Age of Jefferson Jefferson’s Administration

Age of Jefferson
Name Mrs. Alls
Jefferson’s Administration
Secretary of Treasury – Albert Gallatin
Federal government made income through the sale of western lands and through tariffs on
Jefferson did the following while he was in office:
o Lowered the nation’s debt
o Kept US at peace
o Purchased the Louisiana Territory
o Cut the federal budget
Lassiez-faire was the approach used by Jefferson that meant “to leave alone or let someone
do as they chose.”
Marbury vs. Madison was the case where the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that they had the right
of judicial review.
Judicial Review
o Concerns the power of the U.S. Supreme Court
o Importance of it?
Louisiana Purchase
o US purchased the Louisiana Territory for $15 million from France.
o It provided cheap and abundant land for farmers and future generations.
o What was President Jefferson’s original reason for wanting to acquire New Orleans? to
remove France from the Americas
Lewis and Clark Expedition
o Lewis and Clark started their expedition from St. Louis, MO.
o Sacagawea was the Native American that helped Lewis and Clark on their expedition.
o She was from the Shoshone tribe.
Duel fought between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr.
Barbary Coast: Tunisia, Algiers, Morocco, and Tripoli.
o Jefferson tried to end pirate attacks on U.S. ships by ordering a halt in trade with
other nations.
Impressments means forcing sailors to serve on British ships.
After going to war, France and Britain began seizing U.S. merchant ships because both
nations wanted to keep the U.S. from supplying the enemy.
Embargo Act
o Forbade Americans to export or import any goods.
o Who was hurt most by Jefferson's embargo policy? U.S. (New England)
o Which country was the main target of this act? Great Britain
Non-intercourse act allowed trade with all nations except France and Great Britain.
War Hawks
o Wanted to go to war with Great Britain.
o Henry Clay was the War Hawk from Kentucky.
New England shippers were called Yankee.
War of 1812
William Henry Harrison was the governor of the Indiana Territory and won the Battle of
Tecumseh was the Native American chief of the Shawnee who was killed at the Battle of
The War of 1812 was fought between the U.S. and Great Britain.
Dolley Madison was credited with saving many historical documents from the White House
before it was burned to the ground.
Fort McHenry
o Battle of Fort McHenry was where the U.S. held off the Great Britain attack for 25
o Francis Scott Key wrote the Star Spangled Banner during this battle.
Battle of New Orleans
o This battle was fought after the Treaty Ghent was signed in Belgium in December
1814 ending the war.
o Andrew Jackson won a decisive battle that made him a national hero.
Treaty of Ghent ended the War of 1812.
Review Notes:
 Impeachments begin in the House of Representatives.
The safeguards that were put into the Constitution to ensure that one branch did not become
more powerful than the other branch are Checks and Balances.
What mountain range did the Cumberland Gap
allow passage? Appalachian Mountains
The Maya built pyramids and temples for religious ceremonies.
Roger Williams founded which colony for religious reasons? Rhode Island
Cultural characteristics that deal with its people, their ideas, languages and religions, and a
wide range of related human activities.
Which amendment gave African Americans the right to vote? 15th
What does the Legislative Branch do? Make laws
The 26th amendment lowered the voting age to 18.