H St. Hilary Catholic Elementary School March 2015 5070 Fairwind Mississauga, ON L5R 2N4 Office: 905-568-0056 Fax: 905-568-8236 www.dpcdsb.org/hilry Principal T. Loftus ~ Secretary C. DeRoia ~ Superintendent L. Papaloni ~ Trustee Thomas Thomas ~ Parish Priest: Msgr. E. Pan Associate Pastors: Fr. J. Roldan Fr. S. Savarimuthu ~ A LENTEN PRAYER Dear God, In love for us you sent Jesus To save us from our sins. Have mercy on your people today And help us to begin this Season of Lent. Forgive our sins and help us To turn back to your love. We ask this through Jesus Christ your son. Amen Lent began on Ash Wednesday February 18, 2015 and ends on Holy Saturday April 4, 2015 Children should be encouraged to pray during Lent. One simple prayer that you can add to your family routine is called, "My Morning Offering" God, our Father, I offer you today All I think and do and say. I offer it with what was done on Earth by Jesus Christ, your son. Amen THE MEANING OF LENT Stay Connected Join the Dufferin-Peel E-Community www.dpcdsb.org Follow DPCDSB on Twitter: @DPCDSBSchools For the latest board news and information. Lent is a 40-day period of preparation for Easter Sunday and one of the major liturgical seasons of the Catholic Church. A penitential season marked by prayer, fasting and abstinence, and almsgiving, began on Ash Wednesday. Classroom discussions and activities are designed to enhance an understanding of the Holy season of Lent. All of these activities are intended to help our students understand the wonderful journey towards the Resurrection of Christ. During this time, we are each challenged to cleanse our hearts and prepare for the feast of Easter. St. Hilary Catholic Elementary School Pretzels for Lent Junior Speech Competition On Wednesday February 18, 2015 six of our Junior students presented fantastic speeches to their peers. Congratulations to all participants for taking part in this great event. They were Kasper J., Mario C., Idara U., Jacob S., Monica C. and Reina G. Congratulations to Reina for winning 3rd place, Jacob for winning 2nd place and Monica for winning 1st place. Monica advanced to the Royal Canadian Legion competition. Congratulations to all of our participants for a job well done! Intermediate Speech Competition On Tuesday February 10, 2015, six of our Intermediate students presented fine speeches with confidence and enthusiasm. Congratulations to all participants for taking part in this great even. They were Megan C., Vince C., Andres D., Maryuri J., Juan D. and Wynebelle C. Congratulations to Vince C. for winning 3rd place, Megan C. for winning 2nd place and Andres D. for winning 1st place. Andres advanced to the Royal Canadian Legion competition. Excellent work everyone! Special thanks to Mrs. Paniconi for organizing both school-level events! The pretzel has a deep spiritual meaning for Lent dating back 1500 years. As part of our St. Hilary celebration of the Lenten and Easter seasons, we sold pretzels to our students. Many thanks to all who participated in this historical and spiritual season of prayer and hope by purchasing a pretzel. The proceeds of profit of $170.00 will be used to purchase student resources. MARCH BREAK MARCH 16th to 20th, 2015 SCHOOLS CLOSED ARE YOU MOVING? If your family is moving from our school area, please inform the office as soon as possible. Class Lists for September We will begin developing next year’s class lists in May. If your child(ren) will be returning to St. Hilary School and there are particular learning needs that you feel we should consider when making up classes, please put this in writing to the principal by April 30, 2015. Only educational reasons will be considered in this process. Please do not make requests for specific teachers. If your child(ren) are on a flex boundary request, please note that the enrollment is reviewed on a yearly basis and parents must submit a letter to the Principal requesting flex boundary by March 23, 2015. Understanding Key Issues in Catholic Education When were the obstacles to the existence of Catholic schools removed from the legislation? Liturgical Events St. Hilary’s Holy Thursday Liturgy will take place at the school at 1:15 p.m. All are welcome to attend. Virtue of the Month: Kindness This month we will celebrate the virtue of Kindness. Every person in our lives carries the Spirit of God – and so every person is our brother or sister through Jesus Christ. As brothers and sisters who share one Holy Spirit, we are all valuable to God. We all deserve to be shown concern for our welfare and our feelings. We have all been given the fruit of the Spirit called kindness. Kindness can only be seen through actions. It’s not enough to say “I will be kind”, or, “I am kind”. We must show that we are kind by our words and our actions. Future Aces Attribute: Service In the month of March, students are encouraged to use the Future Aces Character of service, as well as the Virtue of kindness. They are encouraged to be the best that they can be. “How will I be of service to others, sharing the kindness God has given me with those in need?” Sacramental Key Dates First Holy Communion Mass: April 18 at 10:00 a.m. Confirmation Mass: April 16 at 7:00 p.m. The United Legislature of Canada East and Canada West in 1853, 1855 and 1863 removed all four obstacles to the existence of Catholic schools. There was no more double taxation so Catholics did not have to continue paying common school taxes—they only paid separate school taxes. It did not matter if there was a Catholic teacher in the common school. The separate school board did not need the permission of the common school board to open a new or additional separate schools. The number of Catholic heads of family to establish a separate school was lowered from twelve to five. As a result, the number of separate schools grew considerably. Grade 8 Confirmation Retreat On February19th, many of our Grade 8 students attended the annual Confirmation Retreat at Queen of Apostles Retreat Centre where they participated in a number of spiritual and reflective activities facilitated by Youth Faith Ministers John MacMullen and David Patterson. Thank you to Mr. Tremblay for organizing the event, and, to Ms. Hessing for your active involvement throughout the day. Special thanks to Father Joshua Roldan for joining us that day. We would like to extend our sincere appreciation to our Catholic School Council for their continued support of this event! St. Hilary Student Supervision Times Teachers are on supervision duty 15 minutes before the start of the school day. We ask that your child not arrive at the school prior to 8:45 a.m., and, that you ensure that your child is picked up promptly at 3:30 when the bell rings at the end of the day. There is now a 3 minute warning bell which rings at 8:57 a.m. to prompt students to be lined up at their doors by the time the entry bell rings at 9:00.a.m. Catholic Elementary School Pediculosis Although not a communicable disease, pediculosis (head lice) it is common for outbreaks of pediculosis to occur. When a case of lice is found at school, we inform parents of the infected classes by way of a special letter. In order to control these pests, we shall follow the procedures outlined below. We request your full co-operation. If a case is found in the school, we inform all parents of the students in that class. We then request that you check your own child’s head. If you find them to also be infested, we would ask that you contact us so that we may advise you of the proper treatment for them. This information can also be obtained from a pharmacist or Peel Health Department. If your child becomes infested with head lice, we will ask you to keep them out of school until after they have been treated with the correct shampoo and their hair is entirely clear of both lice and nits (eggs). When a child returns to school, he /she must report directly to the office and be checked by the principal or designate before proceeding to the classroom or the yard. No one is to be re-admitted to class without being checked. If we all follow these procedures, we may not entirely escape outbreaks, but, we may prevent some cases, and, bring others under control quickly. EQAO Administration of Grade 3 and 6 Assessment of Reading, Writing and Mathematics will be held in all elementary schools throughout Ontario from May 25 to June 5. Specific dates will be forthcoming. Please try to avoid booking appointments or vacations for your grade 3 or 6 child during this assessment period. To help prepare students, please visit EQAO.com and follow the links for Student and Parent Resources, including sample tests from previous assessments. Late Arrivals We have a number of students arriving at school after the bell has rung. School begins promptly at 9:00 am. Parents are encouraged to ensure that their children are at school at least five minutes before the bell. Students who are late must report to the office and sign in. When students arrive late for school, they are missing valuable learning time. The interruption is also disruptive to the flow of the day for the entire class. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Attendance Verification Daily attendance and punctuality are very important. If your child is going to be late or absent from school, please call the office at: 905-568-0056, press 1. Inclement Weather Announcements During the winter months inclement weather may cause disruption of bus transportation and regular school operations. A decision to cancel school transportation and/or to close schools is usually made by 6:00 a.m. and will be announced on the following radio and television stations: FM Radio Channel AM Radio Channel Virgin 99.9 FM CHUM 1050 AM CBC 99.1 FM CJBC (FR) 860 AM CHFI 98.1 FM CJCL 590 AM CJEZ 97.3 FM AM640 640 AM Z103.5 103.5 FM CFTR 680 AM CFNY 102.1 FM CFRB 1010 AM CHIN 100.7 FM CHIN 1540 AM QIO7 107 FM CJMR 1250 AM Television Stations CP 24 Global News CTV Winter Safety Reminders Snow and Ice As the winter weather continues, students are reminded that “Snow and ice are not to be thrown or kicked.”. Every child in the school is aware of the importance of this rule in preventing injury to others. Please assist us by reviewing with your child the dangers of throwing snowballs and ice and the importance of preventing injury to other children. If your child throws/kicks snow or ice, they will receive a ‘snowball’ letter and we ask that you review it with your child, sign and return it to the school the next day. Together we will continue to create a school environment which is safer for all. Winter Clothing Parents and students are reminded that students need to be dressed appropriately for the winter weather. We want our students to feel comfortable outdoors and not become chilled because of inappropriate winter dress. Students should be wearing winter coats, boots, hats, gloves and scarves. Students - particularly younger ones -are also strongly encouraged to wear snow pants. Please listen to weather reports and ensure that children are dressed appropriately for the weather. Please also ensure that your child has an extra change of clothing (socks and pants) stored in their back pack. This will help prevent phone calls home when your child comes to the office with wet clothing. Except under unusual conditions, students will go outside during recess and the lunch hour. The outdoor break allows for fresh air and exercise. Health officials indicate that the fresh air is good for children...not harmful, as long as students are dressed properly. St. Hilary Catholic Elementary School Kiss ‘N Ride Please note that it is extremely important that parents drive slowly and cautiously while on school grounds. The lane closest to the curb in the front driveway is for BUSSES ONLY. The Kiss ‘N Ride lane is the middle lane. Please ensure that children exit your vehicle by the right hand side passenger door(s) only At no time should parents park and leave their vehicles unattended in the Kiss ‘N Ride lane. Please park your vehicle in the front parking lot or on the street. Parking Enforcement City of Mississauga Parking Enforcement officers have been vigilant in enforcing city parking by-laws in the area around the school. Please be aware of where you park your vehicle. There are fire hydrants and other No Parking / No Stopping areas that need to be observed. Please do not park and leave vehicles unattended in the Kiss ‘N’ Ride Lanes as they could be ticketed. Cars parked in the Kiss ‘N’ Ride also create a very dangerous situation and impede the flow of traffic. If you wish to walk your child to their entry point, we request that you park in the front parking lot or on the street and escort your child. ECO-SCHOOLS St. Hilary staff and students have a variety of initiatives in place to heighten the community’s awareness of environmental stewardship. Your support with this initiative is appreciated. The Great Gulp On Friday, March 13, 2015, staff and students are asked to bring a refillable water bottle to school for a synchronized drink of tap water school-wide. The purpose of this event is to help create awareness about the importance of Peel drinking water in our lives. Earth Hour: Friday March 27 for one hour in preparation for Earth Hour on Saturday March 28, 2015. Pop Can Tab Collection Please continue to send in pop can tabs. The Royal Canadian Legion is very happy to receive the tabs, as they are used towards the purchase of wheelchairs for those in need. Battery Collection Please collect and send in your used batteries to St. Hilary School. Batteries will be brought to a recycling center for appropriate disposal. Milk Bags Unlimited Please send in milk bags. They are being shipped to Africa and other countries worldwide via Dr. Simone’s Missions. This project keeps non-biodegradable plastic milk bags out of our landfills and recycled into sleeping mats for the needs of others around the world. Fruity Fridays On Friday’s, students are being asked to dispose of their fruit and vegetable scraps in containers that have been provided in each their classroom for composting purposes. Upcoming Events Mar 4 Watershed on Wheels Gr. 1-4 Mar 5 Watershed on Wheels Gr. 5-8 Mar 13 The Great Gulp March16-20 March Break (Schools closed) Full-Day Kindergarten Registration for 2015-16 We are accepting registrations for Full-Day Kindergarten and Grades 1 to 8, for the 2015-16 school year. The following documents are required for registration: Proof of age of the child (birth certificate or passport) Original Roman Catholic Baptismal Certificate of child or Baptismal Certificate from an Eastern Church in full communion with the Holy See of Rome. If the child has not been Baptised, then the Baptismal Certificate of a parent is required. Updated immunization records Proof of Canadian Citizenship (birth certificate, passport, permanent resident status) Two proofs of home address (property tax bill, current utility bill, real estate document or Government of Canada issued forms) Mar 27 Rosary Apostolate K-8 Mar 27 Intermediate Math Mania Competition Mar 27 Earth Hour Activities Mar 30 Gr. 2 Retreat in a.m. Mar 30 Skills Canada Presentation for Gr. 7’s and 8’s Catholic School Council The Catholic School Council sold Terra Cotta cookies, coffee and hot chocolate during the interview evening on February 5th. Profit in the amount of $225.00 will be applied towards the purchase of team uniforms for our students. Thank you to the community for supporting this initiative! Special thanks to the Janicki Family for donating coffee, and, to Starbucks for hot chocolate donations. The Catholic School Council has an email account which parents/guardians may utilize to contact the Council chairs with questions/concerns. The address is: sthilaryparentcouncil@gmail.com Please join us for future meetings at 6:30 p.m.: April 13, June 1 Mar 31 Director’s Cut for Gr. 5s Math Support at Home Apr 2 Holy Thursday Liturgy 1:15 p.m. at school To support your child’s Math skills at home, the following websites offer a wide variety of free activities that can help reinforce the concepts that your child is focusing on at school. Please check them out! Apr 3 Good Friday (Schools Closed) Apr 6 Easter Monday (Schools Closed) http://oame.on.ca/mathies/index.html http://www.edugains.ca/newsite/math Pizza Days Every Wednesday is pizza day. Please pre-order using the monthly forms provided. A huge thank you to Mrs. Ladislao who organizes our pizza days.