STUDENT INFORMATION SESSION A Ministry approved specialized career focused program that allows students to acquire technical knowledge and skills in a specific area. SHSMs assist students in the transition from secondary school to: the Workplace Apprenticeships College University Students completing all SHSM requirements will receive a Red Seal on their Ontario Secondary School Diploma This designation is recognized by employers, colleges and universities. No matter which path you follow after high school, you will have a better idea of your direction and future career choice when graduating with a SHSM Red Seal. Understand how and why your classes apply to your future career Obtain training and certifications from experienced industry staff Learn on the job skills during your co-op placement Gain experience in your field of interest REQUIRED COMPONENT #1 The credits make up the bundle include: • four major sports credits • three other required credits in English, mathematics and a choice depending on which sector you choose. In these courses some expectations are met through learning activities contextualized (CLAs) to the sports sector What are CLAs? CLAs are Contextualized Learning Activities where students will complete anywhere between 6-10 hours of contextualized experiences , along side their non-SHSM classmates, in their required credits. CLAs fit in directly with Ministry Expectations for each course, the difference being that the approach has a direct connection back to the sector. Grade 11 Name_____Current Grade____Date______ Destination Pathway (check one): University College Workplace Apprenticeship COURSE SELECTION CHART Keep your destination pathway in mind when making your course selections. Please identify the courses that you will be selecting for next year checking off the appropriate course codes. If going into grade 11, you will meet with your counsellor next year before selecting your grade 12 courses. If you are planning on applying to university, you will need U or M credits to apply. Please make certain to see your counsellor if you require assistance. Major Credits Pick 2 at minimum each year o o o o o o PPL 3O PAF 3O PAL 3O PAR 30 SBI 3U SCH 3U English Credits - Pick 1 Math Credits Pick 1 o o o o Performance Focus o pick 1 in total o Sports Management Focus pick 1 in total Others – optional electives Co-op Credits MCR 3U MCF 3M MBF 3C MEL 3E HSP 3M HPC 30 Grade 12 o o o o o o PPL 40 PAF 40 PAL 40 PSE 4U SBI 4U SCH 4U o o o ENG 4U ENG 4C ENG 4E o o HHG 4M HFA 4M o o BTA 30 BMI 3C o o o BOH 4M BDV 4C BOG 4E o SVN 3E o ETS 4U o o o 2, 3 or 4 Credit Co-op Can be done in the summer Coop in Haiti (summer school only) CO-OP/OSP Students must earn a minimum of two cooperative education credits. Co-op provides authentic learning experiences in a workplace setting, enabling students to refine, extend, apply, and practice sector-specific knowledge and skills. Through co-op, students also use their Ontario School Passport which documents the essential skills & habits required in the sector. Of the seven certifications, four are compulsory : CPR First Aid Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) Automated External Defibrillation (AED) The remaining three are electives that must be chosen based on a student’s area of focus and interest. Opportunities might include: • one-on-one observation of a cooperative education student at a placement in the sector (job twinning) • a day-long observation of an employee in the sector (job shadowing) • a one- or two-week work experience with a member of an industry association or a professional in the sector (work experience) • a volunteer experience • participation in a class in the sector • a tour of a sector facility • attendance at a sector career fair. Reach Ahead Experiences Students are provided with opportunities to take the next steps along their chosen pathway. Examples include: • Apprenticeship: visiting an approved apprenticeship delivery agent in the sector • College: interviewing a college student enrolled in a sector-specific program • University: observing a university class in a sector-related program • Workplace: interviewing an employee in the sector Take home an application package and discuss the Specialist High Skills Major with your parent(s)/guardian(s). If you have questions, please speak with Ms. Compagnon - Guidance Lead Or Mr. McCabe – Sport Performance & Sport Management SHSM Lead Complete the application package ASAP, making certain that all tasks are finished in full. Submit completed package to Ms. Compagnon. There is a maximum number of available spots.