Behavioral Ecology

What is Behavior?
 Behaviors
describe how organisms
interact with their environment, with
members of their own species, and with
members of other species.
The Hows & Whys of Behavior
 Biologists
can ask 4 different types of
questions about animal behavior.
Questions about Mechanism: What internal
and external factors trigger a given
Questions about Ontogeny: How does this
behavior develop over the lifespan of an
The Hows & Whys of Behavior
Questions about Adaptive value: Why is this
behavior adaptive for the individual?
 This
is the focus of behavioral ecology.
Questions about Phylogeny: How has this
behavior evolved over time and why does
it differ among species?
To Forage is to Choose
 Few
behaviors affect an
individual's fitness as
much as the foraging
"decisions" it makes.
The American Pika needs
to gather food because,
she will not hibernate;
instead, she will feed on
the stored food during
the long, dark winter.
To Forage is to Choose
 Foraging
decisions include:
How far to travel to get food?
How much food to collect on each trip?
What type of food should be collected?
To Forage is to Choose
Behavioral ecologists rely heavily
on models to provide insight into why
creatures behave in certain ways and not
These models are formal hypotheses that
attempt to explain why organisms act as they
When such a model predicts a behavior
accurately, that suggests the model has
captured some of the essential features of the
Harvesting Hay: How Far to
 Behavioral
ecologists expect evolution to
favor pikas that forage efficiently.
Maximizing the net rate at which they store
energy while haying.
Optimal Foraging Theory
 Some
foraging strategies work better than
 Assuming that pikas with a better strategy
are more likely to survive and reproduce
(i.e., have higher fitness)—and assuming
that their foraging strategy is partly under
genetic control—the average foraging
efficiency of a pika population should
increase over time as a result
of evolution by natural selection.
Optimal Foraging Theory
 Behavioral
ecologists hypothesize that,
given enough time, pikas should come to
use the best foraging strategy possible,
one that maximizes each pika's fitness.
 This is known as optimal foraging.
Surrogate Measures of Fitness
Measuring fitness
directly can be difficult.
Instead, researchers
typically evaluate
behaviors according to
how they affect some
other variable—
some currency—that is
related to fitness, such
as average net haying
rate for pikas.
Surrogate Measures of Fitness
 When
fitness costs must
be considered as
well as benefits.
Benefits – food
Costs – time &
energy spent
running back
and forth.
Testing the Optimal Foraging
 You
can evaluate a model by testing the
predictions it generates.
 How well does the simple graphical costbenefit model predict pika behavior?
Estimate actual energy values for the cost
and benefit curves.
Compare the predicted foraging distance
to what pikas actually do.
 Our
predicts that the
optimal distance
to maximize
benefits is about 8
m from the
 Net
energy gained
Benefits – costs
 29
cal – 13 cal = 16
Predation Risk Affects Foraging
 Any
time an individual searches for food,
looks for a mate, or otherwise "behaves",
there is some risk that a predator will
capture and kill it.
 Once killed, all future reproductive
opportunities are lost, which is why
evolution favors wary behavior for prey.
Predation Risk Affects Foraging
 Benefits
the same, but
with the
addition of
predators, costs
will increase!
 According
to this revised model, if
perceived predation risk is high, how
should an optimally-foraging pika alter its
By foraging farther from the rocks and
storing hay more quickly.
By foraging farther from the rocks and
storing hay more slowly.
By foraging closer to the rocks and storing
hay more quickly.
By foraging closer to the rocks and storing
hay more slowly.
Behavior in the
Behavior in the Marketplace
pika must answer a variety of questions
as she forages, including:
How far should she travel to forage?
How long should she spend foraging in a
given patch?
Which species should she harvest?
Behavior in the Marketplace
 Hypothesis:
Natural selection will favor
pikas that forage as optimally as possible.
 To
test this hypothesis:
Compare predictions based on optimality
theory to observed results.
So, what is optimal?
 models
What to Eat?
 Foragers
usually have
a variety of food items
to choose from.
Handling time
Nutritional value
What to Eat?
Our pika prefers
yellow flowers to
She should always
pick yellow flowers.
When should she go
for the more
common, but less
preferred blue ones?
What to Eat?
 When
yellow flower density is low, she has
to choose blue flowers.
As yellows increase, she chooses those &
fewer blues.
When yellow flowers are common, she
hardly ever chooses blue, no matter how
common they are.
Prey Profitability
 Why
does the pika prefer yellow flowers?
Lower energy (so not that)
Shorter handling time
Prey Profitability
 Prey
profitability accounts for both
handling time and energy.
Profitability = E/h
What to Eat
 Add
in search
Blue has been
found, so s2=0.
How long
would it take to
find a yellow
flower if you
skip the blue?
Choosing What to Eat
 The
rule involving critical search time says
that an optimal forager should include a
second item in its diet if it can gain energy
more quickly by pausing to handle this
less profitable prey (i.e., the blue flower),
whenever found, than it can by
continuing to search for the relatively
hard-to-find, more profitable prey (i.e., the
yellow flower).
Choosing What to Eat
 Charnov's
model predicts that a forager
should switch from a specialist (focusing
on only yellow) to a generalist (eating a
mix of flowers) when:
S1 > (E1h2 / E2) – h2
Choosing What to Eat
 When
S1 > 1 s the pika should eat both
flowers as they are encountered, but
if S1 ≤ 1 s the pika should only eat yellow
Testing Predictions with Real
The researchers offered the birds two types of
prey: a large mealworm and a smaller
mealworm to which a piece of plastic tape
had been affixed.
The large mealworm was more profitable
because its energy content was higher and its
handling time was smaller.
During the experiment, birds perched in a
chamber and fed on the two prey items as
they passed by on a conveyor belt.
Using the conveyor belt, researchers
manipulated search times for both prey.
Testing Predictions with Real
They predicted that
when large
mealworms were
rare, birds would
feed on both prey
types, but when the
large mealworms
were common, the
birds would
specialize on the
more profitable prey.
Testing Predictions with Real
The bird did not forage
exactly as predicted.
The bird was a bit
slower to switch from a
broad diet to a more
specialized one, and
even when it did
specialize on the larger
mealworms, it always
included some of the
smaller, less profitable
prey items in its diet.
Optimal Loads
 Because
the patch's contents are finite,
and because the pika's mouth size limits
what she can collect, she
faces diminishing returns as the patch
becomes depleted and/or her mouth
gets full.
Optimality Models
 Optimality
models develop clear, testable
predictions about how an organism
should behave.
Critical assumption of optimal foraging
theory that rarely holds: that foragers have
perfect knowledge of their environment.
Models are useful despite limitations!
Playing Games
 Animals
continually compete for
resources like food, mates, and territories.
Playing Games
 In
1982, John Maynard Smith turned to an
interesting branch of mathematics known
as game theory to help answer questions
about conflict.
 He suggested that contests over
resources should be viewed as games in
which each player attempts to pick the
best strategy.
 Evolution favors players whose choices
maximize their fitness.
Playing Games
 Pikas
must defend
their haypile from
other pikas.
 When should a
pika fight?
When fighting
enables it to
survive and
reproduce better
than its opponent.
Hawk vs. Dove
Hawk: Pikas playing hawk fight for
the territory, risking grievous injury
when their opponent also plays
hawk. Hawks always beat Doves, but
win just half of their contests with
other Hawks.
Dove: Pikas playing dove do not
fight, and therefore do not get
injured. They flee from Hawks but win
half their contests with other Doves,
where they compete by showing off
to each other—displaying—at low
Hawk vs. Dove
Game Theory
 Ecologists
find game theory useful
because it makes clear, testable
 For example, it predicts that fights should
be more common and more intense—
that animals should be more willing to
play hawk—when the ratio of benefits to
costs is high.
Game Theory
Male elephant seals engage in ferocious battles
over the right to breed with a harem of females.
Because only the dominant males breed and most
males die without reproducing, the benefit of
winning, evolutionarily speaking, is huge, and
despite frequent injuries, the benefit-to-cost ratio is
Game Theory
 Male
toads also frequently fight over mates.
 Toads are poor fighters without any serious
weapons and the loser of these contests is
rarely injured.
Toads fight not because the potential benefits
are so great, but rather because the costs are so
low, which also results in a high benefit-to-cost
Hunters vs. Pirates
 Bald
eagles adopt either a hunter or
pirate strategy.
 Hunters search for unclaimed fish, while
Pirates are kleptoparasites, stealing fish
from other birds.
 Some birds employ pure strategies where
they either hunt or pirate exclusively, while
others employ a mix of both.
Hunters vs. Pirates
 The
payoffs to the
two strategies were
equal, as both
Hunters and Pirates
fed at
approximately the
same rate and
neither suffered
 Contests
are rarely symmetrical and
players may use different rules when
deciding whether or not to fight.
 Because vacant pika territories are
relatively rare, most such contests occur
between a territory owner and an
These two individuals are unlikely to value
the territory equally.
Consequently, territory owners
are more likely to escalate
fights than invaders.
a Challenger adopting
bourgeois plays hawk
whenever he owns the territory
and plays dove whenever he
attempts to invade another's
territory, regardless of what the
Opponent does.
Bower-Wrecking Bowerbirds
 Fights
and other interactions are not
always face-to-face confrontations.
 Males build elaborate bowers, and
females are very picky, mating only with
males who build the most beautiful
 To gain an advantage in this intense
competition, male bowerbirds often
handicap their neighbors by destroying
the neighbors' bowers, a behavior known
as marauding.
Bower-Wrecking Bowerbirds
 The
problem with sabotaging neighbors'
bowers is that the marauder is not at
his own bower if a potential mate or
marauding competitor shows up. There is
a clear cost to marauding.
Maraud or Guard?
 To
calculate costs and benefits, the
Pruett-Jones team measured how long
each male spent at his own bower, how
long it took to repair a destroyed bower,
travel time to and from a neighbor's
bower, etc.
Maraud or Guard?
 Marauding
is the Evolutionarily Stable
Strategy, but the average male would do
best if everyone guarded their own nest.
 An evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) is
one that cannot be invaded by an
alternative strategy.
Family Matters
 Bowerbirds
are best
described as
a polygynous speci
es, one where each
successful male
mates with multiple
All effort is spent
attracting females –
males do not care
for offspring.
Family Matters
 Many
other species
are monogamous, with
males and females
forming pairs for the
entire breeding season
or longer.
 For example, blue tit
(Parus caeruleus)
couples work together
to raise their young.
Why are males of some species so much
showier than females?
What do females gain by mating with sexier
Why are some species
more monogamous than others?
Why do some females accept mates who do
not provide parental care?
Why do some "monogamous" individuals
mate with individuals other than their
 Answers
to many of these questions begin
with the difference between male and
female gametes.
Males produce sperm that are small,
plentiful, mobile, and cheap to make.
In contrast, females produce eggs that are
large, few in number, immobile and
energetically expensive to produce.
 Because
of this
difference in
investment in
gametes, the two
sexes experience
different selective
pressures that favor
Sexual Selection
 In
general, males tend to mate with many
females to produce as many offspring as
 Because of the higher investment in eggs
and often in parental care, females have
a different strategy.
Mate choice
Sexual Selection
 Charles
Darwin recognized that these
differences in fitness drive a distinct form
of evolution by natural selection that he
termed sexual selection.
 Sexual selection explains not only why
males and females tend to adopt
different strategies, but also why they are
so often sexually dimorphic, with the two
sexes looking quite distinct.
Intrasexual Selection
 Competition
mates can take a
variety of different
forms, including
physical battles in which
males compete directly
for mates.
 Contests between
rhinoceros beetles are
Intrasexual Selection:
battles of strength, and Contests between males
the bigger male
for access to mates.
typically wins.
Intrasexual Selection
 Males
of many species including elk, sea
lions, frogs, and fiddler crabs engage in
contests over mates.
Wielding weapons such as antlers, horns,
tusks and claws.
 These
weapons can serve to reduce
Honest signals of an individual's condition
often reduce the likelihood of escalated
Intersexual Selection
 Intersexual
occurs when one sex—
usually females—
chooses among
members of the
opposite sex.
Female choice
Example – long-tailed
Males mate with
multiple females Polygynous
Widowbird Experiment
 H1:
widowbirds prefer
ornamented males.
 H2: Female
widowbirds choose
males based on
territory quality.
Widowbird Experiment
 Predictions
– What results would you
expect for each of our alternate
Widowbird Experiment
 Females
did prefer
males with longer
 Did not
between males
with shorter tails
and normal length
What Females Want
 Female
choice has led
to the evolution of
many of the
extravagant, showy
ornaments some males
 But why? What do
females gain from
mating with sexier
What Females Want
 Good
Genes. Showy males offer genes
that increase the fitness of a female's
offspring by ensuring heterozygosity or
conferring advantages such as disease
Assumption is that showiness is an honest
signal of good genes.
 Ex
maintain long tail without getting eaten
What Females Want
 Sexy
Sons. Female preference creates an
evolutionary feedback loop that selects
for more and more extreme male
 Females who prefer males with extreme
traits (e.g., long tails) produce sons that
inherit their father's long tail and
daughters that inherit her preference for
long tails.
Indian Peafowl Research
 Male
reproductive success is correlated
with number of eyespots and mass of tail.
Reduce eyespots = reduced success
 Males
with many eyespots have stronger
immune systems and are less likely to fall
prey to foxes.
 Peacocks with larger eyespots father
larger young that survive better.
 Tail morphology is partially heritable.
Sneaky Males
 In
species for which intrasexual selection is
important, males that are larger and betterarmed win most contests for females.
 What should a small male do?
Smaller males adopt alternative strategies that
allow them to fertilize females without risking a
 Sneaky
 Ex. Atlantic Salmon
Migratory males vs precocious parr
Raising the Kids
 Some
species require significant parental
 Parents provide food, grooming,
protection, training, etc.
 This care is costly, and each parent might
do better (produce more offspring) if the
other parent shouldered the burden.
Raising the Kids
 Life
history patterns play
an important role.
 In mammals ,for
internal gestation and la
ctation mean that
females provide all of
the initial care.
As a result, female-only
care is the rule in 91% of
mammalian species.
Raising the Kids
 Male
and female birds
are equally capable
of incubating eggs
and feeding chicks,
and two parents often
are more successful
than one.
 This helps explain why
biparental care occurs
in 81% of bird species
Raising the Kids
 Trade-off:
Parents should only invest
resources in their current offspring if they
can't do better by investing those
resources in their own survival or in future
Bluegill Sunfish Experiments
Parentals are large,
territorial males that
compete for nesting
sites, guard potential
mates and, most
importantly, provide
care for offspring.
Cuckolders do none of
these things. When small,
they sneak fertilizations
by darting in while
parentals are spawning.
Bluegill Sunfish Experiments
 H:
A male is more likely to provide
parental care if he is sure he is the father.
 If no other males are present during
spawning, a parental male can be
relatively confident that he fertilized the
eggs, but if another male is present, his
paternity certainty is likely to decline.
 Males can’t tell if eggs are theirs, but they
CAN tell if fry are theirs!
Bluegill Sunfish Experiments
 Make
a prediction: If seeing a sneaker
male reduces a parental male's paternity
certainty, how should that affect the care
he provides to the eggs in his nest? To the
young fry once they've hatched?
Bluegill Sunfish Experiments
 Results:
The male
provided less
parental care to
the eggs, but
once they
hatched he
know they were
his & parental
care increased.
Mating Systems
 Monogamy:
one female and one male
pair up for a breeding season or lifetime.
 Polygyny: a male will mate with many
 Polyandry: a female will mate with many
 Polygynandry: both males and females
mate with multiple partners.
Vampire Bats
Vampire bats rely on stealth,
attempting to feed without
disturbing their victims, if they
are noticed they will be
shaken off before they can
On nights when a bat's
attempts are thwarted or it
simply cannot find a suitable
victim, it will return to the
roost hungry.
Worse, if a bat fails to feed for
several days in a row, it will
likely starve to death.
Vampire Bats
 Upon
returning to the roost, hungry bats
beg food from other members of the
Sometimes hungry beggars receive a
regurgitated blood meal from a female
Optimality models and game theory
predict selfish behavior.
So why do bats help each other?
Social Interaction
 Four
types of social interaction
+/+ Mutual benefit
+/- Selfishness
-/+ Altruism
-/- Spite
Vampire Bats
 Consider
costs and
 In order for
selection to favor
sharing, the donor
bat most give up
less than the
recipient gains.
Vampire Bats
 Using
game theory we would predict that
it is always better to withhold a meal
rather than share.
Selfish behavior is often predicted because
it will maximize fitness.
Vampire Bats
 If
Withholders always win, why do real
vampire bats share meals at all?
 Real vampire bats don't play the game
just once with each roostmate, nor do
they forget about past games.
 Instead, they play the game every night
for years, mostly with the same roostmates
(bat colonies are relatively small and
Tit-for-Tat Strategy
 Research
iterated games
illuminate a clear
path toward the
evolution of
 A simple strategy
known as tit-fortat did
exceptionally well.
Tit-for-Tat Strategy
 If
individuals repeatedly interact, tit-for-tat
and other such strategies can have
higher fitness than simply defecting all the
 Reciprocity
is favored when
The benefit for the recipient is greater than
the cost to the actor.
There are frequent opportunities for
Individuals can recognize each other and
remember past behavior.
 The
sharing of
blood meals by
vampire bats
appears to meet
these criteria.
Why Sound the Alarm?
 Belding's
squirrels (Urocitellus
beldingi) are colonial,
herbivorous rodents
that inhabit the
meadows of many
mountains in the
western United States.
Why Sound the Alarm?
 When
a squirrel spots a predator such as a
hawk flying in the sky or a coyote prowling
on the ground, they often make a
whistling alarm call to warn their
 They use a short high-pitched call for
aerial predators and a longer, multiplenote trill for terrestrial predators.
Why Sound the Alarm?
 Benefits
Caller: Calling directly benefits
the caller by helping it avoid being
 Calling
reduces predation risk for caller.
 Males and females are equally likely to call.
 Callers do not discriminate against noncallers.
Why Sound the Alarm?
 Reciprocity:
Calling directly benefits the
caller because the warning is
reciprocated at a later time by the
squirrels who are warned by the caller.
 Males
and females are equally likely to call.
 Callers know each other and discriminate
against non-callers.
Why Sound the Alarm?
Alerts Relatives: Calling indirectly benefits the
caller by increasing the survival of close
relatives, who share some portion of the
caller's genes.
Even if calling increases the predation risk for
the caller, the caller will ultimately benefit if
kin hear the alarm and avoid predation.
Females are more likely to call.
 Callers do not discriminate against non-callers.
Why Sound the Alarm?
 Results
Females call more often than expected.
 Call
of the test using ground predators:
more with relatives near.
Males call less often than expected.
Calling is
Kin selection
Why Sound the Alarm?
 Results
using aerial predators:
Caller is more likely to escape.
Males and females equally likely to call.
Callers do not discriminate against noncallers.
Benefits caller
Relatedness, Kin Selection &
Hamilton’s Rule
 How
much help should an individual
provide to relatives?
Depends on how closely related they are.
Relatedness, Kin Selection &
Hamilton’s Rule
 Relatedness
simply describes how
many alleles, on average, two individuals
have in common.
Quantified using the coefficient of
relatedness (r).
 Parent-child
 Full siblings r=0.5
 Half siblings r=0.25
 Cousins r=0.125
Inclusive Fitness
 Direct
fitness – raising own offspring
 Indirect fitness – helping to raise a
relative’s offspring
 Inclusive fitness = direct + indirect
Hamilton’s Rule
Evolution favors behaviors where the
evolutionary benefit—the fitness gain—
exceeds the cost.
Hamilton’s Rule
rB-C > 0
r = coefficient of relatedness
Because indirect fitness benefits are greatest
when helping a close relative, ecologists call
selection for these behaviors kin selection.
Turkeys’ Unusual Partnerships
 As
with other lekking
birds, competition for
females is fierce and
a few successful
males gain most of
the mating
 Coalition of 2-4 males
Dominant male
mates with all
Turkeys’ Unusual Partnerships
 Why
do subordinate males help?
 Two Hypotheses:
Kin Selection
 Males
are closely related – maximize inclusive
Patient Males
 Males
are “apprenticing” – practice until a
territory becomes available.
Turkeys’ Unusual Partnerships
 Careful
observations of turkey coalitions
to distinguish between the 2 hypotheses.
 Coalitions tend to form early in life.
When dominant males die, subordinate
males do not acquire new coalition
partners and never achieve dominance,
attract females, or mate.
 Rules
out Patient Males hypothesis.
Turkeys’ Unusual
 To
evaluate the Kin
coefficient of
Determine Benefit
to dominant male
Determine Cost to
subordinate male
Eusocial Systems
 In
all eusocial species, only a few select
individuals breed, while the rest of the
colony help raise the offspring.
Queen honeybee – only reproductive
Workers – all non-reproductive females
Drones – males (only job is to mate with
Eusocial Systems
 Kin
selection may help explain the
complex and apparently altruistic
behaviors of bees and other eusocial
 This is especially likely because some
eusocial species have a strange genetic
system called haplodiploidy.
 Females
diploid – receive
half their genes
from mom half
from dad.
 Males are haploid
– all of their genes
come from mom.
 Sisters have r=0.75
Eusocial Systems
 Some
eusocial species are diploid.
 Colonies tend to be
physically isolated
centered around a defensible nest
members of each colony have very high
relatedness with each other, either from
haplodiploidy or from inbreeding.
Helping Kin Means Helping
Oneself (Almost)
Behaviors that improve
an individual's fitness—
its inclusive fitness—will be
favored by evolution.
By carefully analyzing the
benefits and costs of any
behavior, from foraging
to fighting to choosing
mates, behavioral
ecologists can gain
insight into the adaptive
value of the behavior.