GLC2O – Career Studies Your Personality Characteristics Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Personality characteristics are defined as those traits with which you are born or are naturally inclined to have and to use. This information is required for your portfolio AND your Personal Profile A - Choose the traits that reflect your greatest strengths in the ‘You’ column to the left. You ____ C.G. ____ ACCURATE: Work free from error or mistakes; careful, precise, detailed ____ ____ ACTIVE: Lively; agile; high energy; busy ____ ____ ADVENTUROUS: Try new things; take risks ____ ____ ANALYTICAL: Examine and separate the parts of something to find its essential meaning ____ ____ ARTISTIC: Appreciation or ability in the arts ____ ____ ATTENTIVE: Listen well; pay close attention to verbal and non-verbal messages ____ ____ ASTUTE: Perceptive; clever; insightful ____ ____ CALM: Remain peaceful, composed and serene under pressure ____ ____ CAUTIOUS: Careful; prudent; exercise forethought ____ ____ COMPASSIONATE: Considerate; sympathetic; humane ____ ____ COLLABORATIVE: Working as a team ____ ____ COMPETENT: Skilled; qualified; capable ____ ____ COMPETITIVE: Strive to win; oppose a rival ____ ____ CONCEPTUAL: Intuitive; abstract or reflective thinking ____ ____ CONCERNED: Care and high regard ____ ____ CREATIVE: Imaginative; inventive; original ____ ____ DECISIVE: Show firm determination in using judgment to make decisions ____ ____ DEXTEROUS: Well-coordinated; handy; adroit ____ ____ DIPLOMATIC: Tactful; skillful at negotiating ____ ____ DISCREET: Showing good judgment; keeping confidences ____ ____ DYNAMIC: Energetic; vigorous ____ ____ EMPATHETIC: Sensitive to or identify with the feelings of others; warm ____ ____ ENTHUSIASTIC: Show interest and excitement; expressive ____ ____ FIRM: Unlikely to change mind; adamant; certain ____ ____ FORESIGHTED: Realize what is likely to happen in the future ____ ____ HONEST: Truthful; genuine; having integrity; straightforward ____ ____ LOGICAL: Rational; analytical; reasonable ____ ____ OPEN-MINDED: Impartial; receptive to new ideas; free from prejudice or bigotry ____ ____ ORGANIZED: Structured; orderly; systematic ____ ____ OUTGOING: Sociable; friendly ____ ____ PERCEPTIVE: Observant; keen insight or awareness ____ ____ PERSISTENT: Refuse to give up; persevere ____ ____ PERSUASIVE: Influence or lead others ____ ____ PRACTICAL: Realistic; pragmatic; down-to-earth ____ ____ RESPONSIBLE: Dependable; trustworthy; reliable; loyal ____ ____ SENSIBLE: Showing good sense; sound judgment ____ ____ SOPHISTICATED: Cultured; world-wise ____ ____ STRONG: Powerful B – Select your top 5 traits and describe in a brief statement how you have effectively used each trait: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ C – Using the list on the reverse, in the ‘C.G.’ column, note the key traits exhibited by Will Smith’s character Chris Gardner as you watch the film ‘The Pursuit of Happyness’. You will be required to transfer these characteristics onto your movie worksheet.