ST. CORNELIUS CATHOLIC SCHOOL 16066 Innis Lake Road, Caledon East, ON Tel. (905) 584-2245 Fax (905) 584-0924 Principal: G. Graci Vice Principal: A. Cavaliere Superintendent: L. Storey Pastor: Fr. B. Glynn PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE LENTEN PRAYER On February 10th, we begin our season of Lent. Lent offers us a very special opportunity to grow in our relationship with God and to renew our baptismal promise. In our busy world, Lent provides us with an opportunity to reflect upon our patterns, to pray more deeply, experience sorrow for what we have done and failed to do, and to be generous to those in need. As Pope Francis shared, “Dear brothers and sisters, how greatly I desire that all those places where the church is present especially our parishes and our communities, may be islands of mercy in the midst of the sea of indifference.” We would like to take this opportunity to welcome to new families that have joined our St. Cornelius Community in the new year! We extend our gratitude to Ms. DeVoy and Mrs. Campbell for their contribution to our school and wish them all the best in their future endeavors. We extend our warm wishes to Mrs. Milonas and congratulate her on the birth of her beautiful baby girl. Welcome back to Ms. Leardi (Gr. 7) and Ms. Ricitano (Gr. 6) and Ms. Arbelo, who will be teaching Gr. 4 in Mrs. Milonas’ absence. Also a warm welcome to Mrs. Burt, our new permanent head secretary. We are happy to share that parents/guardians can “Follow” us on Twitter to receive updates school events, initiatives, and class activities that teachers are doing with their students. We will post information about school closures and bus cancellations. We already have 63 Followers! FEBRUARY 2016: INSIDE THIS ISSUE Look at all we do at St. Cornelius! Additional PA Day on April 11, 2016 St. Cornelius Cougars Hockey Team Classroom Interruptions Page 2 Page 3 Page 3 Page 3 Follow us as we share experiences of how we grow together in Faith and Excellence: @StCorneDPCDSB Sincerely, Mrs. G. Graci-Papayanakis & Mrs. A. Cavaliere Together in Faith and Excellence 1 As per our Catholic Board Learning Plan, St. Cornelius School continues to Create Catholic conditions for wellbeing and engagement and at the core of every opportunity for learning and leading in an environment that is safe, caring, equitable and inclusive. These fun and engaging activities help us to get through the cold winter months. Some of the activities that are engaging our students include: Primary, Junior and Intermediate Chess Clubs, the Lego Club for Gr. 1 & 2 students, the Knitting Club, the Eco-Club, Milk Bag Weaving, European Handball Intramurals for Gr. 4-6, Youth Faith Ambassadors, Choir, The Intermediate Division “Colour Me Happy” Club, Junior/ Intermediate Hockey Team, and Karate Kids for Gr. 1 to 4 students. OPERATION SMILE In the spirit of Advent and the true meaning of Christmas, it is with great pleasure that I share the 4th annual Operation Smile for my class at St. Cornelius. With the help of the December Spirit week and the school wide colouring contest, my class raised over $700 for Operation Smile this year. My Grade 1 class and the amazing Operation Smile team surpassed our class goal of one surgery and we raised enough for three surgeries and because we were able to submit our donations before December 31st. Operation Smile matches our donations, therefore, we are changing the lives of six children in a third world country. My Operation Smile Team consisted of: Emily, Erin, Sylvia, Madalyne, Elizabeth, Alliana and Orlaith. We can honestly say we have helped provide a new fresh start for lives of these kids by giving them a new smile. Sincerely, Mrs. McGee ST. CORNELIUS 2015 HOCKEY SEASON IS UNDERWAY! Over forty talented hockey players tried out for our Cougar Team this year. It is always very hard picking from such large and talented group of athletes. Our chosen team is very fortunate to represent our school at four tournaments: Thursday January 28th (if we qualify part 2 is played either Feb. 2nd) at Iceland (Mississauga) Friday February 26th at Caledon East Arena Wednesday March 8th (if we qualify part 2 is played Mar. 9th) at Alder St. Arena (Orangeville) Friday April 1st at the Powerade Center in Brampton. We look forward to seeing the many talented players that didn't make the team represent our school in a Share Life charity hockey game against the teachers on Friday March 11 at the Caledon East arena. The whole school comes to watch the game and all proceeds go to Share Life. Any interested parents willing to lace up and join the teacher bench for a fun afternoon of hockey please contact Mrs. McGee at the school. INTERMEDIATE COLOUR ME HAPPY CLUB The Grade 7 and 8 classes have been participating in “The Colour Me Happy” Club at recess on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. There have been such a positive response from our students! Students have been colouring and listening to relaxation music with their peers and teachers. Colouring sheets are provided however, if students have their own colouring book, they are more than welcome to use that too! Did you know…colouring is a form of meditative art and it is believed that it relaxes the mind, body and spirit? This creative activity makes us feel calmer, mentally clearer, happier, and more relaxed. Some other benefits include: the opportunity to be social, reduce stress and anxiety, train the brain to focus, help with fine motor skills and vision and most importantly, it is fun and enjoyable! Together in Faith and Excellence 2 NOTICE TO PARENTS REQUESTING TO SWITCH BUSES The office receives numerous requests for one time use bus passes. Our Board protocol under the direction from STOPR, our Transportation Department, indicates that this should only be used for emergencies. Please do not use these for playdates. We have 17 buses and need to coordinate with Parkview Brampton/Caledon and drivers. In addition, parental requests for students to take alternate buses home must be made in writing. We thank you for your cooperation! 2015-16 School Year Calendar Additional Professional Activity Day: Monday, April 11, 2016 Terms of the recent contract settlement between the teacher federations and the Ministry of Education included the provision of an additional Professional Activity Day for the 2015-2016 school year for both elementary and secondary schools. Recently, boards were directed to schedule this additional Professional Development Day on or before April 15, 2016. In the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board, the designated additional Professional Activity Day has been scheduled for Monday, April 11, 2016. Therefore, there will be no classes for either elementary or secondary students on Monday, April 11, 2016. Thank you for your attention to this addition to the 2015-16 School Year Calendar. REMINDER OF FAMILY DAY HOLIDAY LET’S WORK TOGETHER TO MINIMIZE CLASSROOM INTERRUPTIONS In order to respect the classroom learning environment, we try to minimize interruptions during class time. If you are picking up your children early, please write a note in your child’s agenda to their teacher and your child can wait in the office. Of course, there are times when last minute situations may arise, however, we appreciate your cooperation. If you are dropping off something, we have a table with labels set up in the office to ensure your child receives it. Thank you for your ongoing support. REPORTING STUDENT ABSENCES WHEN BUSES ARE CANCELLED If your child usually walks to school and buses are cancelled, please call the school to report his/her absence. SAFE ENTRY PROTOCOL Thank you for your support in following our safe schools protocol where our school doors are locked, all visitors report to the office and only students and staff are in the school yard. Please note that daily at 9:00 a.m. there is a staff member on duty on the field to escort those students who walk using the path at the back of the school yard. However, during inclement weather, when students are not playing in the yard from 9:00-9:15 a.m., students may be escorted by parents/guardians to the front door of the school. Thank you for your cooperation in following these important safety procedures. LOST AND FOUND Our school’s Lost and Found Box is a good place to start looking for missing items. Periodically, we remind students to check the box for any items they may have lost. Please remind your child(ren) to check the Lost and Found Boxes if anything is lost. Just a reminder that the Provincial Family Day holiday is on Monday, February 15, 2016. The school will be closed on this date. Enjoy your day! Together in Faith and Excellence 3 NEWS FROM OUR CATHOLIC SCHOOL COUNCIL SHROVE TUESDAY On Tuesday, February 9th, the Catholic School Council will be hosting a Pancake Dinner in the school gymnasium from 5:00 p.m. - 7: 00 p.m. Thank you to all of the St. Cornelius families who have shared an interest in participating. We look forward to seeing you there! Volunteers Needed: We are looking for council members to support our Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner, if you are interested in helping the school, please send an email to Carol ( to confirm your attendance. Also, please don't hesitate to join a Council meeting to find out what our Catholic School Council does for your children to make their school a better place. Our next meeting is on Monday, February 22th at 6:30 p.m. All are welcome! BIG NEWS FROM THE LIBRARY!! The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to St. Cornelius! January 29 - February 10. Lots of great books and fun stuff!! Drop by the library on Thursday evening, Feb 4 for a Fun Family Event! If you make a purchase, drop in a ballot for your chance to win $50 in books, $25 for yourself and $25 for your child's classroom. See you there! LITERACY TIPS FOR PARENTS 1. Read from a variety of sources. Reading and writing are linked – success in one supports success in the other. Read stories, newspapers, advertisements, instructions, etc. to your child every day and then discuss what you have read. 2. Encourage your child to write. Children love to make their own birthday cards, write thank you notes, make place cards for the table, or send an email to a friend. Save old cards from birthdays and holidays to recycle for homemade cards. Whenever possible, let your child see you writing – grocery lists, instructions on the family whiteboard, emails, etc. – and get them to help. 3. Writing can be done anywhere. Have lots of magnetic letters or words on the fridge. Get a box of chalk and write your names on the driveway or sidewalk. Get a white board – it can be used again and again. 4. Play writing games. Make a game of letter finding. Show them how to form a letter and then go letter hunting in your house or in a book – count the number of "Ds" on a page. Find a picture they like and have them write words or a sentence about it. 5. Help children build their vocabulary. Try rhyming games starting with one word such as "mat". Say and write down all the words that rhyme, like "cat", "hat", "fat" and "splat". You'll be surprised how fast their word list grows. 6. Explore the meaning of words. Create a word book at home and have your child add words as they're learned. Have them note the words they use the most and talk about why. 7. Write to each other. Write notes to your child and leave them in interesting places, like the lunch box. Ask them to write a reply or come up with something new. If they have their own email, email each other. Have kids email jokes to family and friends. 8. Don't limit what you write with or what you write on. The sky's the limit – pudding, sticks or fingers in mud, earth, snow and sand, sparklers, steamed up windows and mirrors, and bubble soap markers for some sudsy learning. 9. Writing comes in all shapes and sizes. Point out different ways writing is used – letters, signs, advertisements, instructions – and explain why they are different. Also point out different ways letters are created – printed, cursive and fancy variations. Let them be inspired to create their own letter art. 10. Start writing at an early age. Children often learn to write before they can read. Encourage this by showing them how to print their name or the names of friends and other family members. Buy them notebooks with lines so they can learn to make their letters correctly or a practice book with letters they can trace. Source: Ministry of Education- Tips and Tools for Parents Together in Faith and Excellence 4 and understand how to effectively and safely report to an adult. MATH AT HOME We would like to share some information to support math at home and how to make math part of your child’s day. Tattling/ratting is defined as telling in order to get someone into trouble, or telling when there is no one being hurt and no rule being broken that could result in a dangerous situation. Telling is defined as reporting unsafe behaviours to an adult in order to get help for someone – to get someone out of trouble. Here are some suggestions to get you started: Point out how you use math in your day Encourage your child to show you how they use math Include your child in everyday activities that involve math-making purchases, measuring ingredients, counting out utensils or other household items, measuring a room, buying groceries and reading a flyer Play games and do puzzles that involve mathcard games, snakes and ladders, dice games Work with your child to solve problems that use mathematical thinking and reasoning Have them use mathematical tools- calculators, rulers, measuring cups, containers of various shapes, etc. TIPS FOR PARENTS: - use incidences where one child is telling you about sibling behaviour to help children identify whether they are tattling or telling - practice with your child how to ‘tell an adult’ about bullying (what happened, how they feel, what help they desire) - develop awareness of the ‘reasons’ children state for not reporting bullying to adults Consider visiting for resources such as games, learning tools, activities, supports for students and a FAQs section for parents. This site is appropriate for K-12. SAFE SCHOOLS FOCUS FOR FEBRUARY – Telling an Adult about Bullying is Not Tattling This month’s focus is the difference between tattling and telling. In dealing with bullying situations, students are encouraged to use the strategy, ‘telling an adult’. Although this sounds simple and logical, there are many difficulties and roadblocks associated with this strategy. Younger children struggle to understand the difference between telling and tattling, while older children struggle with their desire to deal with situations independently. The goal of telling an adult is to keep children safe. Students will learn to identify the difference between telling and tattling (reporting and ratting), explore reasons students don’t report bullying Together in Faith and Excellence 5 VIRTUE CORNER NATIONAL SWEATER DAY- FEB. 4TH Our Virtue for the Month of February is Respect. God wants us to treat all people with respect they deserve. A respectful person: • uses a positive tone of voice and body language • avoids swearing, name-calling, put downs, and inappropriate gestures • says “Excuse me”, “Please”, “Pardon Me” • avoids gossip Turning down the thermostat by just a few degrees can make a big impact –To learn about the importance of saving energy St. Cornelius School participated in National Sweater Day on Thursday February 4th. NEWS FROM ST. EVANGELIST PARISH JOHN THE Ash Wednesday Feb. 10 2016- Don't Give Up Chocolate for Lent Last year, nearly a quarter of a million people experienced their best Lent ever. Now it’s your turn! Join us for our free Best Lent Ever® email program, featuring content from Matthew Kelly’s new bestseller Rediscover Jesus. HOW DOES IT WORK? 1. Sign up for free at 2. Beginning Ash Wednesday, you receive daily emails with short videos from Matthew Kelly and a member of our team who share simple ways to bring Jesus into your everyday life. 3. You encounter Jesus—and yourself—in a deeply personal way, leading to a transformative Lenten experience. Don’t give up chocolate this Lent—do something different. Take a 40-day spiritual journey with us and make this your best Lent ever! Sign up today at Together in Faith and Excellence 6 Mar. 8: Mar. 9: IMPORTANT DATES: PLEASE PLACE DATES ON FAMILY CALENDAR FEBRUARY Feb. 6: Feb. 8: Feb. 9: Feb. 10: Feb. 11: Feb. 12: Feb. 15: Feb. 16 Feb. 17: Feb. 18: Feb. 19: Feb. 20: Feb. 22: Feb. 25: Feb. 26: 5:00 p.m. ~ Enrollment Mass for Mr. De Rango’s Class at St. John the Evangelist Parish P. M.- “The Money Tree” Financial Literacy Performing Arts Presentation Shrove Tuesday Gr. 6 DARE Graduation Karate Kids Gr. 1s Pancake Dinner from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the school gym Lent Begins: 1:30 p.m ~ Ash Wednesday/Lenten Mass in the gym. All are Welcome! Pizza Day Dental Screening for JK, SK and Grade 2s Karate Kids for Gr. 2-4 Just Catering Lunch–Rescheduled Date Due to Bus Cancellations on February 3rd Family Day- Enjoy the Holiday! Karate Kids for Gr. 1s (Last Class) Gr. 7 Confirmation Retreat at the St. Francis Centre PM- Gr. 4-6 Earth Rangers “Battery Blitz” Presentation in the gym 7:00 p.m.- Reconciliation for our Gr. 2 students at St. John the Evangelist Gr. 8 Confirmation Retreat at St. Francis Centre Sub Day Karate Kids Gr. 2-4 students (Last Class) 5:00 p.m. Enrollment Mass for Ms. Marks’ Class at St. John’s the Evangelist Parish 6:30 p.m.- Catholic School Council Meeting Pizza Day Caledon East Hockey Tournament Robert F. Hall Drama Presentation for Gr. 4-8 Students in the gym BECDM Hockey Tournament St. Cornelius Cougars Hockey Tournament at Alder St. Arena in Orangeville (Tentative) Pizza Day Mar. 10: Staff-Student Hockey Game for ShareLife at Caledon East Arena Pizza Day Mar. 13-18:March Break Mar. 21: HPV/ Meningococcal Vaccinations for Gr. 7 and 8 students Mar. 24: Sub Day Mar. 25: Good Friday Mar. 27: Easter Sunday Mar. 28: Easter Monday- No School Mar. 31: 9:45 a.m. ~ Easter Mass in the gym All are welcome. Mar. 31: Pizza Day Follow us on Twitter @StCorneDPCDSB MARCH Mar. 3: Mar. 5: Sub Day 5:00 p.m.- Ms. Marks’ Enrollment Mass at St. John the Evangelist Parish Together in Faith and Excellence 7