S.G.A. SENATE MEETING January 26, 2015

January 26, 2015
The meeting was called to order in the Leaders Suite of the Donald G.
Bollinger Student Union at 4:00 p.m.
Presiding officer was Vice President
Mary Sauce. The Recording Secretary was Dolly McGeever.
The pledge was led by Senator Patrick Zeringue and the prayer was given by
Senator Lawrence Arceneaux, III.
The Nicholls Student Government Association Mission Statement was read by
Senator Jessica Fradella and Senator Markos Picou read the first value of the
Nicholls Creed.
The following Executive Board members were present:
President Adam Lefort,
Vice President Mary Sauce, Treasurer Bobby Dufrene, Director of Student
Rights and Grievances Carolanne Moore, Director of Public Relations Lillie
Bourgeois and Secretary Dolly McGeever.
The following Senators were present: Lawrence Arceneaux, III, Meah Johnson,
Les Theriot, Chante’ Singleton, Grant Ordoyne, Lindsey Loupe, Patrick
Zeringue, Markos Picou, Trey Clark, Peyton Chiasson, Emily Sauce, Austin
Wendt, Tommy Thibodeaux, Jessica Fradella and Tiffany Durocher.
The following Senators were absent: Yaye Ba, Sarah Zeringue, Meghan Hanley,
Justin Bueche, Blake Whitehead and Harlie Dominique.
Web Tech was not represented.
Student Supreme Court was represented by Justice Celia Ordoyne.
Election Commission was not represented.
The following guests were present:
Dr. Eugene A. Dial, Jr., Vice President
of Student Affairs and Enrollment Services and SGA Advisor, State
Representative Jerome “Dee” Richard, District 55, Anke Tonn, Interim CoDirector/Associate Librarian, Dr. Gary LaFleur, Associate Professor of
Biological Sciences and Melissa Cloutet, Fan Development/Marketing Associate
Minutes of October 13, 20 and 27 and November 3, 10
approved as printed.
and 17, 2014 were
Melissa Cloutet, Fan Development/Marketing Associate
As you know I’m working in Nicholls Athletics. I’ve brought some posters of
Baseball, Softball and Basketball to hand out. On Monday, February 2nd, we’re
having “Stuff Stopher”, a huge basketball game. It’s a red out game. I sent
flyers to some of the Greek organizations and ask that you pass the word
around as well. We’re going to give out cheer sticks so we’d love to see you
Anke Tonn, Interim Co-Director/Associate Librarian
I came to speak to you about a security camera in the lobby of the Library.
The present camera was installed about ten years ago but it doesn’t work
anymore. The camera is no longer connected to a monitor and should be taken
So I am coming here to see if you would like to help us get a new
camera to put there which can be connected to University Police on a monitor.
We’d like to see that happen.
Senator Austin W. asked about the general cost. President
Adam L. said the Network Switch quote is $1,977 and the
Camera is $600.
Secretary Dolly M. said the quote came
from the IT Department.
Dr. Gary LaFleur, Associate Professor of Biological Sciences
I am in the Biology Department. Myself and Dr. John Doucet are getting ready
to host the Louisiana Academy of Sciences event at Nicholls.
This is an
event that goes on at different areas every year. One year it’s at LSU-A in
Alexandria, the next year it’s some other place like McNeese, La. Tech or
LSU. This year it’s come to Nicholls. It’s been a long time since it’s been
It’s the 89th meeting of the Louisiana Academy of Sciences so it’s a
pretty prestigious meeting. Whenever we go to a meeting in another town, we
usually bring about 100 students but since Nicholls is hosting it, we’re
hoping to have more students attend.
It’s called the Louisiana Academy of
Sciences but it’s not really just for science students.
It’s also for
students that are doing things that are scientific in education.
Also, we
have a division called Science and Humanities so we invite students from
several different departments.
We’ve had students from the English
Department and the Art Department.
The registration is $35 for a student.
The meeting takes place on March 14 th. There is also a special event going on
at night on March 13th.
That cost is $25.
So one of the things we were
interested in doing was ask SGA to maybe help the students attend by paying
for their registration fee. It’s $35 to attend the meeting and $60 for
students to attend the two days. If you just do the $35 for the students to
go to the meeting, it would be only students that are presenting a poster or
oral presentation.
It would be awesome if you could help support the
registration fee. (Dr. LaFleur distributed information to the Senate). It’s
the Louisiana Academy of Sciences so we are getting support from the
Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program and also from the Honors
Program so there will be other groups that are helping to support these
people. It would be awesome if you could help us.
State Representative Jerome “Dee” Richard of District 55
I believe we have a spending problem in Louisiana and we have too many fouryear institutions per capita.
We have a governor lacking in leadership to make those changes that he
campaigned on eight years ago (i.e., good ole boy network, transparency, one-time funds, etc.)
We had about 66 new state representatives who were elected when this governor
came in (myself), many of whom campaigned on the same issues.
We have had countless opportunities to make some positive changes in state
government that would have limited the extent of the problems we now face.
What caused this problem?
I believe as John Kennedy that we do have a spending problem. However, this
governor, for the last six of seven budgets has continued to rely on one-time
funding to balance a budget on the increase instead of doing the fiscally
smart thing: Cut expenditures. Because of that, we have been ‘kicking the
We can’t continue to kick that bucket and now with the price of
oil dropping out of sight the state is at a crossroads. You could also argue
that the repeal of the Stelly tax seven years ago caused a shortfall. It did
but that was the right thing to do because it was not revenue neutral as it
was sold and it was unfair tax on middle class.
have three options:
Cut expenditures
Raise revenues
Combination of the two
We have a $27 billion budget for FY 16 and the administration is projecting
over a $1.6 billion shortfall. One must understand that at least $10 billion
is in federal funds which means they are dedicated.
Another $4 billion is
for statutory mandates and another $4 billion is self-generated funds such as
fees, etc. So about $8.5 billion actually makes up state generated funds and
of that $5.9 billion is Non-discretionary funds which means they are
dedicated as per the constitution or statute.
Which leaves about $2.6
billion in discretionary funds; those which we can actually change. Of that
figure in the budget $1.2 billion is for hospitals and $600 million for other
It leaves us with a little over $1 billion for education.
means we are looking at $42.6 billion in discretionary dollars and we have to
find $1.6 billion to cut in that fund.
As you can see a lot of people graduated or resigned so we’re going to
talk about recruitment.
You all have friends and people in your
classes who are vocal and are the ones who would be the most
We have spots open in probably every college other than
Freshman Senators.
Speak to your friends, colleagues or classmates
about joining SGA.
 We have a big budget shortfall.
Try to be as involved as you can be
this semester.
We went through the surveys you completed and the EBoard has kind of changed things around.
 Remember not to use your computer during meetings or have food or
 For the Colleges, Senators speak to your Deans and get started now to
let them know who you are. Check to see if they can suggest students
who would be good in SGA.
That’s how we got Treasurer Bobby D. The
Dean recommended him.
 Around campus, wear Nicholls apparel in support of Nicholls.
Be a
presence so people will notice that the students are proud. It’s goes
along with the Nicholls Awareness campaign that we’ve been doing.
 As you all know, Nicholls is going to have a few budget cuts. We met
and are trying not to cut anything.
That’s our biggest goal.
concerns are to bring up enrollment.
This time the only way to face
this is to get more students involved.
Everything we’re going to do
throughout this process is in line with the Mission of the University.
We’re going to have the best college degree programs in the area.
We’ll continue to give everything according to our Mission. It’s been
said that they’ll threaten to cut us 40% to 60% and they’re saying
they’ll cut it 20% but the facts are that we can barely afford a 10%
cut so we have a lot of budget meetings going on.
The UL System is
looking into planning something for all students in the UL System.
We’re going to take it slow. We’re going to be pro-active but there’s
a lot of predicting.
At the last COSBP meeting I attended, we did a
Proclamation to the Governor on the upcoming budget cuts.
The entire
group of SGA Presidents put in for it. So we’re doing a lot of little
things to where we’ll benefit. Just remember that we are in some kind
of problem but we’re keeping our head up. We’ve learned to deal with
it and take it in stride.
There may be a few positions cut around
campus but I think the overall thing to do now is to make sure we get
our enrollment up. If anyone asks, always speak highly of Nicholls and
let them know we’re offering the best courses and classes.
The Campus Improvements Committee meetings will now be moved back to
2:30 p.m. again.
In case you were confused during the meeting, we still will have the
“What I’ve Done/Heard”. program. We just won’t discuss them in the
committee meetings. They’ll still be due every other Friday. I still
email the students with complaints telling them we’re getting them
I handed out our Expense Report for last semester from September 1st until
January 31st which is coming up until our new budget is passed. We actually
spent about $45,000 and that’s with everything under the “Actual Column”. We
do still have some things pending like the “Voices of Possibilities” and our
Nicholls Awareness Campaign. I wasn’t budgeting again for those items
because they’re already budgeted. We do have a significant amount of roll
over, about $100,000. We do have money to spend as the Student Government
Association. Our revenue so far is about $75,000 in assessment for this
semester. I’m going to budget about $70,000 as actual income. The rest will
be from roll over. I’ll have the budget for you at the next meeting for
everybody to look at it because it’ll be tabled for a week. If anybody has
any questions, if you want to see something increased or need help in finding
something to spend money on, I’m more than happy to speak with you.
Next Monday, February 2nd is Stuff Stopher for the Men’s Basketball game
at 6:30 p.m.
It’s a red out game so remember to wear red.
At this
game, we’ll hand out the red spirit shirts and red pompoms. I have a
sign-up sheet if you’re available to help. We’ll probably set up there
after the SGA meeting next Monday and hand stuff out only for about an
hour so if you’re available, please sign up. I would really like to
see everyone there.
Promote it in your classes.
This week, I’ll be
retweeting our social media from Athletics with “Stuff Stopher” and I
made a separate one for SGA. If you see that it’s reposted, share it
in your classes. I’m pretty sure it’s going to be on T.V. again this
year so we want a really good turnout.
 Just looking ahead, on February 10 th and 11th, which is a Tuesday and
Wednesday, that will be our first Scantron Giveaway from 9:00 a.m. to
1:00 p.m. in the Union. Because it’s the week before Mardi Gras, we’ll
be serving King Cake and Lemonade. This will be a mandatory event for
both days so if you can’t make it, send in an excuse. I’ll send out a
sign-up sheet next week for that.
 Also, Wednesday, February 11th, is the Softball Home Opener and it’s
going to be a Student Appreciation Night as well.
We’ll hand out
vouchers for free hot dogs and free nachos to the first students that
enter. Next week I’ll pass around a sign-up sheet if you’re available
to hand out vouchers. Please attend this and advertise this also.
 New student orientations will be coming up this semester.
I already
told the Meet the SGA Committee but if any of you have ideas of new SGA
items that you think would be good for SGA to hand out, please let me
 Also, I posted on the SGA Instagram that yearbooks are available
Tuesday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Union so pick up your
yearbook and tell everyone else to get theirs.
I’d like to hold the workshop this Friday and have lunch and drinks
from 12:00 to 2:00 p.m.
I’d like to touch on what you know about
Robert’s Rules and give out a questionnaire. It would be good for you
to brush up on it so you’re confident in speaking out and participating
instead of just passing everything.
You have the right to appeal
motions and to do more than what you’re doing
on a regular basis.
Also, if you have any ideas for the workshop, anything you feel we need
to work on as a Senate, as a whole, let me know.
President Adam L. said if you know someone who may be interested
in SGA, invite them to the workshop.
As far as recruiting goes, I’ll try to email the Deans or contact each
one of you from each department. I feel you should be the ones talking
to them. I’m not the one to interact with every single college. It’s
good to get your name and face out to these people that could be
helping you out.
If any of you want to email your Dean, I’ll
automatically assign you to it and tell them to start looking for
people that stand out and would be good recruitments for SGA. I’ll see
if Director Lillie B. can create an ad with all of our positions.
need to get more excited about being in SGA and that we have a voice so
share everything. It’s really important.
For Committees, I want to make more use of our Moodle Page.
everyone checks Facebook frequently.
Because of class, we’re
constantly checking Moodle so I’d like to set up a Moodle Page. I’ll
get the Committee Chairs or Co-Chairs to post the highlights of each
meeting, things that are going to be passed over because they need to
be tabled or big events that are coming up.
Put all of that into a
discussion form in Moodle. You can look at it and have access to it on
your phone.
The motions that are tabled should be looked into.
They’re not being tabled just to sit there for another week but because
you need to research it and realize what’s going on.
That’s part of
your responsibilities as Senators.
I move that the Senate allocate $522.45 to purchase
classrooms in Peltier Hall. Remained Tabled.
I move that the Senate allocate $670.00 to the Nicholls Students for Life
Organization to assist in funding their travel to the Students for Life
National Conference from January 20 to 24 in Washington, D.C. as follows:
$30 x 9
= $270
$50 x 3 nights
= $150
Plane Fair:
= $250
= $670
Funds will be taken from the Executive
Passed and signed.
I move to amend Articles XI and XII of the Bylaws. The changes are affecting
how SGA will fund further student organizations and departments. Due to the
extensive changes, the original struck-through and final draft of the changes
are attached for review by Senators.
All changes will be in effect at the
first meeting of the Spring 2015 semester.
Article XI
Budget Guidelines
The SGA President, in cooperation with the SGA Treasurer, is required to submit to the Senate the
proposed budget by the second meeting of each semester and at one meeting for summer session. The
current President, in cooperation with the current Treasurer, is required to submit to the Senate a projected
budget for the next fiscal year by the second to last meeting of the spring semester. The summer budget to
be approved at the last meeting.
The budget and percentages will be set each semester based on foreseeable needs from prior semesters. All
assessment fees not designated in other areas of the budget will be divided each semester according to the
remaining fund balance in the following categories:
Campus Improvements
Student Enrichment
Student Services
SGA Office Improvements
SGA Promotional Expenses
C. Departmental funding will occur only on a case-by-case basis, being taken the above categories. All
requests from departments should be accompanied by a letter from the department head explaining the
request and be approved by the appropriate University Vice President.
D. C. Copy Machine Revenue will be used for anything not included in the other categories or for existing
categories that have insufficient funds.
Article XII
Allocation Policy for Other Organizations
A. The SGA may by two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present and voting at a duly constituted meeting fund any
recognized Nicholls student organization.
B. The Finance Committee reviews organizational requests twice a month. These requests are due in the SGA
office by 12:00 pm on the first or third Wednesday of the month.
C. Departmental funding and student organization funding will occur only on a case-by-case basis. All
requests from departments should be accompanied by a letter from the department head explaining the
request and be approved by the appropriate University Vice President.
D. Funding criteria and exclusions:
1. To be considered for SGA funding, funding projects must:
a. Be in accordance with the values, goals, and ideals of Nicholls State University and the Student
Government Association.
b. Be primarily beneficial to the students of Nicholls.
c. Be requested by a recognized student organization. New organizations that are requesting funding
for the first time are ineligible for SGA funds in the same semester in which they are created.
d. Be equivalent to or less than the amount of money raised by the organization for that particular
event or equipment (as outlined in the SGA Constitution Article III, Section 3, Number 1, Letter
D, Number 2).
e. c. Ultimately, pass Senate approval and not vetoed by the SGA President.
2. Criteria for organization officers:
a. The organization’s President and/or Treasurer must attend a meeting on SGA funding facilitated
by the SGA Treasurer. Private consultations between the organizational officer(s) and the SGA
Treasurer can replace an official meeting.
b. The organization’s President, Treasurer, and Advisor must sign the SGA Financial Statement
c. Ten (10) copies of the completed SGA Financial Statement Form should be submitted to the SGA
3. Rules for Conferences, Registration, and Travel: Conferences or conventions that promote academic,
leadership, self-awareness, career, or physical development are valuable and enriching for the
participant or organization. SGA expects that all the attendees maximize their time at the conference
and share learned material with other organization members. The SGA will fund no more than has
been raised by the organization for the particular event.
a. SGA will fund no more than $350 in registration fees.
b. SGA will fund no more than $50 per night of lodging costs and will fund no more than three days (or
$150) in lodging costs.
c. SGA will cover no more than 50% of travel costs or $350 (whichever is less).
d. If an organization only requests for one or two needs (registration, lodging or travel costs), funds from
another need may be used to cover expenses in excess of the previously stated maximums, not to
exceed $800.
e. Totals should not exceed $800.
a. Attendees equal to but not exceeding ten members:
i. SGA will fund no more than $30 per member and will not exceed $300 in registration fees.
ii. SGA will fund no more than $50 per night in lodging costs and will fund no more than three
days (or $150) in lodging costs.
iii. SGA will fund no more than 50% of travel costs or $250 (whichever is less). Travel costs
include gas, bus chartering, plane tickets, etc.
iv. Totals should not exceed $700.
b. Team funding (attendees with eleven or more members):
i. SGA will fund no more than $50 per member and will not exceed $400 in registration fees.
ii. SGA will fund no more than $50 per night in lodging costs and will fund no more than three
days ($150) in lodging costs.
iii. SGA will cover no more than 50% of travel costs or $450 (whichever is less).
iv. Totals should not exceed $1000.
4. Exclusions—SGA does not fund the following:
a. Organizations that have been funded by the SGA for the previous two consecutive years. After
receiving no funding for one year, the organization will be eligible for consideration for allocation.
b. Office supplies (including postage, paper, phone bills, pens, etc).
c. Publicity for programs and performances.
d. Organization Advisor travel, lodging, or registration fees.
e. Any non-Nicholls State University students.
f. Requests that are not itemized.
g. Alcoholic beverages for any reason.
h. Social functions not of a service nature (including recruitment activities, parties, initiations, etc).
i. Awards, banquets, induction ceremonies, and prizes.
j. Food not essential to the maintenance of an event. The Finance Committee reserves the right to
use its own discretion in defining “essential.”
k. Expenses titled “miscellaneous” on the SGA Financial Statement Form.
l. Individual and/or chapter national dues or insurance.
m. New Organizations that are requesting funding for the first time are ineligible for SGA funds in
the same semester in which they are created.
n. Organizations receiving funding through a University or Student Self-Assessed Fee. However, cosponsorships with these organizations can be funded.
5. Rules for SGA Co-Sponsorship: SGA can co-sponsor events and programs with other organizations.
Typically, this is a good way to split costs of an expensive project.
a. Co-sponsorships must meet Senate approval.
b. There is currently no limit on money an organization can request for SGA co-sponsorship;
however, the SGA Senate typically reduces SGA costs exceeding $1000. Co-sponsorships will be
funded at a maximum of $1,000.
c. The program and/or publicity for the event must include: “Co-sponsored by the Student
Government Association.” Publicity is a key-factor in approval of co-sponsorships.
Article XI
Budget Guidelines
A. The SGA President, in cooperation with the SGA Treasurer, is required to submit to the Senate the
proposed budget by the second meeting of each semester and at one meeting for summer session. The
current President, in cooperation with the current Treasurer, is required to submit to the Senate a projected
budget for the next fiscal year by the second to last meeting of the spring semester. The summer budget to
be approved at the last meeting.
B. The budget and percentages will be set each semester based on foreseeable needs from prior semesters. All
assessment fees not designated in other areas of the budget will be divided each semester according to the
remaining fund balance in the following categories:
Campus Improvements
Student Enrichment
Student Services
SGA Office Improvements
SGA Promotional Expenses
C. Copy Machine Revenue will be used for anything not included in the other categories or for existing
categories that have insufficient funds.
Article XII
Allocation Policy
A. The SGA may by two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present and voting at a duly constituted meeting fund any
recognized Nicholls student organization.
B. The Finance Committee reviews requests twice a month. These requests are due in the SGA office by
12:00 pm on the first or third Wednesday of the month.
C. Departmental funding and student organization funding will occur only on a case-by-case basis. All
requests from departments should be accompanied by a letter from the department head explaining the
request and be approved by the appropriate University Vice President.
D. Funding criteria and exclusions:
1. To be considered for SGA funding, funding projects must:
a. Be in accordance with the values, goals, and ideals of Nicholls State University and the Student
Government Association.
b. Be primarily beneficial to the students of Nicholls.
c. Ultimately, pass Senate approval and not vetoed by the SGA President.
2. Criteria for organization officers:
a. The organization’s President and/or Treasurer must attend a meeting on SGA funding facilitated
by the SGA Treasurer. Private consultations between the organizational officer(s) and the SGA
Treasurer can replace an official meeting.
b. The organization’s President, Treasurer, and Advisor must sign the SGA Financial Statement
c. Ten (10) copies of the completed SGA Financial Statement Form should be submitted to the SGA
3. Rules for Conferences, Registration, and Travel: Conferences or conventions that promote academic,
leadership, self-awareness, career, or physical development are valuable and enriching for the
participant or organization. SGA expects that all the attendees maximize their time at the conference
and share learned material with other organization members.
a. SGA will fund no more than $350 in registration fees.
b. SGA will fund no more than $50 per night of lodging costs and will fund no more than three days
(or $150) in lodging costs.
c. SGA will cover no more than 50% of travel costs or $350 (whichever is less).
d. If an organization only requests for one or two needs (registration, lodging or travel costs), funds
from another need may be used to cover expenses in excess of the previously stated maximums, not to
exceed $800.
e. Totals should not exceed $800.
4. Exclusions—SGA does not fund the following:
a. Organizations that have been funded by the SGA for the previous two consecutive years. After
receiving no funding for one year, the organization will be eligible for consideration for allocation.
b. Office supplies (including postage, paper, phone bills, pens, etc).
c. Publicity for programs and performances.
d. Organization Advisor travel, lodging, or registration fees.
e. Any non-Nicholls State University students.
f. Requests that are not itemized.
g. Alcoholic beverages for any reason.
h. Social functions not of a service nature (including recruitment activities, parties, initiations, etc).
i. Awards, banquets, induction ceremonies, and prizes.
j. Food not essential to the maintenance of an event. The Finance Committee reserves the right to
use its own discretion in defining “essential.”
k. Expenses titled “miscellaneous” on the SGA Financial Statement Form.
l. Individual and/or chapter national dues or insurance.
m. New Organizations that are requesting funding for the first time are ineligible for SGA funds in
the same semester in which they are created.
n. Organizations receiving funding through a Student Self-Assessed Fee. However, co-sponsorships
with these organizations can be funded.
5. Rules for SGA Co-Sponsorship: SGA can co-sponsor events and programs with other organizations.
Typically, this is a good way to split costs of an expensive project.
a. Co-sponsorships must meet Senate approval.
b. Co-sponsorships will be funded at a maximum of $1,000.
c. The program and/or publicity for the event must include: “Co-sponsored by the Student
Government Association.” Publicity is a key-factor in approval of co-sponsorships.
Passed and signed.
I move that the Senate purchase a bike rack to be placed outside of Gouaux
Hall. The total cost would equal $1,218.57 and is broken down as follows:
Bike Rack
- $886.35
- $332.22
The money would be taken from the Fall 2014 Senator Project Line Item of the
budget. Passed and signed.
I move that the Senate allocate $1,388.62 to purchase one (1) HP LaserJet
Enterprise 600 M602X Printer to help meet the high demands of the Nursing and
Allied Health students. Funds should be taken from the Senator Projects Line
Item of the budget. Passed and signed.
I move that the Senate accept Adam Doucet for the position of Election
Commission Member.
Adam is the appointment of the SGA President, Adam
Lefort, and SPA President, Taylor Degruise. Passed and signed.
I move that the Senate allocate $165 to purchase 1 one-door aluminum frame
enclosed tackboard for the Academic Advising Center in Elkins Hall. The cost
breakdown is as follows:
One Board
= $165
= Free
This money will come from the Senator Projects Line Item of the Fall 2014
budget. Passed and signed.
No report.
No report.
President Adam L. said we are still doing a search for Web Tech.
Finance Committee – Tiffany Durocher, Chair
Senators Tiffany Durocher, Tommy Thibodaux, Les Theriot, Patrick
Zeringue, Jessica Fradella, Emily Sauce, Peyton Chiasson and Trey
Treasurer Bobby Dufrene.
we discussed the following:
The Expense Report from Fall 2014 semester.
Funding the LAS Conference registration fees.
Spring 2015 budget should be completed by
review and discussion.
Judiciary Committee – Lawrence Arceneaux, III, Chair; Austin Wendt, Co-Chair
Senators Lawrence Arceneaux, III, Austin Wendt, Meah Johnson, Les
Theriot, Patrick Zeringue, Markos Picou, Trey Clark, Chante’
Singleton, Emily Sauce, Jessica Fradella, Tommy Thibodeaux,
Lawrence Arceneaux and Peyton Chiasson.
We discussed the following:
 We went over two motions for the removal of Senators Markos Picou and
Meah Johnson.
After discussion, the committee found both motions
highly unfavorable.
There was one more motion for removal and an
absentee form but the Senator resigned shortly before the meeting.
 Senator recruitment since the SGA Senate roster is a bit lacking.
There are quite a few positions open and we requested Senators to
spread the word of our opon positions. Senator Meah Johnson will help
by making fliers.
Meet the SGA/Social Events: Mr/Ms Nicholls/Banquet - Homecoming/Christmas) –
Grant Ordoyne, Chair
Senators Grant Ordoyne, Sarah Zeringue, Patrick Zeringue, Peyton
Chiasson, Lindsey Loupe, Austin Wendt, Chante’ Singleton, Tommy
Thibodeaux and Les Theriot,
We discussed the following:
 The “Red Out” game and that we will be handing out red spirit shirts
and pompoms at the game.
 At our first Scantron Giveaway, we will be serving King Cake since
Mardi Gras is around the corner.
 We decided to hand out hot dog and nacho vouchers at the February 11 th
and March 3rd Student Appreciation Nights for the softball games but not
the February 24th game.
 For the second Scantron Giveaway, we agreed on keeping the location in
the Union.
Campus Improvements Committee – Peyton Chiasson, Chair; Tommy Thibodeaux, CoChair;
Senators Peyton Chiasson, Tommy Thibodeaux, Grant
Patrick Zeringue, Tiffany Durocher, Austin Wendt,
Arceneaux, III and Lindsey Loupe.
President Adam Lefort and Senator Les Theriot
We discussed the following:
 President Adam L. explained how the Campus Improvement Committee will
be run this semester.
 Problems with the following: campus wifi, the elevator in Ellender
Hall, washers and dryers in Zeringue Hall, problems with the Ponder
Room, the desk in Peltier Hall, the new Moodle update, benches in the
Quad, the Quad fountain and the front fountain, parking decals during
summer and paper towels in bathrooms.
I move that the Senate remove Markos Picou from the Senate for failing to
fulfill his duty in accordance with Article Six, Section 3 of “The Lefort
Corollary”. The section reads that “All SGA senators are required to write a
minimum of one (1) motion per semester.
1. Austin Wendt
2. Lawrence Arceneaux, III
Question: Move into vote
Failed For-0
Against-14 Abstained-0
I move that the Senate remove Meah Johnson from the Senate for failing to
fulfill his duty in accordance with Article Six, Section 3 of “The Lefort
Corollary”. The section reads that “All SGA senators are required to write a
minimum of one (1) motion per semester.
1. Austin Wendt
2. Lawrence Arceneaux, III
Question: Move into vote
Failed For-0
Against-14 Abstained-0
Courses and Curricula Committee – Les Theriot and Tiffany Durocher
The meeting was held on Tuesday, December 2, 2014.
 We changed the prereqs for ECON 415.
 We removed MATH 102 or 106 and replaced it with Math 214 or 301 as a
choice for either statistics.
 We revised course objectives for ENGL 215, 216, 217 to meet GENED
 We changed the Physics sequence in Biology program.
 Changed
concentrations and added CHEM 435 as a concentration elective in BIOL,
BIOM, BIOE and BIOC concentrations.
 We revised the COMD curriculum in Allied Health Sciences.
 We removed MATH 110 from the GENED requirements and was made for EDUC
majors only.
 We approved a replacement of PSYC 212 with PSYC 206 & 210 in the
Psychology requirements for the ARTE concentrations.
 We replaced ENGL 212 with an English literature elective in the English
Literature requirements for ARTE concentration.
 We revised the writing intensive course requirements for ARTE
concentration by removing ENGL 311, 312 and added 310, 366.
 We removed ENGL 255, 256 and replaced with English literature elective
in a FACS curriculum version.
 In teacher education, we revised the HPED curriculum by replacing PSYC
212 with PSYC 206 or 210 and replacing ENGL 210 with an English
Literature elective.
 The SECE curriculum replaced ENGL 212 or 255 with English literature
We approved to change SEGS concentration by replacing PHYS
103 with PHYS 203.
Vice President Mary S. deferred to Secretary Dolly M. who distributed the
University Committee List to update Senator availability. The SGA Committee
List was also distributed for updating. List of officers graduating in May
was taken to determine Hall of Fame nominees.
An additional list was taken
of officers graduating in December to include in ordering Graduation Stoles
to be presented at the SGA Inaugural Banquet in April.
Adam L.
Congratulations to Dr. Dial who is being awarded the 2015
BIG Individual Achiever.
If any of you are interested in the Washington, D.C.
Internship Secretary Dolly M. emailed to everyone, please
let us know.
Dr. Dial
Advised the officers that if they know of a student having
difficulty in buying books, to come see him.
Lawrence A.
Dr. Paul Wilson in the History Department is holding a
Normandy Academy during the summer.
You get to go to New
Orleans for three days to study at the World War II Museum
and also have a chance to go for a week to Normandy, France
and Paris, France and see all the great museums and sights
they have there.
You can stop by Dr. Wilson’s office in
Peltier 207.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 5:40 p.m.