God of wisdom and might, for mind, body and spirit.

September 2014
435 Rutherford Road North, Brampton, ON, L6V 3V9
M. Di Nunzio
Vice Principal
I. Judd
Office Staff
L. Quiambao
Y. McCutcheon
M. Vecchiarino
God of wisdom and might,
we praise you for the wonder of our being,
for mind, body and spirit.
Be with our children as they begin
a new school year.
Bless them and their teachers and staff.
Give the strength and grace as their bodies grow;
wisdom and knowledge to their minds
as they search for understanding;
and peace and zeal to their hearts.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Family of Schools
Brampton North
A. Da Silva
St. Anne
Parish Priest
Father J. Cherickal
Associate Pastor
Father F. Marrone
Parish Telephone
905 453-1303
To begin the new school year, we’ll focus our attention on the first of our virtues – faith.
Faith is the great virtue of believing in God and trusting that God is with us.
A Faithful person…
Prays regularly and reverently
Learns from Scripture stories
Honours people’s God-given names
Assumes that there is good in everyone
Accepts the God-given worth of themselves and others
Let us pray for the grace and strength to be people of faith, people who can truly believe that
God’s plan for us includes the right to be safe at school.
“Through A
Celebration Of Our
Faith All Who Enter
Our School May
Grow Together As A
It is with great pleasure and excitement that we welcome both new and returning students,
staff and families another school year. We hope that you and your family had a restful and
enjoyable summer holiday. I am sure that students are energized and looking forward to the
start of a new school year at St. Joachim. Our staff has been working hard to get our school
ready for your children.
At St. Joachim we hope to create an environment that is safe and caring so that we educate
our students to be faith-filled leaders of tomorrow. Our staff is committed to working with
our parents, parish and community partners as they support the children in their quest for
knowledge and spiritual development.
Looking forward to seeing you (or meeting you) at our Open House and Parent Inquiry
Session on September 24th, 2014.
May God bless each of you.
September 2014
Please join me in welcoming the following new staff members to the St. Joachim school community:
Mrs. Castro, Ms. Esguerra, Mrs. Ellsworth, Mrs. Judd, Mr. Ramirez, Mr. Reid, Ms. Rodgers, and Mme. Zullo.
Congratulations to the following teachers on the new additions to their families: Ms. Cox (Tristan Levi and Torian
Matthew) in March, Madame Di Filippo (Chiara) in May, Mrs. Box-Hodgins (Luke) and Mrs. Hogg (Peyton) in June.
St. Joachim staffing for 2014-2015 is based on a “projected student enrolment that is calculated each spring. Please see
the message from Sheila McWatters, the Associate Director of Instructional Services in regards to reorganization of
September 2014
11:06 – 11:21
12:01 – 12:21
12:01 – 12:41
12:41 – 1:01
2:24 – 2:39
Supervision in the yard begins. Students may be dropped off at this time.
School starts for all students
Morning recess for students in Grades 1 – 8
Kindergarten students eat lunch
Lunch recess for students in Grades 1 – 8
Students in Grades 1 – 8 eat lunch
Afternoon classes begin
Afternoon recess for students in Grades 1 – 8
As a Roman Catholic School, we are charged by the Catholic community and the Church to create an atmosphere in which
your child will be able to experience and express our Catholic Faith. We also assist the parishes with preparing students for
sacraments. If your child is not baptized, he/she is unable to receive any of the sacraments, which are celebrated as a school
community with the local parishes. The Catholic Church has a program for school-aged children, which will assist you in
baptizing your child. You are encouraged to visit your parish Priest or contact the school for additional information.
The purpose of the St. Joachim Catholic School Council, which is mandated by the Ministry of Education, is through active
participation of parents, to improve pupil achievement and to enhance the accountability of the education system to
Parents must hold the majority of seats on School Council. A “Parent” is anyone who is the parent of a pupil in the school
where the child is enrolled. A person is not qualified to be a parent member of a school if:
 he/she is employed at the school or;
 he/she is employed by the Board at another school location and fails to take reasonable steps to inform voters of
the employment before the vote.
St. Joachim Catholic School Council is comprised of:
 parents,
 1 teacher representative,
 1 community representative,
 1 parish representative,
 1 member of non-teaching staff,
the principal, and
 1 member of OAPCE.
The School Council meets monthly but is mandated by the Ministry of Education to hold a minimum of four meetings a
year. All meetings are public meetings and opened to the parent community of St. Joachim School.
Nominations forms for parents/guardians representatives for School Council 2014/2015 school year will be available in the
main office from Wednesday, September 3rd to Tuesday, September 23rd inclusive. Completed nomination forms must be
received in the main office by 3:00 pm on Tuesday, September 23rd.
If an election is needed, it will be held on Monday, September 29 th 2014 by secret ballot. Eligible voters must vote in
person. If anyone is interested in being part of an Ad Hoc Election committee, please inform the office by September 16 th.
Only those not running for council may be part of the committee.
The first meeting is on Wednesday, October 1st at 7 p.m. in the school library. At this time, as always, all parents and
guardians are welcomed and encouraged to attend.
School Councils are advisory in nature but have a tremendous impact on both the quality of education and day-to-day
activities within the school. The school council works co-operation with our school administrators in providing the best
educational experience for our students. We hope that you will decide to join the School Council Team and join us in our
commitment to Catholic Education and the future of our children.
The safety of all our children is our number one priority at
St. Joachim. We have many students and teachers who
suffer from severe allergies to nuts and nut products.
Even if someone in the class doesn’t have the allergy,
there are many students who visit different classrooms
and left over residue can cause them to have a life
threatening reaction. It is the school policy that food not
be given out to the class for any special occasions (e.g.
birthday, class parties). We suggest bringing pencils or
erasers, or some other non-edible treat for the students
instead of food.
If your child has any health problems, allergies, etc., of
which the office is not aware, please notify us as soon as
possible. Note, we cannot administer or store medication
for your child (such as antibiotics, aspirin etc.) without
board policy forms that have to be filled out by a doctor.
Should your child get sick, please pick up the appropriate
forms at the office before you go to the doctor (also
available on school website), should medication need to
be administered/or stored at the office.
Every year, medical forms for puffers, epi-pens, or other
medication has to be filled out by the doctor for
renewal. All medication(s) and new forms were given to
students on the last day of school in June last year.
These forms must be returned to the office before
medication can be administered.
Also, if you have had a change of address, telephone
number, babysitter or place of employment, please call
the office to update your files. Accurate and up to date
information is key to your child’s safety.
The “No Child Without” program is provided by the
Canadian MedicAlert Foundation through the supports of
its members, the Government of Canada, Lions Club of
Canada and other generous donors. They provide free
medical identification services for students between the
ages of 4 and 14. At no cost, children will be provided
with a MedicAlert bracelet, sports band or necklace so
that all medical information is available 24 hours a day. If
your child has a medical condition, allergy or special need
that should be communicated to emergency medical
personnel in an emergency, you may be eligible for this
program. Please contact Mrs. Judd for more information
and an enrollment package.
When a student receives an injury to the head, it is the
Board Policy that we inform parents. We will notify you,
or leave a message even when it is a minor injury.
As a precaution against trespassers and to ensure the
safety of all students and staff, the Dufferin–Peel Catholic
District School Board requires that all visitors must
identify themselves at the office when entering the
building. Parents are asked to go directly to the front
office by the front door only to register. No parents are
allowed to enter the school at other entrances or to go
directly to a teacher’s room. Remember, your child
knows you, but you are a stranger to other children.
Thank you for your cooperation with this policy.
All of the Peel Regional Police Youth Education vehicles
are now fully marked cruisers. In the past, most Youth
vehicles. They now all have been assigned marked
cruisers to enhance our visibility in the community. These
marked cruisers will be parked at the schools when
officers are delivering their presentations – please do not
be concerned if you see a marked cruiser at school.
Each student from grade 1 to 8 will receive a school
agenda to assist with the development of organizational
and time management skills. This is an important tool to
facilitate communication between home and school. We
ask that parents sign the agenda every day and return it
to school. This is important to keep parents informed of
homework and important events, as well as to keep your
child organized. Please see the agenda for information in
regards to school dress code and other important
Please note that the accident insurance form being sent
home is voluntary, but the board encourages parents to
take advantage of the inexpensive coverage especially if
your children participate in sports, excursions or field
trips or, if you do not have dental coverage.
If you wish to purchase insurance coverage for your child,
please complete the form and mail it directly to the
insurance company. Please do not return the envelopes
to the school.
September 2014
Students who are assigned a courtesy seat will receive a
permission package to be signed and returned before
they are can start riding the bus.
If you can spare some of your time to:
 read to children
 assist children with publishing their work
 provide assistance in the literacy room
Please leave a message for Mrs. Heslop at 905 453-4472
(office number)
All volunteers must complete a criminal reference check
before they can work in the school. This measure is to
ensure the safety of our students. Please see Ms.
Quiambao in the office for more information.
Any questions or concerns related to busing, they should
be directed to the board transportation department at
905 890-6000 (we are “area west”). This number is also
available on the website.
For safety reasons, no student who stays at the school for
lunch is permitted to leave school grounds during the
lunch time unless accompanied by a parent or guardian
who signs them out at the office. Students are not
allowed to leave school property to go to Beckers.
If, on a special occasion, you are dropping a lunch off for
your child, please advise your child in advance that they
will pick up their lunch that day at the lunch table in the
hallway by the office. Please label the lunch with their
name and teacher’s name. Students will not be permitted
to pick up their lunch until lunch begins at 12:40 in order
to avoid disruptions to class lessons. Your cooperation is
greatly appreciated.
Transportation is coordinated through a central system
called STOPR (www.stopr.ca). Parents can access all
student busing information, including eligibility for busing
and pick up or drop off times through the internet at:
All students who rode the bus under the “Courtesy Seat”
policy last year, MUST REAPPLY. Courtesy seats are
limited and will not be assigned until late October as
school admissions and demissions are not stable until this
time. Priority will be given to kindergarten, grade 1, and
grade 2 students. Please complete a “Courtesy Seating
Request Form” available at the office and return it to
school with your child should you wish to be considered
for courtesy seating by Friday, September 19th, 2014.
You will be notified if your child is eligible to ride. Parents
are required to make alternate arrangements for their
child until late October.
Please keep in mind there is NO supervision before 8:45
in the morning and students should not be dropped off
before this time. If you are bringing your child to school,
we encourage parents to walk their children only to the
fenced in area of the school yard. We have ample
supervision by teachers within the school yard available.
The safety and security of our students is our number one
priority, and it is difficult for our supervisors to monitor
the yard when there are many parents. Remember, other
parents are strangers to your child. When picking up
students in grades 2 to 8 at the end of the day, we ask
that parents remain on the public pathway away from
the immediate school doors and pavement. Students will
be told to meet their parents/guardians at the pathway.
For parents of grade 1 students, we have a “hand to
hand” policy, so those parents may meet their child at the
Parents are reminded that there is no parking in the staff
parking lot. We do not have the staff to monitor the
parking lot for safety. Parents are asked to park on side
streets or in the few spots available at the front of the
school, or in the spots where the Kiss and Ride is located.
Parents can walk their child to the fenced area, where
teachers are there to supervise the students.
The quickest and safest way to drop your child off at
school is to use the Kiss and Ride lanes. Parents starting
at 8:45 can drive up the Kiss and Ride lane where teachers
will monitor your child getting out of the car and direct
them safely into the school yard where they are being
Please be advised the Kiss and Ride lane is extremely
busy in the morning, but from 8:45 to 8:50 is the best
time to drop off your child as it is the least busy period of
time. We appreciate everyone’s patience and
cooperation for the safety of all students.
If you are driving your child to and from school, please be
aware that the parking lot and driveways are very busy
places at arrival and dismissal times. Please park only in
designated areas. Do not park your car in the Kiss and
Ride Lanes as you can be fined by the City of Brampton
Parking Authority as this is also a designated fire route.
Please consider parking on a side street or walking to
September 2014
In order to ease congestion at the front of the school and
to allow for buses to enter and exit the driveway freely,
please do not use the front driveway after 8:30 or before
3:40. Also be advised that any cars parked out front are
subject to a fine from the City of Brampton’s Parking
Enforcement Officers as this is a fire route.
In the interest of your child’s safety, it is very important
to inform us if your child will be late or absent from
school. We have a 24 hour answering machine for
parents to leave this information at any time. It is the
school’s safe arrival program that necessitates that the
school will call your home or business if a message is not
left on the machine explaining the absence.
To record your child’s absence:
Please call 905 453-4472 (24hrs) follow the prompts.
Leave the following information in your message:
1) Your Child’s name
2) Your Child’s teacher’s name
3) Date and time of absence
4) Reason and duration of absence
Friday, September 19th, is picture day for all students at
St. Joachim School. “Edge Imaging Photography” will be
provided with class lists containing personal information
(students’ ID, names, grade and homeroom). These lists
will be returned when the photography sessions are
completed. If you do not wish your child’s personal
information to be shared with “Edge Imaging” or do not
wish your child to participate in the actual taking of the
photographs, please contact Ms. Di Nunzio immediately.
Photo retake day will October 23rd, 2014.
Friday September 12th, 2014 has been designated as a
professional activity day for Faith and Reorganization.
There will be NO school for students on this day as
teachers will be involved in meetings and possible
BBQ PICKUP (5:30PM – 6:30PM)
(6:00PM – 6:30PM)
Relax! Forget the dinnertime rush, the staff of St. Joachim
School would like to invite you to our Annual BBQ & Meet
the Teacher Night on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24th,
With the help of M&M Meats we are pleased to offer you
freshly prepared food. To help M&M bring enough food
- we are asking families to complete a pre-order form
(send no money). Look for your order form coming home
In addition to classroom visits this year, we will be holding
a short information session on “Learning Through
inquiry” to help you gain a greater understanding of how
you can support your child’s learning at home.
www.dpcdsb.org/JOACH for the latest
school information. We are also on Twitter!
Follow us @StJoachimDPCDSB
DPCDSB is now on Twitter! For the latest board
news and information, follow us @DPCDSBSchools.
To help ensure all of the following information is updated
in a timely manner, please return the following to your
child’s teacher right away:
 Student verification form
 Walking Excursions
 Image Release
 Student Emergency and Early Dismissal Consent
 Elementary Health and Physical Education
Curriculum– Medical Information/Elements of
September 12 – PA Day
(Reorganization and Faith Development)– no school for students
September 19 – Picture Day for all students
September 24 – a.m. Terry Fox Walk (wear red and/or
white), 5:30 p.m. Meet the Teacher BBQ Night
Early October – Breakfast Club and Milk Program Begin
October 10 – Immunization Clinic Grades 7 & 8
October 13 – Thanksgiving Day – no school
October 15 – Thanksgiving Mass at St. Joachim
October 23 – Picture Re-take Day