Two Ways of Life

Two Ways of Life
Name _____________________________
Why did the North attract immigrants? More jobs in factories and mills
Cyrus McCormick’s reaper brought the Industrial Revolution to Northern agriculture.
In 1840, Samuel F.B. Morse received a patent for his “talking wire” which is also known as the
What is Morse code? A system of dots and dashes that send messages
By 1860, the Midwest and the East were united by a network of railroad tracks.
Be able to use a map to tell what cities trains pass through.
How did geography affect the development of industry in the North? Soil was too rocky and climate
too cold for agriculture so they had to turn to factories.
Factory Life:
 What was a day in the factories like? Entire families worked in a factory, work until 7:30 pm; few or
no windows or heating systems; poor lighting; no safety devices; long hours; no insurance;
 Why did factory owners allow such bad conditions to exist? They didn’t care. There were no laws or
regulations in place.
List unskilled jobs today. ______________________________________________________________
With other workers of the same skills, workers formed trade unions to fight for better working
Due to worsening factory conditions, workers turned to trade unions to help them stand up for their
 Between 1840 and 1860, 1.5 million immigrants came from Ireland to America because of a severe
famine in their home country.
What is a famine? _when there is a lack of food or crop production causes a food shortage
What were some contributions brought by the Germans? Custom of decorating the Christmas tree;
kindergarten; horticulture
Why was people prejudice against these immigrants? Because they worked for less money and didn’t
Life in the South:
 What was the effect of the cotton gin on slaves? _increased the demand for slaves
Why were few mills and factories built in the South? Because Southerners put their money into
slaves and land
What transformed the stagnant economy of the South into a prosperous, robust economy? cotton
What methods were used to control slaves? Slave codes
Why was an extended family important among enslaved persons? Because you never knew if a family
member would be sold off or sent away.
Nat Turner led a rebellion of slaves in 1831.
What were slave codes? Laws passed to keep slaves from rebelling or running away.