Keep your fingers crossed St. Dominic as we root for Gold status
for a THIRD time!
The Nature Defenders are eager to share all of
our outstanding work on Monday, June 1, as we
welcome Ontario EcoSchools for a site visit.
Members from the Eco Team will be taking a
representative for a tour around our Eco-friendly
school, reflecting on the many initiatives that
took place this year. From classroom practices,
such as recycling stations and our GOOS bins, to
whole-school campaigns including the Great Gulp, Earth Hour, and Project Nest Box, we hope to
prove just how environmental responsible we all have become.
Ecosource Waste Reduction Workshop
Students were challenged to think beyond the 3R’s and
explore waste reduction during a fantastic workshop on
May 19th & 20th. Following our waste audit, students
learned more about the various types of waste along
with waste reduction practices needed to make a
lasting change in our world. This workshop further
empowered our students to become St.Dominic’s very
own “Recycling Heros”.
Update of Project Nest Box
“Project Nest Box - School Nest Watch Program” is officially up
and running at St. Dominic School! After setting up three
environmentally friendly bird boxes on our school grounds, our
feathered friends were immediately attracted to them! The boxes
have been quite active this month and students were able to observe
the behaviours of these birds. After seeing the birds fly in and out of
the boxes with various natural materials and worms, we couldn’t help
but take a peek! We were shocked to see that three nests were laid
and baby birds have already hatched!
St. Dominic’s Journey Through the Amazon!
Our students were fortunate to listen in on yet
another one of Loretta Penny’s adventures. On May
7th, students joined Loretta on her “Journey Through
the Amazon”. Students learned about this unique
ecosystem and the various habitats found within it.
Students were reminded of the importance in
preserving these rare species, focusing specifically on
saving the habitat itself. They were fascinated by the
artifacts brought by Lorretta, learning how people
used their natural environment and resources to
survive in the Amazon.
A big ECO shout out
goes to all families
and staff who came
out on Saturday,
May 30th to assist
St. Dominic in our school
ground greening. All
donated plants were
greatly appreciated and
truly made our gardens
and outdoor learning
environment a beautiful place!
We still have one more Eco assembly left and we cannot wait
to give the title of “Bronze”, “Silver”, “Gold” and “Platinum”
to four new classrooms! In may, we spotted classrooms
bringing in their reusable water bottles, turning themselves
into “ECO Heroes”, and researching human effects on plants
and the environment. Keep up the great work!