Mary Fix Catholic School Newsletter

Mary Fix Catholic School
Remembrance and Peace
Lord Jesus Christ,
Those who we remember this month are examples of your words.
“Greater Love than this no one has than to lay down one’s own life for a friend.”
This month we remember all those who lived and died for us;
their energy and their effort to defend our freedom for our loved ones
and for our country.
Teach us to appreciate the value of patriotism…
a true and Christian love of country.
Let us grow in a love for our country that consists not of following blindly,
But of working together to make it the land of goodness that it should be.
Let our patriotism be such that it will not exclude the other nations of the world,
but include them in a powerful love of country that has room for all others too.
Principal’s Message…..
The start of the school year has been productive and busy. October was filled with
many activities and special events, demonstrating our motto, ‘Living and Learning
Through God’.
students from St. Martins and Faculty students from Niagara College and OISE.
Staff and students have been focusing on
learning and the Progress Report Cards
will be sent home on November 5th.
We gathered as a Catholic community at
November is a month that is particularly
our Virtue of Empathy assembly and parimportant as we recognize All Saints’ Day,
ents of Grade 2 and 8 students registered
All Souls’ Day and Remembrance Day.
their children for Sacraments at the parish.
A Student Travel Planning Survey is being
School Council organized our chocolate
sent home with this newsletter. Your infundraiser, as well as starting up pizza days put is greatly appreciated. Families are
and supporting the Halloween fun day.
encouraged to complete this survey and
Our Trustee, Bruno Iannicca, attended our
return it by Friday, November 8th.
school council meeting and our Superintendent, David Amaral, visited our school. Mary Fix School would like to invite parWe had Picture Day, a Grade 3 excursion ents/guardians/grandparents, to join us on
to Crawford Lake, Bus Driver AppreciaNovember 11th at 10:45 a.m. for our Retion Day, a Thanksgiving Day Food Drive
membrance Day Celebration. We encourand a Halloween fun day with contests and age students and staff to wear black on this
a dance-a-thon. We recognized World
day. All students will receive a poppy.
Teacher Day and DECE (Dedicated Early
Childhood Educator) Days. There were
Cross Country Meets, Volleyball Games
and PALS Training. We welcomed Co-op
Learning and Living
Through God
486 Paisley Blvd. West
Mississauga, Ontario L5B 2M4
 Milanetti
M. Kivell
St. Catherine of Siena Church
Fr. Lando (905)272-1454
B. Iannicca (905)270-0536
D. Amaral (905)890-1221
School Council Chairs:
R. Galluzzo & A. Orme
School Website:
DPCDSB is now on
For the latest board
news and information,
follow us
Dates to Remember
 Nov 1
All Saint’s Day
 Nov 2
All Soul’s Day
 Nov 5
Progress Rpts. Home
 Nov 7
Interview Evening (as needed)
 Nov 11 Remembrance Day
 Nov 13 School Council, 7 p.m.
 Dec 4
Advent Reconciliations
 Dec 11 Immunization #2
 Dec 12 School Council, 7 p.m.
 Dec 16 Advent Mass
 Dec 20 P.A. Day
 Dec 23-Jan3—Christmas Break
 Jan 6
Back to School
 Jan 20
P.A. Day
 Feb 4
Term 1 Reports Home
 Feb 6
Interview Evening
 Feb 17 Family Day
 Mar 7
P.A. Day
 Mar 10-13 March Break
Page 2
Catholic Community
On November 1 we celebrated All
Saints Day and on November 2nd, All
Souls Day. Prayers were read over
the P.A.
On November 11, Remembrance Day,
we are reminded of Canada’s role in
the two World Wars. We are called to
remember soldiers, peace-keepers
and victims of war around the world.
Please join us at 10:45 a.m. on Monday, November 11th for our Remembrance Day liturgy organized by the
Intermediate Division and our Youth
Faith Ambassadors. The whole school
is being asked to dress in black and
every student will receive a poppy.
A special mass will be held at the
church on November 3rd at 1:00 p.m.
to celebrate the enrollment of the first
communicants. Confirmation enrollment will take place on either Sunday
November 10th or 17th at 1:00 p.m.
Attendance is encouraged.
Mary Fix Catholic School Newsletter
This is the moment to continue to
teach our faith! Catholic schools provide space and time for the Holy.
Virtues Program
This month we will celebrate the virtue
of conscience.
God has given us the ability to know
the right and decent way to act and
then to act that way. We trust that the
common Spirit we share inspires us
and guides us to make good decisions
if we allow our conscience to be wellformed.
A person of conscience allows prayer
and scripture to influence him/her.
A person of conscience….
 Chooses to do the ‘right thing’ and
feels good about it
 Can see how his/her actions may
hurt others
 Admits wrong-doing and feels badly
 Says ‘sorry’ and tries to make up for
 Keeps promises
Youth aged 12 and up are invited to
Conscience is the voice of God within
join the parish Youth Group which
us. As you develop your conscience,
meets every Tuesday from 6-7:30 p.m.
you will learn to make decisions that
in Fr. Daniel Zanon Hall.
encourage and support truly loving
Catholic Education
You are invited to attend our ConIn spite of the challenges of modern
science Assembly on November
society, Catholic schools are accom15th at 1:30 p.m., prepared by Mr.
plishing their fundamental goal of offer- Hanson’s class.
ing young people the opportunity to
meet the Person of Jesus and to journey with Him. Within our Catholic edu- Thank you to School Council for
providing Virtue’s Pencils. These pencational community the work of our
cils will be provided to all students
schools is a sacred enterprise, where
each month and Virtues Certificates
Jesus is the heart of all activities and
will be presented to two students who
exemplify virtues from each class each
As a faith community, we must convey
month. Teachers will nominate recipithe importance of Catholic schools to
ents from their classes.
Ontario society in general. Our continued partnership will assist in ensuring
the existence of our Catholic system.
Cross Country
Jeremiah told the people of Israel in
captivity - “We forgot who we were.”
Congratulations to all students on the
Cross Country team. They repreLet us pray to never forget that the
roots of our tree of Catholic Education sented us very well at the Family meet.
We are thrilled to report that our Grade
are religious, spiritual, and Catholic.
7 boy’s & girl’s teams will all advance
to the Board Meet on the 5th of November. Congratulations to Tanya E.
(5th), Alexandria L. (2nd), Nicolas B.
(8th), Claudia G. (10th), Sean C. (9th),
Lucas B. (15th), Anthony (9th).
We would like to thank Mrs. Burgess
and Mrs. Dinga for their commitment to
coaching the Cross Country team.
Thanks also to the Parent volunteers
for helping out!
We would like to
congratulate our
volleyball teams. Junior teams were
coached by Mrs. Telfeyan, Mr. Cartwright and our Niagara College Student Teacher, S. Carnevale. The junior boys & girls teams played well and
demonstrated excellent sportsmanship!
The Intermediate season is now underway and the teams show great promise, winning all games in their first double header! The intermediates are
coached by Mrs. Patten, Mrs. Senra
and Mr. Chornous. Check the calendar
for the game schedule.
Spectators for Sports Games
Just a reminder that students must be
supervised by their parent if they wish
to be a spectator at sports games. Our
staff need to have their attention on
their coaching duties rather than supervising student spectators. We
would also like to remind parents that if
you have a concern at a game that you
please speak directly to our coach not
the referee or opposing team’s coach.
A special thank-you to all the parents
who have been so kind to drive our
teams to away games.
Page 3
Inclement Weather
health officials indicate that the fresh
air is good for children as long as they
are dressed appropriately.
Indoor Shoes
As boot weather approaches it is even
more vital that each and every student
On extremely cold days, we limit the
keep a pair of shoes at school to
amount of time the students spend out change into before entering the
of doors. We obtain our weather
classrooms and other common areas
information from the
within the school such as the gym and
Environment Canada
the library.
The information you pay attention to
Weather Information Line
Sand and dirt from outside makes the
will refer specifically to the Dufferin
and follow Board
hallways slippery and unsafe for staff
Peel Catholic District School Board. guidelines.
and students.
Announcements may take one of three Winter Wear
As the colder weather begins, please
ensure that your child comes to school
 some buses in some areas may be
Respect for Self, Respect for
prepared to participate in all activities,
cancelled, but other buses are
running and schools remain open for including outdoor recess. All children Others
should have hats, scarves, gloves,
students who walk
As a staff, we continue to work
warm coats and boots, all labeled with together to provide example and
 buses may be cancelled but the
their names. Children and parents are consistency in modeling Jesus’
school will remain open
also reminded of the importance of
message to our students. We will
 school may be cancelled/closed
indoor shoes, especially during ‘boot’
assist and remind students of the
season. Indoor shoes keep the halls importance of being respectful and
clean, dry and safe for students and
working together to create a safe,
Buses that do not run in the
caring, inclusive community.
morning do not run in the
Snowpants keep children dry and
afternoon. If you drive your bus
warm on snowy or wet winter days and
student to school on a day when the
are highly recommended. It is also a
buses are cancelled, you are
great idea to keep a spare pair of
responsible for providing transportation
socks in your child’s backpack.
home at the end of the day as well.
In the event of snowstorms which
prevent safe travel, please listen to or
watch news broadcasts about bus
transportation and school closures,
usually beginning about 6:30 a.m.
If school is not officially closed but you
choose to keep your child home during
extreme weather, please call the
Are you Moving?
Attendance Line. Your child will be Please advise the office of any
marked absent.
changes of address. Address changes
need to be noted in the students’
Bus Cancellations
records and a new Tax form must be
Bus and school cancellation
completed. If you are moving outside
information is available on radio and
of our boundaries, a written request
T.V. stations. In addition cancellation must be made for your child to remain
updates can be accessed online at :
at Mary Fix under Flexible Boundary
Consideration. Permission for Flexible
Boundaries is renewed annually and
Staying in for Recess
approved students must demonstrate
Throughout the school year, with cold
good punctuality and attendance.
temperatures, and so many students
either recovering from, or off ill
because of colds, the flu etc., we
receive numerous requests to allow
children to remain indoors during
recesses. Please note that we cannot
comply, as we have neither the
facilities nor the staff to supervise
these students. If your child is too ill to
go outside for recess, then he/she is
too ill to be at school. Moreover,
The Mary Fix Website has been newly
renovated. The monthly Newsletter
will be posted providing you with an
opportunity to check dates and events
on-line. The website has an important
dates and events calendar—just click
on the shaded dates to reference
specific days. School and Board
Contact information is listed and there
are tabs to access information
regarding Special Events, General
Information, Parish Information, School
Council and School History.
Take advantage of the many useful
links referenced on the bottom of the
We would like to invite you, if you
haven’t already done so, to submit
your email information to the Mary
Fix office.
Email information is kept strictly
Page 4
Mary Fix Catholic School Newsletter
MedicAlert’s “No Child
All Personal Electronic Devices (PEDs) Without” Program
PED Policy
must be kept out of sight, turned off
and not used within school premises or
during school-sanctioned activities
such as retreats, field trips, sports
events, etc. To prevent the loss or
damage of PEDs, we encourage students to leave them at home.
The No Child Without program offers a
free MedicAlert membership to students who attend our school and are
between the ages of 4 and 14 years of
age. If your child has a medical condition, allergy, or is required to take medication on a regular basis, you should
consider a MedicAlert membership
through this program.
Failure to comply with this policy may
result in the confiscation of the PED
and/or disciplinary action as outlined in
For further information visit the No
the Catholic Code of Conduct.
Child Without website at
To register your child, you will need
General Definition of a Personal the No Child Without brochure included in this Newsletter. If your child is
Electronic Device (PED)
already part of the No Child Without
program and there have been changes
Personal Electronic Devices (PEDs)
to his/her medical condition or medicaare Wireless and/or Portable electronic tion, call MedicAlert at:
Handheld Equipment that include,
1-866-679-3320, Ext. 1 to update
but are not limited to, existing and
your child’s file.
emerging Mobile Communication Systems and Smart Technologies (cell
phones, smartphones, walkie-talkies,
pagers, etc.), Portable Internet Devices (mobile managers, mobile messengers, BlackBerry ™ handsets, etc.) Allergy Alert
PDAs (Palm ® organizers, pocket PCs
We have some students with serious
etc.), Handheld Entertainment Syslife-threatening allergies to peanuts,
tems (video games, CD players,
tree nuts and associated products.
compact DVD players, MP3 players,
Exposure to these products may cause
iPods©, Walkmen™, etc.), digital or
a severe allergic reaction for these
film Cameras, digital or analogue Auchildren which could result in death.
dio or Video Recorders (tape reFor the safety of all of our children,
corders, camcorders, etc.), Spy Gadgparents are discouraged from sending
ets (spy cameras, covert listening
items containing peanuts, tree nuts or
devices, etc.), and any other Convernut by-products to the school. Should
gent Communication Technologies
you wish to, for special occasions,
that do any number of the previously
please send in non-food items such as
mentioned functions.
stickers and pencils.
PEDs also include any current or
emerging Wireless Handheld Technologies or Portable IT Systems that
can be used for the purpose of communication, entertainment, data management, word processing, wireless
internet access, image capture/
If other severe allergies are identirecording, sound recording and inforfied in your child’s classroom, you
mation transmitting/receiving/storing.
will be notified by the homeroom
teacher. In addition a sign is posted
at the entrance to the classroom
identifying the allergies present.
If you are sending your child to school
with ‘Wowbutter’ or other nut-free substitutes, please ensure that this product is clearly identified. Nutella contains actual nut products and we encourage parents not to include this in
your childrens’ lunches.
No Smoking, Please
To adhere to Board Policy and to ensure the safety of our students, please
do not smoke on school property.
Dogs , Cats and Other Animals in the School Yard.
For the safety of our students, parents,
guardians and staff please do not bring
dogs, cats or other animals on school
property when you are picking up or
dropping off students. Several students have severe allergies and animals may be unpredictable when confronted by a group of children.
No Glass Bottles Please!
Please make sure that your child does
not bring glass bottles to school.
Drinks should be sent in tetrapaks or
plastic bottles only. Broken glass in
the schoolyard or classroom creates a
dangerous environment .
Bullying Awareness Week
The week of November 18th is Bullying Awareness week.
Please see the flyer in this newsletter
advertising the Bullying Prevention and
Wellness Symposium.
Kiss & Ride
Parents/Guardians are reminded to
observe the rules of utilizing our
Kiss & Ride lane. The Kiss & Ride
lane is supervised to expedite the flow
of traffic in and out of school. Drivers
should remain in their vehicle and children will be removed or placed in the
car by the Kiss & Ride volunteer.
Mary Fix Catholic School Newsletter
Page 5
The Angel Tree
Report All Immunizations Your
Receives to Peel Public Health.
Online at
Fax Records to (905)789-0597
or (905)458-9217 (Attention Immunization Records Team)
Call Peel Public Health at
Mail/drop-off in person:
Immunization Records
Peel Public Health
44 Peel Centre Dr., Suite 102
Brampton, ON
L6T 4B5
In the new year Peel Health will
continue their campaign to ensure
that all school age children are upto-date with their immunizations.
You will be contacted in writing if
your child is missing a particular
inoculation and you will be required
to ‘catch them up’. Reporting all
new health information to Peel
Health directly will ensure that their
records are always current.
December is just around the corner
-watch for the Angel Tree to appear in
the front foyer.
Extended French
Information Meetings
Coordinating the Angel Tree, organizing and sorting the gifts and food items
and delivering the baskets is a big job.
If you able to offer some time to help
with this important charity, please
leave your name with the office.
Grade 4 parent(s)/guardian(s), who
wish to enroll their child in a Grade 5
Extended French class for September, 2014 are invited to attend an
information meeting at 7 p.m. on
Thursday, November 21st, 2013 at:
St.Elizabeth Seton School
Full-Day Kindergarten
Registration for 2014/15
Registration for Full-Day Kindergarten for the 2014/15 school year, will
take place at Mary Fix Catholic
School on the following days:
Monday, January 27, 2014
7 p.m. - 9 p.m.*
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Thursday, January 30, 2014
9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Friday, January 31, 2014
9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
* Snow Date:
Tuesday, January 28, 2014 7 p.m. - 9 p.m.
For more information about registration and the Full-Day Kindergarten program, please call the office
at (905)270-3140 or visit
Criminal Reference Checks
In order to volunteer within the school
and to be in direct contact with students, ie. supervise on excursions, all
adults over the age of 18 must have an
up to date Criminal Reference Check
(CRC). Parents/Guardians with recent
CRC’s may be asked to complete a
Criminal Offence Declaration (COD)
each subsequent year. Both forms are
available from the office.
Students registering for Junior Kindergarten will be born in 2010 and
for Senior Kindergarten 2009. Parents will be asked for proof of
birthdate, baptism and up-to-date
immunization records.
6133 Glen Erin Drive
An information meeting will be held for
parents/guardians of Senior Kindergarten children entering Grade 1 on
Thursday, November 21st at 7:00
p.m. at the same location.
St. Martin S.S. Open House
Grade 8 Students and their families are
invited to attend an orientation session
at St. Martin Secondary School on
Tuesday, December 10th, beginning
at 7:00 p.m.
This will be a great opportunity for parents/students to tour the facilities and
ask questions about the school.
St. Francis Xavier S.S.
St. Francis Xavier S.S. will be holding
their information evening on November
14th at 6:30p.m. in the cafeteria.
This meeting will provide parents/
guardians with information regarding
the Pre-IB (International Baccalaureate
Diploma) program a comprehensive
and rigorous 2 year international curriculum which begins in Grade 11 and
continues in Grade 12.
Iona S.S. Info Night
Iona S.S. will be holding their information evening on November 6th from
6:30 –8:00 p.m.
This evening will offer an opportunity
for Grade 8 students and their parents/guardians to tour the school and
learn about the Arts Program.
We are fortunate to have two police
officers, Constable M. Karas and Constable A. Paiment visit us at Mary Fix
on a regular basis as part of the Neighborhood Policing Officers Program.
Neighborhood Police Officers work
with area schools to maintain a presence with the youth population. They
work directly with teachers, parents
and the community to ensure that our
youth are on the right path to a great
Constable Karas and Constable Paiment are members of 12 Division
which, in partnership with the community, strives to create a safe environment in which to live, work and learn.
In addition, Youth Education Officer, H.
Faulkner, presented ‘Street proofing’ to
our Grade 4 & 5 students on Oct. 21.
Page 6
Ontario EcoSchools is an environmental education and certification program for grades K-12 that helps school communities develop both ecological literacy and environmental practices to become environmentally
responsible citizens and reduce the environmental footprint of schools.
The key areas of focus and achievement are: Teamwork & Leadership,
Energy Conservation, Waste Minimization, School Ground Greening,
Curriculum-Ecological Literacy and Environmental Stewardship. Mary
Fix earned the ranking of Silver as an Ontario Eco School by being
awarded points based on accomplishments in each of the six key areas.
The Eco Team has already been very busy this year with their many
programs and initiatives. This active and enthusiastic school committee, led by Mrs. Nucci, presents ‘Facts of the Day’, performs waste audits and works with staff and students to educate and model what
makes Mary Fix a ‘Silver’ ranked Eco School. We have a beautiful new
sign on the front wall which designates Mary Fix as a certified Eco
Waste Audit
During the month of October members of the Eco Team performed a
‘waste audit’ to see just how many plastic water bottles were being used
by students and staff. In the course of 1 week, Mary Fix used over 127
plastic bottles! Check out the water bottle sculpture made by Mrs. Nucci
& Mrs. Gaudencio’s kindergartens using all those bottles. We encourage using reusable drink containers which can be refilled with water at
our refill station outside the staffroom.
1. Choose a Game:
Friday, November 8th at 7:30 p.m.
‘Take Me Outside’ Day
vs Belleville Bulls
October 24th was ‘Take me Outside’ Day. Classes spent an extra hour
enjoying the great outdoors doing math, reading, playing games, having
gym or going for a nature walk.
Friday, November 29th at 7:30 p.m.
vs Erie Otters
2. Fill in your Name:
Teacher: _______________________
Do you have old Cell Phones?
The ‘Recycle my Cell’ program is in partnership with Canadian Wireless
Telecommunications. Old cell phones, blackberries, etc. can be recycled. From November 1—30, just drop them off in the drop box located
outside the main office. More information is available at:
Page 7
School Council News
Youth Faith Ambassadors
We’d like to thank our wonderful
school community for participating in
last month’s Chocolate Fundraiser,
your support allows us many wonderful
purchases for our school.
The purpose of the Youth Faith Ambassador program is
to encourage our students to continue to honour the
Gospel values through service to our school community.
We’d also like to thank you for the generous donations that went to our Halloween Treat Sale, proceeds from this
event will support our Christmas Basket program for the needy in our community.
Winter Coat Drive
Winter is quickly approaching and
there are people in need of a nice
warm coat. Between November 4th
and 11th, there will be a box in our foyer where you can donate your clean,
gently used winter coats. Lets come
together as a community and help
those less fortunate. No one should be
without a coat this winter.
The Angel Tree
December is just around the corner watch for the Angel Tree to appear in
the front foyer. Coordinating the Angel
Tree, organizing and sorting the gifts,
food items and delivering the baskets
is a big job. If you are able to offer
some time to help with this important
charity, please leave your name with
the office.
Please join us at our next
meeting on Wednesday,
November 12th at 7:00pm in
the library.
Thank you,
Mary Fix Catholic School
The role of the Youth Faith Ambassadors is to become
active Catholic Christians through the bettering of their own faith development, the bettering of our school community through service to others and
to demonstrate their belief in the word of God. In other words, they will be
active witnesses to our faith. We expect that these students will encompass leadership in informing, modeling and promoting the virtues program.
The Youth Faith Ambassadors are involved in a variety of activities
throughout the year, led by Mrs. Patten and Mrs. Senra. Last year the
YFA’s visited the Canadian Food for Children organization where they had
the opportunity to meet Dr. Simone who heads up this charity. As a result
of this inspiring encounter, the Mary Fix YFA’s will continue to offer support
to this organization. This year, we are participating in a Soap drive and a
Halloween candy drive (not chocolate bars or chips please as they do not
ship well). Bring in any leftover Halloween candy and wrapped bars of
soap and we will send them to CFFC and they in turn will send them to
deserving families.
The YFA’s will be hosting Spirit days such as pajama day and crazy hair
day. Proceeds of these events will go towards our annual ShareLife donation. Stay tuned for more fun events sponsored by this vibrant committee.
YMCA Before And After Care
The YMCA has spots open for any children who need care before and after school.
Before school care begins at 7:30 a.m. until classes start at 9:00 a.m. breakfast is provided. After school care begins at 3:30 p.m. until 6:00 p.m.
Snacks are provided.
Children play outside or in the gym and do crafts and art activities.
Eligible children must between the ages of 4 and 10. Full and part-time
spots are available.
Drop by the school if you would like to see the program or would like additional details.
Catholic District
School Board
Full-Day Kindergarten
Registration for the 2014-15 school year
will be held on:
January 27, 2014
7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.*
January 29, 30, 31, 2014
9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
*Snow Date:
January 28, 2014
7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Extraordinary lives
start with a great
Catholic Education
F or m or e i n f or m at i on , c on t ac t y ou r l oc al Catholic School
or c al l 9 0 5 - 8 9 0 - 1 2 2 1 or v i s i t w w w .
Volume 2
Web Resources:
Primary: Hickory Dickory Dock
Junior: Clockworks
Family Math Activity
Students need to learn to tell time on both analogue and
digital clocks. The world is increasingly digital but
there are still analogue clocks in use. Telling time helps
develop skills in proportional reasoning, fractions , skip
counting and understanding elapsed time. Use everyday
activities and make it
And don’t forget to turn your clocks back 1 hour on
November 3rd!
 Make it a practice to use timers as a tool to teach your child
the length of a minute or group of minutes (“You have ___
minutes to get ready for ___.”)
Grades 4-6
 Discuss with your child how much time has passed (“You started
school at 8:30 and you finished at 3. How long were you at
school today?”), or how much longer it will take (“How much
longer did it take a shower than brush your teeth?”).
Grade 7 and 8 - Free Math Tutoring!
Homework Help is more than just free tutoring Sunday to Thursday nights from 5:30 to 9:30
pm. The site offers a wide variety of resources such as videotaped lessons and interactive
tutorials. Plus students get a virtual locker to keep a record of their sessions which is great for
review before tests and end of the unit evaluations.
Register today at All you need to register is your
student OEN number which is found on your report card.
If you have additional questions, please contact your classroom teacher
Elementary Program Team
Bullying Prevention &
Wellness Symposium
Let it begin with me…
Empowering our Community, Raising Awareness, Building Partnerships
Keynote speaker: Anthony McLean
Motivational Speaker and Actor
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
6:30 p.m.
St. Francis Xavier Catholic Secondary School
50 Bristol Rd W, Mississauga
Please register at:
November 2013
Our Daily Prayer for November:
Let us now pray for the grace and strength to be people of conscience—
people who know the good and decent way to act and then choose to act that
way. AMEN
Grade 7/8 Skills
5 Progress Reports
Intermediate Volleyball
Double Header @ John
Board Cross Country
11 Intermediate Volley-
ball Double Header vs.
St. Catherine of Siena @
Mary Fix
18 Anti-bullying Week
1 All Saints Day
6 St. Martins’ visits
with Grade 8
7 Interview Evening
14 St. Martins’ visits
with Grade 8
15 1:30 p.m. Virtue
7 p.m.—School Council
Intermediate Volleyball
@ St. Jerome
19 Grade 6 RAID
26 Grade 6 RAID
27 Intermediate Girls
& Boys Volleyball
Family Tournament
@ Iona
(teams must qualify)
Intermediate Volleyball vs St. David of
Wales @ Mary Fix
All Souls’ Day