Mary Fix March Newsletter Learning & Living Through God

Mary Fix March Newsletter
Learning & Living Through God
486 Paisley Blvd. West
Mississauga, Ontario
L5B 2M4
Fax: (905)270-3475
Lord Jesus Christ,
You gather your people during this Holy Season of Lent, and call us to repent.
Principal: C. Duke
As we return back to you once again, open our hearts,
so that we might be transformed in your image.
Assistant: M. Kivell
Remove any barriers that keep us from you,
Head Custodian:
V. Didio
so that we may live fully the life we received at Baptism.
Pastor: Fr. Lando
Help us to love you more and to reach out to others in friendship,
especially to those who need it most.
May the ashes that we receive on our foreheads remind us of your call to change.
May Your Spirit give us the courage and strength we need to be people of faith
By Your grace, may we turn to you in our abundance, and share your love with the
world around us.
We ask this in Jesus’ name
Holy Week
Holy week begins on Sunday, May
29 with Palm Sunday and concludes on Sunday,
April 4th. Holy Thursday is April 2nd; Good Friday,
April 3rd; Easter Sunday, April 4th and Easter
Monday, April 5th.
D. Amaral
Principal’s Message
The Liturgical Season of Lent
Lent is always a time to reflect on our lives and look
at the needs of not only our own community, but the
Global community. We try to observe three
principles throughout Lent – personal prayer, fasting
and alms giving. Our reaching out to others, our
sharing with the less fortunate, our prayers and
good works are the best examples of God’s love that
we can share with each other. Lenten Confessions
for students in Grades 3-8 will take place on March
25 at 9:15 am at school. The Lenten Calendar for
St. Catherine of Siena Parish is included inside this
Trustee: B. Iannicca
It was a busy month in February. We would like to thank all our
community members who made it out to our Pro Grant Speaker
Night—Featuring Michael Riest. We had approximately 25
parents attend and the response was very positive. Michael
offered up great suggestions on how to better support our kids
and how to build trusting relationships. A special thanks to our
Catholic School Council who organized the event.
Also, at our last School Council meeting we spoke about the new
technology that will be afforded to Mary Fix this upcoming spring.
We have currently ordered 30 new Dell Tablets for our students.
This new technology will be implemented
in the classroom as the teacher sees
appropriate to compliment the curriculum.
We are so blessed to have the opportunity
to afford our students with new
technology. More information on this
initiative will follow in the upcoming
C. Duke—Principal
JK Registration
Junior Kindergarten Registration was held
during the week of January 26th, for
2015/16 Full Day Kindergarten. We will
continue to register age-appropriate, ‘in
boundary’ students until the end of the
school year. We would appreciate receiving
registrations as soon as possible as it
assists us in planning for September.
Eligible Junior Kindergarten children must be born in 2011 and must be 4
years of age by December 31, 2015.
Flexible Boundary Procedures
A reminder to Parents/Guardians of students that are currently at Mary
Fix School under “Flexible Boundary”, that the procedure is reviewed
annually and permission is granted under the following conditions:
 Attendance must be punctual
 Transportation is your responsibility. The Board will not provide
either transportation or additional supervision for students admitted
under this consideration.
 Consideration is given to the size of the classroom and behavior or
Planning Ahead—Class Placements
In arriving at the decision for placement of
your child for the upcoming year, every
consideration is given to individual needs.
This decision is made in collaboration with
all staff who have been directly involved
in your child’s education this year. If you
feel that there are specific needs which
should be addressed in determining the
placement of your child, please send us a
letter to advise us of your concerns. We
ask for all submissions to be sent to the
office no later than Friday, April 17.
Your request will be considered at our
grade promotion meetings. We remind
you that it would not be appropriate to
request one teacher over another as
placements are subject to change.
However, if there is other information
regarding your son/daughter’s learning
style, or other considerations of which we
ought to be aware, please advise us of
these facts in your letter.
special needs concerns.
 Students admitted under this procedure do not automatically become
eligible for the Secondary School serving the Mary Fix community. A
separate request must be submitted to the Secondary School
Flexible boundary approval may be withdrawn if the above conditions
are not met.
Flexible Boundary Procedures—Full Day Kindergarten
REGISTRATIONS are being accepted. Flex boundary kindergarten
 A ‘Request for Flexible Boundary’ form must be completed and will
be filed at Mary Fix. If and when we are authorized to offer spots to
flex boundary kindergarten students, families will be contacted.
Student Information
Please remember to update the
office with any new information
regarding your child. The office
needs to be advised of any
changes to telephone numbers,
emergency contacts or address so
that we always have the most up to
date information for your child in
case of an emergency.
The office must be advised of any
medical concerns. All medication
must be kept in the office.
Junior & Intermediate Speeches
Valentine’s Day Dance
Congratulations to all Junior and
Intermediate students who
participated in this year’s speech
competition. Junior finalists were
Rebecca Q., Nicole G., Natalia D.,
Emily O., Sydney R., Cecilia F., Joseph
B. and Nadia I. Winners for the junior
division were
On Friday, February 13th students
from all grades participated in our
Valentine’s Day dance. School
Council funds were approved to cover
the cost of the DJ and the students
from FDK to grade 8 danced up a
Third Place: Olivia G.
made the
most of the
music and
showed off
Second Place: Jonathan B.
First Place: Julia R.
Julia moved on to the family speech competition on February
11th. Intermediate finalists were Paul H., Lola S., Chloe O.,
Sabrina Q., Alexandria L., Madeline L., Claudia G., Jayden C.
and Julia T. Winners for the intermediate division were
Third Place: Isabella I.
Second Place: Nicolas B.
moves! Way to get
down Mary Fix !
First Place: Marco R.
Marco also moved on to the Mississauga South Family of Schools
speech competition.
A special congratulations to Julia R. who placed 1st at the family
speech competition for her speech about ‘Google’ and to her
brother Marco R., who placed 2nd for his speech about the
Pope. Mary Fix is very proud of these excellent speakers!
We will continue to sell popcorn every Wednesday.
Popcorn comes in three yummy flavours; white
cheddar, kettle corn and butter & salt. Just have
your child(ren) bring a toonie to school on
Wednesday. All money raised will directly benefit
our Mary Fix students and classrooms.
I nt er medi at e Ski Tr i p Take 2
On Fr i day , Febr uar y 26t h our gr ade 7
and 8 s t udent s had a gr eat s k i day at Gl en Eden. The weat her was beaut i f ul
and t he s t udent s enj oy ed t he hi l l s al l t o t hems el v es .
Our s t udent s demons t r at ed gr eat s k i l l and our s t af f
was c ompl i ment ed on t hei r manner s and gr eat at t i t ude.
The s t udent s s pent qual i t y t i me wi t h t hei r peer s and
ev en and made t he mos t of t he c ol d weat her wi nt er has
t o of f er .
Spec i al t hank s t o al l our v ol unt eer s t hi s
s k i s eas on and t o our s t af f who al s o par t i c i pat ed.
Winter Walk Day at Mary Fix
Winter Walk Day at Mary Fix was a huge success! This event took place
on Wednesday February 4th, 2015. To promote walking to school, our
STP reps and Eco Team put up posters around the school and made
announcements to inform the students about what Winter Walk Day is
and how walking to school can help make a difference in our physical
and mental health, as well as to the environment. We started off the
day for the students who walked to school with tea for the parents in
the front foyer. The students who walked to school received a snowflake that they could put their name on and decorate, and the snowflake was a ballot for a chance to win door prizes like pencils, pens, frisbees, pencil cases, and more. Some students on the STP and Eco Team
also created an Olaf snowman that we hung on the wall, and after the
draw was done, we took the decorated snowflakes and put them
around the snowman, so that the students could see their snowflake on
display. The Mary Fix Eco Team will continue to encourage parents,
caregivers and students to walk and wheel to school.
By: Isabella
On February 17th the Earth Rangers visited all
our students from FDK to grade 8 to share an
important message about our Earth/ECO
stewardship. The
students were
entertained and
received great
information about
the creatures in
our region.
Shrove Tuesday at Mary Fix
On Tuesday, February 17th School Council
volunteers cooked up a wonderful pancake
dinner. The doors opened at 5:30pm and
parents and students gathered in our
gymnasium to break bread among friends. It
was wonderful to see so many community
members out that evening. We also had the
Quattrociocchi siblings demonstrating how to
make mats for Haiti on our gymnasium stage.
Students were taught how to separate and
weave the milk bags on a large loom to
create sleeping mats. The students were very
excited about the initiative, especially the
weaving part. A special thanks to our
Catholic School Council who volunteered
and for all those parents who were able to
help in the clean up.
Virtue Winners of Respect
Justin C. & Kyla D.
Lillian C. & Ivano L.
Olivia D. & Julia M.
Victoria D. & Serena T.
Bartosz S. & Maya B.
Amelia H. & Angelin H.
Megan B. & Nicole G.
Gemma P. & Matthew P.
Jonathan B. & Holly I.
Norbert D. & Julia T.
Dominique D. & Suely P.
Kamila P. & Patrick Z.
Diego M.
Congratulations to our February winners!
Mary Fix Media Club
If you haven’t already noticed we have a flat screen television in
our front foyer. Supported through our Speak Up Grant, we
have purchased this mode of technology to channel student
voice. Our students have many great ideas about how we will
use this television to inform the community about all the great
things happening at Mary Fix. Our Media Club is a large group
of students from grades 6 to 8 who have been collaborating to
create a profile for each day of the week. Tentatively they are
working on the following ideas: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday:
Weather/ECO/Healthy Schools Thursday: Friday: Selfie Day
Stay tuned….
Milk Bags for Haiti
Goes Wild!
We continue to collect
milk bags for Haiti and
in the meantime our
grade 5 students have
begun to weave these
bags into sleeping
mats in two sizes.
Students gather on
Friday at lunch time to
make a difference in
the world. We are so
proud of their efforts. A
special thanks to our
community volunteers
who have made this
effort possible.
HOLY WEEK Schedule
Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, March 25, 26 & 27
Confessions after 7:00pm Mass
April 2nd ___________
8:00pm Mass of the Lord's Supper
9:15pm Parish Holy Hour
11:00pm Church closes
April 3rd ___________
9:00-11:00am Confessions
Stations of the Cross (Spanish)
3:00pm Celebration of the Lord's Passion (Eng.)
Stations of the Cross (English)
6:30pm Celebration of the Lord's Passion (Eng.)
Stations of the Cross (Italian)
9:15pm Celebration of the Lord's Passion(Span.)
________Holy Saturday
8:00pm Easter Vigil Mass
April 4th __________
8:30am (English)
10:00am (Italian)
11:30am (English)
1:00pm (English)
4:30pm (English)
6:00pm (Spanish)
April 5th __________
The Mary Fix community has been given
another opportunity to receive FREE
Steelhead hockey tickets for
Sunday, March 8th game @ 2:00pm
Steelheads vs. Ottawa.
A sponsor has asked us if there are any community members who
are interested in receiving these FREE tickets. If you are
interested, please fill out the following form and return it to your
child’s teacher to receive your tickets.
Orders will be placed no later than
Thursday, March 5th
I am interested in receiving tickets. Please return to you child’s teacher no
later than Thursday, March 5th.
Family name:__________________________________
Ticket amount: ________________
Teacher: ___________________________
MARCH 2015
Let us now pray for the virtue of kindness so that everyone we
meet will feel like we are their brother or sister in Christ.
5 Patten & Telfeyan
to Silvercreek
12 The ‘Big Crunch’
22 First day of
25 Confessions,
Gr 3-8, 9:15 a.m. @
game vs Peel Police
29 Palm Sunday/
Holy Week Begins
31 Kindness Assembly
02 Holy Thursday
03 Good Friday