Job Descriptions & Competencies GLC2O – Career Studies

GLC2O – Career Studies
Job Descriptions & Competencies
Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ____________________
Deciphering the requirements in a job ad can be difficult, yet being aware of what skills are
required to perform a specific job may be a factor in your pursuing it. It is also critical that you have
a good understanding of what the job entails so you don’t waste valuable interview time asking
unnecessary questions. Perhaps the best reason to analyze the advertised job description (or if
you contact the company before an interview to obtain a detailed copy of the duties) is that it
allows you to focus on the connections between what they’re looking for – their ‘shopping list’ –
and what you have done or are good at. Basic skills – your competencies – is the ‘connection’.
This exercise will require you to identify the competencies/skills being described, and matching
your competencies/skills to them. Complete the following on the computer:
1. On or other job posting website – or from the newspaper – select a job you
think you would like to apply for. Print out the hard copy of the ad, or cut it from the paper.
2. Highlight the words in the job description that are skills or experience they are seeking.
3. For each of the selected words, break it into basic skills: i.e. ‘people skills’ would involve
‘communication’, ‘teamwork’, ‘interpersonal skills’. ‘Project Management’ in a posting would
involve ‘time management’, ‘prioritizing’, ‘interpersonal skills’, ‘technical skills’ etc. Use extra
paper if required; the more you can extract from the posting the better!
4. Note the experience you have for each of the identified basic skills. These skills are what
you should mention both in the cover letter and during an interview to align your
competencies with the employer’s requirements. Make as many connections as possible.
Skills in Job Posting
Core/Basic Skills
Your Examples
Skills in Job Posting
Core/Basic Skills
Your Examples