St. Joan of Arc Catholic Secondary School 3801 Thomas Street Mississauga, Ontario, L5M 7G2 (905) 285-0050 We believe that each one, created in the image and likeness of God, is called by name into the Dufferin-Peel community to realize the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations to the fullest extent possible as we all journey from the early years to vocation. COURSE OUTLINE Department: Course: Course Code: Canadian & World Studies Issues in Canadian Geography, Applied CGC1P1 Course Description: This course focuses on current geographic issues that affect Canadians. Students will draw on their personal and everyday experiences as they explore issues relating to food and water supplies, competing land uses, interactions with the natural environment, and other topics relevant to sustainable living in Canada. They will also develop an awareness that issues that affect their lives in Canada are interconnected with issues in other parts of the world. Throughout the course, students will use the concepts of geographic thinking, the geographic inquiry process, and spatial technologies to guide and support their investigations. Strand & Unit Title: Introduction to Geography Canada’s Natural Systems Canada’s Human Systems Canada’s Economic Interactions Canada’s International Links Corresponding Catholic Graduate Expectation(s): CGE2b Reads, understands and uses written materials effectively CGE1d Develops attitudes and values founded on Catholic social teaching and acts to promote social responsibility, human solidarity and the common good CGE2c Presents information and ideas clearly and honestly and with sensitivity to others CGE3b Creates, adapts, evaluates new ideas in light of the common good CGE4f Applies effective communication, decision-making, problem-solving, time and resource management skills CGE5a Works effectively as an interdependent team member CGE6c Values and honours the important role of the family in society CGE7b Accepts accountability for one's own actions Assessment and Evaluation: Category Weightings Knowledge/Understanding Thinking Application Communication Weight 25% 25% 25% 25% Final Summative Assessments Term Work Course Culminating Exam Overall Weighting 70% 15% 15% Learning Skills and Work Habits will also be assessed and reported on. For more information please refer to Growing Success pg. 11.