Vocabulary Level H Unit 1

Vocabulary Level H Unit 1
adjunct – (n) an assistant or helper (adj)
attached to a vaculty or staff in an auxiliary
bellwether – (n.) a leader, as in a
desperate or violent undertaking
caterwaul – (v.) to howl or screech like a
cat (n.) a harsh or noisy cry
chimerical – (adj.) absurd; wildly
effete – (adj.) worn-out or exhausted
fait accompli – (n.) an accomplished and
irreversible deed, fact, or action
hidebound – (adj.) narrow-minded
and rigid; intolerant
hierarchy – (n.) any system of things
arranged in order of rank, etc.
liturgy – (n.) a religious service or rite
mirage – (n.) an illusion
morass – (n.) a swamp; a confusing situation
in which one is entrapped, as in quicksand
noisome – (adj.) offensive or disgusting
oblivious – (adj.) unaware
poltroon – (n.) a base coward, “chicken”
proselyte – (n.) a convert; a disciple
quasi – (adj.) resembling but not actually
being (semi)
Quasi fir tree
Real fir trees
raillery – (n.) good-natured teasing
ribald – (adj.) coarse, vulgar, or indecent
in language
supine – (adj.) lying flat on one’s back
vignette – (n.) a short description or
sketch; anecdote