Cheminl Physics 16 (1976) 109-116 D North-Hollmd Publishing Company CROSSED-BEAM STUDY OF THE REACTIONS OF H; WITH D2 AND D; WITH Hz J.R. KRENOS and K.K. LEHMANN ofOkrnistry,Douglass College, Rutgers - the State University, New Brunswick, Department h’ew Jersey 08903, USA J.C. TULLY Bell LaboraroriEs, Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974, USA P.M. HIERL Department of C7lemistry. University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 66044, USA and G.P. SMITH Depnrtmenr of C’hcmisfry, Columbia University, New York, New York 10027, USA Received 8 April 1976 We have studied the reactions D: + Hz -+ D211* + H and HI + D 2 --c (HzD*, DzH+) + (D, H) using the crossed-beam a~paratus EVA. Sample contour velocity distributions of product ions have b+een obtained at relative kinetic energies between 0.4 and 5 cV. In addition potentid energy surfaces were constructed for Hq by the diatomics-in-molecules method and repre scntative geometries were investigated. The expeiimental results are consi?ent with the predominant early downhill nature of the grounti-state surface, in that a direct mechanism is observed at all energies studied. As the reactantsapproachone another, avoided surface crossings leading to charge transfer XICaccessibie.Because of the occurrence of reputed electron jumps, tlic initial identity of the molecularion is largelyinconsequenliti and it is meanin@less to label the mechanismas atom or ion transfer The reaction Ht t H, + Hi + H was one of the earion-molecule reactions studied [I]. Because of iis apparent simplicity, it is a reaction of fundamental interest to chemical dynamics. It plays a major role in the chemistry of interstellar clouds [2,3] and planetary atmospheres [4]. The reaction rate constant has been determined by single-source mass spectrometry [S] and ion cyclotron resonance [6,7]. Cross sections and/or product velocity distributions have been obtained as a function of collision energy by ion beam plus scattering gas measurements [8-121 andmerged.beammethods [13-1.51. The detailed dynamics of the reaction has not been energy (<2 eV). There are also questions concerning the behavior of the direct “stripping” process at higher energies and the role of charge transfer in the reaction. Although the techniques used in previous studies do complement one another, they do not overlap sulkiciently in either the kinetic energy range studied or the internal energy states of the reactants to allow an unambiguous picture of the reaction dynamics to emerge. In this paper we report results of experimental and theoretical studies which shed light on these unanswered questions. We have carried out the first crossedbeam investigation of this reaction system. Specifically, we report kinematic measurements of reactions (1) and (2) over the relative kinetic energy range 0.4-S completely resolved,however. At issue is whether a eV using the crossed-beamapparatus EVA [16]. 1. Introduction liest long-lived collision complex exists at low collision 110 J.R. Krerros et D;+Hz-,H,D++D +D*H++H al.fCro$sed-beam srudy olrire reactions of Hi with 02 and D; wiih Hz (la) (lb) H+2+D2+H2D++D @a) GD,H++H (2b) Complete product velocity contour plots arc presented for reactions (lb), (li): and (7b). Measurements of reaction (la) are not reported because the product signal is obscured by the primary ion of equal mass. Our results conlirm the direct “stripping” nature of the reaction and suggest a possible explanation for the discrepancy between the early single beam [IO,1 l] and more recent merged-beam results [14j. We have aIso calculated several low-lying potential energy surfaces for Hi by the diatomics-inmolecules (DIM) method [17-191. The ground-state surface clearly shows the absence of a barrier to reaction and the presence of early downhill character leading to a predominantly direct reaction prcccss. The locations of avoided surface crossings suggest that electron hops occur repeatedly as reactants approach. 2. Experimental The crossed-beam apparatus EVA and the method of analysis used in this study have been described previously [l&20]. $ or D: is formed by electron impact, mass analyzed in a 1800&s spectrometer, and decelerated and focused into a beam of narrow angular (full width at half maximum, fwhm, of about 2”) and energy spread (fwhm of about 0.25 eV) by a system of electrostatic lenses. In the collision region the ion beam is intersected at 90” by a modulated, thermal beam of H, or D, (temperature about 330 K). Ions from the collision zone pass throu& a detection slit, a stopping-potential energy analyzer, and a 60” sector mass spectrometer before being detected by an electron r-multiplier.Phase sensitive detection ofproduct ions is employed to eliminatebackgroundproblems,and a multichanne! analyzer is used to improve signal to noise. Since the beam sources are mounted on the rotatable lid of the collision chamber, both angular and velocity distributions of the ionic products can be obtained. Contour velocity distributions are derived from translational energy distributions measured at discrete laboratory angles. The area normalized energy distributions are weighted according to the total product intensity measured at the corresponding angles. The distributions are then converted into velocity space in the Cartesian coordinate system by application’bf the proper nominal jacobian transformation [21]. The resulting velocity distributions are plotted and contour values arc assigned relative to the highest point. The contour points are transferred to a -most probable Newton diagram [22] and points of equal contour value arc connected by a smooth curve. The relative probability of formation of product with given center-of-mass velocity and angle can be cstimated directly from the diagram. The total in-plane velocity space energetically accessible to products is in general not accessible experimentally. Two constraints limit our experimental observations. Because of difficulties in detecting lowenergy ions, the absolute laboratory kinetic energy of product must be greater than approximately 0.5 eV [20]. The laboratory ang!c is constrained between -15” and +55’. The energy restriction greatly limits the measurement of backward scattered products in the center-of-mass system. The molecular reactant ions are formed by tilpact with electrons accelerated to approximately I?-0 eV. The predicted distributions [X3,24] of vibrational states of @ and D?/ ions produced under these conditions (-F&&-C&don) have broad peaks at v = 2 and v = 3, respectively, corresponding to approximately 0.3 eV internal energy. In the neutral beam, the ground-state vibrational level is populated with cssentially unit probability. 3. Results Contour diagrams for reactions (lb), (2a), and (Zb) are given in figs.1 through 5. The position of the most probable center of mass(c.o.m.) is indicated by an open circ!e where the two center-of-mass reactant velocity vectors meet. The forward region of velocity space is defined by ~9= 0”, the backward by 0 = 180”, where 0 = 0’ is the direction of the center-of-mass velocity vector of the reactant ion. E, is the most probable relative kinetic energy. The dashed straight lines are the largest positive and negative laboratory andes at which J.R. Krends 01 E, = 0.7 eV b)Er= er oL/Crosscd-beam srlrdy of rile rcacrions \ 1.4eV Fig. 1. Velocity conto+urdiagrams obtained from cros2cd-beam cx+pcriments for DzH produced by the reaction ofD2 with Hz. D2 is initially incident from the Mt. energy distributions were taken; thus, their intersection point is the origin of the laboratory coordinate system. Circles with radii of II,,,, and urnin bound areas energetically forbidden to products formed from H; or D; in the most probable vibrationallevel. Because of energy (kinetic and internal) and angular spread of the reactant beams, boundary transgressions can and do occur. Products formed with laboratory kinetic energy below 0.5 eV are difficult to measure reliably. A dashedcircle with IaboratoIy radiuscorresponding to 0.5 eV (Emin) is given where necessary. Fig. 1 clearly shows that product ions from reaction (lb) are formed predominantly in the forward hemisphere near 0 = 0” at velocities somewhat larger than that pre- dicted by a spectator stripping mechanism [IL%](spectator stripping velocities are given by closed circles in the figures). The backward hemisphere is accessible experimentally, and little scattering is observed there. At high energies (figs 1c and 1d), product dissociation can o/H: with D2 orrd b: wit/r H2 ill occur and the contour distributions appear to bc “eaten away” at low c.o.m. vclocitics. The values OFthe most probable product velocity as a function of collision energy are in excellent accord with the measurements of Doverspike and Champion [ 1I]. An additional measurement at E, = 0.4 eV (not shown) also exhibits predominantly fonvard scattering. We observed mass = 4 product in the reaction of H; with D,. This undoubtedly is H,D+, not D: for the following rcnsons. Dr fw-mcd by charge t&sfcr should appear nt labor;lov wlocitics not much difi fercnt than lhe original tht:ma; D, v:llucs. The backward peaking ofchargc transi;‘r products is well estabIishcd cxperimcntally [ 161 and theoretically [20,27 j for several reaction systl:ms, and has recently been successfully measured by crcdscd-htiam te+niqucs [28]. In our apparatus, this corresponds to an inaccessible region (EL < 0.5 eV and O,> 60”). Furthermore, the mass = 4 product in reaction (2) behaves !ike DzH+ product in reaction (1). ltscross section is large,attains its maximum value at the lowest energy studied, and dccsys rapidly as reactant translational energy increases. At all energies (see figs. 2 and 3), mass = 4 product peaks strongly in the same direction as incoming Ht reactant and close to the spectator stripping position [25] calculated for H,D’. Since the backward region is not experimentally accessible, the reaction mechanism for reaction (2a) cannot be established from our results. If a direct mechanism prevails, then reaction (2b) should be similar to reaction (la), which was studied partially by Doverspike and Champion [ 111. This is indeed the case. At lligh energies (see fig. S), product is formed in the backward hemisphere in conformity with a direct reaction process. There is a small amount of forward scattering which peaks near 0 = 0” at the points marked with an X, but at contour values less than I. The shape of the distribution is extremely distorted, since it lies on the boundary of the experimentally inaccessible region. It is likely that the observed distribution is only a remnant of the true one, which probably peaks at a larger value of the c.o.m. velocity; i.e., one closer to the spectator stripping value. The results at lower collisionenergiesare givenin fig. 4. As the energy drops, the backward peak falls into the inaccessible region and eventually disappears, leaving only a small forward-scattered component (fig. 4a). Thus, below 2 eV it is impossible to determine the mechanism of reaction (2b) from our results. J.R. Krenos er al/Crossed-beam il2 corn \ * 1 ooev alE, L--- \ + H2( -- \ _/- wefl t, __*------_-_ study o/the reactions of Hi wirh D2 and D; with Hz e*-- A--,= _/ 02 &$$I 97 3 _‘x+____y5_&_-_,-I biE,=335eV I \ cl Er : 2 15eV Fig 2. Velccity contour diagrams obtained from crossed-beam cxpcrimentsfor HzD*producedby the reactionolH: with D2. 4. Reaction dynamics Our results demonstrate conclusively that the reaction mechanism is predominantly “direct” for reaction (1 b) for energies above 0.4 eV and for reaction (2b) for energies above 2.0 eV. T!te symmetric forward-backward scattenng characteristic of a longlived complex is defiiitely absent. The direct mecharism picture is supported by theory. We have performed calculations of the ground state and several excited potential energy surfaces of Hi using the approximate diatomics-in-molecules (DIM) method [I7-191. The procedure is described briefly in the appendix. We find that the energy decreases monotonically as one proceeds from Hl -H, reactants to H; -H products along the ground state surface. There is no potential well except for a very shallow dip of about 0.05 eV in the Hi -H product re@on. This feature is insignificant when compared to the reaction exoergicity af 1.8 eV. Ab initio calcula- FOE.3. Same as fig. 2, but at hi&Jierrelative kinetic cncrgies. tions of Poshusta and Zetik [29] are in agreement with our semiempirical results; they obtain a product region well depth of 0.07 eV. .These results strongly suggest that reactions (1) and (2) and all isotopic variants proceed by a direct “stripping-type” mechanism at all collision energies E, even as E + 0. Exammation of the computed Hi potential energy surfaces provides additional information of interest about the reaction mechanism. Equal energy contours for the ground state surface, as computed by DIM, are plotted in rig. 6 for.trapezoidal Hi geometries.RAB and R, are the internuclear separations of the two diatomic fragments AB and CD whose centers of mass are separated by a fmed distance r. At large r, AB and CD refer to Hz and Hi, respectively. The potential minimum, marked with a cross, corresponds to H, and PI; at their respective eqiriliirium internuclear distances. The surfaces are symmetric about the 45’ diago-. MI, which also defines the location of an avoided intersection with the first excited Hi energy surface. Thus the 45” diagonal represents a boundary line for J.R. Krenos et al./Crossed-beam study of the reactions of Hi rvirh D2 and D: with Hz H;+D?- Fig. 4. Velocity contour diagrams obtained from crossed-beam experiments for DzH+produced by the reaction of Hl with Dz. possible charge transfer; i-e., if the molecu!es possess sufficient vibrational energy to traverse this region, charge transfer becomes likely. For r +- the two surfaces actually intersect; i.e., are degenerate along the 4.5” line. Thus diabatic behavior prevails and charge transfer cannot occur at very large separations r. As the reactants approach, the intersection becomes increasingly more %oided” and the adiabatic path corresponding to charge transfer becomes important. This is illustrated in fig. 7 which shows slices through the potential surfaces of fig. 6 along the minimum energy path denoted by a dashed line in fig. 6a. The well bottoms are normalized to the same energy, so they do not reflect the rapid decrease in absolute energy as reactants approach. For Hz and H, in their pound vibrational states (u” = 0, Y= 0) the 4S” line can almost be reached at r = 8 uo. By r= 6 a,-,, the barrier is washed out considerably, and even in their ground vibrational states, reactants can easily traverse the 45” boundary. We conclude from these results that 113 D2 H++H Fig. 5. Same as tig. 4, but at higher rcIativc kinetic energies. charge transfer can occur readily at fairly large separations as the reactants approach. Charge transfer is even more probable for vibrationally excited reactants. Jhis conclusion is supported by the recent impact parameter calculations of Flannery and co-worker; [3031]. Through consideration ofexperimental and theoretical results, the following picture of the reaction mechanism emerges: As the Hi and H, reactants approach, electrdn hops occur repeatedly prior to the hard collision. Atomic rearrangement to form products then occurs by a direct impulsive process. Because of the multiple electron jumps, it is meaningless to describe the reaction process as atom or ion transfer. Contrary to statements in the literature [32-341, this picture of the reaction mechanism is consistent with essentially all experimental studies of the Hi-H, reaction and its isotopic variants. The results of Doverspike and Champion [II] on reaction (la) and our results on reaction (2b) are similar in that the backward peaks are of relatively low intensity and are shifted toward rhe c.o.m. from the position expected J.R. Krcnos er al.fCrosscd-beam 114 sfudy of /Irereacriom of Hf wifh D2 and Df with Hz Championsuffer from similarproblems, and that the merged-beam results are more reliable for this feature of the reaction. Merged-beam experiments 114,353 have produced nearly symmetric forward-backward scattering patterns in some cases, but only for symmetric systems; i.e., reactions (3) and (4). This need not signify a long lived complex. H; + H, --f H; + H , (3) D; + D, -+ D; + D . (4) Rather, it is much more likely that it arises from mul- Fig. 6. Equal cncrgy contour maps for trapezoidal II: geomclrics cxllcul~tcdby the DIM metllod. ” -06 -04 DISTiNCE -02 ALOX 0 @2 94 06 MINIMUM ENERGY PATH loo) Fig. 7. Slices througl~the patcntial surfrxcs of 6g. 6 along the minimum cncrgy path. for a stripping-like process. This is in disagreement with a merged-beam study of these reactions [I41 showing large intensity backward stripping peaks. The discrepancy in our results can be accounted for by the low-encra product ion discrimination problem described in the previous section (see figs. 4 2nd 5). It is very likely that the measurements of Doverspike and tiple electron hops between the approaching reactants which, if they occur frequently, would eliminate any distinction between the two reactant species. This interpretation is consistent with the merged-beam studies of Douglass et al. [I 51 who observe that the product distributions of the reaction of HD+ with D, exactly mirror those of the reaction of D; with HD. Note that in the merged-beam experiments, both the neutral and ionic reactants are vibrationally excited, thus enhancing the probability of electron jumps. The early results of Durup and Durup [IO] have been cited [32,33] as support for a long-lived collision complex mechanism for reaction (4). Unfortunately, this has resulted from an incomplete reading of their original paper [IO]. The results were modified by an overlooked statement added in proof, which reverses the conclusions expressed in the main text. The corrected results of Dump and Durup are in accord with those of Doverspike and Champion [I l] for reaction (4). It is likely that the measurements of both Doverspike and Champion and Dump and Durup suffer from discrimination effects associated with the determina. tion of low laboratory energy product ions. Finally, Chupka et al. [36] have observed that at low collision energy the Hi -Hz reaction cross section decreases as the reactant H’; vibrational state is increased. This has also been cited as evidence for a longlived complex mechanism [34]. It is, however, also consistent with the view that there exists a competition between reactive and non-reactive events associated with the charge transfer process. If the reactants are in low vibrational states, the Hi system should be adequately described by the adiabatic, ground-state potential surface. As the vibrational energy of the reactants increases, the probability of the system under- J.R. Kro7os et al.fCrossed-beam smd_v oj‘the reacliorrs of ff: wirh D2 uud 0; wit/r Hz going a transition to the first excited surface of Hqf (see fig. 7) should also increase. The first excited Hi potential energy surface computed by DIM exhibits a high barrier to reaction, so that transitions to this SW face would almost certainly reduce the reaction probability. The results of Chupka et al. [36] are thereby in qualitative agreement with the direct mechanism nature of the Hf f H, reaction. Acknowledgement We appreciate the assistance and guidance of Dr. Zdenek Herman in the early stages of this work. In addition, WCwish to thank Dr. Donald McClure and Dr. James T. Muckerman for helpful discussions. The ex- perimental work was initiated under the direction of the late Dr. Richard Wolfgang at the University of Colorado and Yale University and was supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration through contract NCL 07004043. The theoretical studies were supported in part by the Research Council and the Center for Computer and Information Services of Rutgers University. Appendix: DIM calculation of ‘l-l; potential energy surfaces Hi potential energy surfaces have been computed by the approximate DIM method [ 17,191. The calculations were carried out using the same procedure as Pfeiffer et al. [I 81, with overlap between functions on different centers neglected. States of doublet symmetry.were investigated, and the energy levels given by the roots of an 8 X S matrix. H2 and HY$diatomic imput data employed has been published previous [37, 381 and found to provide a quantitatively accurate description of the two lowest singlet states of Hf [20,39]. While we cannot demonstrate that the Hi surfaces computed here are of equally high accuracy, comparison with ab initio results [29] on the ground state surface are encouraging. It is almost certainly true that qualitative features such as the downhill nature of the ground state, the absence of a deep potential well and the behavior in the reactant region related to charge exchange are described correctly by DIM. II.5 References [11 H.D. Smyth, Phys. Rev. 25 (1925) 452. [I] E. Herbst and W. Klcmpcrcr,Ap. J. 185 (1973) 505. (31 W.D. Watson, Ap. J. 183 (1973) L17. [4] S-S. Prasad and A. Tan, Gcophys. Res. Letters I (1974) 337. 151 D.P. S!cvcnson and D.O. Schisslcr, J. Chcm. Phys. 23 (1955) 1353. 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