La Composition de THANKSGIVING Requirements:

La Composition de THANKSGIVING
Due: (Monday after Thanksgiving break)
Minimum of 10 sentences
Use the passé composé as much as possible
Type and double-space it!!!!
Tell about the meal and the time that you spend with
your family
(You can also use some chapter vocab…. Who set the
table? Who cleaned up? Who loaded the dishwasher?
Some possibilities: write about how long you were at the
table. How long did it take to prepare the meal? Who
came to your house? Did you go to someone else's house?
What was the weather like? What did you do before and
after the meal?
Useful vocabulary from in-class brainstorm:
La Composition de THANKSGIVING
Due: (Monday after Thanksgiving break)
Minimum of 10 sentences
Use the passé composé as much as possible
Type and double-space it!!!!
Tell about the meal and the time that you spend with
your family
(You can also use some chapter vocab…. Who set the
table? Who cleaned up? Who loaded the dishwasher?
Some possibilities: write about how long you were at the
table. How long did it take to prepare the meal? Who
came to your house? Did you go to someone else's house?
What was the weather like? What did you do before and
after the meal?
Useful vocabulary from in-class brainstorm: