St. Joan of Arc Catholic Secondary School 3801 Thomas Street (905) 285-0050

St. Joan of Arc Catholic Secondary School
3801 Thomas Street
Mississauga, Ontario, L5M 7G2
(905) 285-0050
We believe that each one, created in the image and likeness of God, is called by name into the Dufferin-Peel community
to realize the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations to the fullest extent possible as we all journey from the early
years to vocation.
Department: Religion
Individuals and Families in a Diverse Canadian Society
Course Code: HHS 4C1
Course Description:
This course enables students to draw on sociological, psychological, and anthropological theories and research to
analyze the development of individuals, intimate relationships, and family and parent-child relationships. Students will
focus on issues and challenges facing individuals and families in Canada’s diverse society. They will develop analytical
tools that enable them to assess various factors affecting families and to consider policies and practices intended to
support families in Canada. They will develop the investigative skills required to conduct and communicate the results of
research on individuals, intimate relationships, and parent-child relationships.
This course will help students address the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectation that they promote the
sacredness of life. Witnesses Catholic Social Teaching by promoting equality, democracy and solidarity for a just,
peaceful and compassionate society.
Strand & Unit Title:
Corresponding Catholic Graduate Expectation(s):
Unit #1: All in the Family
Relates to family members in a loving, compassionate and respectful manner
(CGE6A)Sets appropriate goals and priorities in school, work and personal life
Unit #2: Leaving home
Unit #3: Couples
Unit #4: Parent-Child relationships
Unit #5: Generativity and later life
Ministers to the family, school, parish, and wider community through service
(CGE6e) Accepts accountability for one's own actions (CGE7b)
Recognizes human intimacy and sexuality as God given gifts, to be used as the
creator intended (CGE6b)Acts morally and legally as a person formed in Catholic
traditions (CGE7a)
Values and honours the important role of the family in society (CGE6c)
Respects and understands the history, cultural heritage and pluralism of today's
contemporary society (CGE7g)
Respects the rights, responsibilities and contributions of self and others (CGE5e)
Finds meaning, dignity, fulfillment and vocation in work which contributes to the
common good (CGE5d)
Assessment and Evaluation
Category Weightings
Knowledge & Understanding
Thinking & Investigation
Weight %
Final Summative Assessments
Term Work
Course Culminating
Learning Skills and Work Habits will also be assessed and reported on. For more information please refer to Growing Success pg. 11.