Latin America, 1450-1750 Chapter 19


Latin America, 1450-1750

Chapter 19

Spanish & Portuguese Context

Iberia shaped by frontier experience

Dominated by lawyer bureaucracy & Catholic Church

Introduction to Americas

Treaty of Tordesillas

Unlike others, New World conquered - forming new culture

Conquest: 1492-1570

Caribbean Test Ground

From initial efforts at government & wealth

Spanish legalism


To colonial backwater


Portugal slow to colonize Brazil

Spanish American mainland

Conquest eased by weapons, disease, &

Aztec/Inca political problems

Conquest forged by greed of humble men in search of nobility

Spanish American mainland


Aztecs & Cortes = New Spain

Incas & Pizarro = Peru

Destruction & Transformation

Disease decimated native societies

Spain exploited indigenous people

Adopting customs when useful

Using encomienda labor

Mixing racially

Debate about nature of natives

Bartolome de Las Casas

Colonization: 1570-1700


1 st great plantation colony

Sugar labor was difficult - fulfilled by African slaves

Dependent on Portugal

Brazil integrated w/ Portuguese government

Hierarchy based on race

Spanish America

Colonization meant influx of women, priests,

& government


Agrarian society increasingly based on mita, wage labor, & land-ownership

Spanish Caribbean

Adopted much of Brazil’s plantation system


Massive silver mines heart of colonial econ

Labor system evolved with colonial development

Supported gov’t & all other industries

Used fleet system to trade silver to China

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State & Church


Council of Indies

Viceroy of

New Spain

Viceroy of Peru

Provincial court administrators

Local Bureaucrats

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State & Church

Church dominated social service functions of gov’t

Education & intellectual life

Frontiers largely governed by Jesuit missions

Christianity blended w/ Amerindian & African traditions in Latin America

Society of Racial Castes




Mixed Heritage:



American Indians:


Reform: 1700-1800

Spain & Portugal weakened by debt & war began losing American monopoly

Caribbean mirrored Brazil under Dutch & English

Enlightenment ideas & Iberian decline force change

Brazil & Reforms

Gold rush made Portugal dependent on


Reforms disrupted Jesuits’ patterns of influence

Diversified Brazil’s economy laying seed of independence

Spanish America & Reforms

Reforms centered on restoring royal control & economic efficiency

Politically disrupted patterns of influence:



Economically developed new areas

Impact of Reforms

Population growth & activist gov created social unrest

Ethnic divisions undercut revolution

North America

Colonies largely ignored due to low profitability

Resulting loose control led to:

Independent assemblies

Emerging commerce & manufacturing

Settlers attempt to recreate European society

Less impacted by native & African culture

End of Slave Trade

Resistance to slavery grew more common

Slaves & maroon societies

Abolition of slave trade motivated by

Enlightenment & Christian revival

1807: slave trade abolished

1888: world slavery abolished

Global Connections

Americas emerge as globally significant

Colonies more diverse & complex than seem


What are the similarities and differences between Spanish America and Brazil?
