Orchestra Handbook Lake zurich middle school south

Lake zurich middle school south
Information in this Handbook
Classroom Organization
Class Policies
Instrument storage
Use of school equipment
Use of music
Co-Curricular Rehearsals
Concert Dress Code
Orchestra Parents' Booster Board
Fund Raisers
Travel/Field Trips
Awards Banquet
Performance Opportunities
Private Instruction
Scheduled Performances & Events
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Class Organization
The Lake Zurich Middle School Orchestra program is a combination of two types of
classes. Every day orchestra students meet for a thirty (30) minute rehearsal class.
Seventh and Eighth Graders meet as the Chamber Orchestra from 1:50-2:20 while sixth
graders meets as the Intermezzo Orchestra from 8:57-9:32. Every week each student is
given a small group sectional class for one full period. This period will be an excused
period from the other class. The sectional time will be alternated each week through the
rotating schedule. This practice of giving small group sectional classes is common
among outstanding middle school orchestra programs in the suburban areas. The small
group sectional class is not optional. The sectional class is an important part of the
orchestra student's grade. All classes are held in room 98. Students may opt to make
changes in their participation/enrollment; however, all changes must be done within the
first ten school days of a grading quarter. Students are not allowed to make enrollment
changes during the grading quarter unless the change is deemed an emergency.
Classroom Policies
The following expectations and consequences are to be followed in any class or rehearsal in
which the Lake Zurich Middle School South Orchestra participates.
1. Students will always exhibit proper “on-task” behavior.
2. Students will only handle his or her personal possessions unless
granted permission by the teacher or owner of the property.
3. Students will be prompt and prepared for class each and every day.
4. Students will respect each member of the orchestra with appreciation
and reverence for their talents and contributions.
5. Students will adhere to all rules, expectations, and guidelines that are
outlined in the student handbook located in their daily agendas.
First Offense - When an infraction of an expectation takes place, a
verbal warning will be given to the student(s). Teacher will record the
offense after class.
Second Offense - If the infraction continues, the student(s) will be given
a time-out slip and sent to the main office. Teacher will ask student(s) to
explain the proper behavior that should have been used in class before
the teacher allows them to return to the class.
Third Offense - Upon repeated infractions by the student(s), students
will be given a detention to be served after school. At this detention, the
teacher and student will prepare an “Action Plan Contract” that will
include possible remedies and actions agreed upon by the teacher and
student to eliminate the exhibited misbehavior in future classes.
Grading Policy
Grades for Lake Zurich Middle School South Orchestra students will be determined by averaging the
grades received in the following areas every nine weeks:
Written Exams
Performance Exams
Group Sectional Class
Musical Effort
Written Exams: These exams will encompass material discussed throughout the quarterly term. They
will cover topics such as musical vocabulary, rhythmic exercises, musical history, listening skills, and
homework topics. Exams may also cover a writing/reflection element based on their performances.
There will be one or two written exams every quarter.
Performance Exams: These exams are played by the students on their instruments. Exams should be
announced at least one week in advance of the exam date. The performance exam will cover portions of
musical skill development or classroom musical literature. These exams are based on growth and
improvement for the individual. The grading of the performance exam is noncompetitive between
students. Exams may be performed before entire orchestra class, in the small group sectional classes, or
on a taped video. Students must learn to play in front of audiences.
Group Sectional Class: Every week each orchestra student will participate in a small group sectional.
Students will be scheduled for the group sectional with a minimum of one week prior notice. Sectionals
are needed to develop special skills on a particular instrument. The sectionals also give the students
opportunities to hear themselves better. A student is required to check in with their regular classroom
teacher before attending their sectional. They are also required to complete any curricular work missed.
Students will be given 10 points for each completed sectional class. Deductions may be taken from the
10 points for poor participation, poor preparation, not bringing materials/music, not bringing instrument,
or excessive tardiness.
Homework/Home Practice: Home practice is an essential part of any performance program in the fine
arts. ALL students will be required to maintain a practice chart of their progress that will be recorded
each week for a grade. These practice times will be written in the calendar section of your Daily
Planner/Agenda or on a separate Practice Log Sheet. Parents may initial each week in the right hand
margin of either agenda or log for extra practice points. Parent signatures may be required for special
“reward” incentives. Each week students may be given a playing quiz during their sectional classes. This
quiz may worth up to ten points. Occasionally, there will be specific written homework that will be
collected the next day.
Musical Effort/Teamwork: Because orchestra is an interactive group, all members are essential to the
success of the team. Good musical effort is shown through encouraging comments to the ensemble, not
complaining, willingness to help, eagerness to play and participate in the class, and above all else
focused concentration in rehearsals and sectional classes.
Alternate Assignment/Extra Credit: Will be given each quarter by attending other orchestra concerts
(bring in the program and write a paragraph review of the concert), by performing in other orchestras
(ILMEA, Solo & Ensemble, silly strings, musical pit orchestra) or by doing additional work.
Instrument Storage
Violin and Viola students will be assigned specific lockers or spaces for the instruments
and music. Due to the large number of students playing these instruments, most students
will be required to share locker space. Lockers will clearly be marked with each
student’s name. Lockers are not supplied with locks. Students may choose to use their
own COMBINATION lock if desired. Students must supply the music director with the
lock combination. If a lock is found on a locker in which the director does not have a
combination, the lock will be cut off. Because students share lockers, only combination
locks may be used. Music directors as well as CUSD 95 claim no responsibility for
lost or stolen instruments and/or musical supplies. Each student is responsible for
taking home their instrument each day for home practice. Please mark all of your items
(including shoulder rests) with your name.
School Equipment
Any equipment used by students that is the property of Lake Zurich CUSD #95 must be
checked out with permission from a music director. Items included in this category may
include instruments, bows, rosins, rock-stops, mutes, music stands, chairs, uniforms,
books, folders, or any other materials including sheet music. Replacement of lost items
will be the responsibility of the student. Cello and Bass students are responsible for
keeping their school instruments clean and in good condition. Any mistreatment of
school instruments will result in the loss of their use. Be kind to the school owned
Use of Music
Original copies of music may be given to the students. Since music is purchased or
rented by the school district, any damage or loss of music will be financially absorbed by
the student. Original parts of music may only be marked with pencil. Photocopies of
music are strictly done for each student's studying purposes. These may be marked in
any way to facilitate learning.
Co-Curricular Rehearsals
Because of the instrumentation of the ensembles at MSS and the brevity of the daily
rehearsal schedule, there may be a need for rehearsals outside of the normal school hours.
These rehearsals are important and NOT optional. Orchestra students will attend all cocurricular rehearsals. Before these are planned, the director will make all attempts to
find the most convenient time for the students and their families. These rehearsals may
be after school from 2:30-3:15 or in the evening from 7:00-7:45pm.
Concert Dress Code
Concerts are a formal affair. By dressing in uniform, we show
our pride in our orchestra. Remember, your personal appearance
and your actions while in uniform reflect not only on you, but the
organization as well. Students not conforming to the approved
uniform will be sent home to change.
Other than the Autumn Concert in October, our school orchestra uniform for the school
year will be as follows:
•OFFICIAL Black Polo-style Shirt - Order forms will be forthcoming. Sixth graders
will need their shirts for their November field trip. 7th/8th graders will be using their
shirts starting in December.
•Tan Khaki skirt or dress pants - purchase on your own.
NO ‘big pocket’ cargo pants or corduroy, no olive colored khaki
•Dress shoes, sandals or loafers; socks or hose. Shoes MUST be dressy, no gym shoes!
Orchestra Parents' Booster Board
All parents who have children involved in the Lake Zurich Middle School South
Orchestra Program are members of the Orchestra Parents' Booster Board. There is
no membership fee for this committee. The Booster Board will hold a general
membership meeting in September to set goals for the upcoming year. During the
meeting, parents will be asked to volunteer for different events during the school year.
These volunteer opportunities include fund raising, concert reception, chaperoning,
photocopying, concert decorations, uniforms, and publicity.
Fund Raising
Each year it becomes necessary to offer students fund raising activities. These fund
raisers can help lower the students' cost to attend trips. For some fund raisers, the monies
collected will be split between the students’ individual accounts and the orchestra extra
curricular account. The orchestra extra curricular account will help pay for the 'extra'
activities of the ensemble. These activities may include contest fees, festival fees, bus
transportation, instrument repairs (school-owned), pizza parties, instrument purchases,
music purchases, etc. See the attached calendar for possible fund raisers. Parent help is
needed to organize and execute fund raisers.
Travel & Field Trips
During the school year, the MSS orchestra will take part in several travel opportunities
and field trips. Possible dates have been included in the orchestra calendar. Take a look
at the calendar section of this handbook for specific dates and times. In addition to trips,
the orchestra may participate in several other area contests and festivals during the school
Awards Banquet
During the end of the year Music Awards Banquet, several types of awards will be
presented to students. These include but are not limited to:
Director's Choice Awards - These awards are chosen by the director and given to students in the
following categories: Leadership, Performance, Good Attitude, Extra Effort and Improvement.
Outstanding Orchestra Member - This award goes to the orchestra member exhibiting the highest
caliber of playing in conjunction with the best example to the rest of the ensemble in the areas of
motivation, attitude, effort, practice habits and leadership. This person is usually involved in outside
groups and may take part in summer camps as well. This award is truly a privilege to receive and the
recipient’s name is inscribed on a plaque for permanent display in the MSS Theater Lobby.
MVP Awards - These “secret ballot” awards are chosen by the orchestra members. One is given in each
class (one for Silly Strings, one for Intermezzo Orchestra and one for Chamber Orchestra.)
Performance Opportunities
ILMEA Festival: Selected 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students have the opportunity to audition for the
IMEA District 7 Middle School Orchestra. This ensemble will perform as part of the IMEA Festival held
each November. Students must prepare music through private instruction. The orchestra director is
available for outside assistance in preparation for the audition. Being selected is a very high honor. Only
the best of the best in our IMEA District is asked to perform with the orchestra.
Solo & Ensemble Contest: This is an opportunity where individuals or small groups elect to learn and
perform a selection of music for a professional judge. Ratings are given on the basis of their performance
and medals are awarded for Division I and II Rating.
Entry Deadline: See Performance Calendar
South Silly Strings: This extracurricular ensemble will rehearse year-round on Mondays after school
from 2:30-3:15. The ensemble may perform at concerts in addition to an Elementary School Tour. The
group will perform repertoire of a pop nature that may include rock n roll, fiddle/bluegrass, Broadway
showtunes, and movie soundtracks. Auditions are held in January for the spring term.
Youth Orchestras: There are several youth orchestras in the area that you can participate with including
the McHenry Youth (Crystal Lake), Lake County Youth, Fox Valley, Schaumburg Youth, Metropolis
Youth (Arlington Heights) and Chicago Youth.
Musical Pit Orchestra: Participation is through invitation by the directors only and often depending on
the instrumentation of the show.
Orchestra Performances and Events
Silly Strings Mini-Camp
Silly Strings perform at Elementary Kick-Off
Silly String Auditions
Doghouse Challenge Party for 6th graders
Silly Strings begin regular Monday rehearsals
ILMEA practices begin
Solo & Ensemble Contest
Parents’ Meeting
District Orchestra Festival
Orchestra Concert Shirt Orders
Organization Contest
ILMEA Auditions
Preview Concert
Cookie Dough Fund Raiser
Sixth Grade Showcase Concert
Autumn Concert
ILMEA Festival
Travel for 7th/8th grade (every other year)
Silly String tour of Elementary schools
Silly Strings begin Holiday show music
6th Graders field trip to Niles West High School
Solo & Ensemble forms due
May Concert
Music selection for solo & ensemble
Silly Strings has various performances (see online
Holiday Concert
3rd Grade Enrollment Night (Silly Strings/6th gr)
Music Awards Celebration