Venerable Michael J. McGivney Catholic School JANUARY 2016 Upcoming Events

Venerable Michael J.
McGivney Catholic School
450 Fernforest Drive, Brampton, ON, L6R 2P7
Phone: 905-792-0630
J. Amodeo
Vice Principal:
V. Carey
S. Del Gobbo
L. Storey
S. Xaviour
St. Marguerite d’Youville Parish:
Fr. R. Mignella
Catholic School Council Co-Chairs:
M. Licata
C. Purville
Upcoming Events
January 5
Round 2 Hep B Gr. 7
HPV Gr. 8 Girls
January 12
Rosary Apostolate
January 18
PA Day – No School for Students
January 21
Grad Photographs
January 21
RAID program for gr. 6
A New Year Prayer
God, thank you for a new year. May everyone in our family be willing to
begin anew with a clean slate. We know that you are always ready to
forgive us. Help us to be willing to forgive ourselves and to forgive one
another. As we begin a new year, remind us of our truest values and our
deepest desires. Help us to live in the goodness that comes from doing
what you want us to do. Help us to put aside anxiety about the future and
the past, so that we might live in peace with you now, one day at a time.
January 22
Healthy Schools Kick-off Assembly
January 25
JK Registration Night
January 25
Virtue Assembly at 2:10
January 26
Earth Rangers Presentation
January 27
Family Literacy Day
January 27
Brampton Library Visit-Gr. 5
January 28
School Council Meeting at 6:30pm
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Welcome to 2016. We hope that everyone in the Venerable Michael J. McGivney
Catholic School community was able to rest and rejuvenate over the holiday season.
It is our prayer that this year all of us will be blessed with health and happiness. As
the first term draws near the end, we would ask that you continue to encourage your
child/children to do their absolute very best each and every day. As always, we
strive to work collaboratively with home, to best support the needs of all of our
Mr. J. Amodeo
Mrs. V. Carey
Vice Principal
A very special thank you to Fr. Robert who celebrated our
Advent school mass on Tuesday, Dec. 9th, 2015.
Thank you to all of the families who contributed to our
Christmas Food Drive. Thank you to all of the families
who contributed to the Helping Hands Project and thank
you to Mrs. Vecchiarelli and our Youth Faith
Ambassadors who coordinated this project.
Newsletters are also made
available electronically on the
school website. In an effort to be
more environmentally friendly and
communicate with families in an
effective and timely manner we are
now distributing our Newsletters
via email.
Venerable Michael J. McGivney
School has a Twitter Account.
We will be posting information
on this account throughout the
Through regular celebrations, in class discussions and prayer,
students will learn examples of how to perform virtuous actions
and this month our focus will be the virtue of Self-Control.
A person with SELF-CONTROL …
Is patient
Knows how to wait his/her turn
Can calm him/herself down and think before reacting
to situations
Knows how to avoid physical aggression
Can think things through and do what is best for
Upcoming Virtue Assemblies
Jan. 25
Feb. 22
Mar. 29
Apr. 25
May 06
Jun. 20
All of our Virtue
assemblies take
place in the gym at
2:10. All
are welcome to
6:30. Please join us.
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I have thoughts and opinions that matter
I make good choices
I have hope for the future
I solve problems with knowledge, understanding
and prayer
I know we are all equal and special
Because I have ideas, I have a purpose, and I will
live my life like Jesus.
Our First Term Report
Cards for Grade 1-8
students will be sent
home on Tuesday
Feb. 2nd, 2016. The
parent, teacher,
student conferences
for grade K – 8 are
scheduled for the evening of Thursday, February 4th
and February 5th during the day. You are encouraged
to contact your child (ren)’s teacher at any time should
you require clarification, or if you have questions or
concerns about student progress.
In order to respect the caution
required for bringing food into the
school, parents are asked to use
alternate methods to recognize your
child’s birthday. This could be in the
form of a book donated to the class
in your child’s name or a non-edible treat i.e. pencil,
sticker etc. Donuts from Tim Horton’s, or any
other food product are not to be permitted as a
treat in class.
The Knights of Columbus Basketball free-throw is once
again being offered to our community. It is organized
by the St. Anthony Council.
It will be held: Saturday, January 23rd at Lester B.
Pearson. Registration will begin at 8:30am.
Competition will start at 9am.
Open to all children from the ages of 9-14.
If you are interested in having your child participate,
please bring them on Saturday morning to:
Lester B. Pearson Catholic School
140 Howden Blvd., Brampton
L6S 2G1
Colder weather is here again!
Please ensure that your child
comes to school prepared to
participate in all activities
including outdoor recess. All
children should have hats,
scarves, gloves, warm coats and boots, labeled with
their names. In colder weather we often receive
requests to allow children to remain indoors when
students have a cold. Please note that we cannot
comply, as we have neither the facilities, nor the staff
to supervise these students. If you feel your child is
not well enough to go outside, it would be best
for you to keep your child at home; moreover,
health officials indicate that fresh air is beneficial,
as long as students are dressed appropriately. On
extreme cold days, we limit the amount of time that
students spend outdoors. We obtain our weather
information from the Environment Canada Weather
Information Line and follow board guidelines. With
the exception of these occasions, all children will
go out for recesses and the lunch break.
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As we move into the wet Winter
Season and a change in weather we
would ask that all students bring a
pair of indoor shoes that can be
worn inside of the school and left in
their classrooms. Your cooperation
is appreciated.
A decision to cancel school
transportation, and/or to close
schools due to inclement
weather is usually made by
6:30 a.m. Bus or school
cancellations during winter
months are broadcast on
various media outlets. Please check the school board’s
transportation website, for the most up to
date information.
Rough play on the schoolyard can lead
to injuries. Pushing, shoving, play
fighting are forms of unacceptable play
that compromise student safety. Please
reinforce with your children the “keep
your hands and feet to yourself” rule.
Registration for Junior and Senior Kindergarten for the
2016—2017 school year will take place at all Catholic
elementary schools on the following dates:
Monday, January 25, 2016 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.
Snow Date Only— Tuesday, January 26, 2016 from
7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
January 27th, 28th & 29th, 2016 from 9:00—3:00 p.m.
To register your child, you will need:
1. Proof of age.
2. Original Catholic Baptismal Certificate of the Roman,
Greek, or Ukrainian Rite, for one parent and child (if the
child has not been baptized, a letter of counseling with
the parish priest, to complete the process will be
3. Updated immunization records.
4. Proof of Canadian citizenship or Landed Immigrant
5. Proof of address (Two of the following
As we mentioned in
our November
newsletter the
McGivney Math
Meeting of the
initiative is well
underway. We are
students to celebrate their math success by sharing it
with you, the parents. Twice this month students will
be taking home a piece of their math work. Parents
are asked to simply listen and have a discussion with
their child about the math concept they are learning
about in class. We hope that parents will enjoy taking
part in their child’s math journey and encourage math
language to be practiced at home.
1. property tax bill
2. real estate document, e.g., Purchase
Agreement/*Rental Agreement
3. current utility bill
4. Government of Canada-issued forms,
e.g., passport, Service Canada
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You are invited to St. Marguerite D'Youville Parish Alpha
Course Have questions on life, faith & God but just did
not know what to do about it? ....Try Alpha.
Alpha is run over Ten Wednesday evening sessions and
includes dinner, a short talk and an open discussion
where you can share your thoughts.
The talks are designed to encourage conversation and
explore Christianity in a friendly, honest and informal
The next Alpha dinner evening will be:
Wednesday January 20, 2016 at 6:30 pm
Pre-registration recommended as space is limited.
An Introduction to Theology of the Body:
St. Marguerite D'Youville presents an 8 session video
series on "Theology of the Body"
Please join us on Thursday evenings:
Sessions 1 - 4: January 14 - February 4
Sessions 5 - 8: February 18 - March 10
Theology of the Body is the title given to St. John Paul
series of general audiences when he first began his
Pontificate. In "Theology of the Body" the Church has
been given the most comprehensive and life giving
response to the joyful vision of God's plan for human
sexuality, love, marriage and family life.
All those 18 years of age and older are invited to, married couples, widows and widowers,
come and discover for yourself the biblically-rooted and
catechetical based teachings on important cited topics
that are so critical to modern culture.
All sessions are free to attend with an optional workbook
available at a cost of $10.
in Grade
6, 7 or
Youth Ministry is starting up again on Friday January
8th, 2016 running every 2nd and 4th Friday from 7:00pm
- 9:00 pm. Registration $50 (T-shirt included) For
information contact the parish office
905-792-7497 ext. 223 or
Cold and flu season is here, the
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District
School Board continues to be
vigilant in ensuring that our schools
are clean and that our school
communities are educated
regarding good hand hygiene and
cough etiquette. These practices are promoted on an
ongoing basis, but as the prevalence of colds and flu
increases, our board increases the cleaning of
contact surfaces, as well as reminds schools to
review cold and flu prevention with students and
staff. Many resources are utilized from our regional
health units.
A reminder, as well, that communicable diseases can
be contracted in public places throughout the year.
For example, cold-related viruses, such as
Enterovirus, are transferred from person to person
through hand contact. Cold and flu viruses typically
peak from December through February.
Please assist us by reviewing good hand washing
procedures, as well as other preventative measures,
as outlined in the various Peel Health resources
available to you through their websites. As always,
children who are unwell, should be kept at home.
Flu Clinics
Also available on the Peel Health website, are the
schedules of local Flu Clinics.
For more information, visit the health unit websites:
 Peel Health website:
Direct links to the above information can be found in the
Parent Section of the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District
School Board website at
If you are between the ages of 4-9 please join us for
the children's liturgy every Sunday at 9.00am,
10.30am& 12.30 pm masses.
For more information please contact 905-792-7497 ext.
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10. A Course of Course: Build an obstacle
course through your family room, and draw a
map of how to go through it from beginning to
In anticipation of Family Literacy Day on January 27th
here are 15 tips to help your child with literacy:
11. Sing chat: Sing a conversation with your
kids to the tune of your favourite song. Bonus
points if you can make your song rhyme!
1. Lights off, talk on: After your
bedtime story, turn the lights off and
talk about new endings to the story
you just read together.
12. Snow You Tell Me: Use emptied dish soap
bottles filled with water and food colouring to
write messages and draw in the snow.
2. Surfing Snacks: Go online together to find
out how your favourite foods are made. Are
they something you can make together at
13. Know it All: Together, look online for the
meaning of funny words like “collywobbles”
and "onomatopoeia." Test your parents' word
3. Find A-B-C: Have an alphabet scavenger
hunt to look for things that begin with each
letter of the alphabet. If you can’t find some
letters, go outside or try looking in books and
14. Have a Book-nic: Organize an indoor
picnic with books and tasty treats. Choose a
theme – try honey-flavoured cereal and read
Winnie the Pooh.
4. Travel the World: Use your library card as
15. Game On: Start family board game night
your passport to check out books on different
countries. Learn about their traditions and
5. Float in a Boat: Work together to fold a
family fleet of origami boats.
6. Let's go Shopping: Have kids write the
and play a different game each week. Family
members can take turns reading instructions
and game cards as well as keeping score.
Kiss and Ride Reminders
family grocery list out themselves, then bring
it to the store. Let them check each item off
the list. (Hmm, wonder how jelly beans got on
the list…)
Thank you to the parents/guardians
who have helped The Kiss and
Ride program to run smoothly so
far. We would like to remind
parents/guardians of some of the
safety issues we have noticed:
7. Number Walk: As you put on your shoes,
choose something you want to count during
your walk. It could be dogs, trees, stop signs,
cars—anything you want! On your walk, count
how many you can find.
8. Word Wall: Learn one new word every day.
Display them by creating a family word wall
with Bristol board and markers. Can you
make a sentence with the words on your wall?
9. How was your day today? Exchange
notes (or write a journal) with your child telling
each other about the best part of your day. Or
switch it up: what’s the best thing you expect
to happen tomorrow?
Students should only exit from the
passenger side of the car so they are
stepping onto the sidewalk and not into
oncoming Kiss and Ride traffic.
Parents/guardians are asked to remain in
the car while their children disembark from
the car. If the child is not able to get out of
the car/car seat by themselves, we ask that
you park in the parking lot and walk your
child over to the sidewalk.
Parents/guardians should not be parking in
the Kiss and Ride drop-off lane at any time.
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January 18th to January
22nd, 2016, our school will
be participating in a boardwide “waste-free” lunch
challenge. The goal of the
program is to help schools
decrease the amount of
garbage they produce and
to educate students, staff
and parents about waste reduction. School lunches are
a major source of waste in Ontario. The average
student’s lunch generates a total of 30kg of waste per
school year, and an average elementary school
generates 8482kg of waste per year. Venerable Michael
J. McGivney School is encouraging all students to bring
in reusable containers and limit the amount of waste
brought to school. Let’s all try to make McGivney a more
greener and cleaner school!
On January 26th, 2016, we will be hosting “The Earth
Rangers”, which is a program set to educate and
empower children to “bring back the wild life”. Students
and staff will learn how to protect our wildlife and be
shown how they can make a difference in ensuring our
earth stays green and clean for generations to come.
Chinguacousy Branch
Drop into the Brampton
Library before January
10th for your chance to win a family pass to see a
Monster truck show at the Rogers Centre in Toronto.
Welcome back to 2016.
With it being a New Year and having to make New Year's
resolutions, what a great time to jump start the year by
campaign. We are strongly encouraging our students to
remember the health benefits of eating healthy, following
Canada's Food Guide, and being active at least 60
minutes per day.
Throughout the month of January, members from the
Healthy Schools Team will be conducting a survey on the
healthy snacks and lunches being brought to school in
their classroom. Students will be providing health facts
during the lunch hour to families who are bringing in nonhealthy lunches. This is meant to promote awareness of
the benefits of eating healthy. Classes will also be
participating in a variety of competitions which will be
discussed at our Healthy Schools Kick-off assembly
which will be held on Friday, January 22nd, 2016 at
2:10pm in the gym.
We are also going to be promoting active living. One of
the initiatives we will be launching again is walking to
school. At the kick-off assembly, each student will receive
a walking card. Every time he/she walks to school, their
teacher or healthy schools ambassador will hole-punch
their card. On Fridays we will be promoting ‘FIT
FRIDAYS’. That means, if students walk to school on
Friday, they will receive two (2) hole-punches on their
walking card. When walking cards are completed, they
will go into a draw for a chance to win some cool prizes.
Remember, with your help and positive encouragement,
your child - our students - will be the best they can be.
Please support and encourage healthy eating and active
living in your home!
From the Healthy Schools Team
Join us for Family story time from 6:30-7:00 PM on
Monday evenings.
On January 18 from 2-3 pm, stop by our Creation Station
to discover your inner creator! Share your ideas and
explore through interesting activities, games and more.
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