Full Time Faculty Hiring Committee 11:00 – 12:00 HR Conference Room March 18, 2009 MINUTES CHAIR/CO-CHAIRS ATTENDEES Alma Arriaga, Theresa Carbajal, Susan Hovde, Carol Kimbrough, Peggy Mayfield, Greg Peterson, Terri Pyer, Sharon Radel, Kathleen Rose GUEST(S) SUPPORT PERSON Patty McEfee CALL TO ORDER 11:12 am APPROVAL OF AGENDA The agenda for the March 18, 2009 meeting was approved with a correction: add “Adoption of Minutes.” APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes for the March 4, 2009 meeting were approved as written. Agenda Items COMMITTEE MEMEBRSHIP ALL DISCUSSION Sharon Radel, Animal Health Technology Instructor, introduced herself as the representative for the Career and Economic Development Department. CONCLUSIONS According to the Committee Handbook, the committee should have a representative from Physical Education as well as a student representative appointed by the Student Senate. ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE Appoint Physical Education faculty member Academic Senate Follow up regarding student representative Greg Peterson Appoint student representative Student Senate NEW BUSINESS JUSTIFICATION EVIDENCE: BEST PRACTICES DEADLINE TERRI PYER DISCUSSION Members shared the following models of full time faculty hiring justifications and procedures: o West Valley Mission Community College District – Carol Kimbrough o Saddleback College Justification for Hiring Full-Time Faculty (filled out for a librarian) – Peggy Mayfield o Community College of Allegheny County (Pittsburg, PA); Librarian Hiring Justification Form – Peggy Mayfield o Miramar – Terri Pyer o Fresno City College (by way of Saddleback College) – Theresa Carbajal Those who worked last year with the draft version of the Justification for Full Time Faculty Hire form were satisfied with the results, except for the question of how much weight each criterion carries. This document was used for one round of hiring only. CONCLUSIONS All of the data requested in these example forms are available for Hartnell. The question is how to establish specific standards that can be compared across disciplines and how to assign weight to all criteria. How do we capture information from sources such as the Educational Master Plan? The members decided to continue researching and sharing examples of best practices for justification evidence and to work together to create a process/form that encompasses the function and the goals of the committee. ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE Continue to research best practices to share with the committee All ongoing Create web page where these examples of best practices can be accessed by the members and a working copy of a justification document can be shared. Patty asap NEW BUSINESS RESPONSIBILITY VIS A VIS RESOURCE ALLOCATION COMMITTEE (RAC) TERRI PYER DISCUSSION According to the Committee Handbook, the function of this committee is: To establish criteria for the hiring of full-time faculty based on the educational needs of the student population as identified by the Resource Allocation Committee. Further, the committee will judge all requests for the filling of full-time faculty positions against the identified needs and make recommendations to fill specific positions to the Academic Senate and Governing Board. Those who were on the committee in previous years described the past process: requests for faculty hires came from departments through the representing dean/VP and faculty; members evaluated the requests, and recommendations were made to the President/Superintendent based on a vote of the members. CONCLUSIONS Although the central task of the committee hasn’t substantially changed, this group needs to: • • Create a tool that will tie into the college Educational Master Plan, one that considers core courses, program requirements, new programs, and existing programs with growing needs o Where do we want to go o Based on need and growth, how many faculty should we have for each area and where are we lacking o What is the big picture o Use enrollment data for several years (five?) to consider programs that have lost faculty and ones that have been dropped o Recognize variables such as growth and how easy it is to find adjuncts o Look into data from UC’s as more students are coming to community colleges o Consider current NIC Determine how and when the work of the committee will flow to and from the Resource Allocation Committee (RAC) o Can the committee be ready to make recommendations by mid May o Will it be possible to hire throughout the summer ACTION ITEMS Create a tool that will aid the committee in determining full time faculty hiring recommendations Generate a history report per discipline that shows what should be considered when recommending full time faculty for a specific discipline (adjuncts, enrollments, hard to find faculty, etc.) Data about growth NEW BUSINESS PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE All asap Greg with Gary asap Greg Peterson Next meeting PROPOSED HIRING NEEDS ALL DISCUSSION Although it is late in the year to be hiring full time faculty for 2009/10, there is a lot of talent still available, especially in the current economic situation. CONCLUSIONS The members will make a recommendation to the RAC on the number of faculty to hire for 2009/10, planning for our true obligation based on growth. ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE Send the committee’s recommendation to the Resource Allocation Committee (RAC) that we hire 9 full time faculty for 2009/10, which includes the current recruitments for Construction, Speech, and Learning Skills Specialist for Nursing. Terri asap ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE Send email to members regarding committee schedule Patty asap NEXT MEETING DISCUSSION CONCLUSIONS Establish an email communication to schedule future meetings. ADJOURNMENT 12:06 pm