Venerable Michael J. McGivney Catholic School December 2015 McGivney Events

December 2015
Venerable Michael J.
McGivney Catholic School
450 Fernforest Drive, Brampton, ON, L6R 2P7
Phone: 905-792-0630
December 3
Advent Mass @ 9:30
December 7
Intermediate Trip to
J. Amodeo
Vice Principal:
V. Carey
S. Del Gobbo
L. Storey
S. Xaviour
St. Marguerite d’Youville Parish:
Fr. R. Mignella
Catholic School Council Co-Chairs:
C. Purville
M. Licata
McGivney Events
Our heavenly Father, as once again we prepare for
help us to find time in our busy lives for quiet and
thought and prayer:
that we may reflect upon the wonder of your love and
allow the
story of the Saviour's birth to penetrate our hearts and
So may our joy be deeper, our worship more real, and
our lives worthier
of all that you have done for us through the coming of
your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
December 9
School-wide Advent Retreat
December 16
FDK Christmas Concert @
9:00 a.m.
December 17
Gr. 1-5 Christmas Concert
@ 1:00 & 6:30
December 18
Christmas Caroling
January 4
First Day Back at School
following Christmas Break
January 7
HEP B & HPV Vaccinations
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Advent is a time of waiting and quiet preparation. However, we are all
hurried and rushed to prepare for our families and guests, to purchase
the perfect gifts for our loved ones, and to decorate our homes. Let us
not forget that the perfect gift is one that cannot be bought or wrapped.
This perfect gift may be the gift of a smile for someone having a
difficult day, or the gift of a kind word, or even the gift of Hope for
someone in despair. It is in sharing these simple gifts that we
celebrate the true meaning of Christmas.
On behalf of the entire staff at Venerable Michael J. McGivney School,
we wish you a very blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Mr. J. Amodeo
V. Carey
Vice Principal
Once again this year, under the leadership of
our Youth Faith Ambassadors, Venerable
Michael J. McGivney School is supporting St.
Marguerite D’Youville Parish’s Helping Hands
Christmas Baskets by collecting items to
support families in the Parish. This year our
school has adopted three families. Items such as hats, mittens,
toiletries, toys, and food are being collected to create the three families’
Christmas Gift Baskets. Thank you in advance for your donations as
they are very much appreciated during this time of giving.
Newsletters are available
electronically on the school
website. In an effort to be more
environmentally friendly and
communicate with families in an
effective and timely manner we
have set up an email distribution
Venerable Michael J. McGivney
School has a Twitter Account.
We will be posting information
on this account throughout the
Christmas is a special time of the year, for giving as well as receiving.
To help support the Out Reach Program and St. Marguerite D’Youville
Parish, we are asking for donations of mittens, gloves, socks, scarves
and hats for adults and children. McGivney students may decorate the
Giving Tree located in the front foyer of the school with these gift
donations. Monday, December 14, 2015 is the last opportunity to
decorate the Giving Tree and donate FOOD!
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The Full Day Kindergarten concert will be held at school at 9:00am in the gym on
Wednesday, December 16, 2015. Classes from grades 1-5 will be performing in the gym on
Thursday, December 17th at 1:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.
We ask that parents recognize that there is limited space in the gymnasium and to please remember that
any photographs that are taken should be of your own child, for personal use only and not made available
on line. No video recording is permitted.
Through regular celebrations, in class discussions and
prayer, students will learn examples of how to perform
virtuous actions and this month our focus will be the
virtue of Hope.
People of Hope:
Keep up a positive attitude
Can bounce back from tough situations
Set and stick to their goals
See the good in others even when they make
Work to include others
Let others know that they are good people
The expectation is to have students in school for the
full year. Teachers have a great deal of curriculum to
cover and need to assess student learning over a
period of time. Please refrain from booking holidays
during the school year. Your consideration and
attention to this matter is greatly appreciated.
I speak, write and listen as Jesus would want
me to
I care about others and speak up for them
I am honest
I think carefully before I react or speak
I respect all people and their languages
I listen to the Word of God
Because I have a voice, I will use it lovingly, and I
will live my life like Jesus.
Upcoming Virtue Assemblies
Dec. 14
Jan. 25
Feb. 22
Mar. 29
Apr. 25
May 6
Jun. 20
In order to respect the caution
required for bringing food into the
school, parents are asked to use
alternate methods to recognize your
child’s birthday. This could be in the
form of a book donated to the class
in your child’s name or a non-edible treat i.e. pencil,
sticker etc. Donuts from Tim Horton’s, or any
other food product are not to be permitted as a
treat in class.
All of our Virtue Assemblies will take place at 2:15 in the
gym. Parents are welcome to attend.
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Dufferin-Peel’s Catholic Board Learning Plan shows a
commitment to building communities that reflect
belonging, inclusivity, support and safety, rooted in
Gospel values. At Venerable Michael J. McGivney we
spend a great deal of time on building a positive school
There are many warning signs that may indicate that
someone is involved in bullying, either by bullying others
or by being bullied. However, these warning signs may
indicate other issues or problems, as well.
Bullying Others
Becomes violent with others
Gets into physical or verbal fights with others
Gets sent to the principal’s office or detention a
 Has extra money or new belongings that cannot
be explained
 Is quick to blame others
 Will not accept responsibility for their actions
 Has friends who bully others
 Needs to win or be best at everything
Being Bullied
 Comes home with damaged or missing clothing
or other belongings
 Reports losing items such as books, electronics,
clothing, or jewelry
 Has unexplained injuries
 Complains frequently of headaches,
stomachaches, or feeling sick
 Has trouble sleeping or has frequent bad
 Has changes in eating habits
 Hurts themselves
 Are very hungry after school from not eating
their lunch
 Runs away from home
 Loses interest in visiting or talking with friends
 Is afraid of going to school or other activities with
 Loses interest in school work or begins to do
poorly in school
 Appears sad, moody, angry, anxious or
depressed when they come home
 Feels helpless
Often feels like
they are not
good enough
themselves for
their problems
Suddenly has
fewer friends
Avoids certain
Acts differently
than usual
Recess and Cold
Colder weather is here again!
Please ensure that your child comes
to school prepared to participate in
all activities including outdoor
recess. All children should have hats, scarves,
gloves, warm coats and boots, labeled with their
names. In colder weather, we often receive requests
to allow children to remain indoors when students
have a cold. Please note that we cannot comply, as
we have neither the facilities, nor the staff to
supervise these students. If you feel your child is
not well enough to go outside, it would be best
for you to keep your child at home; moreover,
health officials indicate that fresh air is beneficial,
as long as students are dressed appropriately. On
extreme cold days, we limit the amount of time that
students spend outdoors. We obtain our weather
information from the Environment Canada Weather
Information Line and follow Board guidelines. With
the exception of these occasions, all children will
go out for recesses and the lunch break.
A decision to cancel school
transportation, and/or to close
schools due to inclement
weather is usually made by
6:30 a.m. Bus or school
cancellations during winter
months are broadcast on
various media outlets. Please check the school board’s
transportation website, for the most up to
date information.
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Registration for Junior and Senior Kindergarten for the
2016—2017 school year will take place at all Catholic
elementary schools on the following dates:
Monday, January 25, 2016 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.
Snow Date Only— Tuesday, January 26, 2016 from
7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
January 27, 28 & 29th, 2016 from 9:00—3:00 p.m.
To register your child, you will need:
1. Proof of age of the child.
2. Original Catholic Baptismal Certificate of the Roman,
Greek, or Ukrainian Rite, for one parent and child (if the
child has not been baptized, a letter of counseling with
the parish priest, to complete the process will be
3. Updated immunization records.
4. Proof of Canadian citizenship or Landed Immigrant
5. Any two of the following documents for proof of
property tax bill
real estate document e.g. Purchase
Agreement/Rental Agreement
current utility bill
Government of Canada-issued forms e.g.
passport, Service Canada documents
Rough play on the schoolyard can lead
to injuries. Pushing, shoving, play
fighting are forms of unacceptable play
that compromise student safety. Please
reinforce with your children the “keep
your hands and feet to yourself” rule.
MEDICAL ALERT– Sabrina’s Law (Anaphylatics)
If your child has a severe allergic reaction to peanuts,
peanut by-products, bee/wasp stings etc., please let
the school know as soon as possible. It is essential
that the information you provide us with is accurate
and up-to-date. There are various forms which need to
be completed by you and your family doctor if it is
necessary to store an epipen/medication at school.
We continue to have students with severe, life
threatening allergies to peanuts and nuts. This is a
medical condition that causes severe reaction to
certain allergens and can result in death within
minutes. We have students in some classes who are
severely allergic to nuts and other foods. A letter will
be sent home to parents of students in the classes
affected. Although this may or may not affect your
child’s class directly, we require your continued
cooperation in sending foods to school with your child
that are free from peanuts, nuts or their byproducts. Please respect the health and safety of
our students by adhering to the guidelines. Thank
you for your support.
All food items will be eaten in classes only, students
are no longer able to bring any snacks outside for
recess. We cannot guarantee that any classroom
is nut free, but we are attempting to minimize the
exposure and keep everyone as safe and healthy
as possible.
The Edge youth ministry has started again for Grade 6, 7
and 8. It runs every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month
from 7-9 pm in the church. The Edge registration fee is
$50.00. Registration forms are available at the parish
For more information please contact 905-792-7497 ext
223 or
As we move into the wet Winter
Season and a change in weather we
would ask that all students bring a
pair of indoor shoes that can be
worn inside of the school and left in
their classrooms. Your cooperation
is appreciated.
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As cold and flu season
approaches, the Dufferin-Peel
Catholic District School Board
continues to be vigilant in
ensuring that our schools are
clean and that our school
communities are educated
regarding good hand hygiene
and cough etiquette. These practices are promoted
on an ongoing basis, but as the prevalence of colds
and flu increases, our board increases the cleaning of
contact surfaces, as well as reminds schools to
review cold and flu prevention with students and
staff. Many resources are utilized from our regional
health units.
A reminder, as well, that communicable diseases can
be contracted in public places throughout the year.
For example, cold-related viruses, such as
Enterovirus, are transferred from person to person
through hand contact. Cold and flu viruses typically
peak from December through February, but can start
as early as October.
Regional Health Unit Resources:
Please assist us by reviewing good hand washing
procedures, as well as other preventative measures,
as outlined in the various Peel Health and Wellington
Dufferin Guelph (WDG) resources available to you
through their websites. As always, children who are
unwell, should be kept at home.
Flu Clinics
Also available on the Peel Health and WDG
websites, are the schedules of local Flu Clinics.
For more information, visit the health unit websites:
 Peel Health website:
On Friday, November 27th,
McGivney hosted the
intermediate volleyball
tournament. Our boys played in
the morning, doing a great job
showcasing McGivney's virtues.
Our Intermediate girls played in
the afternoon. Dedication,
passion, teamwork, and
volleyball skills were clearly
evident on the court. Our girls ended up placing 2nd in
the tournament. Your coaches, Mrs. Pupo and Mr.
Iantorno are very proud of you. Congratulations to the
following girls: Isabella, Tehillah, Valeria, Elizabeth,
Noel, Sophia, Taniah, Persis, Alyssa, and Vanessa.
Good luck next year
On Friday, November 27, 2015, the Intermediate Boys’
Volleyball team participated in the Brampton East
Intermediate Boys’ Volleyball Tournament, which was
held at Venerable Michael J. McGivney. The team
members displayed great skill and effort, most
importantly however, our boys demonstrated excellent
teamwork and sportsmanship. They represented
McGivney with true Knight Spirit. Their hard work paid
off by placing 3rd in a very difficult division. The
coaches, Mr. Basciano and Mr. Guerrieri would like to
thank all the players for their commitment and effort over
the past few months of training. Team Members
Included: Kyle (Captain), Fabian, Samuel O., Reggie,
Michael D., Sebastian D., Sebastian S., Bryson,
Emmanuel O. and Jaydon.
We are pleased to announce
that our McGivney Choir will be
performing at some exciting
upcoming events:
December 03, 2015: Singing for school Advent Mass
Direct links to the above information can be found in
the Parent Section of the Dufferin-Peel Catholic
District School Board website at
December 10, 2015: Singing at Senior Citizens’
December 17, 2015: School Christmas Concert
Performance (Day Performance)
Thank You to our Choir Directors Mrs. Campanelli
and Mrs. Fernandes for all of their time and
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reach in order to make McGivney a cleaner and greener
school. This year the Eco team has decided to try to
reach the following goals:
1. Reduce the amount of waste we produce by 50
2. Save energy by remembering to turn off our
lights and Smart Boards.
3. Recycle materials into the appropriate bins.
4. Engage all students in the development and
care of the natural environment.
This year Venerable Michael J. McGivney has expanded
their Healthy Schools Team. Each class, from FDK to
grade 8 will have two Healthy School Ambassadors to
help promote our messages. The team is excited to
launch this year’s goals and initiatives in the New Year.
One of the things we will be working on this year is
promoting physical activity - which means walking to
school. Each student will receive a walking card. The
walking cards will get tracked and acknowledged. On our
healthy schools bulletin board, the students will be able
to locate on our map where they live and what the
distance is to walk to our school. So, with the colder
weather approaching, bundle up and let's get active!
We will also be tracking healthy lunches and snacks.
Eating healthy and following Canada's food drive helps
promote good health and decrease the chances of
obesity. Let's do our part in teaching our students, your
children the importance of eating healthy!
From your Healthy Schools Team!
These goals can be achieved through active
participation from staff and students during our weekly
Eco campaigns. The campaigns that will be held each
week include:
Waste-Free Wednesdays
Lights Out Fridays
Boomerang Lunches
Garden Maintenance
Together (staff, students and parents), we can achieve
these goals and reach GOLD status!
The following classes had the best participation in each
division and won a free pizza party sponsored by the
McGivney Catholic School Council:
Mrs. Rettinger and Mrs. Rego’s FDK class, Ms. Fantin’s
Grade 2 class, Mrs. Sparkes’ Gr. 6 class and Mrs.
Sadurski;s Gr. 8 class.
$25 Tim Horton’s Gift Card-Francesca M.
$25 Pizza Nova Gift Card- Enrico P.
$25 Pizza Nova Gift Card- Zander
Two Brampton Beast Hockey Tickets- Ethan M.
Two Brampton Beast Hockey Tickets-Nicholas G.
Niagara Water Park Pass- Ayanna
Niagara Fallsview Indoor Water Park Pass- Rachel
Mastermind Toys Gift Collection- Jeiven
Thank you to all students who participated and anyone
who donated a gift item!
The Eco team consists of two student representatives
from each class. Every Thursday at lunch, the team
meets to discuss areas of improvement and goals to
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