Mary Fix February Newsletter Learning & Living Through God

Mary Fix February Newsletter
Learning & Living Through God
Valentine’s Day Prayer for Friendship
The Celebration of love on Valentine’s Day shows itself in friendship.
May I remember that a friend I am
When coming to another’s place of unrest
With affection and warmth of caring.
A friend I am when listening openly, non-judgmentally
When judgment would be easy.
A friend I am when taking extra time
To lend a helping hand, though busy.
A friend I am when feeling your need
I act for you
As I would for myself.
486 Paisley Blvd. West
Mississauga, Ontario
L5B 2M4
Fax: (905)270-3475
Principal: C. Duke
Assistant: M. Kivell
Head Custodian:
V. Didio
Pastor: Fr. Lando
Trustee: B. Iannicca
D. Amaral
Inclement Weather Procedures
In the event of snowstorms which prevent safe
travel, please listen to the radio and television
stations listed on the insert in this newsletter for
announcements about bus transportation and
school closures, usually beginning about
6:30 a.m.
Bus cancellation updates can be accessed at:
Buses that do not run in the morning do not
run in the afternoon. If you drive your bus
student to school on a day when the buses are
cancelled, you are responsible for providing
transportation home as well.
If school closures are not announced but you
choose to keep your child home during extreme
weather, please call the Attendance Line and
leave a message.
Principal’s Message
February is a time for new beginnings, acceptance and respect.
Mary Fix continues to be a busy place as students are engaged in
sports, ECO initiatives, and working hard on our upcoming spring
play, Shrek. As students move forward in their learning they are
encouraged to use educational supports for home such as the
Raz-Kids Online Reading Program for Primary students. Students
can select a genre of their liking a read according to their level.
As they read they move up in levels. The program is fun and
engaging. We have also purchased the IXL online math program
for all students in grades FDK to 8. This program is directly
linked to the curriculum guidelines for all strands of math. This
program was purchased for one year and students can also
access the program from home. Please take the time to ask your
child/ren to demonstrate for you what they are currently working
on in math. Teachers also use this program within the classroom
setting and encourage students to practice daily. These
programs have been supported through our Catholic School
C. Duke—Principal
On Thursday, February 5, 2015, Mary Fix
Catholic School, along with other schools
across the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District
School Board, will be participating in National
Sweater Day. This day was initiated by the
World Wildlife Fund as a way of initiating
participation and conversation around energy conservation.
To encourage school-wide participation in this great event,
students and staff at our school will be asked to wear a sweater
to school on February 5th as the temperature of our school
building will be lowered by 2*C in an effort to conserve energy.
Research demonstrates that heating makes up 80% of all energy
used in homes and schools across Canada. If every Canadian
home and school turned down the temperature of their home or
school by 2 degrees during the winter for four months, that would
save enough energy to close an entire coal-powered plant! That
is why we’re turning down the heat on February 5th and putting on
a sweater to keep warm.
To generate excitement within the school community, we will be
using the theme My Sweater, My Story. Students and staff alike
are encouraged to choose a sweater that has a personal story
and to share that story with their peers throughout the day.
As a school we stand committed to environmental stewardship
and we are excited to be participating in
National Sweater Day. We thank the
community for your continued support.
Should you have any questions or concerns
about this event, please do not hesitate to
contact the school.
Cold Weather Children will be kept in at recess if the wind chill
equivalent temperature is minus 25 degrees Celsius or lower. This is in
accordance with the policy of the Dufferin Peel Catholic District School
Board. We will, of course, monitor the weather situation on a daily
basis. The safety of our students is always of utmost concern.
Dry Feet, Dry Clothing
Colder weather continues! Please ensure that your child comes to
school prepared to participate in all activities, including outdoor recess.
All children should have hats, scarves, gloves, warm coats and boots.
As the rainy season gives way to slush and snow, all students are reminded to bring an extra pair of shoes to wear indoors during the winter
months. Fire regulations dictate that all students must have footwear on
at all times.
Term 1 Report Cards
will be sent home to
students in Grades 1-8
on Tuesday, February
Interviews are scheduled for Thursday,
February 5th in the evening until
8:30pm. Forms have already been sent
home to make arrangements to meet
with your child/ren’s teacher/s. If you
have not already done so, please feel
free to call the office to make an
appointment with the teacher. You also
may receive a request for an interview
time by the teacher.
Friday, February 6th is P.A. Day.
Students are not at school, but teachers
will be conducting interviews during the
Attendance and Punctuality
Regular attendance is critical for
success. Although we encourage you
to keep your child home when he/she
is ill to avoid the spread of illness, we
encourage you, where possible, to
avoid appointments and planning
vacations during regular school hours.
In addition, we expect students to
arrive at school on time. Late students
miss opening exercises and important
announcements and disrupt their
classes when they arrive after the rest
of the class is settled in.
Students with multiple absences and
lates will be monitored and may be
referred to an Attendance counselor.
Attendance/late arrivals are recorded
on the Report Card. Remember to call
the Attendance Line if your child is
going to be late or absent:
(905)270-3140 ext. 1
Mary Fix Catholic School Council
Raising Emotionally Healthy Children
…practical solutions for busy parents
Guest Speaker: Michael Reist
Long-time teacher, nationally acclaimed speaker
and author of the Canadian bestseller Raising Boys in a New Kind of World
Wednesday February 25, 2015
7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Mary Fix Catholic School Library
Children cannot learn well and grow strong if their emotional needs are
not met. What are the fundamental emotional needs that all children
have? How can I provide these with my busy lifestyle? How can I protect
them from the emotional difficulties they will inevitably face? This
thought-provoking and inspiring workshop will look at the most
important emotional needs children have and provide practical
suggestions for raising emotionally strong and mentally healthy children.
A parent engagement evening focused on inquiry as foundational to Learning in the 21st Century has been planned to promote
the Board’s Strategic Plan goal of Catholic Community Engagement. This event is planned for February 10 at St. Josephine Bakhita
Elementary School.
Parents are invited to attend Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board’s Parent Engagement Event at St. Josephine
Bakhita School on February 10 from 7:30 through 8:30. The event will feature thirty minute workshops on how inquiry
is foundational to 21st Century Learning. Parents are asked to register through survey monkey by accessing the
following link for the BW/BNE/MBC (Brampton) family of schools. This survey is specific to the Mary Fix
Elementary School community.
February ECO News
The Mary Fix Eco Team continues to make a difference at our school
with many initiatives such as Lights Out Lunches, Walk/Wheel
Wednesdays and Wasteless lunches. Congratulations to our Eco
trophy winners in December: Mrs. Patten’s grade 8 class for walking
and wheeling to school on Wednesdays. In order to further implement
our waste management plan, our grade 4 eco reps (Maria, Nadia and
Olivia) will be auditing classes weekly for proper garbage and recycling
disposal. Eco reps from grades 1 and 3 (Julia, Libby, Mariane and
Carmela) will be keeping track of classes that are saving energy by
turning off lights and monitors.
School Council Invites the School
Community to Our Shrove Tuesday
Celebration on February 17th from
Please join us in the gymnasium for a pancake
dinner as we prepare to enter the season of
Lent. Volunteers will be serving up bacon
and pancakes. We welcome all to participate
as this is a family event.
We will be collecting donations
of loonies and toonies for
Share Life.
Loving God, as we begin our Lenten journey
help each of us grow in our relationship with
you. May our acts of self
giving and sacrifice
lead us to empty ourselves and welcome you
into our hearts, minds and souls. May the
Did you know that the crisp cold air can clear your mind and reduce
stress? So bundle up and join us on Wednesday, February 4 th for
Winter Walk Day. Everyone that walks will receive a sticker and a
snowflake ballot to win door prizes. The class with the greatest
participation will also win a prize! Herbal tea will be served in the front
foyer on that morning for all adult ‘winter walkers’ to thank you for
your support.
Starting in the month February we will be
selling (nut free) flavoured popcorn for $2 per
bag. Students we be given a choice of white
cheddar, butter or kettle corn. All proceeds
will go directly back into support our school.
Earth Rangers Bring Back the Wild! They will
be coming Tuesday, February 17th to Mary Fix for grades
K to 8. Students will be learning about the environment
and species at risk. They will be introduced to four live
animal ambassadors and learn about protecting animals
and their habitats. For a preview of the show check out
this link:
sacrifice of your Son and the depths of your
love fill our hearts with joy, and may we
make this joy known to all those with whom
we live and work.
We are continuing to collect 3 litre
milk bags. These bags are
flattened, stacked and sent off to
St. Martins Secondary School
where volunteer
work diligently to weave these plastic bags into
mats that can be used for sleeping on. They are
then sent off to Haiti. Please remember to send
them in with your child. A special thanks to Mrs.
Quattrociocchi for organizing this very meaningful
and worthwhile initiative.
Day Holiday
This is a reminder to parents that
Monday, February 16, 2015 is designated as Family Day. There is no
school on this day. Enjoy a day off with your children!
Birthday Treats
At Mary Fix school we recognize student birthdays with an announcement and a personalized bookmark. We have an increasing number
of life threatening allergies to nuts and nut products in our school. For
this reason we ask that no food treats, such as cupcakes, doughnuts or
cookies be brought into the school. Stickers, pencils and other nonfood items are a great alternative.
Celebrating Black History
February marks the beginning of Black History Month.
The Ontario Black History Society (OBHS) is the
organization in Canada that successfully initiated the
formal celebration of February as Black History Month
with the City of Toronto (1979), the Province of Ontario
1993, and the entire country in December 1995,
effective February 1996. Activties will focus on the
recognition, preservation and promotion of the
contributions of Black peoples and their collective
histories through education, research and cooperation.
We look forward to enlightening the students as we
continue to treasure the diverse individuals who have
graced the pages of our history throughout the world.
Intermediate and Junior students will be
participating in this year’s speech
competition in February. Selected
students will move on to represent Mary Fix
at the family speech competition at
St. Margaret of Scotland Elementary
School on February 11th. Thank you to Mr.
Cartwright and the Intermediate Division
who are coordinating the speech
Kiss & Ride
The safety of all our students is imperative.
Mornings and afterschool pickups can
sometimes be a rush, but in all circumstances
safety comes first. We strongly encourage
you to walk, or to take advantage of our Kiss
N Ride lane in the morning from 8:45 am to
9:00am. Please drive to the end of the Kiss N
Ride and drop off your child, where they will
then walk on the sidewalk to the yard. At the
end of the day there continues to be a
number of cars parked in our Kiss N Ride lane.
Please do not park in this lane as our bus
continues to have difficulty getting to the
front of the school to pick up bus students.
Make arrangements to meet with your
child/ren at a designated area. Your support
is greatly appreciated.
Student Entrances and Exits
We remind students on a regular basis to
enter and exit from their assigned doors.
Students are not to use the front doors of the
school or side doors that lead to the parking
lot. Bus students are permitted to exit from
the front building. Older siblings picking up
kindergarten siblings are also permitted to exit
from the front with permission from the office.
Virtue Winners of
Abby R. & David S.
Jeremiah C. & Dakota R.
Jayden C. & Peter K.
Marcus F. & Royal T.
Christofer C. & Nathan D.
Caitlyn M. & Mariane P.
Lucas D. & Anthony A.
Tamara G. & Nadia I.
Anna C. & David M.
Dominica M. & David R.
Rodrigo F. & Lola S.
Alexandria L. & Erika B.
Tristan A. & Matteo B.
Congratulations to our
January winners!
On Tuesday, January 27th, Victoria Didiano & Amelia Turini
won a special lunch with Mrs. Duke and Mrs. Kivell at The
Orchard Family Restaurant. Both girls put in a bid at our
Christmas Bazaar Silent Auction to support the cause.
Congratulations ladies! Your donation was greatly
appreciated. They we had lots of fun and good eats.
Congratulations to the following students
on the Girls & Boys Junior Basketball Team:
Olivia, Jessica, Emily, Rebecca, Maria K,
Larysa, Sebena, Juliana, Katrina, Sydney,
Nyomi, Jonathan S, Aires, Matthew D, Tyler, Jonathan B, Jacob,
Joseph, Joao, Lucas D, and Diego. You have all worked very hard
during practices. Good luck at your first games of the season: On
Monday, February 2nd (boys only) and Tuesday February 3rd (girls
and boys). GO FALCONS GO!! Thanks to our coaches: Mrs. Senra,
Mrs. Molella and Ms. Telfeyan for your support!
Congratulations to all those primary students who
participated in our Indoor Bench Soccer Club. Students
had a wonderful time competing with one another and
demonstrated excellent sportsmanship! Congratulations
to Team B on winning in the finals against Team A on
January 30th. A special thanks to Mrs. Burgess & Ms.
Telfeyan for taking the time to supervise and organize
these games. Way to go kids:)
February 2015
Let us know pray for the virtue of respect so that everyone we meet will
feel like we are their brother or sister in Christ. Amen
3 Report Cards
Grade 1-8 Go home
Jr. Boys B-Ball @
4 Junior Speeches/
Jr. B-Ball @ home vs.
St. David of Wales/
School Council Mtg
7p.m. in the Library
4 Reporting to
11 Mississauga South
Public Speaking
12 Jr. B-Ball @
St. Jerome
6 P.A. Day—
Reporting to Parents
No School for
Students Today
13 Valentine’s
Dance—all grades
Wear Red, White & Pink
16 Family Day
No School Today
17 Earth Ranger18 Ash Wednesday
Presentations K-8 Mass in the gym
Shrove Tuesday
Family Pancake
Dinner 5:30-7:30 pm
19 Grade 5 to
20 Youth Education
25 School Council
Michael Reist
(see flyer in newsletter)
27 Intermediate Ski
Day #2