S.G.A. SENATE MEETING February 9, 2015 The meeting was called to order in the Leaders Suite of the Donald G. Bollinger Student Union at 4:00 p.m. Presiding officer was Vice President Mary Sauce. The Recording Secretary was Dolly McGeever. The pledge was led by Senator Tommy Thibodeaux and the prayer was given by Senator Les Theriot. The Nicholls Student Government Association Mission Statement was read by Senator Tiffany Durocher and Senator Trey Clark read the first value of the Nicholls Creed. The following Executive Board members were present: President Adam Lefort, Vice President Mary Sauce, Treasurer Bobby Dufrene, Director of Student Rights and Grievances Carolanne Moore, Director of Public Relations Lillie Bourgeois and Secretary Dolly McGeever. The following Senators were present: Lawrence Arceneaux, III, Yaye Ba, Meah Johnson, Les Theriot, Chante’ Singleton, Grant Ordoyne, Markos Picou, Trey Clark, Peyton Chiasson, Emily Sauce, Austin Wendt, Tommy Thibodeaux, Tiffany Durocher, Katelyn Cortez (appointed), Abigail Ledet (appointed), Charles Johns (appointed) and Micah Hebert (appointed). The following Senator was absent: Jessica Fradella. Web Tech was not represented. Student Supreme Court was represented by Justice Dane Vizier, Jr. Election Commission was not represented. The following guests were present: Dr. Eugene A. Dial, Jr., Vice President of Student Affairs and Enrollment Services and SGA Advisor No Minutes were presented. GUEST SPEAKER: None. OFFICER REPORTS PRESIDENT’S REPORT – ADAM LEFORT This past weekend I went to the COSBP meeting. We discussed our trip to Washington, D.C. The most important thing we discussed was the budget. The COSBP Chair signed the Resolution that we wrote at our last meeting that will be sent to the Governor. That’s the first step. February 22nd is the date the budget is due to the State so that’s when we’ll know the fiscal numbers for next year. Up until then, it will be speculation. That’s when every university will know where they stand for the next fiscal year. We formed an Ad Hoc Committee at this meeting. Southeastern’s President, Stephanie Travis, is heading to the Capitol soon to discuss this along with us and the overall UL System. The UL System is planning “A Day at the Capitol” for May 29th. Last week I went to a Budget Committee Meeting with Vice President Mary S. and Treasurer Bobby D. We served on the sub-committee with enrollment and degree programs. We will meet in the next few weeks to look at those. Tomorrow I have a Social and Community Concerns Committee Meeting which will be the first of the semester. They’ll probably start attending our Scantron Giveaways as they’ve done in the past to listen to complaints students have. I will attend the Food Advisory Committee Meeting tomorrow during the Scantron Giveaway. Recruit – when people come to our table during the Giveaway, ask them if they’d be interested in joining the Senate and get their opinions. Talk to the students. We have no meeting next Monday due to the Mardi Gras break but I’ll be out the following week to attend a Board of Supervisors meeting. OFFICER REPORTS CONTINUED: DIRECTOR OF STUDENT RIGHTS & GRIEVANCES’ REPORT – CAROLANNE MOORE I have my first Parking Appeals Committee Meeting on Wednesday. Don’t forget to turn in your WID/WIH information by Friday at noon. TREASURER’S REPORT – BOBBY DUFRENE I also have a Parking Appeals Committee Meeting on Wednesday. The Nicholls Can Food Drive is coming up. It begins on February 23 and ends on March 9 at noon. We’ll host the Can Wars Event this year on March 9 from noon to 4:00 p.m. It was a success last year and we’ll try to have it in the Ballroom this year. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC RELATIONS’ REPORT – LILLIE BOURGEOIS Tomorrow and Wednesday is our Scantron Giveaway from 9:00-1:00 in the Union. I posted an ad today on Facebook with Mardi Gras colors so please share it. I have the sign-up sheet so make sure you sign up at the right times. We will be serving king cake since Mardi Gras is next week, as well as lemonade. This is a mandatory event so please come when you are available, and if you can’t make either of the two days, please send in an excuse. Also, please promote this event as much as possible. This Wednesday, February 11th will be the softball home opener as well as student appreciation night. We will hand out vouchers for hot dogs and nachos to the first students that come to the game. I will need volunteers for this, so I will pass around a sign-up sheet again. Please sign up if you are available and promote this to all students. I will start posting information about Spring Elections, as well as Mr. and Ms. Nicholls. Please share this information with your peers and on social media as I post it. VICE PRESIDENT'S REPORT – MARY SAUCE Doing the WID/WIH forms is one of the requirements of being a Senator and it’s due every two weeks on a Friday at 12:00 noon. I’ll add these to the Moodle page so it will appear like another class. On the form, it will have the date it’s due. Click on the date and reply. If you’re unsure about what information to put on it, just look at what others have done in the past. “What I’ve done.” forms are typically things you’ve done on campus and meetings you’ve attended outside of our SGA meetings. “What I’ve heard”. forms are things you’ve heard from faculty or students, positive things they like or otherwise. Include their email because it makes things a lot more efficient on our end. I’ll add you to the Moodle page tonight. If you have any questions, just email me and I’ll guide you through it. In coming weeks, I have budget meetings. I am in charge of the Program sub-committee so if anybody wants to add to that, let me know. Thanks for getting the word out about Senate vacancies and please continue to do so. Beginning next week, we’re going to incorporate a prayer we discussed in our workshop. It’s a prayer that is geared towards Nicholls, nondenominational. We’re going to include it on our agenda so you’ll have an option. If you’re one of those people who doesn’t like being put on the spot for the prayer, you can read it instead. Wednesday is the Mardi Gras Breakfast in the cafeteria at 9:00 p.m. Please try to attend. OFFICER REPORTS CONTINUED: VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT CONTINUED: ACTIONS TAKEN ON OLD BILLS S1415-041 I move that the Senate approve the Spring 2015 Budget. Tabled. S1415-042 I move to allocate up to $500 to purchase Mardi Gras Beads for students riding in a Nicholls Float for the Krewe of Ambrosia on February 7 at 5:30 p.m. The money will come from the Senator Project line item of the budget. Passed and signed. S1415-043 I move to allocate up to $2,600 to purchase a security camera in the Library. The price breaks down as follows: Extreme B5G124-24P2 Network Switch Axis P3354 Camera This should Tabled. be taken from the = = Senator $1,977 599 Project line item of the budget. S1415-044 I move that the Senate renew “The Lefort Corollary” for the Spring 2015 semester following Article 3, Section 2 of “The Lefort Corollary”. Passed and signed. S1415-045 I move that the Senate allocate $980.00 to be taken from the Senator Projects line item of the budget. These funds would be allocated according to Article XII, Section D., Number 5 of the Bylaws titled “Rules for SGA Co-Sponsorship” for the co-sponsorship of The Louisiana Academy of Sciences Annual Conference to be held at Nicholls State University on March 13-14, 2015. Funds would cover the registration fees of $35.00 per student for up to 28 Nicholls students to attend. Passed and signed. STUDENT SUPREME COURT REPORT – Dane Vizier, Jr. Reported on SPA meeting: This week, Monday and Friday, SPA will have a Love Note event in the Quad. Wednesday, February 11, is the Mardi Gras Breakfast. They will start preparing for Crawfish Day very soon. There is a tentative plan for Festival of Colors for March 12th. They passed a motion for $804 for powder and sunglasses. ELECTION COMMISSION REPORT No report. WEB TECH REPORT No report. SGA SENATE COMMITTEE REPORTS Finance Committee – Tiffany Durocher, Chair Present: Senators Tiffany Durocher, Lawrence Arceneaux, III, Yaye Ba, Peyton Chiasson, Trey Clark, Meah Johnson, Markos Picou, Emily Sauce, Les Theriot and Tommy Thibodeaux Absent: Senator Jessica Fradella. Today we discussed the following: We had a guest speaker discuss the NASPA Conference for graduate students in the Higher Education Administration Master’s Program. We discussed two motions, one to fund registration fees for the NASPA Conference and one to allocate up to $2,000 to fund the “Love the Nicholls Fountain” campaign. Both motions were found to be highly favorable. SGA SENATE COMMITTEE REPORTS CONTINUED Judiciary Committee – Lawrence Arceneaux, III, Chair; Austin Wendt, Co-Chair Present: Senators Lawrence Arceneaux, III, Austin Wendt, Yaye Ba, Peyton Chiasson, Trey Clark, Meah Johnson, Markos Picou, Chante’ Singleton, Tommy Thibodeaux and Emily Sauce. Absent: Senator Jessica Fradella. We discussed the following: We interviewed several students for various SGA positions, including Senator positions, and Senator Trey C. for Web Tech. All were found highly favorable. We went over one absentee form and excused it. Meet the SGA/Social Events: Mr/Ms Nicholls/Banquet - Homecoming/Christmas) – Grant Ordoyne, Chair Present: Senators Grant Ordoyne, Peyton Chiasson, Emily Singleton, Les Theriot and Tommy Thibodeaux. Absent: Senator Austin Wendt. Sauce, Chante’ We discussed the following: Scantron Giveaways going on this week and encouraged everyone to promote the event on social media. Talked about this Wednesday’s softball home opener and that we’ll need members to hand out vouchers. I brought up an idea of having College Nights at certain home games. This would involve a raffle and the winner throwing out the first pitch at a game. The idea was highly favorable. Campus Improvements Committee – Peyton Chiasson, Chair; Tommy Thibodeaux, CoChair; Present: Senators Peyton Chiasson, Tommy Grant Ordoyne and Austin Wendt. Thibodeaux, Tiffany Durocher, Absent: Senator Jessica Fradella. Guest: Vice President Mary Sauce, Senators Emily Sauce and Les Theriot. We discussed the following: Issues that were addressed to Mike Davis and we have more to bring to him. Problems with the wifi in Stopher Gym and at the end of White Hall, burnt lights in Peltier Hall, handicap doors in Polk Hall, the girls upstairs bathroom in Peltier Hall on the Quad side, the sidewalk on the side of the outdoor basketball court and potential spotlights on already existing posts. Talking to the university about doing a Welcome Back Day for the Spring Semester and to the Student Union to update the phone charging stations. On a positive note, the city did a great job in picking up beads from the street and on campus after the parade. UNFINISHED BUSINESS S1415-041a I move to take the motion to approve the Spring Budget from the table. 1. 2. Move into vote: Passed For-13 Against-0 Abstained-0 Lawrence Arceneaux, III Trey Clark UNFINISHED BUSINESS CONTINUED S1415-041 I move that the Senate approve the Spring 2015 Budget. 1. 2. Tiffany Durocher Meah Johnson Discussion: Senator Tiffany D. said the Finance Committee reviewed it and had no questions about it. Question: Move into vote Passed For-13 Against-0 Abstained-0 S1415-043a I move to take the motion to purchase the security camera off the table. 1. 2. Move into vote Passed For-13 Against-0 Lawrence Arceneaux, III Austin Wendt Abstained-0 S1415-043 I move to allocate up to $2,600 to purchase a security camera in the Library. The price breaks down as follows: Extreme B5G124-24P2 Network Switch Axis P3354 Camera = = $1,977 599 This should be taken from the Senator Project line item of the budget. 1. 2. Yaye Ba Jessica Fradella Discussion: Senator Yaye B. said we spoke about this last week. located in the front of the Library for security. Question: Move into vote Passed For-12 Against-0 It would be Abstained-1 NEW BUSINESS S1415-046 I move that the Senate accept the SGA President Adam Lefort’s appointment of Katelyn Cortez for the position of Senator of the College of Business Administration. 1. Peyton Chiasson 2. Trey Clark Question: Move into vote Passed For-13 Against-0 Abstained-0 S1415-047 I move that the Senate accept the SGA President Adam Lefort’s appointment of Abigail Ledet for the position of Senator of the College of Business Administration. 1. Trey Clark 2. Austin Wendt Question: Move into vote Passed For-13 Against-0 Abstained-0 S1415-048 I move that the Senate accept the SGA President Adam Lefort’s appointment of Trey Clark for the position of Web Tech for Spring 2015 term. 1. 2. Question: Move into vote Passed For-13 Against-0 Abstained-0 Lawrence Arceneaux, III Tommy Thibodeaux NEW BUSINESS CONTINUED S1415-049 I move that the Senate accept the SGA President Adam Lefort’s appointment of Charles Johns for the position of Senator of University College. 1. 2. Question: Move into vote Passed For-12 Against-0 Lawrence Arceneaux, III Markos Picou Abstained-1 S1415-050 I move that the Senate accept the SGA President Adam Lefort’s appointment of Micah Hebert for the position of Senator of Veterans Affairs. 1. 2. Question: Move into vote Passed For-13 Against-0 Lawrence Arceneaux, III Tommy Thibodeaux Abstained-0 S1415-051 I move that the Senate allocate up to $800.00 to fund registration fees for up to 6 graduate students to attend the NASPA Conference in New Orleans from March 21-25, 2015. $800 is the maximum amount that can be given in accordance with the Bylaws. This will come from the Senator Projects line item of the budget. 1. Tiffany Durocher 2. Austin Wendt S1415-051a I move to suspend the Rules of Procedure to allow the motion to be heard. The reason for the suspension is the motion is in violation of Article VIII, Letter B., Number 6 of the Rules of Procedures (The motion is over $500.00). Move into vote: Passed For-13 Against-0 Abstained-0 Discussion: Senator Tiffany D. said this conference is in New Orleans and its $175 per person but they’re not asking for all of it. The reason we suspended the Bylaws is to vote on this in time to register for the conference. Question: Move into vote Passed For-13 Against-0 Abstained-0 S1415-052 I move that the Senate allocate up to $2,000 to Nicholls Fountain” campaign on Fundly website. Campus Improvements line item of the budget. 1. 2. help fund the “Love the This will come from the Tiffany Durocher Les Theriot Discussion: Senator Tiffany D. said the University started the Love the Nicholls Fountain campaign to update the fountain. Parts of it doesn’t work and we thought it was a good idea to contribute. Vice President Mary S. said this motion is over $500 so it will be tabled. UNIVERSITY COMMITTEE REPORTS Continuing Education Committee - Tiffany Durocher The Director of Continuing Education discussed events happening in the Spring and Summer at the Thibodaux and Houma locations. The Director also went over the Strategic Goals of Continuing Education and the steps they are taking to meet those goals. The office wants to focus on growth at the Houma location but that will probably have to wait until the Fall because they are in their busiest season with camps and conferences. The committee agreed that Continuing Education should start a Google Doc that updates their progress on meeting strategic goals. The committee will meet again in the Fall semester. DISCUSSION PERIOD: None. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Adam L. Kristie Tauzin, the Director of Career Services, sent me an email that there will be on-campus interviews with Republic Finance and a few other companies. There will be a fundraiser at Mudbugs Brewery for someone who was injured in an auto accident. The election deadline is March 5th for SGA and SPA President and Vice President and also for Senators. For Mr. & Ms. Nicholls, the deadline is March 9th. Trey C. SAE is having a fundraiser at Chili’s tonight. There are flyers on Facebook. If you go, please bring the flyer. Grant O. The baseball team is playing Stony Brook. Carolanne M. Delta Zeta Sorority is having their Annual Turtle Tug event on March 22nd. The fee is $25 a team of five people. Raffle tickets are $5.00. The following officers were sworn in by Vice President Mary Sauce: Katelyn Cortez – Senator of Business Administration Abigail Ledet – Senator of Business Administration Charles Johns – Senator-at-Large Trey Clark – Web Tech Micah Hebert – Senator of Veteran Affairs There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m.