Chapter #37: The Stormy Sixties – Big Picture Themes 1.

Chapter #37: The Stormy Sixties – Big Picture Themes
1. Lyndon Baines Johnson fought two “wars”: (a) at home, he started the “Great Society” in attempt to make America
the place everyone had dreamt it would be, (b) he significantly escalated the U.S. presence in Vietnam after the Tonkin
Gulf Incident.
2. The Civil Rights Movement gained steam and splintered with the popularization of Black Power. The Civil Rights Act
and Voting Rights Act were large steps forward toward ending discrimination.
3. Culturally, young people rebelled against the conformity of the 50s. In the 60s, the norm for many became to not
follow the norm. This was seen mostly in the hippies, in music, in drug use, and in the idea of “questioning authority.”
4.The economy began to slow in the early 1970s. This was mostly due to increased oil prices and resulting inflation.
Generally speaking, during the seventies, gas prices tripled and inflation reached double digits by 1980.
Robert F. Kennedy
Robert S. McNamara
Martin Luther King, Jr
Barry Goldwater
Malcolm X
Stokely Carmichael
Eugene McCarthy
Hubert H. Humphrey
George Wallace
Credibility Gap
Great Society
Tonkin Gulf Resolution
Civil Right Act of 1964
Voting Rights Act
Tet Offensive
Spiro Agnew
Henry Kissinger
Earl Warren
Warren Burger
George McGovern
Nixon Doctrine
My Lai massacre
Kent State Killings
Pentagon Papers
Chapter #37 Guided Reading Questions
The LBJ Brand on the Presidency
Know: Lyndon Baines Johnson, The Johnson Treatment, Civil Rights Act of 1964, Affirmative Action, War on
Poverty, Great Society, The Other America
Did Johnson provide good leadership to the country in his first term? Explain.
Johnson Battles Goldwater in 1964
Know: Barry Goldwater, Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
Your book says that the 1964 election was a contest between distinctly different political philosophies.
Explain this idea?
The Great Society Congress
Know: Department of Housing and Urban Development, Medicare, Medicaid, Entitlements, Immigration and
Nationality Act, Head Start
In what ways could it be said that 1964-68 marked some of the most liberal years for government in
American history?
Battling for Black Rights
Know: Voting Rights Act of 1965, The Twenty-fourth Amendment, Freedom Summer, Mississippi Freedom
Democratic Party, Selma
What forward steps toward voting for African-Americans were made in the mid-1960s?
Black Power
Know: Watts, Malcolm X, Elijah Muhammed, Black Panthers, Stokely Carmichael
Why did African-Americans turn from non-violence in the late 1960s?
Vietnam Vexations
Know: Six-Day War, Teach-ins, William Fulbright, Credibility Gap, Cointelpro
Describe the negative consequences of the Vietnam War.
Vietnam Topples Johnson
Know: Tet Offensive, Eugene McCarthy
Why did President Johnson decide not to run for re-election in 1968?
The Presidential Sweepstakes of 1968
Know: Hubert Humphrey, Robert Kennedy, Democratic Convention, Richard Nixon, George Wallace
Why was the 1968 presidential election an interesting one?
Cultural Upheaval of the 1960s
Know: Berkeley, Sexual Revolution, Stonewall Inn, Students for a Democratic Society, LSD
Why did a 1960s counterculture develop and how was it expressed?
Nixon "Vietnamizes" the War
Know: Liberal Establishment, Vietnamization, Silent Majority, Nattering Nabobs of Negativism, My Lai
What was President Nixon’s plan for getting the US out of Vietnam?
Cambodianizing the Vietnam War
Know: Cambodia, Kent State University, Twenty-sixth Amendment, Pentagon Papers, Daniel Ellsberg
What developments caused many people to become even more critical of the war in 1970 and 1971?
Nixon's Detente with Beijing (Peking) and Moscow
Know: Henry Kissinger, Détente, ABM Treaty, SALT Treaty, MIRVs
What was the “China Card,” and how did Nixon use it?
A New Team on the Supreme Bench
Know: Judicial Activism, Miranda, Engel v. Vitale, Warren Berger, Roe v. Wade
Why was Nixon unhappy with the Supreme Court?
Nixon on the Home Front
Know: Aid the Families with Dependent Children, Reverse Discrimination, Environmental Protection Agency,
Occupational Health and Safety Administration, Silent Spring, Clean Air Act, Endangered Species Act,
Southern Strategy
How conservative was President Nixon? Explain.
The Nixon Landslide of 1972
Know: George McGovern
How did the situation in Vietnam help Nixon win a landslide in the 1972 election?
The Secret Bombing of Cambodia and the War Powers Act
Know: Pol Pot, War Powers Act
"The shaky `peace' was in reality little more than a thinly disguised American retreat." Explain.
What did Cambodia have to do with the War Powers Act?
The Arab Oil Embargo and the Energy Crisis
Know: OPEC
Explain the cause and effects of the Arab Oil Embargo.
Varying Viewpoints: The Sixties: Constructive or Destructive?
18. How do you answer the question in the title of this section? Explain.