High-Touch Delivery Learning Services Cisco Optical Technology Intermediate Level

Data Sheet
High-Touch Delivery Learning Services
Cisco Optical Technology Intermediate Level
The Cisco Optical Technology Intermediate (COTI) Level Release 10.1 Version 1
course is lab intensive. You learn the skills necessary to deploy a Cisco ® Network
Convergence System (NCS) 2000 Series network from installation to protection.
You also learn how to perform node turnup. The course covers three shelf types, the Cisco ONS 15454 M12
Multiservice Transport Platform (MSTP), NCS 2006, and NCS 2002. You will learn to deploy linear and ring densewavelength-division-multiplexing (DWDM) topologies. The course covers multiplexer-demultiplexer cards, Erbiumdoped-fiber amplifier cards, Raman amplifiers, transponder cards, and the newest Cisco Any Rate Muxponder
Cards and crossponder cards.
These cards are used in terminal, amplifier, and reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexer (ROADM) node
configurations. You configure wavelength-selective switch (WSS) linear and single-module ROADM (SMR) rings.
This Optical Technical Training Intermediate course covers 10-gigabit unprotected circuits and 10-gigabit
protection using Y-cable, optical channel transport unit-2 (OTU-2), and protection switch module (PSM) cards.
3 days
Target Audience
This course is for technical professionals who are responsible for installing, deploying, and maintaining the Cisco
NCS 2000 and ONS 15454 MSTP network. Network operations, planners, and designers can also benefit.
Course Objectives
After completing this course, you should be able to:
Connect to a Cisco optical chassis using Cisco Transport Controller
Identify node configurations according to card population
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Provision DWDM circuits using the Cisco Transport Controller
Conduct performance monitoring, alarm verification, and fault isolation
Provision M12 WSS in linear and NCS 2006 SMR nodes in ring topologies
Understand configuration options for the Any Rate Muxponder Card or crossponder
Perform Raman amplifier initialization
Isolate optical network issues
Course Prerequisites
Following are the prerequisites for this course:
Completion of Cisco Fundamentals of Fiber Optics Technology (FFOT) (For more information, visit
Course Outline
The course outline is as follows:
Module 1: Cisco Transport Controller Operations
Module 2: DWDM Topologies
Module 3: Shelf and Card Installation
Module 4: Fiber jumper installation
Module 5: Linear Configurations
Module 6: Node Turnup
Module 7: Optical Channel Network Connection Circuits
Module 8: Transponder and Optical Channel Client Connection Circuits
Module 9: Multishelf
Module 10: NCS 2006 SMR-Based Rings
Module 11: 10-Gigabit Muxponder and Transponder Cards
Module 12: 10-Gigabit with Y-Cable Protection
Module 13: Alternative 10-Gigabit Protection (PSM and OTU-2)
Module 14: Cisco Any Rate Muxponder and Crossponder
Module 15: Raman Amplifier
Module 16: 40- and 100-Gigabit Transponder and Muxponder
Module 17: Troubleshooting
Lab Outline
The lab outline is as follows:
Lab 1: System Setup and Login
Lab 2: Node Turnup
Lab 3: Creating Direct Circuits (OCHNC)
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Lab 4: Creating Transponder Optical Client Circuits (OCHCC)
Lab 5: Configuring an SMR Ring
Lab 6: Installing Direct Circuits (OCHNC) in the SMR Ring
Lab 7: Installing 10-Gbps Transponder Cards with Y-Cable Protection
Lab 8 Alternate 10-Gigabit Protection (OTU-2 and PSM)
Lab 9: Any Rate Muxponder and Crossponder Options
Lab 10: Raman Amplifier
Lab 11: MSTP Troubleshooting
Lab Topology
Figure 1 shows the lab topology that is used in this course.
Figure 1.
Lab Topology of Cisco Optical Technician Intermediate Level
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Registration Email
For more information about schedules and registration for this course, contact aeskt_registration@cisco.com.
Website Addresses for More Information
For more information about High-Touch Delivery Learning Services for Cisco classic products and technologies,
visit http://www.cisco.com/go/ase.
For information about Cisco TelePresence training, visit http://www.cisco.com/go/telepresencetraining.
For information about broadband video training for service providers, visit http://www.cisco.com/go/spvtraining.
For information about Cisco WebEx technology training, visit http://university.webex.com.
For information on mobile Internet technology training, visit http://www.cisco.com/go/mitg.
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