PASTORAL PLAN Pastoral Plan School Name:

Pastoral Plan
School Name:
School Mission Statement:
The mission of the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board, in partnership with the family
and church, is to provide, in a responsible manner, a Catholic education which develops spiritual,
intellectual, aesthetic, emotional, social, and physical capabilities of each individual to live fully
today and to meet the challenges of the future, thus enriching the community.
In striving to attain eternal happiness for the greater glory of God, the St. Basil Catholic School
community celebrates each child’s spiritual growth, promotes academic excellence and lifelong
learning, places high regard on the respect and dignity of every individual and works for social
justice and equity to maximize the potential of every person.
St. Basil Catholic School is committed to Catholic education as outlined in the mission statement
of the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board. Our students come to us with a variety of
strengths and needs, with our Catholic faith as our common bond. Our prayer life, liturgical
celebrations, the sacraments, and our faith and values systems form the foundation of our school
program. We provide a learning environment where models of Gospel values and Catholic
doctrines, teachings and beliefs are an integral part of the daily life of our school.
- See more at:
School Motto: Living, Loving, Learning
The school motto, “Living, Loving, Learning”, and our mission statement, reflect our
commitment to nurture the whole child to strive for personal growth and lifelong learning. Staff,
the pastoral team, and our parent community work collaboratively to help students understand
and accept the challenges and joys of walking in the footsteps of Jesus. Together, we welcome
all within our community and reach out to others outside of our community, accepting each
person as a child of God.
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Pastoral Plan Links to Strategic Plan/Catholic Board Learning Plan:
 Link: Strategic Plan 2014-2019 Strategic System Plan
 Link: Catholic Board Learning Plan CBLP 20c13-2016
Our Parish: Saints Martha and Mary
Pastor: Rev. Darrin Corkum
Parish website:
Message from the Pastor:
The importance of Catholic Education cannot be seen unless it is fully realized in the family and the parish
as well. It is the three pillars of faith in action that is seen in the partnership of PARISH, FAMILY and
SCHOOL. Together, we see faith nurtured in the family, grown in the weekly parish Mass and put into
practice in the greater community as seen in the local Catholic school. Each builds upon the faith of the
preceding element and influence. The school is the outward expression of faith of the family, as lived in a
parish community. For Catholic educators, it is the three-fold expression of our faith, this three-fold live
reality of our faith that is at the core of who and what and why Catholic education is so important.
The expression of Catholic education is seen in the school not as an end in itself, but as a part of the greater
whole; that education is part of a holistic examination of one’s personal life and his/her prayer life all
bound together in a social and learning life found in our Catholic schools.
It is encouraging to see our Catholic educators living their faith amongst their students in the weekly
celebration of Sunday Mass. This lived reality of faith is manifested in the lessons of the school; that what
is learned on Sundays is not limited to only one day, but are reflected during the lesson plans of the
week. This unity of faith, family and school are fundamental to spiritual and moral growth.
I am truly pleased to say that our Catholic schools in Mississauga reflect well the aims and goals of our
families and parishes. Together, let us serve our Lord and one another, in love and faith.
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Here is the Mass Schedule:
First Friday:
No Mass
9:00 a.m.
7:00 p.m. Mass and Novena to "Our Mother of Perpetual Help"
9:00 a.m.
7:00 p.m. Mass and Divine Mercy Chaplet
7:00 p.m. Mass and Benediction
9:00 a.m.
Weekend Masses
Saturday Evening: 4:30 p.m.
9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
Confessions: Saturdays: 3:30 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. or by appointment 905 625-5670
Message from the Catholic School Council:
The St. Basil Catholic School Council proudly supports faith formation for our community. We
collaborate with the school in order to support faith formation. Our Council has supported various
activities to raise funds for local charities, such as, St. Vincent de Paul Society and food banks and
annually support Archdiocese of Toronto ShareLife campaign.
Catholic Education Week Theme: Opening the Doors to Mercy
Throughout Catholic Education Week, we ask you to reflect on the significance of Catholic education’s
presence and contribution in our Church, and in our society.
May 1 – 6, 2016 is Catholic Education Week.
Please visit our school website under the ‘Events’ Tab for all “Opening the Doors of Faith”
activities. LINK: CEW under Events
May 1-6th, 2016
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Opening the Doors of Mercy
Theme: Catholic Education: Opening the Doors of Mercy
Pope Francis has declared 2016 a “Holy Year of Mercy” as a way for the Catholic Church to
“make more evident its mission to be a witness of mercy”. The year will be celebrated from
December 8, 2015 - November 20, 2016.
Five sub-themes, one for each of the five days of Catholic Education Week, help students to
understand the rich meaning of this year’s theme:
Day 1..... Mercy that Welcomes - (Jesus and the Woman at the Well)
Day 2 ..... Mercy that Loves - (The Good Samaritan)
Day 3 ..... Mercy that Forgives - (The Prodigal Son)
Day 4 .....Mercy that Lives the Gospel - (Zacchaeus)
Day 5 ..... Mercy that Rejoices - (Healing of the Paralytic)
The students at St. Basil Catholic School will be demonstrating a spirit of awareness and
reflection during Catholic Education Week on the significance of Catholic education’s presence
and contribution in our Church, and in our society. We invite all members of our community, to
participate in the celebrations and activities that will mark the celebration of Catholic Education
Week 2016 in our schools.
Faith Formation:
Forming ourselves in our Catholic faith is a foundational element in helping each of us
understand and live in the example of Christ.
St. Basil Catholic School participates in various activities that support both adult and student
faith formation. These activities include sacramental preparation, masses, student and staff
liturgies. Our school also have staff members who are Faith Ambassadors as well as Youth
Faith Ambassadors more commonly known at the school as Student Leaders who provide by
example a devotion to our faith and commitment to encourage others to express themselves
through faith-based activities including prayer and faith in action initiatives.
Annually staff and faculty have opportunity to participate in adult faith formation through the
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board Adult Faith Ambassador program attending
various gathering, liturgies and retreats. In addition, teachers have the opportunity to attend
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‘When Faith Meets Pedagogy’ Conference, held annually in October. This year’s conference is
scheduled for October 23, 2015 at the International Plaza Hotel.
Sacramental Preparation:
As Catholic we understand sacraments to be "outward signs instituted by Christ to give grace."
Together in partnership with our parish, we support the preparation of God’s children in
receiving the sacraments.
Grade 2
Sacrament of Reconciliation
February 23, 2106
Sacrament of 1st Holy Communion April 10, 2016
Sacrament of Confirmation
Grade 7 and 8
April 14, 2016
Liturgical Celebrations:
The Liturgical calendar is marked by the gathering in community to celebrate the Eucharist and
share in prayer.
Opening & Thanksgiving
Advent Mass
Lenten Mass/Ash Wednesday
Closing Liturgy
October 15, 2015
December 10, 2015
February 17, 2016
June 22, 2016
Social Justice / Outreach Activities / Charities:
Catholic Social Teachings of the Church root our actions in supporting human dignity and the
preferential option of the poor which calls us to serve the most vulnerable in the world.
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Our school participates in various outreach activities and supports organizations such as
ShareLife, food banks and the like. Our Youth Faith Ambassadors/Student Leaders and Faith
with Works organize food drives throughout the school year as well as raise funds to support
the 34 agencies of ShareLife. Staff also contribute to ShareLife by participating in casual dress
days on Fridays.
Recognizing Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations:
Framed by the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations (OCSGE), our graduates will be
effective communicators, reflective thinkers, lifelong learners, collaborative contributors, caring
family members, responsible citizens and discerning believers formed in the Catholic faith
St. Basil Catholic School demonstrates a commitment to realizing the Ontario Catholic School
Graduate Expectations. Classrooms focus on the Catholic Graduate Expectations and Virtues
education. We address the Catholic Graduate Expectations and Virtues at monthly
assemblies, announcements and through our Religious Education and Family Life program.
Celebrating Virtues:
A virtue is a habit or established capacity to perform good actions according to a moral
standard. When we practice these virtues we strengthen them and thereby make the presence
of God more and more visible in the world around us.
Through teacher modeling of our Catholic faith and the virtues program, each child develops
spiritually, emotionally, physically and academically. Virtues education is celebrated during
morning announcements, classroom activities and at monthly assemblies.
Visible Signs of our Faith:
Through symbol and service, we are instruments of God’s love whose work within our
communities stands as a witness to our faith.
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Our school has many signs to signify our faith including crosses, bibles, prayer tables and
community services. Our foyer is decorated with an altar, cross and a statue of Mother Mary.
Our faculty, staff and students serve as witness to our faith by devoting time to community
Resource List for Parents:
 Religious Education Curriculum - Ontario Religious Education Curriculum
 Family Life Curriculum - Ontario Family Life Curriculum
 Fully Alive Program information - Ontario Bishops' information on Fully Alive
Resouce List for Schools:
 Vocations Units
We have Vocations units as part of the Grades 2, 5, and 8 curriculum. The goal of these
supplementary units is to deepen one’s understanding of God’s call – the “vocare” – to
various forms of life within the Church.
 History of the Parish
Through the resource book Our Story, Our Tradition, Our Journey, grade 7 students have
the opportunity to learn about the history of our parish.
 Enduring Gift Video
Sts. Martha and Mary Parish
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