November 2015 To Trust, To Risk, To Love, To Serve “Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God. When morning came, he called his disciples to him and chose twelve of them, whom he also designated apostles.” Luke 6: 12-13 In This Issue St. Marguerite d’Youville Feast Day Guys Night / Girls Night Updates on d’Youville Athletics Updates from School Departments d’Youville Drama Much More... Student Services Director of Education Corrine Maury (A-D’CRUZ) John Kostoff Claudio DiFederico (DE-LE) Alda Domingues (LI-RE) Superintendent of Schools Lina D’Onofrio (PI-Z) Les Storey Head Secretary Board Chair J. Paralovos Mario Pascucci Guidance Secretary Trustee V..Contardi Shawn Xaviour Principal Budget Secretary Brampton Wards 9 & 10 Kevin Greco M. Amatruda School Council Chairs Attendance Secretary Arlene Martin Vice Principals L. King Kathryn Cespite Frances Campese Assistant Secretary(s) James Chambers J. Curtis Anthony Marcellino P. D’Amato Library Technician Chaplaincy Team Leader Tony Whelan T. Caroleo Congratulations to all of our students on a successful first half of the semester. St. Marguerite d’Youville continues to be among the top schools in Brampton because of the hard work of our students and staff. Although we remain committed to increasing provincial testing scores, increasing our graduation rates and credit accumulation rates, our main purpose is to ensure a sense of belonging, inclusion, connectedness and wellbeing for our staff and students. We believe we are responsible for the holistic formation of the students in our community. We strive to ultimately help them become good and caring citizens of the world, loving God and neighbour. Our school curriculum is delivered from a Catholic world view. It promotes solidarity over competition and community over individualism as we reach out to connect with each unique student in our widely diverse population. We work in close partnership with Father Robert Mignella and the St. Marguerite d’Youville Parish community to serve as authentic Catholic witnesses for our students providing direction, support and guidance. We have recently received our EQAO testing results from 2014/2015 and once again we have experienced success in both our Literacy and Numeracy provincial test scores. We have made significant improvement in all areas and of special note we improved on our Grade 9 Applied level test scores by 26% from the previous school year. A huge thank you goes out to our Numeracy team, our Mathematics Department and all our staff who are committed to teaching Numeracy and Literacy skills across all subject disciplines. We are looking forward to National Bullying Prevention week November 15th-21st. During this week we will celebrate and showcase the caring, compassionate and inclusive community that we strive so hard to be. Throughout the year students will continue to engage in many activities that will promote prevention, intervention and awareness of Physical, Verbal, Social and Electronic forms of Bullying. “The DPCDSB prohibits bullying in all its forms as a serious offense against the dignity of persons created in the image of God”. We offer many supports at the school to help students who experience or witness unwanted comments or behaviors. Students can speak to a guidance counselor, any teacher or office staff. We also have an anonymous Safe Schools Online Reporting Link on our website where they can report these inappropriate behaviours. Semester one midterm report cards are distributed at the same time as this newsletter. Please review your child’s progress. We also encourage you to make regular contact with teachers and guidance counselors throughout the year. Remember to visit our Website for more information about our school at DYOUV/ and you can also follow us on Twitter @dytweets. Good luck in the second half of semester one! Mr. Greco As I reflect on September and October at d'Youville, two major events come to mind. On September 24th all of the grade nine students walked to the Soccer Centre for their grade nine retreat. The day was fantastic! The day was led by the amazing Link Crew students. There were personal testimonies of faith and perseverance and a strong call to be your best self and give your best self back to this community. We left that day feeling a very strong sense of unity and family support. The main event in October was our Saint's feast day and walkathon. We received our yearbooks, celebrated mass in the gym with Fr. Robert, walked around the community to witness to our faith and enjoyed a BBQ and football game back at the school. We raised over $10,000.00 for all the good work that Sharelife does. There was a Sharelife appreciation mass at St. Paul's Basilica September 29th where it was announced that our school has given over $80,000 to Sharelife over the years. This brings our total to over $90,000.00! You can go to to see the good work we support. This day is a great celebration of faith and community, while also carrying on the legacy of St. Marguerite d'Youville by giving to the less fortunate. Besides contributing to Sharelife, we also collected salt, soap and shoes for Canadian Food for Children, and organization started by Dr. Andrew Simone. ( http:// ) In September and October we also held our Grade 11 and 12 retreats. The grade twelve students showed a tremendous willingness to give as we went downtown and gave lunches to the homeless. The grade eleven retrat at Mount Alverno focuses on the theme of the environment. This is such an important issue because we are at a point in history where the decisions and actions of all of us and of our governments will have significant consequences for our children and grandchildren. I highly recommend reading Pope Francis' encyclical Laudado Si, On Care For Our Common Home. pdf/encyclicals/documents/papa-francesco_20150524_enciclica-laudato-si_en.pdf I am very thankful for all of the goodwill and generosity of so many in this community. On Thursday October 17th, 140 grade 9 boys took place in “Guys Night”. The night began with a presentation by the Toronto Argo’s CFL star, Jeff Johnson. He is one of the longest serving Argo’s playing a total of 12 seasons, and winning 2 Grey Cups. He shared his experience of facing his fears and making good choices. As well as the importance of mindset and creating your own happiness! Students then participated in a competitive chicken wing eating relay which built teamwork among groups. After the challenge was completed, and the winners declared, students travelled to various workshops throughout the school. The workshops enabled teachers and Link Leaders to reach out to grade 9 students and development friendships, build character, and promote the core values of Christian discipleship. It also provided the grade 9 students with the knowledge of resources available to them at d’Youville. The event would not have been a success without the help of our grade 11 and 12 Link Leaders who worked with the grade 9’s throughout the evening. Their leadership and commitment to our grade 9’s is a true testament to the value in creating an inclusive school community. A special thank you goes out to the teachers and support staff that volunteered their time to lead the workshops and supervise the event. These events would not be possible without them. McAllister, M. Brum-Porto, September 24th the grade 9 students from St. Marguerite d’Youville S.S. travelled to Brampton Soccer Center to nurture their relationships with God and each other in community. The day started off with an inspiring message from guest speaker, Tim Huff. Tim shared his personal life stories to teach students the importance of commitment, passion, safety and success. Following the talk, students joined their Orientation Link Leaders for some team building activities. Students learned the importance of working together – instead of in competition, to reach a common goal. a On a One of the activities included body surfing, in which students carried each other as one body. Students not only worked on building a relationship with God, but also with each other. After a community lunch and a reflective prayer liturgy, students truly came together as one body. Thank you to our Link Leaders for their continuous effort in building connections with our grade 9 students and for being such excellent role models. T. Whelan, P. McAllister, M. Brum-Porto, K. McMullin & R. Schiavello St. Marguerite d’Youville Catholic Secondary School hosted its 9th annual “Girls Night In” on Friday October 2nd. This initiative was hosted by the LINK CREW student leaders. Each year the Link Leaders host the grade 9 girls for a night of fun and frivolity. The girls bonded over activities and workshops that focused on team building and creating an inclusive school community. The event started off with a very inspiring talk from our guest speaker Sherri “Dymond Sanjurjo. Dymond shared her personal story of overcoming adversity as a young teen. She taught the students the importance of building self-esteem and left them with her motto of always being “first, fierce and for real”. After the opening ceremonies, students traveled to various workshops throughout the school. These workshops were geared towards team building, healthy relationships and creating an overall inclusive environment where all are welcome. The grade 9 girls were reintroduced to the wide variety of resources, caring adults and student leaders that will support them throughout their high school journey. The evening ended off with an ice cream sundae buffet and a friendly “cheer off” competition where each group celebrated their team unity. This is a night the girls will truly never forget. A special thank you to all the Link Crew Leaders and staff that made this event possible. “Best Buddies”, a registered trademark non-profit group which encourages social interaction amongst students with disabilities is present in high schools across Canada. Currently, a number of Dufferin-Peel schools have chapters of Best Buddies on Club Day. Best Buddies booth, with numerous giveaways and networking opportunities was well visited and successful. Thus far, we organized a number of events, and elected our Chapter President, Gr. 12 student Mellissa M. For example, Best Buddies have visited students in PIP program during their lunches and were engaged in running special events with them, such as escorting them to a bocce tournament, or showcasing Down Syndrome Awareness day. Other interactive activities included Halloween events, when Best Buddies decorated PIP classrooms together, and made Halloween crafts during periods 3B&C. On Friday before Halloween, they’ve joined together for Trick or Treat in the cafeteria. To conclude, the interaction between students with disabilities and their normally developing peers has generated many benefits. It is empowering for both groups of students, those with disabilities and those in the mainstream classes to bond and make friendships. FREE MATHEMATICS TUTORING Grade 9 and 10 students can access free online tutoring offered by the Ministry every Sunday to Thursday from 5:30 pm to 9: 30 pm. The student's OEN number is required to register and is found on the student's timetable or report card. WEBSITE : ONLINE TEXTBOOKS A reminder that many of our courses have textbooks available online. Ask your teacher for more info. If students forget their textbooks at school they can still access their work at home or at a library. MATHEMATICS COURSES AND PROPER PREREQUISITES Students registering for the rigorous MCF3M1 course next year are strongly recommended to have a minimum of 75 % in the MFM2P1 course . Students registering for the MCT4C1 course require the MCF3M1 course as a prerequisite . The MBF3C1 course is NOT the proper prerequisite for MCT4C1. GRADE 9 EQAO MATHEMATICS TEST Our semester two grade 9 Applied and grade 9 Academic Mathematics students are preparing for the Mathematics EQAO Test which will be written at SMD during January 20th and January 21st , 2016. The EQAO assessment counts as part of the final 30 % evaluation of these courses. In addition the 9 Applied classes will complete a board created CPT and the 9 Academic classes will write a final exam. The grade 9 essential mathematics students do not write the Mathematics EQAO test. A portion of the test will count towards the students' final marks and therefore attendance on these test dates is critical. Students have been provided with a preparation booklet and have been practicing throughout the semester. Sample Mathematics EQAO questions may be found at Grade 9 students will also find preparation material for the EQAO Literacy test, written in grade 10 , on the same website. WATERLOO MATHEMATICS CONTEST Our grade 9 , 10 and 11 mathematics students will participate in the Waterloo Mathematics contest this February. Grade 12 Students will write the EUCLID contest in April . Many thanks go out to Mrs. Da Silva for all your work in providing this great opportunity for our students. Students can practice for next year’s contest with past contest questions found at http:// . MRS. DESLAURIERS, Mathematics Department Head SHSM Sport and Health And Wellness All Is Well in Health and Wellness Specialist High Skills Major in Sports and Health and Wellness student have already completed 3 professional certifications. In September SHSM students stayed overnight at Cedar Glen in Schomberg Ontario. Certifications in leadership, conflict resolution and group dynamics were all completed in the 2 days. Students were involved with low ropes courses, challenged by mazes and completed group tasks while at Cedar Glenn. SHSM students will use these certifications as they pursue post-secondary education. Next training dates include; foam roller certification, coaching, suicide prevention training, crisis prevention intervention, and High Five. Students who want to pursue a career in sports or health and wellness should contact Ms Steinhofer in the physical education department or Ms. Kurpaska in healthcare. Looking Forward! d’Y @ Grade 12 English Students at the University of Toronto On October 8, three busloads of d’Youville English 4U students descended on the St. George Campus at the University of Toronto, to experience a day in the life of your average university student. All the students took in the Psychology 100 class in Convocation Hall which seats almost 3000 people. The students were also free to take a second lecture of their choice, some taking in a law course, nursing, biology, and business lecture. One student, Savio, was thankful for the trip as it confirmed that he didn’t want to go the University of Toronto. “It’s so big,” said Savio. “It takes me a half-hour to walk to my next class.” Special thanks goes to Ms. Alonzi, Mr. Reid, Mr. Yan and Ms. Gregori for helping to supervise the trip. On Thursday October 22nd, 10 students from St. Marguerite d’Youville went to the Toronto International Plaza Hotel to participate in the “When Faith Meets Pedagogy Conference”. This event was one that drew students from all around Canada and the world. Guest speakers from different countries with different occupations, came in to empower youth. The keynote speaker was Marc Keilberger, co-founder of We Day and the Free the Children Foundation. He spoke about building our local and global families and making a difference in areas of the world that need it most. Our job as students was to bring our newfound knowledge home to the school and community. It was a great opportunity for d’Y students to meet other likeminded individuals and explore international projects that have brought change to the world such as the Me to We trips. The event kicked off with a liturgy read by the students. Then it was time for Marc to take the stage. He began by talking about how he started his global initiative. His brother Craig was only 12 years old when he read the story of Iqbal Masih, the young boy from Pakistan who was murdered because of his campaign to free child slaves. Craig decided to start his own charity with a group of his friends to stop practices of child labor in developing countries. As the charity began to grow, people’s lives started to change. To celebrate youth involvement, We Day was born – an event that invites celebrities and famous activists to share their experiences to make a global change. After Keilberger’s speech, students dispersed into small groups to talk about being leaders in their school, and solving problems in our communities; we learned that even little actions go a long way! When it was time to gather into our sections once more, the speakers connected with us through music, rap and personal stories. Speakers such as David Wells from England and Luke Stocking helped us understand the Word of God through a relatable point of view. All in all this was a once in a lifetime event that was truly motivating and life-changing and a lot of fun. We are excited to begin our mission of faith and bring positive change to our school community! The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board acknowledges the value of the use of technology for learning. Students are permitted to register and use personal electronic devices (PEDs) on board premises and/or board sanctioned events for educational purposes, under the direction of staff and only with parent/ guardian permission (GF 066, Network User Application and Agreement). Students may register their PED for the purpose of connecting to the board wireless network. Students are required to adhere to the student “Personal Electronic Device Used with WI-FI Network Student Agreement” and the “Network User Application and Agreement.” Please be advised that the DufferinPeel Catholic District School Board will not be responsible for any cost incurred through the use of personal data plans. PEDs are to be used responsibly and should not interfere with learning; their use must comply with the Catholic Code of Conduct, board and school policies and procedures. Any personal communications (i.e., phone calls, text messages, etc.) will continue to be directed through the main office. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in a loss of PED privileges and/or any other consequences deemed necessary by school administration. The school principal may authorize limited acceptable uses of personal electronic devices during school-sanctioned activities for a specific designated purpose outside of instructional spaces and/ or in common areas. Students are responsible for the safety and security of PEDs at all times and the Board assumes no responsibility for lost, damaged or stolen devices. Applications of Technology and Hands-On Learning in Science Students in science have had an exciting start to the semester! Our grade 9’s have been working through scientific inquiry and investigating physical and chemical properties and change, as well as the molecular structure of molecules. Grad 10 students are studying the cell and exploring tissue samples using microscopes and online microscope simulations using tablets. Grade 11 biology students are studying the field of genetics, including the investigation of various genetic disorders through presentations. Students have enjoyed investigating inheritance patterns creating “offspring” out of marshmallows. Grade 12 biology students are exploring the energy content of various foods through laboratory investigations. Grade 11 physics students spent some time outdoors on the track gathering data to explore kinematics. Currently, they are studying forces and will be determining coefficients of friction for different types of shoes using Pasco probeware. Our grade 12 University chemistry students applied their knowledge of molecular architecture to build 3-dimensional scale models of various organic compounds. They also researched and reported on the relationships between structure, properties, and uses of these substances in every day life. Grade 12 college chemistry students learned about qualitative analysis through links to the fields of forensic science and art forgery. Currently, they are completing the organic chemistry unit, and have fun using as an interactive website for assessment as learning. Look out for delicious chemical “apple” pies as the students fool your senses with their food creations! This year marked another successful cross country season. The team participated in the St. Marcellinus Bagpipe Classic, and the heart Lake pre-ROPSAA meet. Stephanie D. has joined the midget girls team this year in her first year of high school, and placed second at the Marcellinus meet, and placed fifth at ROPSAA, qualifying for OFSAA. Congratulations goes out to the Jonathan and Joshua D. for another year of sweeping up medals. They placed first and second at the Marcellinus meet and at ROPSAA qualifying for OFSAA. OFSAA was held on November 7th in Collingwood. Congratulations to the cross country team for a great season. Ms. Steinhofer and Ms. Manzo are very proud of you all! OFSAA RESULTS: Stephanie D. placed 52nd out of 280 runners. Jonathan D. placed 6th out of 280 runners. Joshua D. placed 7th out of 280 runners. The Junior Boys Volleyball team have had an excellent start to the 2015 season! There are 3 returning players which include captains Jarue, Nathaniel, and Gabor. Outstanding leadership and teamwork from these veteran players! Grade 10 newcomers Clinton and Jamani demonstrate great hitting and blocking skills in the front court, and new comer Aisosa has used his great setting skills to set-up big hits for our offense. Rounding out the team are the hard working grade 9’s who have adapted well and have shown a lot of dedication and skill development throughout the season: Ryan, Sam A, Sam O, Jesunifemi, Richard, and Alex. These players have helped the Panthers dominate offensively with strong hitting skills! Also appreciated is the help of managers Milka, Erica, and Shanice. Thank you for all of your hard work during pre-game warm-ups and for keeping our stats! Throughout their season, the Panthers have participated in 3 tournaments where everyone played. They successfully advanced to the quarter-finals of the tournaments at both St. Roch and Turner Fenton S.S. Moreover, the Panthers have dominated in their league games, and are currently undefeated in the regular season. Coach Moynihan and Del Duca are amazed at how successful the team has been and have set high expectations for the Panthers! The Panthers need a couple of more key wins to guarantee spot in the playoffs. Good luck boys! In preparation for the EQAO, Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) taking place on March 31st 2016, all grade 10 students will be completing practice activities from The OSSLT Literacy Lab Workbook that they received on Monday November 2nd 2015. Every Monday in November, students will be completing literacy tasks related to their English, Religion, History, Math, Science and Arts courses. Grade 10 Students will also be taking a Mock Literacy Test on Monday November 30th 2015, which is the last Literacy Monday of semester one. Mock test results will be shared with students and parents/guardians so additional support can be offered to at-risk students. Thank you for continuing to support your learner in preparing for the OSSLT. D. Andreacola and T. Duke Jam Night 2015 marked the tenth show for our storied tradition. Thanks to the creative vision of Ms. Friello our cafeteria was transformed into a hallowed hall of Halloween and tributes to late musical heroes. This year our theme was wide open as a tribute to the eclectic acts that have graced our stage over the years. Our audience was treated to music from Drake, Cyndi Lauper, Weezer, Tina Turner, Alice in Chains, James Bay and more. The Jam Night Committee would like to congratulate and thank all of the student’s who participated in this year’s show and all of the shows over the years. In addition, we would like to express our gratitude to the staff who volunteered their time to once again help make Coffee House Jam Night a great success. Special thanks goes out to Ms. Monticciolo for her hard work and tantalizing treats! St. Marguerite d’ Youville Secondary School is happy to announce its partnership with the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. As an Award Unit, we are able to provide support to students who wish to participate in this exciting and rewarding opportunity. The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award encourages young people ages 14 to 24 to Make a Difference while exploring their potential, taking on new challenges and achieving success. The Award is a non-competitive programme designed to encourage young people to develop positive skills and habits. The Award is comprised of three levels, Bronze, Silver and Gold. Participants must set and achieve goals in four different programme areas that allow them to get involved with their community, explore the great outdoors, discover or enhance a skill or hobby, and engage in regular physical activity. The Award is about personal challenges and development and is customized according to a participant’s interests and abilities. It is very likely that your son or daughter is already engaged in a activity that could be recognized with a Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is more than just an Award. It looks good on college and university applications. It looks even better on CV’s and resumes and sets them apart when in the work force. The Award gives youth an opportunity to talk about themselves in a non-academic way. The Award, allows young people to document all of the activities they do outside of their formal education. It values these experiences and illustrates just how important they are to the development of youth into well rounded individuals. To learn more or to join d’Youville’s Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Unit, please see Mr. DeWitte (RM 225), Mr. Mykytyn (RM 223), Ms. Duke (RM 304) or Mr. Marcellino in the Main Office. We would be happy to provide your with more information or assist you on your journey to the completion of the Award. Notes From Academic Resource The Academic Resource Department have transitioned many new Grade 9s and welcomed new and returning staff this September. We are delighted to have Mrs. Pantaleo and Ms. Anderson-Gregoric return to our department and we introduce Mrs. Berdusco, the Child and Youth Worker assigned to the ASD Diploma Support program, as the newest member of our A.R.D. team! The Planning for Independence (P.I.P.) class continues to grow. Mrs. K. d’Souza, Mr. Snihura and Ms. Steinhofer have busily prepared the arrival of four new students into the program. They have taken advantage of the unseasonal warm weather to experience fall activities at Downey’s Farm, enjoy daily walks to our local park and Soccer Center and also ventured to Loafer’s Lake to picnic at the large scale PIP-friendly park. The class participated in the Board Bocce tournament in October and were presented with awards from the Administration team. The students are using programs on our new IPads, outfitted with specialized apps, and are developing their Literacy and Numeracy skills using programs such as RazKids and IXL. The P.I.P. staff and students continue this year to journey to St. Marguerite d’Youville Church to celebrate mass every second week. The Planning for Independence program stresses the importance of spiritual development in everyday life which also strengthens their connection to our Catholic community. Their annual Family Night will be held the evening of November 19th in the PIP room to reconnect with former graduates and network with our new students and families. The ASD Diploma Support Program also welcomed eight new students to our school. Parents were invited to attend a Transition Information Night on November 5th @ 6:00 in Room 111. Information about the transition planning program, myBlueprint, was shared with parents as student plan to choose courses for next year and develop their academic pathway. Notes From Academic Resource The ASD Diploma Support Program also welcomed eight new students to our school. Parents were invited to attend a Transition Information Night on November 5th @ 6:00 in Room 111. Information about the transition planning program, myBlueprint, was shared with parents as student plan to choose courses for next year and develop their academic pathway. The Resource Room continues to be accessed every period to assist students with tests and assignments. Grade 9 and 10 GLE students are receiving ongoing trained on a reading program called Texthelp 11.5- Read & Write to practice the test. They are being taught useful strategies about timing, structure and anxiety reducing techniques in order to write with more confidence. More intensive learning opportunities will be presented to Grade 10’s this year in the Resource Room during Literacy Mondays and after school modules. The Individual Education Plan (I.E.P.) for all A.R.D. students were sent out the week of October 20th, 2015. Signed forms should be returned to the respective Special Education Resource Teacher (S.E.R.T.) by the end of October. Please contact Mrs. L. Pincente, Room 108 (ext. 79138) if you have any questions. We wish all our students continued success this semester and encourage them to access the Resource Room for lesson support or quizzes/tests; consult with their Special Education Resource Teacher (S.E.R.T.) before submitting their course selection (early December) or contact their S.E.R.T. (Room 105) if they have any concerns. Good luck to everyone in the upcoming months and continue to do your best! L. Pincente, Academic Resource Department Head The Guidance Department would like to welcome both students and parents to the 2015 - 2016 school year at St. Marguerite d’Youville. A special welcome goes out to all Grade 9 students who are beginning their high school years and anyone else who is new to our school. If you have any concerns regarding your son/daughter, be it academic, personal or career counselling, we are here to assist you. Counsellors are available to meet with students and parents according to the students’ last name. A-D’Cruz Mrs. Maury Ext 79012 De-Lin Mr. DiFederico Ext 79011 Lio-Pires Ms. Domingues Ext 79016 Ply—Z Ms. D’Onofrio Ext 79010 My Blueprint This year students will be utilizing the features of My Blueprint in all subject areas. It will be used once again for registration purposes but will also be the “go to” tool for pathway planning. Students, please make sure you can access your account. Do not delay! Some features of My Blueprint include: interest inventories, tracking graduation requirements, career and post-secondary planning and much more. Check it out! Graduation Senior students are reminded that a minimum of six grade 12 “U” or “M” level courses are required in order to apply to a university program. All program specific requirements must be included in these six grade 12 courses. Every university bound student should be visiting the e-info website at to research admission requirements. College programs require a high school diploma containing grade 12 English (“ C” or “ U” level), plus all other program specific requirements. Colleges will look at 5 to 7 senior level courses completed at the “C” level or higher from grade 11 and 12. Every college bound student should be visiting the college website to research admission requirements. Grade twelve students who still require the literacy component for graduation must be registered in the grade 12 literacy course (OLC4O1) either in day school or at night school. Students are encouraged to view The Guidance link on our website for scholarship information and upcoming events. Our post-secondary night saw representatives from a large number of colleges and universities available to provide potential students and their parents with very valuable information about admissions to their schools, programs offered and to answer any other questions. Students should be reviewing all this information as the application process with begin by mid-November. Applications to College and University will be completed on-line. Application seminars will be held at the school starting mid-November. Congratulations! To all grade nine students who participated in the Wednesday, November 4 th “Take Our Kids To Work Day” ! This day is a positive step in providing our young students with a “ first hand” experience of some essential skills required for success in the world of work. To last year’s award recipients! We had over 350! Our annual Awards Night was held on Thursday October 22nd. This annual event was a huge success and very well attended. All staff are very proud of the students, recognizing their hard work and effort over the past year. All students are reminded that 40 hours of community service and a passing grade on the grade 10 Ontario Literacy Test are compulsory requirements in order to earn a secondary school diploma. When you have completed a minimum of 40 hours service, please make an appointment with your guidance counselor who will then add them to your school record. It is to your benefit to have these hours completed by the end of grade eleven. You are able to access community service tracking sheets on our school website. On behalf of the guidance department we would like to wish all students a very successful and rewarding semester Grad Mass for the Class of 2016 has been scheduled for Wednesday, June 29th at 10:30 a.m. at St. Marguerite d’Youville Roman Catholic Church at the corner of Sandalwood and Torbram in Brampton. All members of the Class of 2016 and their parents are invited and encouraged to attend and share light refreshments afterwards. The Graduation Ceremony for the Class of 2016 will be held Wednesday, June 29th, beginning at 4:00 pm at the Embassy Grand in Brampton at the corner of Queen Street and The Gore Road. Students are reminded that in order to be eligible to graduate they MUST complete 40 hours of Community Service (these must be handed in to your guidance counsellor by March 30th, 2016) and must have successfully completed the Ontario Literacy Requirement. Graduation application forms are now available on the school website under graduation information and a non-refundable fee of $100.00 (cash or credit only) will be collected on Monday February 22nd 2016 and Tuesday February 23rd 2016 after school. Students in Co-op and OYAP are reminded that they must remain informed of the deadlines set for Graduation. The School Website will contain all pertinent information and deadlines for Grad and will be updated regularly. The Grad Committee cannot be responsible for disseminating information to students not in the school. Timelines are equally applicable to all students. The school website is available at DYOUV Ms. Andreacola and Ms. Tsafkopoulos Greetings from d’Youville Drama! We are proud to open our doors to all students in The Panther's Playhouse, from those who are looking to try something different and achieve their Arts credit to the aspiring thespian eager to learn more about the craft. We’re halfway through the semester, so let’s get caught up on what’s happening! Drama Classes We would like to welcome the students of the grade 9 and 10 Dramatic Arts classes to our creative environment. Classes have just wrapped up their introduction to tableau vivant (french for living picture) a performance art form that requires the utmost concentration and commitment from performers. Up next, they will be undertaking a unit of study on movement, where they will truly learn what it means to “step into the shoes of another”. The Junior & Senior Drama students put on a chilling show entitled Russian Lullaby for our annual Halloween Drama Showcase. The anthology performance was a creepy experience students won't soon forget. Next up for the grade 11/12 students - the Drama Showcase, taking place during the week of December 7-12. Tickets go on sale at the end of November. Joins us for our final show of the semester! Next semester d’Youville Drama celebrates the return of the Drama - Film/Video course which includes our very own Short Film Festival complete with a red carpet and popcorn. If you have taken grade 9 or 10 Drama you already have the pre-requisite to take this course. Be sure to register next semester to have your chance to grace the silver screen. Extra-curricular News Auditions are coming! Our spring play is currently in the early pre-production stages. Students who are interested in being a part of the production as an actor or a stage crew member must listen to upcoming morning announcements about our next information meeting. We look forward to meeting with the many talented students, old and new! Until then, watch out for concrete blocks… N. Paul Grade 10 and 11 Manufacturing classes learn how to use tools and machines that are used in the metal industry. A new semester of Co-op has begun and students have been working hard at their placements. The experiences that the students will gain over this semester will prove to be valuable for their future educational choices and careers. They are showing great commitment and developing their work skills daily Through Co-operative Education, students combine classroom theory with experience in the workplace. Some of the careers the students are presently engaged are in the following fields, nursing, teaching, early childhood educator, athletic therapy, fitness/personal training veterinary medicine and many more. Our Specialist High Skills Major Programs in Healthcare, Childcare and Sports, have also seen a substantial increase in the number of students enrolled who wish to obtain their certificates in any of these three areas. They will have the opportunity to be involved in many Reach Ahead and Experiential Learning opportunities which will provide them with hands-on training in specified fields as well as a glimpse into post secondary pathways. We will be hosting our Career Showcase on Thursday December 3rd, 2015 where students will have an opportunity to showcase the skills which they have mastered over the semester. This is also a great opportunity for any students who may be interested in any of our Co-op programs to come and ask questions and obtain information in their chosen career choice. All are welcome! Lenny Ciummelli & Tony DeBono