Mary Fix Catholic School Newsletter May 2013 Hail Mary

Mary Fix Catholic School
Hail Mary
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed are you amongst women and
blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners
now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Learning and Living
Through God
486 Paisley Blvd. West
Mississauga, Ontario L5B 2M4
(905)270-3140 Fax: (905)270-3475
May 2013
Principal, A. Milanetti
Secretary, M. Kivell
Pastor, St. Catherine of Siena
Fr. Ruggiero (905)272-1454
Beatitudes for Mothers
Blessed are mothers ...who did without for us, they will be rewarded.
Blessed are mothers ... who lost sleep when we were sick, they will find rest.
Blessed are mothers...who taught us how to pray, they will share God's kingdom.
Blessed are mothers...who comforted us, they shall be comforted.
Blessed are mothers ...who taught us right from wrong, they will know justice.
Blessed are mothers...who shared with us the meaning of peace, they shall know peace.
Blessed are mothers...who taught us the importance of loving.
Catholic schools are Catholic communities. Catholic schools are faith communities. We –
parents, students, teachers, administrative and support staff – walk and grow together in
the faith which we received at our Baptism. And it is the ‗together‘ that we grow. And as
we learn from nature, growth relies on sun and water and nutrition. Otherwise, it may
fade away and even die. Our growth is primarily a relationship with God, who at our Baptism, called us by name. But the response of each of us to that growth is both personal
and communal. We grow in our faith in the nurturing atmosphere of our Catholic community be that of our local parish, our home, or our Catholic school community.
Our school community will celebrate Catholic Education Week 2013 in ways that are appropriate to our students‘ age. We invite you to participate in one or other of these activities as your personal time and work schedule may permit. The Catholic Education Week
pamphlet of school activities will be sent home on Friday, May 3.
We hope to see many of you during our school celebrations.
School Council News
Trustee, B. Iannicca
Superintendent, C. Saytar
School Council Chairs:
R. Galluzzo & A. Orme
Dates to Remember
May 1
Jr. Heads Up
May 2
Intermed. Heads Up
May 4
First Holy Communion
May 5
St. Catherine of Siena
Feast Day
May 5-10 Catholic Education
May 7 Welcome to Kindergarten
May 7-10 Scholastic Bk Fair
May 12 Mother‘s Day
May 13 P.A. Day—No school
for students today.
May 15 & 16 - Rosary
May 20 Victoria Day
May 21 Gr 8 Confirmation 7pm
May 22 School Council 7 pm
May 23 Gr 2 & 8 Ice Cream
May 27 Mass of Mary of the
Visitation, 9:30 a.m.
Last month, school council volunteers helped our grade 2 students prepare banners for
their Holy First Communion. We'd like to thank our wonderful volunteers for their help in
creating this lovely keepsake. Our Spring Cookie Dough and Jewelry Fundraiser was a
great success! Proceeds are going towards our Alice in Wonderland production, graduation, and other school initiatives.
May 27 10:30– Volunteer Tea
Our next school council meeting will be held on May 22nd at 7:00 in the library, all are
welcomed to attend.
June 3-5
Thank you for your continued support, Your School council
May 29-31 Gr. 6 EQAO
May 30 Gr. 4 to Medieval Fair
May 31 Immunization #3
Gr. 3 EQAO
June 7 P.A. Day
June 25 Graduation
June 28 Last Day of School
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Mary Fix Catholic School Newsletter
May is the Month of Mary
Dress Code
Our Catholic tradition is to set aside
the month of May as a time to honour
Our Blessed Mother. Our statue of Our
Lady will be in the front hall and we will
celebrate our ―Crowning of Mary‖ at
our school mass in honour of our
patron saint, Mary of the Visitation on
Monday, May 27th at 9:30 a.m. All
are invited.
As we prepare for the warmer weather
we would like to remind our students
of the expectations that are in place
regarding appropriate dress.
Class Placements for September
Mary Fix staff will shortly begin
placement meetings for September
2013. Discussions will be held to
determine appropriate placement for
each student considering such criteria
as academic ability, work habits and
study skills, maturity/date of birth,
social factors and placement history.
If you have any concerns regarding
your child(ren)‘s placement, please
Volunteer Tea
put them in writing addressed to
Immediately following the Mass we
Mrs. Milanetti. Please do not make
invite all our wonderful volunteers to
specific requests, rather describe the
join us for tea and treats in the library. way your child learns best.
Our decisions are made after careful
God Bless our Grade 2 students consideration of all the relevant
who will receive the Sacrament of First information and are based on the
Holy Communion on May 4th . Thank individual strengths and needs of each
you to Ms. Buhajczyk, Mrs. Burgess,
child so for this reason, requests for
Mrs. Pilling and Mrs. Senra to our
placement are not guaranteed. Also,
Grade 2 parents & the Parish for
class composition (combined grades),
preparing the students. Special thanks may be necessary due to Ministry
to Mrs Borg, Mrs. Speziale, Mrs.
guidelines which establish class sizes.
Vuksevic and Mrs. Wawrow for their
Please ensure that your written
hard work with the First Communion
placement requests are submitted
no later than Friday, May 10th.
Sleeveless tops are permitted but not
halter, tank, or short tops. Short
shorts, skirts and clothing of a
suggestive nature or displaying
offensive wording or pictures are not
allowed. Headbands of any sort, worn
across the forehead are not allowed.
In keeping with the Board‘s Mission
and Catholic teachings, each school is
committed to standards of neatness,
cleanliness, modesty and good taste
as specified in the Dress Code Policy
of the Board… ―students are required
to dress in a manner suitable for the
occasion and appropriate to the school
Celebrating Virtues
God Bless our Grade 8 students
who will receive the Sacrament of
Confirmation on Tuesday, May 21st at
7 p.m. . Thank you to Mr. Chornous &
the Parish for preparing the students.
Ice Cream Liturgy
On Thursday, May 23rd, Grade 2 and
Grade 8 students will be treated to an
‗Ice Cream‘ Liturgy compliments of the
School Council. This celebration is in
honour of these students receiving the
sacraments of First Communion and
Confirmation respectively. If you are
available to volunteer at this event,
please contact the office.
May 13th - is a P.A. day. Students
will not attend school on this day and
Mary Fix staff will be attending a
Conference. The last P.A. day of the
year is Monday, June 7th.
This month, Mary Fix will
celebrate the virtue of
One of the great
wonders of the world we
live in is that no two people are exactly
alike. We may share biological
families or national identity or cultural
and ethnic identity but we all very
unique and distinct creations. God
breaks the mold every time! And that
is a fantastic fact of life!
The virtue of acceptance describes our
ability to look at the attitudes and
actions of those around us and then
just stop and consider without judging
them. The virtue of acceptance means
that we look beyond what we see - a
person‘s colour, ethnic background,
religion, age, gender, sexual
orientation - and see a person created
and loved by God. Please join us for
our Virtue Assembly presented by Mr.
Hanson‘s class on Friday, May 10th
at 2:45 p.m.
EQAO for Grades 3 & 6
Parents of Grade 3 and Grade 6
students are advised that EQAO
testing will take place from May 27
through June 7. The EQAO website
( provides many
resources for both parents and
teachers. In order to facilitate testing,
please ensure that no medical appointments are booked during this time.
How Can you Help Your Child with
Talk with your child about the purpose
of EQAO testing and reduce the
anxiety related to any type of testing
situation. Encourage him/her to try his/
her best. You should also be sure that
your child has enough sleep, eats a
nutritious breakfast and is well
It is important if your child is in grade 3
or 6 that they be in full attendance and
on time during the testing period.
Mary Fix Catholic School—Newsletter
2013/14 JK Registration
We will continue to accept registrations
for Full Day Kindergarten. Early registration assists us in planning for the
new school year. Flex Boundary applications may be subject to a Lottery once the number of available
spaces is determined. Final acceptance will be granted at the end of
August 2013.
Welcome to Kindergarten Night
On Tuesday, May 7th at 6:30 p.m. we
will be holding our ‗Welcome to Kindergarten‘ (WTK) evening. This is an informative evening for new Kindergarten students and their parents.
Our Welcome to Kindergarten evening will be held on Tuesday, May
7th at 6:30 p.m.
Page 3
Diversity Conference
Mississauga South Family of Schools
will be hosting the annual Diversity
Grade 8 Conference ―Growing Together in Faith‖ on Thursday, May 16,
2013. Mr. Chornous will accompany
10 Mary Fix Grade 8 students to
Blessed Trinity School for this annual
event. Students will be involved in various activities to promote faith and acceptance.
Coming soon to a Public Library Branch near you!!
Why: To reinforce reading strategies introduced throughout the school year and
to sustain reading development over the summer months in a fun parent/child
interactive environment.
What: Each week for 6 weeks, Dufferin-Peel teachers will be modelling and demonstrating a variety of reading comprehension strategies during read-aloud sesions. Participants will receive a “Parent Toolkit” and “Student Toolkit” to help sup
port reading throughout the summer.
Who: Students in Grade 1 through Grade 3 (who are reading at an independent
reading level of 16 or higher) and their family members.
Where: Select Mississauga, Brampton, Caledon and Orangeville Public Libraries
When: 1 hour weekly (dates and times will vary depending on library locations)
How: Program details and registration are available by clicking on the “Ready,
Set, Read” link on the Dufferin - Peel website. Registration can also be done
online at :
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May 9 – Parent Presentation on
―Parenting & Discipline‖ at
Loyola C.S.S.
On Thursday May 9th the Mississauga South Diversity and Safe
School Committee is presenting
Ronald Morrish, an expert
speaker on Parenting and Discipline, and Teresa GomesRomano, an experienced Dufferin
Peel Catholic District School Board
School Social worker. The presentation will take place at Loyola
C.S.S. (4010 Sladeview, Mississauga) at 7:00pm in the lecture
hall. The presentation is free to all
parents and staff. No reservation is
required. Please invite your parent
community to this event. For more
information, call 905-820-9822.
News from the Ministry
This month, families with children in
Kindergarten through Grade 6 will
receive two parent guides from the
Ministry of Education:
1. Reading and Writing with your
Child, Kindergarten to Grade 6
2. Doing Mathematics with your
Child, Kindergarten to Grade 6
These guides provide a range of
fun and easy ways that you, as
your children‘s first teachers, can
continue to contribute to their wellbeing and educational achievement.
Mary Fix Catholic School Newsletter
St. Catherine of Siena Parish
Feast Day Celebrations
On Saturday, May 4th and Sunday, May 5th come and join your
fellow parishioners in celebrating
the Feast Day of our patroness St.
Catherine of Siena!
A special Mass will be celebrated
on Sunday, May 5th at 1:00pm followed by an outdoor procession
and ―street‖ party.
There will be food, music, dancing
and a talent show. If you or your
child would like an opportunity to
showcase your special talent contact the office of St. Catherine of
Siena Church: 905-272-1454 ext.
‗0‘ for further information.
Criminal Reference Checks
As per Board policy, beginning
September 1, 2013 all school volunteers, including parents and
guardians, will be required to have
a completed Criminal Reference
Check (CRC), including a Vulnerable Sector Search completed
through Peel Police, in order to attend a school trip as a volunteer.
If you plan to volunteer for trips,
drive students to/from events, or
help students in the school, please
pick up a form in our school office.
There is no charge for a Criminal
Reference Check when you are a
Please allow up to 8 weeks to process the CRC.
Lockdown Drills
On Friday, April 5th, Mary Fix students and staff conducted our second Lockdown Drill. In the unlikely
event that the school and classrooms need to be secured, students learn safety protocols and
procedures to ensure everyone‘s
Thank you to our NPU Officers, A.
Paiment and M. Karas for coming
to assist during this important drill.
Mrs. Telfeyan is once again participating Enbridge Ride to Conquer
The guides can also be found onCancer. On June 8 & 9, she will be
line in a number of languages incycling 200km from Toronto to Nicluding: English, French, Arabic,
agara Falls to raise money for CanFarsi, Hindi, Korean, Portuguese,
cer Research at Princess Margaret
Punjabi, Spanish, Tagalog, Tamil, Hospital.
St. Joseph Secondary School
Traditional Chinese, Simplified ChiCouncil Invites You…..
nese, Urdu and Vietnamese at
As a participant, Mrs. Telfeyan will An information evening:
be wearing a Jersey specially deInternet Safety and Your Teenager
signed for the event. She invites
Presented by: Constable Yvette Logan
Mary Fix families to sign her jersey
Peel Regional Police
with names of family members lost
We encourage you to take a look to cancer. If you would like to
Tuesday, May 28th at 7 p.m.
at these resources and enjoy
make a donation to sponsor her
5555 Creditview Rd. (905)812-1376
some fun family learning
ride, please contact the office.
Mary Fix Catholic School—Newsletter
Page 5
Book Fair. You could win $50 in books – $25 for
your family PLUS $25 for your child‘s classroom!
The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to
Mary Fix School!
What better way to promote reading to our students than by supporting this important literary
We invite your entire family to participate by purchasing the latest and greatest in children‘s
books. Did you know that for every $10 you
spend at the Fair up to $6 comes directly back
to our school? Your support of this vital literary
event is key in helping us obtain new books and
resources for our library.
You‘ll find hundreds of quality books at our Book
Fair with a wide assortment for all reading levels. Your child will be bringing home a Book Fair
flyer that provides a preview of only a FEW of
the many books available to purchase.
The flyer will also contain a special Family Event
Draw ballot that parents can deposit during the
Again this year we will be offering a special gift
for purchases greater than $25.00. As in the
past, this special offer is valid only when $25.00
is spent in a single purchase. It will not be applied to multiple purchases totaling $25.00.
Don‘t forget to mark the Book Fair dates on your
calendar! And please note, the Book Fair will be
open until 6:00 on Thursday, May 9 for after
school shopping!
We look forward to seeing you during our Scholastic Book Fair and thank you, in advance, for
supporting this great literary fundraiser. Mostly,
thank you for believing in books and the importance reading has on your child‘s future.
See you at the Book Fair!
Tuesday, May 7
Wednesday, May 8
Thursday, May 9
Friday, May 10
4th Annual Hats Off 2 KIDZ Walk-a-thon
Schools in Mississauga South, Mississauga North and throughout Dufferin Peel will be participating in the
4th Annual Walk-a-thon in support of Hats Off 2 Kidz, Leukemia Research at Sick Kids Hospital on Tuesday, May
7th, 2013 beginning at 1:15 p.m. Morning kindergarten students will walk in the morning—volunteers are welcome.
(Rain date: Wednesday, May 8 2013)
Schools will walk in their area simultaneously. Hats off 2 Kidz is a charitable organization in the support of Leukemia
Research for the Hospital for Sick Children and the Sick Kids Foundations. To date Hats Off 2 Kidz has raised over
$ 700,000.00.
On Event Day, the children are asked to wear blue and white, with a baseball cap. Volunteers are welcome,
please let your child‘s teacher know if you are able to accompany the students.
We invite all members of our school communities to come and take a walk with us on this very special day.
We are kids walking for KIDZ.
―Today, we can give a child a reason to smile, tomorrow!‖