– Crafton Hills College Pacific Union College


Pacific Union College – Crafton Hills College

Articulation Agreement for Transfer from Crafton Hills College

Admission of Transfer Students: Pacific Union College welcomes students of diverse backgrounds and experience. Those who are unacquainted with the College but are considering transferring should arrange an interview with a PUC admissions counselor as soon as possible. Acceptance is based on personal references as well as academic performance.

Classification of Transfer Students: Students who have completed 30 transferable semester units will be classified as sophomores and students who have completed 60 transferable units will be classified as juniors.

The Four-Year College Degree: Students for whom graduation in four academic years is important are encouraged to indicate their intention as early as possible so that they may be properly advised. In order to complete the required number of credits in four years, they should complete an average of 16 transferable units per term applicable to a PUC degree.

Major Requirements: Students interested in completing a degree at Pacific Union College should request a

Curriculum Guide Sheet and follow as much as possible the sample curriculum as outlined for the first two years. In general, lower divisi on requirements (courses numbered in the 100’s and 200’s) may be taken at Crafton Hills

College . Upper division courses (courses numbered in the 300’s and 400’s) should be taken at PUC.

General Degree Requirements: To earn a degree, the following general requirements must be completed:

1. The General Education Requirements.

2. The Major and Cognate Requirements.

3. Additional electives for 192 overall quarter units (equivalent to 128 semester units) with a minimum of 60 upper division (courses numbered in the 300 ’s and 400’s) quarter units. (A maximum of 72 semester units earned in junior colleges is applicable to a baccalaureate degree.)

4. A minimum PUC and cumulative grade point average of 2.0.

Catalog Rights: The terms of this agreement assure transfer students with continuous enrollment that they may graduate under the requirements of the Catalog in effect during the year in which they declare their intention to transfer to Pacific Union College.

Degree programs offered at Pacific Union College

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)

Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.)

Bachelor of Social Work (B.S.W.)

Bachelor of Music (B.Mus.)

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S.N.)

CSU IGETC: Completion of the CSU IGETC will satisfy all requirements for areas I, III, IV, and V in the PUC baccalaureate general education package.

UC IGETC: Completion of the UC IGETC will satisfy all requirements for areas I, III, IV, and V in the PUC baccalaureate general education package EXCEPT for requirement I.B, Oral Communication. Students who complete the UC IGETC will still be required to meet this requirement.

Completion of the IGETC must be certified by a community college counselor and submitted to PUC with the student’s final transcript prior to the first term of enrollment.

Questions concerning academic requirements should be addressed to the Assistant Registrar, Pacific

Union College, One Angwin Avenue, Angwin, CA 94508. Phone 1-800-862-7080.

Questions concerning other admission requirements should be directed to the Office of Admissions,

Pacific Union College, One Angwin Avenue, Angwin, CA 94508. Phone 1-800-862-7080.

Articulation Agreement - Crafton Hills College

General Education Requirements

Crafton Hills College students are assured that the following courses will fulfill General Education Requirements for the degree programs at Pacific Union College. General Education Requirements for each degree offered varies slightly from those listed for the BA and BS degrees.

General Education for the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science Degrees

Pacific Union College Crafton Hills College




In Progress


A. COLLEGE WRITING (Both of the following)

ENGL 101 College English

ENGL 102 College English


COMM 105 Intro to Communication


One of the following:

1. One year of HS Algebra II with semester grades of C- or better or

2. Waiver Exam or

3. MATH 095+096 Basic Algebra I+II and

STAT 222 Introduction to Statistics


(Generally this requirement is met only at PUC. Required units vary according to the number of units transferred.)


(Both of the following)

ENGL 101 Freshman Composition

ENGL 102 Intermediate Composition & Crit Think

No equivalent at Crafton Hills

MATH 95 Intermediate Algebra

MATH/PSYCH 108 Statistics

A. HISTORY (One of the following sequences)

HIST 101-102 History of World Civilizations

HIST 134-135 History of the United States

B. SOCIAL SCIENCES (Two of the following, One must be of ANTH, PSYC or SOCI prefix)

ANTH 124 Cultural Anthropology

ECON 261 Macroeconomics

ECON 265 Microeconomics

GEOG 210 World Regional Geography

PLSC 124 Intro to American Government

PLSC 328 Critical World Issues

PSYC 121 General Psychology

PSYC 390 Gender Issues

SOCI 121 Introduction to Sociology

SOCI 214 The Family

SOCI 232 American Social Problems

SOCI 355 Racial & Ethnic Relations



(An upper division requirement to be taken at PUC)


CULTURE (B.S. Students: Take three courses, each from a different subsection. B.A. Students: Take three courses, one from subsection 1, one from subsection 2, and one from subsection 3.)

1. Visual Art

ARTH 115 History of Western Art I

ARTH 116 History of Western Art II

2. Music

MUHL 105 Survey of Music

3. Philosophy

PHIL 101 Introduction to Philosophy

4. Language and Culture

This option may only be met through an approved collegelevel language and culture course. Demonstrated language proficiency will not be applied to meet this requirement.


A. SCIENCE (Take two courses, each from a different section. At least one of the courses must include a lab.)

1. Physical Science

ASTR 111 Astronomy

CHEM 101 Introductory Chemistry

(One of the following sequences)

HIST 170+171 World Civilizations

HIST 100+101 History of the United States

(Two of the following, One must be of ANTH, PSYC or

SOCI prefix)

ANTHRO 102 Cultural Anthropology

ECON 200 Principles of Macroeconomics

ECON 201 Principles of Microeconomics

GEOG 120 World Regional Geography

POLIT 100 American Politics

POLIT 106 Introduction to World Politics

PSYCH 100 General Psychology

PSYCH 116 Psychology of Gender Roles

SOCI 100 Introduction to Sociology

SOCI 130 Marriage, Family & Intimate Relationship

SOCI 105 Social Problems

SOCI 141 Minority Relations

ART 100 Art History I: Prehistoric to Medieval Art

ART 102 Art History II: Renaissance to Modern

MUSIC 120 Appreciation of Musical Literature

PHIL 101 Introduction to Philosophy

(One of the following)

ASTRON 150+160 Intro to Astronomy+Lab

CHEM 101 Introduction to Chemistry revised 4/23/2013

CHEM 102 Survey of Organic Chemistry

CHEM 111 General Chemistry

GEOL 233 Geology

PHYS 105 Introduction to Physics

PHYS 111 General Physics

PHYS 211 Physics with Calculus

2. Life and Environmental Science

BIOL 101 Human Anatomy

BIOL 102 Human Physiology

BIOL 105 Introduction to Biology

BIOL 111 Biological Foundations

BIOL 112 Biological Foundations

ENVR 360 Conservation Biology

MICR 134 General Microbiology


(One of the following)

1. Science Engaging Society

This area contains classes only offered at PUC

2. Mathematical Reasoning

MATH 132 Calculus II

MATH 265 Elementary Linear Algebra



FDNT 235 Nutrition

B. FITNESS (4 different courses)

One aerobics activity course and three other activity courses.


Four hours from two or more of the following skill categories:

A. Information Management

CPTR 105 Intro to Computers

INFS 144 PC Operating Systems

INFS 147 PC Word Processing

INFS 148 PC Spreadsheets

INFS 149 PC Databases


Interpersonal Skills

COMM 223 Interpersonal Communication

COMM 226 Public Speaking


Management of Personal Finance

ACCT 121 Financial Accounting

MGMT 160 Small Business Management

D. Outdoor and Survival Skills

E. Visual and Performing Arts

ARTF 121 Drawing Fundamentals

DRMA 229 Acting I: Fundamentals

DRMA 241 Production Credit

MUEN – Music Ensembles


– Music Lessons

CHEM 102 Introduction to Organic Chemistry

CHEM 150 General Chemistry I

GEOL 100+160 Physical Geology+Lab

PHYSIC 100 Introduction to Physics

PHYSIC 110 or 200 General Physics I

PHYSIC 250 College Physics I

ANAT 150 Human Anatomy and Physiology I

ANAT 151 Human Anatomy and Physiology II

BIOL 100 General Biology

BIOL 130 Cell and Molecular Biology

BIOL 131 Populations and Organisms

BIOL 123 Ecology and Environment

MICRO 102 Introductory MIcrobiology

MATH 251 Single Variable Calculus II

MATH 265 Linear Algebra

HEALTH 263 Nutrition and Health

Any Physical Education activity courses

CIS 101 Introduction to Computer & Info Tech

BUSAD 230 Using Computers for Business

OCA 180 Word Processing

OCA 182 Introduction to Spreadsheet

OCA 184 Access and Database Management

SPEECH 111 Interpersonal Communication

SPEECH 100 Elements of Public Speaking

ACCT 208 Intro to Financial Accounting

BUSAD 105 Small Business Management

No equivalent at Crafton HIlls

ART 124 Drawing

THART 120 Beginning Acting

Any performance THART courses

Any music ensemble

Any music lesson

General Education Requirements for the

Bachelor of Business Administration Bachelor of Music Bachelor of Social Work

Students interested in one of these degrees should consult the Pacific Union College Catalog and the director of advising at

PUC. General Education requirements will vary from those listed above.

Courses that are cross-listed with any course in the above agreements will also satisfy the requirement. revised 4/23/2013


Requirements for the Associate of Science Degree in Nursing

No grade lower than a C will apply toward the AS degree requirements.

Pacific Union College Crafton Hills College




ENGL 101 College English

COMM 105 Introduction to Communication


(One of the following)

1. Algebra II in high-school with semester grades of C or better

2. Waiver Exam

3. MATH 095+096 Basic Algebra I+II

(One of the following)

1. One year of HS Chemistry with semester grades of C or better

2. One year of HS Physics with semester grades of C or better

3. CHEM 101 Introductory Chemistry

4. PHYS 105 Introduction to Physics


Must be taken at PUC


BIOL 101 Human Anatomy

BIOL 102 Human Physiology

FDNT 235 Nutrition

MICR 134 General Microbiology

PSYC 121 General Psychology

PSYC 234 Human Development

(At least one of the following)

ANTH 124 Cultural Anthropology

SOCI 121 Introduction to Sociology

SOCI 232 American Social Problems

SOCI 355 Racial & Ethnic Relations

ENGL 101 Freshman Composition

No equivalent at Crafton Hills

MATH 95 Intermediate Algebra

CHEM 101 Introduction to Chemistry

PHYSIC 100 Introduction to Physics

ANAT 150 Human Anatomy and Physiology I

ANAT 151 Human Anatomy and Physiology II

HEALTH 263 Nutrition and Health

MICRO 102 Introductory MIcrobiology

PSYCH 100 General Psychology

PSYCH 111 Developmental Psychology:Lifespan

(At least one of the following)

ANTHRO 102 Cultural Anthropology

SOCI 100 Introduction to Sociology

SOCI 105 Social Problems

SOCI 141 Minority Relations

Requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree

Pacific Union College Crafton Hills College



Completion of the Requirements for the Associate Degree in Nursing as outlined above plus the following:


ENGL 102 College English


STAT 222 Introduction to Statistics


Two courses for at least 8 credits with HIST prefix

(Two of the following from different areas):

Two courses from Art History, Music History,

Literature, or Philosophy


(must be taken at PUC)

ENGL 102 Intermediate Composition & Crit Think

MATH/PSYCH 108 Statistics

Two 100-200 level courses with HIST prefix for at least 8 credits

(Two of the following from different areas):

Any two 100-200 level courses in Art History, Music

History, Literature, or Philosophy


In Progress


In Progress revised 4/23/2013
