Venerable Michael J. McGivney Catholic School NOVEMBER 2015 McGivney Events

Venerable Michael J.
McGivney Catholic School
450 Fernforest Drive, Brampton, ON, L6R 2P7
Phone: 905-792-0630
J. Amodeo
Vice Principal:
V. Carey
S. Del Gobbo
L. Storey
S. Xaviour
St. Marguerite d’Youville Parish:
Fr. R. Mignella
Catholic School Council Co-Chairs:
M. Licata
C. Purville
Lord Jesus, You said to Your disciples,
“Blessed are the Peace Makers,
for they will be called Children of God.”
You know how much the world needs Your peace
Yet in so many places in the world there is only war and conflict.
Lord, through the power of Your Holy Spirit,
Transform human hearts,
Give our world a desire for Peace,
And help us to do our part.
We pray in Your Holy name.
McGivney Events
November 3
Rosary Apostolate
Nov. 4
Photo Retake Day
Nov. 4
Gr. 8s to D’Youville
November 11
Remembrance Day Liturgy @
November 12
Confirmation Fall Retreat for
Gr. 7s and 8s
November 15-21
Bullying Awareness and
Prevention Week
November 17
Progress Reports sent home
November 18
Parent Registration at St.
Marguerite d’Youville
Secondary School
November 19
Interview Night-Progress
November 23
Virtue Assembly
November 25
Santa Claus Pictures
November 27
Intermediate Boys’ & Girls’
Volleyball Tournament
November 30
Catholic School Council
Meeting at 6:30pm
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The end of October ended a busy month with our Halloween-Dance-A-Thon
taking place and many ongoing activities including: Rosary Club, Choir, Volleyball,
Chess, Cross Country and more.
November will be no less busy. Progress Reports will be going home and our
Parent-Teacher-Student Interview Evening is coming up.
Our Remembrance Day ceremony will take place on November 11. As
Canadians, we pause in memory of the thousands of men and women who
sacrificed their lives in military service. The poppy symbolizes our remembrance.
Why the poppy?
The association between the poppy and war dates back to the Napoleonic wars,
when a writer saw a field of poppies growing over the graves of fallen soldiers.
During the Battle of Ypres in 1915, Canadian Lt.-Col. John McCrae was inspired
to write the poem ‘In Flanders Fields’ on sighting the poppies growing beside a
grave of a close friend who had died in battle.
The poem was a great inspiration in adopting the poppy as the Flower of
Remembrance in Canada, France, the U.S, Britain and Commonwealth countries.
The first poppies were distributed in Canada in 1921. Today the volunteer
donations from the distribution of millions of poppies is an important source of
revenue for the Royal Canadian Legion that goes toward helping ex-servicemen
and women buy food, and obtain shelter and medical attention.
Canada is the greatest country in the world and we thank the many veterans who
sacrificed so much for us.
Mr. J. Amodeo
Mrs. V. Carey
Vice Principal
On October 23, our Youth Faith Ambassadors celebrated mass with Father
Larry at Holy Family Parish. During this celebration, they were commissioned
receiving a special blessing for their role as faith leaders in our school. Students
spent the day attending various workshops allowing them to reflect on their new
role and how they can inspire others to follow in Jesus’ footsteps. Our Faith
Ambassadors will be leading various initiatives throughout the school year that
will strengthen the faith of others and help those in need.
On Wednesday, November 11, 2015 we will have a
Remembrance Day presentation in the gymnasium at
10:45 a.m. The staff and students at Venerable Michael J.
McGivney will honour, remember and pray for those who
fought for and gave their lives for our peace and freedom.
Newsletters will be sent home with
the youngest or only child in a
family, once a month during the
course of the school year. They are
meant to serve as a means of
communication between home and
school. Please keep them handy
for news of upcoming events in the
school, parish, or community. They
will also be made available
electronically on the school
website. In an effort to be more
environmentally friendly and
communicate with families in an
effective and timely manner we will
be setting up an email distribution
list. Please complete the form
that is attached to this
newsletter return it to school in
a timely fashion and you will
receive your newsletters via email.
Venerable Michael J. McGivney
School has a Twitter Account.
We will be posting information
on this account throughout the
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Education. We appreciate all that she has done for the
McGivney School Community.
Through regular celebrations, in-class discussions and
prayer, students will learn examples of how to perform
virtuous actions and this month our focus will be the
virtue of Conscience.
People of Conscience:
 Know right and wrong and pay attention
 Listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit inside - what
Jesus would choose to do
 Keep promises even when tempted to give up
 Can see how his/her actions may help or hurt
 Admit their sins and feel badly about poor
 Will say sorry and try to make up for hurtful
 Know that followers of Jesus will have to make
difficult choices
Upcoming Virtue Assemblies
Nov. 23
Dec. 14
Jan. 25
Feb. 22
Mar. 29
Apr. 25
May 6
Jun. 20
All of our Virtue Assemblies will take place at 2:15 in the
gym. Parents are welcome to attend.
Congratulations to Mrs. M. Licata on being nominated for
the Volunteer of the Year Award 2014 – 2015. Volunteers
play a very important role in our schools and in our
communities, helping to build vibrant, caring, inclusive,
faith school communities. The annual award has been
developed to acknowledge the dedicated individuals who
make a significant contribution to supporting Catholic
Education. The award process is also a means to thank
volunteers for their continuous years of commitment and
dedication. Mrs. Licata has been an active member of our
Catholic School Council for many years.
She is
instrumental in the organizing and running of many events
including the Open House BBQ and Halloween Dance-athon. Over the years Mrs. Licata has demonstrated a
commitment to student achievement and Catholic
As parish rep, I am reaching out to our students and
their families. There are so many great opportunities
for our families to grow in Faith and have a deeper,
closer, intimate relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.
Pope Francis has called this year to be "The Jubilee
Year of Mercy!” ( "Be Merciful, As Your Father Is
Merciful "!) Let us ask Mary, the Mother of Mercy to
pray for us to become as kind and merciful as God the
Father. (Say Hail Mary)
Inviting all students in grade 6-8 to Edge Night at St.
Marguerite d'Youville Parish from 7-9pm.
Next Edge Nights are November 13 & November 27.
Archdiocese of Toronto Catholic Charismatic
Renewal Council is hosting their annual "Christ the
King Rally". This year's theme is "King of Mercy".
When: Saturday November 21, 2015
Where: Canadian Christian College
Time: 8:30 am - 6:00pm
It's a day filled with the power of the Holy Spirit,
starting with Holy Rosary, Mass, Praise & Worship,
Great Teachings, Healing Service, Adoration &
Benediction. Special Guests include: Father Joby,
Mark Nimo
Cost of Tickets: $20 adults, Students & Children Free
Separate youth & children's track.
For more information contact:
Liza De Sousa (Parish Rep): 416-951-8770
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Thank you to all of the families
who generously donated to our
food drive on behalf of the
Knights Table.
I believe that God is an awesome God
I believe and have faith in God
I believe that God is with us always
I believe that we can talk to God anytime and
anywhere, through prayer
I believe in the stories of the Bible
I believe in the stories of Jesus' life, death and
I believe in the Church community, celebrating
Mass, and the seven Sacraments
I believe in forgiveness
Colder weather is here again! Please ensure that
your child comes to school prepared to participate in
all activities including outdoor recess. All children
should have hats, scarves, gloves, warm coats and
boots, labeled with their names. In colder weather we
often receive requests to allow children to remain
indoors when students have a cold. Please note that
we cannot comply, as we have neither the facilities,
nor the staff to supervise these students. If you feel
your child is not well enough to go outside, it
would be best for you to keep your child at home;
moreover, health officials indicate that fresh air is
beneficial, as long as students are dressed
appropriately. On extreme cold days, we limit the
amount of time that students spend outdoors. We
obtain our weather information from the Environment
Canada Weather Information Line and follow board
guidelines. With the exception of these occasions,
all children will go out for recesses and the lunch
Because I am a believer, I will live my life like
Year 2 Kindergarten parent(s)/guardian(s), who wish
to enroll their child in a Grade 1 French Immersion
class for September 2016 are invited to attend an
information meeting at:
Date and time
Our Lady of
St Angela
St Joachim
Our Lady of
November 11,
7:00 p.m.
Parents are welcomed to the school throughout the
year, however, for the safety of children, ALL parents
and visitors must use only the front door for entry
and must sign in at the office and receive a
visitor’s sticker each and every time you visit the
building. Visitors are not entitled to go to the
classrooms as this is a disruption to student
programming. Since the hallways are busy during
pickup times, siblings and parents are asked to
arrange with your child, a meeting spot OUTSIDE of
the school. Messages and deliveries (keys, lunches,
etc) are handled through the office. Please remember
that to most students in the school, you are a stranger.
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Our First Term Progress Reports will be sent home on
Tuesday, November 17th, 2015. Please feel free to
contact your child’s teacher if you wish to discuss your
child’s progress at any time. Interview evening will be
on Thursday, November 19th, 2015; more information to
A reminder to parents that staff supervision begins in the
morning at 8:15 a.m. Students should not be at
school prior to 8:15 am. If parents are making alternate
arrangements for their child(ren) to return home at the
end of the day, they must put it in writing, otherwise
children will be directed to return home in their usual
If your child has a severe allergic reaction to peanuts,
peanut by-products, bee/wasp stings etc., please let
the school know as soon as possible. It is essential
that the information you provide us with is accurate
and up-to-date. There are various forms which need to
be completed by you and your family doctor if it is
necessary to store an epipen/medication at school.
We continue to have students with severe, life
threatening allergies to peanuts and nuts. This is a
medical condition that causes severe reaction to
certain allergens and can result in death within
minutes. We have students in some classes who are
severely allergic to nuts and other foods. A letter will
be sent home to parents of students in the classes
affected. Although this may or may not affect your
child’s class directly, we require your continued
cooperation in sending foods to school with your child
that are free from peanuts, nuts or their byproducts. Please respect the health and safety of
our students by adhering to the guidelines. Thank
you for your support.
All food items will be eaten in classes only, students
are no longer able to bring any snacks outside for
recess. We cannot guarantee that any classroom
is nut free, but we are attempting to minimize the
exposure and keep everyone as safe and healthy
as possible.
In order to respect the caution
required for bringing food into the
school, parents are asked to use
alternate methods to recognize your
child’s birthday. This could be in the
form of a book donated to the class
in your child’s name or a non-edible treat i.e. pencil,
sticker etc. Donuts from Tim Horton’s, or any
other food product are not to be permitted as a
treat in class.
A decision to cancel school
transportation, and/or to close
schools due to inclement weather
is usually made by 6:30 a.m. Bus
or school cancellations during
winter months are broadcast on
various media outlets. Please
check the school board’s transportation website, for the most up to date information.
As cold and flu season
approaches, the Dufferin-Peel
Catholic District School Board
continues to be vigilant in ensuring
that our schools are clean and that
our school communities are
educated regarding good hand hygiene and cough
etiquette. These practices are promoted on an
ongoing basis, but as the prevalence of colds and flu
increases, our board increases the cleaning of
contact surfaces, as well as reminds schools to
review cold and flu prevention with students and
staff. Many resources are utilized from our regional
health units.
A reminder, as well, that communicable diseases can
be contracted in public places throughout the year.
For example, cold-related viruses, such as
Enterovirus, are transferred from person to person
through hand contact. Cold and flu viruses typically
peak from December through February, but can start
as early as October.
Regional Health Unit Resources
Please assist us by reviewing good hand washing
procedures, as well as other preventative measures,
as outlined in the various Peel Health and Wellington
Dufferin Guelph (WDG) resources available to you
through their websites. As always, children who are
unwell, should be kept at home.
Flu Clinics
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Also available on the Peel Health and WDG
websites, are the schedules of local Flu Clinics.
For more information, visit the health unit websites:
 Peel Health website:
Direct links to the above information can be found in
the Parent Section of the Dufferin-Peel Catholic
District School Board website at
Rough play on the schoolyard can lead to
injuries. Pushing, shoving, play fighting
are forms of unacceptable play that
compromise student safety. Please reinforce with your
children the “keep your hands and feet to yourself” rule.
As we move into the Fall Season and
a change in weather we would ask
that all students bring a pair of indoor
shoes that can be worn inside of the
school and left in their classrooms.
Your cooperation is appreciated.
Our school is pleased to offer our primary students
from Grades 1-3 access to Raz-Kids which is an
online reading program that can be accessed from
your home computer. Students will have access to
hundreds of eBooks where they can read, listen to and
even self-record themselves reading. Parents are
encouraged to help their children log into the website
which is Username and login
passwords were distributed to all students and they are
encouraged to read each evening as part of their
homework routine.
On rare occasions, we are faced with difficult situations
in which non-custodial parents arrive at school asking to
visit their child or to take their child home after school.
We are best able to serve and protect students when we
are made aware of legal custody arrangements,
visitation rights and other special instructions. If legal
custody matters affect your family, please ensure that
our office and classroom teachers are aware of custodial
arrangements between parents that may affect your
child during school hours.
Our pizza order forms will be sent home on
November 10th. They are due back to your
child’s teacher no later than November 18th.
Money raised through the Pizza Days are used to
support Youth Faith Ambassador projects, Eco &
Healthy Schools Team initiatives, athletic activities,
guest speakers, drama presentations, authors, and
many other experiences. We thank Mrs. Vecchiarelli for
organizing our pizza fundraiser.
We are required to conduct three fire
drills in the fall and three in the spring.
We are also required to practice two
lockdown drills during the year.
Lockdown drills involve students
moving away from the classroom door to a location
within the classroom away from windows. Lights are
turned off and doors are locked. These practices are to
ensure that students and staff are prepared in case we
should need to go into lockdown. Lockdown would be
initiated by police and/or board personnel. Our NPU
officer attends our Lockdown drills and helps to ensure
that the students and staff are well prepared.
A reminder to parents/guardians to call
in their child/ren’s absences. It is the
school’s expectation that all students
arrive to school on time and be
prepared for class. Being consistently
and continuously late interrupts the
class during lessons and creates delays
in the office. Being on time also alleviates stress and
anxiety with some students and allows them to begin the
day unhurried, with a calm sense of routine.
On Thursday, October 9, 2015 the Junior Boys’
Volleyball team participated in the Brampton East
Junior Boys’ Volleyball Tournament, which was held at
Our Lady of Providence School. The team members
displayed great skill, but most importantly, excellent
teamwork and sportsmanship. They represented
McGivney with the utmost respect and true Knight
Spirit. The coaches, Mrs. Sparkes and Mrs. Young
would like to thank the members of the team for a great
season: Justin, Jayden, Jaden, Daniel, Camilo,
Michael, Joshua, Joseph, Edward, Nathan, Emmanuel,
and Baracka.
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On Thursday, October 9th, 2015 our McGivney
Knights volleyball teams went to Our Lady of
Providence to play in the Junior Volleyball
Tournament. McGivney was up against some strong
serving teams but never gave up. We showed the
other schools great teamwork, passion, and
determination. We would like to acknowledge all
members who played some great volleyball this
season – Julia, Nikole, Hailey, Samantha,Jennivieve,
Mahalia, Roberta, Tyannah, Casey, and Regine.
Mrs. Pupo and Mr. Iantorno are proud of all of you.
Thank you for a great season. Goooo Knights!
Parents are asked to simply listen and have a
discussion with their child about the math concept they
are learning about in class. Then, please have your
child complete the work. You are asked to initial the
work at the bottom when completed and ensure that
the duotang is returned on Mondays. We hope that
parents will enjoy taking part in their child’s math
journey and encourage math language to be practiced
at home.
The purpose of this initiative is to increase
communication of students’ thinking which will lead to
increased student achievement, well-being and parent
On October 16, McGivney’s Cross Country team
embarked on a challenge to conquer Monora Park
and our Knights were there to give it all their best.
Many of them reached or exceeded their personal
running goals. Their coaches are proud of all of their
hard work and dedication preparing for the event.
Congratulations to the following students who
represented McGivney at the board meet on October
26th at Centennial Park: Sebastian, Dante, Olaoluwa,
Ethan, Isabella, Taniah, Kanique, Justin, Camilo,
Julian, and Kyle. We are very proud of how our
Knights conducted themselves both on and off the
course. Thank you to the following coaches: Mrs.
Sadurski, Mrs. Travaglini, Mrs. Fernandes, Mme.
Daniele, and Mme. Luongo. Go Knights!!!!
We have some exciting news to share about our math
program at Venerable Michael J. McGivney School.
We would like to introduce the McGivney Math
Meeting of the Minds communication initiative. This
term, we are encouraging students to celebrate their
math success by sharing it with you, the parents.
Every Friday, students will be taking home either a
math journal or word problem in their “Math Meeting
of the Minds” duotang. In a math journal, students
will be asked to review what we have learned during
the week and write about how they are feeling about
that particular concept. If a word problem is given,
then students will be asked to apply the math language
used in class to solve it.
Mr. Guerrieri and Mr. Basciano are hosting the school
Chess Club for all interested participants in the Junior
and Intermediate grades. The Chess Club will meet on a
weekly basis during the lunch hour, in a non-competitive
environment with instructional tutorials and skill/strategy
development as a focus.
The Benefits of Playing Chess:
Development of mathematical processing skills
Development of critical thinking skills
Development of logical thinking processes in the
 Development of Problem Solving
 Development of Independent Thinking Skills
The development of these skills will help Chess
participants through all facets of their Education and life.
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WEEK-NOVEMBER 15-21, 2015
November 15th marks the beginning of Bullying
Awareness and Prevention Week in Ontario. As all of us
in education know, bullying awareness and prevention
efforts are items of great concern and play a large part
in the life of Dufferin-Peel Catholic schools. One
initiative we would like all McGivney staff and students
to participate in is entitled “Born to be Loved, Not
Bullied”. We are asking all staff and students to bring in
a wallet-sized baby photograph (labelled with your
child’s name and class on the back) to be displayed on
our school bulletin board. Please send photographs with
your child to their classroom teacher by November 16th.
directed through the main office. Failure to comply
with these guidelines may result in a loss of PED
privileges and/or any other consequences deemed
necessary by school administration.
The school principal may authorize limited acceptable
uses of personal electronic devices during schoolsanctioned activities for a specific designated purpose
outside of instructional spaces and/or in common areas.
Students are responsible for the safety and security
of PEDs at all times and the Board assumes no
responsibility for lost, damaged or stolen devices.
Wear Pink Day- On Wednesday, November 18th we ask
that all students and staff wear pink to promote
tolerance and inclusiveness.
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board
acknowledges the value of the use of technology for
learning. Students are permitted to register and use
personal electronic devices (PEDs) on board premises
and/or board sanctioned events for educational
purposes, under the direction of staff and only with
parent/guardian permission. Students may register their
PED for the purpose of connecting to the board wireless
network. Students are required to adhere to the student
“Personal Electronic Device Used with WI-FI Network
Student Agreement” (GF 337) and the “Network User
Application and Agreement.” (GF066) Please be
advised that the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District
School Board will not be responsible for any cost
incurred through the use of personal data plans.
PEDs are to be used responsibly and should not
interfere with learning; their use must comply with the
Catholic Code of Conduct, board policies and
procedures. Any personal communications (i.e.,
phone calls, text messages, etc.) will continue to be
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