School Advisory Council Meeting Minutes Thursday, January 21, 2016

School Advisory Council Meeting Minutes
Thursday, January 21, 2016
C. Duke, Principal
L. Blank, Co-Chair
R. Quattrociocchi, Co-Chair/OAPCE Representative
M. Schaeffner, Secretary
A. Orme, Parent Representative 1
B. Turini, Parent Representative 2
R. Didiano, Parent Representative 3
B. Iannicca, DPCDSB Trustee Mississauga South
C. McCarthy
J. Telfeyan, Teacher Representative
M. Kivell, Non-Teacher Representative
P. Borg
C. Henriques
T. Tremain
D. Vieira
1. Opening Prayer
-Meeting was called to order by R. Quattrociocchi at 7:01 pm beginning with the opening prayer.
2. Call to Order, Welcome, & Introductions
3. Review and Approval of the Agenda
- Date needs to be changed to December 1, 2015
- Motion to approve Agenda by M. Schaeffner, seconded by B. Turini, passed
4. Review and Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
-Previous minutes:
-C. Duke – Point 15 – Ellison machine – not really discussed
-R. Quattrociocchi – Conversation came to an end without any decision made
-B. Iannicca – can pick up part if needed when visiting States
-Motion to approve by A. Orme, seconded by B. Turini, passed
5. Special Guest: Bruno Iannicca, DPCDSB Trustee Mississauga South
One of the biggest issues facing the board is pupil accommodation review – focus currently on 8
schools, looking for input on closing a number of them. Schools in a specific area in East Credit are way
under capacity and the province is not providing top up grants. 1.5 – 2 million dollars annually will be
lost if no action is taken. Either we look at closing schools and increasing population density within
remaining schools or face 1.5 – 2- million dollar shortfall in the budget.
On the 20th an open house was held at St. Joe’s, attended by 500 people who may be affected by school
closures. Boundaries are being shifted in order to try to maintain population in under capacity schools.
Contrary to rumours, Mary Fix is not one of the schools under consideration for closure.
The family life and health education program adopted – the board has been very open, flyers have been
distributed and staff have been transparent and available for questions and comments. Only positive
feedback has been received from the community.
Anaphylactic process and policy: There are 2429 students in the school board – Mississauga south
account for 13-14% of this population. Much care and time was taken in drafting the policy –
Anaphylactic Society of Ontario was invited to review the policy and approved. They were happy to
help as DPRCSB was the only school board to invite them into the process.
DPRCSB 3rd board in province in graduating secondary kids, partially due to SCHISM programs –
incentivizes kids to go to and stay in school.
A request has been received with regards to a new social action initiative – a letter to go to all schools to
collect unused school supplies at the end of the year and donate to Dr. Simone’s warehouse.
In 2009, there were 450 smart boards in our classrooms. Today we have 2305. In 2012 we had 20 iPads,
there are 466 iPads in the board today. This technology can be good but can be detrimental for some
kids – this concern has been expressed by multiple parents. Kids have been expelled for misuse of
technology. The idea of the 21st century learning model is to combine all ways available to investigate
solutions to problems.
My blueprint has been made available – a great guidance and informational tool for students and parents
The board calendar of reports overview are regularly sent to Cathrine which shows when and where
meetings will take place for a variety of issues. These are sent in an effort to keep parents up to date.
Parents are invited to review this calendar. Bruno is open to any questions or comments from the
Tuesday night – mass and reception for Father Lando who celebrated his 75th birthday. This September
will be 50 years since his ordination.
R. Quattrociocchi – Is there a policy for kids over a certain age to carry their own medication?
B. Iannicca – not sure
C. Duke – Children are allowed at any age to carry their medication if they need it, but they will
be required to carry it at all times in a fanny pack. Medical forms and records must still be
completed and kept in the office. It is still recommended to have extra, backup medication in the
6. Financial Review and Approval
-Balance as of January 20, 2016: $7971.40
-CD gym pads have been installed during PA day
-Pizza money not included in this statement – with pizza money approx.. $18,000
-Pizza collection now being switched to every three months to streamline money collection
process (currently very time intensive, must be done daily, lots of paperwork). It is the hope that
we can eventually move onto digital payment.
-B. Turini – is it possible to condense the order form?
-C. Duke – Mrs. Brum takes care of the order form – will forward.
-Motion to accept statement by A. Orme, seconded by L. Blank, passed
7. Fundraising Report
Spring Fundraiser
-R. Quattrociocchi
Valentine’s Day Dance Fundraiser
School Council Dance a thon fundraiser
We need to develop a sponsorship form the kids can get sponsors
The DJ has been booked (around $500)
Thinking of three grand prizes of $50 movie passes for each division
Funds to go to School Building Improvements
-C. Duke – pizza party for class with most pledges
-every $20 raised earns an extra ticket for the student
-one draw for each division
-volunteers not necessary
-R. Quattrociocchi – need to follow up with YFA, to see if they are doing their own fundraising
– St. Martin’s culinary class made an individually wrapped nut-free cookie for each
student in the school for Valentine’s Day
-B. Turini – we have to keep the postal code on the pledge form because a tax receipt must be issued
once a donation threshold has been reached.
-R. Quattociocchi – leave form as is
-C. Duke – After Christmas fundraiser – is it a good idea to have another fundraiser?
-L. Blank – Feedback from parents on Christmas fundraiser: they did not want to donate money
and children on angel tree were “too old”
-R. Quattrociocchi – We are in a good position financially – do we need a spring fundraiser? We
cannot charge entry for valentines dance because students who cannot/do not pay are excluded.
-General consensus – we should still have another fundraiser.
-R. Quattrociocchi – too much combined with Shrove Tuesday. Leave dance for free and if we
need another fundrasiser – do one in March.
-B. Iannicca – Leave dance for free – but sell cookies and popcorn on the side to raise money.
-C. Duke – dance will be for free and leave YFA to raise money for ShareLife. We are still
allowed to have one more fundraiser event this year.
C. Duke – We will revisit idea of having a movie night in spring. Board has rights to Disney movies.
8. OAPCE Rep Report
Michael Reist Newsletter: How to Talk to Kids About Terrorism
“If we think of it as a family tree, it started with the Jews (who believed that God made a special covenant with
Abraham), then a new branch formed from that central trunk called Christians (who believed that Jesus was the
Messiah the Jews had been waiting for) and then another branch grew from the same central trunk called Muslims
(who believed that Mohammed was the last in a line of great prophets that included Abraham and Jesus). These
are the three great monotheistic religions (those who believe in one God) in the world today. They are all
branches of the same tree. They have their roots in the same earth, and the branches are reaching for the light of
the same sun.”
C. Duke – beautiful excerpt – please share to include in next newsletter
For more click the link below
Special Presentation:
Ron Morrish Wednesday January 27th, 2016 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm St Valentine School Gym, Hosted by DRAPCE
“Our children live in a world of social networking and on-line gaming. Their "heroes" are from the entertainment
industry, not the space program.” Given these issues and pressures, parents keep searching for effective ways to
help their children learn respect and responsibility, values and character.
He will provide you with a host of practical, common-sense strategies for raising responsible children and he will
challenge you to adopt a positive view of discipline. You will go home with many great ideas that you can start
using the very next day.
9. Parish Rep Report
-R. Quattrociocchi – Father Lando 75th birthday, communion classes have started, registration for grade
7 confirmation soon
10. Pro-Grant Report
Aussie X
- Current dates booked:
May 10th & 11th (with students)
May 12th Parent Community Night - Deposit $960.30 Total Cost: $2900.00
-Rep will come to a April’s Council meeting to review the process and program
-Deposit has been made, balance due after event has passed
-Due date for next Pro-Grant application in May 2016. Application to be revisited at a later meeting.
11. Teacher Rep Report
- J. Telfeyan – requests to support scientists in the school.
12. Principal’s Report
Ash Wednesday Liturgy: Wednesday, February 10th @ 10:30am
Confirmation Meeting for Gr 7 Students: Monday, February 1st @7:00pm
Confirmation: Thursday, June 2nd @ 6:00pm
Self-Control virtue assembly (Gr 4 Mr. Cartwright’s class) at 1:45pm on January 29th for those who
wish to attend
Community Culture and Caring
 Special thanks to trustee Bruno Iannicca who pushed forward the completion of the path along the
side of the portapack
 Backyard trees were removed and an outdoor classroom will be created with the leftover trees and
will be supported and planned by our ECO team. New trees will be planted in the spring (possibly 8
new oak trees)
 Permanent gym mats have been set up in the gym
 New furniture has arrived for the foyer and library
 New Clubs: Art and Drawing Club hosted by Mrs. Telfeyan and the Music Club hosted by Mrs.
Franzone Cadete
 Hold and Secure was in effect on Friday, January 8th for a period of 8 minutes, during the lunch
hour. Students were brought inside promptly and protocol was followed by staff. Peel Regional
Police acted quickly and the issue was handled very well. Discuss differences between Hold and
Secure and Lockdown
Learning Environment
 Gr 6 class just went to SilverCreek and had a great time
 Swim to Survive Program – Gr 3’s (Feb 25, Mar 3, 10)
 Public Speaking will take place in the gym on Tuesday, February 16th at 1pm Gr 4-8. Family of
Schools competition will take place on Thursday, February 18th @ St. Margaret of Scotland
 Can Skate Program – Gr 4 & 5 (Feb 19, 26, Mar TBA)
 Gr 5/6 class to visit Safety Village Feb 23
 Walk to School Wednesday – Feb 3rd (8:30-9:00am) with Peel Regional Police. Students will meet
up with Peel Police at Iroquois Park and walk 1.2 KM to school through the park. Students who
participate will be given hot chocolate
 Authors to visit all grades coming up in spring. Librarian currently booking Eric Walters for Junior
and Intermediate and Ruth Ohi for Primary. School Council funds to be used to support artists in the
school. Costs are approximately $1000, but final receipts will be submitted at next meeting
Wish List
 Still waiting on tent for sporting events
 Logos for new gym mats (Home of the Falcons)
o R. Quattrociocchi – approximate cost
 C. Duke approx. $400 each logo
 Cover cost of Author book talks
 Busing for Swim to Survive & Mount Alverno (Gr 7 Students)
13. Co-Chair’s Report
-R. Quattrociocchi –
Mary Fix is not unique or alone in its struggles to get parents involved despite the statistics that prove that
involved parents make a difference in the success of their children’s scholastic journey. The Ministry of
Education’s PRO grant program says that increasing funds are being made available to councils to involve
parents. We’ve seen first-hand that fewer parents are involved.
In the meantime an endeavor to promote councils and garner more interest; CCCSC has developed a series of
webinars using their pro grant, so that parents can look into different council roles and perhaps take on a more
substantial role such as chair, treasurer, OAPCE rep etc…
If this is something you are interested in learning more about, have a look at these webinars and see if any of
the roles of a Catholic School Council is for you. Click on this link.
-L. Blank – no report
14. Upcoming Events
-R. Quattrociocchi
Valentine’s Day Dance Fund Raiser
School Council Dance a thon fund raiser
We need to develop a sponsorship form the kids can get sponsors
The dj has been booked
Thinking of three grand prizes of $50 movie passes for each division
Funds to go to School Building Improvements
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Night Feb 9th
An opportunity to give back to the community and say thanks for all the support they give us
It is also an opportunity for SMCSS to show off some of their programs to the feeder schools;
Drumline is to perform and then serve (we have to feed them  and give them volunteer hours)
SMCSS Culinary program has offered to cook all the pancakes, bacon and sausage as well as provide all the
paper products, fruit, warmers and trays labour included, mess stays in their kitchen
Note: Last year we spent $1150 by the time we rented the griddle and bought the supplies; SMCSS culinary
has offered based on 200 people to do it for under 700 all in including all the paper; warming trays; food,
labour with all the mess staying in their kitchens.
3 pancakes and syrup per
2 sl of bacon per
2 sausages per
Apples, bananas and oranges
*Council to supply water and get coffee.
Parent volunteers are required to clean up and pack away tables and chairs and supervise kids
Setup at 4:30
Service begins at 5:30
Drumline will perform around 6:30ish
15. New Business
** Used School Supply Collections
Is it possible to have a box somewhere, where kids can toss in their old pencil cases and used school supplies for
Dr. Simones Warehouse? Maybe place a box all year round for kids to discard/donate used school supplies
16. Next Meeting Dates 2015-16:
-April 14, 2016 @ 7:00 pm
-September 2016 meeting TBD
Additional dates:
-February 9th, Shrove Tuesday
17. Closing Prayer
18. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm