} Scholar N a t i o n a l ...

National University
The National University Scholar
A Directory of Faculty
Research, Scholarship,
and Creative Activity
The University of Values
The National University
Table of Contents
MESSAGE FROM THE PROVOST......................................................................................................................................................1
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...................................................................................................................................................................2
College of Letters and Sciences......................................................................................................................................................3
Monographs and Books
Chapters in the Books
Periodicals/Journal Articles
Conference Presentation/Proceedings and Workshops
Other Scholarly Activities
School of Business and Management..........................................................................................................................................11
Monographs and Books
Chapters in the Books
Periodicals/Journal Articles
Conference Presentation/Proceedings and Workshops
Other Scholarly Activities
School of Education.......................................................................................................................................................................13
Monographs and Books
Chapters in the Books
Periodicals/Journal Articles
Conference Presentation/Proceedings and Workshops
Other Scholarly Activities
School of Engineering and Technology .......................................................................................................................................29
Monographs and Books
Chapters in the Books
Periodicals/Journal Articles
Conference Presentation/Proceedings and Workshops
Other Scholarly Activities
School of Health and Human Services.........................................................................................................................................35
Monographs and Books
Chapters in the Books
Periodicals/Journal Articles
Conference Presentation/Proceedings and Workshops
Other Scholarly Activities
School of Media and Communication..........................................................................................................................................36
Monographs and Books
Chapters in the Books
Periodicals/Journal Articles
Conference Presentation/Proceedings and Workshops
Other Scholarly Activities
© National University 2006
Message from the Provost
September 2, 2008
Dear Colleagues,
Research plays a critical role in realizing our mission to deliver lifelong
learning opportunities that are challenging and relevant. Research informs the
curriculum and is often inspired by what occurs in the classroom.
I am pleased to announce the release of the 2007-2008 National University
Scholar – A Directory of Faculty Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity,
which offers rich evidence of the vital work in which our faculty are engaged.
We truly value the scholarly contributions of our colleagues and this
publication enables the University community to share in the important work
performed by our faculty. I wish to acknowledge the Research Council for their
leadership and work on this important project.
This year 86 faculty members from each of the six academic schools recorded
their scholarly work. There were over 405 entries submitted. The submissions
have been organized into the following categories:
Monographs and Books
Book Chapters
Periodicals/Journal Articles
Conference Presentation/Proceedings and Workshops
Other Scholarly Activities (which include art and literature)
We collect scholarship data continuously throughout the year. This application
will remain open so that work may be submitted at any time. You may access
the directory by logging on to, Select “faculty
scholarship directory”, input your e-mail address and your password. I
encourage all faculty to submit their work for review.
Please join me in congratulating our colleagues on their fine work.
Thomas M. Green, Ph.D.
Provost, National University
© 2009 National University
The National University Scholar
The National University
Many people have contributed to this year’s publication of The
National University Scholar – A Directory of Faculty Research,
Scholarship, and Creative Activity. We wish to extend our
appreciation to all who submitted entries and to acknowledge the
efforts of the following individuals here.
National University Research Council
Dr. Peter Serdyukov, Chair, School of Education
Dr. Ismail Sebetan, Vice Chair, College of Letters and Sciences
Dr. Michael Maxwell, College of Letters and Sciences
Dr. Tom Pollard, College of Letters and Sciences
Dr. Roland Fleck, College of Letters and Sciences
Dr. Mohammad Amin, School of Engineering and Technology
Dr. Joan-Marie Van Tassel, School of Media and Communication
Dr. Robyn Hill, School of Education
Dr. Mohammed Nadeem, School of Business and Management
Dr. Connie Fajardo, School of Business and Management
General Editors
Dr. Peter Serdyukov, School of Education
Dr. Ismail Sebetan, College of Letters and Sciences
Dr. Mohammad Amin, School of Engineering and Technology
© 2009 National University
The National University Scholar
The College of Letters and Sciences
I. Monographs and Books
Anisman, Cheryl
Colwell, K., Hiscock-Anisman, C., Woods, D, Memon, A & Michlik, M.(2007).
Intersections of psychology, psychiatry, and law (3rd ed.), Balboa Island, CA:
American College of Forensic Psychology Press.
O’Hara, Maureen
Cooper, M., OHara, M., Schmid, P. F. & Wyatt, G. (2007). The handbook of person
centered psychotherapy and counseling. London, UK: Palgrave – Macmillan.
Pollard, Tom
Pollard, T. (2008) Sex and Violence: The Hollywood Censorship Wars. Boulder, Colorado, Paradigm Press
Zavala, Joseph
Alcalde, C. & Zavala, J. (2007, December). Visión del Perú de académicos peruanos en
Estados Unidos (Images of Peru from Peruvian Academic in the U.S.). Lima, Peru:
Academia Diplomática del Perú.
II. Chapter in Books
Day, Michael
Day, M. (2008). Online Avant-Garde Poetry in China Today. In Chris Lupke (Ed.), New
perspectives on contemporary Chinese poetry (pp. 201-217). NY: Palgrave
Photinos, Christi
Photinos, C. (2007). Automobile Camping. In H. Sheumaker and S. Wajda (Eds.),
Material Culture in America: Understanding Everyday Life (pp. 51-53), University of
California (Owens Valley Laboratory); Bishop, California. ABC-CLIO.
Zukas, Alex
Zukas, A. (2007). A Kind of Globalization: Merchant Capital, Primitive Accumulation,
and the Reconfiguration of World Space in the Maps of Herman Moll, 1700-1730. In
Gary Backhaus and John Murungi, (Eds.), Colonial and Global Interfacings: Imperial
Hegemonies and Democratizing Resistances. (pp. 22-57). Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K.:
Cambridge Scholars Press.
Zukas, Lorna
Zukas, L. (2007). United States Agency for International Development. In Karen
Christensen and David Levinson (Eds.), Global Perspectives on the United States:
Issues and Ideas Shaping International Relations. Vol. 3. (pp. 368-371), Great
Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing Group.
Zukas, L. (2007). The Interface between Colonialization and Globalization: The Rise of
Socialism in Africa, 1900-1949. In Gary Bachaus and John Murungi (Eds.), Colonial
and Global Interfacings: Imperial Hegemonies and Democratizing Resistances. (pp.
205-223). Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Press.
© 2009 National University
The National University Scholar
The College of Letters and Sciences
III. Periodicals/Journals Articles
Alexander, Valerie
Parker, J., Tatum, C., Shook, B. & Alexander, V. (2008, March). Clinical attributes for
therapists: A psychometric and empirical investigation. Journal of Research in
Innovative Teaching, 1, 113-127.
Anisman, Cheryl
Colwell, K., Hiscock-Anisman, C, Memon, A, Rachel, A & Colwell, L. (2007, January).
Vividness and spontaneity of statement detail characteristics as predictors of witness
credibility. American Journal of Forensic Psychology, 25(1), 1-25.
Foltyn, Jacque
Foltyn, J. L. (2008, May). The corpse in contemporary culture. Mortality, 13(2), 99-200.
Foltyn, J. L. (2008, May). The corpse in contemporary culture: Identifying, transacting, and recoding the
dead body in the twenty-first century. Mortality, 13 (2) 99-104.
Foltyn, J.L. (2008, May). Dead famous and dead sexy: Popular culture, forensics, and
the rise of the corpse. Mortality, 13(2), 153-173.
Foltyn, J. (2007, September). The last look: Anna Nicole Smith, James Brown, Princess
Diana, Saddam Hussein and Yes, Jesus: The celebrity corpse in the infotainment era.
Mortality, 12S: 35.
Glukhovskiy, Pavel
Kvitnitskaya-Ryzhova, T., Malysheva, S. & Glukhovskiy, P. (2008, March). Age-related
Ultracytochemical Peculiarities of Alkaline Phosphatase and Ca2+-ATPase Activity in
Blood-Thymus Barrier. Journal of Medical and Biological Sciences, 2, 1-6.
Hanish, Shak
Hanish, S. (2008, April). The Chaldean Assyrian Syriac People of Iraq: An Ethnic
Identity Problem. Digest of Middle East Studies (DOMES) Journal, 17(1), 32-47.
Hanish, S. (2007, September). The Role of Islam in the Making of the New Iraqi
Constitution. Digest of Middle East Studies (DOMES) Journal, 16(1), 30-41.
O’Hara, Maureen
O’Hara, M. (2007, July). El Grupo Centrada en la Persona como vehculo para
el cultivo de la competencia psicologica para el siglo XXI. (Person-Centered Groups as a Vehicle for
Cultivating Psychological Literacy for the 21st Century). Prometeo:
Mexican Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 50, 63-68.
O’Hara, M. (2007).Psychological literacy for an emerging global society: Another
look at Rogers’ “persons of tomorrow” as a model. Person-centered and experiential
Psychotherapie, 6, 45-60.
Parker, Jan
Parker, J., Tatum, C., Shook, B. & Alexander, V. (2008, March). Clinical attributes for
therapists: A psychometric and empirical investigation. Journal of Research in
Innovative Teaching, 1, 113-127.
© 2009 National University
The National University Scholar
The College of Letters and Sciences
Photinos, Christi
Photinos, C. (2007, December). The Figure of the Tramp in Gilded Age Success
Narratives. The Journal of Popular Culture, 40, 994-1018.
Photinos, C. (2008, January). The Tramp in American Literature, 1873-1939.
AmeriQuests (e-journal), 5, 1-8.
Sebetan, Ismail
Stafford, G. A. & Sebetan, I. M. (2007, December). Comparative analysis of computer
forensics software on IBM compatible and Macintosh media. The Research and
Practice in Forensic Medicine, 50, 249-258.
Serdyukova, Nataliya
Serdyukova, N. (2008, March). Accelerated General Physics: Real Challenges and
Possible Solutions. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching, 1, 95-112.
Shook, Brenda
Parker, J., Tatum, C., Shook, B. & Alexander, V. (2008, March). Clinical attributes for
therapists: A psychometric and empirical investigation. Journal of Research in
Innovative Teaching, 1, 113-127
Subbotin, Igor
Kurdachenko, L., Subbotin, I. & Chupordya, V. (2007, July). On bounded artinianfinitary modules. International Journal of Algebra and Computation, 17, 881-893.
Kurdachenko, L. & Subbotin, I. (2007, December). On some soluble groups in which
U-subgroups form a lattice. Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
48(4), 585-593.
Kurdachenko, L., Kuzennii, N., Semko, N. & Subbotin, I. (2007, October). On some
questions of generalized soluble group theory. Bulletin of University of Kiev, Series:
Physics & Mathematics, 3, 32-44.
Dixon, M., Kurdachenko, L. & Subbotin, I. (2008, May). On various rank conditions in
infinite groups. Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 4, 23-43.
Kurdachenko, L., Russo, A., Subbotin, I. & Vincenzi, G. (2008, May). Infinite groups
with short balanced chains of subgroups. Journal of Algebra, 319(9), 3901-3917.
Subbotin, I., Bilotskii, N. & Hill, M. (2007, November). Mathematics teacher
development in California (USA): California subject examinations for teachers.
Didactics of Mathematics: Problems and Investigations, 27, 63-68
Subbotin, I. & Bilotskii, N. (2008, April). Algorithms and fundamental concepts of
Calculus. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching, 1, 82-94.
Tatum, Charles
Parker, J., Tatum, C., Shook, B. & Alexander, V. (2008, March). Clinical attritubutes for
therapists: A psychometric and empirical investigation. Journal of Research in
Innovative Teaching, 1, 113-127
Venter, Henry
Venter, H. (2008, February). A Five-Phase Existential Treatment Model for Anxiety
Disorders (Abstract). African Journal of Psychiatry, 11, 56-75.
© 2009 National University
The National University Scholar
The College of Letters and Sciences
IV. Conference Presentation/Proceedings and Workshops
Day, Michael
Day, M. (2007, October). On Paper or Online, or Both? Modern Chinese Poetry.
Session at the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association Conference. Calgary,
Alberta, Canada.
Day, M. (2007, December). Boon or Bust? The Internet and Chinese Poetry. MLA
Convention, Lyricism in Modern East Asian Literatures. Chicago, IL.
Fleck, Roland
Fleck, R. & Fleck, D (2007, August). Cross-cultural marriage: Challenges, complexities
and 43 years of reflection. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the
American Psychological Association. San Francisco, CA.
Fleck, J. R. & Fleck, D. T. (2008, April). The immigrant family: Parent-child dilemmas.
Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Western Psychological
Association. Irvine, CA.
Fleck, D. T. & Fleck, J. R. (2008, April). Supervision case study: An integrativecollaborative model. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Western
Psychological Association. Irvine, CA.
Fleck, J. R. & Parker, J. (2008, May). Motivational interviewing: Advanced applications.
Paper presented at the 21st Annual Northwest Conference on Behavioral Health and
Addictive Disorders. Seattle, WA.
Fleck, J. R. & Parker, J. (2008, May). Ethics for clinicians. Paper presented at the 21st
Annual Northwest Conference on Behavioral Health and Addictive Disorders. Seattle,
Parker, J. & Fleck, J. R. (2008, May). Ethics for clinicians: Boundary violations. Paper
presented at the 21st Annual Northwest Conference on Behavioral Health and
Addictive Disorders. Seattle, WA.
Foltyn, Jacque
Foltyn, J.L. (2007, September). The last look: Anna Nicole Smith, James Brown, Princess
Diana, Saddam Hussein and Yes, Jesus: The celebrity corpse in the enfotainment era.
8th International The Social Context of Death, Dying, and Disposal. University of
Bath, Bath, UK.
Foltyn, J. L.(2007, December). Understanding multicultural studies. 3rd Annual MiniConference, Multicultural Studies. Memorial Academy of Learning and Technology
Charter School, Logan Heights, San Diego, CA.
Foltyn, J.L. (2008, April). Lost and found in translation: A sociologist examines web,
podcast and blog experiences featuring her research. 79th Annual Meeting of the
Pacific Sociological Association. Portland, Oregon.
Foltyn, J.L. (2008, June). A Darlana Wedding Story. Viking Vista.
Fries, Mason
Fries, M. (2008, February). Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction for the Changing Work
Environment. American Society of Business and Behavioral Science. Las Vegas, NV
© 2009 National University
The National University Scholar
The College of Letters and Sciences
Glukhovskiy, Pavel
Makarov, V., Sinelnikova, R. & Glukhovskiy, P. (2008, May). Application of the
hammett acidity function for the evaluation of resin resistance. Society of Plastics
Engineers Annual Technical Conference. Milwaukee, WI.
Hamlin, Jack
Hamlin, J. (2008, January). He’eh Nalu: Historical and Cultural Components of Surfing
(roundtable)The Southern California Surf Culture as an Emerging Sub-culture and
the Impact of Law. 6th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts & Humanities.
Waikiki -Oahu, Hawaii.
Hanish, Shak
Hanish, S. (2008, June). “The Current Status of Religious Minorities in New Iraq. the 6th
International Conference on Politics. Athens, Greece.
Larson, James
Larson, J. (2008, May). Reducing the Cost of Crime through Volunteer Citizen Patrol
and Reserve Police Officers. Global Conference on Business & Finance, Institute for Business &
Finance Research. San Jose, Costa Rica.
Majkut, Paul
Majkut, P. (2007, October). “Locating the Class Struggle in H. G. Wells’ “When the
Sleeper Wakes” and Fritz Lang’s “Metropolis”. 32nd Annual Conference Society for
Utopian Studies. Toronto, Canada.
Majkut, P. (2008, May). Keynote Address: “Pro Patria: Non Dulce Non et Décor”.
Conference on War and Deception. Helsinki, Finland.
Majkut, P. (2008, May). Keynote: “The Illuminating Traveler.” Conference on the
Experience of Travel. Haaga-Helia University of Applied Science and Lapland
University. Helsinki, Finland.
Marlaire, Colin
Marlaire, C. (2008, April). Winning The Binary Battle: Harnessing Online Technologies
For Educational Ends. Annual WASC Conference. San Diego, CA.
Marlaire, C. (2008, February). Encoding Dissent: Sensationalizing the Commonplace in
the Novels of Sir Walter Scott. South Central Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies
Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA.
Marlaire, C. (2008, January). The Orbits of Educational Innovation: Recentering
Academic Adoption. 4th International Conference on Technology, Knowledge and
Society. Boston, MA.
Maxwell, Michael
Maxwell, M.R., Barry, K.L. & Viswanathan, S. (2007, December). Pheromone use in a
praying mantid (Stagmomantis limbata): towards evaluating alternative hypotheses
on the occurrence of sexual cannibalism. 55th Annual Meeting of the Entomological
Society of America. San Diego, CA.
Maxwell, M.R., Barry, K.L. & Viswanathan, S. (2007, September). Mate attraction via
pheromones in a praying mantid: evaluating alternative hypotheses on the occurrence
© 2009 National University
The National University Scholar
The College of Letters and Sciences
of sexual cannibalism. National University 1st Faculty Research Conference, La Jolla,
Mueller, Jeffery
Mueller, J. & Marandos, S. (2008, February). Hybrids: how effective are they in tapping
into students’ learning styles and instructor teaching preferences v. exclusively online
courses? Proceedings of American Society for Business and Behavioral Science. Las
Vegas, NV.
O’Hara, Maureen
O’Hara, M. (2007, August). Psychological literacy for transformational times. the
American Psychological Association annual convention. San Francisco, CA.
O’Hara, M. (2007, October). Another inconvenient truth: a psychologist looks at the
future. leadership and governance at Global Business Network. San Francisco CA.
O’Hara, M. (2008, May). Seeing and shaping tomorrow: a psychologists view. 1st
Canadian Conference on Strategic Foresight. Calgary, Ontario, Canada.
Parker, Jan
Parker, J. & Tatum, C. (2008, January). The Clinical Attributes for Therapists Scale. The
Institute of Teaching in Psychology. St Petersburg Beach, FL.
Parker, J. & Shook, B. (2008, January). Psychotherapist educators: Gatekeepers for the
profession. The Institute of Teaching in Psychology. St. Petersburg Beach, FL.
Fleck, J. R. & Parker, J. (2008, May). Motivational interviewing: Advanced applications.
Paper presented at the 21st Annual Northwest Conference on Behavioral Health and
Addictive Disorders. Seattle, WA.
Fleck, J. R. & Parker, J. (2008, May). Ethics for clinicians. The 21st Annual Northwest Conference on
Behavioral Health and Addictive Disorders. Seattle, WA.
Parker, J. & Fleck, J. R. (2008, May). Ethics for clinicians: Boundary violations. The 21st Annual
Northwest Conference on Behavioral Health and Addictive Disorders. Seattle, WA.
Photinos, Christi
Photinos, C. (2008, April). It was like being a ghost: The Ineffectual and Marginalized
Detective in the Crime Fiction of Cornell Woolrich. Popular Culture Association /
American Culture Association National Conference. San Francisco, California.
Pollard, Tom
Pollard, T. (2008 January) The Lost Soul Meets the Seductress: Film Noir Icons and the Gender Wars. The
Sixth Annual Hawaii International Conference of Humanities and the Arts, HI.
Pollard, Tom (2008, March) From Rosie the Riveter to Third Wave Feminism: Film Noir Icons and the
Gender Wars. Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association National Conference, San
Francisco, CA.
Potter, Franz
Potter, F. (2008, February). Sex Please, I am a Gothic Heroine. South Central Society of
Eighteenth Century Studies. New Orleans, LA.
© 2009 National University
The National University Scholar
The College of Letters and Sciences
Sebetan, Ismail
Vigil, B. N., Sebetan, I. M. & Stein, P. (2008, February). Dual Energy X-ray
Absorptiometry (DEXA) Scans for skeletal remains identification of anorexia nervosa.
Paper presented at 60th Annual meeting American Academy of Forensic Sciences.
Washington, DC.
Vigil, B. N., Sebetan, I. M. & Stein, P. (2008, February). Dual Energy X-ray
Absorptiometry (DEXA) Scans for skeletal remains identification of anorexia nervosa.
Proceedings of Annual Scientific Meeting, American Academy of Forensic Sciences.
Washington, DC.
Sebetan, I. M. (2007, September). Data on nine DNA Loci: Forensic, anthropological
and antiterrorism applications. National University 1st Faculty Research Conference, La Jolla, CA.
Serdyukova, Nataliya
Serdyukov, P. & Serdyukova, N. (2007, October). Online learning and time factor. The
10th IASTED International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology in
Education. Beijing, China
Serdyukova, N. (2007, September). Teaching General Physics at National University.
National University 1st Faculty Research Conference. La Jolla, CA.
Serdyukova, N. & Stankous, N. (2008, June). Accelerated Online General Physics
Course: A Concept and Design. Gordon Research Conference. Smithfield, RI.
Shook, Brenda
Parker, J. & Shook, B. (2008, January). Psychotherapist educators: Gatekeepers for the
profession. The Institute of Teaching in Psychology. St. Petersburg Beach, FL.
Stankous, Nina
Serdyukova, N. & Stankous, N. (2008, June). Accelerated Online General Physics
Course: A Concept and Design. Gordon Research Conference. Smithfield, RI.
Subbotin, Igor
Kurdachenko, L., Subbotin, I. & Chupordya, V. (2007, October). About bounded artinian
finitary modules. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
10, 23-26.
Kurdachenko, L., Subbotin, I. & Chupordya, V. (2007, July). On bounded artinian
finitary modules. 6th International Algebraic Conference, Kamyanets – Podilsky,
Kurdachenko, L., Subbotin, I. & Chupurdya, V. (2007, July). On bounded Chernikov
finitary modules. International Algebraic Conference “Classes of Groups, Algebras
and its Applications”, Gomel, Belorussia
Subbotin, I. & Bilotskii, N. (2007, October). Mathematics teacher development in
California (USA) and Ukraine: Brief Comparative Analysis. International Conference
“Mathematics Education in Ukraine: Past, Current, and Future”, Kiev, Ukraine.
Tatum, Charles
Parker, J. & Tatum, C. (2008, January). The Clinical Attributes for Therapists Scale. The
Institute of Teaching in Psychology. St Petersburg Beach, FL.
© 2009 National University
The National University Scholar
The College of Letters and Sciences
Venter, Henry
Venter, H. (2008, April). Finding Meaning: A New Model of Existential Therapy for the
Treatment of Serious Psychological Disorders. Western Psychological Association
88th Annual Convention. Irvine, CA.
Zavala, Joseph
Zavala, J. (2007, October). A Nation without Citizens: Peru’s Postcolonial Predicament.
Chimalpahin 5th Conference on Colonial Remembering and Forgetfulness, Mexico
City, Mexico.
Zukas, Alex
Zukas, A. (2007, November). The Cartography of Time, Space, and Imperialism in
Herman Moll’s Maps of the Americas, 1695-1725. 1st Annual Conference, California
World History Association. Fullerton, California.
Zukas, A. (2008, February). Commerce and Cartography in the Early-Modern Era:
Producers, Commodities, and the British Imperial Project in Herman Moll’s World
Maps, 1700-1730. University of California World History Workshop Multi-campus
Research Group. Santa Cruz, California.
Zukas, A. (2008, February). Class, State, and Struggle: Mobilizing Unemployed Workers
in late Weimar Germany. 7th Biennial European Social Science History Conference.
Lisbon, Portugal.
Zukas, A. (2008, March). The British Imperial Imagination in Herman Moll’s “The World
Described,” 1709-1730. 35th Annual Meeting, Pacific Coast Conference on British
Studies. San Marino, California.
Zukas, Lorna
Zukas, L. (2007, November). Reflections on Socialism 1850-1950: Connecting Time,
Space and History between Europe and Africa. 1st Annual Conference of the
California World History Association (CWHA). Fullerton, CA.
Zukas, L. (2008, February). Globalization, Colonialization and the Rise of Socialism as a
Precursor of Nationalism in Africa. 7th Biennial European Social Science History
Conference. Lisbon, Portugal.
V. Other Scholarly Activities
Baker, Janet
Baker, J. (2007). Untitled poem. Lilliput Review. Pittsburg, PA.
Baker, J. (2007). It’s time. A Year in Ink. Vol I. San Diego, CA
Baker, J. (2007). Burst into Blossom. MaGee Park Poets Anthology. Carlsbad, California.
Baker, J. (2007). Dove. The Kerf. Crescent City, CA: College of the Redwoods Center
for Writing.
Baker, J. (2008). Ariadne on Naxos. Cider Press Review. Vol 9. Halifax, PA.
Baker, J. (2008). Mind-thoughts. San Diego Poetry Annual, Vol II. San Diego, CA
Day, Michael
Zicheng, H. (2007). A History of Contemporary Chinese Literature (Translated by M.Day). Leiden, the
Netherlands: E. J. Brill Publishers.
© 2009 National University
The National University Scholar
The School of Business and Management
Foltyn, Jacque
Foltyn, J.L. (2008, June). A Darlana Wedding Story. Viking Vista.
Foltyn, J. L. (2007). Invited Conference Participant, Beyond Belief III. The Salk Institute,
La Jolla, CA.
Foltyn, J. (2008, February). Podcast: Dead Sexy. iTunes.
Foltyn, J.L. (2008, June). Interviewed by Emily Listfield for: I’d never get Botox and
other beauty lies. More Magazine.
Foltyn, J.L. (2007, September). Celebrity Corpses “an Amusement”. BBC Health News.
Foltyn, J.L (2007, September). London Times cultural Bryan Appleyard essay about my
work. Bryanappleyard.com.
Foltyn, J.L. (2007, September). Celebrity corpses are taking center stage, says
academic: Richard Dawkins essay about my work. Center for Science,
Hanish, Shak
Hanish, S. Chair, Session on American Domestic and International Affairs, June, 2008,
the 6th International Conference on Politics, Athens, Greece, June 24, 2008.
Hanish, S. Reviewer of three journal articles.
Majkut, Paul
Majkut, P. (2008, February). External Reviewer for Grant Proposals: English,
Philosophy. City University of New York, New York, New York.
Majkut, P. (2008, June). Juror: 26th Munich Filmfest: Arri-Zeiss Award for Best Foreign
Film, Munich, Germany.
Majkut, P. (2008, May). Doctoral Dissertation Defense Examiner (“External Opponent”):
Miklos Kis Defense (Film Studies). The University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Maxwell, Michael
Maxwell, M.R. Referee of peer-reviewed journals: Animal Behaviour (4 articles),
Behaviour, Biological J. of the Linnean Soc (2 articles), Fisheries Research, ICES J
Marine Sci, Marine & Freshwater Research, July, 2007, La Jolla, CA.
Maxwell, M.R. Invited talk, April, 2008, University of California (Owens Valley
Laboratory), Bishop, California.
Montesonti, Frank
Montesonti, F. (2007). “Film Noir”. Poems and Plays #14 Spring/Summer.
Montesonti, F. (2008). “A Time to Sing of Airports”. Slipstream #28.
Montesonti, F. (2007). “Those Anomalies at a Party where Everyone Suddenly Falls
Silent”. DIAGRAM.
Montesonti, F. (2008). A Civic Pageant. Brooklyn, NY: Black Lawrence Press.
Montesonti, F. (2008, February). “Guiding the Reactionary Poet”. Associated Writing
Programs Pedagogy Forum. New York, NY.
Subbotin, Igor
Subbotin, I. Served as a member of the International Award Committee for an annual grant competition for
young mathematicians in Ukraine sponsored by The
Shevchenko Scientific Society, January, 2008,
© 2009 National University
The National University Scholar
The School of Business and Management
Subbotin, I. Served as a member of the editorial board of Didactics of Mathematics:
Problems and Investigations, Donetsk, Ukraine.
Subbotin, I. Served as a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching,
La Jolla, CA.
Subbotin, I. Wrote more than a dozen reviews on published articles for two prominent
international mathematics magazines Mathematical Reviews (American Mathematical
Society), USA, and Zentrallblat fur Matematik, Germany.
Subbotin, I. Continue the collaborative work with Professors J. Otal (Spain) and L.
Kurdachenko (Ukraine) under the Spain National Research Committee grant: Proyecto
MTM 2007-60994 of Dirección General de Investiga, Spain.
Zukas, Lorna
Zukas, L. (2007). G-7 Countries. In William A. Darity (Ed). International Encyclopedia
of the Social Sciences, Vol. 3, 2nd edition. ((pp. 243-244)). Farmington Hills:
Macmillian Reference, Thompson Gale.
Zukas, L. (2008). Rubber in Africa. In Peter N. Stearns (Ed). Encyclopedia of the Modern
World. New York: Oxford University Press.
Zukas, L. (2008). Rubber Overview. In Peter N. Stearns (Ed). Encyclopedia of the
Modern World. New York: Oxford University Press.
© 2009 National University
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The School of Education
I. Monographs and Books
Fajardo, Consolacion
Fajardo, C. & Frias, S. (2007). Elementary Accounting: Partnership & Corporation. (5th
Ed.), Quezon City, Philippines: Katha Publishing Co. Inc.
III. Periodicals/Journals Articles
Buchanan, Julia
Buchanan, J. (2008, March). Developing Leadership Capacity Through Organizational
Learning. Journal of College Teaching and Learning, 5(3), 17-23.
Corona, Ramon
Corona, R. (2008, April). Analysis of student’s feedback regarding the role of the Instructor in an online
course. CESUN Business Journal. 1, 5-20.
Fajardo, Consolacion
Fajardo, C. (2007, September). The Move towards Convergence of Accounting Standards
World Wide. Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge 12, 57-62.
Fajardo, C. (2007, October). The Impact of Combining Job Order System and Just in
Time Inventory Management. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social
Sciences, 2, 533-542.
Schwartz, D., Fajardo, C. (2008, March). Adding Voice/Visual Interaction to Online
Classes. Journal of Research and Innovative Teaching, 1, 145-157.
Nadeem, Mohammed
Nadeem, M. (2007, July). Post-Purchase Dissonance: The Wisdom of the ‘Repeat’
Purchases. Journal of Global Business Issues, 1(2), 183-193.
Nadeem, M. (2007, August). Customer-Choice in Globalized e-Marketing: Why Crafting
and Executing Ethics Matters for Trusted Online Transactions. Business Management
Review, 3(2), 113-121.
Nadeem, M. (2007, September). Emergence of Customer-Centric Branding: From
Boardroom Leadership to Self-Broadcasting. Journal of American Academy of
Business Cambridge, 12(1), 44-49.
Schwartz, Donald
Schwartz, D., Fajardo, C. (2008, March). Adding Voice/Visual Interaction to Online
Classes. Journal of Research and Innovative Teaching, 1, 145-157.
Simpson, Brian
Simpson, B. (2007, December). The Relation between Interest Rates and the Demand for
Money: Correlation or Causation? Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences,
16(1), 57-67.
Simpson, B. (2007, December). An Economic, Political, and Philosophical Analysis of
Externalities. Reason Papers, 29, 123-140.
© 2009 National University
The National University Scholar
The School of Education
Smith, David
Smith, D. E. & Mitry, D.J. (2007, September). Cultural convergence: consumer
behavioral changes in European markets. Journal of Wine Research, 18, 107-112.
Smith, D. E. & Mitry, D. J. (2007, September). Globalization of the emerging theme park
industry. Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences, 16, 215-227.
Smith, D. E. & Mitry, D. J. (2008, March). Benefits of study abroad and creating
opportunities: the case for short term programs. Journal of Research in Innovative
Teaching, 1, 236-241.
Smith, D. E. & Mitry, D. J. (2008, March). Marketing education: the real costs and
quality of online programs. Journal of education for business, 83, 147-152.
IV. Conference Presentation/Proceedings and Workshops
Browning, Michelle
Browning, M. (2008, February). The Virtual Office: Opportunities and Challenges for
Faculty. 15th Annual Meeting of American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences. Las Vegas,
Fadaei-Tehrani, Reza
Fadaei-Tehrani, R. (2007, November). The Reasons People Leave Their Job and
Turnover. Paper presented at the Association for Global Business Conference.
Washington, DC.
Fajardo, Consolacion
Fajardo, C. (2007, July). The Impact of Combining Job Order System and Just in Time
Inventory Management. International Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Conference.
Granada, Spain.
Fajardo, C. & Schwartz, D. (2008, February). Adding Voice/Visual Interaction to Online
Classes. 15th Annual Meeting of American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences. Las Vegas,
Lauridsen, Roxanne
Mondal, W., Buchanan, J., and Roxanne, L. (2008, February). Microcredit and Emerging Leadership: The
Role of Servant Leadership and Collective Models. 15th Annual Meeting of American Society of
Business and Behavioral Sciences (ASBBS). Las Vegas, NV
Schwartz, Donald
Fajardo, C. & Schwartz, D. (2008, February). Adding Voice/Visual Interaction to Online
Classes. 15th Annual Meeting of American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences. Las Vegas,
Simpson, Brian
Simpson, B. (2007, July). Economics (part 1): The Nature of Economics, Wealth, and the
Division of Labor. Objectivist Summer Conference. Telluride, CO.
Smith, David
Jenster, P. V., Smith, D. E., Mitry, D. J. & Jenster, L. V. (2008). The business of wine: a
© 2009 National University
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The School of Education
global perspective. Copenhagen, Denmark: Copenhagen Business School Press.
Smith, D. E. & Mitry, D. J. (2008, February). Flavored alcoholic beverages in global
markets. 15th Annual Conference American Society of Business and Behavioral
Sciences (ASBBS). Las Vegas, NV.
V. Other Scholarly Activities
Fajardo, Consolacion
Fajardo, C. L. (2008, February) Facilitator at the AABSS conference, Las Vegas, NV.
Fajardo, C. L. (2007, September). Associate Editor, The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social
Sciences. Reviewed three papers for publication.
Simpson, Brian
Simpson, B. (2007). Economics (part 1): The Nature of Economics, Wealth and the Division of Labor.
Irvine, CA: Second Renaissance Inc. (Audio Recording)
Simpson, B. (2008). The ‘Market Failure’ Fallacy. Irvine, CA: Second Renaissance Inc. (Audio
Smith, David
Smith, D. E. Editorial Board, July, 2007, Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching.
Smith, D. E. Copenhagen Business School Presidential Award (Ledelsespuljen) as
visiting professor and research scholar, March, 2008, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Smith, D. E. Editorial Board, July, 2007, Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences.
Smith, D. E. Editorial Board, July, 2007, International Journal of Consumer Studies.
Smith, D. E. Editorial Board, July, 2007, Journal of Teaching Business Ethics.
© 2009 National University
The National University Scholar
The School of Education
I. Monographs and Books
Cipani, Ennio
Cipani, E. (2008). The Cipani Mathematics Curriculum instructor’s manual.
Woodbury, CT: Behavior Development Solutions.
Serdyukov, Peter
Serdyukov, P. & Ryan, M. (2008). Writing Effective Lesson Plans. Boston, MA:
II. Chapter in Books
Gilbert, Susan
Mvududu, N & Gilbert, S (2007). Constructivism in Early Childhood. In LaRocque, M.
& Darling, S. (Eds.), Blended Curriculum in the Inclusive K-3 Classroom: Teaching
ALL Young Children (pp.61-90). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Mbuva, James
Mbuva, J. (2008). Education Enhances Equality and Fairness: Where Do People of Color
Fit in Global Educational Systems? In Brown M. C. (Ed.), Still Not Equal: Expanding
Educational Opportunity in Society (pp.381-391), New York: Peter Lang Publishing Group.
Mbuva, J. & Mutisya Masila, P. (2008). The Effects of Whiteness in the Classroom: A
Vital Issue in Critical Pedagogy. In McMorris, M. A., Manson, T. J. (Eds.), Hostile
Corridors: Advocates and Obstacles to Educating Multicultural America (pp.317 – 331), New York:
Thomson Corporation.
III. Periodicals/Journals Articles
Alpert, Madelon
Shepherd, C., Alpert, M., & Koeller, M. (2008, January). Increasing the efficacy of
educators teaching online. International Journal of Social Sciences Special Edition:
Virtual Reality in Distance Education, 2(3), 173-179.
Begin, Stacy
Schubert, C., Fabry, D & Begin, S (2008, March). Developing a Systematic Approach to
Program Review. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching, 1, 197-219.
Caywood, Kaydee
Esposito, M. C., Guarino, A. J. & Caywood, K. D. (2007, September). Perceived Teacher
Efficacy Beliefs for the Inclusion of Students with Learning Disabilities. Learning
Disabilities, 14 (4), 265-271.
Cunniff, Daniel
Cunniff, J., Cunniff, D. & Kay, K. (2008, March). The Crisis of Methamphetamine and
its Management: Preparation, Participation, and Prevention. Contemporary Issues in
Education Research, 1 (2), 1-8.
Beckwith, G. & Cunniff, D. (2008, May). From Newton to Gates – Digital Principia. The
© 2009 National University
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The School of Education
Journal of College Teaching & Learning, 5 (5), 55-62.
Fabry, Dee
Schubert, C., Fabry, D & Begin, S. (2008, March). Developing a Systematic Approach to
Program Review. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching, 1, 197-219.
Hill, Robyn
Hill, R. (2008, March). Strengthening Teaching Communities through Online
Professional Development. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching, 1, 174-186.
Kay, Kenneth
Cunniff, J., Cunniff, D. & Kay, K. (2008, March). The Crisis of Methamphetamine and
its Management: Preparation, Participation, and Prevention. Contemporary Issues in
Education Research, 1(2), 1-8.
Koeller, Marilyn
Shepherd, C., Alpert, M, & Koeller, M. (2008, January). Increasing the efficacy of
educators teaching online. International Journal of Social Sciences Special Edition:
Virtual Reality in Distance Education, 2(3), 173-179.
Mbuva, James
Mbuva, J. (2008, January). Educating Students of Color in Higher Education Opens
Doors for Fairness, Equity, and Global Economic Opportunity. National Social
Science Journal, 30(2), 81-87.
Pohan, Cathy
Pohan, C. & Mathison, C. (2007, September). Television: Powerful multicultural lessons
inside and outside of school. Multicultural Perspectives, 9(1), 19-25.
Pohan, C. & Adams, C. (2008, January). Increasing family involvement and cultural
understanding through a university-school partnership. Action in Teacher Education,
29 (1), 42-48.
Mathison, C. & Pohan, C. (2007, January). Helping Experienced and Future Teachers
Build Professional Interaction Skills through the Writing and Reading of Narratives.
Issues in Teacher Education, 16 (1), 61-73.
Richards, Janet
Richards, J. (2008, March). The Benefits of an Accelerated Learning Format in Teacher
Education Programs. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching, 1, 73-81.
Schubert, Cynthia
Schubert, C. (2008, March). Building Faculty Cohesion Through Participation in Global
Education. American Council on Education Department Chairs Online Resource
Center. http://www.acenet.edu/resources/chairs/index.cfm?section=2&subsection=35
Schubert, C. (2007, December). The One Minute Chair. American Council on Education
Department Chairs Online Resource Center.
Schubert, C., Fabry, D & Begin, S (2008, March). Developing a Systematic Approach to
© 2009 National University
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The School of Education
Program Review. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching, 1, 197-219.
Serdyukov, Peter
Serdyukov, P. (2008, March). Accelerated Learning: What is It? Journal of Research in
Innovative Teaching, 1, 35-59.
Shepherd, Carol
Shepherd, C., Alpert, M., & Koeller, M. (2008, January). Increasing the efficacy of
educators teaching online. International Journal of Social Sciences Special Edition:
Virtual Reality in Distance Education, 2(3), 173-179.
Shepherd, C. (2008, January). Alternative instructional strategies and delivery
environment for high school students. National Social Science Journal, 30(2), 124132.
Shepherd, C. (2008, February). Any time, any place: Online advanced placement courses
for high school students. Universal Access in the Information Society. Springer
Berlin/Heidelberg. ISSN 1615-5289 (Print),1615-5297 (Online).
Tyler, Clifford
Tyler, C. (2008, March). Recruiting Teachers for Hard-To-Fill Positions. Leadership, 37
(4), 37-38.
IV. Conference Presentation/Proceedings and Workshops
Alpert, Madelon
Alpert, M., Shepherd, C. & Koeller, M. (2007, September). “Mentoring Seasoned Faculty
for Online Efficacy”. 12th Cambridge International Conference on Open and Distance
Learning. Cambridge, England.
Alpert, M., Shepherd, C. & Koeller, M. (2007, July). “Technology Mentoring: Breaking
Through the Barriers to Successful Online Pedagogy”. 52nd International Council on
Education for Teaching World Assembly. San Diego, CA
Shepherd, C., Koeller, M & Alpert, M. (2007, July). Technology mentoring: Breaking
through the barriers to successful online pedagogy. 52nd International Council on
Education for Teaching World Assembly. San Diego, CA.
Barton, Gary
Germaine, R., Barton, G. & Bustillos, T. (2008, April). National University MAT Exit
Survey: Fiscal Year 2007 Graduates. Western Association of Schools and Colleges
(WASC) Annual Resource Conference. San Diego, CA.
Shepherd, C. & Barton, G. (2007, September). Developing reflective practitioners
through online lecture and threaded discussions. National University Faculty
Research Conference. La Jolla, CA.
Begin, Stacy
Begin, S. & Suliteanu, C. (2007, July). From Isolation to Collaboration: Strengthening
the Bonds Between General and Special Education. National Board for Professional
Teaching Standards Conference. Washington, DC.
Schubert, C., Fabry, D & Begin, S. (2008, March). Developing a Systematic Approach to
© 2009 National University
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Program Review. Lily Conference at the California Polytechnic Institute Pomona, CA.
Schubert, C. J., Fabry, D. L. & Begin, S. (2008, March). Improving Instruction and
Student Learning Outcomes through Systematic Program Review. Lilly West
Conference on College and University Teaching. Pomona, CA.
Beyer, Carl
Beyer, C. (2007, September). Comparing native education in Hawaii and the United
States during the 19th Century. National University Faculty Research Conference. La
Jolla, CA.
Beyer, C. (2008, January). The role religion played in the education of Hawaiians during
the nineteenth century. Hawaii International Conference on Education. Honolulu, HI.
Beyer, C. (2008, January). The globalization of Hawaii during the nineteenth century. 4th
International Globalization, Diversity, and Education Conference. Spokane, WA.
Beyer, C. (2008, March). Using secondary education to solidify colonization and
hegemony over Hawaii, 1900-1941. 2008 American Educational Research Association
annual meeting. New York, NY.
Bustillos, Terry
Germaine, R., Barton, G. & Bustillos, T. (2008, April). National University MAT Exit
Survey: Fiscal Year 2007 Graduates. Western Association of Schools and Colleges
(WASC) Annual Resource Conference. San Diego, CA.
Castle, Sidney
Tyler, C. & Castle, S. (2007, September). Promoting a stimulating, intellectual
environment despite increased accountability requirements. National University
Faculty Research Conference. La Jolla, CA.
Cipani, Ennio
Cipani, E. & Cunniff, D. (2007, September). Customizing your online courseware: Three
best practices. National University Faculty Research Conference. La Jolla, CA.
Cunniff, Daniel
Cipani, E. & Cunniff, D. (2007, September). Customizing your online courseware: Three
best practices. National University Faculty Research Conference. La Jolla, CA.
Cunniff, D. & Kay, K. (2007, September). Legal pitfalls facing today’s California
educational administrator: Time for reflection. National University Faculty Research
Conference. La Jolla, CA.
Elder, Donna
Padover, W., Elder, D. & Sweeney, S. (2008, March). Educational foundations: More
than fundraising. Annual conference for the National Association of School
Foundations, Orlando, FL.
Padover, W. & Elder, D. (2008, April). What K-8 educators can learn from higher
education about fund development. National Association of Elementary School
Principals Annual Conference, Nashville, TN.
Elder, D. & Padover, W. (2008, January). Coaching pre-service teachers. 5th Annual
Hawaii International Conference on Education. Honolulu, HI
© 2009 National University
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The School of Education
Elder, D. & Padover, W. (2008, February). Retaining teachers in the profession through
the use of coaching. National Conference of the American Association of Colleges of
Teacher Education Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Elder, D. & Padover, W. (2008, February). Professional Clinic on Coaching as a life-long professional
development activity. Association of Teacher Educators Annual
Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Evans, Suzanne
Evans, S. (2007, July). Teaching multicultural literature as a form of culturally
responsive pedagogy. ICET 52nd World Assembly/7th Annual Border Pedagogy
Conference. San Diego, CA.
Evans, S. (2008, January). Using thinkalouds and interactive read alouds to enhance
tolerance and reduce prejudice. 7th Annual Hawaii International Conference on
Education. Honolulu, HI.
Evans, S. (2008, January). A qualitative study of the effects of a multicultural literature
course on teacher candidate perspectives. 7th Annual Hawaii International
Conference on Education. Honolulu, HI.
Evans, S. (2008, February). Teacher Candidate perspectives on tolerance and diversity.
3rd Annual International Globalization, Diversity and Education Conference.
Spokane, WA.
Evans, S. (2008, March). Effects of a multicultural literature course on teacher
candidates perspectives on diversity. Lilly West Conference on College & University
Teaching. Pomona, CA
Evans, S. (2008, March). Multicultural literature as culturally responsive pedagogy.
2008 American Educational Research Association annual meeting. New York, NY.
Fabry, Dee
Fabry, D. L. & Schubert, C.J. (2008, February). Redefining Multiculturalism in a
Graduate Teacher Education Program. 4th International Globalization and Diversity
Conference. Spokane, Washington.
Schubert, C. J., Fabry, D. L. & Begin, S. (2008, March). Improving Instruction and
Student Learning Outcomes through Systematic Program Review. Lilly West
Conference on College and University Teaching. Pomona, California
Schubert, C. J. & Fabry, D. L. (2008, April). Spotlight on Learning: Improving Program
Quality through Systematic Review. WASC Academic Resource Conference. San
Diego, California.
Schubert, C. J., Fabry, D. L. & Begin, S. (2007, September). A systematic approach to
program review: Curriculum mapping and course alignment in the Master of Arts in
Teaching program at National University. National University Faculty Research
Conference. La Jolla, CA.
Germaine, Ron
Germaine, R., Barton, G. & Bustillos, T. (2008, April). National University MAT Exit
Survey: Fiscal Year 2007 Graduates. Western Association of Schools and Colleges
(WASC) Annual Resource Conference. San Diego, CA.
© 2009 National University
The National University Scholar
The School of Education
Gilbert, Susan
Gilbert, S. (2008, April). The Early Childhood Teacher: Challenges and Opportunities.
California Association for the Education of Young Children Annual Conference. Long
Beach, CA.
Gilbert, S. (2008, June). Online teacher preparation: Differentiating instruction. National
Association for the Education of Young Children 17th Institute for Early Childhood
Professional Development. New Orleans, LA.
Hill, Robyn
Serdyukov, P. & Hill, R (2007, July). Cultivating Quality Educators through Innovative
and Comprehensive Teacher Preparation Programs. 52nd International Council on
Education for Teaching World Assembly: 7th Annual Border Pedagogy Conference,
San Diego, CA.
Hill, R. (2007, September). Strengthening teaching communities through online
professional development. National University Faculty Research Conference, La Jolla,
Hill, R. & Serdyukov, P. (2007, October). Student Learning Patterns in Online Classes:
Growth in Popularity, Decline in Attitude. Proceedings of E-Learn World Conference
on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education, Quebec,
Hill, R. & Serdyukov, P. (2008, March). Promoting Inclusion of Adjunct Faculty in the
Professorial Community Through Online Professional Development. 2008 American
Educational Research Association annual meeting, New York, NY.
Hoban, Gary
Tyler, C. & Hoban, G. (2008, January). Re-Thinking Conventional Wisdom Regarding
Teacher Evaluation From Student Assessment of On-Line Instruction and Instructors.
National University Faculty Research Conference, La Jolla, CA.
Infelise, Salvador
Tyler, C. & Infelise, S. (2008, March). Effective Online Course Delivery and Instruction.
LILY West Conference on College and University Teaching. Pomona, CA.
Kay, Kenneth
Cunniff, D. & Kay, K. (2007, September). Legal pitfalls facing today’s California
educational administrator: Time for reflection. National University Faculty Research
Conference, La Jolla, CA.
Koeller, Marilyn
Alpert, M., Shepherd, C. & Koeller, M. (2007, September). “Mentoring Seasoned Faculty
for Online Efficacy”. 12th Cambridge International Conference on Open and Distance
Learning, Cambridge, England.
Richards, J., Schubert, C. & Koeller, M. (2008, February). Win the Career Success
Jackpot with Emotional Intelligence!. American Society of Business and Behavioral
Sciences, Las Vegas, NV.
Shepherd, C., Koeller, M & Alpert, M (2007, July). Technology mentoring: Breaking
through the barriers to successful online pedagogy. 52nd International Council on
© 2009 National University
The National University Scholar
The School of Education
Education for Teaching World Assembly, San Diego, California.
Kramer, Lucinda
Kramer, L. (2007, September). Skilled Dialogue in Family Health: A Tool for Honoring
Diverse Identities, Voices and Connections. Wyoming Maternal & Family Health
Annual Public Health Nursing Conference, Cheyenne, WY.
Kramer, L. & Barrera, I (2007, November). Helping Teachers Advocate for Diverse
Identities and Voices. NAECTE Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.
Kramer, L. (2007, November). Reframing Differences: Strategies for Respectful,
Reciprocal & Responsive Interactions with Diverse Children & Families. CEIEC
Early Childhood Conference, Victoria, Australia.
Kramer, L. (2007, December). Tips for Parents: Paraprofessional – Bridge or Barrier to
IEP Accountability. 32nd Annual TASH Conference. Seattle, WA.
Kramer, L. (2008, January). Leveraging Students’ Cultural Literacy to Address
Challenging Behaviors. 2008 Courage to Risk Conference. Colorado Springs, CO.
Kramer, L. & Barrera, I (2008, February). Skilled Dialogue-Setting the Stage:
Acknowledging and Accessing Family Strengths. University of North Texas,
Conference on Parent Education, Denton, TX.
Kramer, L. (2008, February). Think Inclusively! Tapping Students’ Cultural Literacy to
Increase Academic Performance. Forum on High School Reform Conference, San
Diego, CA.
Kramer, L. (2008, March). Students with LD: Cultural Literacy and Academic
Performance. Learning Disabilities Association 45th Annual International
Conference,Chicago, IL.
Kramer, L. (2008, April). More than Cookies and Hugs: Grandparents Raising Young
Grandchildren. California Association for the Education of Young Children
Leadership Day and Annual Conference, Long Beach, CA
Barrera, I & Kramer, L (2008, April). Mentoring Strategies for Early Childhood
Coaches. Clayton Early Learning Institute – BOUNCE – Buffett Foundation
Conference, Denver, CO.
Leavitt, Lorraine
Leavitt, L. (2005, January). “Simulations in the classroom”. Hawaii International
Conference on Education. Honolulu, HI.
Leavitt, Lorraine (2008, February). “Simulations in the Classroom and Online
Instruction”. American Association of College Teachers of Education Conference.
New Orleans, LA.
Moore, Marilyn
Moore, M. (2008, January). Literacy coaching: A focus on what types of teachers and
students need the most support and high quality professional development. Hawaii
International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI.
Moore, M. (2008, May). Literacy coach practices. 53rd Annual Convention of the
International Reading Association, Atlanta, GA.
Padover, Wayne
Padover, W., Elder, D. & Sweeney, S. (2008, March). Educational foundations: More
© 2009 National University
The National University Scholar
The School of Education
than fundraising. Annual conference for the National Association of School
Foundations, Orlando, FL.
Padover, W. & Elder, D. (2008, April). What K-8 educators can learn from higher
education about fund development. National Association of Elementary School
Principals Annual Conference, Nashville, TN.
Padover, W. & Elder, D. (2008, July). What K-12 educators can learn from higher
education about fundraising. National Council of Professors of Educational
Administration Conference. Chicago, MI.
Elder, D. & Padover, W. (2007, August). What K-12 educators can learn from Higher
Education about Fund Development January August, Mid-West Regional Conference
of the National Association of School Foundations, Kansas, MS.
Elder, D. (2008, April). Coaching as a life-long professional development. International
Association of Laboratory and University Affiliated Schools Annual Conference.
Providence, Rhode Island
Elder, D. & Padover, W. (2008, January). Coaching pre-service teachers. 5th
Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education. Honolulu, HI.
Elder, D. & Padover, W. (2008, February). Retaining teachers in the profession through
the use of coaching. National Conference of the American Association of Colleges of
Teacher Education Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Elder, D. & Padover, W. (2008, February). Professional Clinic on Coaching as a life-long professional
development activity. Association of Teacher Educators Annual
Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Padover, W. & Gonzales, M. (2008, March). Utilizing Educational Research as related to
school governance. California Association of Professors of Education Administration
Spring Conference. San Francisco, CA.
Pohan, Cathy
Pohan, C., Cunningham, G. & Boatright, C. (2008, April). Authentic and relevant
assessment assignments for preservice teachers. Professional Development Schools.
2008 Conference Proceedings. Orlando, FL
Ward, M., Boatright, C., Warren, C. & Pohan, C. (2008, April). Using future teachers’
standardized test scores to shape teacher education program admission requirements.
Professional Development Schools 2008 Conference Proceedings. Orlando, FL.
Reid, L. Wayne
Reid, L.W. (2007, September). Bullying at all K-12 schools in California. National
University Faculty Research Conference. La Jolla, CA.
Reynolds, Thomas
Reynolds, T. (2007, September). Identifying and measuring educator effectiveness
dispositions in online teaching. 2007 ICET International Yearbook. Wheeling, IL.
Reynolds, T. (2008, March). Factors Influencing Meaning Construction in Online
Teacher Education Candidate Threaded Discussion Postings. SITE 2008 International
Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
Reynolds, T. & Stowers, G. (2008, March). Curriculo a Distancia para el Desarrollo de
la Disposiciones del Educador Efectivo. Asociacion Venezolana de Educacion a
Distancia (AVED), Caracas, Venezuela.
© 2009 National University
The National University Scholar
The School of Education
Richards, Janet
Richards, J. (2008, April). Five Powerful Teacher Attitudes that Promote a Happy and
Productive Learning Environment. California State Title I Conference. Los Angeles,
Richards, J., Schubert, C. & Koeller, M. (2008, February). Win the Career Success
Jackpot with Emotional Intelligence. American Society of Business and Behavioral
Sciences Conference. Las Vegas, NV.
Richards, J. (2007, November). Dancing with the Dragon: How Teachers Maintain their
Joy of Teaching in an Age of Accountability. Kappa Delta Pi 2007 Convocation.
Louisville, KY.
Richards, J. (2007, September). The benefits of an accelerated learning format in teacher
education. National University Faculty Research Conference. La Jolla, CA.
Schubert, Cynthia
Richards, J., Schubert, C. & Koeller, M. (2008, February). Win the Career Success
Jackpot with Emotional Intelligence. American Society of Business and Behavioral
Sciences Conference. Las Vegas, NV.
Schubert, C. (2008, February). The One Minute Chair, American Society of Business and
Behavioral Studies Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
Schubert, C. & Fabry, D. (2008, February). Rethinking Multiculturalism in a Graduate.
Diversity Conference, Spokane, WA.
Schubert, C., Fabry, D. & Begin, S. (2008, March). Developing a Systematic Approach to
Program Review. Lily Conference at the California Polytechnic Institute, Pomona, CA
Schubert, C. & Fabry, B. (2008, March). Spotlight on Learning: Improving Program
Quality through Systematic Review. 2008 WASC-ARC Conference, San Diego, CA.
Schubert, C., Fabry, D. & Begin, S. (2007, September). A systematic approach to
program review: Curriculum mapping and course alignment in the Master of Arts in
Teaching program at National University. National University Faculty Research
Conference. La Jolla, CA.
Fabry, D. L. & Schubert, C.J. (2008, February). Redefining Multiculturalism in a
Graduate Teacher Education Program. 4th International Globalization and Diversity
Conference. Spokane, WA.
Schubert, C. J., Fabry, D. L. & Begin, S. (2008, March). Improving Instruction and
Student Learning Outcomes through Systematic Program Review. Lilly West
Conference on College and University Teaching. Pomona, CA.
Schubert, C. J. & Fabry, D. L. (2008, April). Spotlight on Learning: Improving Program
Quality through Systematic Review. WASC Academic Resource Conference. San
Diego, CA.
Sebastian, Joan
Sebastian, J.P. (2007, November). A university and school district partnership: Strategies
for supporting beginning teachers. Round Table Conversation, Teacher Education
Division Conference (TED) of the Council for Exceptional Children Conference.
Milwaukee, WI.
Sebastian, J. & Shaddock, G. (2008, April). Supporting special education credential
candidates: Lessons learned from all involved. General Session, National Association
for Alternative Certification Conference. Atlanta, GA.
© 2009 National University
The National University Scholar
The School of Education
Serdyukov, Peter
Serdyukov, P. (2007, September). Accelerated Learning: Past and Future. National
University Faculty Research Conference. La Jolla, CA.
Hill, R. & Serdyukov, P. (2007, October). Student Learning Patterns in Online Classes:
Growth in Popularity, Decline in Attitude. Proceedings of E-Learn World Conference
on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education. Quebec,
Serdyukov, P. & Serdyukova, N. (2007, October). Online learning and time factor. The
10th IASTED International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology in
Education. Beijing, China.
Serdyukov, P. & Hill, R (2007, July). Cultivating Quality Educators through Innovative
and Comprehensive Teacher Preparation Programs. 52nd International Council on
Education for Teaching World Assembly: 7th Annual Border Pedagogy Conference,
San Diego, CA.
Hill, R. & Serdyukov, P. (2008, March). Promoting Inclusion of Adjunct Faculty in the
Professorial Community Through Online Professional Development. 2008 American
Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. New York, NY.
Shaddock, Glee
Sebastian, J. & Shaddock, G. (2008, April). Supporting special education credential
candidates: Lessons learned from all involved. General Session, National Association
for Alternative Certification Conference. Atlanta, GA.
Shepherd, Carol
Shepherd, C. & Barton, G. (2007, September). Developing reflective practitioners
through online lecture and threaded discussions. National University Faculty
Research Conference. La Jolla, CA.
Shepherd, C., Alpert, M. & Koeller, M. (2007, September). Mentoring seasoned faculty
for online efficacy. 12th Cambridge International Conference on Open and distance
Learning. Cambridge, England.
Shepherd, C. & Mullane, A. (2008, March). Assessment for the New Millennium.
Proceedings of SITE 2008 – Society for Information Technology & Teacher
Education. Las Vegas, NV.
Shepherd, C. & Mullane, A. (2008, March). Rubrics: The key to fairness in performance
based assessments. Proceedings of The College Teaching & Learning Conference.
San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Shepherd, C. & Mullane, A. (2008, March). New projects, new assessments: Guidelines
for the present. Awarded Best Paper. Proceedings of The International Applied
Business Research Conference. San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Smedley, Linda
Smedley, L. & Wheeler, D (2008, February). Perfecting Your 21st Century Leadership
Skills. American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences 15th Annual Meeting.
Las Vegas, NV.
Stowers, Gwendolyn
Stowers, G. (2008, February). The Role of Media in Socially Constructing Racism. 10th
© 2009 National University
The National University Scholar
The School of Education
Annual Conference: Society for Phenomenology and Media. Puebla, Pueblo, Mexico.
Stowers, G. (2008, March). The United States and Bolivia: Very Different and yet Very
Similar. California Association of Bilingual Educators. San Jose, CA.
Reynolds, T. & Stowers, G. (2008, March). Curriculo a Distancia para el Desarrollo de
la Disposiciones del Educador Efectivo. Asociacion Venezolana de Educacion a
Distancia (AVED), Caracas, Venezuela.
Stowers, G. (2007, September). Changing paradigms: Looking at bilingual, intercultural
education in Bolivia. National University Faculty Research Conference. La Jolla, CA.
Tyler, Clifford
Tyler, C. & Castle, S. (2007, September). Promoting a stimulating, intellectual
environment despite increased accountability requirements. National University
Faculty Research Conference. La Jolla, CA.
Tyler, C. & Infelise, S. (2008, March). Effective Online Course Delivery and Instruction.
2008 LILY West Conference, Pomona, CA.
Weegar, Mary
Weegar, M. (2007, September). The moral imperative: The role of ethics in education.
National University Faculty Research Conference. La Jolla, CA.
Wheeler, Diana
Smedley, L. & Wheeler, D (2008, February). Perfecting Your 21st Century Leadership
Skills. American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences 15th Annual Meeting.
Las Vegas, NV.
V. Other Scholarly Activities
Beyer, Carl
Beyer, C. (2008, March). Reviewer (24 proposals), American Education Studies
Association Program Committee for annual conference to be held in 2008 in Savanah,
Beyer, C. (2008, March). Discussant, Indigenous Leadership, Higher Education, and
Systematic Change; American Educational Research Association Annual Conference,
New York, NY.
Evans, Suzanne
Evans, S. (2008, May). Peer Reviewed for National Reading Conference Presentations.
Orlando, FL.
Fabry, Dee
Fabry, D. (2008, March). Reviewer, Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching, La
Jolla, CA.
Hill, Robyn
Hill, R. (2007, September). Facilitated round table discussion ‘Online professional
development for adjunct and full-time faculty’ at 2007 National University Faculty
Research Conference
© 2009 National University
The National University Scholar
The School of Education
Hill, R. (2008, March). Reviewer, Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching, La Jolla,
Hoban, Gary
Hoban, G. (2008, March). Reviewer, Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching, La
Jolla, CA.
Kinberg, Margot
Kinberg, M. (2008, March) Reviewer, Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching, La
Jolla, CA.
Kutaka-Kennedy, Joy
Calvet, D., McAnnear, M., Viswanathan, S. Sebastian, J., Kutaka-Kennedy, J, Hills, M.
(2007, September). Facilitated round table discussion ‘Grant activities’ at 2007
National University Faculty Research Conference.
Leavitt, Lorraine
Leavitt, Lorraine (2007, January). Member, Editorial Review Board for Scientific
Journals International. Educational Pages.
Pohan, Cathy
Ward, M & Pohan, C. (2007, March). Preparing culturally responsive teachers: The
answer may be in sight. PDS Partners. 3(2), 3.
Schubert, Cynthia
Schubert, C. (2008, June). Served as external reviewer for AACTE Annual Conference,
Torrey Pines, La Jolla.
Schubert, C. (2007, December). Served as external reviewer for Grossmont-Cuyamaca
Nursing Collaborative grant from CCCCO, Grossmont-Cuyamaca CCD, San Diego,
Schubert, C. (2008, March). Reviewer, Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching, La
Jolla, CA.
Sebastian, Joan
Calvet, D., McAnnear, M., Viswanathan, S. Sebastian, J., Kutaka-Kennedy, J, Hills, M.
(2007, September). Facilitated round table discussion ‘Grant activities’ at 2007
National University Faculty Research Conference.
Serdyukov, Peter
Serdyukov, P. (2007-2008). Chair, Research Council, La Jolla, CA.
Serdyukov, P. (2007-2008). Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching.
La Jolla, CA.
Serdyukov, P. (2007, September).Vice-Chair, 2007 NU Faculty Research Conference, La
Jolla, CA.
Serdyukov, P. (2007-08). Member of Editorial Board, Web-Based Communities Journal, Great
Serdyukov, P. (2007-08). Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Universal Computer Science,
© 2009 National University
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The School of Education
Serdyukov, P. (2007, October). PhD Dissertation Chair: Nicole Runyon. Walden
Serdyukov, P. and Drops, G. (2007, September). Facilitated round table discussion
‘Research of instructional practices and its value for faculty professional
development’ at 2007 National University Faculty Research Conference.
Schwartz, Stuart
Schwartz, S. (2007, September). Facilitated round table discussion ‘Increasing the
probability of receiving that acceptance letter! Hints for having publications and
conference presentations accepted’ at 2007 National University Faculty Research
Wu, Zhonghe
Wu, Z., White, G. and Buchanan, J. (2007, September). Facilitated round table discussion
‘Research methods’ at 2007 National University Faculty Research Conference.
© 2009 National University
The National University Scholar
The School of Engineering and Technology
I. Monographs and Books
Lo, Amber
Lo, A. (2007). Living a Tranquil and Proactive Single Life III. Hong Kong: Ming Man Publications, Ltd.
III. Periodicals/Journal Articles
Dey, Pradip
Gatton, T., Datta, A., Dey, P., Martinez, J. & Ting, C. (2008, March). A Web-Based Intelligent Tutorial
System. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching. 1, 158-173
Gatton, Thomas
Kim, E., Yoon, H., Lee, M. & Gatton, T. (2008, April). The User Preference Learning for Multi-agent
Based on Neural Network in Ubiquitous Computing Environment. Technologies and Applications,
4953, 547-556.
Gatton, T., Lee, M., Kim, T. & Lee, Y. (2007, July). Diagnostic Knowledge Acquisition for Agent-Based
Medical Applications. In Hofmann, Alfred, Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Agent and Multi-Agent
Systems: Technologies and Applications, 4496, 626-635.
Gatton, T., Datta, A., Dey, P., Martinez, J. & Ting, C. (2008, March). A Web-Based Intelligent Tutorial
Systems. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching, 1, 158-173.
Farahani, Alireza
Joglekar, P., Lee, P. & Farhani, A. M. (2008, May). Continuously Increasing Price in an Inventory Cycle:
An Optimal Strategy for E-Tailers. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences, vol. 2008,
Article ID 483267, 14 pages, 2008. doi:10.1155/2008/483267.
Fu, Peilin
Li, D., Qian, F. & Fu, P. (2008, January). Optimal nominal dual control for discrete-time linear-quadratic
Gaussian problems with unknown parameters. Automatica, 44, 119-127.
IV. Conference Presentations/Proceedings and Workshops
Amin, Mohammad
Amin, M., Dey, P & Badkoobehi, H. (2008, April). Complete Electrical Equivalent Circuit Model For
Biological Cell. The World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS) Conference, China.
Dey, P, Loscutoff, W, Amin, M., Sarkar, M & Datta, A. (2008, April). Agile Teaching: Dynamically
Adjusting Teaching Strategies for Improved Learning. The Western Association of Schools and
Colleges (WASC) Annual Conference. San Diego, CA.
Siddique, B, Siddique, R & Amin, M. (2008, April). How to secure e-mail and instant messages.
International Computer Science and Technology Conference (ICSTC), San Diego, CA.
Tugan, N, Amin, M., & Dey, P. (2008, April). Thinking Dimensions, 0-1 Binary Mathematics and Early
Muslim Scientists. International Computer Science and Technology Conference (ICSTC), San Diego,
Dey, P., Amin, M., Bright, M., Datta, A., Akhtar, S., Cruz, A., Wyne, M., Kennedy, P., Olson, P.,
Snyder, R., Farahani, A., Afuwape, S. & Badkoobehi, H. Multi-model Multi-strategy
Teaching/Learning in Science, Engineering and Technology. International Computer Science and
© 2009 National University
The National University Scholar
The School of Engineering and Technology
Technology Conference (ICSTC), San Diego, CA.
Dey, P., Cruz, A., Gatton, T., Amin, M., Yu, B., Farahani, A., and Badkoobehi, H., (2007, September). A
Software Architecture and Semantic Processing, National University Faculty Research Conference, La
Jolla, CA.
Badkoobehi, Hassan
Amin, M., Dey, P & Badkoobehi, H. (2008, April). Complete Electrical Equivalent Circuit Model For
Biological Cell. The World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS) Conference, China.
Dey, P., Cruz, A., Gatton, T., Amin, M., Yu, B., Farahani, A., and Badkoobehi, H., (2007, September). A
Software Architecture and Semantic Processing. National University Faculty Research Conference. La
Jolla, CA.
Bright, Michelle
Uhlig, R., Bright, M., Chang, J & El Salim, A. (2008, June). Progressive Research On A Wireless
Automated Highway System: The AutoNet SuperProject. American Society for Engineering Education
(ASEE) Annual Conference. Pittsburgh, PA.
Bright, M. (2008, April). Simulation and Modeling for Wireless Communications. National University
Spring Faculty Summit Presentation. San Diego, CA.
Cruz, Albert
Uhlig, R., Farahani, A, Cruz, A & Viswanathan, S. (2008, February). Achieving Compelling Student
Comprehension of Complex Information Structures for both On-Site and On-Line Courses. HewlettPackard 2008 Worldwide Technology for Teaching Conference. La Jolla, CA.
Dey, P., Amin, M., Bright, M., Cruz, A., Wyne, M. & Farahani, A. et al. (2008, April). Multi-model Multistrategy Teaching/Learning in Science, Engineering and Technology. International Computer Science
and Technology Conference (ICSTC), San Diego, CA.
Dey, P., Cruz, A., Gatton, T., Amin, M., Yu, B., Farahani, A., and Badkoobehi, H., (2007, September). A
Software Architecture and Semantic Processing, National University Faculty Research Conference. La
Jolla, CA.
Dey, Pradip
Amin, M., Dey, P & Badkoobehi, H. (2008, April). Complete Electrical Equivalent Circuit Model For
Biological Cell. The World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS) Conference, China.
Dey, P, Loscutoff, W, Amin, M, Sarkar, M & Datta, A. (2008, April). Agile Teaching: Dynamically
Adjusting Teaching Strategies for Improved Learning. The Western Association of Schools and
Colleges (WASC) Annual Conference. San Diego, CA.
Tugan, N, Amin, M & Dey, P. (2008, April). Thinking Dimensions, 0-1 Binary Mathematics and Early
Muslim Scientists. International Computer Science and Technology Conference (ICSTC), San Diego,
Dey, P., Amin, M., Bright, M., Cruz, A., Wyne, M. & Farahani, A. et al. (2008, April). Multi-model Multistrategy Teaching/Learning in Science, Engineering and Technology. International Computer Science
and Technology Conference (ICSTC), San Diego, CA.
Dey, P., Cruz, A., Gatton, T., Amin, M., Yu, B., Farahani, A., and Badkoobehi, H., (2007, September). A
Software Architecture and Semantic Processing, National University Faculty Research Conference. La
© 2009 National University
The National University Scholar
The School of Engineering and Technology
Jolla, CA.
Elson, John
Elson, J., Mount-Campbell, C. & Woods, D. (2007, September). A Review of expertise and problemsolving: a research proposal for engineering education using scaled-world simulations. National
University Faculty Research Conference. La Jolla, CA.
Elson, J., Stacy, J., Turner, B. & Zimmerman, R. (2008, April). Using Enterprise Architecture to Gain
Strategic Alignment for Project Management in Information Technology. International Computer
Science and Technology Conference (ICSTC). San Diego, CA.
Elson, J. (2008, May). Classroom Research using a Virtual World Simulation for Engineering Ethics.
Intellectbase International Consortium. Nashville, TN.
Farahani, Alireza
Uhlig, R., Farahani, A, Viswanathan, S, Evans, H & Sotelo, M. (2008, June). Achieving Compelling Student
Comprehension of Complex Information Structures for both On-Site and On-Line Courses. American
Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference. Pittsburgh, PA.
Uhlig, R., Farahani, A, Cruz, A & Viswanathan, S. (2008, February). Achieving Compelling Student
Comprehension of Complex Information Structures for both On-Site and On-Line Courses. HewlettPackard 2008 Worldwide Technology for Teaching Conference. La Jolla, CA.
Dey, P., Amin, M., Bright, M., Cruz, A., Wyne, M. & Farahani, A. et al. (2008, April). Multi-model Multistrategy Teaching/Learning in Science, Engineering and Technology. International Computer Science
and Technology Conference (ICSTC). San Diego, CA.
Dey, P., Cruz, A., Gatton, T., Amin, M., Yu, B., Farahani, A., and Badkoobehi, H., (2007, September). A
Software Architecture and Semantic Processing, NU Faculty Research Conference, La Jolla, CA.
Fu, Peilin
Chen, J., Fu, P. & Niculescu, S.-I. (2008, June). An eigenvalue perturbation stability analysis approach
with applications to time-delay and polynomially dependent systems. Proceedings of the 7th World
Congress on Intelligence Control and Automation. Chongqing, China.
Gatton, Thomas
Kim, E., Lee, M., Yoon, H. & Gatton, T. (2007, November). An Intelligent Type 2 Diabetic Patient
Management System Using Evolutionary Computation and FCM Algorithm. Proceedings of the
International Symposium on Information Technology Convergence. Jeonju, Republic of Korea.
Kim, Y., Bae, Y., Lee, M. & Gatton, T. (2007, November). Diagnosis System for Insulation Degradation
Based on 2D Pattern Data. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Electric Power systems,
High Voltages & Electric Machines. Venice, Italy.
Yoon, H., Lee, M. & Gatton, T. (2008, April). A Model of sharing based multi-agent to support adaptive
service in ubiquitous environments. Proceeding of The 2nd International Conference on Information
Security and Assurance, ISA. Busan, South Korea.
Lo, Amber
Lo, A., Benjamin, P., Erraguntla, M. & Yepez, R. (2007, November). Integrated Mobile Perioperative
Support for Patient Safety. Proceedings of the 38th Annual Decision Sciences Institute Meeting.
© 2009 National University
The National University Scholar
The School of Engineering and Technology
Phoenix, AZ.
Olson, Patrick
Schaeffer, D. & Olson, P. (2007, July). NETWORK NEUTRALITY – NEW NEWS OR OLD NEWS?. World
Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics. Orlando, FL.
Schaeffer, D. & Olson, P. (2007, September). New Media: Using Blogs and YouTube for Assignment
Delivery. Fort Hays Business and Leadership Conference. Hays, KS.
Schaeffer, D. & Olson, P. (2007, October). Classic Problems in Global Supply Chains: Unit of Analysis
and Movement of Information. International City Break Conference on Business and Economics.
Athens, Greece.
Schaeffer, D. & Olson, P. (2008, March). International Standards Organization 26000: Corporate Social
Responsibility. 21st Century Management Conference. Wilmington, OH.
Schaeffer, D. & Olson, P. (2008, March). Clarifying The Cost Requirements of RFID and The Unit of
Analysis Problem. Western Decision Sciences Institute Conference. San Diego, CA.
Schaeffer, D. & Olson, P. (2008, March). It security and Serendipity. Northeast Decision Sciences Institute
Conference. Brooklyn, NY.
Schaeffer, D. & Olson, P. (2008, April). Standard Compliance for Competitive Advantage. Society for the
Advancement of Management Conference. Baltimore, MD.
Schaeffer, D & Olson, P. (2008, May). Asynchronous Learning – Responding to Customer Demand.
Academic Business World International Conference. Nashville, TN.
Schaeffer, D. Olson, P. (2008, May). Green RFID. Hawaii International Conference on Business.
Honolulu, Hawaii.
Snyder, Rell
Snyder, R. & Moraveck, C. (2008, February). Managing Information Systems. American Society of
Business and Behavioral Sciences (ASBBS) 15th Annual Proceedings: Las Vegas, NV.
Uhlig, Ronald
Uhlig, R., Farahani, A, Viswanathan, S, Evans, H & Sotelo, M. (2008, June). Achieving Compelling Student
Comprehension of Complex Information Structures for both On-Site and On-Line Courses. Proceedings
of American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference. Pittsburgh, PA.
Uhlig, R., Bright, M., Chang, J & El Salim, A. (2008, June). Progressive Research On A Wireless
Automated Highway System: The AutoNet SuperProject. American Society for Engineering Education
(ASEE) Annual Conference. Pittsburgh, PA.
Uhlig, R., Farahani, A, Cruz, A & Viswanathan, S. (2008, February). Achieving Compelling Student
Comprehension of Complex Information Structures for both On-Site and On-Line Courses. HewlettPackard 2008 Worldwide Technology for Teaching Conference. La Jolla, CA.
Viswanathan, Shekar
Uhlig, R., Farahani, A, Viswanathan, S, Evans, H & Sotelo, M. (2008, June). Achieving Compelling Student
Comprehension of Complex Information Structures for both On-Site and On-Line Courses. American
Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference. Pittsburgh, PA
Uhlig, R., Farahani, A, Cruz, A & Viswanathan, S. (2008, February). Achieving Compelling Student
Comprehension of Complex Information Structures for both On-Site and On-Line Courses. HewlettPackard 2008 Worldwide Technology for Teaching Conference. La Jolla, CA.
Maxwell, M.R., Barry, K.L. & Viswanathan, S. (2007, September). Mate attraction via pheromones in a
praying mantid: evaluating alternative hypotheses on the occurrence of sexual cannibalism. National
© 2009 National University
The National University Scholar
The School of Engineering and Technology
University Faculty Scholarship and Research Conference, La Jolla, CA.
Maxwell, M.R., Barry, K.L. & Viswanathan, S. (2007, December). Pheromone use in a praying mantid
(Stagmomantis limbata): towards evaluating alternative hypotheses on the occurrence of sexual
cannibalism. The 55th Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. San Diego, CA.
Viswanathan, S., Bounds, J, Strickland, R & Voas, K. (2007, August). How to become Tsunami Ready –
Case Study. AIAA/Homeland Security Program Science & Technology Conference. Monterey, CA.
Viswanathan, S. & Staples, E. (2007, August). Detecting explosives using an Ultra-High Speed Gas
Chromatograph. AIAA/Homeland Security Program Science & Technology Conference. Monterey, CA.
Viswanathan, S. & Evans, H. (2008, June). Motivating Research in an Engineering Teaching Institution.
American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference. Pittsburgh, PA
Calvet, D., McAnnear, M., Viswanathan, S., Sebastian, J., Kennedy, J., and Hills, M. (2007, September).
Grants, Contracts and Budget. National University Faculty Scholarship and Research Conference, La
Jolla, CA
V. Other Scholarly Activities
Amin, Mohammad
Amin, M., Dey, P. & Bugado, J. (2008, April). Proceedings of International Computer Science and
Technology Conference (ICSTC-08) (editors), San Diego, CA.
Amin, M. (2008, April). Chair of Database Track at the International Computer Science and Technology
Conference (ICSTC-08) (editors), San Diego, CA.
Amin, M. (2008, April). Served on National Science Foundation Panel Review Committee to identify
proposals for funding. NSF Headquarters in Arlington, VA.
Amin, M. (2008, April) reviewed 3 student papers for National University Spring Student Scholarship
Conference, San Diego, CA.
Bugado, John
Amin, M., Dey, P. & Bugado, J. (2008, April). Proceedings of International Computer Science and
Technology Conference (ICSTC) (editors), San Diego, CA.
Bugado, J. (2008, April). Conference Chair of the International Computer Science and Technology
Conference (ICSTC). San Diego, CA.
Dey, Pradip
Amin, M., Dey, P. & Bugado, J. (2008, April). Proceedings of International Computer Science and
Technology Conference (ICSTC) (editors), San Diego, CA.
Amin, M. (2008, April). Co-Chair of Computer Science Track at the International Computer Science and
Technology Conference (ICSTC). San Diego, CA.
Uhlig, Ronald
Uhlig, R. (2008, February). Teaching Masters Level Classes with Tablet PCs – Early Results. Project
Inkwell Working Group Meeting (Private – only available to Inkwell members). Salt Lake, City, UT.
Uhlig, R. Co-Chair (July 2007). Project Inkwell Subgroup on Infrastructure Requirements (wireless and
servers), Salt Lake City, UT.
Uhlig, R. (2007, July). Principal Investigator – $69,000 HP Technology for Teaching – Higher Education
Grant, San Diego, CA.
Uhlig, R. (2007, July). $7,500 Grant from Leap Wireless for Wireless Communications Laboratory. San
© 2009 National University
The National University Scholar
The School of Engineering and Technology
Diego, CA.
Uhlig, R. (2008, May). $151,000 grant from HP Technology for Teaching LEADERSHIP Grant (Principle
Investigator), May 30, 2008, SOET, San Diego.
© 2009 National University
The National University Scholar
The School of Health and Human Services
III. Periodicals/Journal Articles
Kelly, Ann
McKibbin, C., Shively, M., Glaser, D., Kodiath, M., Kelly, A. & Bormann, J. (2007, October). Readiness to
change in heart failure patients: Adaptation of a pain readiness to change measure. Clinical
Gerontologist, 31(2), 33-45.
Chang, M. & Kelly, A. (2007, October). Patient Education: Addressing Cultural Diversity And Health
Literacy Issues. Urologic Nursing, 27(5), 411-417.
Kelly, A. (2008, June). Membership – why we join professional organizations. APNA News Supplement to
the Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 20(3), 5.
Lacourse, Michael
Orr, E.R., Lacourse, M.G., Cohen, M.J. & Cramer, S.A. (2008, April). Cortical activation during executed,
imagined and observed foot movements. Neuroreports, 19(6), 625-630.
Silverstone, Susan
Silverstone, S. & Phadungtin, J. (2008, April). Online Learning: Costume Design to Promote Learning for
Multiple Displaces. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2, 55-58.
IV. Conference Presentations/Proceedings and Workshops
Kelly, Ann
Kelly, A. (2007, October). Teaching nurses effective communication strategies for preventing horizontal
violence. American Psychiatric Nurses 21st Annual Conference. Orlando, Florida.
Silverstone, Susan
Silverstone, S., & Phadungtin, J. (2008, April). Online Learning: Custom Design to Promote Learning for
Multiple Disciplines. Paper presented at the World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology.
Rome, Italy
Silverstone, S., & Phadungtin, J.(2008, April). Online Learning: Custom Design to Promote Learning for
Multiple Disciplines. Proceedings of the World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology.
Rome, Italy. Volume 28, ISSN1307-6884
© 2009 National University
The National University Scholar
The School of Media and Communication
III. Periodicals/Journal Articles
Amster, Sara Ellen
Amster, S. & Levin, B. ( 2007, October). Making Hate History: Hate Crime and Policing in America’s
Most Diverse City. American Behavioral Scientist, 51(2), 319-348.
Beckwith, Everett
Beckwith, G. & Cunniff, D. (2008, May). From Newton to Gates – Digital Principia. The Journal of
College Teaching & Learning, 5 (5), 55-62.
IV. Conference Presentations/Proceedings and Workshops
Amster, Sara Ellen
Amster, S. (2007, November). Launching an Online Press: National University’s The Herald, So Cal
Convention of Journalism Association of Community Colleges, Fullerton, CA.
Amster, S. (2008, April). Forming an Online Newspaper. 2008 State Convention of Journalism Association
of Community Colleges. Los Angeles, CA.
Beckwith, Everett
Beckwith, E. (2007, October). Gaming Education vs. Violence – How Gaming Can Save Our Students &
Society. Cambridge International Conference on Open and Distance Learning. Cambridge, UK.
Beckwith, E. (2007, November). The New Media Gap Between Professors/Teachers and Digital Age
Students. New Media Consortium Regional Conference (Online). Austin, TX.
Beckwith, E. & Cuniff, D. (2008, January). The Magic of Using Technology for Teaching and Learning.
Clute International Conference. Orlando FL.
Beckwith, E. (2008, February). The Ultimate Learning Accelerator – Serious Educational Games. The
Society for Applied Learning Technology Conference. Orlando, FL.
Campbell, Scott
Van Tassel, J. & Campbell, S. (2007, September). Interactional Expectations of Adult Learners. National
University Scholarship Conference. La Jolla, CA.
Van Tassel, J., Rumpf, L. & Campbell, S. (2008, February). Creating, Manipulating, and Transcoding
Digital Media. Western States Communication, Denver, CO.
Moss, Betttina
Moss, B. (2009, January). Metaphor As Sex; Sexual and Cultural Symbolism in the Movies. Paper
presented at the 2009 Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities. Oahu, Hawaii
Moss, B. (2008, January). Tips For New Screenwriters – 4 in a 4 Part Series. Final Draft Newsletter. 1
Van Tassel, Joan
Van Tassel, J. & Campbell, S. (2007, September). Interactional Expectations of Adult Learners. National
University Research Conference. La Jolla, CA.
Van Tassel, J., Rumpf, L. & Campbell, S. (2008, February). Creating, Manipulating, and Transcoding
Digital Media. Western States Communication, Denver, CO.
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