Kindergarten Level K — The Shurley Method TABLE OF CONTENTS Lesson Classroom Organization Introduction Page To give classroom organization guidelines before the first day of school. 1 Calander Time To give a detailed guideline on how to organize the daily routine for Calendar Time. 3 The First Day of School To give general guidelines for teaching students about the daily routines of the classroom. 5 Resource Section Alphabet Resource Packet 7 Resource Section Student Activity Pad and Handwriting Booklet 8 Resource Section Recommended Music Selections Resource Section Recipies for Clay/Dough/Paint Lesson 9 10 Unit 1 Page 1 Recognize first name. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Introduce manners and respect. 11 2 Recognize/name the color red. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Listen to a color riddle for enrichment, vocabulary building, and color discrimination. Use large motor muscles in a series of activities. 14 3 Recognize/name a circle. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Listen to a poem about circles (for pleasure), vocabulary building, and shape discrimination. Use small-motor muscles to cut and paste. Use large-motor muscles in a series of activities. 17 4 Recognize/name the color blue. Recognize color and shape. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Listen to poems about colors (for enrichment), vocabulary building, and color discrimination. Use small-motor muscles to cut lines on paper. Use large-motor muscles in a series of activities. 21 5 Recognize/name a square. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Listen to a poem about shapes and color (for enrichment), vocabulary building, and shape/color discrimination. Use small-motor muscles to cut lines on a paper. Use large-motor muscles in a series of activities. 25 6 Recognize/name the color yellow. Recognize colors and shapes. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Listen to a story about color (for enrichment), vocabulary building, and color discrimination. Use small-motor muscles to draw lollipops with sticks to develop writing strokes. Use large-motor muscles in a series of activities. 29 7 Recognize/name a rectangle. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Listen to a poem about shapes and a story about color (for enrichment), vocabulary building, and shape/color discrimination. Use small-motor muscles to draw lollipops and balloons in the shape of circles and lines. Practice speaking and acting correctly in different situations and to different age groups by role playing. Recite and act out a poem about manners. 33 8 Recognize/name the color green. Recognize colors and shapes. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Listen to a poem that names and uses different colors. Draw smiley faces to develop writing strokes. Use large-motor muscles in a series of activities. 37 9 Recognize/name the color orange. Recognize different colors. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Listen to poems, vocabulary building, and color discrimination. Draw a combination of shapes to develop writing strokes. Use large-motor muscles in a series of activities. 40 10 Recognize/name a triangle. Recognize colors and shapes. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Listen to the poems about triangles, vocabulary building, and shape discrimination. Develop following directions and spatial perception by tracing, cutting, and gluing the six parts of a six-part man. Use listening and illustrating activities to expand students’ vocabulary building and shape discrimination. 43 11 Recognize/name the color purple. Recognize colors and shapes. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Listen to poems that name and use the color purple. Develop following directions and spatial perception by tracing and gluing the six parts of a six-part man, a simple house with windows and a door, a tree, and a sun. Use large-motor muscles in a series of activities. 47 12 Recognize/name the color brown. Recognize colors. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Listen to poems that name and use the colors and shapes. Develop following directions and spatial perception by tracing and gluing the six parts of a six-part man. Use large-motor muscles in a series of activities. 50 Kindergarten Level K Teacher’s Manual © SHURLEY INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Table of Contents iii Kindergarten Level K — The Shurley Method Lesson Unit 1 Page 13 Recognize/name the colors black and white. Distinguish colors. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Listen to a story and then answer comprehension questions about the story. Develop following directions and spatial perception by free-drawing a house scene. Use large-motor muscles in a series of activities. 52 14 Recognize/name the color pink. Recognize colors. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Listen to a story and then draw a picture about the story. Develop following directions and spatial perception by tracing and gluing. Use large-motor muscles in a series of activities. 55 15 Recognize/name the color gray. Recognize colors. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Listen to a poem and make ladybug and ant hats. Develop following directions and spatial perception by free-drawing kites and a boat scene Use large-motor muscles in a series of activities. 58 16 Recognize likeness/difference-visual discrimination. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Listen to a poem and dramatize it. Develop following directions and spatial perception by tracing and gluing umbrellas, clouds, flowers, raindrops, and fence. Use large-motor muscles in a series of activities. 61 17 Recognize likeness/difference-visual discrimination. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Listen to a poem and begin making student books of the poem. Develop following directions and spatial perception by free-drawing umbrellas, flowers, raindrops, fences, etc. Use large-motor muscles, follow directions, develop balance and eye-hand coordination. 64 18 Recognize likeness/difference-visual discrimination. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Dramatize poem and read student-made books for an audience. Develop following directions and spatial perception by free-drawing a house with lots of extras. Review the parts of the body and illustrate/dramatize story about caring. 67 Lesson Unit 2 Page 19 Recognize left and right. Recognize likeness/difference in shapes and figures. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Listen to a poem about left and right for enjoyment and information. Develop fine-motor skills and eye-hand coordination. Use a combination of small/large motor skills to develop dexterity and eye-hand coordination. 69 20 Recognize last name. Recognize likeness/difference in shapes and figures. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the letters Aa and the “a” sound through various activities. Listen to a poem about last names for enjoyment and information. Develop fine-motor skills and eye-hand coordination. Use a combination of small/large motor skills to develop dexterity and eye-hand coordination. 72 21 Recognize/name the four seasons. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the letters Bb and the “b” sound through various activities. Listen to a story about the four different seasons to reinforce the characteristics of each. Develop fine-motor skills and eye-hand coordination. Use large motor skills. 76 22 Recognize/name the season called autumn. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Listen to a story/poem that reinforces the characteristics of autumn. Develop fine-motor skills and eye-hand coordination. Use large-motor skills. 80 23 Recognize/name the season called winter. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the letters Cc and the “c” sound through various activities. Listen to a story/poem that reinforces the characteristics of winter. Develop fine-motor skills and eye-hand coordination. Use a large motor skill. 84 24 Recognize/name the season called spring. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the letters sounds through various activities. Listen to a story that reinforces the characteristics of spring. Develop fine-motor skills and eye-hand coordination. Use a large motor skill. 89 25 Recognize/name the season called summer. Answer comprehension questions in an oral story. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the letters Dd and the “d” sound through various activities. Listen to a story that reinforces the characteristics of summer. Develop fine-motor skills and eye-hand coordination. Use a large motor skill. 93 26 Recognize/name the four seasons. Recognize and express through art, the characteristics of the four seasons. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the letters and sounds through various activities. Develop fine-motor skills and eye-hand coordination. Use large motor skills. 98 iv Table of Contents Kindergarten Level K Teacher’s Manual © SHURLEY INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Kindergarten Level K — The Shurley Method Lesson Unit 2 Page 27 Recognize the colors pink/gray/brown and the shapes rectangle/triangle/square/circle. Recognize shapes and colors. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the letters Ee and the “e” sound through various activities. Listen to a story that names and uses different colors. Develop fine-motor skills and eye-hand coordination. Use large-motor skills. 101 28 Understand the meaning of the word “opposites” and recognize examples of opposites. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the letters and sounds through various activities. Listen to a story about opposites. Develop fine-motor skills and eye-hand coordination. Use large-motor skills. 105 29 Show an understanding of the opposites, “under” and “over.” Recognize “under” and “over” as directional words Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the letters Ff and the “f” sound through various activities. Listen to a story and retell it. Develop fine-motor skills and eye-hand coordination. Use large-motor skills. 109 30 Show an understanding of the opposites, “top” and “bottom.” Recognize “top” and “bottom” as directional words. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the letters and sounds through various activities. Listen to a story and retell it. Develop fine-motor skills and eye-hand coordination. Use largemotor skills. 114 31 Show an understanding of the opposites, “above” and “below.” Recognize “above” and “below” as directional words. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the letters Gg and the “g” sound through various activities. Listen and discuss a poem with the words “above” and “below.” Develop fine-motor skills and eye-hand coordination. Use large-motor skills. 117 32 Show an understanding of the opposites, “in” and “out.” Recognize “in” and “out” as directional words. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the letters and sounds through various activities. Listen to a story and poem and respond in different ways. Develop fine-motor skills and eye-hand coordination. Use large-motor skills. 122 33 Show an understanding of the opposites, “before” and “after.” Recognize “before” and “after” as directional words. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the letters Hh and the “h” sound through various activities. Recite parts of a story orally. Develop fine-motor skills and eye-hand coordination. Use large-motor skills. 126 34 Show an understanding of the opposites, “on” and “off.” Recognize “on” and “off” as directional words. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the letters and sounds through various activities. Listen to a nursery rhyme and respond in different ways. Develop fine-motor skills and eye-hand coordination. Use large-motor skills. 130 35 Show an understanding of the opposites, “high” and “low.” Recognize “high” and “low” as directional words. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the letters Ii and the “i” sound through various activities. Listen to a story and respond in different ways. Develop fine-motor skills and eye-hand coordination. Use large-motor skills. 134 36 Show an understanding of the opposites, “up” and “down.” Recognize “up” and “down” as directional words. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the letters and sounds through various activities. Listen to a nursery rhyme and respond in different ways. Develop fine-motor skills and eye-hand coordination. Use large-motor skills. 138 37 Show an understanding of the opposites, “near” and “far.” Recognize “near” and “far” as directional words. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the letters Jj and the “j” sound through various activities. Listen to a poem and respond in different ways. Develop fine-motor skills and eye-hand coordination. Use large-motor skills. 141 38 Show an understanding of the word, “beside.” Recognize “beside” as a directional word. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the letters and sounds through various activities. Listen to a story and demonstrate space perception. Develop fine-motor skills and eye-hand coordination. Use largemotor skills. 145 39 Show an understanding of the word, “between.” Recognize “between” as a directional word. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the letters Kk and the “k” sound through various activities Listen to a story and respond in different ways. Develop fine-motor skills and eye-hand coordination. Use large-motor skills. 149 40 Show an understanding of the word, “pair.” Recognize “pair” as a directional word. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the letters and sounds through various activities. Listen to a poem and respond in different ways. Develop fine-motor skills and eye-hand coordination. Use large-motor skills. 153 Kindergarten Level K Teacher’s Manual © SHURLEY INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Table of Contents v Kindergarten Level K — The Shurley Method Lesson Unit 3 Page 41 Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the letters Ll and the “l” sound through various activities Identify and draw the characters in a story. Develop fine-motor skills and eye-hand coordination. Use large-motor skills. 157 42 Recognize that things are grouped. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Listen to a story to recognize the letter and sound of Ll. Develop fine-motor skills and eye-hand coordination. Use large-motor skills. 161 43 Sort items and pictures into groups. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the letters Mm and the “m” sound through various activities. Listen to a story and recognize the letter and sound of Mm. Develop fine-motor skills and eye-hand coordination. Use a large-motor skill. 164 44 Recognize that there are four food groups. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the letters sounds through various activities. Listen to a story and recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet. Develop fine-motor skills and eye-hand coordination. Use a large-motor skill. 168 45 Identify items in the meat and nuts group. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the letters Nn and the “n” sound through various activities. Listen to a story for enjoyment and information. Develop fine-motor skills and eye-hand coordination. Use fingerplay. 171 46 Identify items in the milk and cheese group. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the letters and sounds through various activities. Listen to a nursery rhyme for enjoyment and information. Develop fine-motor skills and eye-hand coordination. Use large-motor skills. 174 47 Identify items in the bread and cereal group. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the letters Oo and the “o” sound through various activities. Listen to a nursery rhyme for enjoyment and information. Develop fine-motor skills and eye-hand coordination. Use large-motor skills. 178 48 Identify items in the fruits and vegetables group. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the letters and sounds through various activities. Listen to a story for enjoyment and information. Develop fine-motor skills and eye-hand coordination. Use large-motor skills. 182 49 Choose a balanced meal instead of junk food. Recognize the items in a balanced meal. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the letters Pp and the “p” sound through various activities. Listen to a story for enjoyment and information. Develop fine-motor skills and eye-hand coordination. Use large-motor skills. 185 50 Identify different kinds of toys. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the letters and sounds through various activities. Listen to a story for enjoyment and information. Develop fine-motor skills and eye-hand coordination. Use large-motor skills. 189 51 Share their favorite toys. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the letters Qq and the “q” sound through various activities. Listen to a story for enjoyment and information. Develop fine-motor skills and eye-hand coordination. Use large-motor skills. 192 52 Play kickball and house. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the letters and sounds through various activities. Listen to a story for enjoyment and information. Develop fine-motor skills and eye-hand coordination. Use large-motor skills. 196 53 Identify different places and name people/things that would be found there. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the letters Rr and the “r” sound through various activities. Listen to a story for enjoyment and information, and be able to describe/express and experience. Develop fine-motor skills and eye-hand coordination. Use large-motor skills. 199 54 Identify different places and name people/things that would be found there. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the letters and sounds through various activities. Listen to a story for enjoyment and information. Develop fine-motor skills and eye-hand coordination. Use large-motor skills. 203 55 Identify different places and name people/things that would be found there. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the letters Ss and the “s” sound through various activities. Listen to a story for enjoyment and recognize the sound of the letter Ss. Develop fine-motor skills and eye-hand coordination. Use large-motor skills. 207 56 Identify different rooms in a house and name things that would be found there. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the letters and sounds through various activities. Listen to a story for enjoyment and information. Develop fine-motor skills and eye-hand coordination. Use large-motor skills. 211 57 Sort household items into the rooms in which they belong. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the letters Tt and the “t” sound through various activities. Listen to a story and identify the letter Tt and its sound. Develop fine-motor skills and eye-hand coordination. Use large-motor skills. 215 vi Table of Contents Kindergarten Level K Teacher’s Manual © SHURLEY INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Kindergarten Level K — The Shurley Method Lesson Unit 3 Page 58 Identify household items and sort them into containers according to how they are used. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the letters and sounds through various activities. Listen to a story for enjoyment. Develop fine-motor skills and eye-hand coordination. Use large-motor skills. 218 59 Identify household items and sort them into containers according to how they are used. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the letters Uu and the “u” sound through various activities. Listen to a story for enjoyment and information. 221 60 Sort classroom items into containers according to how they are used. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the letters Vv and the “v” sound through various activities. Listen to a poem and respond in different ways. 224 61 Find pairs of things that go together. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the letters Ww and the “w” sound through various activities. Listen to a story and respond in different ways. 227 62 Talk about pairs of things that go together. Find other groups from the pairs. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the letters Xx and the “x” sound through various activities. Listen, memorize, and recite a poem with the letter Xx. 230 63 Find groups within a group. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the letters Yy and the “y” sound through various activities Listen to a poem/story for enjoyment and information. 233 64 Find groups within a group. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the letters Zz and the “z” sound through various activities. Listen to a story for enjoyment and information. 236 65 Find groups within a group. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the letters and sounds through various activities. Listen to a story for enjoyment and information. 239 Lesson Unit 4 Page 66 Recognize/spell first and last name. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the “m” and “b” sounds. Listen to a poem about the five senses. Write the capital letter L. Recite from memory a poem about lines and recognize straight, vertical lines. 241 67 Tie shoes. Review spelling first and last name. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Review the “m” and “b” sounds. Listen to a poem about the five senses. Write the capital letter F. Recite from memory a poem about lines and recognize straight, horizontal lines. 246 68 Memorize student address. Review tying shoes. Review spelling the first and last name. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Review the “m” and “b” sounds. Listen to a poem about the five senses. Write the capital letter E. Recite a poem about lines. 250 69 Memorize student’s phone number. Review spelling first and last name, tying shoes, memorizing address. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Review the “m” and “b” sounds. Listen to a poem about the five senses. Write the capital letter H. Recite from memory a poem about lines and recognize slanted lines. 254 70 Memorize student’s age and birthday. Review tying shoes, memorizing address, and memorizing phone number. Review spelling first and last name.. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Review the “m” and “b” sounds. Listen to a poem about the five senses. Write the capital letter K. Use large-motor muscles in a series of activities. 258 71 Review spelling first and last name, tying shoes, memorizing address, memorizing phone number, and memorizing student’s age and birthday. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the “t” and “p” sounds. Listen to a story about the five senses. Write the capital letter U. Use large-motor muscles in a series of activities. 262 72 Learn about people of different cultures. Play games from other cultures. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Review the “t” and “p” sounds. To recognize and respect people of different of cultures. Write the capital letter P. Use large-motor muscles in a series of activities. 266 73 Learn about community helpers: fire fighter and police officer. Make police officer badges. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Review the “t” and “p” sounds. Listen to a story and draw a picture. Write the capital letter B. Use large-motor muscles in a series of activities. 270 74 Learn about community helpers: doctor, dentist, and nurse. Make doctor/nurse hats. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Review the “t” and “p” sounds. Listen to “Doctor” and “Nurse” poems. Write the capital letter R. Use large-motor muscles in a series of activities. 275 Kindergarten Level K Teacher’s Manual © SHURLEY INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Table of Contents vii Kindergarten Level K — The Shurley Method Lesson Unit 4 Page 75 Learn about community helpers: farmer, grocer, and restaurant worker. Role-play farming, operating a restaurant, and operating a grocery store. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Review the “m”, “b”, “t”, and “p” sounds. Write a class story. Write the capital letter D. Use large-motor muscles in a series of activities. 279 76 Learn about community helpers: banker, teacher, and mayor. Role-play banker/mayor/teacher. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the “n” and “d” sounds. Listen to a poem or story about community helpers. Write the capital letter N. Sing a song about community helpers and role-play jobs. 283 77 Learn about community helpers: barber, hairdresser, and retail worker. Role-play barber/hairdresser/retail worker. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Review the “n” and “d” sounds. Listen to a book or poem about community helpers. Write the capital letter M. Listen to a story about families and sing a song. 287 78 Go on a field trip to various businesses that have been studied. Write and illustrate a class story or write thank-you letters to some of the places visited. Listen to a story about families and sing a song. 290 79 Learn about transportation. Sort pictures and toys into land, water, and air vehicles. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Review the “n” and “d” sounds. Listen to a story and draw on the mural. Write the capital letter V. Use large-motor muscles in a series of activities. Learn about transportation. Make train cars out of rectangles . Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Review the “n” and “d” sounds. Listen to a story or poem and draw on the mural. Write the capital letter W. Use large-motor muscles in a series of activities. 291 80 295 81 Learn about transportation. Make transportation booklets. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Review the “n”, “d”, “t”, and “p” sounds Listen to a story or poem and draw on the mural. Fly paper airplanes. Write the capital letter X. Listen to a story and sing a song about families. 299 82 Learn about transportation. Sort vehicles into land, water, or air. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the “f” and “v” sounds. Listen to a story or poem and draw on the mural. Write the capital letter Y. Listen to a story and sing a song about families. 303 83 Learn about rhyming words. Match pictures of things that rhyme. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Review the “f” and “v” sounds. Learn nursery rhymes. Write the capital letter Z. Sing a song and recognize body parts. Talk about rhyming words. Identify rhyming things. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Review the “f” and “v” sounds. Learn nursery rhymes. Write the capital letter T. Use largemotor muscles in a series of activities. 306 84 310 85 Give examples of rhyming words. Write a class poem that rhymes. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Review the “f” and “v” sounds. Learn nursery rhymes. Write the capital letter I. Listen to a song using motions. 315 86 Give examples of rhyming words. Illustrate a poem. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Review the “n”,“d”,”f”, and “v” sounds. Learn nursery rhymes. Write the capital letter J. Use large-motor muscles in a series of activities. 320 87 Give examples of rhyming words. Participate with each other to write and illustrate a class poem. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Introduce the “l” and “r” sounds. Learn nursery rhymes. Write the capital letter A. Use large-motor muscles in a series of activities. 324 88 Recognize animals that are tame. Identify animal characteristics. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Review the “l” and “r” sounds. Enjoy stories about animals. Write the capital letter O. Use large-motor muscles in a series of activities. 328 89 Recognize animals that live in the zoo. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Review the “l” and “r” sounds. Listen to books about zoo animals for fun. Write the capital letter Q. Have an animal parade and sing animal songs. 332 90 Recognize animals that live in the forest. Create animal art. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Review the “l” and “r” sounds. Recognize “l” and “r” sounds. Enjoy fiction books about forest animals. Write the capital letter C. Use large-motor muscles in a series of activities. 336 91 Recognize animals that live in or near water. Create a fish or sea animal. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Review the “f”,“v”,”l”, and “r” sounds. Listen to stories about animals that live in or near the water. Write the capital letter G. Sing songs about water animals. 340 92 Recognize animals that are insects and spiders. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Review the “m” , “b”, “n”, and “d” sounds. Listen to fiction stories about insects and/or spiders. Write the capital letter S. Sing songs about insects and spiders. 344 viii Table of Contents Kindergarten Level K Teacher’s Manual © SHURLEY INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Kindergarten Level K — The Shurley Method Lesson Unit 5 Page 93 Learn basic English terminology and the noun jingle. Reinforce the importance of English using fine motor skills. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the “h” and “w” sounds. Experience classic storytelling and answer basic comprehension questions. Write all of the capital letters. Use large motor skills. 347 94 Learn what a sentence is. Listen to a story about words, answering questions for reinforcement. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Review the “h” and “w” sounds. Experience classic storytelling and answer basic comprehension questions Write all of the capital letters. Use large motor skills. 351 95 Listen to a story and recognize what a sentence is. Use fine motor skills. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Review the “h” and “w” sounds. Recognize the “h” and “w” sounds. Experience classic storytelling/sequence story details. Write the small letter l. Use large motor skills. 358 96 Recognize sentence rules. Celebrate sentences using fine motor skills. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Review the “h” and “w” sounds. Experience classic storytelling and sequence story details. Write the small letter t. Use large motor skills. 362 97 Recognize sentence rules. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Review the “l,” “r,” “h,” and “w” sounds. Experience classic storytelling and dramatize the story. Write the small letter k. Use large motor skills. 367 98 Learn about a noun. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Introduce the “y” and “z” sounds. Experience classic storytelling and answer basic comprehension questions. Write the small letter b. Use large motor skills. 371 99 Learn the verb jingle. Play a game with nouns. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Review the “y” and “z” sounds. Experience classic storytelling and sequence story details. Write the small letter h. Use large motor skills. 375 100 Recognize a sentence and a noun. Reinforce recognition of a noun through play activity. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Review the “y” and “z” sounds. Experience classic storytelling and sequence story details. Write the small letter o. Use large motor skills. 379 101 Review sentences and sentence fragments, nouns, and listen to a story about verbs. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Review the “y” and “z” sounds. Experience classic storytelling and answer basic comprehension questions. Write the small letter a. Use large motor skills. 383 102 Learn what a verb is. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Review the “h”, “w”, “y”, and “z” sounds. Experience classic storytelling and dramatize the story. Write the small letter d. Use large motor skills. 387 103 Learn how nouns and verbs go together. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the “k” and “s” sounds. Experience classic storytelling and answer basic comprehension questions. Write the small letter g. Use large motor skills. 391 104 Review subject nouns and verbs. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Review the “k” and “s” sounds. Recognize the “c” sound as the “k” sound. Experience classic storytelling and sequence story details. Write the small letter q. Use large motor skills. 397 105 Learn the sentence jingle. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Review the “k”, “s”, and the hard “c” sounds. Experience classic storytelling and answer basic comprehension questions. Write the small letter c. Use large motor skills. 402 106 Review subject nouns and verbs. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Review the “k,” “s,” and “c” sounds Experience classic storytelling and sequence story details. Write the small letter s. Use large motor skills. 407 107 Learn about describing words. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Review the “k,” “s,” “c,” and “y” sounds. Experience classic storytelling and dramatize the story. Write the small letter i. Use large motor skills. 412 108 Practice/recognize describing words. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Review the “k”, “s”, “c”, and “z” sounds. Experience classic storytelling and answer basic comprehension questions. Write the small letter j. Use large motor skills. 417 109 Review subject nouns, verbs, and describing words. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Recognize the “g” and “j” sounds. Experience classic storytelling and sequence story details. Write the small letter u. Use large motor skills. 422 110 Review subject nouns, verbs, and describing words. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Review the “g” and “j” sounds. Experience classic storytelling and sequence story details. Write the small letter r. Use large motor skills. 427 Kindergarten Level K Teacher’s Manual © SHURLEY INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Table of Contents ix Kindergarten Level K — The Shurley Method Lesson Unit 5 Page 111 Practice describing words. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Review the “g” and “j” sounds. Experience classic storytelling and sequence story details. Write the small letter n. Use large motor skills. 432 112 Practice describing words. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Review the “g” and “j” sounds. Experience classic storytelling and dramatize the story. Write the small letter m. Use large motor skills. 437 113 Practice describing words. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Review the “c,” “s,” “j,” and “g” sounds. Experience classic storytelling and answer basic comprehension questions. Write the small letter p. Use large motor skills. 442 114 Review the parts of a sentence. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Review the “m,” “b,” “n,” and “d” sounds. Experience classic storytelling and sequence story details. Write the small letter v. Use large motor skills. 447 115 Learn the difference between telling sentences and asking sentences. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Review the “t,” “p,” “l,” and “r” sounds. Experience classic storytelling and sequence story details. Write the small letter w. Use large motor skills. 452 116 Practice telling sentences, asking sentences, capital letters, and end marks. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Review the “f,” “v,” “h,” and “w” sounds. Experience classic storytelling and dramatize the story. Write the small letter x. Use large motor skills. 457 117 Practice telling and asking sentences, capital letters and end marks. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Review the “y,” “z,” “g,” and “j” sounds. Experience classic storytelling and answer basic comprehension questions. Write the small letter y. Use large motor skills. 462 118 Practice telling and asking sentences, capital letters and end marks. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Review the “k,” “c,” and “s” sounds. Experience classic storytelling and answer basic comprehension questions. Experience classic storytelling and sequence story details. Write the small letter e. Use large motor skills. 467 119 Identify the parts of a sentence, the two kinds of sentences, and simple punctuation. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Review the “l,” “r,” “h,” and “w” sounds. Experience classic storytelling and sequence story details. Write the small letter z. Use large motor skills. 472 120 Identify the parts of a sentence, the two kinds of sentences, and simple punctuation. Recognize the letters/sounds of the alphabet and recite the letters/sounds in sequence. Review the “k,” “g,” “j,” and “f” sounds. Experience classic storytelling and dramatize the story. Write the small letter f. Use large motor skills. 477 Lesson Unit 6 Page 121 Read a Big Book. Write all of the small letters. 483 122 Read a Big Book. Begin making student books. Write all of the small letters. 486 123 Read a Big Book. Continue making student books. Write words. 488 124 Read a Big Book. Continue making student books. Write first and last name and a sentence. 490 125 Read a Big Book. Rewrite the Big Book story as a class. Use lowercase letters to write several words. 492 126 Make a Big Book. Write first and last name and a sentence. 494 127 Read a Big Book. Begin making student books. 496 128 Read a Big Book. Continue making student books. 497 129 Read a Big Book. Continue making student books. 498 130 Make a Big Book. 499 131 Read a Big Book. Begin making student books. 501 132 Read a Big Book. Continue making student books. 502 133 Read a Big Book. Continue making student books. 503 134 Make a Big Book. 504 135 Read a Big Book. Begin making student books. 505 136 Read a Big Book. Continue making student books. 506 137 Read a Big Book. Continue making student books. 507 138 Read a Big Book. Rewrite the Big Book story as a class. 508 x Table of Contents Kindergarten Level K Teacher’s Manual © SHURLEY INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS