Mary Fix January Newsletter Learning & Living Through God

Mary Fix January Newsletter
Learning & Living Through God
486 Paisley Blvd. West
Mississauga, Ontario
L5B 2M4
Fax: (905)270-3475
A New Year's Prayer
Principal: C. Duke
Lord, You make all things new
Assistant: M. Kivell
You bring hope alive in our hearts
Head Custodian:
V. Didio
And cause our spirits to be born again.
Thank you for this new year
Pastor: Fr. Lando
For all the potential it holds.
Come and kindle in us
A mighty flame
Trustee: B. Iannicca
So that in our time, many will see the wonders of God
And live forever to praise Your glorious name.
(A modern prayer for the New Year from
Inclement Weather Procedures
In the event of snowstorms which prevent safe travel,
please listen to the radio and television for announcements about bus transportation and school closures,
usually beginning about 6:30 a.m. Please ensure
your are referencing information for DUFFERIN PEEL
CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD only! Information can also be accessed on the board website.
Bus cancellation updates can be accessed at:
Buses that do not run in the morning do not run in
the afternoon. If you drive your bus student to
school on a day when the buses are cancelled, you are
responsible for providing transportation home as
If school closures are not announced but you choose
to keep your child home during extreme weather,
please make sure that you call the Attendance
Line and leave a message.
D. Amaral
Principal’s Message
Welcome back everyone. We hope you had a wonderful
Christmas and a Happy New Year. A special thanks for all your
thoughtful wishes and gifts prior to the holidays. Our Christmas
concert was memorable and the children sang beautifully.
Congratulations to our students and our staff for making the
evening a blessed success. A big thanks to those who were able
to make donations at the door. We were able to put $250
towards our Christmas baskets, thanks to your generosity. As
always we are thankful to have had Father Mario lead our Advent
mass on December 15th. It was wonderful to see parents and
family members attend.
January is a time of new beginnings, fresh starts and reflections.
What are your hopes for 2016 and how will you make a
difference in the lives of others? We pray for a year of
happiness, faith, love and good health. We would like to extend
our sincerest thanks to all those families and community
members who made contributions this season to our Angel Tree
and Christmas baskets. You truly made a difference to many
families in need of support.
Sincerely, Mrs. Duke
Registration for Full Day Kindergarten
Kindergarten Registration will be held at all Dufferin Peel
schools on January 25th at 7pm-9pm (Snow Date: Jan. 26th
7pm-9pm) and January 26-29 during the day.
Junior Kindergarten—Children must be 4 years old
by December 31, 2016. Senior Kindergarten—
Children must be 5 years old by December 31, 2016.
The parent/guardian should bring the following documents
when registering his/her child:
 proof of age (birth certificate or passport)
 original Catholic Baptismal Certificate
 up to date immunization records;
 proof of Canadian citizenship or of Landed Immigrant sta-
 Proof of address in the Mary Fix School boundary area
(example: utility bill).
For more information please contact the Admissions Department at (905)890-0708, ext. 24500 or visit the board website.
During the month of January from the 19th
to the 22nd our ECO Team will be
encouraging our students to bring a
wasteless lunch. Students are encouraged
to bring items in containers and avoid
having to throw out any garbage. Our ECO
Team will be doing a classroom audit to
see which class was the best!
First Term Report Cards...
On Tuesday, February 2nd, your child will return home
with their report card. Please take the time to review the
report with your child and respond to third page. This is a
great opportunity for students to reflect on their
strengths and areas of further development. During this month your child’s
teacher will be sending home a conference interview form. Teachers will do
their best to accommodate your requests and look forward to discussing your
child’s progress. Parent teacher conferences will take place on the evening of
Thursday, February 5th and on Friday, February 6th during the day.
Monday, January 18th
Students will not be at school on this
day as all teachers will be engaged in a
variety of assessments and evaluations
that will be reflected in your child’s
report card.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: TREE REMOVAL As you may already be aware, our trees at the back of the school
are scheduled to be removed. During the Christmas break one of the trees collapsed. We are asking all students and
community members to please stay away from the field area until these trees are removed. Students will remain on the
pavement until they have been cut down. We appreciate your patience and co-operation.
Virtue Winners of Hope
Fiona A. & Abby R.
Joshua D. & David M.
Brodie G. & Julia P.
Joey S. & Allegra T.
Lauren H. & Joshua C.
Marcus F. & Sadie S.
Chelsea A. & Jacob C.
Diana C. & Jonathan S.
Leandro B. & Abigail N.
Aynsley G. & David M.
Gabriella P. & Victoria V.
Anjali C. & Jacob H.
Congratulations to our
December winners!
Volume 3
Measurement concepts and
skills are directly applicable
to the world in which we live.
People with measurement
sense have an understanding
of the “howmuchness”.
Developing Mindsets that Promote Growth
What do we mean by “growth mindset”?
Growth mindset is a belief system that suggests that
one’s intelligence can be grown or developed with
persistence, effort and a focus on learning.
- Mary Cay Ricci
Tips for Fostering a Growth Mindset:
Tip # 4. Be Mindful of the Goals You Set For Your Children and the
Messages They Send
Web Resources:
 Work with your child to set goals that are reasonable and
desirable for both of you.
 All goals should emphasize growth – the development of
a skill or the expanding knowledge.
Family Math Activities K-3
A measurement is a
comparison of one object
Big Bi
with another.
 What can find in your home that is about as
long as your arm?
 Find 3 things that weigh less than a shoe
(e.g., adult shoe, sandal, child’s shoe)
Measurement from 4-6
Big Idea: The same object can be described by
using different measurements.
 What objects can you find that are big in
one way but small in another way. (eg:
A very tall, very thin cylinder could be
considered big in terms of height but
small in terms of width.)
Grades 7 & 8: Continuing
the Conversation about
Financial Literacy
Let’s discuss “Money in the News”…
 Have your child monitor the news
in all its forms (t.v., on-line…) to
identify stories about money.
 Talk with your child about some of
the stories or items they have heard
about in the news (e.g., how could
this ‘news story’ impact our
community and/or family
“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 5: 1-2 (Beatitudes)
January 2016
Let us now pray for the virtue of Self-Control so that we will resist the temptation
to cause harm to ourselves and others around us. AMEN
1 New Year’s Day
First Day of School
in 2016!
15 Mrs. Patten’s
class to Silvercreek
18 P.A. Day—No
school for students
19 Eco Challenge—
Waste Free Lunches
20 Eco Challenge—
Waste Free Lunches
21 Eco Challenge—
22 Eco Challenge—
Waste Free Lunches
25 Kindergarten
Registration 7-9 p.m.
26 Kindergarten
Registration (Evening
snowdate) 7-9 p.m.
29 Kindergarten
Registration 9-3:30
Waste Free Lunches
School Council Meeting
7:00 p.m.
—All are welcome
27 Kindergarten
Registration 9-3:30
28 Kindergarten
Registration 9-3:30