Minutes of Meeting

Minutes of Meeting
Mary Fix Catholic School Advisory Council Meeting
April 8, 2015
R. Didiano, Co-Chair
A. Orme, Co-Chair
C.Duke, Principal
L. Ieraci, Secretary
B. Turini, Fundraising Co-Chair
C. Henriques, Treasurer
R. Quattrociocchi, OPACE Representative
J. Telfeyan, Teacher Representative
L. Blank
M. Navarra
E. Speziale
M. Wawrow
P. Borg
N. Brum
G. Renda
D. Vieira
M. Schaeffner, Parish Representative
M. Kivell, Non-Teacher Representative
Opening Prayer and Approval of Last Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm starting with opening prayer and
approval of the February meeting minutes.
Chairs Report
o Holy Communion Committee: May 9th
 P.Borg will assemble the banners
 L.Blank and R.Didiano will take inventory
o Ice Cream Liturgy on June 5th
 P.Borg, L.Blank, R.Didiano, A.Orme will assist
o Rosary bracelets and chaplets for Communion and Confirmation children
will be made
o Graduation Preparation – June 24th
 School Colour Theme – Blue, White, Silver
Mary Fix Advisory Council Meeting – April 8th 2015
R.Didiano will circulate a list to go out for volunteers
M.Navarra will organize fresh cut flowers for Graduation
We will continue with the potted plants that will go to the Eco
School Play Refreshments
 Popcorn and water for sale
 Volunteers for painting on Sat starting in April
School Council By law changes will come into effect; chairs will bring this
back to council members – webinar on Friday April 10th
CCCSC Market Place – Sat April 11th
Pro Grant – Due by end of May 2015
 Movement X for May 2016
Principal’s Report
o Virtue assembly took place March 31st presented by the FDK team. Next
assembly will be presented by Mrs. Molella and Mr. Chornous’ class
o Confirmation Church Retreat: April 11th @ 12:30-7pm. School Retreat will
take place May 6th at Mount Alverno. Confirmation at Church: May 28th
o Students are continuing to make mats for Haiti on Friday afternoons with
Renata Q. Boxes are being delivered to the school from other schools and
are being sent over to St. Martins.
o Rosary of Apostolates has been coming to the school twice a month to do
the Rosary with the children in the chapel
o St. Catherine of Siena Pastors came to Mary Fix to hold confession prior to
Easter (March 25th)
o ShareLife Spirit Week: April 13th – 17th
o Catholic Education May 4 - 8
o Lunch Moms Inc. has been a success. We will increase the orders to
twice a week next year
o Popcorn sales have been very good also, being sold at $2 per bag on
o School Beautification: NEW school art gallery to be painted and set up in
the front foyer to display student art work and voice. Painting of
graduation wall for students in grade 8. Painting of positive faith
messages and Catholic graduate Expectations throughout the school.
Decorative painting in the student washrooms, library and improving the
school library (new carpet, furniture, plants and resources) –School
Council will determine if funds are available during June meeting
o Parking and Kiss N Ride
Mary Fix Advisory Council Meeting – April 8th 2015
o Dell tablets have been ordered for the school. Set of 30.
o Innovation Grant: we were given $1000 to spend towards our school
math inquiry. We are in the process of organizing math games that were
purchased to create math clubs across the divisions.
o Teachers are currently preparing students in grades 3 and 6 for EQAO
testing. Testing will take place from May 25th to June 5th. Refreshments
will be given on all days – Bear Paws, Juice and fruit cups
o Grade 3: May 25th to May 29th – Grade 6: June 1st to June 5th
o Student Voice Project: the Media Club has been working hard at creating
PowerPoints for each day of the week to be projected onto the school TV
screen. Two new cameras were purchased. We are still waiting for them
to arrive
Mondays: Student Artwork
Tuesdays: Newsletter
Wednesday: ECO and Weather
Thursday: Everyday Learning
Friday: Selfie Day
o Grade 8’s to St. Martin’s on April 28th for Link Crew: support the transition
to secondary
o Shrek Jr: Microphones (Council Funds) have been installed on the stage
and additional equipment has been ordered to support the play
o Costumes have been provided by Bishop Reding Secondary (Milton)
o Rehearsals are in full form: morning, afternoon and after school
o Popcorn and Shrek Ears will be sold on the night of the performance
o Yoga mats have been purchased (2 sets). Students in grade 7 and 8 have
been participating in yoga classes regularly. Other teachers are also free
to use them.
Fundraiser Report
Treasurer Report
Spring Fundraiser – extended till Monday April 13th - $1571 sold to date
(approximately $628 profit)
Balance $11,988.11 as of March 31, 2015
OAPCE Report
Waiting for Bishops to finish up Health Curriculum
Assessing Parent Engagement and the Parent Voice
Mary Fix Advisory Council Meeting – April 8th 2015
Parish Report
No report
Teacher Report
 Nothing to report
New Business
 Nothing to report
 Meeting adjourned at 8:52 pm
 Next meeting on June 3rd at 7pm
Mary Fix Advisory Council Meeting – April 8th 2015