Quarterly School Newsletter Page 1 of 24 St. Marguerite d’Youville C.S.S.

Quarterly School Newsletter
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St. Marguerite d’Youville C.S.S.
Head Secretary
Mrs. Paralovos
Guidance Secretary
Mrs. Contardi
Budget Secretary
Mrs. Amatruda
Attendance Secretary
Mrs. King
Kevin Greco
Vice Principals
Frances Campese
James Chambers
Anthony Marcellino
Chaplaincy Team Leader
Tony Whelan
Student Services
Corrine Maury (A-DAN)
Claudio DiFederico (DARR-KERR)
Alda Domingues (KET-RAJ)
Lina D’Onofrio (RAM-Z)
Quarterly School Newsletter
Assistant Secretary(s)
Mrs. Curtis
Mrs. D’Amato
Library Technician
Mrs. Caroleo
New Trustees:
Darryl D’Souza
Brampton Ward 2
Shawn Xaviour
Brampton Wards 9&10
School Council Chairs
Mrs. Lianne Fernandes
Mrs. Kathryn Cespite
Newsletter Editors
Frances Campese
Josef Constantino
Newsletter Publisher,
Design & Layout
Josef Constantino
Director of Education
John Kostoff
Superintendent of Schools
Les Storey
Board Chair
Mario Pascucci
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St. Marguerite d’Youville C.S.S.
Principal’s Message
Wow, it is April already! Our students and staff have been so busy, time has truly
flown by. You will see by the contents of this newsletter that great things are
happening here and we are continuing to zoom along towards June.
Our Grade 10 students have just written their very important Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test. I am
very confident that they were well prepared by the efforts of Mr. Chambers, Mrs. Andreacola, Ms. Duke, Mrs.
Pincente, Mrs. Costanzo, Mrs. Costa, Mr. Yan, Mr. Reid, Mrs. Valdez, Mrs. Cantera, Ms. Kitunen, Mr.
Constantino, Mr. Dietrich, Ms. Martins, Mrs. Mondesir and our amazing staff. Our Grade 11 students are
excited about their spring semi-formal and of course our graduates are looking forward to prom. We also
have all of our spring sports up and running and a group of students and staff will be heading to Iqaluit,
Nunavut in May on a service learning experience. This group will spend a week immersed in Inuit culture and
tradition, learning about an important part of Canadian history and identity.
Along with the release of this newsletter, we have distributed second semester midterm report cards. Now is
an ideal time to reflect with your child on their progress and take steps to support them in reaching their full
potential in each course. Students can access many forms of support at the school if need be. Teachers,
guidance counselors, child and youth workers, academic resource teachers, student success teachers and many
other staff are eager to help.
As you know we are also nearing the end of Lent. During this time we have provided students with
opportunities for reconciliation, self-reflection, prayer and participation in social justice activities and
outreach. We continue to turn our efforts to being faithful to Gospel.
We believe each student who enters St. Marguerite d’Youville can reach high levels of achievement and success
in and outside of the classroom. Our hope is our students become the best person they can be! We thank
you for your continued support with this.
Good luck with the remainder of the school year!
Mr. K. Greco
Kevin Greco
Quarterly School Newsletter
James Chambers
Vice Principal
Frances Campese
Vice Principal
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Anthony Marcellino
Vice Principal
St. Marguerite d’Youville C.S.S.
Chaplaincy News
Victor Frankl wrote in Man’s Search for Meaning that “The pessimist resembles a person
who observes with fear and sadness that his wall calendar, from which he daily tears a
sheet, grows thinner with each passing day. On the other hand, the person who attacks the
problems of life actively is like a person who removes each successive leaf from his calendar
and files it neatly and carefully away, after first having jotted down a few diary notes on
the back. He can reflect with pride and joy on all the richness set down in these notes, on
all the life he has already lived to the fullest.”
As the calendar of our passing year grows thinner, we look back with pride and joy on all
the richness of our experiences. We have lived together the season of Lent, the liturgical
season that calls us to challenge ourselves to change, to give our lives fully to God. The
twenty-four hour fast that a hundred students took part in was a lot of fun while we raised
over $3000.00 for Development and Peace. Our Holy Thursday liturgy invited us to
reflect on our crosses in life, and to find meaning even there as we offered them to God.
We have celebrated Easter, the good news that the victory is ours in Christ.
Our grade ten retreats at St. Marguerite d’Youville Parish have been experiences of great joy
and community. We look ahead with excitement to the grade eleven religion retreats
where we will enjoy nature at Mount Alverno in April and May. Grade twelve religion
classes will be encountering Christ in the poor as we give out sandwiches to the poor in
downtown Toronto.
St. Marguerite d’Youville is rich with experiences of joy and life. What a blessing to be part
of such an incredibly vibrant community!
God Bless,
Tony Whelan, Chaplaincy Team Leader
Grade 12 Retreat
The grade twelve retreat was an
eye opening experience. It
provided us with the opportunity
to interact with fellow peers, as
well as to pause and reflect upon
Quarterly School Newsletter
our experiences. We engaged in
various activities that allowed us
to look back on how much we
have morally developed over the
last four years. More importantly,
we were able to see how
omnipresent God was through
our high school journey and how
He helped us overcome the
challenges we encountered in our
daily lives.
overnight retreat was a refreshing
experience to sum up the last
four years of high school and
create a positive outlook for
what is to come.
Being able to be outdoors and
one with nature helped drown
out society’s distractions and
made us reflect upon God’s plan
for us in the future. Overall, the
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St. Marguerite d’Youville C.S.S.
Student Services
On line Course Selection for the 2015-2016 school year is now complete. Students who have not yet registered
for the upcoming school year are asked to make an appointment with their guidance counsellor A.S.A.P. Registered students should review their course selections carefully and make any changes necessary prior to the end
of April.
Summer School application are now available in the guidance office. Summer school runs 8:00am to 1:30 pm
(Monday to Friday) June 29th until July 27th. We will be accepting applications through the guidance department until noon on May 29th. Walk in registration will be held at the summer school location of your choice
July 2nd from 2:00pm until 4:00pm. Do not wait for walk in registration as spaces will be extremely limited.
All college and university bound student are still receiving responses to their post-secondary applications. Students should continue to regularly check their accounts for offers of admission.
College Applicants are reminded that May 1st is the deadline for confirming acceptance to an offer of admission. University applicants can expect an admission response by May 28th. The university deadline for responding to offers of admissions varies according to program. University applicants need to check their offer
carefully for the specific deadline date.
Reminders for graduating students:
 Community service hours are past due. Please hand in outstanding hours A.S.A.P.
 Ensure all marks are correct and up to date (night School /summer school/private school).
Experiential Learning
A new semester of Co-op has begun and students
have been working hard at their placements. The
experiences that the students will gain over this
semester will prove to be valuable for their future
educational choices and careers. They are showing
great commitment and developing their work skills
Through Co-operative Education, students combine
classroom theory with experience in the workplace.
Some of the careers the students are presently
engaged are in the following fields: nursing, teaching,
early childhood education, hairstyling, make-up
artistry, athletic therapy, law, baking, fitness/personal
training, chef, carpentry, heating and air conditioning,
dry-walling, automotive, landscaping, plumbing and
many more.
three areas. They will have the opportunity to be
involved in many Reach Ahead and Experiential
Learning opportunities which will provide them with
hands-on training in specified fields as well as a
glimpse into post secondary pathways.
We will be hosting our Career Showcase on Thursday
May 14th, 2015 where students will have an
opportunity to showcase the skills which they have
mastered over the semester. This is also a great
opportunity for any students who may be interested
in any of our Co-op programs to come and ask
questions and obtain information in their chosen
career choice.
All are welcome!
Our Specialist High Skills Major Programs in
Healthcare, Childcare and Sports, have also seen a
substantial increase in the number of students enrolled
who wish to obtain their certificates in any of these
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St. Marguerite d’Youville C.S.S.
d’Youville Prom 2015
For prom updates please visit the school’s website
on a regular basis. The school website is
The 2015 Prom will take place on Monday, June
22, 2015 at the Embassy Grand Convention
Centre, 8800 The Gore Rd in Brampton.
Reception begins at 6:00 pm and will run until
7:00 pm, afterwards doors will be closed.
Students will not be allowed re-entry if they leave
the premises.
Prom will end at midnight.
Students and guests must present their photo
identification for admittance.
Students are encouraged to submit the photos for
the prom slideshow to
The Prom Committee
Due to our masquerade theme, you are more
than welcome to bring your own maskJ
Table arrangements will be requested in the next
few weeks. Listen to announcements for more
Graduation 2015
Grad Mass for the Class of 2015 has been scheduled for Wednesday, June 24th at 10:30 a.m. at St.
Marguerite d’Youville Roman Catholic Church at the corner of Sandalwood and Torbram in
Brampton. All members of the Class of 2015 and their parents are invited and encouraged to attend
and grads will be given a commemorative gift after mass.
The Graduation Ceremony for the Class of 2015 will be held June 24th, beginning at 4:00 pm at the
Embassy Grand in Brampton at the corner of Queen Street and The Gore Road.
Students are reminded that in order to be eligible to graduate they MUST complete 40 hours of
Community Service (these must be handed into your guidance counselor by March 30th, 2015) and
must have successfully completed the Ontario Literacy Requirement.
Graduation applications were made available on the school website under graduation information
and a non-refundable fee of $100.00 was collected from students on January 12th and January 13th.
Students in Co-op and OYAP are reminded that they must remain informed of the deadlines set for
Graduation. The School Website will contain all pertinent information and deadlines for Grad and
will be updated regularly. The Grad Committee cannot be responsible for disseminating
information to students not in the school. Timelines are equally applicable to all students. The
school website is available at www.dpcdsb.org/DYOUV
Ms. Raposo, Mrs. Andreacola, and
Mrs. Tsafkopoulos
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St. Marguerite d’Youville C.S.S.
Black History Month
poster depicting the outstanding contribution of various
black leaders to our Canadian and world history.
Just two days later, On February 13, the grade 11s and 12
classes had the pleasure of attending a MOTIVATIONAL
inspirational journey. It was not only a perfect musical
treat, but Wes spoke about his book, Stick to your Vision.
One of the highlights of this event was Wes preforming his
song, “Let Your Backbone Slide.” This song helped Wes to
be the first ever hip hop artist to be certified platinum in
Canada. As the students, including many of the teachers,
danced in their seats, Wes inspired students to dream big
and most of all, to stick to their vision.
The staff and students at St. Marguerite
d’Youville are still buzzing about what they
experienced during Black History celebrations
this year. February 2015 marked the 50th
anniversary of the 1965 march that Rev. Dr.
Martin Luther King Jr. led from Selma to
Montgomery, Alabama. This march was a
pivotal part of the civil rights campaign to
secure voting rights for all people in the
United States of America and inspired social
reform in Canada as well.
Despite overwhelming odds, In the 1960s
a young black man had a vision to be a
professional football quarterback. On
February 20th, St. Marguerite d’Youville
watched the Stone Thrower, featuring the
life journey of Chuck Ealey, a former
American/Canadian star quarterback.
After the film, our students conducted a
closed circuit interview, on DYTV, which
along with the duration of the film, was
viewed in every classroom. Mr. Ealey,
was asked questions from the live
audience and shared his experiences, not
only as a quarterback, first at the U. of
Toldeo, where he won an incredible 35
consecutive games, but later, in the
Canadian Football League, with the
Hamilton Tiger-Cats, where, as a rookie,
he won the Grey Cup. Ealey inspired all
of us, while discussing his struggles as a
young man, which resulted in he and his
family eventually coming to reside in
Canada; as Ealey proudly proclaims,
“American by birth, Canadian by
Considering recent national and
international events, our Catholic school
community felt that exposing all of our
students to Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s
example of non-violent, peaceful protest,
serves, not only as a unique learning
experience, but exemplifies the Ontario
Catholic Graduate Expectations; that a
reflective and creative thinker sees more
grace in our world than sin, and believes
hope is an essential part of overcoming all
human challenges. BRINGING THE ENTIRE
SELMA IS, “such an ambitious venture for
the school.” This event reminds us that we must continue
to peacefully speak out against injustice in any form,
against all people, and to defend freedom.
Earlier, on February 11th, the grade 9 and 10 students
attended a theatrical performance in the café entitled
RAILROAD TO FREEDOM. This play featured four
characters who are modern depictions of historical black
figures; Nelson Mandela, Herb Carnegie, Mary
Ann Shadd, and Harriet Tubman. These characters Nelson, Herb, and Mary Ann portray high school students
working on a black history assignment on the meaning of
Freedom. Each of their stories intertwines as each
character journeys for one thing...Freedom. At the
conclusion of this excellent theatre performance, our
students were invited to the stage to collaboratively sign a
Quarterly School Newsletter
Black History Celebrations at St. Marguerite d’Youville,
this year were, as one put it, “a very memorable event…
wow...what a memory....” while others summarized it this
way: ”All of the events have been memorable in their
own way - not the least of which was some rapping by
some brave administrators!”
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St. Marguerite d’Youville C.S.S.
In the world of Science…
Science students have been actively participating in
experience-based learning throughout the last few
months. From lab activities to designing their own
experiments, they have been enjoying the
opportunity to investigate scientific principles.
Are you tired of seeing the same plain old St.
Valentine’s Day cards? How about surprising your
valentine this year with a clever and thoughtful
science-themed card? That’s just what Grade 10
science and grade 11 biology students created!
They chose a famous scientist, researched their
scientific contribution, and created a clever greeting or play-on-words based on that scientist’s
work. These examples really stood out!
Chemical reactions can be fun! Mr. Khalid’s grade 9 science class reproduced a classic
demonstration of erupting volcanoes. They constructed the volcanoes using paper mache and used
baking soda and vinegar to simulate an eruption.
In May, 40 students across all grades will be traveling to the University of Guelph to participate in
the Science Olympics event. They will be completing events such as competitive titrations,
diagnosing illness, engineering and building flying machines, reassembling skeletons, and many
more! We wish them the best of luck and look forward to hearing about their success!
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St. Marguerite d’Youville C.S.S.
In the world of Science…con’t
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St. Marguerite d’Youville C.S.S.
Academic Resource Department News!
It has been an eventful start to the second semester. Busily engaged in new experiences and focusing
on new challenges has made the time fly and distracted us from the frigid weather. This semester, Ms.
Anderson will work in the Resource Room and is the new S.E.R.T. in our department. We also
welcome back Mrs. D’Souza, who teaches the Planning for Independence class.
The Planning for Independence class continues to enjoy the great outdoors and experienced
snowshoeing, sometimes for the first time. They also have actively promoted the importance of being
stewards of creation by supporting the Eco-team as recycling and water conservation ambassadors. If
the NHL has an expansion team, they ought to consider Team PIP that plays in the Matrix, Period 2
followed by a Coach’s Corner, led by our very own Mr. “Don Cherry” Snihura. A P.I.P. Spring Social is
being planned for April 30th for current students and alumni of the program. More details to follow.
The A.S.D. Diploma Support program welcomes the Grade 8’s arriving in September. They will be
starting their transition tours in April to make connections with the d’Youville community and support
networks. Our department is also busily preparing to promote Autism Awareness Week, April 13-18
and plan to share reflections and informative displays throughout the school.
The Resource Room continues to be accessed every period to assist students with tests, assignments and
C.P.T.s. On March 26th, students wrote the Literacy Test (O.S.S.L.T.), the majority using assistive
technology to enhance their reading and writing skills. We hope that their efforts in improving their
literacy skills lead to a successful result.
Individual Education Plans (I.E.P) for all A.R.D. students were sent out the week of March 23rd. Each
student’s Special Education Resource Teacher (S.E.R.T) will be contacting parents and students with
respect to upcoming I.P.R.C. meetings in May. If you receive a waiver in the IEP package, please sign
and return if you choose to waive this year. Return the signed IEP consultation form as well. Contact
Mrs. Pincente (x 79138) or the respective SERT (see below) if you have any questions about the
Parent Interview night on April 9th (6:00 pm -9:00 pm) is a good opportunity to meet the classroom
teachers and S.E.R.T. and also review your child’s individual plan. We wish all our student’s more
amazing learing experiences, challenging adventures, and continued success this semester!
L. Pincente, Department Head
Academic Resources
Semester 2 SERTs: (x79105)
Ceci (A-E), Anderson (F-H), Pincente (I-O, Vision, Hearing, Physical),
Dodemont (P-Z), Gumulka/Gregori (ASD), D’Souza/Snihura (PIP)
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Quarterly School Newsletter
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St. Marguerite d’Youville C.S.S.
European Battlefield Tour Article
Wow! Time flies when you’re having fun…and in Europe!
After a ten day tour of England, France, Belgium and the
Netherlands, students from both St. Marguerite d’Youville and
St. Francis Xavier returned home ready to share their
adventures with family and friends. The customized tour,
called the Canadian Battlefields Tour, started on March 13th in
London England where students were whisked away from the
airport and taken to the Imperial War Museum for a selfguided tour. A visit to the Churchill War Rooms reminded the
group of the seriousness of war and the determination of the
Allied movement to prevent the spread of tyranny and
persecution. London wasn’t all business though. Students and
staff enjoyed a Championship soccer game between the home
team Charlton Athletic and the visiting Blackburn Rovers! Our seats weren’t shabby either!!! Amongst other
things, students got a great view of London from the famous Millennium Wheel, also known as the London
Eye. This giant Ferris wheel stands at over 440 feet in height, making it the tallest Ferris wheel in the world
until it was surpassed by the Star of Nanchang in China in 2006.
All the walking and touring took its toll and the group was ready for a break in for
Paris France! A three hour train ride on the Eurostar TGV, from London to Paris
allowed for some relaxation and sleep. However, once in Paris it was go time
again! Visits to the Latin Quarter, the iconic Eiffel Tower, and a relaxing boat cruise
down the Seine River made loving Paris easy. One of the highlights of the tour was
the rare chance to celebrate the Holy Eucharist in the stunning Notre Dame
Cathedral. The following day students were lead on a guided bus tour of Paris
which ended with a visit to the Louvre museum. After some influential negotiating
by our local tour guide, we avoided the hour’s long wait in line, and entered the
museum almost immediately. Once inside, students took the opportunity to view
and smile back at Leonardo Da Vinci’s famous Mona Lisa. The museum displayed
many other priceless works of art that we had the privilege of enjoying and
experiencing that day. A little bit of free time and some shopping on the ChampsElysees ended our day in style.
Over the next couple of days, we were once again reminded of the ultimate sacrifice that thousands of men
and women paid in order for future generations to enjoy the
freedoms gifted to us. Walking along Juno Beach, (the code
name for the beach Canadian troops were responsible for
capturing during the D-Day invasion of Normandy), a
growing sense of what it must have been like to be a part of
Operation Overlord in 1944, overwhelmed many of the
students and staff. Several even walked through the water
barefoot to feel the cold chill of the English Channel and
experience how it must have felt for the troops to have to
jump in and capture approximately 300 yards of beach front,
all while avoiding almost certain death by enemy machine
guns, mines, grenades and shelling. These feelings were
further amplified when our tour visited the Beny-sur-Mer
cemetery where over 2000 Canadians are buried. The cost of war was steep!
Continued on page 13...
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St. Marguerite d’Youville C.S.S.
European Battlefields Tour Continued!
Chocolates and waffles. Belgium here we come!!! There are very few cities more picturesque and beautiful than Bruges.
This medieval town captured the imagination and appetites of the whole group. It was most definitely the sweet spot of
our trip. However, Belgium wasn’t just fun and games. Visiting the Flanders Fields Museum in the Cloth Hall in Ypres
again reminded us of the sacrifices made by many Canadian soldiers for the freedoms we enjoy today. The Menin Gate
ceremony was a somber reminder of these sacrifices. Every day at 8:00 pm since November 11, 1929, there is a ceremony
honoring those who fell at Ypres but have no known grave. Four buglers played the Last Post and Laurence Binyon’s poem, “For the Fallen” is recited:
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.
After indulging in the some world famous chocolate, we said goodbye to Belgium and hello to the dentist…well not yet.
Amsterdam was the next stop and being the last it definitely didn’t disappoint. The busy city lived up to its name as the
bicycle capital of Europe as thousands of bicycles can be seen being ridden, parked and even made into art sculptures.
Our group was also in for a treat when we visited the farm of a local cheese and wooden shoe maker just outside of Amsterdam. The owners gave us a demonstration of their cheese production and showed us how the famous Dutch wooden
shoe was made and for a small price, staff and students took home some souvenirs.
Ten days, four countries and thousands of kilometers of travel resulted in memories made, friendships formed and
knowledge gained. The students and staff of the Canadian Battlefields Tour 2015, would like to thank EF Tours and their
team for making the trip a smooth and hiccup free experience. A big thank you for the donations from Verico Total
Mortgage Solutions, MBM Aluminum, Global Fire Protection Ltd., NVR Mortgages and Allstate Insurance (See page 12).
We would also like to thank the parents and guardians of the attending students who trusted us with their children and
with the knowledge that they would be returning safe and rich with memories and experiences.
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St. Marguerite d’Youville C.S.S.
March 26, 2015 was the day of the
Ontario Secondary School Literacy
Test (OSSLT). All students graduating
with an Ontario Secondary School
Diploma must successfully pass the
OSSLT or equivalent by the time they
leave grade 12. This year, d’Youville’s
Literacy Committee along with the
help of all of the teaching staff assisted
in preparing our grade 10 students
with a mock test in November which
was graded by the Literacy Committee
members and handed back to students
with exemplars to help students see
what the OSSLT markers are looking
for when grading these tests. Each
grade 10 student was also given a copy
of The OSSLT Literacy Lab Workbook
to be used on Literacy Mondays. Each
Monday from November to March,
classes were tasked with completing a
different activity and at the end, the
workbooks should have been fully
completed. Becoming more literate is
like any activity, the more you
practice, the better you become. Over
the March Break, students were given
the challenge to finish the workbook,
add a clipping of a newspaper article
that was taken from a newspaper
published over the March break and
the first three students who handed
them in would be awarded a prize.
The Literacy Committee would like to
congratulate the following winners:
Nicole Alvares, Vithusa Anpalakan and
Yarnie Shahparast. Each winner was
awarded $10.00 of Just Catering
Cafeteria Cash. Congratulations girls!
The Literacy Committee would like to
thank all the d’Youville teachers who
helped us to prepare students for the
test and for all of their assistance for a
smoothly run test day. We wish all
students the very best for success on
the test. Grade 10’s will receive their
results in June with their report cards.
D. Andreacola and T. Duke
Literacy Committee Co-Chairs
Quarterly School Newsletter
A Message from the
d’Youville Library
The snow has melted and the flowers
and trees are beginning to bud. As
spring approaches, CPT due dates and
exams are racing towards us, making
the library a hive of activity.
Book Requests
If there is a book you would love to
read that is not a part of our library’s
collection, we would like to hear from
you. Please see a library staff member
and we can put the title on the book
request list and hopefully we will be
able to purchase it.
Library Ambassador Programme and
Teen Summer Reading Challenge
Do you love to read? The Brampton
Public Library is challenging Brampton
teens to read 3 million pages together
this summer between June-August.
After signing up for the challenge, you
can read any book of your choice
including any books you may be
reading for Accelerated Reader or inclass during the month of June. Read
as many books as you like and enter
the number of pages on-line each time
you finish a book. Each entry increases
your opportunity to win a weekly
prize. For more information, log onto
http://www.bramlib.on.ca. Last year,
youth from Brampton met and
surpassed the goal by reading more
than 2 million page combined and 20
students from d’Youville were a part
of that success!
Accelerated Reader
Are you in grades 9 or 10? Are you
taking English this semester? Time is
passing by quickly and before you
know it, exam week will be here and
your English teachers will be looking
for your A/R points. All Applied
students will need to collect 10 points
and Academic students 15 points to
successfully complete the programme.
To do this, you will have to take out
an A/R book from the library, read the
book, and then complete the A/R quiz
online. A 70% is a pass and will
award you part points, 100% will be
rewarded with full points. Once you
have completed a quiz, whether you
were successful or unsuccessful, the
programme will not allow you to
complete the same quiz a second time.
Be sure you keep reading and keep
collecting those pints!
Good Luck!
We wish all students a successful end
to the second semester. Keep up the
hard work and remember that the
resources and services to help you
accomplish your best. We are open
every day from 7:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Visit us for a quiet place to study and
-D. Andreacola
White Pine voting on April 23!
As you part of the White Pine
participating in the Ontario Library
Association’s White Pine Reading
Program, will vote on April 23, 2015
in the library. Ballots will be available
during all lunches. Our votes will then
be combined with the votes of
students across Ontario and the
winning author will be awarded the
White Pine Award at the Forest of
Trees Festival of Reading ceremony in
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St. Marguerite d’Youville C.S.S.
Math Department News
Grade 9 and 10 students can access free online tutoring offered by the Ministry every Sunday to Thursday
from 5:30 pm to 9: 30 pm. The student's OEN number is required to register and is found on the student's
timetable or report card. WEBSITE : Ontario.ca/homeworkhelp
A reminder that many of our courses have textbooks available online. Ask your teacher for more info.
If students forget their textbooks at school they can still access their work at home or at a library.
Students registering for the rigorous MCF3M1 course next year are strongly recommended to have a minimum of 75 % in the MFM2P1 course . Students registering for the MCT4C1 course require the MCF3M1
course as a prerequisite . The MBF3C1 course is NOT the proper prerequisite for MCT4C1.
Our semester two grade 9 Applied and grade 9 Academic Mathematics students are preparing for the Mathematics EQAO Test which will be written at SMD during June 10th and June 11th , 2015. The EQAO assessment counts as part of the final 30 % evaluation of these courses. In addition the 9 Applied classes will complete a board created CPT and the 9 Academic classes will write a final exam.
The grade 9 essential mathematics students do not write the Mathematics EQAO test. A portion of the test
will count towards the students' final marks and therefore attendance on these test dates is critical. Students
have been provided with a preparation booklet and have been practicing throughout the semester. Sample
Mathematics EQAO questions may be found at www.EQAO.com. Grade 9 students will also find preparation material for the EQAO Literacy test, written in grade 10 , on the same website.
Our grade 9 , 10 and 11 mathematics students participated in the Waterloo Mathematics contest this past
February. Grade 12 Students will write the EUCLID contest on April 14 th. Many thanks goes out to
Mrs. Da Silva and Mrs. Krenca for all your work in providing this great opportunity for our students.
Students can practice for next year’s contest with past contest questions found at
Parents can find information on how to support your teen with mathematics in the following links :
Mathematics Department Head
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St. Marguerite d’Youville C.S.S.
d’Youville Drama
Greetings from d’Youville Drama! Spring has arrived and for us that means it's only one more month
until things get crazy! Read on for all things Drama...
Drama Classes
Our Grade 9 students are gearing up for their study of mime. The activities they take part in will push
the young actors through the exploration of slow-motion movement and using music to bring meaning
to character and story. The grade 10 Drama students are currently honing their skills in improvisation
and learning the importance of give and take during a two-person scene. The unit is proving to be
enjoyable, while requiring students to step out of their "comfort zone".
Field Trips
On March 4th, semester one Drama students went on the long awaited
trip to see Once the Musical at the Ed Mirvish Theatre in downtown
Toronto. The play's unique take on the boy-meets-girl story delighted
one and all. We especially enjoyed the beautiful music that included the
Academy Award winning song Falling Slowly. A few lucky students got
to walk the stage during the intermission, and see the set, an Irish pub, up
close (sounds familiar...). It was a trip we won't soon forget!
On May 27, Drama students from this semester will be going on a field
trip to our favourite theatre company, Soulpepper Theatre in the
Distillery District in Toronto. Their latest show, The Dybbuk or Between
Two Worlds, explores the boundaries between the natural and
supernatural worlds, and is described as "a tale of powerful young love
and eternal passion." We’ll let you know what we think next issue.
Extra-curricular News
Our latest spring production, Never Met A Girl Like You Before, is an original dark drama about a
young playwright who thinks he's met the girl of his dreams, but soon discovers that things aren't
always what they seem. As you can imagine, the cast and crew are in the throes of rehearsal. They are
working hard to ensure that the show goes off without a hitch during performance week. Tickets go
on sale Wednesday, April 29 and can be purchased on the cafeteria stage during all lunches. The
performance schedule is as follows:
Morning Matinee
Afternoon Matinee
Evening Performances
Wednesday, May 13 - Periods 1-2
Wednesday, May 13 - Periods 3-4
Thursday, May 14 & Friday, May 15 - 7:00 pm
Continued on page 15...
N. Paul
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St. Marguerite d’Youville C.S.S.
d’Youville Drama Continued!
The delays have been numerous, but we will hopefully (fingers crossed) have our official grand re-opening under
our new name, The Panther's Playhouse, during Drama Week. The outside of our theatre is being given a
facelift, and we hope that all is ready in time for production week. If you've never seen one of our shows, you
are missing out! We invite you to join us next month for a unique and and thrilling show that you won't forget!
We can't wait to entertain you at the theatre!
N. Paul
Link Crew Update
During the month of February, we interviewed over 120 grade 10 students who applied to be a
Link Leader for the 2014-2015 school year. We chose 60 Link Crew Leaders who are comprised
of future grade 11 students who have exemplified leadership, dedication, and commitment to
contributing to a positive school community. With the inspired group of students that are part of
the program, we hope to provide a smooth transition for grade 8 students to enter into grade 9
at d’Youville. The Leaders will participate in the first training development day on May 27th and
will also meet during the last week of August to prepare for grade 9 orientation day and for the
year. We look forward to its success in building a safe and positive environment for all students.
Our current Link leaders are continuing to facilitate Academic Follow Up lessons in grade 9
classes; most recently they discussed goal setting, planning for your future, and how to work as an
effective and contributing member during group work. They are also currently preparing for the
4th Annual transition program event "P.A.W.S. (Preparing And Welcoming Students) - d'You Think
You Can High School?" in which all feeder schools with travel and meet for a day in May. We are
currently working on activities that will be fun and at the same time give our future grade 9
students the opportunity to get a glimpse into high school life.
We are also very excited to announce that Mr. Schiavello is completing the Link Crew
Coordinator Training and will be joining our coordinating team! We look forward to all of the
enthusiasm, experience and perspective that he’ll bring to the program.
M. Brum-Porto, P. McAllister, E. McPhee, and K. McMullin
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St. Marguerite d’Youville C.S.S.
International Women’s Day event left d’Youville Business Students inspired
On Thursday, March 5th female business students had the opportunity to attend the Brampton Entrepreneur
Centre’s annual women’s event, featuring celebrity chef Anna Olson. The event was held at the Lionhead Golf
and Country Club where students received a catered brunch and had the opportunity to network with
professional women working in Business.
Students were welcomed by the new mayor of Brampton, Linda Jeffrey who opened the event. Celebrity Chef
Anna Olson was the keynote speaker, she shared her secrets on creating a tasty brand and translated
experiences gained from her rise to fame into marketing and branding knowledge. Anna Olson is the host of
Bake with Anna Olson on Food Network Canada. She was previously the host of Food Network Canada’s
Fresh, Sugar and Kitchen Equipped.
Anna Olson shared her recipe for creating an irresistible brand for any business. She talked about her personal
stories and stated the importance of choosing a career that you are passionate about. Anna talked about the
need to not just “have” a brand, but to “be” a brand, in any field. After Anna’s seminar students were able to
ask her questions one- on-one.
Anna’s best advice to our business students was, “the title celebrity means nothing, it is given to you by
someone else and can be easily taken away by someone else but the personal brand that you create for
yourself and your business is with you always.”
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St. Marguerite d’Youville C.S.S.
SHSM Sport and Healthcare
SHSM SPORT AND HEALTHCARE students both experienced being athletic therapists for a 2 day industry certification. Our students were certified with the SPORT ALLIANCE TAPING AND WRAPPING
CERTIFICATION. Students practiced up to date industry standards on how to deal with athletes and
SHSM students also got to experience OUTDOOR EDUCATION at Albion Hills Conservation area for a
day of cross country skiing. SHSM students experienced HEALTHY ACTIVE LIVING while learning a
new sport. It was a freezing cold day but was well worth it.
HEALTH AND WELLNESS DAY turned out to be another huge success. Both sport and healthcare
SHSM students actively took part in providing wellness experiences to our d’Youville student population. Some activities included pig heart dissections, CPR demos, health trivia, nutrition sampling, fitness
demos, large group games and various health and wellness competitions.
SHSM students continue to strive toward excellence in experiences in the WELLNESS FIELD. The SHSM
teachers are very proud of the dedication that continues with this special group of students.
Submitted by Ms. T. Steinhofer
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St. Marguerite d’Youville C.S.S.
Health and Wellness Day
Curling Team Article
On Wednesday, March 4th, 2015
this years Leadership class
announced for everyone to "come
out and participate in Health and
Wellness Day" and that's exactly
what happened! Health and
Wellness Day at St. Marguerite
d'Youville is all about engaging
students in several informative yet
unique activities in order to raise
awareness about health and
This years Curling Team did an
excellent job this season with a
total of 5 wins and 8 losses. With a
combination of students from
grades 9 to 12, and with a
surprising number of them playing
curling for the first time. The team
had an overall awesome time on
the ice. Thanks to the coach Mr.
O’Rourke for giving the team a
great experience and a job well
done to Andrew E., Deshawn F.,
Chelsea H., Graydon J., Ashley L.,
Nic M., Nehjean M., Mikayla O.,
Josh V., Alyssa Mae V. To all those
on the team leaving d’Y this year,
all the best! The fans are looking
forward to see next years up and
coming performance. See you on
the ice d’Y!
On Wednesday, March 11th, 2015
staff supervisors: Ms. Damiani, Mr.
McAllister and Ms. McPhee; along
with both leadership students and
health care students came together
and organized a Footy
Tournament, basketball obstacle
course, Just Dance for Smoothies,
CPR and Choking in service and
students could have their vitals
tested by the future health
By: Ms. McPhee and Leadership
Student Hayden Canning
At Sugar Mountain, students
learned about hidden sugars in
their food and ways to limit added
sugar in their diets. In the Matrix
students raced to make hospital
beds, test their vertical and spin
the Wheel of Stress.
St. Marguerite d’Youville
School Motto:
Participants were given treats for
their efforts and the students who
completed their passports first
were awarded a d’Youville
sweatshirt. Congratulations, to
Hailey Cockerail and Karen Abad
who were the winners of the
To Trust
To Risk
To Love
Thanks to all those who came out
to participate in 2015 Health and
Wellness Day!
To Serve
By: Ms. McPhee & Leadership
Student Chantika Wilson
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St. Marguerite d’Youville C.S.S.
Senior Girls Volleyball
The Sr. Girls Volleyball completed the regular season in third place with a 5-2 record, earning a
play spot! After numerous tournament appearances including the All Catholics in Hamilton the girls
were playing some of their best volleyball. By the end of the season the team had come together
to work towards their common goal of success in the play offs. At the play off tournament, the
Panther fell short to the eventual ROPSSAA Champs Mayfield. Special mention to the grade 12’s
who will be moving on next season. Veteran and captain Zoe Derkach dominated at middle and
was a strong force on defence, Elisa Lapadula who stepped up to the Libero position this season
and defended the back court with grit and determination, Jessica Cain who joined the team last
season showed a tremendous amount of improvement of knowledge of the game, Lashauna
Hypolite who was a large force in the front court, improving on her blocking, and new grade 12’s
this season Veronica Ilijevski and Theresa Brown. The future will now lie in the hands of the
rookies Rabbiha Alagabi, Josephina Campanella, Chantel Henry Adams, Thailyah Phillips, Hayley
Tamaya and Shautaine Young. Thanks to managers Stefano Anastascio and Cruz Coronel for their
help. Coaches Del Duca and McPhee look forward to working towards a play off spot again next
By: Ms.McPhee
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St. Marguerite d’Youville C.S.S.
Junior Boys Basketball
Congratulations to d’Youville’s 2015 junior
basketball team coached by M. Mackenzie and
D. McDonald on their successful season.
Throughout the season the boys worked
together to improve their skills and build on
their weaknesses. The head coach M.Mackenzie
helped bring the idea of working together, and
working as a family. In result of the team’s
dedication, hard work, profound training the
team was able to give our school 4 tournament
championships. The coaches and players put in
countless hours, whether it was waking up and
getting to school at 7 o’clock to work out, or
6:45 for practice they were always ready to get
better. They were able to come strong in the
Huron Heights, RImrocker, All Catholics, and
Campion tournaments. Although they were
able to be this years ROPSSAA finalist, they
unfortunately lost to St. Roch. It was a hard
fought game played at d’Youville that came
down to the wire, and we ended up losing
by.... Although this is the norm for the D’Y
basketball teams their 41-4 record shows how
successful these boys were this year, giving
them no reason to hang their heads.
Congratulations to these players who got
MVP’s and All-stars at the tournaments:
Kajon - 3MVPs, 2 Allstars
Deon – 2 All star
Terrell – 1 All star
Joshua – 1 All star
Donneal – 1 MVP, 1 All star
Ben – 1 all star
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St. Marguerite d’Youville C.S.S.
Senior Boys Basketball
After capturing last year’s ROPSSAA championship the
Senior Boys Basketball Team craved redemption from
last year’s semi-final loss to Henry Carr and bronze
medal defeat to Notre Dame in OFSAA. On their quest
to accomplish their goal, they competed in the Cameron
Heights Tournament capturing the championship, while
being finalists in the Mark Walton Invitational, Saints
Invitational, The Silver Fox and All Ontario Catholic
Classic tournament. The Panthers flourished in the
Northeast division finishing with a record of 10-0, with
wins over Notre Dame, Castlebrooke Secondary,
Ascension, Cardinal Ambrozic and Sandalwood Heights
Secondary. With the leadership from the coaches, Mr.
Zoffranieri and Mr. Zeni, the Panthers reached the
playoffs with the second seed and defeated both St.
Francis and St. Francis Xavier, before reaching the
ROPSSAA finals against St. Edmund Campion. Sheridan
College was host to the finals and in an exciting
matchup the Panthers got off to a great start, eventually
leading Campion by double digits in the fourth quarter.
By the fourth quarter Campion cut the lead before
taking it from the Panthers. Standouts Christien Gould
and Ovie Eyamaro provided the Panthers with a lot of
spark while trying to propel them to the victory.
However, in the final minutes of the game, the Panthers
weren’t able to overcome the small deficit and fell short
of capturing a third straight ROPSSAA title.
The season wasn’t over yet and the Panthers geared up
to earn a final four spot in OFSAA. With wins over St.
John Paul and St. Mary’s, the Panthers faced Campion
once again in the quarter finals. Fighting to the end, the
Panthers tried overcoming foul trouble from their
starters Keshon Montague, Damiann Prehay and
Norville Clayton also role player Desmond Kwabiah.
They also overcame many questionable calls in pivotal
points of the game, but with a great performance from
Jordan Lyons, they were only a 3 pointer away from
tying the game in the closing seconds but just fell short
once again. Despite the defeat, the Panthers showed
flashes of promise from which was a pretty good season
finishing with an overall record of 34-8. Special thanks
to managers Adrian Young, Nassier Wharton and Aaron
Asante and players Keshon Montague, Emmanuel
Nkitieh, Brendon Samlal, Luis Puente, Damiann Prehay,
Desmond Kwabiah, Kevin Ofori, Korede Adgboye,
Christien Gould, Malcolm Morrison, Jordan Lyons,
Norville Clayton, Ovie Eyamaro and Kenneth Abad.
Once again, thanks to C. Zoffranieri and D. Zeni for
their leadership this year.
By: Coach Zoff and Leadership student Desmond
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St. Marguerite d’Youville C.S.S.
St Marguerite d’Youville C.S.S.
10815 Dixie Road, Brampton ON L6R 2W5
Tel: 905.789.5560, Fax: 905.789.1143
WWW: http://www.dpcdsb.org/DYOUV/
Twitter: @dytweets.
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St. Marguerite d’Youville C.S.S.