Venerable Michael J. McGivney Catholic School March 2016 McGivney Events

March 2016
Venerable Michael J.
McGivney Catholic School
McGivney Events
March 1
Rosary Apostolate (a.m.)
450 Fernforest Drive, Brampton, ON, L6R 2P7
Phone: 905-792-0630
J. Amodeo
Vice Principal:
V. Carey
S. DelGobbo
L. Storey
S. Xaviour
St. Marguerite d’Youville Parish:
Fr. R. Mignella
Catholic School Council Chair:
M. Licata
March 2
Lenten Mass @ 1:00
March 10
The Great Big Crunch @ 2:30
March 14
March Break Begins –No
March 18
March Break Ends
March 21
Holy Week Begins
March 24
Holy Thursday
March 24
Stations of the Cross
March 25
Good Friday – No School
March 28
Easter Monday – No School
March 29
Virtue Assembly at 2:10
March 30
The Great Gulp at 2:30
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Newsletters are also made
available electronically on the
school website. In an effort to be
more environmentally friendly and
communicate with families in an
effective and timely manner we are
now distributing our Newsletters
via email.
Venerable Michael J. McGivney
School has a Twitter Account.
We will be posting information
on this account throughout the
This month we will celebrate the virtue of Kindness.
God has given us the gifts of friends and companions
to keep us company and to help us out along the
way. As brothers and sisters who share one Holy
Spirit, we are all valuable to God. We all deserve to
be shown concern for our welfare and our feelings.
We have all been given the fruit of the spirit called
Kindness. Kindness can only be seen through
actions. It’s not enough to say I will be kind or I am
kind. We must show that we are kind by our words
and our actions.
MEETING is April 14th @ 6:30.
Please join us.
On Thursday, May 12th, 2016
the Catholic School Council
will be hosting a Family
Movie Night at McGivney!
More information to follow.
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Our Youth Faith
Ambassadors are
organizing a Lenten Food
Drive from March 21st to
April 05th. The nonperishable food items will
be given to the Knights
Table. Please send in any canned or non-perishable
food with your child. Boxes will be available for
donations in the front lobby of the school. Thank you
to all for your generosity.
The second week of
February was Spirit Week
at McGivney. The highlight
was a Staff vs. Student
Volleyball game. Students
were asked to contribute a
toonie towards Sharelife.
$468.15 was raised for
ShareLife. Stay tuned for more exciting Spirit Events
to support Sharelife coming in the spring.
On February 25th, 2016, the Grade 7 and 8 Youth Faith
Ambassadors visited the Daily Bread Food Bank to
donate 240 kg/529 pounds of non-perishable food
items that had been collected during McGivney’s
annual Christmas Food Drive. The YFAs helped sort
through the food and learned about food banks and
their importance. The YFAs sorted through enough
food to save 79 families. Many of the YFAs found the
trip very humbling and they expressed their gratitude
for the food that God provides their families. Thank you
to Mrs. Sadurski, Mrs. Fernandes, and Mrs. Travaglini
for accompanying the YFAs on this trip.
We are pleased to
announce that our
McGivney Choir
sang the Canadian
and American
anthems before the
Brampton Beast Hockey game on February 28, 2016.
The choir put on an amazing performance! Thank
you to Mrs. Campanelli and Mrs. Fernandes for their
time and dedication in preparing the students.
We are in the process of
planning staffing and organizing
classes for the 2016-2017
school year. If you are planning
on moving out of the Venerable
Michael J. McGivney area, or
simply changing addresses
within our boundaries, please let the office know as
soon as possible. Families with students who live
outside of the school area are reminded that they
must apply through the Flex Boundary policy to
the Principal for permission to attend the school
in September 2016.
Staff will soon be
meeting to organize
class lists for September
2016. If there are any
special learning needs
your child has that you
feel we should know when making up classes, please do
so in writing to Mr. Amodeo by April 29th. Letters that
list a request for a specific teacher will not be
considered. Please limit comments to specific
learning styles. Requests for your child to be placed
with a “friend” will not be considered. If you feel your
child has an ongoing conflict with another child, please
write us a letter and we will do our best to separate
them. All staff work hard to balance class lists by
abilities, gender and learning style. Please bear in mind
that small primary classes (max 20) often result in
combined classes throughout the school. These are a
fact of life that children will have to experience from time
to time. Requests for students not to be placed in a
combined grade will not be considered.
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Parents are reminded that
students should arrive at their
bus stops about 10 minutes
before the bus is expected to
arrive. The buses are on a tight
schedule every morning and are
making every effort to maintain their schedules.
Parents are asked to review bus safety rules and
understand that pupil’s failure to comply with
them could result in removal of privileges.
A reminder to parents/guardians
to call in their children’s absences
and lates. It is the school’s
expectation that all students arrive
at school on time and be prepared
for class. Being consistently and continuously late
interrupts the class during lessons and creates delays
in the office. Please note that issues with lates and
absenteeism may involve the school’s Administration,
Child and Youth Worker and Social Worker. Thank
you for your support.
Bus Safety Rules are very important in order to
ensure the safety of all students. Please review the
following Bus Safety Rules with your child(ren).
Remain seated at all times on the bus
No eating / drinking on the bus
Speak using indoor voices
Be respectful to the bus driver
Keep arms, head etc. inside the bus
Get on and off in a controlled manner
Do not use profane or rude language
Obey directions from the driver promptly.
Refrain from any activity which may be injurious to
other students.
Keep the aisles clear.
Every student in Grade 3
and 6 in the province of
Ontario will take this
provincial assessment in
reading, writing, and
mathematics. It will take
place between May 25 to June 8, 2016, for all
students in grade 3 and grade 6. Kindly avoid
booking dental, doctor appointments or vacations
during this time. The actual test will take six half days
to administer. Visit DPCDSB on the web for Board and
School profiles.
Many students have the opportunity to travel with their
families during the school year. While these trips,
requiring an extended absence, may be educational,
there will be learning, assessment, and participation
missed during the trip. Please discuss any plans for
extended family trips and the implications of an
extended absence with the Principal, Mr. Amodeo.
March marks NUTRITION MONTH! We are
encouraging all staff and students to eat healthy and
be active. Don't forget to bring in a healthy snack and
healthy lunches. Every
day, the Healthy School
Team Leaders from each
class go around to see
who is eating a healthy
morning snack. At lunch,
in order to receive a tally
mark, your child needs
to ensure their lunch has
2-4 of the 4 food groups.
Encourage your child to
help pack their lunches
and ma
We are also encouraging walking to school. The sun is
out and Spring is around the corner. Why not make your
morning routine an active one? Don't forget - FIT
FRIDAY! Every Friday, at first recess, meet Mrs. Pupo at
the soccer field to complete your laps.
It's back by popular demand - The NUTRITION MONTH
POSTER CONTEST!!!! Attention students who love to
draw, be sure to enter our contest. Posters are due
MARCH 30TH by 2:00pm. Criteria for submissions are
posted around the school. Good luck!!!
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Stress can affect
people of all ages.
How can you tell if
your child is stressed?
Physical symptoms
may be similar in
children as in adults.
However, the way
children deal with
these feelings could
be quite different. Causes of stress for children can
stem from school, home or peers, with the symptoms
varying with each child. Look for signs such as
inability to concentrate, sleep difficulty, a drop in
grades, toileting, eating concerns or isolation from
family and peer relationships.
Here are a few tips to help minimize stress in your
Good readers do better at school. Buy books your
child likes to read. Read to your child. Visit the
library. Be a reader yourself and model what you
want your child to do.
Is there a place where school supplies are placed the
night before to be ready to go in the morning? Does
your child keep an accurate agenda as a reminder of
tasks that require completion?
Is there ample time set aside to complete homework
by the given deadline? Is homework done in a fairly
quiet place with good lighting and few distractions?
• Encourage your child to tell you if he or she feels
• Set a good example of how to deal with stress.
• Make your child aware of anticipated family changes,
in an age-appropriate way. Children will often think
the worst about a situation they do not understand.
• Help your child select appropriate extracurricular
activities and limit over scheduling.
• Encourage physical activity, good nutrition and rest.
• Encourage healthy and diverse friendships.
• Use encouragement and natural consequences when
poor decisions are made.
• Monitor television viewing, web browsing and video
game use.
• Remind your child of his or her ability to get through
tough times, particularly with the love and support
of family and friends.
• Communicate with your child’s teacher for possible
• Seek the assistance of a physician, school
psychologist, school counselor, or school social worker if
stress continues to be a concern.
High marks do not guarantee success in life nor low
marks failure. However, self-confidence,
perseverance, and willingness to put forth enough
effort to work through difficulties are characteristics of
If you only talk about school at reporting time, you are
missing golden opportunities to reinforce good work
habits, and risk sending the message that only the
product counts, not the process of learning.
There is a difference between helping your child do
better and responding quickly to him/her falling short.
Positive suggestions do help, but value-laden
criticism hurts and diminishes one’s dignity. When
things are not going well is when we most need an
encouraging word.
For more information:
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Thank you to all parents for
their concerted effort at
helping to keep our students’
safety a priority when using
the Kiss and Ride lane in our
I co-operate with others in
all that I do
I value everyone's work
I respect and listen to
I think of others before
I follow rules of fair play
I work hard in school so that
I can build my community
and make it a better place
Because I am a team player, I know that 'Together
is Better', and we will live our lives like Jesus.
Colder weather is still here!
Please ensure that your child
comes to school prepared to
participate in all activities
including outdoor recess. All
children should have hats,
scarves, gloves, warm coats and boots, labelled with
their names. In colder weather we often receive
requests to allow children to remain indoors when
students have a cold. Please note that we cannot
comply, as we have neither the facilities, nor the staff
to supervise these students. If you feel your child is
not well enough to go outside, it would be best
for you to keep your child at home; moreover,
health officials indicate that fresh air is beneficial,
as long as students are dressed appropriately. On
extreme cold days, we limit the amount of time that
students spend outdoors. We obtain our weather
information from the Environment Canada Weather
website and follow board guidelines. With the
exception of these occasions, all children will go
out for recesses and the lunch break.
To ensure the safety of students please follow these
 Use the Kiss ‘N Ride lane only; do not drop off your
child or stop in the Drive-Thru lane.
 Drop children only when you reach the front of the
line at the stop sign or under the direction of the
supervisor on duty. Please wait your turn.
 Your child must exit the car on the right hand side
 Your child must be ready to exit the car on their own;
if they are unable to exit on their own please park on
the street and walk your child in.
Please do not:
drop your child off or STOP in the Drive Thru lane
allow your child to exit the car on the right hand side
into the drive thru lane
You may not leave your car unattended, in the Kiss N
Ride, the Drive Thru Lane or the FIRE LANE at the
front of the school at any time of the day.
Parents & Visitors in the School
A reminder that all visitors
and volunteers, INCLUDING
PARENTS must come to the
office, sign in and pick up a
visitor sticker. Anyone not
wearing a visitor sticker will
be asked to return to the office to sign in and pick one
We thank you for your cooperation in supporting a
safe environment at Venerable Michael J. McGivney
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The Online Reporting Tool
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School board
provides the Online Reporting Tool to help nurture a
safe, caring and inclusive school environment for
students in grades 3 – 8 who become aware of
bullying incidents and negative behaviours. The
student can simply ‘click’ on the link found on our
school’s website to fill out the report. The report will
then be directly emailed to the Principal and/or Vice
Principal and will be dealt with accordingly.
Both Junior Girls’ and Boys’ Basketball
teams had a great season! The teams
started out strong in January, when they
participated in the G-Zilla invitational
tournament at Notre Dame Secondary
School. The girls placed second, and the
boys placed first. From there, the teams
went on to play in the mini tournament in
February. Both teams were undefeated
and finished first, securing a place in the Family
finals. After an exciting day of
basketball, both teams made the
finals! The girls finished second
place, and the boys won the
tournament, advancing to the
Board tournament! The Junior
Boys played well and fought
hard. They ended their season
finishing in the top 8 out of over
150 schools. Way to go McGivney
Knights...your school is so proud of you!
It is important to recognize that the Online Reporting
Tool is an alternate reporting option. It is best
practice to speak directly with a responsible adult at
home and/or in the school.
Parents are reminded that students should not be
bringing personal items such as toys, cards
(Pokemon, etc), games, video games and so on
to school unless their teacher requests them to be
brought in for a specific purpose.
Black History Month is an opportunity to share the
historical and present contributions of Black Canadians
and Americans. It has been celebrated in Canada since
the 1950’s. Black History Month is an opportunity for
Canadians to recognize the significant influences that
individuals of African heritage have made, and continue
to make, in areas such as education, medicine, art,
culture, public service, economic development, politics
and human rights. Venerable Michael J. McGivney has
celebrated the accomplishments and successes of Black
Canadians who have contributed to our society. We
honour their contributions through sharing their stories
daily over the morning announcements, participating in
various lessons, through bringing in Duane Gibson(D.O)
with his powerful message of Staying Driven, through
watching the “Our Friend Martin” video, and listening to a
story read by Mrs. Carey and Mrs. Nanfara. Thank you
to Ms. Stewart and her class, for preparing daily
announcements celebrating the contributions and lives
of Black Canadians.
In the month of March, our
school will be monitoring our
waste consumption and the
correct use of the recycle
bins each day. McGivney will
be completing a 4-6 week
challenge, where each class
will be assessed on their recycling habits and waste
reduction practices. Classroom garbage cans and
recycle bins will be weighed regularly, in hopes of
achieving our overall goal, which is to reduce the
amount of waste we produce by at least 50%. Please
help us in achieving this goal by remembering to bring
in reusable containers and water bottles (Boomerang
Lunch Program). With your help and support, we can
continue on our path towards claiming our first ever
“GOLD” level Eco status.
On March 30th, our school will be participating in “The
Great Gulp” campaign. The Great Gulp is an annual
event held every March to help create awareness about
the importance of Peel drinking water in our lives, as well
as continuing to use reusable water bottles. Please join
us by remembering to bring in a reusable water bottle!
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