Contents Messages from the Chairman and the President 01 Overview of Fiscal 2014 Activities 02 Research Activities/ Research Programs List of Research Projects Discussion Papers & Policy Discussion Papers 07 08 About RIETI 45 Public Relations Activities 53 Publications 54 Website 57 Publicity Materials 58 Symposiums 59 Workshops & Seminars 63 BBL Seminars 71 List of Fellows 74 Organization & Others 81 The Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI), an incorporated administrative agency, was established on April 1, 2001 to conduct extensive policy research and formulate policy recommendations. Levering its location in Kasumigaseki, RIETI takes full advantage of the synergy among policymakers, researchers, industry leaders, and other stakeholders. RIETI has developed an excellent reputation both in Japan and abroad for its evidence-based theoretical and empirical research, working in synergy with policy authorities. RIETI has set up an overall framework of research themes to respond to policymaking needs. Within this overall framework, fellows undertake their own research in a free atmosphere, building organic linkages with other current research. Furthermore, RIETI incorporates the knowledge and insights of outside experts into its research through symposiums and other forums. RIETI thus contributes to policy debates and formulation through the built-in Abbreviations synergy in its research and its proactive dissemination of its research, RIETI:Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA leading to policy recommendations. For the realization of a flexible METI:Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and interdisciplinary research environment, a diverse group of CRO:Chief Research Officer SRA:Senior Research Advisor fellows are engaged in research at RIETI. In addition to full-time fellows, RIETI also appoints part-time fellows consisting of Faculty Fellows who concurrently hold positions at universities and PD:Program Director Consulting Fellows who concurrently hold positions at METI, other SF:Senior Fellow ministries, government agencies and organizations. F:Fellow FF:Faculty Fellow The world is changing at a blistering pace. To deal with these CF:Consulting Fellow changes and build a Japanese society that is mature as well as VF:Visiting Fellow VS:Visiting Scholar energetic, Japan needs to craft policy backed by research that breaks out of conventional frameworks. RIETI will continue to provide theoretical backing and knowledge networks efficiently and RC:Research Coordinator effectively to authorities in their work to formulate policy. We will RAs:Research Associate continue to work toward our mission of strengthening and improving the quality of policymaking capacities and helping to invigorate policy discussions. Messages from the Chairman and the President The Japanese economy in fiscal 2014 started on a sluggish tone following the consumption tax rate hike in April, but the decline subsequently began showing signs of bottoming out as a weak yen and low crude oil prices helped boost corporate earnings. In fiscal 2015, the upward wage trend is continuing, and the economy is on a solid recovery path. However, despite the upturn in economic performance, the Japanese economy remains fraught with many challenges. Weighted by mounting deficits, Japan’s fiscal health is in a serious condition. Many structural problems, including demographic challenges of low fertility and an aging population, remain largely unaddressed. The vitality of businesses has improved in tandem with the economic recovery. However, in order to further invigorate the business sector, the government needs to lift unnecessary restrictions to reduce constraints on business activities. It is also crucial for companies to pursue organizational reform and address other management issues. In fiscal 2014, we continued to conduct research in a wide range of policy areas including the economy and finance, social security, human capital, energy and the environment, and international trade, which resulted in a large number of research papers. Also, as part of our efforts to disseminate our research findings, we hosted or co-hosted symposiums and seminars on topical economic subjects as well as other themes such as productivity, human capital, and energy. We are also placing a significant emphasis on our collaboration with overseas research institutes as well as on the development of databases for areas relevant to our research such as the economy, industry, and livelihood, and those databases are made available to researchers including those outside RIETI. In fiscal 2014, we updated and expanded the existing databases. We also hosted an international symposium that presented research findings based on data collected in the Japanese Study of Aging and Retirement (JSTAR) survey, a large-scale panel survey of Japanese elderly people, which has been carried out four times so far. In fiscal 2015, we continue to focus on key economic issues both within and outside Japan, conducting research that contributes to economic and industrial policy making — the very mission of RIETI — and delivering research findings in a timely manner. Lastly, on behalf of RIETI, I would like to thank all who have supported us and ask for your continued support and encouragement. May 2015 NAKAJIMA Atsushi Chairman Under the third medium-term plan covering the five-year period starting in April 2011, RIETI has established its mission to undertake theoretical and empirical research to create a grand design of putting the Japanese economy on a growth path and solidifying sustainable growth in the future. In fiscal 2015, which is the end of the five-year period, we will conduct research activities by invariably keeping in mind our three Priority Viewpoints: (1) incorporating the growth of the world economy, (2) developing new growth areas, and (3) responding to changes in society and creating new economic and social systems for sustainable growth. The first viewpoint reflects the importance of incorporating the growth of the world economy—particularly emerging Asia that has achieved remarkable development in recent years—to promote trade, investment, and business activities by leveraging Japan's scientific and technological capabilities. The second viewpoint represents the importance of theoretically and empirically analyzing research and development (R&D) policy and productivity improvement as a way to help develop new growth industries, particularly in areas related to green innovation and life innovation, by taking advantage of Japan's strength and social conditions. Finally, the third viewpoint exhibits the importance of overcoming a range of constraints we face today, such as low birthrate and an aging population, deteriorating fiscal health, the need to protect the environment, as well as building sound economic and social systems able to meet the changing needs of society in an effort to support the sustainable growth of our country. Cognizant of these three Priority Viewpoints, we have been comprehensively conducting research that is conducive to ensuring our country's sustainable growth this century in close collaboration with researchers from outside RIETI, policymakers in Japan, as well as with overseas researchers including those from other Asian countries, the United States, and Europe. Amid the rapid development of globalization and technological innovation, RIETI will dedicate itself to advancing research from the mid- and long-term points of view on the grounds that Japan will be able to strive for a new goal of economic development accompanied by recovery from damage due to the Great East Japan Earthquake. May 2015 FUJITA Masahisa President Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 01 Overview of Fiscal 2014 Activities The five years from fiscal 2011 to fiscal 2015 constitute the period of RIETI's 3rd medium-term plan, in which RIETI's primary mission is to provide theoretical support for a grand design to put the Japanese economy firmly on a growth track. To Three Priority Viewpoints on economic and industrial policies to be kept in mind when carrying out research activities: (1) Incorporating growth of the world economy; (2) Developing new growth areas; and (3) Responding to changes in society and creating new economic and social systems for sustainable growth Research Programs in Fiscal 2014 Program Director No. of Research Projects under the Program WAKASUGI Ryuhei, FF 8 II International Trade and investment International Macroeconomics ITO Takatoshi, FF 5 under each of which multiple research projects are III Regional Economies HAMAGUCHI Nobuaki, FF 5 conducted. IV Technology and Innovation NAGAOKA Sadao, FF 7 V Raising Industrial and Firm Productivity FUKAO Kyoji, FF 7 VI New Industrial Policy OHASHI Hiroshi, FF 7 VII Human Capital TSURU Kotaro, FF 7 VIII FUKAO Mitsuhiro, FF 7 TAKEDA Haruhito, FF 3 accomplish this mission, RIETI has established a I research framework of nine research programs, In fiscal 2014, the fourth year of the 3rd medium-term plan, RIETI’s previously commenced research went even deeper. Additionally, while keeping an eye on actively conducted research and disseminated IX Social Security, Taxation, and Public Finance Policy History and Policy Assessment inding concerning a wide id range of policy research findings SP Special Projects developments in the economy in Japan and abroad, we 2014 6 Total number of Research Projects trad policy, y, financing, finan fields, including trade corporate 62 p uctivity, energy, human h man capital, capita and social productivity, s rity. security. h and publicc relations The following are the rresearch vities RIETI introduced introd n fiscal fisc 2014 014 activities in (titles and affiliations are as of the day of the events). (tit 1. Research Activities 1.1 Deepening of the research framework In the 3rd medium-term plan, RIETI put in place nine research programs covering a broad range of policy areas, including trade policy, industrial policy, and economic policy, bearing in mind at all times of the three priority viewpoints on the economic and industrial policies indicated below that the government has recommended to be reflected in research. Leading experts in respective research fields serve as program directors and supervise multiple research projects conducted by fellows under the program. They also take steps through opportunities such as a brainstorming workshop at the launch of each project and interim report meetings to ensure that the plans and contents of research projects are mutually and organically interacted. Fifteen new projects were launched in fiscal 2014, adding to the 47 projects carried forward from fiscal 2013 (see “Research Activities” on p.7). 02 1.2 Research papers A total of 163 research papers (discussion papers [DP] and policy discussion papers [PDP]) were published. DPs are compilations of theoretical, analytical, and empirical research findings written in the form of academic journals. More DPs were written in English than in Japanese (93 in English versus 48 in Japanese), reflecting our intention to disseminate them globally. On the other hand, there were more PDPs written in Japanese than in English (two in English versus 20 in Japanese), as they are designed to contribute to policy discussions in a timely manner. These papers go through an internal review process before being released in principle. All DPs are accompanied by non-technical summaries that briefly encapsulate the policy implications derived from analysis. For some DPs, a “Research Digest” is prepared utilizing interviews with the authors to condense in a readily comprehensible manner the perspectives adopted in undertaking the research, the key points of the research, and the policy implications. An article of Research Digest is used as a vehicle for disseminating highquality research results in academic fields. Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 1.3 Research cooperation RIETI has been an active participant in research exchanges since 2007, a prime example of which is its organization of international workshops with the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), a leading European research network. Since 2012, articles by researchers from the two organizations have been published on a reciprocal basis on RIETI’s website and CEPR’s policy portal, and a total of 21 articles were shared in fiscal 2014. Furthermore, in fiscal 2014, RIETI and CEPR exchanged memorandums of understanding on research cooperation. Visiting scholars from the United States’ Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) were hosted by RIETI under a memorandum of understanding on cooperation between the two organizations. An intern from Harvard University also was hosted. Joint research with China’s Development Research Center (DRC) has continued. As well as this, RIETI held workshops with a variety of other research institutes as part of its research collaboration activities. January 16, 2015 CEPR-RIETI Workshop Labour Market Policy for Economic Growth 2. Public Relations Activities 2.1 Symposiums, workshops, and seminars RIETI held 30 symposiums, workshops, and seminars in fiscal 2014 (excluding BBL seminars). These provided excellent opportunities for reporting research findings and policy recommendations and generally sharing ideas and other information. They were led by notable researchers and leading figures in a variety of fields, including Professor James J. HECKMAN of the University of Chicago, a Nobel laureate in economics. The events hosted by RIETI include Third World KLEMS Conference / RIETI World KLEMS Symposium, which was held on May 19-20, 2014. A number of topics were addressed at those events, including productivity, social security, strategies for economic growth, corporate governance, innovation, international trade, and energy. In addition, 64 lunchtime BBL seminars were held, providing a vehicle for active discussion transcending the boundaries between business, academia, and government. Highlights of these events are described below (Also see “Symposiums, Workshops, and Seminars” on p. 59). James J. HECKMAN (Henry Schultz Distinguished Service Professor of Economics, The University of Chicago) delivers a lecture at the seminar. October 8, 2014 RIETI Special Seminar "Creating Capabilities" by Nobel Prize-winning economist Professor James J. HECKMAN RIETI-JSTAR Symposium Japan's Future as a Super Aging Society: International comparison of JSTAR datasets (December 12, 2014) A column written by KAWASE Tsuyoshi, FF on RIETI has been conducting a comprehensive survey of elderly people based on an international standard—the Japanese Study of Aging and Retirement (JSTAR)—since 2007. This panel data survey is designed to ensure comparability with preceding large-scale panel data surveys conducted in the United States and Europe. It is also part of an international project continuously researching the diverse information available on the economic, health, family, and social conditions of Japanese elderly from an interdisciplinary perspective. This policy symposium brought together RIETI’s JSTAR Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 03 research team as well as researchers from around the world who have led companion studies in various countries, including the United States, United Kingdom, continental Europe, and China. These experts presented the status of the elderly in each country, as based on their data, along with presentations of research findings. Moreover, speakers introduced the kinds of policies that are being written, according to their findings. Participants discussed the true picture of the elderly in Japan as revealed by earlier JSTAR studies and the resulting implications for social security reform in Japan in the future. Highlight Seminars The Highlight Seminars series was started in fiscal 2012 to disseminate timely research results on policy issues of great public interest and discuss them in great detail. RIETI held four such seminars in fiscal 2014, and Chairman NAKAJIMA Atsushi took charge as the moderator in all seminars. The 11th Highlight Seminar, January 30, 2015 “What is the New Direction of the Japanese Economy and Industry?” From left to right, OHASHI Hiroshi (PD and FF), KOBAYASHI Keiichiro (FF) The 10th Highlight Seminar, November 10, 2014 “Japan-China Economic Relations: Challenges and future directions” From left to right, KAWAI Masahiro (SRA), WAKASUGI Ryuhei (SRA, PD and FF) RIETI World KLEMS Symposium Growth Strategy after the World Financial Crisis (May 20, 2014) In this symposium, discussions on the theme of a growth strategy after the world financial crisis were made from a broad perspective. In the first session, Professor Dale W. JORGENSON of Harvard University discussed the World KLEMS Initiative, and RIETI President FUJITA Masahisa addressed the evolving spatial economy of the Asia-Pacific and the growth strategy. The second half of the program was a panel discussion, in which leading economists from Japan, Asia, Europe, and the United States exchanged their views and ideas on topics such as sustainable productivity, structural change to enhance growth, and risk factors for sustainable growth. The 9th Highlight Seminar, September 5, 2014 “New Growth Strategy: Rural economy vitalization and aggressive agriculture” From left to right, HAMAGUCHI Nobuaki (PD and FF), YAMASHITA Kazuhito (SF) The 8th Highlight Seminar, July 2, 2014 “Prices and Economic Performance in Japan after the Consumption Tax Hike” From left to right, FUKAO Mitsuhiro (PD and FF), WATANABE Tsutomu (Professor, Graduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics, The University of Tokyo) From left to right, Dale W. JORGENSON (Samuel W. Morris University Professor, Harvard University), FUJITA Masahisa (President and CRO, RIETI / Professor, Konan University / Adjunct Professor, Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University) 04 Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 Brown Bag Lunch Seminars (BBL Seminars) 2.2 Publications RIETI invited intellectuals from Japan and overseas to serve as lecturers during these lunchtime seminars that offer a venue for discussions with policy officials, academics, journalists, diplomats, and others on various policy issues. BBL seminars covered a wide range of subjects such as small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and ventures, international trade policies, industrial policies, the Chinese economy, international development and investments, innovation, intellectual properties and patents, the global economy, finance, energy and environment, and so forth (see “BBL Seminars” on p.71). Four books compiling RIETI's research results were published in fiscal 2014 (see the list of publications on p. 54) . Intangibles, Market Failure and Innovation Performance Edited by Ahmed BOUNFOUR, MIYAGAWA Tsutomu(FF) December 19, 2014 KONISHI Yoko (SF, RIETI) “Overview of Measuring Productivity: Accurate evaluation of technology” Macro-performance of Small and Medium Enterprises July 2, 2014 TAMAKI Rintaro (Deputy Secretary-General and Chief Economist, OECD) Written by GOTO Yasuo (SF) “Shifting Gear: Policy challenges for the next 50 years” June 19, 2014 International Economics of Outsourcing: Changing global trade patterns and a microdata analysis of Japanese firms SEKIYAMA Kazuhide (Director and Representative Executive Officer, Spiber Inc.) “Creation of Innovation through University Ventures” Written by TOMIURA Eiichi(FF) April 4, 2014 Elhanan HELPMAN (Galen L. Stone Professor of International Trade, Harvard University) “Globalization and Inequality” Economic Analysis of Working Hours: Prospects for a working style in a super-aging society Written by YAMAMOTO Isamu (FF), KURODA Sachiko Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 05 2.3 RIETI Highlight PR magazine 2.4. Website RIETI Highlight, a PR magazine introducing RIETI’s major activities, is published on a quarterly basis, together with a special English-language edition. Each issue presents topics of a timely nature in a “special feature,” and the topics covered in the fiscal 2014 quarterly editions included corporate governance, creating and displaying capabilities, raising productivity, and economics under globalization. The special edition gave Englishlanguage descriptions of RIETI’s activities in fiscal 2014, especially on its key projects and research results, and symposiums and seminars in which eminent researchers participated. Although RIETI conducts academically advanced research projects, RIETI Highlight publishes articles on the projects and their research findings in a manner that is easily understood even without expert knowledge. The magazine also adopts an editorial design that is easy to view in order to draw the readers’ attention. (see “Publicity Materials” on p. 58). The RIETI website is operated in three languages: Japanese, English and Chinese. It offers a steady stream of the latest information on RIETI activities—notices of symposiums and seminars, newly released research papers and non-technical summaries, columns by fellows, columns by renowned researchers worldwide entitled “Perspectives from Around the World,” etc.—and it is seeing an increasing number of visitors. Among the topics that particularly interested site visitors in fiscal 2014 were the Chinese economy, women’s participation in the workforce, low birthrate and depopulation, and issues in Abenomics. We are also taking advantage of the growing variety of tools to publicize our research findings. For example, we post contents on our Facebook page, and in July 2014, we began posting videos of RIETI events on our channel “rietichannel” on YouTube (See “Website” on p. 57). Website ( Quarterly issue Facebook ( Special issue 06 Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 Research Activities Programs I International Trade and investment II International Macroeconomics III Regional Economies IV Technology and Innovation V Raising Industrial and Firm Productivity VI New Industrial Policy VII Human Capital VIII Social Security, Taxation, and Public Finance IX Policy History and Policy Assessment SP Special Projects 独立行政法人 経済産業研究所 年次報告書 2013/4–2014/3 07 List of Research Projects I International Trade and Investment Program Project Title Project Leader I-1 Global Markets and Japan's Industrial Growth WAKASUGI Ryuhei FF I-2 Empirical Analysis of Trade Policy Preferences at the Individual Level in Japan TOMIURA Eiichi FF I-3 Trade and Industrial Policies in a Complex World Economy ISHIKAWA Jota FF I-4 Empirical Analysis on Determinants and Impacts of the Formation of Firm Networks TODO Yasuyuki FF I-5 Economic Impacts of Free Trade Agreements: The case of Japan URATA Shujiro FF I-6 Comprehensive Research on the Current International Trade/Investment System (pt.II) KAWASE Tsuyoshi FF I-7 A Study on Trade/FDI and the Environment/Energy JINJI Naoto FF I-8 The Structural Analysis of Global Governance over International Economic Law: Study on correlative MAMIYA Isamu FF / KOMETANI Kazumochi CF relationship in conflicts between policies, soft laws, and non-governmental entities V Page 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 Program II International Macroeconomics Project Title Project Leader II-1 Research on Exchange Rate Pass-Through ITO Takatoshi FF II-2 Exports and the Japanese Economy: Experiences in the 2000s and the lessons for the future IWAISAKO Tokuo FF II-3 Research on Currency Baskets OGAWA Eiji FF II-4 Macroeconomic Analysis on the Public Debt, Deflation, and Other Related Issues KOBAYASHI Keiichiro FF II-5 East Asian Production Networks, Trade, Exchange Rates, and Global Imbalances Willem THORBECKE SF Page 14 14 15 15 16 Program III Regional Economies Project Title Project Leader III-1 Restoration from Earthquake Damage and Growth Strategies of the Japanese Regional Economy HAMAGUCHI Nobuaki FF III-2 Spatial Economic Analysis on Regional Growth TABUCHI Takatoshi FF III-3 Seeking Sustainable Regional Economies in the Economic Globalization Age NAKAMURA Ryohei FF III-4 Formation of Economic Regions and its Mechanism: Theory and evidence MORI Tomoya FF III-5 Geospatial Networks and Spillover Effects in Inter-organizational Economic Activities SAITO Yukiko SF Page 17 17 18 18 18 V Program IV Technology and Innovation Project Title Project Leader Page IV-1 Research on Innovation Process and its Institutional Infrastructure NAGAOKA Sadao FF IV-2 Empirical Studies on "Japanese-style" Open Innovation MOTOHASHI Kazuyuki FF IV-3 The Role of Public Research Institutions in the Japanese National Innovation System GOTO Akira FF IV-4 Innovation, Incentives, and Organizations ITOH Hideshi FF IV-5 Standards and Intellectual Property AOKI Reiko FF IV-6 Health Policy and Innovation IIZUKA Toshiaki FF 20 20 21 21 21 22 Study on Technology Know-how and its Protection via Questionnaire Survey on the Japanese IV-7 Manufacturing Industry WATANABE Toshiya FF 22 Program V Raising Industrial and Firm Productivity Project Title 08 Project Leader V-1 East Asian Industrial Productivity FUKAO Kyoji FF V-2 Study on Intangible Assets in Japan MIYAGAWA Tsutomu FF V-3 Regional-Level Japan Industrial Productivity Database: Database Refinement and Its Analysis TOKUI Joji FF V-4 Analysis on Service Industries: Productivity, Economic Welfare, and Policy Evaluation KWON Hyeog Ug FF / INUI Tomohiko FF V-5 Competitiveness of Japanese Firms: Causes and Effects of the Productivity Dynamics KIYOTA Kozo FF V-6 Decomposition of Economic Fluctuations for Supply and Demand Shocks KONISHI Yoko SF V-7 Evaluating International Competitiveness NOMURA Koji FF Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 Page 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 Program VI New Industrial Policy Project Title Project Leader Page VI-1 Basic Research for a New Industrial Policy OHASHI Hiroshi FF 27 Issues Faced by Japan's Economy and Economic Policy Part III: VI-2 Heterogeneity among economic agents YOSHIKAWA Hiroshi FF 27 VI-3 Study on Corporate Finance and Firm Dynamics UESUGI Iichiro FF VI-4 Energy and Industrial Structural Change after the Fukushima Nuclear Accident MANAGI Shunsuke FF 28 28 VI-5 Globalization, Innovation, and Competition Policy KAWAHAMA Noboru FF / OHASHI Hiroshi FF 29 VI-6 Population YAMASHITA Kazuhito SF 29 VI-7 Price Network and Dynamics of Small and Medium Enterprises AOYAMA Hideaki FF 29 Agricultural Policy Reform Aimed at Competitive Agriculture in the Age of Globalization and Decreasing V Program VII Human Capital Project Title Project Leader VII-1 Reform of Labor Market Institutions TSURU Kotaro FF Economic Analysis of Human Resource Allocation Mechanisms within the Firm: Insider econometrics OWAN Hideo FF VII-2 using HR data VII-3 Fundamental Research for the Revival of a Vibrant Economy and Society in Japan NISHIMURA Kazuo FF VII-4 The Changing Japanese Labor Market: A perspective and desirable policy responses KAWAGUCHI Daiji FF VII-5 Research Project on Mental Health from the Perspective of Human Capital 2 SEKIZAWA Yoichi SF VII-6 Labor Market Analysis Using Matched Employer-Employee Panel Data YAMAMOTO Isamu FF VII-7 The Effect of Diversity on Economic Growth and Business Competitiveness HIGUCHI Yoshio FF / KODAMA Naomi CF Page 30 30 31 31 31 31 32 Program VIII Social Security, Taxation, and Public Finance Project Title Project Leader Page VIII-1 A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Fiscal Consolidation Measures FUKAO Mitsuhiro FF 33 VIII-2 Toward a Comprehensive Resolution of the Social Security Problem: A new economics of aging ICHIMURA Hidehiko FF / SHIMIZUTANI Satoshi CF 33 VIII-3 Optimal Immigration Policy for Japan NAKAJIMA Takanobu FF VIII-4 Social Security System to Revive Economic Vitality and Improve the Quality of Life NAKATA Daigo SF VIII-5 Theoretical and Empirical Analyses on Incidences of Corporate Income Taxation DOI Takero FF VIII-6 On Monetary and Fiscal Policy under Structural Changes and Societal Aging FUJIWARA Ippei FF A Socioeconomic Analysis of Households in Environments Characterized by Aging Population and Low YIN Ting F VIII-7 Birth Rates 34 34 34 35 35 Program IX Policy History and Policy Assessment Project Title IX-1 Project Leader Historical Study on Japan's Trade and Industrial Policy: From an international perspective TAKEDA Haruhito FF IX-2 History of the Policies of the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency KIKKAWA Takeo FF IX-3 Historical Evaluation of Industrial Policies OKAZAKI Tetsuji FF Page 36 36 36 Special Projects SP Special Projects Project Title Project Leader Page 38 39 SP-1 Frontiers of Analysis on Corporate Governance: Growth, value creation and corporate governance MIYAJIMA Hideaki FF SP-2 RIETI Data Management Project ODA Keiichiro SF SP-3 Research on the Liberalist Reforms of the Public-Private Relationship and the Establishment of the USHIRO Fusao FF Third Sector in Japan 40 SP-4 Survey of International Trends and Discussions in Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Projects KAINOU Kazunari F under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change 40 SP-5 Economic Analysis of Entrepreneurship SP-6 An Empirical Study on Economic Resilience and Maintenance of Economic Strength Against Disasters SAWADA Yasuyuki FF MATSUDA Naoko F 41 41 Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 09 Program :I I International Trade and Investment International Trade and Investment Program Director WAKASUGI Ryuhei The growth of Japan's economy is inseparable from changes in the global economy. This program, focusing on the relationship between the globalization of firms (i.e., exports and overseas production) and growth of the Japanese economy, will study R&D and innovation of globalizing firms, international technology transfer, employment, and industrial clusters from theoretical and empirical perspectives, investment (FDI) influence domestic employment, innovation, and industrial growth still remain as research subjects, while studies on the stylized facts of the internationalization of Japanese firms (i.e. export, outward FDI, and offshore outsourcing) and the factors to accelerate it have been aggregated so far. In addition, there are few studies that investigate the effect of the entry of foreign firms into the Japanese market through the transaction of goods, services, and technology and the effect of inward FDI on Japanese industries. This project focuses on the following subjects: (1) the entry of foreign firms, the Japanese market environment, and industrial growth in Japan; (2) the effects of firms' networks and offshoring, tax systems, and research and development (R&D) on the internationalization and growth of Japanese firms; and (3) the effect of the growing production level of Japanese firms in China on economic growth in both China and Japan. The research results in this project are expected to contribute insightful knowledge for industrial policymaking. together with studying international trade and investment rules (i.e., the WTO and regional trade Major Research Results agreements) empirically and from both legal and institutional perspectives. Furthermore, it also will study the impacts on firms and industries of the external shock resulting from the Great East Japan Earthquake, changes in production networks and the Discussion Papers ▶ Impact of Extensive and Intensive Margins of FDI on Corporate Domestic Performance: Evidence from Japanese automobile parts suppliers (MATSUURA Toshiyuki) (DP 15-E-032) ▶ Impacts of the World Trade Organization on Chinese Exports (WAKASUGI Ryuhei and ZHANG Hongyong) (DP 15-E-021) structure of trade following recovery, and the effects of restrictive energy and material supply on structural I changes in the Japanese economy. ▶ Industrial Agglomeration and Dispersion in China: Spatial reformation of the "workshop of the world" (ITO Asei) (DP 14-E-068) ▶ What Types of Science and Technology Policies Stimulate Innovation? Evidence from Chinese firm-level data (ITO Asei, Zhuoran LI and Min WANG) (DP 14-E-056) ▶ How Does Agglomeration Promote the Product Innovation of Chinese Firms? (ZHANG Hongyong) (DP 14-E-022) ▶ The Effect of Moving to a Territorial Tax System on Profit Repatriations: Evidence from Japan (HASEGAWA Makoto and KIYOTA Kozo) (DP 15-J-008) Introduction of Research Projects I-1 Global Markets and Japan's Industrial Growth Project Leader: WAKASUGI Ryuhei FF Empirical Analysis of Trade Policy Preferences at the Individual Level in Japan Project Leader: TOMIURA Eiichi FF <Overview> The integration of the Japanese economy with global markets is the most important aspect for industrial growth in Japan where potential domestic demand is not expanding. The issues on how the internationalization of Japanese firms via exports and foreign direct 10 I-2 < Overview > Trade policy becomes increasingly critical for Japan in the interdependent world with uncertainty in global trade liberalization. In spite of the gains from trade supported unanimously by Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 Discussion Papers ▶ Trade Policy Preferences and Cross-Regional Differences: Evidence from individual-level data of Japan (ITO Banri, MUKUNOKI Hiroshi, TOMIURA Eiichi and WAKASUGI Ryuhei) (DP 15-E-003) ▶ Reciprocal Versus Unilateral Trade Liberalization: Comparing individual characteristics of supporters (TOMIURA Eiichi, ITO Banri, MUKUNOKI Hiroshi and WAKASUGI Ryuhei) (DP 14-E-067) ▶ Trade Policy Preferences and Cross-Regional Differences: Evidence from individual-level data of Japan (ITO Banri, MUKUNOKI Hiroshi, TOMIURA Eiichi and WAKASUGI Ryuhei) (DP 14-J-052) I-3 Trade and Industrial Policies in a Complex World Quality of Distance: Quality sorting, Alchian-Allen effect, and geography (TAKECHI Kazutaka) (DP 15-E-018) International Trade and Investment Major Research Results ▶ The :I economists, opinions on trade policy widely vary among individuals, depending on income, skill, industry, and many other background factors. This research project empirically explores how various individual characteristics are related with trade policy preferences. Findings from our survey on 10,000 individuals will reveal regularities that will be informative for policy planners not only in Japan but also in many other developed economies. ▶ The Price of Distance: Pricing to market, producer heterogeneity, and geographic barriers (KANO Kazuko, KANO Takashi and TAKECHI Kazutaka) (DP 15-E-017) ▶ Trade Liberalization and Aftermarket Services for Imports (ISHIKAWA Jota, MORITA Hodaka and MUKUNOKI Hiroshi) (DP 14-E-065) Workshop “One-day Trade Workshop” (December 23, 2014) I-4 Empirical Analysis on Determinants and Impacts of the Formation of Firm Networks Project Leader: TODO Yasuyuki FF < Overview > This project empirically examines how the networks of firms, such as supply chain networks and industrial-academic-government collaboration, are formulated and how they affect the economy, using firm-level data, such as that for firms affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake and the 2011 Thailand floods and for small and micro enterprises in less developed countries. From these analyses, this project aims at providing new academic findings on firm networks that can promote economic growth and improve social welfare as well as policy implications based on these findings. Economy Project Leader: ISHIKAWA Jota FF Major Research Results < Overview > As globalization proceeds, the world economy is becoming more complex. While multilateral negotiations under the World Trade Organization (WTO) are stagnating, bilateral negotiations such as regional trade agreements and bilateral investment treaties remain dominant. Although tariffs were reduced, other trade costs have not necessarily fallen. Trade liberalization in services is slow relative to that in goods. Firms now engage in various cross-border transactions. In particular, we see various hybrid forms of organization and competition in which domestic and foreign firms cooperate in some phases of production and then compete in product markets. The objective of this research project is to explore trade and industrial policies in this complex world economy and obtain useful implications for economic growth. Discussion Papers ▶ The Strength of Long Ties and the Weakness of Strong Ties: Knowledge diffusion through supply chain networks (TODO Yasuyuki, Petr MATOUS and INOUE Hiroyasu) (DP 15-E-034) ▶The Effects of Endogenous Interdependencies on Trade Network Formation across Space among Major Japanese Firms (Petr MATOUS and TODO Yasuyuki ) (DP 14-E-020) 主な研究成果 Major Research Results Discussion Papers ▶ Aid for Trade and Global Growth (NAITO Takumi) (DP 15-E-025) ▶ Comparative Advantage, Monopolistic Competition, and Heterogeneous Firms in a Ricardian Model with a Continuum of Sectors (ARA Tomohiro) (DP 15-E-023) Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 11 :I I-5 International Trade and Investment I-6 The case of Japan Comprehensive Research on the Current International Trade/Investment System (pt.II) Project Leader: URATA Shujiro FF Project Leader: KAWASE Tsuyoshi FF < Overview > The objective of this research is to investigate the impacts of Japan's free trade agreements (FTAs) on the Japanese economy, in order to provide the Japanese government with useful information in formulating trade policy. The analyses will take ex-ante and ex-post forms. The ex-ante analysis is to examine the possible impacts of FTAs, which are still in negotiation or under study, by conducting simulation analyses using the computable general equilibrium models. Specifically, we intend to analyze the impacts of various FTAs including the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement (TPP) and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). < Overview > The main subject of this research project for this period is international economic law on state capitalism. Due to the recent rise of state-owned enterprises (SOE) and sovereign wealth funds (SWF) mainly by emerging economies, a new set of international regulatory frameworks that differs from the conventional one for a market economy is urgently in need. Currently, however, the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement, economic partnership agreements (EPAs), and investment treaties do not provide effective trade, investment, and competition rules on this new phenomena, and philosophical discrepancies between developed countries and emerging economies render this issue as one of the least possible to reach a conclusion for in the ongoing Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement (TPP) negotiations. This project aims first to survey the status quo of laws on state capitalism, bearing in mind the precedent achievements in the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and recent debates in the TPP or the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations, and to propose possible regulatory frameworks or interpretation and application of relevant domestic/international law in force in order for optimal regulation. Economic Impacts of Free Trade Agreements: The ex-post analysis is conducted by using the observed data after the FTAs are enacted. This analysis is implemented in two steps. First, we investigate the impacts of FTAs on the level of liberalization in goods and service trade. Second, we examine the impacts of the change in the level of trade liberalization—the result of the first stage—on trade flows in goods and services. Major Research Results Discussion Papers ▶Trade in Services and Japan's Bilateral FTAs: Empirics on their impacts (ISHIDO Hikari) (DP 15-E-012) This project also covers the studies on WTO case law and the legal and economic analysis of international trade in cultural media products and relevant cross-border investment activities, both of which are continuing from the preceding period (2011-13). ▶ Do People Support Compensation for Trade Liberalization? Evidence from a survey experiment in Japan (KUNO Arata) (DP 15-J-002) ADBI & RIETI Special Seminar “Asia and Japan: Trading into the future” (2014/4/18) Major Research Results Discussion Paper ▶ Clarification of Evolution of the Principle of NonDiscrimination under the WTO Agreement: Recent developments in case law and their implications for Members' policy space (KAWASE Tsuyoshi) (DP 15-J-004) Policy Discussion Paper ▶ [WTO Case Review Series No. 9] United States—Certain Country of Origin Labelling Requirements (DS384, 386): The impacts of country of origin labelling on international trade (NAIKI Yoshiko) (PDP 14-P-022) From left to right, URATA Shujiro FF, NAKATOMI Michitaka CF 12 Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 :I I-7 Project Leader: JINJI Naoto FF <Overview> This project mainly conducts empirical analyses on the relationship between international trade/foreign direct investment (FDI) and the environment/energy at the firm-level and product-level. It is motivated by the fact that Japanese firms have a competitive advantage in energy-saving technologies and environmentally friendly products whereas constraints from domestic energy supply and environmental regulations could affect their location choice and globalization strategy. The main issues in this project include: (1) globalization of firms and their energy efficiency/emissions; (2) the environmental impact of Japanese FDI and the environmental spillovers to local firms in the host countries; (3) international comparison of the environmental and energy consciousness of consumers and the analysis of standards and labeling, and; (4) the environmental effects of durable goods with addressing the issue of trade in second-hand goods. I-8 The Structural Analysis of Global Governance over International Economic Law: Study on correlative relationship in conflicts between policies, soft laws, and non-governmental entities Project Leader: MAMIYA Isamu FF Sub-Leader: KOMETANI Kazumochi CF < Overview > International rules, which have been developed in policy areas including international trade and investment protection, have recently set limitations on government measures in different policy areas, including environmental and consumer protection, and consequently, concern has arisen over norms between international and domestic laws, or among international laws, conflicting with each other. Also, further diversification has been witnessed in subject matters, participating entities, binding authorities, and implementation measures. On the basis of progress in these international laws, we intend to conduct research on individual policy fields with an aim to analyze the whole picture of international laws and global governance. It is expected that such analysis not only offers a perspective for capturing the whole structure of international laws, but also provides a solid basis for analyzing previous cases. Examples of those include the background of the long-stalled negotiations in the Doha Development Agenda (DDA) and post Kyoto Protocol as well as World Trade Organization (WTO) and investment agreements. International Trade and Investment A Study on Trade/FDI and the Environment/Energy Other research results in Program I < Research results independent from any research project > RIETI Seminar on International Economy “Portrait of Factory Asia: Production Network in Asia and its implication for growth - the smile curve” (December 11, 2014) From left to right, TOMIURA Eiichi FF, WAKASUGI Ryuhei SRA/PD/FF, Professor Richard E. BALDWIN < Research results belonging to research projects prior to Fiscal 2013 > Project: Economic Analysis on Trade Agreements Project Leader: SATO Hitoshi CF Discussion Paper ▶ How the Movement of Natural Persons Agreement Could Fuel FTAs (KOMORIYA Yoshimasa) (DP 14-E-041) Project: Pressing Problems of International Investment Law Project Leader: KOTERA Akira FF Policy Discussion Paper ▶ Services Negotiation and Plurilateral Agreements: TISA and sectoral approach (NAKATOMI Michitaka) (PDP 14-P-023) Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 13 Program II International Macroeconomics Program Director ITO Takatoshi : II Amid rapidly advancing globalization, there is a need International Macroeconomics to consider how the Japanese economy should take on risk employed by multinational firms, the objective of this project is to elucidate the following: (i) clarify the impacts of commodity-level and corporate-level factors on pass-through on a macroeconomic level, and (ii) reassess the effects of deregulation of Japanese capital control in the 1990s on yen-denominated transactions and forecast the effects of easing capital control in emerging countries on the international currency system. growth in emerging markets and realize balanced, sustainable growth within Asia. In addition to Major Research Results studying institutional infrastructures such as the role of a currency basket in the Asia region, this program also will analyze various issues related to exchangerate pass-through and the choice of invoice currencies from both macroeconomic and corporate-level perspectives. Furthermore, it also will advance research spanning fields such as international trade Discussion Papers ▶ Automobile Exports: Export price and retail price (YOSHIDA Yushi and SASAKI Yuri) (DP 15-E-024) ▶ Abenomics, Yen Depreciation, Trade Deficit, and Export Competitiveness (SHIMIZU Junko and SATO Kiyotaka) (DP 15-E-020) ▶ Abenomics, Yen Depreciation, Trade Deficit and Export Competitiveness (SHIMIZU Junko and SATO Kiyotaka) (DP 14-J-022) and macroeconomics, international finance, macro finance, corporate foreign-exchange risk II-2 management, and corporate finance. We will Exports and the Japanese Economy: Experiences in endeavor to propose ideal macroeconomic policies for the 2000s and the lessons for the future fiscal reconstruction, particularly their influence on Project Leader: IWAISAKO Tokuo FF exchange rates, as well as analyze the long-term II deflationary mechanism and explore ways of overcoming it. Introduction of Research Projects < Overview > Following the Lehman Brothers collapse in fall 2008, the world economy fell into a severe recession along with a large contraction in international trade, known as the Great Trade Collapse. Although the Japanese economy was relatively unharmed from the global financial crisis, it subsequently experienced a large drop in output prompted by a decline in the exports demand from late 2008 to 2009. Our project investigates the propagation mechanism of the negative demand shock and the adjustment process of Japanese firms/industries during this period, utilizing detailed micro data. We also analyze why the Japanese economy's dependence on its exports largely increased during the period of mild recovery preceding the Lehman Brothers collapse, paying particular attention to the structural change of the Japanese industries and the effects of sharp appreciation of energy prices in the 2000s. II-1 Research on Exchange Rate Pass-Through Major Research Results Project Leader: ITO Takatoshi FF < Overview > Through theoretical and empirical analysis of the microeconomic (corporate) behaviors that determine pass-through (i.e., export/import pricing, choice of invoice currency, and foreign exchange risk management) under the existence of a rational strategy on currency 14 Discussion Papers ▶ Impact of Exchange Rate Shocks on Japanese Exports: Quantitative assessment using a structural VAR model (IWAISAKO Tokuo and NAKATA Hayato) (DP 15-E-029) ▶ Oil Price, Exchange Rate Shock, and the Japanese Economy (IWAISAKO Tokuo and NAKATA Hayato) (DP Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 15-E-028) RIETI-IWEP-CESSA Joint Workshop ▶ Financial Shocks and Japan's Export Collapse during the Global Financial Crisis: Evidence from bank-firm matched data (UCHINO Taisuke) (DP 14-J-053) ▶ Impact International Macroeconomics ▶ Oil Related URLs ▶ Asian Monetary Unit (AMU) and AMU Deviation Indicators : II of Exchange Rate Shocks on Japanese Exports: Quantitative assessment using the structural VAR model (IWAISAKO Tokuo and NAKATA Hayato) (DP 14-J-051) “Industry-specific REER and Pass-Through Effect in Economic Integration between China and Japan” (December 13-14, 2014) Price, Exchange Rate Shock, and the Japanese Economy (IWAISAKO Tokuo and NAKATA Hayato) (DP 14-J050) II-3 Research on Currency Baskets Project Leader: OGAWA Eiji FF < Overview > Multiple currency swap agreements (CMIM) were created in Asia, and a surveillance unit (ASEAN Macro-Economic Research Office: AMRO) has started in Singapore. Under these circumstances, the Asian Monetary Unit (AMU), proposed by RIETI, will be expected to play an important role as a surveillance unit in the near future. The first purpose of this project is to hold meetings to discuss and bring a concrete proposal on regional monetary cooperation with researchers from Japan, China, and Korea. In addition, a database containing the industry-specific nominal effective exchange rates and the industryspecific real effective exchange rates of Japan, China, and Korea has been published consistently since May 2011, and it has recently attracted increasing attention from policymakers. ▶ Industry-Specific Nominal and Real Effective Exchange Rates in Asia The purpose of the research is not only to create a new standard on exchange rates in order to propose it as either an economic surveillance indicator or a policy indicator, but also to bring policy implications to future currency regimes in Asia by applying these indicators on macroeconomic analyses. Industry-Specific Real Effective Exchange Rate Major Research Results Discussion Papers ▶ Assessing Asian Equilibrium Exchange Rates as Policy Instruments (MASUJIMA Yuki) (DP 15-E-038) ▶ Effects of a Quantitative Easing Monetary Policy Exit Strategy on East Asian Currencies (OGAWA Eiji and WANG Zhiqian) (DP 15-E-037) ▶ Industry-specific Real Effective Exchange Rates in Asia (SATO Kiyotaka, SHIMIZU Junko, Nagendra SHRESTHA and Shajuan ZHANG) (DP 15-E-036) FY 2014 The Third Hitotsubashi University Policy Forum “Trends in Trade and Current Account, and the Future of the Japanese Economy” (March 5, 2015) II-4 Macroeconomic Analysis on the Public Debt, Deflation, and Other Related Issues Project Leader: KOBAYASHI Keiichiro FF < Overview > As stock prices are booming and the yen is depreciating due to the monetary easing in the Abenomics policy, interest in the mechanism of persistent deflation is now renewed. On the other hand, fiscal expansion is now further accelerating the accumulation of public debt. Economic and policy analysis on public debt accumulation and persistent deflation in Japan in the long-run are very challenging topics as they are not easily accounted for by the existing economic theory. We first analyze the relation between the expansion of public debt and the decrease in economic growth. Analysis is done using Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 15 political economic models in the form of Acemoglu et al. and macroeconomic models with credit constraint, in which the Ricardian equivalence is violated and capital accumulation is affected by the public debt. Based on these theoretical analyses, we argue for the interaction of public debt, economic growth, and deflation, and derive some policy implications. Exports (THORBECKE, Willem) (DP 14-E-049) ▶ China-U.S. Trade: A global outlier (THORBECKE, Willem) (DP 14-E-039) ▶ Export : II Sophistication and Exchange Rate Elasticities: The Case of Switzerland (THORBECKE, Willem and KATO Atsuyuki) (DP 14-E-031) International Macroeconomics Major Research Results Discussion Papers ▶ Public Debt Overhang in the Heterogeneous Agent Model (KOBAYASHI Keiichiro) (DP 14-E-044) ▶ There is No Natural Debt Limit with Consumption Tax (KOBAYASHI Keiichiro) (DP 14-E-043) II-5 East Asian Production Networks, Trade, Exchange Rates, and Global Imbalances Project Leader: Willem THORBECKE, SF < Overview > East Asia is characterized by intricate production and distribution networks. Skilled workers in Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, and other places produce sophisticated, technology-intensive parts and components, ship them to China and countries in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) for assembly by lower wage workers, and then re-export them largely outside of Asia. Exports from East Asia have been accompanied by large imbalances with the West. This project investigates how exchange rates affect trading patterns in East Asia and elsewhere, and how exports and production networks in the region are evolving. Exchange rates throughout the supply chain, in principle, should affect exports. This project thus examines how exchange rates in China, South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, and ASEAN member states affect East Asian exports. It also investigates how the appreciating yen between 2007 and 2012 and the weakening yen after November 2012 affected Japanese exports and imports and the profitability of Japanese firms. In addition, it culls lessons from the exchange rate policies of other countries such as Switzerland. The research further examines the product sophistication of East Asian exports. Is Japan close to the technological frontier? How far away are South Korea and Taiwan from Japan? How are ASEAN countries progressing at moving up the ladder of comparative advantage? To what extent are Asian economies comrades, and to what extent are they competitors, in their exports to the world? Finally, the project draws policy implications. Major Research Results Discussion Papers ▶ Enjoying the Fruits of their Labor: Redirecting exports to Asian consumers (THORBECKE, Willem) (DP 15-E-016) ▶ Measuring 16 the Competitiveness of China's Processed Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 Program III Regional Economies Program Director HAMAGUCHI Nobuaki This program will study urban, rural, and industrial growth viewing the regions of Japan in the context of the global economy, and using this to develop policy recommendations and other outputs. Specifically, it international regional systems through market mechanisms, the mechanisms of enterprise clustering, Regional Economies matters such as formation of domestic and : III will analyze, both theoretically and empirically, study: (1) whether the "group subsidy," introduced to assist the restoration of damaged productive assets by the Great East Japan Earthquake (2011), has been able to choose beneficiaries appropriately through targeting and (2) the impact of a large natural disaster on the exit and entry of firms, which eventually transformed industrial agglomeration and the local economy in general in the affected area from the experience of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake (1995). As for the regional growth strategy, we investigate: (3) the recent correlation between increasing demographic concentration and declining patent application and explore the viability of the growth strategy through a geographic dispersion of research and development, and (4) the transformation of supply chains and production distribution between overseas and within the country, with the latter being further divided between metropolitan and peripheral areas, and discuss what policy measures should be taken in each area. and the relationship between economic growth and Major Research Results urbanization. It will also consider regional policies that would be desirable from the perspectives of national economic growth and maximizing policy effects, and also research the optimal sizes of regional blocs and communities. Additional study will look at Discussion Papers ▶ Natural Disasters, Industrial Clusters and Manufacturing Plant Survival (Matthew A. COLE, Robert J R ELLIOTT, OKUBO Toshihiro and Eric STROBL) (DP 15-E-008) ▶ Supply Chain Internationalization in East Asia: Inclusiveness and risks (FUJITA Masahisa and HAMAGUCHI Nobuaki) (DP 14-E-066) the ideal forms of the supply chains of Japanese firms and the recovery of areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake. Furthermore, the ideal III Spatial Economic Analysis on Regional Growth medium-sized enterprises utilizing regional resources Project Leader: TABUCHI Takatoshi FF and other advantages will be studied as well. Introduction of Research Projects III-1 Restoration from Earthquake Damage and Growth Strategies of the Japanese Regional Economy Project Leader: HAMAGUCHI Nobuaki FF III-2 management strategies for outstanding small and <Overview> This research aims at presenting evidence for policy discussions regarding two important issues for the current Japanese regional economy. Related to the restoration from earthquake damage, we <Overview> While the world economy is rapidly globalizing and the service sector is steadily growing, the population in Japan has been declining due to aging demographics combined with a low birthrate. The purpose of this project is to clarify the driving forces of economic development in cities and regions under these economic environments. Because the systems of cities and regions are closely linked, we approach the urban economy from the perspective of globalization. Based upon new economic geography, search theory, dynamic general equilibrium, tax competition, and spatial competition, we analyze spatial economy both theoretically and empirically, and propose socially desirable spatial policies. Major Research Results Discussion Papers ▶ Endogenous Labor Supply and International Trade (AGO Takanori, MORITA Tadashi, TABUCHI Takatoshi and Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 17 III-5 YAMAMOTO Kazuhiro) (DP 14-E-062) ▶ Competitive Search with Moving Costs (KAWATA Keisuke, NAKAJIMA Kentaro and SATO Yasuhiro) (DP 14-E-052) ▶ Economic Geography, Endogenous Fertility, and Agglomeration (MORITA Tadashi and YAMAMOTO Kazuhiro) (DP 14-E-045) III-3 Seeking Sustainable Regional Economies in the : III Economic Globalization Age Regional Economies Project Leader: NAKAMURA Ryohei FF <Overview> In the midst of economic globalization, international, inter-industry transactions as well as intra-country, inter-regional transactions and resulting location behaviors are gradually having important meanings for regional economies. Individual regional economies have their own roles according to their economic size and locational properties. We investigate the successful inter-industrial relationships within a region to attain sustainable regional economies by applying the urban hierarchical model. Based on regional properties, we conduct input-output/social accounting matrix (IO/SAM) analysis, computable general equilibrium (CGE) modeling, the new economic geography (NEG) approach, and the multiple equilibrium approach while trying new developments in methodology. Finally, we look for regional policies using several simulations of changing regional economic structures. III-4 Geospatial Networks and Spillover Effects in Interorganizational Economic Activities Project Leader: SAITO Yukiko SF <Overview> After the experiences of the collapse of Lehman Brothers and natural mega-disasters, it is recognized that regional idiosyncratic shocks can be propagated to the whole economy and cause macro-economic fluctuations. This means that economic activities of organizations are strongly interconnected in a geospatially spread network. Strong connections between organizations are realized in the propagation of negative shocks on the one hand while causing competitiveness on the other. Policy makers have pointed out the application of the "power of connections." In this project, we focus on inter-organizational connections such as inter-firm transactions and knowledge spillovers. We will empirically analyze network dynamics and spillovers in order to clarify the mechanism of propagation of negative shocks and the causes of competitiveness. Other research results in Program III < Research results belonging to research projects prior to Fiscal 2013 > Project: Studies on the Structure of Japanese Economic Space and Japanese Supply Chains Sustaining Growth Under Globalization and Disaster Risks Project Leader: HAMAGUCHI Nobuaki FF Formation of Economic Regions and its Mechanism: Theory and evidence Project Leader: MORI Tomoya FF <Overview> In this project, using data from Europe, the United States, and Asia, we will show that city systems are characterized by a spatial fractal structure in terms of city size distributions, industrial location patterns, as well as the transport network structure. In particular, among the hierarchical economic regions to be identified by the commodity flow surveys, we will show that city size distributions exhibit the common power law. These empirically identified endogenous regularities in turn are reproduced theoretically by spatial economic models. Finally, policy simulations will be conducted to investigate how these regularities restrict the regional industrial and transport policies. Discussion Papers ▶ Industrial Agglomeration in China: Case studies of the Chinese Silicon Valley and the coastal SEZ (KURITA Kyosuke) (DP 14-J-035) ▶ Enhancing Enterprise Power through Exporting: Verification of the learning effect by exporting (KURITA Kyosuke) (DP 14-J-034) Project: Inter-organizational and Inter-inventors Geographical Proximity and Networks Project Leader: SAITO Yukiko SF Discussion Papers ▶ Roles of Wholesalers in Transaction Networks (OKUBO Toshihiro, ONO Yukako and SAITO Yukiko) (DP 14-E-059) ▶ Localization of Knowledge-creating Establishments (INOUE Hiroyasu, NAKAJIMA Kentaro and SAITO Yukiko) (DP 14-E-053) 18 Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 ▶ Supply Chain Disruptions: Evidence from the Great East Japan Earthquake (Vasco M. CARVALHO, NIREI Makoto and SAITO Yukiko) (DP 14-E-035) ▶ Geography and Firm Performance in the Japanese Production Network (Andrew B. BERNARD, Andreas MOXNES and SAITO Yukiko) (DP 14-E-034) : III Regional Economies Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 19 Program IV Technology and Innovation Program Director NAGAOKA Sadao The sources of innovation are the creation of new knowledge and its exploitation to solve real-world problems. This program will develop original data on innovation processes with a view toward improving our understanding of such processes, including surveys of inventors in Japan, North America, and analysis serving evidence-based innovation policy making, exploiting the two rounds of large scale surveys of inventors as well as complementary statistics. The study focuses on the design of the intellectual property system for innovation (institutional sources of the variation of patent values in the United States and Japan, employee inventor rights, disclosure as knowledge source, and the patent system as seen by startups and foreign firms), research and development (R&D) productivity (inventor life-cycle productivity, patents as a cluster, standard-based innovation), and universityindustry collaborations (effects of the acquisition of legal person status by national universities, matching between industrial innovation and higher education). The project pursues international research collaborations with leading scholars abroad. Europe. Furthermore, it will conduct analysis from a Major Research Results global perspective so as to contribute to evidence: IV Technology and Innovation based policy formation conducive to technology program will analyze a broad range of issues, Discussion Papers ▶ Incentive Design for Inventors: Theory and empirical evidence (NAGAOKA Sadao, OWAN Hideo and ONISHI Koichiro) (DP 14-J-044) including an assessment of intellectual property ▶ Scientific development and innovation. Specifically, the Sources of Corporate Inventions in Japan: Evidence from an inventor survey (KINUKAWA Shinya) (DP 14-J-038) systems such as patent systems, knowledge transfer and mobility of people across organizations, university-industry cooperation, technical standards for innovation, collaboration in innovation, corporate organization and industrial organization to promote IV innovation, and international comparison of entrepreneurship. Introduction of Research Projects IV-1 Research on Innovation Process and its Institutional Infrastructure Project Leader: NAGAOKA Sadao FF <Overview> This project aims at deepening our understanding of the innovation process in Japan from an international perspective and at providing 20 IV-2 Empirical Studies on "Japanese-style" Open Innovation Project Leader: MOTOHASHI Kazuyuki FF <Overview> Although the innovation system in Japan has been said to be characterized by the "not invented here" (NIH) attitude primarily taken by large companies, a shift to open innovation involving external collaboration is becoming increasingly important given technological progress and more intense global competition. According to RIETI's new product development process survey, active research and development (R&D) collaborations with business partners, such as suppliers and customers, are found for Japanese firms. This pattern might be different from the concept of open innovation by Henry Chesbrough, which refers to technology transactions taking place in the open market. In this project, we conduct empirical research on "Japanese-style open innovation," and draw some policy implications for science, technology and innovation policy in Japan. Major Research Results Discussion Paper ▶ Open Innovation Effects of Patent Applications: An empirical study of inkjet technology patents (KINUKAWA Shinya) (DP 14-J-039) Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 METI-RIETI Symposium “A New Paradigm of Manufacturing Evolving from 3D Printing Technology” (April 21, 2014) IV-4 Innovation, Incentives, and Organizations Project Leader: ITOH Hideshi FF <Overview> The main purpose of this project is to understand how parties' incentives to engage in innovation activities are affected by various institutional features. We apply theories of incentives under asymmetric information and imperfect enforcement to incentive problems characterized by risk taking, limited performance measurement and verifiability, dynamic learning, trade-off between exploration and exploitation, and the importance of information generation and communication. We then examine implications and applications for legal rules, institutions, social norms, regulations, corporate governance, organizational structures, and compensation systems in Japan. : IV The Role of Public Research Institutions in the Japanese National Innovation System Technology and Innovation IV-3 IV-5 Standards and Intellectual Property Project Leader: AOKI Reiko FF Project Leader: GOTO Akira FF <Overview> The aim of this project is to investigate the role of public research institutions (PRI) within Japan's national innovation system (NIS) in an era after that of the catch-up development model. There are many interesting studies on the role of universities in NIS, but those on PRIs are rather limited. The research intends to use three approaches: first, statistical analysis to understand the role of PRIs using patent and bibliometric data; second, a questionnaire survey of PRIs and researchers thereof; and third, an international comparison on the role of PRIs in a national innovation system. Major Research Results Discussion Paper ▶ Innovation and Public Research Institutes: Cases of AIST, RIKEN, and JAXA (SUZUKI Jun, TSUKADA Naotoshi and GOTO Akira) (DP 14-E-021) <Overview> We study the role of standards and intellectual property as part of global innovation and marketing strategies using a law and economics framework. The project includes case studies of product and technology standardization strategies, including platforms, and essential and patent litigation, from both economic and legal perspectives. In addition, we conduct empirical analysis of patent and standard document data and theoretical analysis to derive a general framework. Through our study of past and present strategies, the framework will allow us to derive policy implication covering both existing and new technologies and products. Major Research Results Policy Discussion Paper ▶ Age of De Jure Standard and its Determinants: Dataset linking standard technology areas to economic survey data (TAMURA Suguru) (PDP 14-P-020) Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 21 IV-6 Health Policy and Innovation Project Leader: IIZUKA Toshiaki FF <Overview> In recent years, healthcare markets such as pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and regenerative medicines have experienced various technological breakthroughs, and these innovations are expected to establish a new market in the near future. In these markets, government regulations, research and development (R&D) incentives, and price regulations play a major role in promoting innovations. The objective of this project is to understand the impact of health-related policies on innovations. For example, we study pharmaceutical R&D on rare diseases in Japan by empirically examining the impact of health policies on innovation activities. A comparison to similar policies in foreign countries will also be made. : IV Technology and Innovation IV-7 Study on Technology Know-how and its Protection via Questionnaire Survey on the Japanese Manufacturing Industry Project Leader: WATANABE Toshiya FF <Overview> The purpose of this study is a quantitative evaluation on technology know-how based on research and development by the Japanese manufacturing industry. Via a questionnaire survey, the economic magnitude and variation of the technology know-how in each industrial field is studied. Based on this study, we quantitatively estimate unintended technology know-how leakage. Furthermore, the effective management to protect technology know-how leakage is shown by clarifying the effect of the level of trade secret protection and detailed management methods conducted by industry on the technology know-how leakage. Other research results in Program IV < Research results independent from any research project > Innovation Seminar “Conflict Resolution, Public Goods and Patent Thickets” (November 5, 2014) 22 Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 Program V Raising Industrial and Firm Productivity Program Director FUKAO Kyoji The aim of this program is to measure industry- and firm-level productivity and its determinants for Japan and various East Asian countries and to conduct research on policies aimed at raising productivity. At the industry level, in addition to updating and expanding the Japan Industrial Productivity (JIP) and China Industrial Productivity (CIP) databases in collaboration with Hitotsubashi University, the Project "Research Unit for Statistical and Empirical Analysis in Social Sciences" (G-COE Hi-Stat), seeks to update annually the Japan Industrial Productivity (JIP) Database and conduct analyses of Japan's industrial structure and productivity trends. Moreover, it aims to update and revise the China Industrial Productivity (CIP) Database for analyses of the Chinese economy, for which—even though it is a driving force of global economic growth—sufficient official statistics are unavailable. Furthermore, by continuing the Asia KLEMS project with the Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI), Bank of Korea, etc. and linking up with Harvard University's World KLEMS project, the East Asian Industrial Productivity Project will make it possible to conduct comparisons of productivity trends for countries around the world, including Japan and China. program will construct an industrial productivity database by prefecture for Japan and examine the impact of the recent earthquake on regional economies Major Research Results government statistics and corporate financial data in Discussion Papers ▶ Globalization and Domestic Operations: Applying the JC/JD method to Japanese manufacturing firms (ANDO Mitsuyo and KIMURA Fukunari) (DP 15-E-010) Japan and abroad, the program will research the ▶ Constructing and policies for reconstruction. At the firm or establishment level, employing micro-data from corporate performance, policies for raising productivity in the service sector, and productivity dynamics from an international perspective—including productivity differentials between Japanese, Chinese, Raising Industrial and Firm Productivity impact of globalization, how changes in demand affect China's Net Capital and Measuring Capital Services in China, 1980-2010 (Harry X. WU) (DP 15-E-006) : V following: productivity differentials between firms, the ▶ Constructing Annual Employment and Compensation Matrices and Measuring Labor Input in China (Harry X. WU, Ximing YUE and George G. ZHANG) (DP 15-E-005) ▶ Reconstructing China's Supply-Use and Input-Output Tables in Time Series (Harry X. WU and ITO Keiko) (DP 15-E-004) and Korean firms—as well as other related issues. V At the industry and firm level, the program will measure investment in intangible assets such as research and development, software, in-house training, and organizational structure—all of which are important sources of innovation and productivity Workshop “The 2nd Asia KLEMS Database Management Workshop” (October 17, 2014) RIETI World KLEMS Symposium “Growth Strategy after the World Financial Crisis” (May 20, 2014) growth—and will examine the economic effects of Third World KLEMS Conference (May 19-20, 2014) such investments. Introduction of Research Projects V-1 East Asian Industrial Productivity Project Leader: FUKAO Kyoji FF <Overview> Increases in productivity provide a key source of economic growth, especially for countries like Japan, where the labor force is shrinking. The East Asian Industrial Productivity Project, in cooperation with Hitotsubashi University's Global Centers of Excellence (COE) Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 23 V-3 Related URLs ▶ Japan Industrial Productivity Database 2014 (JIP 2014) Regional-Level Japan Industrial Productivity ▶ China Project Leader: TOKUI Joji FF Industrial Productivity Database 2011 (CIP 2011) V-2 Study on Intangible Assets in Japan Project Leader: MIYAGAWA Tsutomu FF : V <Overview> Since 2007, we have measured intangible investment in Japan at the aggregate and firm levels. In 2012, we released our estimates of intangible investment by industry on the RIETI website. Other research projects on intangibles such as INTAN-Invest and Conference Board link to this website. In fiscal 2013 and fiscal 2014 using our data on intangibles, we will focus on the following three issues: (1) international comparison of the economic effects of intangibles; (2) effects of each intangible component on productivity growth; and (3) economic effects of intangible investment in the public sector. Raising Industrial and Firm Productivity Major Research Results Discussion Papers ▶ Intangible Investments and their Consequences: New evidence from unlisted Japanese companies (HARADA Nobuyuki) (DP 14-E-058) ▶ How Does the Market Value Organizational Management Practices of Japanese Firms? Using interview survey data (KAWAKAMI Atsushi and ASABA Shigeru) (DP 14-E-050) Database: Database Refinement and Its Analysis <Overview> The purpose of this research project is to update and refine our newly compiled Regional-Level Japan Industrial Productivity Database (R-JIP) and to carry out some analyses using this database. One refinement is to estimate the regional price level differences and reflect them in our output estimation. This is especially important for our productivity analysis of the service industries. The other refinement is to extend our database retroactively to the period before 1970. This period includes Japan's high economic growth era when its economy experienced dynamic structural change. We can analyze the regional economic convergence based on the longer period covering this interesting period. Other research being planned are analyses of the regional propagation of the severe economic decline after the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008, regional income differences taking into account regional income transfers, transitions of the regional industrial structure, reconstruction process following the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, and micro data analysis of regional productivity differences. Major Research Results Discussion Papers ▶ Aging, Interregional Income Inequality, and Industrial Structure: An empirical analysis based on the R-JIP Database and the R-LTES Database (FUKAO Kyoji and MAKINO Tatsuji) (DP 15-E-022) Related URLs ▶ Regional-Level Japan Industrial Productivity (R-JIP) Database 2012 (in Japanese) ▶ Is Productivity Growth Correlated with Improvements in Management Quality? An empirical study using interview surveys in Korea and Japan (MIYAGAWA Tsutomu, Keun LEE, EDAMURA Kazuma, YoungGak KIM and Hosung JUNG) (DP 14-E-048) Publication Intangibles, Market Failure and Innovation Performance Edited by Ahmed BOUNFOUR, MIYAGAWA Tsutomu Springer, December 2014 24 Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 V-4 Analysis on Service Industries: Productivity, Economic Welfare, and Policy Evaluation Through these studies, we expect that this project will provide us with new findings to help gain a deeper understanding of the competitiveness of Japanese firms and to provide policy implications to enhance the competitiveness of Japanese firms. Project Leader: KWON Hyeog Ug FF Sub-Leader: INUI Tomohiko FF Major Research Results <Overview> Productivity in the Japanese service industry has been stagnating for over 40 years since the 1970s. The share of the service industry's value added in the total Japanese economy has reached around 70% in recent years, and the recovery of productivity growth in this industry is the key to sustaining higher economic growth and higher productivity improvement. ▶ The Impact of Foreign Firms on Industrial Productivity: A Bayesian-model averaging approach (TANAKA Kiyoyasu) (DP 15-E-009) ▶ The Impact of Globalization on Establishment-Level Employment Dynamics in Japan (KODAMA Naomi and INUI Tomohiko) (DP 15-E-002) ▶ Disemployment Caused by Foreign Direct Investment? Multinationals and Japanese employment (KIYOTA Kozo and KAMBAYASHI Ryo) (DP 14-E-051) ▶ Price, Quality, and Productivity: Reconsidering the determinants of exporting behavior (MATSUURA Toshiyuki) (DP 15-J-010) : V Raising Industrial and Firm Productivity In order to shape the policy agenda toward the recovery of productivity growth in the service industry in Japan, we will conduct a study on the determinants of productivity growth and competitiveness in both the education and healthcare industries, which have not been covered much in previous literature. In addition, we will also analyze the effects of investments in information and communications technology (ICT) and human capital on productivity growth in the Japanese service industry, and examine the effects of deregulation which leads to more efficient resource allocation and higher productivity growth in the service industry. Discussion Papers ▶ Misallocation and Establishment Dynamics (HOSONO Kaoru and TAKIZAWA Miho) (DP 15-E-011) Policy Discussion Papers ▶ Trends and Characteristics of Foreign Direct Investment in Japan (TANAKA Kiyoyasu) (PDP 14-P-021) Major Research Results Discussion Paper ▶ Fertility and Maternal Labor Supply in Japan: Conflicting policy goals? (Andrew S. GRIFFEN, NAKAMURO Makiko and INUI Tomohiko) (DP 14-E-016) ▶ Foreign Direct Investment in Japan: A review of the empirical literature (KIYOTA Kozo) (PDP 14-P-007) METI-RIETI Symposium “Impact of Inward FDI and its Promotion for Japan's Economic Growth” (March 10, 2015) V-5 Competitiveness of Japanese Firms: Causes and Effects of the Productivity Dynamics Project Leader: KIYOTA Kozo FF <Overview> With the growth of firms in emerging economies, how to enhance the competitiveness of firms is becoming one of the most important concerns for policy makers and business leaders in Japan. This project attempts to address this issue, using large-scale firm- and plant-level data in Japan. The project consists of the following three main studies: 1) Study on the resource misallocation and productivity distribution of Japanese firms; 2) Study on the production and cost structure of Japanese firms; 3) Study on the relationship between productivity and firms' entry into the export market. RIETI-KEO Workshop “Productivity of Japanese Firms: Current status and challenges” (October 3, 2014) Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 25 V-6 Decomposition of Economic Fluctuations for Supply and Demand Shocks Project Leader: KONISHI Yoko SF : V <Overview> Since the burst of the bubble economy in the early 1990s, the growth rate of the Japanese economy has remained stagnant, and productivity is continuing to decline. A number of researchers recently investigated what occurred during the period. The government is also attempting to answer the question in the quest for an effective policy to increase gross domestic product (GDP) growth. In empirical works, total factor productivity (TFP) is commonly used as a measure of productivity. Specifically, we apply the CobbDouglas/Translog production function and the ordinary least squares (OLS) method. However, some researchers have pointed out that endogeneity problems can only exist in OLS and have also estimated that TFP includes the demand shock through the price of products. These problems may lead to incorrect implications when attempting to find the reason(s) for fluctuations in the economy using the estimated TFP. In this project, we look to decompose the effects of productivity and demand shock on economic growth. We proposed a method to decompose TFP-type quantity into demand, supply, and other shocks in our previous project. In the project this time, we will focus on measuring the productivity of the service industries. Raising Industrial and Firm Productivity V-7 Evaluating International Competitiveness Project Leader: NOMURA Koji FF < Overview > The goal of this project is to provide new benchmark estimates of industry-level price differentials between Japan and the United States. These will be based on the U.S.-Japan bilateral input-output table to be published in 2013 by METI and will make it possible to measure industry-level productivity gaps and price competitiveness between the U.S. and Japan. The system of purchasing power parities to be constructed in this project will cover not only the products for final demands, but also the products for intermediate demands, using a detailed classification of 170 products. The study will also include capital service by type of asset, including land, and labor services by type of worker. In considering policy challenges Japan confronts at present, our measurement will focus, in particular, on the wholesale and retail trade sectors and the reconstruction of the energy supply structure after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster. These are key opportunities for closing the productivity gap between Japan and the U.S. 26 Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 Program VI New Industrial Policy Program Director OHASHI Hiroshi Leading nations appear to have ventured into the formulation of strategies and policies that promote both their own domestic industries and companies in the global markets. This program will conduct research on formulating industrial policies in the aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake with a view toward resolving issues being faced by the Japanese economy. It will take into consideration the roles played by product innovations while also looking into the perspectives of, for example, environmental, overseas rivals. Forthcoming changes in the nation's energy policy and other challenges will bring about a harsher business environment going forward. Against this backdrop, concerns have been raised over the acceleration in offshoring of operations from Japan to lower cost economies, particularly among manufacturers. As the Japanese economy undergoes structural changes, shifting weight from the manufacturing sector to the service sector, it is necessary to create new industrial sectors to generate jobs. In this project, we will conduct basic research to explore new industrial policy by taking theoretical and empirical approaches based on the observations described above. VI-2 Issues Faced by Japan's Economy and Economic Policy Part III: Heterogeneity among economic agents Project Leader: YOSHIKAWA Hiroshi FF energy, and resource policies, competition policy, as New Industrial Policy VI : VI <Overview> By focusing on heterogeneity among economic agents, this project will clearly identify the issues faced by Japan's economy, separating them into those concerning demand and those concerning supply. In addition, policies that can address the issues will be proposed by combining fundamental research based on econophysics with empirical research on the Japanese economy. In the theoretical aspects, distributions of firm size and firm-level productivity are of central interest, while the consumption tax increase, recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) are topics for empirical studies. well as agricultural policy. Major Research Results Discussion Papers ▶ Representative Agent in a Form of Probability Distribution (INOSE Junya) (DP 14-E-038) ▶ Firm Growth Dynamics: The importance of large jumps (ARATA Yoshiyuki) (DP 14-E-033) ▶ Product Introduction of Research Projects Innovation and Economic Growth Part IV: Demand changes in an aging society (YOSHIKAWA Hiroshi and ANDO Koichi) (DP 15-J-012) ▶ Rice Tariffs and Their Impact on the Japanese Market (KEIDA Masayuki) (DP 14-J-043) VI-1 Basic Research for a New Industrial Policy Project Leader: OHASHI Hiroshi FF <Overview> The Japanese economy has been burdened with a set of various problems that have long existed in Japan. The high effective corporate tax rate, among others, has been cited as a factor putting Japanese companies at a disadvantage in competing with their Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 27 VI-3 Study on Corporate Finance and Firm Dynamics Project Leader: UESUGI Iichiro FF <Overview> This project conducts policy-oriented empirical analyses of corporate finance, financial intermediation, and firm dynamics. Specifically, the research agenda that are in line with current policy concerns include the status of small and medium enterprises' (SMEs) fund procurement after the abolishment of the SME Finance Facilitation Act, effectiveness of loans by government-affiliated financial institutions, and firm dynamics after the Great East Japan Earthquake. Other research topics such as the role of real estate markets in bank lending channels and the effectiveness of equity finance for economic growth are expected to bear a number of policy implications. ▶ The Going-Public Decision and Post-IPO Performance: Evidence from Japan (HOSONO Kaoru and TAKIZAWA Miho) (DP 15-J-005) ▶ Effects of Lending Relationships with Government Banks on Firm Performance: Evidence from a Japanese government bank for small businesses (UESUGI Iichiro, UCHIDA Hirofumi and MIZUSUGI Yuta) (DP 14-J-045) Workshop “Hitotsubashi-RIETI International Workshop on Real Estate Market and the Macro Economy” (December 15, 2014) Major Research Results Discussion Papers ▶ Productivity, Firm Size, Financial Factors, and Exporting Decisions: The case of Japanese SMEs (OGAWA Kazuo and TOKUTSU Ichiro) (DP 15-E-031) ▶ Lender : VI Banks' Provision of Overseas Market Information: Evidence from Japanese small and medium-sized enterprises' export dynamics (INUI Tomohiko, ITO Keiko and MIYAKAWA Daisuke) (DP 14-E-064) ▶ Does New Industrial Policy the Policy Lending of the Government Financial Institution Substitute for the Private Lending during the Period of the Credit Crunch? Evidence from loan level data in Japan (SEKINO Masahiro and WATANABE Wako) (DP 14-E063) ▶ Natural Disaster and Natural Selection (UCHIDA Hirofumi, MIYAKAWA Daisuke, HOSONO Kaoru, ONO Arito, UCHINO Taisuke and UESUGI Iichiro) (DP 14-E-055) ▶ Transaction Partners and Firm Relocation Choice: Evidence from the Tohoku Earthquake (ONO Arito, MIYAKAWA Daisuke, HOSONO Kaoru, UCHIDA Hirofumi, UCHINO Taisuke and UESUGI Iichiro) (DP 14-E-054) ▶ Information Asymmetry in SME Credit Guarantee Schemes: Evidence from Japan (SAITO Kuniyoshi and TSURUTA Daisuke) (DP 14-E-042) ▶Impact of Supply Chain Network Structure on FDI: Theory and evidence (ITOH Ryo and NAKAJIMA Kentaro) (DP 14-E027) ▶ Business Cycles, Monetary Policy, and Bank Lending: Identifying the bank balance sheet channel with firm-bank match-level loan data (HOSONO Kaoru and MIYAKAWA Daisuke) (DP 14-E-026) ▶ Exploring the Patterns of Venture Capital Syndication: Evidence from investment-round data (TAKIZAWA Miho and MIYAKAWA Daisuke) (DP 15-J-009) 28 VI-4 Energy and Industrial Structural Change after the Fukushima Nuclear Accident Project Leader: MANAGI Shunsuke FF <Overview> Since the Great East Japan Earthquake, Japan has faced increasingly insecure energy demand and supply, energy policy, and climate change policy conditions. It is now essential to have an integrated energy portfolio considering economic strategy, climate change policy, and energy security. This project studies the impact of recent economic changes in energy demand and supply, and it builds an economic model after taking into account the changes in industrial and market structures which are caused by business establishments' closures, entries, movements, productivity decreases, and other factors. Based on this economic model, a direction for energy policy, global warming policy, economic policy, and reconstruction policy hereafter will be proposed. Major Research Results Discussion Paper ▶ Nuclear Power Plants Shutdown and Alternative Power Plants Installation: A nine-region spatial equilibrium analysis of the electric power market in Japan (HOSOE Nobuhiro) (DP 14-E-069) Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 (DP 14-E-069) VI-5 VI-7 Globalization, Innovation, and Competition Policy Price Network and Dynamics of Small and Medium Enterprises Project Leader: KAWAHAMA Noboru FF Sub-Leader: OHASHI Hiroshi FF Project Leader: AOYAMA Hideaki FF <Overview> The globalized economy has entered into a new phase in which economic growth remains sluggish for a long time, particularly in the developed countries. Against this backdrop, it has become a worldwide trend to pay more attention to competition policy and its underlying theories. Competition policy in Japan is also expected to have an important role in maintaining vigorous competition in the marketplace and thus spurring market-oriented innovations. Such innovations are considered essential in order to foster economic vitality in Japan. In this research project, we examine what direction competition policy should take where the impact of globalization and the importance of innovation have become immense. Comparative studies are conducted, and the knowledge and insights gained from legal studies, economic analysis, and practice are complementarily used in the research process. <Overview> This project aims to reveal the dynamics and correlation of performances of small, medium, and large firms and prices of goods, in relation to the growth of Japanese economy. Small and medium firms are key to the diversity of economics activities, which is crucial for sustained growth. An important management task for such firms is converting from being price takers to price leaders. This project will utilize various data, including goods and consumer prices, financial data of firms, and trading information between firms, to reveal the fundamental mechanism of price determination and firm dynamics from a network point of view, with the goal of finding a new growth strategy for small and medium enterprises. VI-6 Agricultural Policy Reform Aimed at Competitive Major Research Results Discussion Paper ▶ Deflation/Inflation Dynamics: Analysis based on micro prices (YOSHIKAWA Hiroshi, AOYAMA Hideaki, IYETOMI Hiroshi and FUJIWARA Yoshi) (DP 15-E-026) Agriculture in the Age of Globalization and : VI Decreasing Population < Overview > Although the elimination of or substantial reduction in tariffs on agricultural products is required in the World Trade Organization (WTO) and free trade agreement (FTA) negotiations (including the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement (TPP) negotiations), the Japanese agricultural community is strongly resisting it and insists on exempting as many agricultural products as possible. On the other hand, the domestic market for edible agricultural products, which has been protected by high tariffs, is declining due to an aging and decreasing population. Measures limited to protecting the domestic markets will clearly lead to a decline in Japanese agriculture, and securing overseas markets is now required for agriculture as well. Abenomics heavily emphasizes agricultural policy reform. With an awareness of these problems, this project outlines the necessary policy reform recommendations, following the analysis of the obstacles of agricultural structural reform and the recent agricultural policy directions of the United States and the European Union. New Industrial Policy Other research results in Program VI Project Leader: YAMASHITA Kazuhito SF < Research results belonging to research projects prior to Fiscal 2013 > Project: Issues Faced by Japan's Economy and Economic Policy Part II: Population decrease, sustained growth, economic welfare Project Leader: YOSHIKAWA Hiroshi FF Sub-Leader: UNAYAMA Takashi CF Discussion Paper ▶Female Labor Market, Intra-household Allocation, and Marriage (UNAYAMA Takashi) (DP 14-J-048) Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 29 Program VII Human Capital Program Director TSURU Kotaro Amid the rapid aging of Japanese society, intensifying global competition, and recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake, utilizing its human resources will be critical for Japan, a nation relatively lacking in market institutions as a whole, we will also look into the interrelationships of each constituent part, and in particular will make suggestions regarding a comprehensive system of labor laws and policies from a standpoint that transcends vertical segmentation and boundaries. When conducting our analysis, we will fully embrace international viewpoints and methods of analysis, including experiences from Europe and elsewhere, and will attempt to elucidate the relationships between labor laws and institutions and the labor market and employment systems, and in turn the relationship with economic performance. natural resources, to maintain and strengthen its economic dynamism and increase its growth potential. This program will carry out multifaceted, comprehensive research on measures for strengthening human capital and human resources capabilities, from a full life-cycle perspective Major Research Results Discussion Paper ▶ The Impact of a Demand Shock on the Employment of Temporary Agency Workers: Evidence from Japan during the global financial crisis (HOSONO Kaoru, TAKIZAWA Miho and TSURU Kotaro) (DP 14-E-046) including ideal labor market systems to increase VII-2 worker incentive and ability, early childhood education through higher education, human resources Economic Analysis of Human Resource Allocation development in employment years, and utilization of Mechanisms within the Firm: Insider econometrics elderly human resources. using HR data Project Leader: OWAN Hideo FF : VII VII Human Capital Introduction of Research Projects VII-1 Reform of Labor Market Institutions Project Leader: TSURU Kotaro FF <Overview> In order to study a new "form" for Japan's labor market institutions and types of reform, we will organize a study group that will conduct theoretical and empirical research from various perspectives such as law, economics and management. While looking broadly at labor 30 <Overview> The internal labor market of the firm generally plays broad roles including: (1) evaluating worker ability through actual work output; (2) investing in human capital through on-the-job training; (3) reallocating workers in accordance with human capital accumulation; and (4) motivating workers through both short-term and long-term incentives. Therefore, whether or not a certain personnel system is efficient depends on the firm's employment of rational mechanisms to serve the above multiple roles. In this project, using personnel records from several Japanese firms, we attempt to answer a number of questions such as: whether the patterns we observe in their internal labor markets are consistent with the theory based on rational firm behavior; whether internal labor markets in Japanese firms, which do not face active external labor markets in general, are any different in their functions from those of their counterparts in Western economies; how institutional factors affect human capital allocation and its pricing; and how changes in worker assignment policy and organizational structure affect innovation activities. Major Research Results Discussion Papers ▶ University Prestige, Performance Evaluation, and Promotion: Estimating the employer learning model using personnel Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 datasets (ARAKI Shota, KAWAGUCHI Daiji and ONOZUKA Yuki) (DP 15-E-027) ▶ Wages, Promotions, and Gender Workplace Segregation (HASHIMOTO Yuki and SATO Kaori) (DP 14-J-036) regional VII-5 employment. Research Project on Mental Health from the Perspective of Human Capital 2 Project Leader: SEKIZAWA Yoichi SF VII-3 Fundamental Research for the Revival of a Vibrant Economy and Society in Japan Project Leader: NISHIMURA Kazuo FF < Overview > If Japan's economy and society are construed as complex systems, hidden essential data behind the phenomena may be recognized. Changing such essential data should improve the dynamic movements generated by those systems and enable economic growth. Through an integrated theoretical study based on a behavioral economic analysis of different individuals and a dynamical analysis of an economy composed of different economic agents, this project aims to reveal the elements contributing to economic growth by viewing the economy as a complex system. Our microeconomic analysis is based on questionnaires, experiments, brain measurements, and their analyses. Our macroeconomic analysis uses approaches from nonlinear dynamics and will proceed through discussions with researchers abroad. Both forms of analysis utilize interdisciplinary approaches. VII-4 The Changing Japanese Labor Market: A perspective and desirable policy responses Project Leader: KAWAGUCHI Daiji FF Labor Market Analysis Using Matched EmployerEmployee Panel Data Project Leader: YAMAMOTO Isamu FF <Overview> Considering growing social concern about the desirable labor market design in a super-aged society, it is important to explore the behavior of firms and workers and their interaction when examining firms' competitive power and workers' work-life balance in Japan. This project constructs matched employer-employee panel data, which collect numerous information such as employment, wage, work hours, human resource management, and work-life balance. Using the matched panel data, this project carries out empirical research to examine various issues in the Japanese labor market including work-life balance and labor market mobility. Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 Human Capital <Overview> The Japanese labor market has gone through rapid changes represented by the declining significance of Japanese employment practices and shrinking employment in the manufacturing sector. Notwithstanding its importance, the driving factors for the observed changes, their welfare implications, and desirable policy responses have not been fully discussed yet. This project aims at finding explanations for the changes, offering a future perspective, and deriving policy implications from three different angles: structural changes, changes caused by temporary macroeconomic shocks, and regional employment. VII-6 : VII <Overview> In this research project, we aim at realizing economic growth through the improvement of mental health. With this aim in mind, we evaluate the effectiveness of interventions intended for alleviating depression and/or anxiety and which are available for a wide range of people with ease. These interventions include computerized cognitive behavioral therapy (CCBT) using personal computers or smartphones. We also examine whether consumer confidence, social capital, and/or non-cognitive ability, which are thought of as related to economic growth, would improve by the above mentioned interventions. 31 regional VII-7 employment. The Effect of Diversity on Economic Growth and Business Competitiveness ▶ Workers' Mental Health, Long Work Hours, and Workplace Management: Evidence from workers' longitudinal data in Japan (KURODA Sachiko and YAMAMOTO Isamu) (DP 14-J-020) Project Leader: HIGUCHI Yoshio FF Sub-Leader: KODAMA Naomi CF <Overview> From the mid- and long-term perspective, the biggest constraint on Japanese economic growth is the contraction of the labor force and domestic demand. Minimizing the demographic constraint is a major premise to return the Japanese economy back on a sustainable development track. To address this problem, we need to create and sustain a society in which females can fully exert their potential. The project aims to perform empirical research on the impact of women's participation and leadership on economic growth and business competitiveness, and find methods on how to accomplish this specifically. We also seek to obtain more information to capture a better picture of highly skilled foreign professionals as a potential workforce and the actual state of female entrepreneurs. We aim to examine the effects of diversity on economic growth and contribute to sustainable economic growth. Other research results in Program VII < Research results belonging to research projects prior to Fiscal 2013> Project: Reform of Labor Market Institutions : VII Project Leader: TSURU Kotaro FF Human Capital Discussion Papers ▶ Does Initial Job Status Affect Midlife Outcomes and Mental Health? Evidence from a survey in Japan (OSHIO Takashi and INAGAKI Seiichi) (DP 14-E-025) Project: Research Project on Mental Health from the Perspective of Human Capital Project Leader: SEKIZAWA Yoichi SF Discussion Papers ▶ Does the Three Good Things Exercise Really Make People More Positive and Less Depressed? A study in Japan (SEKIZAWA Yoichi and YOSHITAKE Naomi) (DP15-E-001) Project: Impact of Diversity and Work-life Balance Project Leader: HIGUCHI Yoshio FF Discussion Papers ▶ Does Board Diversity Influence Firms' Innovative Activity? Evidence from the firm-level micro data in Japan (INUI Tomohiko, NAKAMURO Makiko, EDAMURA Kazuma and OZAWA Junko) (DP 14-J-055) ▶ Corporate Disclosure of Non-financial Information and Ownership by Foreign Shareholders (KODAMA Naomi and TAKAMURA Shizuka) (DP 14-J-054) ▶ Increasing Organizational Performance through Diversity and Organizational Climate Initiatives: What works, what doesn't (TANIGUCHI Mami) (DP 14-J-042) ▶ The Potential for Women's Career Development through Overseas Employment and Accumulation of Management Know-How (USHIO Naomi and SHIMURA Kotaro) (DP 14-J-032) ▶ Organizational Informatization and Promoting the Active Participation of Women in the Workplace (USHIO Naomi and SHIMURA Kotaro) (DP 14-J-031) ▶ The ▶ An ▶The ▶ Does Hidden Curriculum and Social Preferences (ITO Takahiro, KUBOTA Kohei and OHTAKE Fumio) (DP 14-E024) Effects of Personality Traits and Behavioral Characteristics on Schooling, Earnings, and Career Promotion (LEE SunYoun and OHTAKE Fumio) (DP 14-E023) Introduction to Affirmative Action Policies in Korea: Consequences and implications for Japan (OSAWA Machiko and KIM Myoung Jung) (DP 14-J-030) Gender Diversity in Management Contribute to Profitability, Productivity, and the AA system in China and Korea? (ISHIZUKA Hiromi) (DP 14-J-029) ▶ Winning the Race against Technology (KAWAGUCHI Daiji and MORI Yuko) (DP 14-E-017) ▶ The Impact of Student Loan Reform on College Enrollment (SANO Shinpei and KAWAMOTO Takaaki) (DP 14-J-037) ▶ Workers' Mental Health and Firm Performance: Evidence from firms' longitudinal data in Japan (KURODA Sachiko and YAMAMOTO Isamu) (DP 14-J-021) 32 Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 Program VIII Social Security, Taxation, and Public Finance Program Director FUKAO Mitsuhiro Japan has to maintain its economic dynamism in the face of its rapid aging population and low fertility rate. This program will carry out multifaceted, integrated research on Japan's social security system, taxation, and public finance. The research subjects include (1) an analysis of comprehensive panel data on the elderly, (2) possible reforms to the social security and taxation systems, (3) a proposal for combining carbon taxes and investment subsidies in energy conservation, (4) optimal fiscal policy measures for reconstruction from the recent earthquake, economic recovery, and fiscal consolidation, and (5) new forms of public services, including the "third sector." VIII-1 A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Fiscal Consolidation Measures Project Leader: FUKAO Mitsuhiro FF <Overview> We evaluate and estimate the effectiveness and the cost of monetary policy involving a massive expansion of the central bank's balance Our second problem is the welfare cost of fiscal consolidation. The Japanese government must raise various taxes on a large scale to cut budget deficits and to finance the social security system. However, higher tax rates will impair efficient allocation of resources. We will compare the welfare cost and income distribution effects of fiscal consolidation measures under different taxation methods including higher income and social security taxes and an inflation tax on government debt. We also will evaluate the effects of changes in immigration policy on the potential growth rate. Major Research Results Discussion Paper ▶ The Effect of Corporate Tax Rate Reduction: A simulation analysis with a small open economy DSGE model for Japan (HASUMI Ryo) (DP 14-J-040) VIII-2 Toward a Comprehensive Resolution of the Social Social Security, Taxation, and Public Finance Introduction of Research Projects Although the BOJ can absorb large losses due to profit earned from bank note issuance, there is a certain limit. If the losses are too large for the BOJ to absorb, it will have a serious problem in conducting monetary policy to stabilize the inflation rate. For example, the BOJ will have to stop fiscal transfer of its profit to the government. The BOJ also may have to raise reserve requirements or raise general prices to increase the demand for the monetary base to increase its profit. : VIII VIII sheet. The Bank of Japan (BOJ) buys a large amount of long-term government bonds at very low interest rates so as to raise the inflation rate. Successful implementation of this policy is likely to raise long-term interest rates, and the BOJ will lose money due to a fall in government bond prices. Commercial banks and insurance companies also will suffer from lower bond prices. Furthermore, households will suffer from lower returns on deposits and insurance policies. The government has to pay higher interest rates on its debt, and it may have to use public funds to protect depositors and insurance policy holders of weakened financial institutions. Security Problem: A new economics of aging Project Leader: ICHIMURA Hidehiko FF Sub-Leader: SHIMIZUTANI Satoshi CF <Overview> As the aging of society around the world continues at an unprecedented pace, there is a need to develop sustainable social security systems that do not lower the quality of life of the elderly. This project will conduct the "global-standard" panel study of middle-aged and elderly subjects, fully incorporating results from past studies and similar surveys of the elderly (i.e., the Health and Retirement Study, the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing, and the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe) to realize a new Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 33 microeconomic and comprehensively market-oriented approach premised on the diversity of the elderly. In doing so, it will overcome the limitations of past approaches that focused individually on specific fields such as health care, long-term care, and pensions, as well as that of simulation analysis using macro models. Through the collection of data that enables a multifaceted international comparison of health condition, economic situation, family relationships, employment status, and social participation, the project will establish in the Japanese social security policy field evidencebased policymaking based on a wealth of microeconomic data and will contribute to policymaking in other countries based on Japan's experience. Major Research Results RIETI-JER Workshop “Economics of Aging in Japan and Other Societies” (December 13, 2014) RIETI-JSTAR Symposium “Japan's Future as a Super Aging Society: International comparison of JSTAR datasets” (December 12, 2014) numbers show that Japan will face the danger of a serious labor force shortage. To address this situation, a rise in the fertility rate no longer seems effective, and Japan will have to rely on immigration. In this project, we investigate immigration policies of foreign countries and their effectiveness, and survey academic research on this field. As a result, a proposal of an optimal immigration policy for Japan in the future is expected. VIII-4 Social Security System to Revive Economic Vitality and Improve the Quality of Life Project Leader: NAKATA Daigo SF <Overview> First, we estimate the impact of the social security burden on corporate behavior. Especially, using micro data, the impact of employers' contributions for social insurance on employment, wages, and investment activities are analyzed. With this research, we can provide useful analysis for policy discussion to strive toward establishing a social security system that is consistent with economic activities and growth. Second, using macroeconomic simulation, we study the effect of the social security sector on economic welfare, growth, and tax revenue. In those studies, we can understand the optimal size of the social security sector in the Japanese economy. Finally, we evaluate the efficiency of long-term care (LTC) providers and the turnover factor in the LTC labor market, toward a sustainable LTC system in the super-aged Japanese society. Major Research Results Panel discussion Discussion Paper ▶ Wage Structure of Japanese Care Worker: College Premium and Qualification Premium" (YIN Ting, KAWATA Keisuke and XU Zhaoyuan) (DP 14-J-033) : VIII RIETI Seminar “Trends in Disability in a Super-Aging Society: Adapting the Future Elderly Model to Japan” (September 5, 2014) VIII-5 Social Security, Taxation, and Public Finance Theoretical and Empirical Analyses on Incidences of Related URL ▶ The Japanese Study of Aging and Retirement (JSTAR) VIII-3 Optimal Immigration Policy for Japan Project Leader: NAKAJIMA Takanobu FF <Overview> The National Institute of Population and Social Security Research estimates the population of Japan to be 80 million in 2060 and 30 million in 2110 and the working-age population (15 to 64) to comprise 49% and 45% of that population, respectively. These 34 Corporate Income Taxation Project Leader: DOI Takero FF <Overview> This project analyzes quantitatively who actually bears the burden of the corporate income tax and how much of this burden is borne by the people by building a theoretical model and implementing econometric analyses. This project seeks to find facts that benefits resulting from the reduction of the corporate income tax rate go beyond corporations, and to derive policy implications on the reform of corporate income taxation. In theoretical analysis, the focus is to build a dynamic macroeconomic model with equipment investment and corporate finance in order to investigate incidences of corporate income tax. In econometric analyses using corporate financial Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 statements, we will seek to describe realistic firm behaviors based on the theoretical model. From these results, we will identify quantitatively the degree to which such incidences of corporate income tax affect labor and capital incomes. and fiscal policies by conducting policy simulations based on the results of the above analyses. The novelty of the research is its comparison of the causes and solutions to the aging population and the diminishing number of children in both countries. Major Research Results VIII-6 On Monetary and Fiscal Policy under Structural Changes and Societal Aging Project Leader: FUJIWARA Ippei FF Discussion Paper ▶ Decline in Consumption Expenditures after Retirement Using Japanese Micro Data (JSTAR) (KUREISHI Wataru and YIN Ting) (DP 15-J-001) <Overview> The Japanese economy has been experiencing such structural changes as societal aging, industrial transition, and deepening of globalization. On the other hand, although the causation with such structural changes is not very clear, deflation has been persistent and monetary policy has been restricted by the zero lower bound on nominal interest rates. Given a very large debt-to-GDP ratio, room for further fiscal easing also has decreased. Consequently, to stimulate the economy over the business cycle, the economy needs to rely on the commitment to future accommodative monetary policy. In this project, we first clarify the implications that such structural changes as societal aging have on the Japanese economy and monetary as well as fiscal policies. Then, we seek how monetary and fiscal policy should be designed in facing such structural changes. Other research results in Program VIII < Research results belonging to research projects prior to Fiscal 2013> Project: Policy Mix for Fiscal Consolidation Without Harming Japan's Economic Recovery Project Leader: FUKAO Mitsuhiro FF Discussion Paper ▶ Fiscal Consolidation in Japan (FUKAO Mitsuhiro) (DP 14-E015) Major Research Results Discussion Paper ▶ The Optimal Degree of Monetary-Discretion in a New Keynesian Model with Private Information (WAKI Yuichiro, Richard DENNIS and FUJIWARA Ippei) (DP 15-E-007) VIII-7 A Socioeconomic Analysis of Households in : VIII Environments Characterized by Aging Population Social Security, Taxation, and Public Finance and Low Birth Rates Project Leader: YIN Ting F <Overview> Japan and its largest trading partner, China, have shared the dual problems of rapid aging and very low birth rates. By analyzing micro data from both nations, this research presents several empirical analyses with the objective of devising possible solutions to these concerns. First, the research reveals the causes of the trend toward delayed marriage, which leads to low birth rates. Second, it explains how population aging affects people's behavior toward consumption, savings, work, family caregiving, and out-of-home care service, and how these factors impact the national economy. We then compare the cases of Japan and China and present implications for social security Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 35 Program IX Policy History and Policy Assessment Program Director TAKEDA Haruhito The objective of this program's research is to review and assess trade and industrial policy, chiefly over the period from 1980 through 2000, as it looks at Japan's economy, society, and trade and industrial policies at covering the period 1945-1979, and the second one covering 19802000. First, since the previous research did not cover this topic sufficiently, we evaluate Japan's economic policy after the 1990s. Second, we compare Japan's rapid economic growth with that of Korea, Taiwan, and China, and clarify the commonalities and differences in the growth mechanism. Third, as well as working toward an English version of the second phase of trade and industrial policy history, this research studies the economic policy history of a specific field (standards policy). IX-2 the end of the 20th century. At the same time, the final two decades of the 20th century were a time of significant changes in Japan's economy and society; they also were a time of very major real and organizational changes in trade and industrial policy. This research will attempt to make clear how changes in trade and industrial policy at the turn of the century were effected, based on activities including assessment of the recognition of policy issues over the preceding quarter-century, choice of policy means in response, and their results. IX Introduction of Research Projects : IX IX-1 Policy History and Policy Assessment Historical Study on Japan's Trade and Industrial Policy: From an international perspective Project Leader: TAKEDA Haruhito FF History of the Policies of the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency Project Leader: KIKKAWA Takeo FF <Overview> This project examines the 11-year history of the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA) from its foundation in 2001 until 2012 when the entirety of its tasks were transferred to the Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA), a new organization affiliated with the Ministry of the Environment, with an aim to make use of the lessons learned from its experience in nuclear safety administration in the future. We will not only record objective facts regarding the NISA— its policies as well as its role and nature as an administrative organ— but also attempt to account for the facts by incorporating analytical and evaluative perspectives and examining how the NISA policies have changed over the years. IX-3 Historical Evaluation of Industrial Policies Project Leader: OKAZAKI Tetsuji FF <Overview> The industrial policies that the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) implemented after World War II are attracting the keen interest of policy makers in developing countries, who are making efforts to promote industries in their own countries. However, economists and economic historians are sharply divided on the evaluation of the effects of Japanese industrial policy. The basic reason for the mixed evaluation is that we still do not have a sufficient accumulation of research that analyzes the positive and negative effects of industrial policy, based on micro-data as well as appropriate economic and econometric frameworks. In this project, we aim at evaluating Japanese industrial policy quantitatively, through collecting and analyzing original documents and detailed micro-data, and thereby providing a solid basis for policy discussion. <Overview> The objective of this research is to develop policy history, based on the achievements of first phase of trade and industrial policy studies 36 Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 Other research results in Program IX < Research results independent from any research project > Related URL ▶ Information related to the History of Japan’s Trade and Industry Policy (in Japanese) ▶ Abstract of History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy: Abstract of Nobuhiro Nakayama, History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy (11) Intellectual Property Policy (KAWAMURA Satoshi and TAKEDA Haruhito) (PDP 14-P018) ▶ Abstract of History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy: Abstract of Takeo Kikkawa, History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy (10) Natural Resources and Energy Policy (KAWAMURA Satoshi and TAKEDA Haruhito) (PDP 14-P017) ▶ Abstract of History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy: Abstract of Minoru Sawai, History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy (9) Industrial Technology Policy (KAWAMURA Satoshi and TAKEDA Haruhito) (PDP 14-P-016) ▶ Abstract of History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy: Abstract of Shigeru Matsushima, History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy (8) Consumer Goods Industries (KAWAMURA Satoshi and TAKEDA Haruhito) (PDP 14-P015) ▶ Abstract of History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy: Abstract of Shin Hasegawa (ed.), History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy (7) Machinery and Information Industries (KAWAMURA Satoshi and TAKEDA Haruhito) (PDP 14-P014) ▶ Abstract of History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy: Abstract of Shiro Yamazaki (ed.), History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy (6) Basic Industries Policy (KAWAMURA Satoshi and TAKEDA Haruhito) (PDP 14-P-013) < Research results belonging to research projects prior to Fiscal 2013 > Project:Historical Research on the Major Topics of Japan's Trade and Industrial Policy Project Leader: TAKEDA Haruhito FF ▶ Abstract of History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy: Abstract of Haruhito Takeda, History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy (5) Location, Environment and Safety Policy (KAWAMURA Satoshi and TAKEDA Haruhito) (PDP 14-P012) ▶ Abstract of History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy: Abstract of Takemasa Ishihara (ed.), History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy (4) Commerce and Distribution Policy (KAWAMURA Satoshi and TAKEDA Haruhito) (PDP 14-P011) Discussion Papers ▶ Informing SMEs Better about Available Support Measures: Consideration of the case of micro businesses (YASUDA Takehiko) (DP 14-J-049) ▶ Abstract ▶ Japanese ▶ Abstract of History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy: Abstract of Takeshi Abe (ed.), History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy (2) International Trade Policy (KAWAMURA Satoshi and TAKEDA Haruhito) (PDP 14-P-009) : IX Policy History and Policy Assessment Industrial Policy and the Enhancement of Nuclear Power Plants Efficiency: Promotion of domestic production and the “Improvement & Standardization Plan” (ISHII Susumu) (DP 14-J-026) of History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy: Abstract of Tetsuji Okazaki (ed.), History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy (3) Industry Policy (KAWAMURA Satoshi and TAKEDA Haruhito) (PDP 14-P-010) ▶ Abstract Policy Discussion Papers ▶ Abstract of History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy: Abstract of Tetsuo Nakata (ed.), History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy (12) Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises (KAWAMURA Satoshi and TAKEDA Haruhito) (PDP 14-P-019) of History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy: Abstract of Konosuke Odaka, History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy (1) General Overview (KAWAMURA Satoshi and TAKEDA Haruhito) (PDP 14-P-008) Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 37 SP Special Projects Special Projects are independent from the prior nine Research Programs. normal agency problems between investors and managers, but also on the problem of governance of the holding companies (headquarters of multi-division firms) over their subsidiaries (business units). Further, we continue to consider the diversified corporate governance arrangement in Japanese firms that has been emphasized through our previous works. The comparative approach with the United States, the United Kingdom as well as continental European and Asian business groups is also introduced into the analysis. In designing the new governance arrangement, we consider the right balance between the shareholders' and other stakeholders' interest. From these aspects, we address (1) the corporate restructuring process including the initiatives of the main bank, private equity firms, and mergers and acquisitions (M&As), (2) the financial system and governance arrangement that enable firms to take high risks, (3) the adequate ownership and board structure that uphold the right balance between shareholders and other stakeholders, and (4) the two-tiered governance structure among the business groups and the functions of their internal capital markets. Major Research Results Discussion Papers ▶ Uncertainty Avoiding Behavior and Cross-border Acquisitions (Marc BREMER, HOSHI Akio, INOUE Kotaro and SUZUKI Kazunori) (DP 15-E-033) ▶ Diversification, Organization, and Value of the Firm (USHIJIMA Tatsuo) (DP 15-E-019) SP METI-RIETI Symposium “Corporate Governance Reform in Japan: Lessons from the United Kingdom” (October 16, 2014) Introduction of Research Projects SP-1 Frontiers of Analysis on Corporate Governance: Growth, value creation and corporate governance Project Leader: MIYAJIMA Hideaki FF From left to right, Colin MAYER (Peter Moores Professor of Management Studies, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford), MIYAJIMA Hideaki FF : SP <Overview> This project aims at examining new corporate governance arrangements that could encourage the further growth of Japanese firms. We focus on the managerial autonomy (discretion) that supports risk taking and active innovation. We focus not only on Special Projects 38 Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 Related URL ▶ Frontiers of Analysis on Corporate Governance: Toward the recovery of Japanese companies’ competitiveness (in Japanese) The following data developed in or obtained for RIETI research projects are data that are made open and available to the public: i) Japan Industrial Productivity Database 2014 (JIP 2014) ii) China Industrial Productivity Database 2011 (CIP 2011) iii) Asian Monetary Unit (AMU) and AMU Deviation Indicators iv) Industry-Specific Nominal and Real Effective Exchange Rates in Asia v) Japanese Study of Aging and Retirement (JSTAR) vi) RIETI Trade Industry Database (RIETI-TID) vii) RIETI Foreign Direct Investment Database (RIETI FDI Database2010) SP-2 RIETI Data Management Project Project Leader: ODA Keiichiro SF <Overview> The data in RIETI's possession can be categorized as follows: data available at relatively low cost, which research institutions would ordinarily be expected to have on hand; large-scale datasets purchased by individual research projects for use in their research; and data generated by these research projects (including the results of questionnaire surveys). The purpose of this project is to develop infrastructure for facilitating more efficient utilization of these datasets by users. An additional purpose of this project is to serve as a forum for active discussion of related topics within RIETI, with an eye to considering the possibility as well as methods to make these datasets available to both researchers and the public at large as a source of new knowledge. viii) International Comparison of Productivity among Asian Countries (ICPA) Project Note: The RIETI Data Management Project has been involved in the development and maintenance of the datasets listed as i), iii), and vi), supporting data collection and system architecture as well as periodically updating the databases. Having accumulated considerable expertise in handling microdata being in the possession of RIETI, we will also try to create convertors for statistics data matching that enable researchers to quickly access and analyze microdata. By enhancing our handling of data, we will be better equipped to deal with the new Statistics Act and improve the existing value and uniqueness of RIETI. : SP Special Projects Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 39 SP-3 SP-4 Research on the Liberalist Reforms of the Public- Survey of International Trends and Discussions in Private Relationship and the Establishment of the Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Projects Third Sector in Japan under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Project Leader: USHIRO Fusao FF Change Project Leader: KAINOU Kazunari F <Overview> This research project aims to offer a specific plan for the liberalist reforms of the relationship between the public and private sectors and to identify the challenges and the direction to be taken to restructure the third sector through the reforms. This is to be done by researching and studying the real picture of the public-private relationship as seen in regulations, commissioning, and subsidiaries between government agencies and the third sector organizations concerned, as well as the business status of the third sector organizations therein, in each policy area such as elderly care, welfare services for the disabled, childcare, education, and medical care or in a cross-sectoral manner. Here, the process is referred to as a liberalist reform as we think that introducing drastic reforms in the existing public-private relationship, toward encouraging free and transparent competition among diverse providers and offering choice to users, is indispensable in order to ensure efficient and high-quality public services in our country. Major Research Results RIETI Policy Symposium “Introduction of Selection and Competition to Childcare Centers and Kindergartens: Reconstruction of quasi-markets and the third sector” (February 19, 2015) <Overview> Under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), parties to the Kyoto Protocol, including Japan and the European Union, are allowed to use the Kyoto Mechanisms—emissions trading, Joint Implementation (JI), Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), etc.—in the first commitment period from 2008 to 2012 in addition to their domestic activities to achieve their respective greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction commitments. Specifically regarding CDM and JI, under which investments in emission reduction projects in third countries can be taken as emission credits, various problems have been pointed out and, accordingly, discussions are now underway to make changes to the mechanisms. In the 16th Conference of Parties (COP-16) to the UNFCCC held in Cancun, Mexico in 2010, a new framework differing from that of the Kyoto Protocol and involving the participation of the United States, China, and other developing countries was set up as part of the Cancun Agreement. Under the new framework, participating countries or regions would voluntarily set GHG emission reduction targets, and the achievement of the targets would be made subject to multilateral review. It was also agreed that a new set of flexible mechanisms, similar to the Kyoto Mechanisms, be institutionalized under the new framework. However, the specifics of such flexible mechanisms have yet to be worked out. This survey seeks to investigate, analyze, and evaluate the progress going forward in reforming the Kyoto Mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol, and it moves toward that in developing a new mechanism with an aim to put forward international policy proposals for efficient and effective GHG emission reductions in the future. USHIRO Fusao FF : SP Special Projects 40 Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 SP-5 SP-6 Economic Analysis of Entrepreneurship An Empirical Study on Economic Resilience and Project Leader: MATSUDA Naoko F Maintenance of Economic Strength Against Disasters <Overview> This project aims to reveal insight into the co-founders with whom entrepreneurs cooperate in their newly started ventures. Although various research on nascent entrepreneurs have been accumulated, those on persistently successful entrepreneurs have not yet been conducted. Specifically, social capital of entrepreneurs is thought to be one of the critical factors of successful entrepreneurship; however, it needs further empirical analysis. Among the issues, we focus on the relationships of co-founders and entrepreneurs during the launch period. Research questions to be asked are as follows: Does choosing an ex-colleague as a co-founder accelerate the exit process or does it lead to earning extra profits? How about selecting a former venture capitalist or an experienced manager who had worked for a rival enterprise in the same sector? In this research, with newly released data resources including CrunchBase, these topics will be eagerly examined. Project Leader: SAWADA Yasuyuki FF <Overview> We investigate empirically the factors that are effective in improving and/or maintaining economic resilience and strength against disasters. First, we review the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's pilot projects on the Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) and provide impact assessments of policies on BCMS formation. Second, we conduct a questionnaire survey on disaster risk financing in the corporate sector—we quantitatively analyze the status quo and determinants of the corporate sector's demand for disaster risk financing and insurance. In particular, we aim at identifying the causes of the low disaster insurance subscription rate and finding the factors that are necessary to improve the subscription rate. Third, we review the cases in various countries that we have been investigating through RIETI projects (including but not limited to Japan) so as to distinguish between aspects that are generic and those that are case-specific regarding measures against disasters. Major Research Results Discussion Papers ▶ Governing Board Interlocks and Probability of an IPO (MATSUDA Naoko and MATSUO Yutaka) (DP 14-E-040) ▶ Relationship between Governing Board Interlocks and Initial Public Offerings (MATSUDA Naoko and MATSUO Yutaka) (DP 14-J-023) Other research results in Special Projects <Research results belonging to research projects prior to Fiscal 2013> Project: Establishment of Credit Risk Database in Selected Asian Countries and Improvement of SME Database to Promote the Efficient Allocation of Loans to the Growing SME Sector Project Leader: YOSHINO Naoyuki FF Policy Discussion Paper ▶ The Credit Guarantee System and Policy-based Finance for Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises and a Database of Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises (YOSHINO Naoyuki) (PDP 15-P-003) Project: Economic Analysis of Networks via Social Network Services (SNS) Project Leader: MATSUDA Naoko F Special Projects Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 : SP Discussion Paper ▶ Empirical Analysis on Factors Behind Successful Entrepreneurs (MATSUDA Naoko and MATSUO Yutaka) (DP 14-E-018) 41 Project: Post-disaster Recovery Policies and Insurance Mechanisms against Disasters: Case studies on earthquakes in Japan and floods in Thailand ▶ A Comparison Project Leader: SAWADA Yasuyuki FF ▶ The Discussion Papers ▶ The Long-Run Socio-Economic Consequences of a Large Disaster: The 1995 earthquake in Kobe (William DUPONT IV, Ilan NOY, OKUYAMA Yoko and SAWADA Yasuyuki) (DP 15-E-035) ▶ Natural Disasters, Land Price, and Location of Firms: Evidence from Thailand (SAWADA Yasuyuki, NAKATA Hiroyuki and SEKIGUCHI Kunio) (DP 14-E-029) ▶ Disasters and Risk Perception: Evidence from Thailand Floods (NAKATA Hiroyuki, SAWADA Yasuyuki and SEKIGUCHI Kunio) (DP 14-E-028) Project: Basic Research on the Resilient Economy Project Leader: FUJII Satoshi FF Discussion Paper ▶ Empirical Analysis on the Relevance of the Resilience of National Economies and Industry, Fiscal, and Monetary Policies (MAEOKA Kenichiro, KANDA Yusuke, NAKANO Takeshi, KUME Koichi and FUJII Satoshi) (DP 14-J-027) Policy Discussion Paper ▶ Economic Resilience and Growth: Concept and applications (FUJII Satoshi, KUME Koichi and KOBAYASHI Yohei) (PDP 14-P-006) of the Wage Structure between the Public and Private Sectors in Japan (MORIKAWA Masayuki) (DP 14-E-060) Economics of Attribute-Based Regulation: Theory and evidence from fuel-economy standards (ITO Koichiro and James M. SALLEE) (DP 14-E-057) ▶ Japan's Exorbitant Privilege (Kenneth S. ROGOFF and TASHIRO Takeshi) (DP 14-E-047) ▶ Does Export Yield Productivity and Markup Premiums? Evidence from the Japanese manufacturing industry (KATO Atsuyuki) (DP 14-E-037) ▶ Are Large Headquarters Unproductive? Evidence from a panel of Japanese companies (MORIKAWA Masayuki) (14-E-036) ▶ What Types of Company Have Female and Foreign Directors? (MORIKAWA Masayuki) (DP 14-E-032) ▶ Innovation in the Service Sector and the Role of Patents and Trade Secrets (MORIKAWA Masayuki) (DP 14-E-030) ▶ Policy Regime Change against Chronic Deflation? Policy option under a long-term liquidity trap (FUJIWARA Ippei, NAKAZONO Yoshiyuki and UEDA Kozo) (DP 14-E-019) ▶ Migration Response to High Unemployment Rates: Spatial econometric analysis using Japanese municipal data (KONDO Keisuke) (DP 15-J-011) ▶ Development of Statistical Accuracy Improvement Methodology for Oil Refinery Sector's Energy and Carbon Balance and Statistical Accuracy on Japanese General Energy Statistics (KAINOU Kazunari) (DP 15-J-007) ▶ Development Multidisciplinary research results < Research results independent from any research project > Discussion Papers ▶ Service Trade and Productivity: Firm-level evidence from Japan (MORIKAWA Masayuki) (DP 15-E-030) ▶ Sequential Markets, Market Power and Arbitrage (ITO Koichiro and Mar REGUANT) (DP 15-E-015) ▶ The Persistence of Moral Suasion and Economic Incentives: Field experimental evidence from energy demand (ITO Koichiro, IDA Takanori and TANAKA Makoto) (DP 15-E-014) ▶ Fiscal Cost of Demographic Transition in Japan (KITAO Sagiri) (DP 15-E-013) ▶ Decomposition : SP of Gender or Racial Inequality with Endogenous Intervening Covariates: An extension of the DiNardo-Fortin-Lemieux method (YAMAGUCHI Kazuo) (DP 14-E-061) of the FY2013 Version of "General Energy Statistics of Japan" (KAINOU Kazunari) (DP 15-J-006) ▶ Service Trade and Productivity (MORIKAWA Masayuki) (DP15-J-003) ▶ Recommendation of Draft Revised Standard Calorific Value and Carbon Emission Factor for Fossil Fuel Energy Sources in Japan: 2013 FY revised standard calorific value and carbon emission factor (KAINOU Kazunari) (DP 14-J-047) ▶ Gender Income Gap among White-Collar Regular Workers: A clarification of the determinants that explain an 80% of the gap, and its mechanism (YAMAGUCHI Kazuo) (DP 14-J046) ▶ Demographic Changes in China's Three Major Megalopolises (MENG Jianjun) (DP 14-J-041) ▶ Are Large Headquarters Unproductive? Evidence from a Panel of Japanese Companies (MORIKAWA Masayuki) (DP 14-J-028) ▶ What Special Projects Types of Company Have Female and Foreign Directors? An analysis using survey data (MORIKAWA Masayuki) (DP 14-J-025) ▶ Innovation in the Service Sector and the Role of Patents and Trade Secrets (MORIKAWA Masayuki) (DP 14-J-024) 42 Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 Policy Discussion Papers ▶ A New Monthly Index of Real Economic Activity, 1960-2013 (ITO Arata) (PDP 15-P-004) KIET-TIER-RIETI Workshop “Future of Manufacturing Industry” (October 23, 2014) ▶ Implications RIETI Special Seminar “Creating Capabilities” by Nobel Prize-winning economist Professor James J. Heckman (October 8, 2014) for the Development of Local Economies and SMEs in Japan: Perspective from a field survey conducted on Germany, the EU's strongest economy (IWAMOTO Koichi) (15-P-002) ▶ Quantitative Effects of Growth Policies: An overview (MORIKAWA Masayuki) (PDP 15-P-001) Highlight Seminar series ▶ The 11th Highlight Seminar “What is the New Direction of the Japanese Economy and Industry?” (January 30, 2015) ▶ The 10th Highlight Seminar “Japan-China Economic Relations: Challenges and future directions” (November 10, 2014) ▶ The 9th Highlight Seminar “New Growth Strategy: Rural economy vitalization and aggressive agriculture” (September 5, 2014) ▶ The 8th Highlight Seminar “Prices and Economic Performance in Japan after the Consumption Tax Hike” (July 2, 2014) James J. HECKMAN (Henry Schultz Distinguished Service Professor of Economics, The University of Chicago) RIETI Seminar on the U.S. Production Network “Vertical Integration and Input Flows” (August 18, 2014) CEPR-RIETI Workshop “Labour Market Policy for Economic Growth” (January 16, 2015) Ali HORTAÇSU (Professor, University of Chicago) RIETI International Seminar “Matching and Sorting in the Global Economy” (April 4, 2014) Hitotsubashi-RIETI Energy Policy Salon ▶ The Fourth Energy Policy Salon “World Record-breaking Photovoltaic Research in Japan, and the Next Steps toward Hydrogen Society” (January 7, 2015) ▶ The Third Energy Policy Salon “Unveiling the Next Generation Fuel Cell Vehicle: The ultimate eco-car's status quo and perspective” (July 22, 2014) ▶ The : SP Special Projects Second Energy Policy Salon “Genesis of the Worldleading ‘ENE-FARM’ Residential Fuel Cell System: Its modular strategy and the ‘esprit’ of Japan's samurai engineers honored with the receipt of the Prime Minister's Award” (May 15, 2014) Elhanan HELPMAN (Galen L. Stone Professor of International Trade, Harvard University) Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 43 Publications Macro-performance of Small and Medium Enterprises Written by GOTO Yasuo Nikkei Publishing Inc., October 2014 International Economics of Outsourcing: Changing global trade patterns and a microdata analysis of Japanese firms Written by TOMIURA Eiichi Nippon Hyoronsha Co., Ltd., September 2014 Economic Analysis of Working Hours: Prospects for a working style in a super-aging society Written by YAMAMOTO Isamu, KURODA Sachiko Nikkei Publishing Inc., April 2014 : SP Special Projects 44 Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 DP Discussion Papers Note: Discussion Papers listed below were published from April 2014 to March 2015. Discussion Papers are research results formed in the shape of treatises, which principally have been through an internal review process. To stimulate active debates, they are posted on our website. ( DP No. Date Title Author(s) 15-E-038 March 2015 Assessing Asian Equilibrium Exchange Rates as Policy Instruments MASUJIMA Yuki (Japan Center for Economic Research) 15-E-037 March 2015 Effects of a Quantitative Easing Monetary Policy Exit Strategy OGAWA Eiji (RIETI) WANG Zhiqian (Hitotsubashi University) on East Asian Currencies Project No. II-3 II-3 15-E-036 March 2015 Industry-specific Real Effective Exchange Rates in Asia SATO Kiyotaka (Yokohama National University) SHIMIZU Junko (Gakushuin University) Nagendra SHRESTHA (Yokohama National University) Shajuan ZHANG (Yokohama National University) 15-E-035 March 2015 The Long-Run Socio-Economic Consequences of a Large Disaster: The 1995 earthquake in Kobe William DUPONT IV (Colby College) Ilan NOY (Victoria University of Wellington) OKUYAMA Yoko (Yale University) SAWADA Yasuyuki (RIETI) SP-Others 15-E-034 March 2015 The Strength of Long Ties and the Weakness of Strong Ties: Knowledge diffusion through supply chain networks TODO Yasuyuki (RIETI) Petr MATOUS (University of Tokyo) INOUE Hiroyasu (Osaka Sangyo University) I-4 15-E-033 March 2015 Marc BREMER (Nanzan University) HOSHI Akio (Gakushuin University) Uncertainty Avoiding Behavior and Cross-border Acquisitions INOUE Kotaro (Tokyo Institute of Technology) SUZUKI Kazunori (Waseda University) 15-E-032 March 2015 Impact of Extensive and Intensive Margins of FDI on Corporate Domestic Performance: Evidence from Japanese automobile parts suppliers MATSUURA Toshiyuki (Keio Economic Observatory, Keio University) 15-E-031 March 2015 Productivity, Firm Size, Financial Factors, and Exporting Decisions: The case of Japanese SMEs OGAWA Kazuo (Institute of Social and Economic Research, Osaka University) TOKUTSU Ichiro (Graduate School of Business Administration, Kobe University) 15-E-030 March 2015 Service Trade and Productivity: Firm-level evidence from Japan MORIKAWA Masayuki (RIETI) 15-E-029 March 2015 Impact of Exchange Rate Shocks on Japanese Exports: Quantitative assessment using a structural VAR model IWAISAKO Tokuo (Hitotsubashi University) NAKATA Hayato (Meisei University) II-2 15-E-028 March 2015 Oil Price, Exchange Rate Shock, and the Japanese Economy IWAISAKO Tokuo (Hitotsubashi University) NAKATA Hayato (Meisei University) II-2 15-E-027 March 2015 University Prestige, Performance Evaluation, and Promotion: Estimating the employer learning model using personnel datasets ARAKI Shota (RIETI) KAWAGUCHI Daiji (RIETI) ONOZUKA Yuki (Hitotsubashi University / University of Western Ontario) VII-2 VI-7 II-3 SP-1 I-1 VI-3 Multidisciplinary 15-E-026 March 2015 Deflation/Inflation Dynamics: Analysis based on micro prices YOSHIKAWA Hiroshi (RIETI) AOYAMA Hideaki (RIETI) IYETOMI Hiroshi (University of Tokyo) FUJIWARA Yoshi (University of Hyogo) 15-E-025 March 2015 Aid for Trade and Global Growth NAITO Takumi (Waseda University) I-3 15-E-024 February 2015 Automobile Exports: Export price and retail price YOSHIDA Yushi (Shiga University) SASAKI Yuri (Meiji Gakuin University) II-1 15-E-023 February 2015 Comparative Advantage, Monopolistic Competition, and Heterogeneous Firms in a Ricardian Model with a Continuum ARA Tomohiro (Fukushima University) of Sectors I-3 Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 45 46 DP No. Date Title Author(s) Project No. 15-E-022 February 2015 Aging, Interregional Income Inequality, and Industrial Structure: An empirical analysis based on the R-JIP Database and the R-LTES Database FUKAO Kyoji (RIETI) MAKINO Tatsuji (Hitotsubashi University) V-3 15-E-021 February 2015 Impacts of the World Trade Organization on Chinese Exports WAKASUGI Ryuhei (RIETI) ZHANG Hongyong (RIETI) I-1 15-E-020 February 2015 Abenomics, Yen Depreciation, Trade Deficit, and Export Competitiveness SHIMIZU Junko (Gakushuin University) SATO Kiyotaka (Yokohama National University) II-1 15-E-019 February 2015 Diversification, Organization, and Value of the Firm USHIJIMA Tatsuo (Aoyama Gakuin University) 15-E-018 February 2015 The Quality of Distance: Quality sorting, Alchian-Allen effect, and geography TAKECHI Kazutaka (Hosei University) I-3 15-E-017 February 2015 The Price of Distance: Pricing to market, producer heterogeneity, and geographic barriers KANO Kazuko (Musashino University) KANO Takashi (Hitotsubashi University) TAKECHI Kazutaka (Hosei University) I-3 15-E-016 February 2015 Enjoying the Fruits of their Labor: Redirecting exports to Asian consumers THORBECKE, Willem (RIETI) II-5 15-E-015 February 2015 Sequential Markets, Market Power and Arbitrage ITO Koichiro (RIETI) Mar REGUANT (Stanford GSB / NBER) Multidisciplinary 15-E-014 February 2015 The Persistence of Moral Suasion and Economic Incentives: Field experimental evidence from energy demand ITO Koichiro (RIETI) IDA Takanori (Kyoto University) TANAKA Makoto (GRIPS) Multidisciplinary 15-E-013 February 2015 Fiscal Cost of Demographic Transition in Japan KITAO Sagiri (RIETI) Multidisciplinary 15-E-012 January 2015 Trade in Services and Japan's Bilateral FTAs: Empirics on their ISHIDO Hikari (Chiba University) impacts 15-E-011 January 2015 Misallocation and Establishment Dynamics HOSONO Kaoru (Gakushuin University) TAKIZAWA Miho (Toyo University) V-5 15-E-010 January 2015 Globalization and Domestic Operations: Applying the JC/JD method to Japanese manufacturing firms ANDO Mitsuyo (Keio University) KIMURA Fukunari (Keio University / ERIA) V-1 15-E-009 January 2015 The Impact of Foreign Firms on Industrial Productivity: A Bayesian-model averaging approach TANAKA Kiyoyasu (Institute of Developing Economies, JETRO) V-5 III-1 SP-1 I-5 15-E-008 January 2015 Natural Disasters, Industrial Clusters and Manufacturing Plant Survival Matthew A. COLE (University of Birmingham) Robert J R ELLIOTT (University of Birmingham) OKUBO Toshihiro (Keio University) Eric STROBL (Ecole Polytechnique) 15-E-007 January 2015 The Optimal Degree of Monetary-Discretion in a New Keynesian Model with Private Information WAKI Yuichiro (University of Queensland) Richard DENNIS (University of Glasgow) FUJIWARA Ippei (RIETI) 15-E-006 January 2015 Constructing China's Net Capital and Measuring Capital Services in China, 1980-2010 Harry X. WU (Hitotsubashi University) V-1 15-E-005 January 2015 Constructing Annual Employment and Compensation Matrices and Measuring Labor Input in China Harry X. WU (Hitotsubashi University) Ximing YUE (Renmin University of China) George G. ZHANG (University of Wisconsin, Madison) V-1 15-E-004 January 2015 Reconstructing China's Supply-Use and Input-Output Tables in Time Series Harry X. WU (Hitotsubashi University) ITO Keiko (Senshu University) V-1 I-2 V-5 15-E-003 January 2015 Trade Policy Preferences and Cross-Regional Differences: Evidence from individual-level data of Japan ITO Banri (Harvard University / Senshu University) MUKUNOKI Hiroshi (Gakushuin University) TOMIURA Eiichi (RIETI) WAKASUGI Ryuhei (RIETI) 15-E-002 January 2015 The Impact of Globalization on Establishment-Level Employment Dynamics in Japan KODAMA Naomi (RIETI) INUI Tomohiko (RIETI) Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 VIII-6 DP No. Date Title Author(s) Project No. 15-E-001 January 2015 Does the Three Good Things Exercise Really Make People More Positive and Less Depressed? A study in Japan SEKIZAWA Yoichi (RIETI) YOSHITAKE Naomi (Ochanomizu University) 14-E-069 December 2014 Nuclear Power Plants Shutdown and Alternative Power Plants Installation: A nine-region spatial equilibrium analysis of the electric power market in Japan HOSOE Nobuhiro (National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS)) 14-E-068 November 2014 Industrial Agglomeration and Dispersion in China: Spatial reformation of the "workshop of the world" ITO Asei (University of Tokyo) I-1 I-2 VII-Others VI-4 14-E-067 November 2014 Reciprocal Versus Unilateral Trade Liberalization: Comparing individual characteristics of supporters TOMIURA Eiichi (RIETI) ITO Banri (Harvard University / Senshu University) MUKUNOKI Hiroshi (Gakushuin University) WAKASUGI Ryuhei (RIETI) 14-E-066 November 2014 Supply Chain Internationalization in East Asia: Inclusiveness and risks FUJITA Masahisa (RIETI) HAMAGUCHI Nobuaki (RIETI) III-1 ISHIKAWA Jota (RIETI) MORITA Hodaka (University of New South Wales) MUKUNOKI Hiroshi (Gakushuin University) I-3 14-E-065 November 2014 Trade Liberalization and Aftermarket Services for Imports 14-E-064 October 2014 INUI Tomohiko (RIETI) Lender Banks' Provision of Overseas Market Information: Evidence from Japanese small and medium-sized enterprises' ITO Keiko (Senshu University) MIYAKAWA Daisuke (Nihon University) export dynamics VI-3 14-E-063 October 2014 Does the Policy Lending of the Government Financial Institution Substitute for the Private Lending during the Period of the Credit Crunch? Evidence from loan level data in Japan SEKINO Masahiro (ISI Software Co., Ltd) WATANABE Wako (Keio University) VI-3 III-2 14-E-062 October 2014 Endogenous Labor Supply and International Trade AGO Takanori (Senshu University) MORITA Tadashi (Kindai University) TABUCHI Takatoshi (RIETI) YAMAMOTO Kazuhiro (Osaka University) 14-E-061 October 2014 Decomposition of Gender or Racial Inequality with Endogenous Intervening Covariates: An extension of the DiNardo-Fortin-Lemieux method YAMAGUCHI Kazuo (RIETI) 14-E-060 October 2014 A Comparison of the Wage Structure between the Public and MORIKAWA Masayuki (RIETI) Private Sectors in Japan 14-E-059 October 2014 Roles of Wholesalers in Transaction Networks OKUBO Toshihiro (Keio University) ONO Yukako (Keio University) SAITO Yukiko (RIETI) 14-E-058 October 2014 Intangible Investments and their Consequences: New evidence from unlisted Japanese companies HARADA Nobuyuki (University of Tsukuba) 14-E-057 September 2014 The Economics of Attribute-Based Regulation: Theory and evidence from fuel-economy standards ITO Koichiro (RIETI) James M. SALLEE (University of Chicago) September 2014 What Types of Science and Technology Policies Stimulate Innovation? Evidence from Chinese firm-level data ITO Asei (University of Tokyo) Zhuoran LI (University of Tokyo) Min WANG (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China) Natural Disaster and Natural Selection UCHIDA Hirofumi (Kobe University) MIYAKAWA Daisuke (Nihon University) HOSONO Kaoru (Gakushuin University) ONO Arito (Mizuho Research Institute) UCHINO Taisuke (RIETI) UESUGI Iichiro (RIETI) VI-3 Transaction Partners and Firm Relocation Choice: Evidence from the Tohoku Earthquake ONO Arito (Mizuho Research Institute) MIYAKAWA Daisuke (Nihon University) HOSONO Kaoru (Gakushuin University) UCHIDA Hirofumi (Kobe University) UCHINO Taisuke (RIETI) UESUGI Iichiro (RIETI) VI-3 14-E-056 14-E-055 14-E-054 August 2014 August 2014 Multidisciplinary Multidisciplinary III-Others V-2 Multidisciplinary I-1 Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 47 DP No. Date Title Author(s) 14-E-053 August 2014 Localization of Knowledge-creating Establishments INOUE Hiroyasu (Osaka Sangyo University) NAKAJIMA Kentaro (Tohoku University) SAITO Yukiko (RIETI) 14-E-052 August 2014 Competitive Search with Moving Costs KAWATA Keisuke (Hiroshima University) NAKAJIMA Kentaro (Tohoku University) SATO Yasuhiro (Osaka University) III-2 14-E-051 August 2014 Disemployment Caused by Foreign Direct Investment? Multinationals and Japanese employment KIYOTA Kozo (RIETI) KAMBAYASHI Ryo (Hitotsubashi University) V-5 14-E-050 August 2014 How Does the Market Value Organizational Management Practices of Japanese Firms? Using interview survey data KAWAKAMI Atsushi (Teikyo University) ASABA Shigeru (Waseda University) V-2 14-E-049 August 2014 Measuring the Competitiveness of China's Processed Exports THORBECKE, Willem (RIETI) III-Others II-5 14-E-048 August 2014 Is Productivity Growth Correlated with Improvements in Management Quality? An empirical study using interview surveys in Korea and Japan MIYAGAWA Tsutomu (RIETI) Keun LEE (Seoul National University) EDAMURA Kazuma (National Institute of Science and Technology Policy) YoungGak KIM (Senshu University) Hosung JUNG (Samsung Economic Research Institute) 14-E-047 August 2014 Japan's Exorbitant Privilege Kenneth S. ROGOFF (Harvard University) TASHIRO Takeshi (RIETI) Multidisciplinary 14-E-046 August 2014 The Impact of a Demand Shock on the Employment of Temporary Agency Workers: Evidence from Japan during the global financial crisis HOSONO Kaoru (Gakushuin University) TAKIZAWA Miho (Toyo University) TSURU Kotaro (RIETI) VII-1 14-E-045 July 2014 Economic Geography, Endogenous Fertility, and Agglomeration MORITA Tadashi (Kindai University) YAMAMOTO Kazuhiro (Osaka University) III-2 14-E-044 July 2014 Public Debt Overhang in the Heterogeneous Agent Model KOBAYASHI Keiichiro (RIETI) II-4 14-E-043 July 2014 There is No Natural Debt Limit with Consumption Tax KOBAYASHI Keiichiro (RIETI) II-4 14-E-042 July 2014 Information Asymmetry in SME Credit Guarantee Schemes: Evidence from Japan SAITO Kuniyoshi (Meiji Gakuin University) TSURUTA Daisuke (Nihon University) VI-3 14-E-041 July 2014 How the Movement of Natural Persons Agreement Could Fuel FTAs KOMORIYA Yoshimasa (Chuo University) I-Others 14-E-040 July 2014 Governing Board Interlocks and Probability of an IPO MATSUDA Naoko (RIETI) MATSUO Yutaka (University of Tokyo) 14-E-039 July 2014 China-U.S. Trade: A global outlier THORBECKE, Willem (RIETI) II-5 14-E-038 July 2014 Representative Agent in a Form of Probability Distribution INOSE Junya (University of Tokyo) VI-2 14-E-037 July 2014 Does Export Yield Productivity and Markup Premiums? Evidence from the Japanese manufacturing industry KATO Atsuyuki (RIETI) Multidisciplinary 14-E-036 July 2014 Are Large Headquarters Unproductive? Evidence from a panel of Japanese companies MORIKAWA Masayuki (RIETI) Multidisciplinary June 2014 Supply Chain Disruptions: Evidence from the Great East Japan Earthquake Vasco M. CARVALHO (University of Cambridge, CREi, and Barcelona GES) NIREI Makoto (Hitotsubashi University) SAITO Yukiko (RIETI) 14-E-034 June 2014 Geography and Firm Performance in the Japanese Production Andreas MOXNES (Dartmouth Network 14-E-033 June 2014 Firm Growth Dynamics: The importance of large jumps 14-E-032 June 2014 What Types of Company Have Female and Foreign Directors? MORIKAWA Masayuki (RIETI) 14-E-031 June 2014 Export Sophistication and Exchange Rate Elasticities: The Case of Switzerland 14-E-035 48 Project No. Andrew B. BERNARD (Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, CEPR & NBER) College, CEPR & NBER) SAITO Yukiko (RIETI) ARATA Yoshiyuki (University of Tokyo) THORBECKE, Willem (RIETI) KATO Atsuyuki (RIETI) Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 V-2 SP-5 III-Others III-Others VI-2 Multidisciplinary II-5 DP No. Date Title Author(s) 14-E-030 June 2014 Innovation in the Service Sector and the Role of Patents and Trade Secrets MORIKAWA Masayuki (RIETI) 14-E-029 June 2014 Natural Disasters, Land Price, and Location of Firms: Evidence NAKATA Hiroyuki (RIETI) from Thailand 14-E-028 June 2014 Disasters and Risk Perception: Evidence from Thailand Floods SAWADA Yasuyuki (RIETI) 14-E-027 May 2014 Impact of Supply Chain Network Structure on FDI: Theory and evidence ITOH Ryo (Nagoya City University) NAKAJIMA Kentaro (Tohoku University) VI-3 14-E-026 May 2014 Business Cycles, Monetary Policy, and Bank Lending: Identifying the bank balance sheet channel with firm-bank match-level loan data HOSONO Kaoru (Gakushuin University) MIYAKAWA Daisuke (Nihon University) VI-3 14-E-025 May 2014 Does Initial Job Status Affect Midlife Outcomes and Mental Health? Evidence from a survey in Japan OSHIO Takashi (Hitotsubashi University) INAGAKI Seiichi (Tokyo Institute of Technology) VII-Others 14-E-024 May 2014 The Hidden Curriculum and Social Preferences ITO Takahiro (Kobe University) KUBOTA Kohei (Yamagata University) OHTAKE Fumio (Osaka University) VII-Others 14-E-023 May 2014 The Effects of Personality Traits and Behavioral Characteristics LEE SunYoun (Meiji Gakuin University) OHTAKE Fumio (Osaka University) on Schooling, Earnings, and Career Promotion 14-E-022 May 2014 How Does Agglomeration Promote the Product Innovation of Chinese Firms? ZHANG Hongyong (RIETI) 14-E-021 May 2014 Innovation and Public Research Institutes: Cases of AIST, RIKEN, and JAXA SUZUKI Jun (National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS)) TSUKADA Naotoshi (RIETI) GOTO Akira (RIETI) 14-E-020 April 2014 The Effects of Endogenous Interdependencies on Trade Network Formation across Space among Major Japanese Firms Petr MATOUS (University of Tokyo) TODO Yasuyuki (RIETI) 14-E-019 April 2014 Policy Regime Change against Chronic Deflation? Policy option under a long-term liquidity trap FUJIWARA Ippei (RIETI) NAKAZONO Yoshiyuki (Yokohama City University) UEDA Kozo (Waseda University) Multidisciplinary 14-E-018 April 2014 Empirical Analysis on Factors Behind Successful Entrepreneurs MATSUDA Naoko (RIETI) MATSUO Yutaka (University of Tokyo) SP-Others 14-E-017 April 2014 Winning the Race against Technology KAWAGUCHI Daiji (RIETI) MORI Yuko (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)) VII-Others 14-E-016 April 2014 Fertility and Maternal Labor Supply in Japan: Conflicting policy goals? Andrew S. GRIFFEN (University of Tokyo) NAKAMURO Makiko (Keio University) INUI Tomohiko (RIETI) 14-E-015 April 2014 Fiscal Consolidation in Japan FUKAO Mitsuhiro (RIETI) SAWADA Yasuyuki (RIETI) SEKIGUCHI Kunio (RIETI) NAKATA Hiroyuki (RIETI) SEKIGUCHI Kunio (RIETI) Project No. Multidisciplinary SP-Others SP-Others VII-Others I-1 IV-3 I-4 V-4 VIII-Others Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 49 DP No. Date Title Author(s) Project No. Discussion Papers written in Japanese 50 15-J-012 March 2015 Product Innovation and Economic Growth Part IV: Demand changes in an aging society YOSHIKAWA Hiroshi (RIETI) ANDO Koichi (Chuo University) 15-J-011 March 2015 Migration Response to High Unemployment Rates: Spatial econometric analysis using Japanese municipal data KONDO Keisuke (RIETI) 15-J-010 March 2015 Price, Quality, and Productivity: Reconsidering the determinants of exporting behavior MATSUURA Toshiyuki (Keio Economic Observatory, Keio University) V-5 15-J-009 March 2015 Exploring the Patterns of Venture Capital Syndication: Evidence from investment-round data TAKIZAWA Miho (Toyo University) MIYAKAWA Daisuke (Nihon University) VI-3 15-J-008 March 2015 The Effect of Moving to a Territorial Tax System on Profit Repatriations: Evidence from Japan HASEGAWA Makoto (National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS)) KIYOTA Kozo (RIETI) I-1 15-J-007 March 2015 Development of Statistical Accuracy Improvement Methodology for Oil Refinery Sector's Energy and Carbon Balance and Statistical Accuracy on Japanese General Energy Statistics KAINOU Kazunari (RIETI) Multidisciplinary 15-J-006 March 2015 Development of the FY2013 Version of "General Energy Statistics of Japan" KAINOU Kazunari (RIETI) Multidisciplinary 15-J-005 March 2015 The Going-Public Decision and Post-IPO Performance: Evidence from Japan HOSONO Kaoru (Gakushuin University) TAKIZAWA Miho (Toyo University) 15-J-004 February 2015 Clarification of Evolution of the Principle of NonDiscrimination under the WTO Agreement: Recent developments in case law and their implications for Members' policy space KAWASE Tsuyoshi (RIETI) 15-J-003 February 2015 Service Trade and Productivity MORIKAWA Masayuki (RIETI) 15-J-002 January 2015 Do People Support Compensation for Trade Liberalization? Evidence from a survey experiment in Japan KUNO Arata (Kyorin University) 15-J-001 January 2015 Decline in Consumption Expenditures after Retirement Using Population and Social Security Research) Japanese Micro Data (JSTAR) YIN Ting (RIETI) 14-J-055 December 2014 Does Board Diversity Influence Firms' Innovative Activity? Evidence from the firm-level micro data in Japan INUI Tomohiko (RIETI) NAKAMURO Makiko (Keio University) EDAMURA Kazuma (NISTEP) OZAWA Junko (Cabinet Office) VII-Others 14-J-054 December 2014 Corporate Disclosure of Non-financial Information and Ownership by Foreign Shareholders KODAMA Naomi (RIETI) TAKAMURA Shizuka (RIETI) VII-Others 14-J-053 November 2014 Financial Shocks and Japan's Export Collapse during the Global Financial Crisis: Evidence from bank-firm matched data UCHINO Taisuke (RIETI) II-2 14-J-052 November 2014 Trade Policy Preferences and Cross-Regional Differences: Evidence from individual-level data of Japan ITO Banri (Harvard University / Senshu University) MUKUNOKI Hiroshi (Gakushuin University) TOMIURA Eiichi (RIETI) WAKASUGI Ryuhei (RIETI) I-2 14-J-051 November 2014 Impact of Exchange Rate Shocks on Japanese Exports: Quantitative assessment using the structural VAR model IWAISAKO Tokuo (RIETI) NAKATA Hayato (Meisei University) II-2 14-J-050 November 2014 Oil Price, Exchange Rate Shock, and the Japanese Economy IWAISAKO Tokuo (RIETI) NAKATA Hayato (Meisei University) II-2 14-J-049 November 2014 Informing SMEs Better about Available Support Measures: Consideration of the case of micro businesses YASUDA Takehiko (Toyo University) IX-Others 14-J-048 October 2014 Female Labor Market, Intra-household Allocation, and Marriage UNAYAMA Takashi (RIETI) VI-Others 14-J-047 October 2014 Recommendation of Draft Revised Standard Calorific Value and Carbon Emission Factor for Fossil Fuel Energy Sources in Japan: 2013 FY revised standard calorific value and carbon emission factor KAINOU Kazunari (RIETI) Multidisciplinary 14-J-046 September 2014 Gender Income Gap among White-Collar Regular Workers: A clarification of the determinants that explain an 80% of the gap, and its mechanism YAMAGUCHI Kazuo (RIETI) Multidisciplinary 14-J-045 September 2014 Effects of Lending Relationships with Government Banks on Firm Performance: Evidence from a Japanese government bank for small businesses UESUGI Iichiro (RIETI) UCHIDA Hirofumi (Kobe University) MIZUSUGI Yuta (SHIFT Incorporated) KUREISHI Wataru (National Institute of Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 VI-2 Multidisciplinary VI-3 I-6 Multidisciplinary I-5 VIII-7 VI-3 DP No. Date Title Author(s) Project No. 14-J-044 September 2014 Incentive Design for Inventors: Theory and empirical evidence NAGAOKA Sadao (RIETI) OWAN Hideo (RIETI) ONISHI Koichiro (Osaka University of Technology) IV-1 14-J-043 August 2014 Rice Tariffs and Their Impact on the Japanese Market KEIDA Masayuki (Rissho University) VI-2 14-J-042 August 2014 Increasing Organizational Performance through Diversity and Organizational Climate Initiatives: What works, what doesn't TANIGUCHI Mami (Waseda University / Massachusetts Institute of Technology) 14-J-041 August 2014 Demographic Changes in China's Three Major Megalopolises MENG Jianjun (RIETI) 14-J-040 August 2014 The Effect of Corporate Tax Rate Reduction: A simulation analysis with a small open economy DSGE model for Japan HASUMI Ryo (Japan Center for Economic Research) VIII-1 14-J-039 August 2014 Open Innovation Effects of Patent Applications: An empirical study of inkjet technology patents KINUKAWA Shinya (Komazawa University) IV-2 14-J-038 August 2014 Scientific Sources of Corporate Inventions in Japan: Evidence from an inventor survey NAGAOKA Sadao (RIETI) YAMAUCHI Isamu (RIETI) IV-1 14-J-037 July 2014 The Impact of Student Loan Reform on College Enrollment SANO Shinpei (Chiba University) KAWAMOTO Takaaki (Hyakugo Bank) VII-Others 13-J-036 June 2014 Wages, Promotions, and Gender Workplace Segregation HASHIMOTO Yuki (Kyushu University) SATO Kaori (University of Tokyo) VII-2 14-J-035 May 2014 Industrial Agglomeration in China: Case studies of the Chinese Silicon Valley and the coastal SEZ KURITA Kyosuke (Kwansei Gakuin University) III-Others 14-J-034 May 2014 Enhancing Enterprise Power through Exporting: Verification of the learning effect by exporting KURITA Kyosuke (Kwansei Gakuin University) III-Others 14-J-033 May 2014 Wage Structure of Japanese Care Worker: College Premium and Qualification Premium YIN Ting (RIETI) KAWATA Keisuke (Hiroshima University) XU Zhaoyuan (Enterprise Research Institute, Development Research Center of the State Council) 14-J-032 May 2014 The Potential for Women's Career Development through Overseas Employment and Accumulation of Management Know-How USHIO Naomi (Meiji University) SHIMURA Kotaro (Humanage, Inc.) VII-Others 14-J-031 May 2014 Organizational Informatization and Promoting the Active Participation of Women in the Workplace USHIO Naomi (Meiji University) SHIMURA Kotaro (Humanage, Inc.) VII-Others 14-J-030 May 2014 An Introduction to Affirmative Action Policies in Korea: Consequences and implications for Japan OSAWA Machiko (Japan Women's University) KIM Myoung Jung (NLI Research Institute) VII-Others 14-J-029 May 2014 Does Gender Diversity in Management Contribute to Profitability, Productivity, and the AA system in China and Korea? ISHIZUKA Hiromi (Sanno University) VII-Others 14-J-028 May 2014 Are Large Headquarters Unproductive? Evidence from a Panel of Japanese Companies MORIKAWA Masayuki (RIETI) 14-J-027 May 2014 Empirical Analysis on the Relevance of the Resilience of National Economies and Industry, Fiscal, and Monetary Policies MAEOKA Kenichiro (Ministry of Defense) KANDA Yusuke (Kyoto University) NAKANO Takeshi (RIETI) KUME Koichi (Recruit Works Institute) FUJII Satoshi (RIETI) SP-Others 14-J-026 May 2014 Japanese Industrial Policy and the Enhancement of Nuclear Power Plants Efficiency: Promotion of domestic production and the "Improvement & Standardization Plan" ISHII Susumu (Gakushuin University) IX-Others 14-J-025 May 2014 What Types of Company Have Female and Foreign Directors? MORIKAWA Masayuki (RIETI) An analysis using survey data Multidisciplinary 14-J-024 April 2014 Innovation in the Service Sector and the Role of Patents and Trade Secrets MORIKAWA Masayuki (RIETI) Multidisciplinary 14-J-023 April 2014 Relationship between Governing Board Interlocks and Initial Public Offerings MATSUDA Naoko (RIETI) MATSUO Yutaka (University of Tokyo) SP-5 14-J-022 April 2014 Abenomics, Yen Depreciation, Trade Deficit and Export Competitiveness SHIMIZU Junko (Gakushuin University) SATO Kiyotaka (Yokohama National University) II-1 14-J-021 April 2014 Workers' Mental Health and Firm Performance: Evidence from firms' longitudinal data in Japan KURODA Sachiko (Waseda University) YAMAMOTO Isamu (Keio University) VII-Others 14-J-020 April 2014 Workers' Mental Health, Long Work Hours, and Workplace Management: Evidence from workers' longitudinal data in Japan KURODA Sachiko (Waseda University) YAMAMOTO Isamu (Keio University) VII-Others VII-Others Multidisciplinary VIII-4 Multidisciplinary Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 51 PDP Policy Discussion Papers Note: Policy Discussion Papers listed below were published from April 2014 to March 2015. Policy Discussion Papers have a strong link to timely policy issues facing Japan. They are available only in Japanese unless otherwise stated. ( 52 PDP No. Date Title Author(s) 15-P-004 March 2015 A New Monthly Index of Real Economic Activity, 1960-2013 ITO Arata (RIETI) 15-P-003 March 2015 The Credit Guarantee System and Policy-based Finance for Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises and a Database of YOSHINO Naoyuki (RIETI) Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises SP-Others 15-P-002 March 2015 Implications for the Development of Local Economies and SMEs in Japan: Perspective from a field survey conducted on IWAMOTO Koichi (RIETI) Germany, the EU's strongest economy Multidisciplinary 15-P-001 February 2015 Quantitative Effects of Growth Policies: An overview Multidisciplinary 14-P-023 (in English) September 2014 Services Negotiation and Plurilateral Agreements: TISA and NAKATOMI Michitaka (RIETI) sectoral approach 14-P-022 September 2014 [WTO Case Review Series No. 9] United States—Certain Country of Origin Labelling Requirements (DS384, 386): The NAIKI Yoshiko (Osaka University) impacts of country of origin labelling on international trade I-6 14-P-021 August 2014 Trends and Characteristics of Foreign Direct Investment in TANAKA Kiyoyasu (Institute of Developing Economies, JETRO) Japan V-5 14-P-020 (in English) August 2014 Age of De Jure Standard and its Determinants: Dataset TAMURA Suguru (RIETI) linking standard technology areas to economic survey data IV-5 14-P-019 August 2014 Abstract of History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy: KAWAMURA Satoshi (RIETI) Abstract of Tetsuo Nakata (ed.), History of Japan's Trade and TAKEDA Haruhito (RIETI) Industry Policy (12) Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises IX-Others 14-P-018 August 2014 Abstract of History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy: KAWAMURA Satoshi (RIETI) Abstract of Nobuhiro Nakayama, History of Japan's Trade and TAKEDA Haruhito (RIETI) Industry Policy (11) Intellectual Property Policy IX-Others 14-P-017 August 2014 Abstract of History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy: KAWAMURA Satoshi (RIETI) Abstract of Takeo Kikkawa, History of Japan's Trade and TAKEDA Haruhito (RIETI) Industry Policy (10) Natural Resources and Energy Policy IX-Others 14-P-016 August 2014 Abstract of History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy: KAWAMURA Satoshi (RIETI) Abstract of Minoru Sawai, History of Japan's Trade and TAKEDA Haruhito (RIETI) Industry Policy (9) Industrial Technology Policy IX-Others 14-P-015 August 2014 Abstract of History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy: KAWAMURA Satoshi (RIETI) Abstract of Shigeru Matsushima, History of Japan's Trade and TAKEDA Haruhito (RIETI) Industry Policy (8) Consumer Goods Industries IX-Others 14-P-014 August 2014 Abstract of History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy: KAWAMURA Satoshi (RIETI) Abstract of Shin Hasegawa (ed.), History of Japan's Trade and TAKEDA Haruhito (RIETI) Industry Policy (7) Machinery and Information Industries IX-Others 14-P-013 August 2014 Abstract of History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy: KAWAMURA Satoshi (RIETI) Abstract of Shiro Yamazaki (ed.), History of Japan's Trade and TAKEDA Haruhito (RIETI) Industry Policy (6) Basic Industries Policy IX-Others 14-P-012 August 2014 Abstract of History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy: KAWAMURA Satoshi (RIETI) Abstract of Haruhito Takeda, History of Japan's Trade and TAKEDA Haruhito (RIETI) Industry Policy (5) Location, Environment and Safety Policy IX-Others 14-P-011 August 2014 Abstract of History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy: KAWAMURA Satoshi (RIETI) Abstract of Takemasa Ishihara (ed.), History of Japan's Trade TAKEDA Haruhito (RIETI) and Industry Policy (4) Commerce and Distribution Policy IX-Others 14-P-010 August 2014 Abstract of History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy: KAWAMURA Satoshi (RIETI) Abstract of Tetsuji Okazaki (ed.), History of Japan's Trade and TAKEDA Haruhito (RIETI) Industry Policy (3) Industry Policy IX-Others 14-P-009 August 2014 Abstract of History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy: KAWAMURA Satoshi (RIETI) Abstract of Takeshi Abe (ed.), History of Japan's Trade and TAKEDA Haruhito (RIETI) Industry Policy (2) International Trade Policy IX-Others 14-P-008 August 2014 Abstract of History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy: KAWAMURA Satoshi (RIETI) Abstract of Konosuke Odaka, History of Japan's Trade and TAKEDA Haruhito (RIETI) Industry Policy (1) General Overview IX-Others 14-P-007 June 2014 Foreign Direct Investment in Japan: A review of the empirical KIYOTA Kozo (RIETI) literature 14-P-006 May 2014 Economic Resilience and Growth: Concept and applications MORIKAWA Masayuki (RIETI) FUJII Satoshi (RIETI) KUME Koichi (Recruit Works Institute) KOBAYASHI Yohei (RIETI) Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 Project No. Multidisciplinary I-Others V-5 SP-Others Public Relations Activities Dissemination of Research Results The role of policy research institutes does not end with the completion of research. They have an obligation to stimulate policy debates by broadly disseminating the results of their research. RIETl actively circulates its research results via its website, issues publications and publicity materials, and holds symposiums and seminars. Publications Website Publicity Materials Symposium, Workshops, and Seminars Public Relations Activities Publications RIETI's publications cover a diverse array of themes and appear under the imprint of various publishers. The contents range from studies of a high academic standard that have undergone peer review in their respective disciplines to timely policy study topics for a wider audience. ( Publications in the third medium-term period (2011–2015) Intangibles, Market Failure and Innovation Performance Macro-performance of Small and Medium Enterprises December 2014 Edited by Ahmed BOUNFOUR, MIYAGAWA Tsutomu Springer October 2014 Written by GOTO Yasuo Nikkei Publishing Inc. Internationalization of Japanese Firms: Evidence from Firm-level Data Global Niche Top Enterprises March 2014 Written and edited by WAKASUGI Ryuhei 54 March 2014 Written by HOSOYA Yuji Hakuto-Shobo Publishing Company Minimum Wage Reform Economic Resilience July 2013 Written and edited by OHTAKE Fumio, KAWAGUCHI Daiji, TSURU Kotaro Nippon Hyoronsha Co., Ltd. June 2013 Written and edited by FUJII Satoshi Nippon Hyoronsha Co., Ltd. International Economics of Outsourcing: Changing global trade patterns and a microdata analysis of Japanese firms Economic Analysis of Working Hours: Prospects for a working style in a super-aging society September 2014 Written by TOMIURA Eiichi Nippon Hyoronsha Co., Ltd. April 2014 Written by YAMAMOTO Isamu, KURODA Sachiko Nikkei Publishing Inc. Productivity in Service Industries: Empirical analyses using microdata Environment, Energy, and Resource Strategies: Exploring new growth areas February 2014 Written by MORIKAWA Masayuki Nippon Hyoronsha Co., Ltd. September 2013 Written and edited by MANAGI Shunsuke Nippon Hyoronsha Co., Ltd. Work-Life Balance in Japan as Seen from a Perspective of International Comparison High-tech Industry and Regional Eco-system June 2012 Written and edited by TAKEISHI Emiko Minerva Shobo Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 April 2012 Written by NISHIZAWA Akio, KUTSUNA Kenji, HIBARA Nobuhiko, SABURI Masataka, WAKABAYASHI Naoki and KANAI Kazuyori Yuhikaku Publishing Co., Ltd. Publications in the first and second medium-term periods (2001-2005/2006-2010) are seen on: Japan's Economy and the Two Lost Decades March 2012 Written by FUKAO Kyoji Nikkei Publishing Inc. True Potential of the Japanese Economy: When the lying dragon awakes August 2011 Written by TODO Yasuyuki Chuokoron-Shinsha,Inc. Theories of the Enterprise Law Reformation: Institutional designs of the incentive system October 2011 Written and edited by SHISHIDO Zenichi Nikkei Publishing Inc. Optimum Disclosure System in the Era of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) October 2011 Written and edited by KOGA Chitoshi Chikura Publishing Co., Ltd. Corporate Governance in Japan: Toward a redesign and restoration of competitiveness Non-regular Employment System Reform in Japan: Changing the way people work June 2011 Written and edited by MIYAJIMA Hideaki Toyo Keizai Inc. June 2011 Written and edited by TSURU Kotaro, HIGUCHI Yoshio, MIZUMACHI Yuichiro Nippon Hyoronsha Co., Ltd. Internationalization of Modern Japanese Firms: Analyses of panel data October 2011 Edited by WAKASUGI Ryuhei Iwanami Shoten, Publishers Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 55 Introduction of History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy Series in 12 Volumes 56 History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy (1): General Overview History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy (2): International Trade Policy History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy (3): Industrial Policy History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy (4): Commerce and Distribution Policy January 2013 Written by ODAKA Konosuke Keizai Sangyo Chosakai January 2013 Written and edited by ABE Takeshi Keizai Sangyo Chosakai April 2012 Written and edited by OKAZAKI Tetsuji Keizai Sangyo Chosakai March 2011 Written and edited by ISHIHARA Takemasa Keizai Sangyo Chosakai History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy (5): Location, Environment and Safety Policy History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy (6): Basic Industry Policy History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy (7): Machinery and Information Industries History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy (8): Consumer Goods Industries June 2011 Written by TAKEDA Haruhito Keizai Sangyo Chosakai July 2011 Written and edited by YAMAZAKI Shiro Keizai Sangyo Chosakai March 2013 Written and edited by HASEGAWA Shin Keizai Sangyo Chosakai June 2012 Written by MATSUSHIMA Shigeru Keizai Sangyo Chosakai History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy (9): Industrial Technology Policy History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy (10): Natural Resources and Energy Policy History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy (11): Intellectual Property Policy History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy (12): Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises March 2011 Written by SAWAI Minoru Keizai Sangyo Chosakai July 2011 Written by KIKKAWA Takeo Keizai Sangyo Chosakai October 2011 Written and edited by NAKAYAMA Nobuhiro Keizai Sangyo Chosakai March 2013 Written and edited by NAKATA Tetsuo Keizai Sangyo Chosakai Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 Website( Public Relations Activities Operated in three languages―Japanese, English and Chinese―the RIETI website is a key element in our public relations activities. The number of page views for each language has been growing steadily (see table below). The website makes available to the public a wide range of materials offering in-depth analyses on individual policy issues such as Discussion Papers written by fellows and handout materials of policy symposiums. Special efforts have been made to enrich the content of the RIETI website by providing access to the work of individual Research Fellows and study groups. These are quite unique and exclusive to RIETI. Some examples are: As part of the “East Asian Industrial Productivity” project’ s results, the Japan Industrial Productivity Database 2014 (JIP 2014) is published to serve as a basic resource for the analysis of Japan’ s economic growth and changes in its industrial structure. The “International Macroeconomics” program started publishing the novel dataset of the industry-specific nominal effective exchange rate (I-NEER) and the industry-specific real effective exchange rate (I-REER) in May 2011. From March 2015, the program began releasing the daily and monthly series of I-NEER and I-REER for nine Asian economies. Japan Industrial Productivity Database 2014 (JIP Database 2014) On Japanese Study of Aging and Retirement (JSTAR), information about a panel survey of middle-aged and elderly citizens aged 50 or higher conducted jointly by RIETI, Hitotsubashi University, and the University of Tokyo is posted. Not only does the data include diverse information on the economic, social, and health aspects of the middle-aged and the elderly, it is also designed to maintain maximum comparability with other surveys conducted in developed countries such as the Health and Retirement Study (HRS) in the United States, the Survey of Health, Aging and Retirement (SHARE) in Europe, and the English Longitudinal Study of Aging (ELSA) in the United Kingdom. Therefore, it is possible by analyzing the data to identify the unique and universal aspects of middle-aged and elderly citizens in Japan as compared to the world. Industry-Specific Real Effective Exchange Rate Website traffic Approx. 13 years Fiscal 2014 (January 2002 ( April 2014 ‒March 2015) ‒March 2015) Japanese 9,210,603 1,220,635 English 2,719,003 398,459 Chinese 766,746 82,753 In the non-technical summary that briefly summarizes the policy implications based on an analysis of discussion papers, we actively make policy proposals (in Japanese). RIETI is partnering with CEPR, a leading European research network, to make its research findings more accessible to an international audience, and articles by RIETI fellows now appear on CEPR’ s policy portal, Vice versa, articles are published on RIETI’ s site to raise awareness of key developments in policy discourse overseas. The RIETI Columns section, which features articles written by researchers on policy matters and proposals, invites comments and feedback from readers for online discussion. The Perspectives from Around the World section introduces the views of some of the world’ s leading researchers regarding various issues including economic policy, security, and environmental problems. Other popular contents include “China in Transition” by Consulting Fellow KWAN Chi Hung, who shines the spotlight on five areas̶economic reform in China, Chinese economics, Chinese industries and enterprises, China in the world, and Sino-Japanese relations̶and “Research Notes on Spatial Economies” by Fellow KONDO Keisuke, who explains issues in spatial economies in plain and simple language and introduces recent academic knowledge and policy implications. Another example is “Frontiers of Analysis on Corporate Governance: Toward the recovery of Japanese companies’ competitiveness,” which summarizes case studies of corporate governance analysis research. A number of past popular serial articles by our researchers, including “China in Transition,” have been published in book form. In enhancing the English and Chinese websites, custom-made content is created and added for issues of special interest for overseas readers, and electronic newsletters such as RIETI Report (in English) and Dianzixinxi (in Chinese) are published to circulate Japanese policy information to RIETI’ s broad international audience. Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 57 Public Relations Activities Publicity Materials To promote wide dissemination of research results and subsequent contributions that invigorate policy debate, a variety of publicity materials are available in print and downloadable from our website. Materials for dissemination of research results Materials about RIETI RIETI Highlight Brochure RIETI Highlight is a quarterly public relations magazine that keeps Brochures introduce general information on RIETI such as RIETI’ s reports on symposiums, workshops and seminars, reviews of new organization charts. readers up to date on the activities of RIETI. Each issue includes brief publications, and columns written by our fellows. A column titled "Research Digest," which introduces recently published discussion mission, research themes and process, an access map, and Languages: Japanese, English, Chinese papers through interviews with their authors, explores the motivation underlying their research in an easy-to-understand manner that has been well-received by readers. Volume: 50 pages Languages: Quarterly issue in Japanese / Special issue in English Annual Report The Annual Report is a concise summary of RIETI’ s entire activities in each fiscal year. It reports on topics such as research projects, fellows’ activities, and PR activities. Volume: 80 pages Languages: Japanese, English, Chinese Quarterly issue Special issue (English) 58 Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 Public Relations Activities Symposiums Note: Titles and affiliations of participants are current as of the day of the events. Lists of Speakers/Panelists/Moderators are in order of appearance. METI-RIETI Symposium FY2014 The Third Hitotsubashi University Policy Forum Impact of Inward FDI and its Promotion for Japan's Economic Growth Trends in Trade and Current Account, and the Future of the Japanese Economy Date March 10, 2015 Date March 5, 2015 Venue Iino Hall and Conference Center Venue Hitotsubashi Hall Hosts METI; RIETI Host Hitotsubashi Univershity Participants 114 Co-host RIETI Program Participants 105 Opening Remarks Program Introduction Opening Remarks Presentations Presentations Panel Discussion “Impact of Inward FDI and Challenges and Measures for its Promotion” Panel Discussion Speakers/Panelists/Moderator MUNAKATA Naoko (Director-General, Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau, METI) FUJITA Masahisa (President and CRO, RIETI / Professor, Konan University / Adjunct Professor, Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University) KIYOTA Kozo (FF, RIETI / Professor, Keio Economic Observatory, Keio University) TANAKA Kiyoyasu (Research Fellow, Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization (IDE-JETRO)) MAEDA Shigeki (Director-General, Invest Japan Department, JETRO) IIDA Hirobumi (Director, Trade and Investment Facilitation Division, Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau, METI) FUKAO Kyoji (PD and FF, RIETI / Director, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University) Q&A Closing Remarks Speakers/Panelists/Moderator OGAWA Eiji (FF, RIETI / Professor, Graduate School of Commerce and Management, Hitotsubashi University) IWAISAKO Tokuo (FF, RIETI / Professor, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University) KOMINE Takao (Professor, Hosei Graduate School of Regional Policy Design) SATO Kiyotaka (Professor, Faculty of International Social Sciences, Yokohama National University) SHIMIZU Junko (Professor, Faculty of Economics, Gakushuin University) SHIMIZU Mikiharu (Director, Policy Planning and Research Office, Trade Policy Bureau, METI) OGASAWARA Takahiro (Executive Officer, AXA Life Insurance Co., Ltd.) Danny RISBERG (CEO, Philips Electronics Japan) NAKAJIMA Atsushi (Chairman, RIETI) Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 59 RIETI Policy Symposium RIETI-JSTAR Symposium Introduction of Selection and Competition to Childcare Centers and Kindergartens: Reconstruction of quasi-markets and the third sector Japan's Future as a Super Aging Society: International comparison of JSTAR datasets Date December 12, 2014 Date February 19, 2015 Venue Toranomon Hills Forum Hall B Venue Iino Hall and Conference Center Host RIETI Host RIETI Participants 145 Support Japan Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organizations ( JACEVO); Japan Association of Charitable Organizations (JACO) Program Participants 89 Program Opening Remarks Keynote Speech Panel Discussion Speakers/Panelists/Moderator NAKAJIMA Atsushi (Chairman, RIETI) USHIRO Fusao (FF, RIETI / Professor, Graduate School of Law, Nagoya University) ASAKAWA Tomoaki (Director, Day Care Division, Equal Employment, Children and Families Bureau, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare) Opening Remarks Special Greeting Keynote Speech “Recent Research Development of JSTAR and its Implication for Social Security Policy” Presentation: International Comparison of Social Security Issues “Research findings from international comparisons with SHARE” “The Lifetime Risk of Nursing Home Use and Out-of-pocket Spending” “Research Findings Using HRS-typed Datasets: The case of Asia” “Policy Effectiveness: The case of the United States” “Policy Effectiveness and Usage: The case of the United Kingdom” Panel Discussion: Evidence from Social Security Policy - Implications for Japan's social security policy Speakers/Panelists/Moderator FUJIOKA Kimiko (Member of the Board, JACEVO / Member of the Board, Child Foundation) NAKAJIMA Atsushi (Chairman, RIETI) IKEMOTO Mika (Senior Researcher, Japan Research Institute, Ltd.) ICHIMURA Hidehiko (FF, RIETI / Professor of Economics, Graduate School of Public Policy, The University of Tokyo) YOSHIDA Masayuki (Chief Executive Officer, Research Institute for System on Childcare and Early Childhood Education) YOSHITOMI Masaru (Special Adviser, RIETI) Axel BÖRSCH-SUPAN (Director, Munich Center for the Economics of Aging (MEA) at the Max-Planck-Institute for Social Law and Social Policy) Michael HURD (Director, Rand Center for the Study of Aging) Albert PARK (Professor, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) Robin LUMSDAINE (Professor, American University) James BANKS (Professor, The University of Manchester) FUKAO Mitsuhiro (PD, RIETI / Professor, Faculty of Business and Commerce, Keio University / President, Japan Center for Economic Research) SAWADA Yasuyuki (FF, RIETI / Professor, Graduate School of Economics, The University of Tokyo) 60 Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 METI-RIETI Symposium RIETI World KLEMS Symposium Corporate Governance Reform in Japan: Lessons from the United Kingdom Growth Strategy after the World Financial Crisis Date May 20, 2014 Venue JP Tower Hall & Conference Host RIETI Support Japan Productivity Center (JPC) Participants 191 Date October 16, 2014 Venue RIETI's seminar room Hosts METI; RIETI Participants 90 Program Program Opening Remarks Keynote Speech “Corporate Governance Reform in Japan: Lessons from the UK and Elsewhere” Panel Discussion Speakers/Panelists/Moderator MIYAJIMA Hideaki (FF, RIETI / Professor, Faculty of Commerce, Waseda University / Director, Waseda Institute for Advanced Study) Colin MAYER (Peter Moores Professor of Management Studies, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford) ITO Akihiro (CFO, Member of the Board of Kirin Holdings Company, Limited) OBA Akiyoshi (President & CEO, Tokio Marine Asset Management Co., Ltd. / A member of the Corporate Governance System Study Group at METI) SHISHIDO Zenichi (Professor, Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy, Hitotsubashi University) Opening Remarks Keynote Speech 1 “The World KLEMS Initiative” Keynote Speech 2 “Evolving Spatial Economy of Asia-Pacific and Growth Strategy” Panel Discussion Speakers/Panelists/Moderator NAKAJIMA Atsushi (Chairman, RIETI) Dale W. JORGENSON (Samuel W. Morris University Professor, Harvard University) FUJITA Masahisa (President and CRO, RIETI / Professor, Konan University / Adjunct Professor, Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University) FUKAO Kyoji (PD and FF, RIETI / Director, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University) KIYOTAKI Nobuhiro (Professor of Economics, Princeton University) Lawrence J. LAU (Ralph and Claire Landau Professor of Economics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong) Marcel TIMMER (Professor of Economic Growth and Development, University of Groningen) Bart van ARK (Executive Vice President and Chief Economist, The Conference Board) MIYAGAWA Tsutomu (FF, RIETI / Professor, Faculty of Economics, Gakushuin University) Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 61 METI-RIETI Symposium A New Paradigm of Manufacturing Evolving from 3D Printing Technology Date April 21, 2014 Venue Zennittsu Kasumigaseki Building Conference Room Hosts METI; RIETI Paticipants 179 Program Opening Remarks Keynote Speech Panel Discussion Speakers/Panelists/Moderator MIYAGAWA Tadashi (Director-General, Manufacturing Industries Bureau, METI) SHINTAKU Junjiro (Professor, Graduate School of Economics, The University of Tokyo) KOIWAI Toyomi (President, Koiwai Co. Ltd.) IWASA Takuma (President, CEO, Cerevo Inc.) MOTOHASHI Kazuyuki (FF, RIETI / Professor, Department of Technology Management for Innovation ( TMI) School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo) NAKAJIMA Atsushi (Chairman, RIETI) 62 Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 Public Relations Activities Workshops and Seminars Note: Titles and affiliations of participants are current as of the day of the events. Lists of Speakers/Panelists/Moderators are in order of appearance. The 11th RIETI Highlight Seminar The Fourth Hitotsubashi-RIETI Energy Policy Salon What is the New Direction of the Japanese Economy and Industry? World Record-breaking Photovoltaic Research in Japan, and the Next Steps toward "Hydrogen Society" Date January 30, 2015 Date January 7, 2015 Venue RIETI's seminar room Hibiya Convention Hall Host RIETI Venue Participants 78 Hosts Hitotsubashi University; RIETI Support SEI Group CSR Foundation Grant to Hitotsubashi University's course on environmental laws and policies Participants 167 Panelists/Moderator OHASHI Hiroshi (PD and FF, RIETI / Professor, Faculty of Economics, The University of Tokyo) KOBAYASHI Keiichiro (FF, RIETI / Professor, Faculty of Economics, Keio University) NAKAJIMA Atsushi (Chairman, RIETI) CEPR-RIETI Workshop Labour Market Policy for Economic Growth Speaker/Moderator NAKANO Yoshiaki (Professor of Electronic Engineering Department and Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo) ANDOH Haruhiko (CF, RIETI / Visiting Professor, School of International and Public Policy, Hitotsubashi University / Visiting Professor, University of Electro-Communications) Date January 16, 2015 Venue National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR) Hosts Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR); RIETI; NIESR Program Opening Remarks Session 1 “The Impact of a Demand Shock on the Employment of Temporary Agency Workers: Evidence from Japan during the Global Financial Crisis” Session 2 “Three Obstacles for Women's Advancement in Japan” Session 3 “Consumer Confidence and Psychological Variables” Session 4 Panel Discussion Concluding Remarks Speakers/Moderators Workshop One-day Trade Workshop Date December 23, 2014 Venue Room #3302, 3rd floor Mercury Tower, Hitotsubashi University Hosts RIETI; JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S); Center for Research on Contemporary Economic Systems; Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Studies Program Presentations “Parallel Imports and Repair Services” “Aid for Trade and Global Growth” “Relationship Specificity, Market Thickness and International Trade” “Trade Liberalisation, Transboundary Pollution and Market Size” NAKAJIMA Atsushi(Chairman, RIETI) Speakers / Organizer Richard E.BALDWIN(Director, CEPR / Professor, Graduate Institute, Geneva) MUKUNOKI Hiroshi (Gakushuin University) TSURU Kotaro(FF, RIETI / Professor, Keio University) NAITO Takumi (Waseda University) ARA Tomohiro (Fukushima University) Marco FRANCESCONI(Research Fellow, CEPR / Professor, University of Essex) OWAN Hideo(FF, RIETI / Professor, the University of Tokyo) OKUBO Toshihiro (Keio University) ISHIKAWA Jota (FF, RIETI / Hitotsubashi University) Ghazala AZMAT(Research Affiliate, CEPR / Associate Professor, Queen Mary University) SEKIZAWA Yoichi(SF, RIETI) Francesco FASANI(Lecturer, Queen Mary University) Jonathan PORTES(Director, NIESR) Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 63 Workshop RIETI-IWEP-CESSA Joint Workshop Hitotsubashi-RIETI International Workshop on Real Estate Market and the Macro Economy Date December 15, 2014 Venue RIETI's seminar room Hosts Hitotsubashi University; RIETI Program Industry-specific REER and Pass-Through Effect in Economic Integration between China and Japan Dates December 13-14, 2014 Hosts RIETI; Institute of World Economics and Politics (CASS/ IWEP); Center for Economic and Social Studies in Asia, Yokohama National University (CESSA) Venue Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) Program Opening Remarks Opening Remarks Session 1 Keynote Speech: “Real Estate Price Indices & Price Dynamics: An Overview from an investments perspective” Presentation: “Sticky Rent and Housing Prices” Paper 1: OGAWA Eiji and WANG Zhiqian: Effects of Exit Strategy of the Quantitative Easy Monetary Policy on East Asian Currencies Paper 2: YANG Lu: China's Shift from the Demographic Dividend to the Reform Dividend Session 2 Presentation: “Collateral Value and Financial Constraint: Analysis using corporate data after the Tohoku Earthquake” Paper 3: YANG Panpan, LI Xiaoqin, XU Qiyuan: Value-Added Exchange Rates for China: Facts and Implications Session 3 Presentation: “Residential Property and Household Stock Holdings: Evidence from Japanese micro data” Presentation: “Bank Lending Channel of Real Estate Prices” Closing Remarks Speakers/Moderators FUJITA Masahisa(RIETI) UESUGI Iichiro(RIETI / Hitotsubashi University) MIYAKAWA Daisuke(Nihon University) David GELTNER(Massachusetts Institute of Technology) SHIMIZU Chihiro(Reitaku University / University of British Columbia) Yongheng DENG(National University of Singapore) IWAISAKO Tokuo(Hitotsubashi University) UCHIDA Hirofumi(Kobe University) ONO Arito(Mizuho Research Institute) WATANABE Wako(Keio University) ODA Keiichiro(RIETI) HIRAKATA Naohisa(Bank of Japan) Peng XU(Hosei University) Paper 4: ZHANG Shajuan: Industry-specific Exchange Rate Fluctuations, Japanese Exports and Financial Constraints: Evidence from Panel VAR Analysis Paper 5: SATO Kiyotaka and Thi-Ngoc Anh NGUYEN: Asymmetric Exchange Rate Pass-Through in Japanese Exports: Application of the Threshold Vector Autoregressive Model Paper 6: DAI Mi, WANG Yaqi and XU Jianwei: Exchange Rate and Export Prices: Quality Matters Paper 7: HAYAKAWA Kazunobu, Han-Sung KIM and YOSHIMI Taiyo: FTA in International Finance: Impacts of Exchange Rates on FTA Utilization Paper 8: SHIMIZU Junko and SATO Kiyotaka: Abenomics, Yen Depreciation, Trade Deficit and Export Competitiveness Paper 9: XIAO Lisheng: RMB Internationalization: A Playfield for Speculators or a Platform for Real Economy Closing Speakers/Moderators WANG Zhiqian (Hitotsubashi University) SUN Jie (CASS/IWEP) DING Jianping (Shanghai University of Finance and Economics) YANG Lu (CASS) ZHANG Shajuan (CESSA, Yokohama National University) SATO Kiyotaka (CESSA, Yokohama National University) YANG Panpan (CASS) LI Xiaoqin (China Center for Economics and Business) SHIMIZU Junko (Gakushuin University) Thi-Ngoc Anh NGUYEN (CESSA, Yokohama National University) DAI Mi (Beijing Normal University) XU Jianwei (Beijing Normal University) OGAWA Eiji (RIETI / Hitotsubashi University) YOSHIMI Taiyo (Nanzan University) XIE Jianguo (Nanjing University Business School) CHEN Sichong (Zhongnan University of Economics and Law) ZHANG Jie (Renmin University of China) XIAO Lisheng (CASS) 64 Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 RIETI-JER Workshop RIETI Seminar on International Economy Economics of Aging in Japan and Other Societies Portrait of Factory Asia: Production Network in Asia and its implication for growth - the smile curve Date December 13, 2014 Hosts RIETI ; Japanese Economic Review (JER) Venue Program Hall A-3+4, Toranomon Hills Forum Date December 11, 2014 Venue RIETI's seminar room Program Opening Remarks Opening Remarks Introduction by Editors Presentations “Health Expectancy of the Chinese Elderly: Current trends and future projection” “How Informal Caregivers' Health Affects Recipients” “Does Retirement Change Life Style Habits?” “Work Capacity of Older Adults in Japan” “The Well-Being of Elderly Survivors after Natural Disasters: Measuring the impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake” “Does Taking Care of Grandchildren Affect Grandparents' Cognition?” “What Can We Learn from JSTAR about the Relationship between Socioeconomic Status and Depression?” “Who are Protected in the Public Assistance Act? Evidence from JSTAR” “Does Retirement Make you Happy? A simultaneous equations approach” “Japanese Long-term Care Insurance: Equal services for equal needs?” “Health Consequences of Transitioning to Retirement and Social Participation: Evidence from JSTAR panel data” Presentations “Portrait of Factory Asia: Production Network in Asia and its implication for growth - the smile curve” “Reciprocal versus Unilateral Trade Liberalization: Comparing individual characteristics of supporters” Closing Remarks Speakers/Moderator WAKASUGI Ryuhei (SRA, PD and FF, RIETI / Professor, Gakushuin University / Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University) Richard E. BALDWIN (Professor, International Economics, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva / Director, Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) ) TOMIURA Eiichi (FF, RIETI / Professor, Yokohama National University) Discussions and Wrap up by Editors The 10th RIETI Highlight Seminar NAKAJIMA Atsushi(Chairman, RIETI) Japan-China Economic Relations: Challenges and future directions Speakers/Moderators ICHIMURA Hidehiko(FF, RIETI / Professor of Economics, Graduate School of Public Policy, The University of Tokyo) SAWADA Yasuyuki(FF, RIETI / Professor, Graduate School of Economics, The University of Tokyo) Date November 10, 2014 SHIMIZUTANI Satoshi(CF, RIETI / Research Fellow, Gender Equality Bureau, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan) Venue RIETI's seminar room Host RIETI Participants 98 ZHENG Jie(Junior Fellow, Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging, and Retirement(Netspar)) Panelists/Moderator YUDA Michio(Associate Professor, School of Economics, Chukyo University) KAWAI Masahiro (SRA, RIETI /Project Professor, Graduate School of Public Policy, the University of Tokyo / Councilor, Bank of Japan) TERADA Kazuyuki(Graduate School of Economics, The University of Tokyo) WAKASUGI Ryuhei (SRA, PD and FF, RIETI / Professor, Gakushuin University / Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University) USUI Emiko(Associate Professor, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University) SUGANO Saki(Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Economics, University of Southern California(visiting)/ Graduate School of Economics, The University of Tokyo) MAO Shangyi(Postdoctoral Research Fellow, National School of Development, Peking University) SEKIZAWA Yoichi(SF, RIETI) NAKATA Daigo(SF, RIETI) LEE Jinkook(Professor, University of Southern California / RAND Corporation) ISHII Karine(Ph.D candidate in economics, PSL, Université ParisDauphine) HASHIMOTO Hideki(RAs, RIETI / Professor, School of Public Health, The University of Tokyo) NAKAJIMA Atsushi (Chairman, RIETI) RIETI Innovation Seminar Conflict Resolution, Public Goods and Patent Thickets Date November 5, 2014 Venue RIETI's seminar room Speaker/Moderator Stefan WAGNER (Associate Professor, ESMT European School of Management and Technology) NAGAOKA Sadao ( PD and FF, RIETI / Director and Professor, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University) Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 65 KIET-TIER-RIETI Workshop Workshop Future of Manufacturing Industry The 2nd Asia KLEMS Database Management Workshop Date October 23, 2014 Date October 17, 2014 Venue Hyatt Regency Jeju Venue RIETI's seminar room Hosts RIETI; Gakushuin University (Empirical Research on Intangible Investment in Japan (ERII) [JSPS Grants-inAid for Scientific Research (S), No. 22223004]); Korea Productivity Center; Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University Program Opening Remarks Session 1 RIETI 1st Presentation: “Technical Standard and its Formation in Japan” 2nd Presentation: “Overseas Expansion and Technology Protection: Issues facing local subsidiaries in ASEAN” Session 2 TIER 3rd Presentation: “Global Value Chain and the FTA: The trade creation and diversion effects in China among the East Asia countries” 4th Presentation: “Inspiration from Regional Economic Integration (TPP/RCEP): Transformation and development for Taiwan manufacturing industries” Session 3 KIET 5th Presentation: “Re-industrialization of the Korean Economy: Facts, causes, and implications” 6th Presentation: “The Revolution in Mobility and its Impact on the Manufacturing Industry” Closing Remarks Speakers/Moderators DoHoon KIM(President, KIET) David S. HONG(President, TIER) NAKAJIMA Atsushi(Chairman, RIETI) TAMURA Suguru(SF, RIETI) Du-Yong KANG(Senior Fellow, KIET) YAMAUCHI Isamu(F, RIETI) Ke-Shaw LIAN(Associate Fellow, TIER) Ping-Han FAN(Associate Fellow, TIER) Dongsoo KIM(Fellow, KIET) UENO Toru(SF, RIETI) Hang Koo LEE(Senior Fellow, KIET) Program Welcoming Remarks Session 1:On the current issues of KLEMS Database 1st Presentation: “On the Next Revisions of the JIP Database” 2nd Presentation: “The Revision of KIP Database and the Industrial Sources of Growth in Korea” 3rd Presentation: “US Growth and Productivity using New National Accounts with Intellectual Property” Session 2 :Progress Report on China KLEMS and Republic of China KLEMS 1st Presentation: “Introduction to CIP/China KLEMS Database” 2nd Presentation: “China KLEMS Database” 3rd Presentation: “On Republic of China KLEMS” Session 3:Progress Report on India and South East Asia KLEMS 1st Presentation: “India KLEMS Project” 2nd Presentation: “On Malaysia KLEMS: Productivity Performance” 3rd Presentation: “KLEMS Data Status and Availability in Thailand” Closing Remarks Speakers/Moderators MORIKAWA Masayuki (Vice Chairman and Vice President, RIETI) Chi-yuan LIANG (Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica) FUKAO Kyoji (FF, RIETI / Hitotsubashi University) INUI Tomohiko (FF, RIETI / Gakushuin University) MIYAGAWA Tsutomu (FF, RIETI / Gakushuin University) Hyumbae CHUN (Sogang University) Hak Kil PYO (Seoul National University) Keun Hee RHEE (Korea Productivity Center) Mun HO (Harvard University) Harry WU (Hitotsubashi University) Linlin SUN (Beihang University) Yih-ming LIN (National Chiayi University) Deb Kusum DAS (University of Delhi) Mazlina SHAFI’I (Malaysia Productivity Corporation) Wan Fazlin Nadia Wan OSMAN (Malaysia Productivity Corporation) Surapol SRIHUANG (National Economic and Social Development Board) 66 Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 RIETI Special Seminar RIETI-KEO Workshop "Creating Capabilities" by Nobel Prize-winning economist Professor James J. Heckman Productivity of Japanese Firms: Current status and challenges Date October 8, 2014 Date October 3, 2014 Venue Shin-Kasumigaseki Bldg Lobby Floor Venue RIETI's seminar room Host RIETI Hosts RIETI; Keio Economic Observatory (KEO) Participants 347 Program Program Introductory session Opening remarks Opening Remarks Introduction of participants Presentation “Creating Capabilities” First session Presentation 1 “Does Export Enhance Price, Product Quality and Markup?: Evidence from Japanese plant-productlevel data” Presentation 2 “Export-Platform Foreign Direct Investment: The Impact of Japan-Mexico economic partnership agreement” Comments Q&A Session Speakers/Panelists/Moderators NAKAJIMA Atsushi (Chairman, RIETI) James J. HECKMAN (Henry Schultz Distinguished Service Professor of Economics, The University of Chicago) TACHIBANAKI Toshiaki (Adviser, RIETI / Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University / Visiting Professor, Kyoto Women's University) YAMAGUCHI Kazuo (VF, RIETI / Ralph Lewis Professor of Sociology, The University of Chicago) ICHIMURA Hidehiko (FF, RIETI / Professor of Economics, Graduate School of Public Policy, The University of Tokyo) AKABAYASHI Hideo (Professor of Economics, Keio University) Second session Presentation 3 “The Impact of Foreign Firms on Industrial Productivity: A Bayesian model averaging approach” Presentation 4 “Misallocation and Establishment Dynamics” Third Session Presentation 5 “Access to Export Markets and Firm Performance: Do transaction partners matter?” Presentation 6 “Export Duration: How to foster always exporters?” Closing comments Speakers/Moderators KIYOTA Kozo (FF, RIETI / Keio University) NAKAJIMA Takanobu (Director, KEO) YAMASHITA Naoki (RMIT University) MATSUURA Toshiyuki (Keio University) KONDO Keisuke (F, RIETI) OYAMA Atsushi (Hokkaido University) TANAKA Kiyoyasu (Institute of Developing Economies, JETRO) HOSONO Kaoru (Gakushuin University) TAKIZAWA Miho (Toyo University) HONDA Keiichiro (Prefectural University of Kumamoto) MIYAKAWA Daisuke (Nihon University) INUI Tomohiko (FF, RIETI / Gakushuin University) ITO Keiko (Senshu University) Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 67 RIETI Seminar The Third Hitotsubashi-RIETI Energy Policy Salon Trends in Disability in a Super-Aging Society: Adapting the Future Elderly Model to Japan Unveiling the Next Generation Fuel Cell Vehicle: The ultimate eco-car's status quo and perspective Date September 5, 2014 Date July 22, 2014 Venue RIETI's seminar room (Daidoseimei Kasumigaseki Building 6th floor) Venue Hibiya Convention Hall Hosts Hitotsubashi University; RIETI Support SEI Group CSR Foundation Grant to Hitotsubashi University's course on environmental laws and policies Participants 179 Speaker/Moderator Jay BHATTACHARYA (Professor, Center for Health Policy/ Center for Primary Care and Outcomes Research, Stanford University) HASHIMOTO Hideki (Professor, University of Tokyo) The 9th RIETI Highlight Seminar New Growth Strategy: Rural economy vitalization and aggressive agriculture Date September 5, 2014 Venue RIETI's seminar room Host RIETI Participants 109 Speaker/Moderator KOJIMA Koichi (General Manager, Fuel Cell System Development Div., R&D Group, Toyota Motor Corporation) ANDOH Haruhiko (CF, RIETI / Visiting Professor, University of ElectroCommunications) The 8th RIETI Highlight Seminar Prices and Economic Performance in Japan after the Consumption Tax Hike Panelists/Moderator Date July 2, 2014 HAMAGUCHI Nobuaki (PD and FF, RIETI / Professor, Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration (RIEB), Kobe University) Venue RIETI's seminar room Host RIETI YAMASHITA Kazuhito (SF, RIETI / Research Director, Canon Institute for Global Studies) Participants 87 NAKAJIMA Atsushi (Chairman, RIETI) RIETI Seminar on the U.S. Production Network Vertical Integration and Input Flows Date August 18, 2014 Venue RIETI's seminar room Panelists/Moderator FUKAO Mitsuhiro (PD and FF, RIETI / Professor, Faculty of Business and Commerce, Keio University / President, Japan Center for Economic Research) WATANABE Tsutomu (Professor, Graduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics, The University of Tokyo) NAKAJIMA Atsushi (Chairman, RIETI) Speaker/Moderator Ali HORTAÇSU (Professor, University of Chicago) FUJII Daisuke (VS, RIETI) 68 Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 Cecilia JONA-LASINIO(Italian Statistical Institute) Third World KLEMS Conference MIYAGAWA Tsutomu(RIETI / Gakushuin University) Mun HO(Harvard University) Dates May 19-20, 2014 NOMURA Koji(RIETI / Keio University) Venue JP Tower Hall & Conference Erich STRASSNER(BEA) Host RIETI Lawrence J. LAU(The Chinese University of Hong Kong) Co-hosts Hitotsubashi University; Gakushuin University's Empirical Research on Intangible Investment in Japan (ERII) David KUPFER(Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) Brian MOYER(U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis(BEA)) Program Zaffrullah HUSSEIN(Malaysia Productivity Corporation) Ilya VOSKOBOYNIKOV(National Research University Higher School of Economics / GGDC) Growth and Stagnation Session One: Europe Francisco GUILLEN(National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI)) Session Two: Asia KIYOTAKI Nobuhiro(Princeton University) Session Three: Measurement Issues Gaaitzen de VRIES(University of Groningen) Session Four: Human Capital Zhi WANG(United States International Trade Commission) Session Five: Intangibles NAKAZAWA Eiichi(Meikai University) Session Six: United States and Japan MORIKAWA Masayuki(RIETI) Session Seven: Country Studies Khuong VU(National University of Singapore) Session Eight: Global Value Chains Robert INKLAAR(University of Groningen) Plenary Session: The World Economy Marcel TIMMER(University of Groningen) Speakers/Moderators FUJITA Masahisa(RIETI / Konan University / Kyoto University) Bart van ARK(The Conference Board) FUKAO Kyoji(RIETI / Hitotsubashi University) The Second Hitotsubashi-RIETI Energy Policy Salon Matilde MAS(University of Valencia & Ivie) Genesis of the World-leading "ENE-FARM" Residential Fuel Cell System: Its modular strategy and the "esprit" of Japan's samurai engineers honored with the receipt of the Prime Minister's Award Colin WEBB(OECD) Axel WERWATZ(Technical University Berlin) Carlo MILANA(Birkbeck College, University of London) HAYASHI Fumio(Hitotsubashi University) TOKUI Joji(RIETI / Shinshu University) Deb Kusum DAS(Ramjas College, University of Delhi) Yih-Ming LIN(National Chiayi University) Harry X. WU(Hitotsubashi University) Chi-Yuan LIANG(Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research) Bishwanath GOLDAR(Institute of Economic Growth) Date May 15, 2014 Venue Hibiya Convention Hall Hosts Hitotsubashi University; RIETI Support SEI Group CSR Foundation Grant to Hitotsubashi University's course on environmental laws and policies Participants 127 Taehyoung CHO(Bank of Korea) Speaker/Moderator Hak K. PYO(Seoul National University) NAGATA Yuji (Director, Chief Technology Executive, Toshiba Fuel Cell Power Systems Corp.) Barbara FRAUMENI(University of Southern Maine) Haizheng LI(Georgia Institute of Technology) Haripriya GUNDIMEDA(Indian Institute of Technology Bombay) Gang LIU(Statistics Norway) ANDOH Haruhiko (CF, RIETI / Professor, Graduate School of Law / Director, Resources & Energy Policy Project, Hitotsubashi University / Visiting Professor, University of Electro-Communications) KURODA Masahiro(Japan Science and Technology Agency / Keio University) Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 69 ADBI & RIETI Special Seminar RIETI International Seminar Asia and Japan: Trading into the future Matching and Sorting in the Global Economy Date April 18, 2014 Date April 4, 2014 Venue Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI), Tokyo Venue RIETI's seminar room Hosts ADBI; RIETI Host RIETI Participants 100 Program Program Introduction Opening remarks / Introduction of the speaker Opening Remarks Presentations by panelists “TPP and CJK” “RCEP and Development” “Global Value Chains and the International Trade System” “Japan's Trade Policy in the 21st Century” “EU's Trade Policy” “A Stakeholder's View: The importance of free trade agreements and of the WTO for the Japanese industry” Distinguished Lecture “Matching and Sorting in the Global Economy” Q&A and Discussion Speakers/Moderator WAKASUGI Ryuhei(SRA, PD and FF, RIETI / Professor, Gakushuin University / Adjunct Professor, Yokohama National University / Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University) Panel Discussion and Q&A FUJITA Masahisa(President, CRO, RIETI / Professor, Konan University) Closing Remarks Elhanan HELPMAN(Galen L. Stone Professor of International Trade, Harvard University) Panelists/Moderator YOSHINO Naoyuki (Dean of ADBI) URATA Shujiro (FF, RIETI / Professor of Economics, Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Waseda University) Ganeshan WIGNARAJA (Research Director, ADBI, Tokyo) NAKATOMI Michitaka (CF, RIETI / Special advisor to JETRO) KANEKO Tomohiro (Principal Director, Multilateral Trade System Department, METI) Timo HAMMAREN (European Commission, Tokyo Delegation, Head of the Trade Section) KINBARA Kazuyuki (Director, International Economic Affairs Bureau, Japan Business Federation (Nippon Keidanren)) 70 Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 Public Relations Activities BBL Seminars *BBL seminars listed below were held from April 2014 to March 2015. *Titles and affiliations of speakers / commentators are current as of the day of the seminars. BBL seminars are held during lunch hours. We invite Japanese and foreign guest lecturers and provide a venue for candid exchanges of opinions on a variety of policy issues, transcending industry-government-academia boundaries. During fiscal 2014, 64 BBL seminars were held, bringing the total number to 944 as of March 31, 2015. ( Speaker: Harald HOHMANN (Attorney (Partner), Hohmann Rechtsanwaelte) WATAI Rikako (Professor, Keio University Law School) March 30, 2015 Export of Defense Items, the German Experience (compared with Japan): Controversial issues March 27, 2015 On the Promotion of Women's Economic Activities: What are the major social obstacles to the elimination of gender wage gap? March 26, 2015 What Sets Apart Invigorated Regions? ― Prescription for reviving local communities― March 25, 2015 Asian Economic Outlook and Roles of ADB March 20, 2015 New Challenges for Security Service Industry in Response to the Speaker: Changes in Japan and Abroad AOYAMA Yukiyasu (President, SOHGO SECURITY SERVICES CO., LTD.) Speaker: MENG Jianjun (VF, RIETI / Senior Fellow, Center for Industry Development and Environment Governance (CIDEG), Tsinghua University) KWAN Chi Hung (CF, RIETI / Senior Fellow, Nomura Institute of Capital Markets Research) March 19, 2015 Chinese Economy under the New Normal March 12, 2015 [Venture Series] Is Genuine Collaboration between Big Companies and Startups Possible? — Challenges of KDDI Mugen Labo — February 27, 2015 The Rise of Global Jihad: Ideology and movement February 20, 2015 Prospects for the Japanese and the Global Economy — Reviewing challenges for Abenomics — February 18, 2015 Europe's Ongoing Crisis: It's not mostly fiscal February 6, 2015 International Economics of Outsourcing January 28, 2015 The Imperial Hotel's Corporate Philosophy and Hospitality January 27, 2015 The Strategic and Economic Implications of the TPP Commentator: Speaker: YAMAGUCHI Kazuo (VF, RIETI / Ralph Lewis Professor of Sociology, The University of Chicago) Speaker: KIMURA Toshiaki (Professor, Department of Business, Economics and Regional Development, Faculty of Bio-Industry, Tokyo University of Agriculture) Speaker: NAKAO Takehiko (President and Chairperson, Board of Directors, Asian Development Bank (ADB)) Commentator: Speaker: EBATA Tomohiro (Director, Global Business Development Department, Advanced Business Development Division, KDDI CORPORATION) Speaker: IKEUCHI Satoshi (Associate Professor, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, the University of Tokyo) Speaker: YUMOTO Kenji (Vice Chairman of the Institute, The Japan Research Institute, Limited) Speaker: Nicolas VERON (Visiting Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics / Senior Fellow, Bruegel ) Speaker: TOMIURA Eiichi (FF, RIETI / Professor, Department of Economics, Yokohama National University) Speaker: SADAYASU Hideya (President and General Manager, Imperial Hotel, Ltd.) Speaker: Claude BARFIELD (Resident Scholar, The American Enterprise Institute) Speaker: January 23, 2015 Presence of SMEs in the Japanese Economy and SMEs Policies Commentator: GOTO Yasuo (SF, RIETI / Chief Economist, Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.) YONEMURA Takeshi (Director for Policy Coordination, Commissioner's Secretariat, The Small and Medium Enterprise Agency, METI) January 8, 2015 IFRS — Better understanding for the basics of IFRS Speaker: YAMADA Tatsumi (Partner, KPMG AZSA LLC) Speaker: HONDA Keiko (Executive Vice President and CEO of the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), World Bank Group) OKADA Kohei (Director, Middle East and Africa Division, Trade Policy Bureau, METI ) January 7, 2015 Japanese Investment in Africa — MIGA's view December 19, 2014 Overview of Measuring Productivity: Accurate evaluation of technology December 18, 2014 The Abenomics Referendum and Its Aftermath December 10, 2014 Inter-firm Network and Spillover Effect: Empirical analysis using Speaker: big data November 26, 2014 Launch of OECD Economic Outlook 2014: Macroeconomic analysis and policy recommendations for Japan November 25, 2014 OECD's Green Growth Strategy: Southeast Asian case and beyond November 14, 2014 Global Economy and Financial Markets: Outlook and Policy Challenges Commentator: Speaker: Commentator: KONISHI Yoko (SF, RIETI) NISHIYAMA Yoshihiko (Professor, Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University) Speaker: Jacob SCHLESINGER (Senior Asia Economics Correspondent and Central Banks Editor, Asia, The Wall Street Journal) SAITO Yukiko (SF, RIETI) Speaker: Randall S. JONES (Head of Japan/Korea Desk, Economics Department, OECD) Speaker: TAMAKI Rintaro (Deputy Secretary-General, OECD) Speaker: KINOSHITA Yuko (CF, RIETI / Deputy Head of Office, IMF's Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (OAP)) Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 71 November 12, 2014 Urban Planning in Japan's Future: Rapidly growing issue of empty homes November 7, 2014 The Mission of Local Universities in Innovating Local Areas October 31, 2014 Reconsideration of Public Pension Reform: Problems to be solved October 24, 2014 The Potential Impact of the Chinese Anti-monopoly Law and Practice on the Japanese Business and Government Communities October 15, 2014 The Acquisition and Commercialization of Invention in American Manufacturing: Incidence and impact October 9, 2014 Breaking the Barriers: How multi-stakeholder dialogues can promote Japan's global leadership beyond 2015 October 7, 2014 Key Elements of an Energy Sector Transformation: Launch of IEA's new annual publication Energy, Climate Change and Environment: 2014 Insights October 2, 2014 [Venture Series] Foundation of the University of Tokyo Edge Capital (UTEC) and Its Efforts over the Past Decade September 24, 2014 Faith and Skepticism: Conflicting global views of trade and foreign investment September 18, 2014 MAKINO Tomohiro (President and CEO, ORAGA HSC Inc.) Speaker: UTAGAWA Takashi (Managing Director and Vice President, Fukui Prefectural University) Speaker: NAKATA Daigo (SF, RIETI) Speaker: Commentator: Adrian EMCH (Partner, Hogan Lovells, Beijing) KAWASHIMA Fujio (Professor, Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University) Speaker: John P. WALSH (Professor, School of Public Policy, Georgia Institute of Technology) GOTO Akira (FF, RIETI / Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies) Commentator: Speaker: Commentator: YAMADA Takumo (Advocacy Manager, Oxfam Japan) USHIJIMA Keiichi (Principal Fellow, Ernst & Young Institute Co., Ltd.) Speakers: Didier HOUSSIN (Director, Sustainable Energy Policy and Technology, International Energy Agency (IEA)) HATTORI Takashi (Head of Unit, Environment and Climate Change Energy Efficiency and Environment Division, Directorate of Sustainable Energy Policy and Technology, IEA) Speaker: GOJI Tomotaka (Managing Partner, Representative Director and President, The University of Tokyo Edge Capital Co., Ltd.(UTEC)) Speaker: Bruce STOKES (Director, Global Economic Attitudes, Pew Research Center) Speaker: UCHIYAMA Takashi (Director for IP Exploitation Policy Planning Coordination, Policy Planning and Research Division, Policy Planning and Coordination Department, Japan Patent Office, METI) GOTO Akira (FF, RIETI / Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies) Commentator: September 12, 2014 Developing an Alliance Agenda for an Era of Geostrategic Change Speaker: Sheila A. SMITH (Senior Fellow for Japan Studies, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)) September 4, 2014 A World with eBooks Speaker: FUJII Taiyo (Writer) August 29, 2014 8K Televisions Opening the Door to the New Era Speaker: KURODA Toru (Head of Science & Technology Research Laboratories / Deputy Director-General of Engineering, JAPAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION) August 28, 2014 June 2014 Survey of Capital Investment Plans Speaker: KIRIYAMA Takeshi (General Manager, Economic & Industrial Research Department, Development Bank of Japan Inc.) August 27, 2014 Product Development from the Perspectives of Consumers Speaker: OHYAMA Kentaro (Chairman, IRIS GROUP) August 6, 2014 [Venture Series] Examples of Crowdsourcing in Japan and Future Challenges Speakers: AKIYOSHI Yosuke (President & CEO, LANCERS, INC.) YUDA Kenichiro (Manager, Pasona Tech, inc.) Annual Report of the Japanese Economy and Public Finance 2014: Enhancing Growth Potential of the Japanese Economy Speaker: July 31, 2014 MASUJIMA Minoru (Deputy Director-General for Economic Research, Cabinet Office) KATAOKA Ryuichi (CF, RIETI / Counselor for the Budget Bureau, Minister's Secretariat, Ministry of Finance) July 25, 2014 The Search For Reasonable in Patent Licensing July 24, 2014 The Promotion of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games July 18, 2014 72 Recent Trends in Intellectual Property: From the Japan Patent Office Annual Report 2014 and the Report on Technological Trends in Patent Application Speaker: White Paper on Manufacturing Industries (Monodzukuri) 2014: Current status and future direction Commentator: Speaker: Richard J. GILBERT (Emeritus Professor of Economics and Professor of the Graduate School, University of California, Berkeley) Speaker: HIRATA Takeo (Special Advisor to the Cabinet / Director-General, Office for the Promotion of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games / Professor, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Waseda University) Speaker: HIRATSUKA Nobuyuki (Director, Tariff and Market Access Negotiations, Multilateral Trade System Department, Trade Policy Bureau, METI) MIYAJIMA Hideaki (FF, RIETI / Professor, Faculty of Commerce, Waseda University / Director, Waseda Institute for Advanced Study) Commentator: Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 July 11, 2014 The Japanese Economy after the Consumption Tax Hike: Issues concerning assets July 10, 2014 White Paper on International Economy and Trade 2014 July 2, 2014 Shifting Gear: Policy challenges for the next 50 years July 1, 2014 Future for the Payment and Settlement System in Japan June 27, 2014 Decoding "A New Style of Great Power Relations" in U.S.-China Ties: Implications for economics and security in East Asia June 25, 2014 Speaker: HAJI Koichi (Executive Research Fellow, NLI Research Institute / Visiting Professor, Graduate School of Decision Science and Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology) Speaker: SHIMIZU Mikiharu (Director, Policy Planning and Research Office, Trade Policy Bureau, METI) ITO Koji (SF, RIETI) Commentator: Speaker: TAMAKI Rintaro (Deputy Secretary-General and Chief Economist, OECD) Speaker: KINOSHITA Nobuyuki (Executive Director, Bank of Japan) Speaker: Christopher K. JOHNSON (Senior Adviser and Freeman Chair in China Studies, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)) Factors and Outcomes of Gender Equality in Family and Workplace Speaker: HONDA Yuki (Professor, Graduate School of Education, the University of Tokyo) June 20, 2014 Recent Energy Situation in Japan and Outline of the New Strategic Energy Plan Speaker: GOTO Osamu (Director-General for Energy and Environment Policy, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, METI) June 19, 2014 [Venture Series] Creation of Innovation through University Ventures Speaker: SEKIYAMA Kazuhide (Director and Representative Executive Officer, Spiber Inc.) June 17, 2014 "Leading without Followers": The puzzle of Japan's "Galapagos" ICT industry, a political economy explanation Speaker: KUSHIDA Kenji E. (Takahashi Research Associate in Japanese Studies, Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center, Stanford University) June 12, 2014 New Trends of Internal Control at the Core of Governance Reform Speaker: HATTA Shinji (Auditor, RIETI / Professor, Graduate School of Professional Accountancy, Aoyama Gakuin University) June 11, 2014 Risk Management in the U.S. — My personal experiences coping with the sanctions by U.S. Congress Speaker: KADOYA Tetsuo (Former Toshiba General Manager of Washington Office) June 4, 2014 Global Economy and Financial Markets: Recovery strengthens, remains uneven Speaker: KINOSHITA Yuko (CF, RIETI / Deputy Head of Office, IMF's Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (OAP)) June 2, 2014 Statistics for Evidence Based Policy Speaker: TAKEUCHI Kei (Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo / Professor Emeritus, Meiji Gakuin University / Member of the Japan Academy) May 30, 2014 [Venture Series] Ventures that Change the World Speakers: MATSUMOTO Yasukane (CEO, Raksul, Inc) SAMATA Anri (General Partner, The Anri fund) Speaker: HOSOYA Yuji (CF, RIETI / Senior Analyst for Regional Policy, Regional Economic and Industrial Policy Group, Economic and Industrial Policy Bureau, METI) INOUE Tatsuhiko (Professor, School of Commerce, Waseda University) May 29, 2014 Invitation to a Study on Global Niche-top Enterprises in Japan May 21, 2014 Financial Crisis and Economic Policy May 14, 2014 2014 White Paper on Small and Medium Enterprises in Japan April 17, 2014 Myanmar's Reforms in the Post-Military Era: A mid-term review of Thein Sein Government April 11, 2014 Reforming Japan's Innovation System for Regaining Industrial Competitiveness April 10, 2014 Globalization, Innovation and Anti-monopoly Act April 8, 2014 [Venture Series] Terra Motors' Challenges in the World Market April 4, 2014 Globalization and Inequality Commentator: Speaker: KIYOTAKI Nobuhiro (Professor of Economics, Princeton University) Speaker: SODA Takeshi (Director, Research Office, Business Environment Department, Small and Medium Enterprise Agency, METI) UESUGI Iichiro (FF, RIETI / Associate Professor, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University) Commentator: Speaker: KUDO Toshihiro (Director-General, Inter-disciplinary Studies Center, Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization (IDE-JETRO)) Speaker: MOTOHASHI Kazuyuki (FF, RIETI / Professor, Department of Technology Management for Innovation (TMI) School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo) Speaker: Commentator: GOTO Akira (FF, RIETI / Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies) MORIKAWA Masayuki (Vice Chairman & Vice President, RIETI) Speaker: TOKUSHIGE Toru (Founder & CEO, Terra Motors Corporation) Speaker: Elhanan HELPMAN (Galen L. Stone Professor of International Trade, Harvard University) Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 73 List of Fellows Name (April 2014-March 2015, alphabetical order) Research Projects at RIETI < >=project leader ( )=project participants Research areas President / CRO FUJITA Masahisa Urban Economics, Regional Economics, Spatial Economics Senior Research Advisor(SRA) - Macroeconomics, Japanese Economy <Issues Faced by Japan's Economy and Economic Policy Part III: Heterogeneity among economic agents> (Price Network and Dynamics of Small and Medium Enterprises) WAKASUGI Ryuhei concurrent Faculty Fellow International Trade, Economics of Technological Innovation, Law and Economics <Global Markets and Japan's Industrial Growth> (Empirical Analysis of Trade Policy Preferences at the Individual Level in Japan) NEZU Rizaburo Science and Technology, Information Technology, Industrial Policy, Trade Policy - KAWAI Masahiro International Economics, International Monetary Theory, Finance - YOSHIKAWA Hiroshi concurrent Faculty Fellow Program Director(PD) WAKASUGI Ryuhei International Trade, Economics of Technological Innovation, Law and Economics <Global Markets and Japan's Industrial Growth> (Empirical Analysis of Trade Policy Preferences at the Individual Level in Japan) ITO Takatoshi Microstructure of the Foreign Exchange Market, Economic Analysis of Foreign Exchange Interventions, Inflation Targeting in Advanced and Emerging Market Economies, Policy Questions on the Japanese Economy (How to get Japan out of Deflation), Financial Crises <Research on Exchange Rate Pass-Through> (Research on Currency Baskets) HAMAGUCHI Nobuaki Spatial Economics, Regional Studies (Brazil) <Restoration from Earthquake Damage and Growth Strategies of the Japanese Regional Economy> NAGAOKA Sadao Policy and Institutions for Innovation <Research on Innovation Process and its Institutional Infrastructure> (Innovation, Incentives, and Organizations) (Standards and Intellectual Property) (Globalization, Innovation, and Competition Policy) FUKAO Kyoji International Economics, Macroeconomics, International Trade and Direct Investment in Asia, Innovation and Total Factor Productivity: Empirical Analysis Based on Industry and Firm-Level Data, International Comparison of Total Factor Productivity, Purchasing Power Parity in the 1930s, Gross Prefectural Product in Japan: 18742004 <East Asian Industrial Productivity> (Study on Intangible Assets in Japan) (Regional-Level Japan Industrial Productivity Database: Database Refinement and Its Analysis) (Evaluating International Competitiveness) OHASHI Hiroshi Industrial Organization, Trade Policy <Basic Research for a New Industrial Policy> <Globalization, Innovation, and Competition Policy> TSURU Kotaro concurrent Faculty Fellow Comparative Institutional Analysis, Organizational Economics, Labor Market Institutions <Reform of Labor Market Institutions> FUKAO Mitsuhiro International Finance, Monetary Theory, Corporate Governance <A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Fiscal Consolidation Measures> TAKEDA Haruhito Economic History of Japan, History of Industry and Business <Historical Study on Japan's Trade and Industrial Policy: From an international perspective> (History of the Policies of the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency) Economic Policy, Industrial Structure, Productivity, Labor Market (RIETI Data Management Project) (Analysis on Service Industries: Productivity, Economic Welfare, and Policy Evaluation) concurrent Faculty Fellow concurrent Faculty Fellow concurrent Faculty Fellow concurrent Faculty Fellow concurrent Faculty Fellow concurrent Faculty Fellow concurrent Faculty Fellow concurrent Faculty Fellow Vice President(VP) MORIKAWA Masayuki Senior Fellow(SF) GOTO Yasuo Japanese Macroeconomics, Financial Economics, Industrial Economics, Small Business Economics KONISHI Yoko Econometrics <Decomposition of Economic Fluctuations for Supply and Demand Shocks> (RIETI Data Management Project) NAKATA Daigo Macroeconomics, Endogenous Economic Growth, Social Security, Numerical Simulation, Sustainable PAYGO Pension System, GenderEqual Society <Social Security System to Revive Economic Vitality and Improve the Quality of Life> (Toward a Comprehensive Resolution of the Social Security Problem: A new economics of aging) NAKATA Hiroyuki Microeconomic Theory, Financial Economics (Empirical Analysis on Determinants and Impacts of the Formation of Firm Networks) (An Empirical Study on Economic Resilience and Maintenance of Economic Strength Against Disasters) The Theory of Banking <RIETI Data Management Project> (Innovation, Incentives, and Organizations) ODA Keiichiro concurrent Research Coordinator (Research) ODAKI Kazuhiko 74 - - Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 - (April 2014-March 2015, alphabetical order) Name Research Projects at RIETI < >=project leader ( )=project participants Research areas OZAKI Masahiko Global Warming Issues, Environmental Education, Finance, Innovation (Study on Intangible Assets in Japan) SAITO Yukiko Industrial Organization, Spatial Economics, Network Analysis <Geospatial Networks and Spillover Effects in Inter-organizational Economic Activities> (Analysis on Service Industries: Productivity, Economic Welfare, and Policy Evaluation) Japan's FTA Policy, Application of Cognitive Therapy to Social Science <Research Project on Mental Health from the Perspective of Human Capital 2> TAMURA Akihiko International Political Economy, Global Governance, International Economic Law, Regional Integration (Especially, EU and East Asian Region), Corporate Social Responsibility, China - TAMURA Suguru Science and Technology, Innovation Policy (Standards and Intellectual Property) Willem THORBECKE Monetary Economics, Financial Economics, International Economics < East Asian Production Networks, Trade, Exchange Rates, and Global Imbalances > (Research on Exchange Rate Pass-Through) TOMITA Hideaki Empirical Analysis for R&D, Patents and Innovation (Evaluating International Competitiveness) UENO Toru SMEs & Regional Economic Policies, Entrepreneurship Education YAMASHITA Kazuhito Food and Agricultural Policy, Issues for Intermediate and Mountainous Areas, WTO Agricultural Negotiations, Trade and Environment, Trade and Food Safety <Agricultural Policy Reform Aimed at Competitive Agriculture in the Age of Globalization and Decreasing Population> ARAKI Shota Labor Economics, Applied Microeconometrics (Economic Analysis of Human Resource Allocation Mechanisms within the Firm: Insider econometrics using HR data) (RIETI Data Management Project) FUJII Daisuke International Trade, Firm Dynamics and Macroeconomics, Supply Chain and Firm Networks, Urban Economics (Geospatial Networks and Spillover Effects in Inter-organizational Economic Activities) ITO Arata Macroeconomics, Statistics for Economics - ITO Koichiro Environmental and Energy Economics, Industrial Organization, Public Economics - KAINOU Kazunari Econometrics, Sustainable Development and Quantitative Policy Evaluation <Survey of International Trends and Discussions in Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Projects under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change> (Evaluating International Competitiveness) KAWAMURA Satoshi Economic History of Japan, History of Transportation Industry, Industrial Safety Administration (Historical Study on Japan's Trade and Industrial Policy: From an international perspective) (History of the Policies of the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency) KONDO Keisuke Spatial Economics, Development Economics, Labor Economics, Applied Econometrics (Microeconometrics, Spatial Econometrics, Bayesian Econometrics) (Restoration from Earthquake Damage and Growth Strategies of the Japanese Regional Economy) (RIETI Data Management Project) LIU Yang Labor Economics, Migration, Wage, Human Capital, Labor Market ( The Effect of Diversity on Economic Growth and Business Competitiveness) (RIETI Data Management Project) MATSUDA Naoko Economic Policy, Innovation Management, Network Analysis, Social Network Service <Economic Analysis of Entrepreneurship> YAMAUCHI Isamu Innovation, Research and Development (R&D) Management, Intellectual Property (Research on Innovation Process and its Institutional Infrastructure) (The Role of Public Research Institutions in the Japanese National Innovation System) (Study on Technology Know-how and its Protection via Questionnaire Survey on the Japanese Manufacturing Industry) YIN Ting Macroeconomics, Household Economics, Chinese Economy, Labor Economies <A Socioeconomic Analysis of Households in Environments Characterized by Aging Population and Low Birth Rates> (Social Security System to Revive Economic Vitality and Improve the Quality of Life) ZHANG Hongyong International Economics, Spatial Economics, Development Economics, Chinese Economy (Global Markets and Japan's Industrial Growth) (East Asian Industrial Productivity) HASHIMOTO Hideki Behavioral Science, Communication between Patients and Doctors, Medical Insurance Policy (Toward a Comprehensive Resolution of the Social Security Problem: A new economics of aging) KATO Atsuyuki Economic Growth, Productivity Analysis, Trade and Development (East Asian Production Networks, Trade, Exchange Rates, and Global Imbalances) TANAKA Ayumu International Trade, Cultural Economics (Global Markets and Japan's Industrial Growth) (Comprehensive Research on the Current International Trade/Investment System (pt. II)) SEKIZAWA Yoichi concurrent Research Coordinator (Policy History) Fellow(F) Research Associate (RAs) - Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 75 (April 2014-March 2015, alphabetical order) Name Research areas TOMOHARA Akinori International Economics, Labor Economics, Public Economics TSUKADA Naotoshi Economics of Innovation, Industrial Organization (Research on Innovation Process and its Institutional Infrastructur) (The Role of Public Research Institutions in the Japanese National Innovation System) (Standards and Intellectual Property) UCHINO Taisuke Banking, Corporate Finance, Applied Econometrics (Research on Exchange Rate Pass-Through) (Exports and the Japanese Economy: Experiences in the 2000s and the lessons for the future) (Study on Corporate Finance and Firm Dynamics) (RIETI Data Management Project) YOKOO Hidefumi Environmental and Resource Economics Faculty Fellow(FF) 76 Research Projects at RIETI < >=project leader ( )=project participants - - AOKI Reiko Standard, Intellectual Property and Innovation, Japanese Science and Technology Policy <Standards and Intellectual Property> (Basic Research for a New Industrial Policy) (Globalization, Innovation, and Competition Policy) AOYAMA Hideaki Theoretical Physics, Econophysics <Price Network and Dynamics of Small and Medium Enterprises> DOI Takero Public Economics, Political Economy <Theoretical and Empirical Analyses on Incidences of Corporate Income Taxation> (A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Fiscal Consolidation Measures) FUJIWARA Ippei Macroeconomics, Monetary Economics, International Finance <On Monetary and Fiscal Policy under Structural Changes and Societal Aging> GOTO Akira Economics of Innovation, Economics of Competition Policy including National Innovation Systems, Intellectual Property Rights, UniversityIndustry Cooperation, Nexus of Innovation and Competition Policy <The Role of Public Research Institutions in the Japanese National Innovation System> HIGUCHI Yoshio Econometrics, Labor Economics <The Effect of Diversity on Economic Growth and Business Competitiveness> (Reform of Labor Market Institutions) ICHIMURA Hidehiko Econometrics <Toward a Comprehensive Resolution of the Social Security Problem: A new economics of aging > IIZUKA Toshiaki Health Economics, Empirical Industrial Organization <Health Policy and Innovation> INUI Tomohiko Productivity Analysis, International Economics, Health Economics, Educational Economics, Chinese Economy <Analysis on Service Industries: Productivity, Economic Welfare, and Policy Evaluation> (Global Markets and Japan's Industrial Growth) (East Asian Industrial Productivity) (Competitiveness of Japanese Firms: Causes and Effects of the Productivity Dynamics) (Evaluating International Competitiveness) (The Effect of Diversity on Economic Growth and Business Competitiveness) (Energy and Industrial Structural Change after the Fukushima Nuclear Accident) ISHIKAWA Jota International Trade Theory <Trade and Industrial Policies in a Complex World Economy> ITOH Hideshi Organizational Economics, Contract Theory <Innovation, Incentives, and Organizations> IWAISAKO Tokuo Financial Economics, Macroeconomics <Exports and the Japanese Economy: Experiences in the 2000s and the lessons for the future> JINJI Naoto International Economics, Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, Industrial Organization <A Study on Trade/FDI and the Environment/Energy> (Comprehensive Research on the Current International Trade/ Investment System (pt.II)) KAWAGUCHI Daiji Labor Economics, Applied Econometrics <The Changing Japanese Labor Market: A perspective and desirable policy responses> (Reform of Labor Market Institutions) (Economic Analysis of Human Resource Allocation Mechanisms within the Firm: Insider econometrics using HR data) KAWAHAMA Noboru Antitrust Law, Competition Policy <Globalization, Innovation, and Competition Policy> KAWASE Tsuyoshi International Economic Law, Trade Policy <Comprehensive Research on the Current International Trade/ Investment System (pt.II)> (A Study on Trade/FDI and the Environment/Energy) KIKKAWA Takeo Japanese Business History, Energy Industry <History of the Policies of the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency> KIYOTA Kozo Internatoinal Economics, Development Economics, Industrial Organization <Competitiveness of Japanese Firms: Causes and Effects of the Productivity Dynamics> (Global Markets and Japan's Industrial Growth) (East Asian Industrial Productivity) KOBAYASHI Keiichiro Endogenous Growth Theory, General Equilibrium, Business Cycles, Bad Debt Problem, Debt Control Policy, Macropolitical Economy <Macroeconomic Analysis on the Public Debt, Deflation, and Other Related Issues> KWON Hyeog Ug Industrial Organization, Productivity Analysis, International Economics <Analysis on Service Industries: Productivity, Economic Welfare, and Policy Evaluation> (East Asian Industrial Productivity) (Study on Intangible Assets in Japan) (Regional-Level Japan Industrial Productivity Database: Database Refinement and Its Analysis) Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 (April 2014-March 2015, alphabetical order) Name Research Projects at RIETI < >=project leader ( )=project participants Research areas MAMIYA Isamu International Economic Law <The Structural Analysis of Global Governance over International Economic Law: Study on correlative relationship in conflicts between policies, soft laws, and non-governmental entities> MANAGI Shunsuke Environmental Economics, Resource Economics, Applied Micro Economics <Energy and Industrial Structural Change after the Fukushima Nuclear Accident> MIYAGAWA Tsutomu Macroeconomics, Japanese Economics, Asian Economic Trends <Study on Intangible Assets in Japan> (East Asian Industrial Productivity) (Regional-Level Japan Industrial Productivity Database: Database Refinement and Its Analysis) (Competitiveness of Japanese Firms: Causes and Effects of the Productivity Dynamics) MIYAJIMA Hideaki The Japanese Economy, Economic History of Japan, Corporate Finance, Corporate Governance, Comparative Financial Systems <Frontiers of Analysis on Corporate Governance: Growth, value creation and corporate governance> MORI Tomoya Spatial Economics, Urban and Regional Economics <Formation of Economic Regions and its Mechanism: Theory and evidence> MOTOHASHI Kazuyuki Applied Micro Economics, Economic Statistics, Econometrics, International Comparison of Productivity, Economic Analysis of Information Technology, Technological Innovation and Economic Growth, Innovation System, Input-Output Analysis <Empirical Studies on "Japanese-style" Open Innovation> (Study on Technology Know-how and its Protection via Questionnaire Survey on the Japanese Manufacturing Industry) NAKAJIMA Takanobu Productivity Analysis <Optimal Immigration Policy for Japan> NAKAMURA Ryohei Regional Science, Urban Economics <Seeking Sustainable Regional Economies in the Economic Globalization Age> NISHIMURA Kazuo Nonlinear Economic Dynamics, Educational Economics, Neuroeconomics <Fundamental Research for the Revival of a Vibrant Economy and Society in Japan> NOMURA Koji Economic Measurement, Productivity Analysis, Energy and Environment Economics <Evaluating International Competitiveness> OGAWA Eiji International Currency, International Finance <Research on Currency Baskets> OKAZAKI Tetsuji Economic History, Development Economics, Comparative Institutional Analysis <Historical Evaluation of Industrial Policies> Organizational Economics, Labor Economics, Industrial Organization <Economic Analysis of Human Resource Allocation Mechanisms within the Firm: Insider econometrics using HR data> (Research on Innovation Process and its Institutional Infrastructure) (Innovation, Incentives, and Organizations) (Reform of Labor Market Institutions) (Frontiers of Analysis on Corporate Governance: Growth, value creation and corporate governance) SAWADA Yasuyuki Development Economics, Applied Micro-Econometrics, Field Survey <An Empirical Study on Economic Resilience and Maintenance of Economic Strength Against Disasters> (Empirical Analysis on Determinants and Impacts of the Formation of Firm Networks) (Toward a Comprehensive Resolution of the Social Security Problem: A new economics of aging) TABUCHI Takatoshi Analysis of Urban Agglomeration Economies, Spatial Equilibrium, Interregional Differentials, Social Welfare in the Context of Urban Economics, New Economic Geography, International Economics, Spatial Competition Theory <Spatial Economic Analysis on Regional Growth> TODO Yasuyuki International Economics, Development Economics, Applied Microeconometrics <Empirical Analysis on Determinants and Impacts of the Formation of Firm Networks> TOKUI Joji Quality of Labor Input, Embodied Technological Progress, Vintage of Capital, Supply Chain Disruption <Regional-Level Japan Industrial Productivity Database: Database Refinement and Its Analysis> (East Asian Industrial Productivity) TOMIURA Eiichi Empirical International Trade <Empirical Analysis of Trade Policy Preferences at the Individual Level in Japan> (Global Markets and Japan's Industrial Growth) UESUGI Iichiro Corporate Finance, Small and Medium Enterprises, Japanese Economy, Money Market <Study on Corporate Finance and Firm Dynamics> URATA Shujiro International Economics, Development Economics <Economic Impacts of Free Trade Agreements: The case of Japan> USHIRO Fusao Politics, Public Administration, Non-profit Organizations <Research on the Liberalist Reforms of the Public-Private Relationship and the Establishment of the Third Sector in Japan> WATANABE Toshiya Intellectual Property Management, Technology Transfer, Science and Technology Policy < St ud y on Te ch n ology Kn ow -h ow an d it s Pro tec tio n via Questionnaire Survey on the Japanese Manufacturing Industry> YAMAMOTO Isamu Labor Economics, Applied Micro Economics <Labor Market Analysis Using Matched Employer-Employee Panel Data> (Reform of Labor Market Institutions) (The Effect of Diversity on Economic Growth and Business Competitiveness) Industrial Organization, Competition Policy, Innovation, Labor Economics, Applied Econometrics (The Structural Analysis of Global Governance over International Economic Law: Study on correlative relationship in conflicts between policies, soft laws, and non-governmental entities) OWAN Hideo Consulting Fellow(CF) AMBASHI Masahito Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 77 (April 2014-March 2015, alphabetical order) Name Research areas ANDOH Haruhiko Innovation, 3R/Clean Technology, Modularization, SMEs & Venture - AOYAGI Chie International Economics, International Development, International Finance - - (East Asian Industrial Productivity) (Regional-Level Japan Industrial Productivity Database: Database Refinement and Its Analysis) ARAI Sonoe ENOMOTO Shunichi Fluctuations in the Exchange Rate and Industrial Competitiveness, International Corporation, Development of Human Resources ETO Manabu Technology Transfer, Management of Technology, Standardization FUJII Toshihiko Corporate Social Responsibility, Global Rule Making, Corporate Lobbying FUKANO Hiroyuki - - (Standards and Intellectual Property) - (History of the Policies of the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency) FUKUNAGA Yoshifumi International Economic Law, Intellectual Property Law, International Political Economy, Regional Economic Integration of ASEAN and East Asia - FUKUYAMA Mitsuhiro Globalization, East Asian Economic Integration, Comparative Political Economy, Japanese Political and Economic Model, History and Philosophy of Public Policy - Giovanni GANELLI International Economics, Fiscal Policy, Structural Reforms in Japan - HASHIMOTO Masahiro Policy and Institutions for Innovation, Intellectual Property Rights - HATA Shigenori Innovation Policy, R&D Evaluation HATA Yumiko 78 Research Projects at RIETI < >=project leader ( )=project participants (Research on Innovation Process and its Institutional Infrastructure) - - HATTORI Takashi International Relations, Environment, Trade - HAYAFUJI Masahiro Trade and Related Policies, Trade Regimes, Economic History, Environmental Economics - HAYASHI Ryozo U.S.-Japan Relations, Economic Structural Reform HOSOYA Yuji Industrial Agglomerations and Innovation, Small & Medium-sized Enterprises, Regional Industrial Policy - ISHIGE Hiroyuki International Economics, Industry, Small and Medium Enterprises - ISHII Yoshiaki SME and Venture Business Policy, Industrial Organization, Innovation Policy - ISOZUMI Koji Development of Human Resources, Education, Aging in East Asia, Management of Nonprofit Sector - ITO Koji International Trade IWAMOTO Koichi Renewable Energy, Smart Factory, Regional Economy, German Economy, Chinese Economy - KATAOKA Ryuichi Macroeconomics in Japan, International Trade and Trade Investment - KAWAGISHI Shunsuke Energy and Environment Policy, Domestic and International Climate and Energy Policy, Policy Impact Assessment, Financial Analysis - KAWASAKI Kenichi Computable General Equilibrium Model, Macro-Econometric Model Trade and Investment Liberalization and Facilitation, Regulatory Reform, Macroeconomic Policy, Business Cycles, Economic Outlook, Household Saving Behavior, Determination of Wages and Prices KAWAZU Tsukasa Distribution Economics, Productivity of Distribution Industry - KIHARA Takashi International Cooperation, Development Assistance - KINOSHITA Yuko Foreign Direct Investment, Technology Spillovers, Economic Growth and Innovation (Global Markets and Japan's Industrial Growth) KITAMI Tomitaro Studies in the Governance of the Local Governments in Japan (Research on the Liberalist Reforms of the Public-Private Relationship and the Establishment of the Third Sector in Japan) KOBAYASHI Hirokazu Learning Organization, Intangible Assets, Innovation, Public Management - KOBAYASHI Yohei Public Economics, Urban Economics, Economic Analysis of the Nonprofit Sector (Social Security System to Revive Economic Vitality and Improve the Quality of Life) (Energy and Industrial Structural Change after the Fukushima Nuclear Accident) (Global Markets and Japan's Industrial Growth) (Economic Impacts of Free Trade Agreements: The case of Japan) Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 (April 2014-March 2015, alphabetical order) Name Research Projects at RIETI < >=project leader ( )=project participants Research areas <The Effect of Diversity on Economic Growth and Business Competitiveness> (East Asian Industrial Productivity) (Study on Intangible Assets in Japan) (Regional-Level Japan Industrial Productivity Database: Database Refinement and Its Analysis) (Analysis on Service Industries: Productivity, Economic Welfare, and Policy Evaluation) (Competitiveness of Japanese Firms: Causes and Effects of the Productivity Dynamics) (Energy and Industrial Structural Change after the Fukushima Nuclear Accident) KODAMA Naomi Applied Microeconomics, Labor Economics KOMATSU Ayako Public Key Infrastructure, Social and Psychological Aspects of Information Security - - <The Structural Analysis of Global Governance over International Economic Law: Study on correlative relationship in conflicts between policies, soft laws, and non-governmental entities> KOMETANI Kazumochi KURATA Kenji Technology Policy, Technology Governance in Society - Chi Hung KWAN China's Economic Reform, Regional Integration in Asia, Yen Bloc - MATSUMOTO Kayo Economic Integration in East Asia, International Trade Law, International Investment Law - MATSUNAGA Akira - (Fundamental Research for the Revival of a Vibrant Economy and Society in Japan) MIYAZAKI Takashi Empirical Research on Financial Markets Using Econometrics and Time Series Analysis - MUNAKATA Naoko Regional Economic Integration, Asian Economies, International Trade System - NAKAHARA Hirohiko - NAKANO Takeshi - (Reform of Labor Market Institutions) - NAKATOMI Michitaka Trade Law, Trade Policy, International Economy NAKAZAWA Norio Asian Economics, International Relations, Economic Thought, Market Analysis - NASUNO Futoshi Labor Economics and Law, Company Act and Corporate Governance, Nuclear Liability Law, Intellectual Property Law - NISHIGAKI Atsuko Government Organization, Competition Policy, Measures against Low Birthrate - NISHIOKA Takashi Social Insurance (Social Security System to Revive Economic Vitality and Improve the Quality of Life) NISHITATENO Shuhei International Economics, Transport Economics, Japanese Economy (Competitiveness of Japanese Firms: Causes and Effects of the Productivity Dynamics) NOGUCHI Satoshi Economic & Industrial Research with Government Statistics, Information Policy, IT Strategy in the Healthcare Field - NOMI Toshihiko Innovation Policy, Management of Technology, Public-Private Partnership - OGAWA Makoto Labor Economics, Human Resources Development, Manufacturing, Industrial Promotion Policy - OGURO Kazumasa Public Economics - OIKAWA Keita Macroeconomics, Public Economics, Public Finance SABURI Masataka Innovation Policy, Social Medicine (How to solve social problems) - SAITO Jun Partnership Taxation as a Prerequisite for Innovation - SAKATA Ichiro Regional Economics, Regional Cluster, Innovation Policy, Tax System - SATO Hitoshi International Trade, Economic Growth (Global Markets and Japan's Industrial Growth) SEKIGUCHI Kunio Countermeasures against Risks (An Empirical Study on Economic Resilience and Maintenance of Economic Strength Against Disasters) SHIMIZU Haruhiko Bayesian Statistics, Econometrics SHIMIZUTANI Satoshi Japanese Economy, Macroeconomics, Health Economics SHIRAISHI Shigeaki Public Policy, International Economics, Service Economy, Energy (Economic Impacts of Free Trade Agreements: The case of Japan) (Social Security System to Revive Economic Vitality and Improve the Quality of Life) - <Toward a Comprehensive Resolution of the Social Security Problem: A new economics of aging> - Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 79 (April 2014-March 2015, alphabetical order) Name Research Projects at RIETI < >=project leader ( )=project participants Research areas SUMITA Takayuki Mechanism of Innovation, Intellectual Asset Based Management, Energy Security - TAKAGI Hiroyasu Statistics - TAKAKURA Shigeo Intellectual Property Law, Patents, Patent Litigation, Client Consulting, Opinions, Licensing - TAKAMURA Shizuka Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior, Work-Life Balance Practices ( The Effect of Diversity on Economic Growth and Business Competitiveness) TAKEGAMI Shiro Industry-University Cooperation, Industry-Medical Cooperation, Regional Industrial Development, Security Export Control - TANI Midori Consumer Policy, Environment Policy - TANIKAWA Hiroya Competitiveness of Industries and Firms, Environmental, Energy & Safety Policy, Politics & Economy in East Asia and the Middle East, Regional Economic Integration, Developmental and Industrial Policy - TASHIRO Takeshi Economic Growth, International Finance, Financial Crisis - TSUCHIMOTO Ichiro Competitive Intelligence, Risk Management, Crisis Management, Innovation Policy - UNAYAMA Takashi Household Behavior, Applied Econometrics, Index Theory WASHIO Tomoharu U.S. Trade Policy, American Politics, U.S.-China Relations, FDI, World Trade, American Corporate Strategy - YAMADA Masato Work-Life Balance, Intellectual property policy - (Issues Faced by Japan's Economy and Economic Policy Part III: Heterogeneity among economic agents) YAMASHIRO Munehisa Innovation, IT - YASHIRO Naomitsu International Trade, Innovation, International Macro Economy, Chinese Economy - YOSHIDA Yasuhiko Trade Policy, Trade Control, Infrastructure Export, Small Businesses, Manufacturing Industry, Industrial Development Policy - Visiting Fellow(VF) KITAO Sagiri Macroeconomics, Fiscal Policy (On Monetary and Fiscal Policy under Structural Changes and Societal Aging) MENG Jianjun Development Economics, Industry Development, Environmental Policy (A Socioeconomic Analysis of Households in Environments Characterized by Aging Population and Low Birth Rates) YAMAGUCHI Kazuo Quantitative Methodology (Event-History Models and Models for Categorical Data), Work and Family, Work-Life Balance, Models of Rational/Purposive Social Action, Life Course and Occupational Career, Social Stratification and Social Inequality, Contemporary Japanese Society, Social Network, Social Exchange, Social Diffusion, Epidemiology of Drug Abuse, Longitudinal Analysis of Drug-Use History ( The Effect of Diversity on Economic Growth and Business Competitiveness) FUJII Daisuke International Trade, Firm Dynamics and Macroeconomics, Supply Chain and Firm Networks, Urban Economics (Geospatial Networks and Spillover Effects in Inter-organizational Economic Activities) Andrei GREENAWALT Development and Implementation of Regulations and Regulatory Policy - CHIOU Yi-hung (Eric) International Political Economy, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and International Conflict, Regional Economic Integration in the AsiaPacific, Political Economy of Southeast Asia - OKIMOTO Tatsuyoshi Financial Econometrics, Empirical Finance, Applied Macroeconomics, Econometrics Visiting Scholar(VS) 80 (Exports and the Japanese Economy: Experiences in the 2000s and the lessons for the future) Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 Evaluation Committee Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA (As of the end of March 2015) Special Advisor/ Advisor Chairman President and CRO Vice Chairman Auditor Senior Research Advisors Program Directors Vice-President Administration Group Research Group International Program / Public Relations Group Director of Administration Director of Research Research Coordinator (Research) Research Coordinator (Policy History) Director of International Coordination / Public Relations Deputy Director of Administration (General Affairs, General Administration) Deputy Director of Research (Research, General Administration) General Administration / Information Disclosure and Internal Control Research Support Research Administration General Affairs Quantitative Analysis and Database Pollcy History Group Financial / Accounting Information System Human Resources / Labor - Full-time Fellows (Senior Fellows, Fellows) - Facullty Fellows - Consullting Fellows - Visiting Fellows Deputy Director of International Coordination / Public Relations (Research Distribution, International Program) Research Distribution Conference Section / International Program Public Relations Online Editorial Program Directors Evaluation Subcommittee for RIETI Program Directors (PDs) are assigned to each of the nine research programs to conduct efficient and substantive research activities as a whole via comprehensive research guidance, contributions to policy formation, and cooperation among research programs. An incorporated administrative agency sets definite targets and plans for its activities. It is evaluated by a third-party organization to ensure the adequacy of these plans and the transparency of its performance. This third-party organization is called the Incorporated Administrative Agency Evaluation Committee. A subcommittee established for each institution undertakes an objective evaluation of the effectiveness and adequacy of the institution’s operations. Program Directors Research Programs Professor, Gakushuin University WAKASUGI Adjunct Professor, Yokohama National University Ryuhei Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University Professor, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University ITO Professor, National Graduate Institute for Takatoshi Policy Studies Research Institute for HAMAGUCHI Professor, Economics and Business Administration Nobuaki (RIEB), Kobe University NAGAOKA Professor, Institute of Innovation Sadao Research, Hitotsubashi University Institute of Economic Research, FUKAO Kyoji Director, Hitotsubashi University OHASHI Professor, Faculty of Economics, Hiroshi The University of Tokyo TSURU Professor, the Graduate School of Kotaro Business and Commerce, Keio University FUKAO Mitsuhiro Professor, Faculty of Business and Commerce, Keio University TAKEDA Haruhito Professor, Faculty of Economics and Graduate School of Economics, The University of Tokyo International Trade and Investment International Macroeconomics Regional Economies Subcommittee Head: ONO Toshihiko (Former Corporate Executive, Nisshin Steel Co., Ltd.) Subcommittee Members: KOJO Yoshiko (Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo) OGASAWARA Naoshi (Representative Partner, Avantia GP) (Subcommittee members in alphabetical order, honorifics omitted, as of the end of March 2014) Technology and Innovation Raising Industrial and Firm Productivity New Industrial Policy Note: Japan revised its independent administrative institution system in fiscal 2014. As of fiscal 2015, evaluations will no longer be performed by the Evaluation Committee for Independent Administrative Institutions and the Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry Subcommittee. Human Capital External Advisory Committee Social Security, Taxation, and Public Finance The External Advisory Committee, which consists of external experts at universities and research institutes, etc., verifies research progress and efficiency and considers measures to enhance RIETI’s research activities. Policy History and Policy Assessment ASHIDA Akimitsu (Representative Director [Chairman of the Board], Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd.) Richard E. BALDWIN (Professor, The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva) (Honorifics omitted, as of the end of March 2015) FUKUI Toshihiko (President, The Canon Institute for Global Studies) Senior Research Advisors Senior Research Advisors (SRAs) give cross-sectional, comprehensive advice on RIETI’s research activities and operations. Dale W. JORGENSON (Professor, Harvard University) KAWAI Masahiro (Project Professor, Graduate School of Public Policy, the University of Tokyo / Counsellor, Bank of Japan) TACHIBANAKI Toshiaki (Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University / Visiting Professor, Kyoto Women’s University) YOSHINO Naoyuki (Dean, Asian Development Bank Institute / Professor Emeritus, Keio University) NEZU Rizaburo (Former Executive Fellow, Fujitsu Research Institute) WAKASUGI Ryuhei (Professor, Gakushuin University/Adjunct Professor, Yokohama National University/Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University) YOSHIKAWA Hiroshi (Professor, Faculty of Economics, The University of Tokyo) KURODA Masahiro (Professor Emeritus, Keio University) (In alphabetical order, honorifics omitted, as of the end of March 2015) (In alphabetical order, honorifics omitted, as of the end of March 2015) Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA, ANNUAL REPORT April 2014 - March 2015 81