equipment is anticipated, and none that cannot be managed financially. Additional recording equipment would be highly unlikely to cost more than $5,000.00, which could easily be covered by School reserves (DRIF and return on Summer offerings), and MEI has state of the art laboratory space rentable at approximately $350.00 per day, depending on the precise facilities and equipment required, which is the typical duration of data collection for many SLA laboratory experiments. VIII. Resource needs and sources VIIIA. New courses, advising and administrative requirements and personnel required The new program will involve an increase in administrative work for some SLLC staff, e.g., those in graduate records and accounts. The existing core SLA faculty is strong, and it will be supplemented by an affiliate faculty comprising outstanding individuals from related programs at College Park. The program requires the addition of no more than two new lines, and the addition of an average of two new courses per semester specifically for the Ph.D. program. Resources with which to satisfy all these personnel needs are already available within SLLC, as explained in VIIIB, below. The following is a list of the anticipated core and affiliate faculty members for the Ph.D. in SLA program, together with a sampling of their research interests. Asterisked names denote tenured faculty members at College Park. Core Faculty Full Professors 1. *Michael H. Long: Theory change in SLA; age differences, maturational constraints, and sensitive periods; processes, e.g., stabilization/ fossilization, in interlanguage development; negative feedback (models and recasts); language aptitude; the advanced learner; second language research methods; foreign language needs analysis; Task-Based Language Teaching 14 2. *Robert Ramsey: Historical development of Korean and Japanese and historical relationships between the two languages; East Asian dialectology; sociolinguistics. 3. *Full Professor of SLA #3 (search currently under way, tenure on arrival): Cognitive processes in SLA; maturational constraints on SLA; adult foreign language instructional design Associate Professors 1. *Mel Scullen: French linguistics, second language acquisition and pedagogy, and theoretical phonology. 2. *Kira Gor: Acquisition of second language phonology and morphology; second language processing. 3. *Lindsay Yotsukura: Japanese discourse and conversation analysis, intra- and intercultural pragmatics, second language acquisition and pedagogy, and teaching with technology. 4. *Roberta Lavine: Individual differences in language learning, especially learning disabilities; languages for specific purposes, and technology. 5. *Alaa Elgibali: acquisition, teaching, and testing of Arabic; Arabic sociolinguistics; dialect recognition and description 6. *David Branner: Descriptive and historical Chinese linguistics; southern Chinese dialectology; traditional Sinology 7. *Masha Lekic: Russian language acquisition, Russian morphology, Russian literature, teaching with technology 8. *Cynthia Martin: Acquisition of culture, advanced level language acquisition, language policy, curricular design and testing. Assistant Professors 1. Alene Moyer: second language phonology; critical period research; sociolinguistics 2. Manel Lacorte: L2 classroom interaction and language development, qualitative research in SLA, L2 teacher education, and applied linguistics. 3. Teresa Cabal-Krastel: Spanish and applied linguistics, methodology, second language acquisition, learning disabilities. 4. Assistant Professor #4: Second language assessment (to be hired in AY 2007) 15 Affiliate Faculty Full Professors 1. *Richard Brecht (CASL): Military and intelligence applications of language study; foreign language acquisition; study abroad programs; language policy 2. *Nan Bernstein-Ratner (Hearing and Speech Sciences): First language acquisition in normal and abnormal populations; role of input in language learning; stuttering; parent-child interaction 3. *Peter Carruthers (Philosophy): Philosophy of Language; philosophy of mind; philosophy of psychology. 4. Catherine Doughty (CASL): Cognitive processes in SLA; language aptitude; measurement of second language development and proficiency; research on second language instruction; technology and language teaching; the advanced learner 5. *Robert Lissitz (Measurement, Statistics and Evaluation): Test equating, assessment validity and evaluation 6. *Robert Mislevy (Measurement, Statistics and Evaluation): Applications of recent developments in statistical methodology and cognitive research to practical problems in educational and psychological measurement; task-based tests of second language proficiency 7. *Thomas Nelson (Psychology): Human memory; metacognition; acquisition and retention of foreign language vocabulary; computer-assisted instruction 8. *Rebecca Oxford (Curriculum and Instruction): Learning styles and strategies; affective factors; autonomous language learning Associate Professors 1. Henk Haarmann (CASL): Psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics; language aptitude; high-level language abilities 2. *Colin Phillips (Linguistics): Theoretical linguistics, language processing, language acquisition and neurolinguistics 3. *Grace Yeni-Komshian (Hearing and Speech Sciences): Normal language acquisition/bilingualism; psycholinguistics; speech perception; age effects in second language learning 16 Assistant Professors 1. Bill Rivers (CASL): Language and national security; military and intelligence applications of language study; second language acquisition; language policy in the U.S. and Central Asia 2. Rochelle Newman (Hearing and Speech Sciences): Speech perception, development of speech perception, language acquisition, word-finding errors, word recognition, speech production 3. Mattias Frisch (Philosophy): Philosophy of physics; philosophy of science 4. Ewa Golonka (CASL) metalinguistic awareness in SLA; acquisition of Russian as a foreign language 5. Andrea Zukowski (Linguistics): language disorders; language acquisition; sentence production VIIIB. New faculty, staff, and TAs required for responsibilities in VIIIA, and resources available to meet those needs Current SLLC staff, plus an available vacant line if required, will cover staff needs of the new program. Where faculty members are concerned, a line and hard dollars are in hand, and a search is under way, for the appointment by Fall, 2005, of an Associate or Full Professor of SLA, specializing in cognitive processes in second language learning. Aware of SLA’s immense potential at Maryland, at least one outstanding individual, unquestionably among the two or three leading SLA researchers in the country, has already expressed a strong interest in the position at the rank of Full Professor, so while the search is an open one, we can be confident of a star hire appropriate and required for a top program. Two new lines, plus the requisite hard dollars, have been pledged for the SLA program by ARHU Dean Harris. We anticipate attracting the very best young scholar for the second (Assistant Professor) position in AY 2007. In addition, Dean Harris has pledged a total of $180,000.00 (new soft dollars), plus fringe, for the hire of SLA post-docs in AY 2005 and 2006, for the same purpose. Although none are anticipated, any instructional gaps encountered during the first two years of the program can be filled using some of that funding. These are new lines and new hard and soft dollars, provided to the School by ARHU Dean, James Harris, it is important to note; they do not involve removing resources from existing SLLC programs. Yet another hiring possibility -- of a mutually agreed upon senior linguist useful both to CASL and the Ph.D. in SLA program -- funded by CASL, is described in the accompanying letter of support for the program from CASL’s Executive Director, Professor Richard Brecht. Professor of SLA and SLLC Director since 2003, Michael Long was Chair of Hawai’i’s internationally renowned Ph.D. in SLA program during its first three years. 17 The experience he brings from that position will be useful to the Director of UMCP’s new Ph.D. program. During his last three years at Hawai’i, Long was also PI and Director of a National Security Education Program (NSEP)-funded National Flagship program for Korean. SLLC has been invited to submit proposals for National Flagship programs in Arabic and Persian, starting in Spring, 2005. If awarded, both will provide a major source of funding, as well as excellent research opportunities, for Arabic and Persian native speakers among the doctoral program’s students. No TA-ships are required for the program. VIIIC. Role of existing faculty and staff in the new program, and coverage for their current duties The core SLLC faculty listed in VIIIA, above, are already involved in teaching courses and advising students in the School’s M.A. in SLAA program, and advanced courses among SLAA offerings will be open to Ph.D. students, as well. An average of two new courses per semester, however, as noted above, will be required specifically for students in the Ph.D. in SLA, courses which will also enrich offerings for strong M.A. in SLAA students, and also, most likely, for students from surrounding departments. This small overall increase in the total number of courses to be covered will be handled by the addition of the new senior hire in SLA, scheduled for completion as the program opens. If need be, in the short term, supplementary offerings and research supervision can be provided by adjunct faculty hires using some of the $180,000.00 in soft-funds indicated above. The second, junior tenure-line SLA hire, scheduled for 2007, will ease the situation further, allowing as many as four additional doctoral level courses each year to be offered by that individual and/or by current faculty, whose M.A. level courses he or she covers. Finally, Professor Richard Brecht, Executive Director of CASL (tenured in SLLC), confirms that he will be willing to allow affiliate faculty who are CASL staff members to teach occasional courses for the new program, as well as to advise dissertation students -- something all those involved are anxious to do, and which will serve as an extra recruiting inducement as CASL builds its staff over the next twelve months (see accompanying letter of support from Richard Brecht). These resources, coupled with the rich array of relevant graduate offerings in surrounding departments (Philosophy, Linguistics, Psychology, Speech and Hearing Sciences, EDCI, and EDMS, among others) means that the Ph.D. students will enjoy a wide array of options. Additional advising duties (an average of one or two students each for core faculty) would be involved, but all are aware of and ready to undertake this, viewing the small additional load as more than compensated for by the opportunity to work with top graduate students in their fields of expertise. Affiliate faculty members, all of whom have expressed considerable enthusiasm for the program, will be invited on a voluntary basis to serve on dissertation committees, and also to participate in other aspects of the program, e.g., cooperative research projects with SLA faculty and students. 18 VIIID. Source of funds for physical resources identified in VII, above SLLC’s current M.A. program already operates successfully in many of the same areas as the proposed doctorate. Funding required for additional library purchases for the new program is likely to be small (pending final results of the official McKeldin survey, we estimate, less than $5,000.00), therefore, and should not be problematic. It could be handled using existing School reserves accumulated from DRIF and Summer and Winter Term offerings, as well as from legitimate uses of outside funding in some specialized cases. In addition, CASL is willing to fund start-up and ongoing support for library acquisitions up to $20,000.00, as improved holdings in SLA and the LCTLs will benefit CASL staff as much as faculty and students in the program. Some funding for additional digital sound equipment may be required by Year 2 of the program, probably a total in the $5-10,000.00 range. One funding source for any needed purchases could again be existing School reserves, built from Summer/Winter offerings. However, given the utility of such equipment for CASL and NFLC, a degree of cost-sharing could be anticipated. VIIIE. Other required resources and anticipated funding sources for them The other major required resource for the new program will be student financial support. We anticipate fully funding all our Ph.D. in SLA students, which will be essential if we are to recruit the very best students for the program. We intend to accomplish this without drawing on the diminishing number of TA-ships and fellowships for students in SLLC’s existing graduate programs in literature and culture -- programs in fields which already have difficulty funding students at Maryland, as do such programs elsewhere. The Ph.D. in SLA program at the University of Hawai’i (a relatively poorly resourced university compared to Maryland), has been able to fund all its students from its inception in 1989, largely through external grants and contracts to faculty. We anticipate the same general picture at College Park. The issue should actually prove easier at College Park, since (i) more outside funding is becoming available for SLA grants and contracts, especially in the LCTLS, (ii) NFLC and CASL need our students and graduates to staff their contracts, and especially (ii) CASL is willing to fund doctoral students working on projects of interest to them, and also students likely to provide a sorely needed future generation of well-trained young American SLA specialists. (Please see Appendix E for the accompanying letters of support for this proposal from CASL’s Executive Director, Professor Richard Brecht, and NFLC’s Director, Mimi Met, where these offers of support can be found.) In sum, we anticipate no problems at all in supporting 5-10 students per year. 19 SLLC Ph.D. in SLA Budget Narrative October 22, 2004 Overview Several years ago, the College of Arts and Humanities made a strategic decision to advance excellence in the languages area. In 2001, in support of this goal, several formerly separate language departments were consolidated into the School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. After a national search Professor Michael Long was appointed as Director of the School in 2003. At that time specific resources were committed by the Provost, the Vice President for Research, and the Dean of the College of Arts and Humanities to assist Professor Long and the faculty of the School in achieving some of their specific goals. Some of these resources are being allocated to support the implementation of the proposed Program. The training of students in SLA and the research work of faculty and students in the program will give vital support to the CASL and NFLC programs, which are, in turn, bringing significant resources to the institution. The primary costs of program implementation will be in faculty salaries and student support, with modest operating expenses and limited facilities enhancement in addition. The additional faculty required to provide the new courses (approximately four courses each year, see below) needed for the program and to advise program students are being recruited now, or will be next year, as part of the additional resources committed. Specifically, the SLLC will receive a total of 2.00 FTE and approximately $145,000 to support one tenured senior, and one tenure-track faculty appointment within the next three years. Additional advising support and occasional teaching support will be provided on a voluntary basis and at no additional expense to the SLLC, by the outstanding language professionals working at CASL and NFLC. Affiliate faculty from related programs will also work with program students. All students are expected to receive financial and tuition support through work with faculty on external grants, through CASL, NFLC, or elsewhere. The SLA program will require a modest amount of staff and general operating support, as well as require additional library resources, computer and office equipment ad some facilities renovation. The funds required to secure these resources will come from multiple sources. For example, we expect to support these expenses in part, from resources reallocated with the SLLC base budget, supplemented by funds generated through the SLLC’s summer and winter term revenues, and other entrepreneurial activities, as well as from DRIF funds currently, and projected to be, available to the SLLC, supplemented by funds provided by CASL. We are confident about the future availability, indeed increase, in SLLC DRIF by year four, due to increased sponsored research expenditures and associated indirect cost expenditures, driven in large measure by the presence of the new SLA Ph.D. program. The SLA program will require the purchase of additional computer equipment, with a replacement time frame of approxima tely every three years. Most of the equipment will be used by graduate students located in SLLC and CASL space. We have noted projected expenses for modest facilities enhancement and renewal. We will solicit some funds from the Campus pool for this purpose, and will provide supplemental support from available College funds dedicated annually for this purpose as well as from incrementally rising DRIF funds generated and allocated to the School. Any facilities renovation or enhancement required to support SLA program research projects funded by sponsored research funds will be paid, as allowable, from those sponsored research funds accounts. Instruction costs The program will only require an average of two, possibly three new courses a semester specifically for Ph.D. students (and any M.A. students capable of taking them). The new courses (total of four, possibly six per academic year) will be funded, as noted in the Overview section, through (a) the new faculty appointment resources reallocated by the Dean to the SLLC, which will provide a total of four new courses, and (b) by CASL through the provision of language professional at no cost to the SLLC, for an additional two new courses per year. Other program requirements or electives will be chosen from courses in the existing M.A. in SLAA program and in related programs such as Linguistics, Psychology, EDMS, and Hearing and Speech Sciences, where we have affiliate faculty signed up and ready and willing to cooperate. Graduate student support costs We anticipate that the selection of graduate students for the Ph.D program will be extremely rigorous, with only the most highly qualified students accepted into what is envisioned as a full-time program. CASL and the NFLC have indicated their willingness and ability to provide assistantships for all admitted students, so we do not anticipate having to reallocate SLLC or College base budget funds for this purpose, nor do we expect to solicit Campus funds to support graduate assistantships at this time. Additionally, we expect that interested Federal agencies and other entities may “second” specially selected employees to the Ph.D program, during which their full-time salaries will be paid directly by the employer to the individual, as well as providing full support for their tuition and fees. In summary, we do not anticipate than any students admitted to the PhD program will require state-funded stipend, salary, tuition, or benefits funds while enrolled in the program. Tuition revenue As noted above, we are projecting an initial cohort of 10 students in FY 06, growing over time to a steady state of 30 students, perhaps as early as FY 07, but no later than FY 08. For planning purposes, we have conservatively anticipated FY 06 revenue from tuition of approximately $67,000 (based on FY 05 tuition rates) growing to approximately $201,000 annually no later than FY 08. We expect all graduate student tuition to be paid from sponsored research funds or funds external to the University, and not from any State-funded tuition remission budget. Budget summary We believe that the committed State and one-time funds noted within the proposal, augmented by the anticipated tuition and mandatory fees revenue, are more than sufficient to meet all anticipated expenses associated with the SLA Ph.D program. Further, we believe that an outcome of the Ph.D. program will be additional sponsored research awards to the University of Maryland, thus generating both an increase in the institution’s research and indirect cost revenue stream, and a more robust and excellent research environment in an area of strategic national interest. TABLE 1: RESOURCES Resource Categories Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 1. Reallocated Funds (1) $51,595 $5,315 $30,160 $10,660 $10,660 2. Tuition Revenue (bxc) a. FTE Students b. Tuition per credit hour c. Annual Credit Hours $66,780 $133,560 $200,340 $200,340 $200,340 10 20 30 30 30 $371 $371 $371 $371 $371 180 360 540 540 540 3. Other Sources (a+b) a. CASL for Library (2) b. DRIF + Summer Teaching (3) TOTAL $2,000 $2,000 $0 $12,000 $2,000 $10,000 $23,000 $20,000 $3,000 $35,000 $20,000 $15,000 $23,000 $20,000 $3,000 $120,375 $150,875 $253,500 $246,000 $234,000 (1) The table amount is the difference between estimated expenditures and identified revenue sources. This shows the net additional expenditure on an institutional basis. Specific reallocations are the following appointments, which are of much higher value, and were made in support of the entire languages initiative, including both educational and research components. a. One senior faculty position reallocated in year one from College of Arts & Humanities b. A junior faculty position reallocated in year three from Provost's office. (2) Pledged in Letter from Richard Brecht, CASL director) (3) Presence of program will enhance funded research and therefore DRIF return, appropriately used to enhance research infrastructure. Language expertise will allow intensive NCTL instruction in the summer term, revenue from which can also be applied as needed for enhancements. TABLE 2: EXPENDITURES Expenditure Categories 1. Total Faculty Expenses (b + c below) a. # FTE b. Total Salary c. Total Benefits (1) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 90,625 90,625 181,250 181,250 181,250 1 72,500 18,125 1 72,500 18,125 2 145,000 36,250 2 145,000 36,250 2 145,000 36,250 2. Total Administrative Staff Expenses 22,500 22,500 22,500 22,500 22,500 (b + c below) a. # FTE b. Total Salary c. Total Benefits (1) 0.30 18,000 4,500 0.30 18,000 4,500 0.30 18,000 4,500 0.30 18,000 4,500 0.30 18,000 4,500 3,750 3,750 3,750 3,750 3,750 0.10 3,000 750 0.10 3,000 750 0.10 3,000 750 0.10 3,000 750 0.10 3,000 750 0 10,000 3,000 15,000 3,000 2,000 2,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 0 20,000 20,000 0 0 1,500 2,000 3,000 3,500 3,500 120,375 150,875 253,500 246,000 234,000 3. Total Support Staff Expenses (b + c below) a. # FTE b. Total Salary c. Total Benefits (1) 4. Equipment (2) 5. Library (2) 6. New or Renovated Space 7. Other Expenses TOTAL (Add 1 – 7) (1) 25% average rate (2) Largely to support research component of the program Supported in part by research funds. MEMORANDUM TO: Dr. Michael Long, Director, School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures FROM : Desider Vikor, Director, Collection Management & Special Collections Karla Hahn, Collection Management Team Leader -- KH Heleni M. Pedersoli, Western European Languages & Literatures Librarian --HMP RE: Library Collection supporting the Proposed PhD Program in Second Language Acquisition. DATE : October 21, 2004 Historically, the area of Second Language Acquisition has been part of the UM Libraries’ Linguistics collection, which has supported at first the undergraduate programs in Spanish & Portuguese, French & Italian, and the Germanic languages, as well as East Asian and Slavic languages. For the past two years, SLA collections have been built to support SLLC’s M.A. program in Second Language Acquisition and Application (SLAA). Library resources are presently at a research level that supports well the M.A. program and will be adequate to support the first two years of the PhD program. In order to make the program one of the best in the country, funding for additional library resources is of the utmost importance. We recommend that at least $25,000 per year be added to the Libraries budget to permit the necessary collection building to sustain research and dissertation writing in future years. As described in the proposal, the PhD program in SLA will be interdisciplinary, involving faculty and students who will be engaged in research, and writing dissertations in the areas of Linguistics, Education, Communication, Hearing and Speech Sciences, as well as the various departments within SLLC. Since the Linguistics PhD program is well established and internationally known for several years now, the collections in general and in theoretical linguistics are at a very solid research level. According to the stated areas of study for the proposed SLA PhD program, this review focuses on Libraries collections support for the areas of: pragmatics, intercultural communication, communication and culture, multicultural education, discourse analysis, language use, languages study and teaching, as well as second language acquisition. To assess the collections strength in the above areas, the following measurement tools were used: • • a comparison of the UM collections against the collections of the University of Hawaii, UNC Chapel Hill, the University of Illinois, and the University of Arizona -- peers that have nationally ranked programs in SLA -- by performing a subject/keyword search of the respective online catalogs; a search of the bibliographies of core monographs and serials submitted by the French, East Asian, Spanish, and Slavic la nguages departments, and by Michael Long; 1 • • a search of the list of core SLA periodicals indexed in LLBA; a search of reference titles included in Ann L. DeMiller’s Linguistics: a Guide to the Reference Literature. 1 UM Libraries collections compare well with the University of Hawaii, being particularly strong in discourse analysis and second language acquisition. There are some weak areas in multicultural education, bilingualism, and language and languages study and teaching, and in publications written in the target languages. Against the collections at the Univ. of Illinois and UNC Chapel Hill, the collections in Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis showed greater strengths, but the other areas such as Communication and Culture, and Language Study and Teaching showed deficiencies. The search against the UM catalog of the core bibliographies identified by SLLC faculty as essential to teaching SLA courses indicated that the Libraries own almost all of the target languages core journals, and most of the core monograph titles on the lists. Russian (7 out of 17 monographs) and general SLA (14 out of 18 titles) showed deficiencies. Supporting the SLA programs will require addressing the identified weaknesses in the above collections not only to support teaching but also to support research. The search of SLA core periodicals from the LLBA list shows that the Libraries own more than 60% of the titles or 95 out of 132 titles in SLA. Of the titles we are missing, 15 are available at other area libraries. As far as reference materials are concerned, a search of Linguistics: A Guide to the Reference Literature, Second Edition, Applied Linguistics showed that the UM Libraries owned 7 of 8 dictionaries, encyclopedias and handbooks, but had a clear deficiency in Cumulative Bibliographies – 9 out of 31 titles. Because of College Park’s location in the metropolitan area of Washington, D.C., the collections at the Library of Congress, NLM, and Georgetown University can be accessed through consortia agreements and interlibrary loan. The Library of Congress has recently reached out to the University of Maryland thro ugh the Libraries, to expand the availability of its research services and reading rooms to the faculty and students at the College Park campus. As for electronic resources, the Libraries subscribe to the two most important databases for Linguistics and SLA – the LLBA and MLA bibliographies; to the French ARTFL database, and 10 related databases in Linguistics, 7 in SLA. Beyond that, full text articles are also available from the multidisciplinary databases from EBSCO and Lexis Nexis. There are 20 databases available for Slavic and East European Studies and 17 for Spanish and Portuguese. There are 85 electronic journal titles listed in Research Port. Due to some of the grant funds the Libraries received in the past four years from the Freeman Foundation (East Asian for 2002-2005) and the Title VI NRC (Latin American Studies for 1 DeMiller, Anna L. Linguistics: A Guide to the Reference Literature. 2nd edition. Englewood, Colorado: Libraries Unlimited, Inc. 2000, pp. 133-162 2 2000-2003 Center) some collection building strengthened the resources available on campus. Monographs published by university presses, as well as the major English language publishers, are covered by the Libraries’ Blackwell book purchase plan; small approval plans for Latin American, Brazilian and German materials cover a small number of SLA titles. Thus, although the UM Libraries collections in Second Language Acquisition are adequate to support lower level graduate studies, including the first few years of a PhD program, the following areas of weakness in the collections need to be addressed, as stated above: multicultural education, communication and culture, bilingualism, and language study and teaching, especially in the target languages. Although the Libraries has established, in the last two years, a monograph and a periodicals fund for SLA in order to continue building the collections to support the M.A. program, an increase in funding is necessary to build the areas of weakness, especially in foreign language titles, in electronic and print resources, both monographs and periodicals. § § § § § $1,000 needed ASAP to subscribe to the periodical titles suggested as core by the faculty; $5,000 added to the periodicals maintenance budget on an ongoing basis for subscribing to additional core periodical titles covered in LLBA; Approximately $2,000 needed ASAP to purchase the monograph titles suggested by the faculty. Additional $15,000 added to the Libraries budget annually to purchase required monograph titles to build the areas of intercultural pragmatics, communication and culture, multicultural education, and language teaching in the target languages. Ideally, at least one new electronic resource subscription could be added – the Handbook of Pragmatics at 1,000 euros Evaluation: Library resources are presently at a research level that supports well the M.A. program in SLA and that will be adequate to support the first two years of the PhD program. In order to make the program one of the best in the country, funding for additional library resources is of the utmost importance. We recommend that at least $25,000 per year be added to the Libraries budget to permit the necessary collection building to sustain research and dissertation writing in the future years. 3