Schroder & Co Bank AG | Annual Report Schroder & Co Bank AG | Annual Report 2 012 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 Zurich Limmat – City centre, View from Central towards the lake 3 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 Content Chairman’s Statement 6 Executive Board’s Statement 8 Balance Sheet 14 Off-Balance Sheet Transactions 16 Profit and Loss Account 17 1. Comments on Business Activities 23 2. Principal Accounting Policies and Valuation Principles 25 3. Information on the Balance Sheet 30 4. Information on Off-Balance Sheet Transactions 44 5. Information on the Profit and Loss Account 48 Report of the Statutory Auditor 50 Board and Senior Staff 52 Main Schroder Branches 54 5 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 Chairman’s Statement 6 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 In 2012, the financial sector continued to be faced with a 2012. The Bank’s capital base remains strong. As a result, I whole range of challenges. Financial markets and investor believe that Schroder & Co Bank AG is in a good position to sentiment fluctuated sharply in the first half of 2012, with sustain its success going forward. early gains in equity markets given back in the second quarter as concerns grew over the Eurozone and faltering eco- The Board of Directors is proposing to the General Meet- nomic growth. In the second half, there was some easing ing the distribution of an ordinary dividend of CHF 9 million of the Eurozone crisis brought about by both the stabilisation (previous year: CHF 10 million). It is also proposing that CHF measures taken by the central banks and the interventions 0.6 million (previous year: CHF 0.7 million) be allocated to by governments of some of the most exposed countries. the general statutory reserve and CHF 0.7 million (previous The persistent tensions in the financial markets and political year: 1.7 million) to other reserves. As a result, the Bank’s arena had a strong negative impact on the financial sector, reported equity capital after payment of the dividend will rise and Switzerland was no exception. European stock markets to CHF 134.8 million (previous year: CHF 133.5 million). proved susceptible to this uncertainty throughout the year. Our clients once again placed their trust in us in this chalThis general market trend ultimately had an impact on the lenging environment, and on behalf of the entire Board of performance of Schroder & Co Bank AG, which posted Directors I would like to thank them for doing so. I would slightly lower earnings for 2012 when compared to 2011. also like to thank our employees, who prove their competence and their commitment to serving our clients on a daily The Bank’s net income fell from CHF 12.4 million in 2011 to basis. CHF 10.3 million in 2012. Commission income was impacted by the drop in stock market transactions and did not build on the levels of income earned in the prior year. In addition, the continued strength of the Swiss franc, a lower volume of trading operations and perennially low interest rates com- Philip Mallinckrodt bined with record high liquidity levels held by clients also Chairman of the Board of Directors contributed to the slightly lower results. Earnings from administrative services provided by the Service Centre Private Banking remained consistent, with only a slight drop over earnings in the previous year. Schroder & Co Bank AG was able to manage the effects of the financial market challenges in 2012 due to its strategic focus on specific core markets and its prudent risk policy in recent years. The broad-based and comprehensive measures to reduce costs and boost productivity also bore fruit in 7 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 Executive Board’s Statement 8 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 Private Banking Schroder & Co Bank AG was able to manage the effects of Due to the low level of trading activity on the equity markets, market developments in 2012 thanks to its long-term stra- commission income earned by Schroder & Co Bank AG tegic focus on clearly defined core markets and its prudent was down year-on-year. Investors again sought refuge in risk policy. Although earnings were down slightly, the Bank liquidity. Commission income eased to CHF 36.4 million from performed well considering the backdrop of market volatil- CHF 38.6 million in the previous year. Interest income was ity and political tension during the year. Despite the market affected by the continuing decline in interest rates, as his- conditions, Schroder & Co Bank AG succeeded in acquiring torically low rates again prevented any reversal of this trend. new clients during the year under review. Thus, Schroder & Co Bank AG’s interest income decreased to CHF 8.4 million against CHF 9.5 million in the previous European stock markets welcomed the stabilisation meas- year. The volatile and uncertain foreign exchange markets ures undertaken within the Eurozone, and this positive resulting from the ongoing euro crisis had a significant reaction was reflected in the markets’ performance. Never- impact on trading income, which fell to CHF 5 million from theless, the latent political and economic tension prevented CHF 6.8 million in the previous year. many private investors, in particular, from regaining confidence. As a result, trading volumes in general were low, Faced with market volatility and continued uncertainty despite the solid market performance. In Switzerland, nega- over the prospects of a lasting stabilisation of the Eurozone, tive currency effects and historically low interest rates also clients again turned to cash. As a result, the total assets contributed to a challenging market environment that had an of Schroder & Co Bank AG increased significantly from impact on all market participants. CHF 1.53 billion in the previous year to CHF 1.84 billion in 9 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 the year under review. This increase mainly resulted from The measures implemented to increase efficiency and amounts due to clients, which rose from CHF 1.25 billion in optimise the cost structure at Schroder & Co Bank AG the previous year to CHF 1.61 billion as clients maintained showed their full impact during the reporting year. The con- a strong preference for liquidity. sistent implementation of these measures brought about a significant reduction in total operating expenses, which Schroder & Co Bank AG pursues a long-term and consistent totalled CHF 51.2 million in 2012 compared to CHF 56.1 mil- strategy, which we believe has led to a distinct positioning lion in the prior year. Including an extraordinary income item in Swiss Private Banking. The trust placed in us by estab- compensating for a precautionary reserve for valuation lished and new clients of the Bank, in our view, vindicates adjustments and risks in the regulatory environment, the the prudence of our strategy. In spite of a difficult environ- Bank achieved net income of CHF 10.3 million against CHF ment, assets under management fell modestly from CHF 12.4 million in 2011. Headcount at Schroder & Co Bank AG 6.5 billion in 2011 to CHF 6.3 billion in 2012. was down slightly from the previous year due to natural fluctuations. Luc Denis Heinz Scheiwiller Martin Liebi Chairman Deputy Chairman, Head of Service Centre Head of Client Relationship Management Private Banking 10 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 Service Centre Private Banking The Service Centre Private Banking in Zurich represents an Schroder & Co Bank AG believes that its in-house Service important centre of competence for the Schroder Group. Centre Private Banking is in a strong position to make a The level of training and personal commitment of the em- material contribution to the Bank’s business success going ployees of the Service Centre are essential for providing a forward. Given the year-on-year increases in administrative high-quality service. The Service Centre Private Banking costs for financial service providers, a further rise in demand provides custody and in-house services in reporting, IT, in this area seems likely. As the Service Centre Private operational and financial services to the Schroder Group’s Banking benefits from synergies and economies of scale, Private Banking business units in Switzerland, London, it will be able to process larger volumes more productively Guernsey and Singapore. In spite of a slight weakening of to the benefit of all the parties involved. the Swiss franc over the course of 2012, the Service Centre Private Banking earned income of CHF 17.8 million, which was close to the prior-year income of CHF 18 million. Pierre-Louis Favre Jean-Jacques Hunziker Michael Kiepert Head of Finance Head of Compliance Head of Investment Management and Banking 11 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 Geneva City centre, View to the lake and “Jet d’eau” 13 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 Balance Sheet & Profit and Loss Account 14 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 Balance Sheet as of 31 December 2012 CHF Assets Notes 31.12.12 31.12.11 Liquid assets 685 199 122 231 060 989 Due from banks 795 418 820 920 517 166 Due from clients 3.1 246 578 989 230 658 885 Mortgages 3.1 – 300 000 Financial investments 3.2, 3.6 91 073 734 113 484 609 Participations 3.3 1 100 000 1 100 000 Fixed assets 3.4 305 589 373 274 Accrued income and prepaid expenses 13 330 915 12 990 847 Other assets 3.5 7 122 294 16 216 046 Total assets 1 840 129 463 1 526 701 816 1 418 183 507 227 Total due from Group entities and significant shareholders Liabilities and shareholders’ equity Due to banks 27 922 736 61 651 648 Due to clients 1 612 828 750 1 251 357 626 Accrued expenses and deferred income 15 667 851 21 889 492 8 379 022 17 409 525 Other liabilities 3.5 Valuation adjustments and provisions 3.8 31 513 087 30 875 263 Reserves for general banking risks 3.8 18 000 000 18 000 000 Share capital 3.9, 3.10 60 000 000 60 000 000 General legal reserve 3.10 28 100 000 27 400 000 Other reserves 3.10 27 400 000 25 700 000 Retained earnings brought forward 18 262 23 072 Net income 10 299 755 12 395 190 Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity 1 840 129 463 1 526 701 816 19 106 717 24 615 610 Total due to Group entities and significant shareholders 15 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 Off-Balance Sheet Transactions as of 31 December 2012 CHF Notes Contingent liabilities 3.1, 4.1 19 820 598 31 827 484 Irrevocable commitments 3.1 8 431 000 3 858 000 Derivative instruments 4.2 – positive replacement values 6 565 564 15 733 437 – negative replacement values 5 866 166 14 920 672 – notional amounts 1 161 963 470 927 398 352 Fiduciary transactions 31.12.12 31.12.11 4.3 – Fiduciary placements with third parties 1 023 719 097 1 922 405 642 – Fiduciary placements with Group entities 7 540 512 21 026 267 – Fiduciary credits 12 631 692 15 861 943 16 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 Profit and Loss Account for the period from 1 Januar y to 31 December 2012 CHF Notes 2012 2011 a ) Revenues and expenses from ordinar y banking activities Results from interest activities – Interest and discount income 6 312 371 7 978 570 – Interest and discount income from financial investments 2 570 063 2 918 900 – Interest expenses (494 461) (1 364 571) Total 8 387 973 9 532 899 – Commission income on lending activities 480 764 650 699 – Commission income on securities and investment transactions 44 449 881 49 320 112 – Commission income on other services 1 357 541 1 184 738 – Commission expenses (9 860 390) (12 546 769) Total 36 427 796 38 608 780 5 049 278 6 765 174 Results from commission and service fee activities Results from trading operations 5.1 Other ordinary results – Participation income — 1 878 000 – Income from administrative services provided by the Service Centre 17 782 590 18 020 677 – Other ordinary income — — – Other ordinary expenses (2 507 775) (1 878 777) Total 15 274 815 18 019 900 (36 455 470) (39 834 439) Operating expenses – Personnel expenses 5.2 – Other operating expenses 5.3 (14 809 516) (16 278 193) Total (51 264 986) (56 112 632) Gross profit 13 874 876 16 814 121 17 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 CHF Notes 2012 2011 b ) Net income Gross profit 13 874 876 16 814 121 3.4 (163 539) (180 539) Valuation adjustments, provisions and losses (7 129 792) (743 192) Results before extraordinary items and taxes 6 581 545 15 890 390 Extraordinary income 6 988 348 — Taxes (3 270 138) (3 495 200) Net income 10 299 755 12 395 190 10 299 755 12 395 190 Depreciation and write-offs of non-current assets 5.4 c ) Allocation of retained earnings Net income Retained earnings brought forward 18 262 23 072 Total 10 318 017 12 418 262 Retained earnings at the end of the period 10 318 017 12 418 262 – Ordinary dividend (9 000 000) (10 000 000) – Allocation to general legal reserve (600 000) (700 000) – Allocation to other reserves (700 000) (1 700 000) Retained earnings carried forward 18 017 18 262 Allocation of retained earnings 18 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 20 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 Zurich, Central left Page from the top ( l. to r. ) : Stefano Scanzoni / Anja Hähnlein, Verena van Voornveld, Sandra Röthlisberger / Alexandra Limburg, Silvia Makowski, Beat Bochsler, Credit Team, Anja Hähnlein, Eastern Europe Team, Michèle Chardon, Isabelle Brechbühl, Norbert Brestel, Rifat Mahmud. right Page from the top ( l. to r. ) : Alexandra Limburg, Alice West / Verena van Voornveld, Carole Richener, Michael Heil, Blanka Kristinova, Marcel Ursprung, Michel Rossi, Sandra Röthlisberger, Norbert Brestel / Jürg Klingler, Michael Spörndli. 21 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 Notes 22 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 1. Comments on Business Activities General Risk management Schroder & Co Bank AG is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Risk Assessment Schroders plc, London. In addition to the head office in The Board of Directors re-assesses the Bank’s risks each Zurich the Bank has a branch office in Geneva. year (in particular with respect to credit, market, liquidity and operational risks). The effectiveness of the limit system and The business activities of the Bank are described below. the controls are also evaluated. The Organisation and Man- There are no further business activities that would signifi- agement Regulations ensure that the Board of Directors is cantly impact the Bank’s risk and income situation. always adequately informed of the risk situation and that the authority for decisions in this area remains in the Board of Fee and commission business Directors’ responsibility. The Bank’s principal line of business is investment management for both domestic and foreign clients. Details on Risk Management The risk management procedures and the ongoing monitor- Asset management, trustee, custodian and credit operations ing is delegated to committees. The Asset & Liability Man- are the main contributors to commission and service fee agement Committee is responsible for monitoring market revenues. risk, interest rate risk and liquidity. This includes the selection and monitoring of banks, brokers and custodians. In Banking activities addition it monitors the adherence to the capital and large The Bank’s main balance sheet activities are the client-lend- exposure regulations. ing business and interbank operations. The interest rate risks arising out of the balance sheet and Loans to clients are mainly granted on the basis of Lombard off-balance sheet positions are monitored and managed coverage. centrally. They are managed using calculations of the net present value effect on shareholders equity and the net Trading activities income effect under various interest rate assumptions. The Trading comprises mainly trading for the accounts of clients ability to meet obligations is monitored and ensured within in interest rate products, securities and foreign exchange, the framework defined in the bank law and by the Group. and to a limited extent proprietary trading. Operational risks are managed through internal organisation and control procedures. Internal audit regularly audits the in- Service Centre – Insourcing Business ternal controls and issues reports to the Board of Directors. The Service Centre Private Banking renders securities administration, funds transfer, accounting and IT services The credit risks are subject to specific monitoring by the centrally. These services are being offered to other Credit Committee and the Credit Department. Loan col- Schroder Group companies (Schroder & Co. Limited, Lon- lateral is valued at market value. The collateral rates are set don, Schroders (C. I.) Limited, Guernsey, Schroder & Co. forth in predefined procedures. (Asia) Limited, Singapore and Schroder Investment Management (Switzerland) AG, Zurich). These services are charged at market rates. 23 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 Outsourcing Staff The Bank has an outsourcing agreement with the company At the end of the business year the Bank had 133 full- and Biveroni Batschelet Partners AG (BBP) for running the inter- 30 part-time employees, for a total of 163 (or 153 full-time bank applications SIC, EuroSIC, Swift and Secom. BBP’s equivalent positions; previous year: 157.6). role is limited to providing electronic access to the abovementioned interbank services. Capital adequacy CHF 1000 2012 2011 Eligible adjusted capital 132 418 130 023 Total minimum capital requirement 48 846 50 177 – thereof for credit risk 36 391 38 440 – thereof for non-counterparty related risks 153 187 – thereof for market risks 604 326 – thereof for operational risks 12 178 12 094 – thereof for deductions from minimum capital requirements (480) (870) Capital requirement coverage ratio 271% 259 % 24 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 2. Principal Accounting Policies and Valuation Principles Basis of preparation If an outstanding loan is classified as entirely or partially The accounts are prepared in accordance with the Swiss irrecoverable or if a renunciation of outstandings is granted, Code of Obligations, the Swiss Federal Law Governing the outstanding loan is written off by debiting the respective Banks and Savings Banks, including the implementing loss provision. ordinances, directives, and the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority’s (FINMA) regulations and directives. Troubled loans are reclassified as being of full value when outstanding amounts of capital and interest are again paid All transactions are recorded in the Bank’s books at the on time according to the conditions fixed by contract. trade date and valued from that date for the profit and loss account. Money market and foreign exchange transactions Securities and precious metals trading portfolio are reported off-balance sheet until the settlement date. Actively traded positions which are either traded on a recog- From the settlement date, these transactions are included in nised stock exchange or for which a representative market the balance sheet. exists are valued at market value. Refinancing costs are charged against trading income. All other trading positions Business risks are covered by adequate value adjustments are valued at the lower of cost or net realisable value. and provisions. Financial investments Detailed principles Securities held to generate income in the medium term are The most important accounting policies and valuation princi- valued at the lower of cost or net realisable value. Realised ples are shown below. profits or losses from sales of these securities are included within “Results from the sale of financial investments”. Liquid assets, receivables from banks and liabilities Unrealised profits or losses are included within “Other ordi- These items are stated in the balance sheet respectively at nary income” or “Other ordinary expenses”. Debt securities their nominal value or at cost less any individual valuation to be held until maturity are valued at cost. Any premium or adjustments required for impaired assets. discount is amortized over the life of the security. Precious metals are valued at market value. Loans Impaired loans, i.e. loans that are unlikely to be repaid by the Participations debtor, are valued individually. A specific provision is made Participations are stated at cost, less any impairment. for the estimated shortfall against nominal value in capital and interest. Off-balance sheet exposure, such as commit- Tangible fixed assets ments, guarantees or derivative instruments, are also taken Tangible fixed assets are valued at cost, less accumulated into consideration for this valuation. Loans are considered depreciation. Depreciation is calculated using the straight- as impaired at the latest when the contractual payments for line method based on useful life. capital and/or interest are overdue for more than 90 days. Interest accrual is suspended if recovering interest is so unlikely that an accrual no longer makes sense. 25 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 The recoverability is reconsidered each year. Should the Taxes useful life change or the value decrease upon reconsidering Current tax is generally tax on profit and recurs on an annual the recoverability, the remaining book value will be depreci- basis. One-off or transaction taxes are not considered as ated according to the revised plan, or an extraordinary de- current tax. preciation can be made. In accordance with tax regulations, smaller items may be charged directly to the profit and loss Current tax on earnings is included as expense of the pe- account. riod in which the earnings are recognized. Tax liabilities are shown under “Accrued expenses and deferred income”. Useful life of the various fixed assets: Information technology (hardware and software): 3 years Derivative financial instruments Cars: 4 years Derivative financial instruments are used by the Bank for asset and liability management and for securities and foreign Foreign currencies exchange dealing. They are used both for proprietary trad- Foreign currency transactions are translated at the average ing and for trading for the accounts of clients. Valuation is in exchange rates ruling at the balance sheet date. Foreign accordance with the purposes for which they were originally exchange positions in the balance sheet are translated at the acquired. average exchange rates at the balance sheet date and taken 1. Derivative trading positions to the profit and loss account. Forward foreign exchange These derivatives are marked to market. Positive and transactions are valued at the forward market rates ruling at negative replacement values are included within “Other the balance sheet date. The valuation result is taken to the assets” or “Other liabilities”. Profits and losses are profit and loss account. included within “Result from trading operations”. 2. Derivative financial investments The main conversion rates applied are listed below: 2012 2011 These derivatives are acquired by the Bank instead of direct investments. In accordance with the accounting EUR 1.2066 1.2137 policy for financial investments, these positions are val- GBP 1.4877 1.4531 ued at the lower of cost or net realisable value. Any inter- USD 0.9153 0.9348 est income components are included within “Interest and JPY 1.0586 1.2154 dividend income from financial investments”. Realised profits or losses are included within “Result from the sale of financial investments”. Valuation adjustments and provisions Based on the principle of prudence, the Bank establishes 3. Derivatives for hedging purposes valuation adjustments and provisions within liabilities for Derivative transactions concluded for hedging purposes contingent risks. The valuation adjustments and provisions are valued and booked on a basis consistent with the may contain undisclosed reserves. underlying transactions. 26 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 Liabilities to own pension plans The employees of Schroder & Co Bank AG benefit from two defined contribution pension plans. The “BVG Stiftung” grants a minimum of the benefits mandatory by law. The “Vorsorgestiftung” of Schroder & Co Bank AG grants benefits for that part of the salary above the limit of the BVG law. The employer’s contributions according to the defined contribution pension plans are included within “Personnel expenses”. 27 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 28 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 Geneva, rue d’Italie left Page from the top ( l. to r. ) : Felicia Avasiloaie, Trust Team, Reto Dietrich, Andrea Linet-Gairing, Bernhard Leibkutsch, Dorothée Léger, Daniela Carissoni / Romain Cymberg / Samuel Moulin, Slavica EsnaultPelterie, Sybille Albrecht, Cynthia Pierrel, Alexandra Vuagnat. right Page from the top ( l. to r. ) : Romain Cymberg, Roberta Riviera, Fernando Garro, Elias Carballo, Rosetta Mitrione, Elias Carballo / Romain Cymberg, Denis Purmann, Manuela de Kerchove, Adriana Loiola, Samuel Moulin, Roberta Riviera. 29 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 Information on the Balance Sheet 30 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 3. Information on the Balance Sheet 3.1 Schedule of collateral for loans and off-balance sheet transactions CHF 1000Type of collateral Mortgage collateral Other collateral Without Total collateral Loans Due from clients — 229 238 17 341 246 579 Total 31.12.12 — 229 238 17 341 246 579 31.12.11 300 215 639 15 020 230 959 Contingent liabilities — 19 751 70 19 821 Irrevocable commitments — — 4 409 4 409 Off-balance sheet transactions Irrevocable commitment to the Swiss Bankers’ and Securities Dealers’ Deposit Guarantee Association, Basel — — 4 022 4 022 Total 31.12.12 — 19 751 8 501 28 252 31.12.11 5 812 25 710 4 163 35 685 Gross amount Estimated collateral proceeds Net amount Specific provision Impaired loans 31.12.12 34 003 15 761 18 242 18 242 31.12.11 33 794 17 665 16 129 16 129 3.2 Financial investments CHF 1000 Book value Book value Fair value Fair value 31.12.12 31.12.11 31.12.12 31.12.11 – with the intention to hold to maturity 57 424 80 929 57 427 Precious metals 33 650 32 556 33 650 32 556 Total 91 074 113 485 91 077 113 485 of which qualify as repos as defined in the liquidity rules 57 427 80 929 Debt securities and rights 31 80 929 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 3.3 Participations CHF 1000 31.12.12 31.12.11 Without market value 1 100 1 100 Total 1 100 1 100 Share capital Ownership propor tion Ownership propor tion company administrationCHF 100 000 100% 100% Schroder Cayman Bank Banking services and 100% 100% Additional information on significant participations Company Name Business activities Schroder Trust AG, Geneva Trust and offshore and Trust Company Ltd., trust and offshore Cayman Islands company administrationUSD 633 714 3.4 Assets and participations CHF 1000 Historical cost 31.12.11 Accumulated Book value Additions Disposals depreciation 31.12.12 Depreciation Book value Total majority participations 1 100 — 1 100 — — — 1 100 Other fixed assets 4 138 (3 764) 374 96 — (164) 306 Total 5 238 (3 764) 1 474 96 — (164) 1 406 Fire insurance value of other fixed assets 20 925 Liabilities: future operational lease commitments 13 011 32 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 3.5 Other assets and other liabilities CHF 1000 Other assets 31.12.12 Other liabilities Other assets 31.12.11 Other liabilities Replacement costs of derivative instruments 6 566 5 866 15 733 14 921 Indirect taxes and stock exchange fees 394 2 417 378 2 288 Other assets and liabilities 163 96 105 200 Total 7 123 8 379 16 216 17 409 3.6 Assets pledged or ceded to secure own liabilities and assets subject to ownership reservation CHF 1000 31.12.12 Assets pledged Effective liability (Book value) Own securities 46 330 There are no loans or pension transactions with securities. 33 ­— Assets pledged (Book value) 56 780 31.12.11 Effective liability 2 076 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 3.7 Pension plans CHF 1000 31.12.12 31.12.11 The liabilities due to own pension plans at the balance sheet date amounted to: 9 551 9 359 According to the pension fund regulations, the employer pays total contributions and benefits equivalent to 15% of the relevant salary whereas the employees contribute 5% of that salary. As per the most recent audited financial statements of the BVG-Stiftung (mandatory pensionplan) and the Vorsorgestiftung (non-mandatory pension plan) of Schroder & Co Bank AG at 31.12.2011, the employer contribution reserves at period end were: — Pension plan free funds at the balance sheet date CHF 1000 31.12.11 31.12.10 Schroder & Co Bank AG BVG Stiftung (mandatory pension plan) 52 51 Schroder & Co Bank AG Vorsorgestiftung (non-mandatory pension plan) 3 2 CHF 1000 2012 2011 The Bank’s total contributions to both pension plans for the year amounted to: 3 915 3 921 5 569 5 673 In 2011 the level of the accounts of the individual plan members was TCHF 22 450. Contributions to pension funds / pension and related benefits expense The Bank’s total pension and related benefit expenses (including old age and survivors’insurance, disability insurance, unemployment insurance and other mandatory contributions) for the year amounted to: 34 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 3.8 Valuation adjustments, provisions and reserves for general banking risks CHF 1000 Balance Specific 31.12.11 usage and reversals Change in Recoveries, definition of overdue interest, purpose (re- exchange rate classifications) differences New provisions charged to Profit & Loss statement Reversals credited to Profit & Loss statement Balance 31.12.12 Loan losses (credit and country risk) 16 129 (410) — 323 2 200 — 18 242 Other provisions 14 746 (101) — 4 5 122 (6 500) 13 271 327 Valuation adjustments and provisions 30 875 (511) — 31.12.11 29 618 (496) — 7 322 (6 500) 31 513 1 561 192 — 30 875 banking risks (fully taxed) 18 000 — — — — — 18 000 31.12.11 18 000 — — — — — 18 000 Reserves for general 3.9 Capital structure and shareholders The share capital amounts to CHF 60 million and is split into 60 000 shares of CHF 1000 nominal value each. At 31 December 2012 all shares are held directly by Schroder Nederland Finance BV, Amsterdam. That company is ultimately wholly-owned by Schroders plc, London. On 7 March 2012, respectively 9 March 2011 Schroders plc was notified pursuant to “FSA’s Disclosure and Transparency Rule 5.1.2 R” of the following interests of 3 % or more in the ordinary shares: 07.03.2012 Shares Schroders plc Stake Vincitas Limited 60 951 886 26.97% 09.03.2011 Shares Schroders plc 60 951 886 Stake 26.97 % Veritas Limited 39 218 470 17.35 % 39 218 470 17.35 % Flavida Limited 60 951 886 26.97% 60 951 886 26.97 % Fervida Limited 40 188 706 17.78 % 40 188 706 17.78 % Harris Associates L.P. 11 369 900 5.03 % 0 0% Vincitas Limited and Veritas Limited held their interests as trustees of certain settlements made by members of the Schroder family. The interests of Flavida Limited and Fervida Limited include interests in voting rights in respect of all the shares in which Vincitas Limited and Veritas Limited are interested as trustees. 35 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 3.10 Statement of changes in shareholders’ equity (before profit distribution) CHF 1000 Total shareholders’ equity at the beginning of 2012 Paid-in share capital 60 000 General legal reserve 27 400 Other reserves 25 700 Reserves for general banking risks 18 000 Retained earnings brought forward 12 418 Total shareholders’ equity at the beginning of 2012 143 518 Movements Dividend 2011 (10 000) Deduction from available earnings for allocation to reserves (2 400) Allocation to legal reserve 700 Allocation to other reserves 1 700 Net income 2012 10 300 Total shareholders’ equity at the end of 2012 143 818 Paid-in share capital 60 000 General legal reserve 28 100 Other reserves 27 400 Reserves for general banking risks 18 000 Retained earnings carried forward 10 318 36 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 3.11 Maturity structure of working capital and liabilities CHF 1000 At sight Redeemable upon notice Up to 3 months From 3 to 12 months Maturities From 12 months to 5 years Total Beyond 5 years Assets Cash Due from banks Due from clients 685 199 — — — — — 685 199 87 119 — 684 169 24 131 — — 795 419 3 125 329 77 678 43 569 — — 246 579 33 649 — 26 105 — 31 320 — 91 074 Total 31.12.12 805 970 125 329 787 952 67 700 31 320 — 1 818 271 360 095 93 514 907 988 66 642 67 783 — 1 496 022 Financial investments 31.12.11 Liabilities Due to banks 10 170 — 17 753 — — — 27 923 Due to clients 1 591 592 494 10 627 10 115 — — 1 612 828 Total 31.12.12 1 601 762 494 28 380 10 115 — — 1 640 751 1 262 942 1 093 41 052 7 923 — — 31.12.11 1 313 010 3.12 Amounts due from and due to affiliated companies as well as loans and exposures to members of the Bank’s governing bodies CHF 1000 31.12.12 31.12.11 Due from affiliated companies 414 — Due to affiliated companies 3 628 7 527 Loans and exposures to members of the Bank’s governing bodies 287 1 683 With related parties the Bank engages in securities and money market transactions and applies interest rates at conditions applicable to third parties. Members of the Board of Management and of the Board of Directors are granted the conditions and tariffs applicable to staff members of the Bank. 37 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 3.13 Assets and liabilities by domestic and foreign origin CHF 1000 Domestic 31.12.12 Foreign Domestic 31.12.11 Foreign Assets Cash 685 199 — 231 061 — Due from banks 302 767 492 652 259 320 661 197 Due from clients 39 937 206 642 41 139 189 520 Mortgages — — 300 — Financial investments 91 074 — 113 485 — Participations 100 1 000 100 1 000 Fixed assets 306 — 373 — Accrued income and prepaid expenses 12 881 450 9 829 3 162 Other assets 2 320 4 801 7 503 8 713 Total 1 134 584 705 545 663 110 863 592 Liabilities and shareholders’ equity Due to banks 1 886 26 037 3 259 58 393 Due to clients 275 397 1 337 431 283 080 968 278 Accrued expenses and deferred income 15 657 11 21 732 157 Other liabilities 5 141 3 238 5 934 11 476 Valuation adjustments and provisions 31 513 — 30 875 — Reserves for general banking risks 18 000 — 18 000 — Share capital 60 000 — 60 000 — General legal reserve 28 100 — 27 400 — Other reserves 27 400 — 25 700 — Retained earnings brought forward 18 — 23 — Net income 10 300 — 12 395 — Total 473 412 1 366 717 488 398 1 038 304 38 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 3.14 Assets by countries / country groups CHF 1000 Total 31.12.12 in % Total 31.12.11 in % Assets Europe – Germany 7 357 0.4 % 37 167 2.4 % – United Kingdom 123 574 6.7% 155 215 10.2 % – Switzerland 1 134 584 61.6 % 663 110 43.4 % – Rest of Europe 372 810 20.3 % 514 872 33.7 % Total Europe 1 638 325 89.0 % 1 370 364 89.7 % North America 30 470 1.7% 8 442 0.6 % Asia 11 358 0.6 % 13 501 0.9 % Other countries 159 976 8.7% 134 395 8.8 % Total 1 840 129 100.0 % 1 526 702 100.0 % 39 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 3.15 Assets by currencies CHF 1000 Currencies CHF EUR USD Precious metals Other 31.12.12 Total Assets Cash 684 523 418 148 — 111 685 200 Due from banks 2 269 31 747 623 915 22 985 114 501 795 417 Due from clients 31 514 108 932 80 390 — 25 743 246 579 Mortgages — — — — Financial investments 57 424 — — 33 649 — ­— — 91 073 Participations 1 100 — — — — 1 100 Fixed assets 306 — — — — 306 Accrued income and prepaid expenses 12 547 184 317 — 283 13 331 Other assets 6 621 7 494 — 1 7 123 Total balance sheet assets 796 304 141 288 705 264 56 634 FX forward and FX option transactions 192 298 615 421 264 597 — Total assets 988 602 756 709 969 861 56 634 Due to banks 188 1 253 13 204 — 13 278 27 923 Due to clients 223 420 513 771 688 533 56 635 130 469 1 612 828 Accrued expenses and deferred income 14 491 — 12 — 1 165 15 668 140 639 1 840 129 Assets deriving from FX spot, 79 303 1 151 619 219 942 2 991 748 Liabilities and shareholders’ equity Other liabilities 7 895 — 483 — 1 8 379 Valuation adjustments and provisions 15 576 15 788 — — 149 31 513 Reserves for general banking risks 18 000 — — — — 18 000 Share capital 60 000 — — — — 60 000 General legal reserve 28 100 — — — — 28 100 Other reserves 27 400 — — — — 27 400 Retained earnings brought forward 18 — — — — 18 Net income 10 300 — — — — 10 300 Total balance sheet liabilities 405 388 530 812 702 232 56 635 FX forward and FX option transactions 582 704 225 865 267 471 — Total liabilities 988 092 756 677 969 703 56 635 Net position by currency 510 32 158 (1) 145 062 1 840 129 Liabilities deriving from FX spot, 40 74 811 1 150 851 219 873 2 990 980 69 768 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 42 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 Zurich, Westpark left Page from the top ( l. to r. ) : Geraldine Nacario, Laurent Mayor, David Dowse, Markus Birrer, Andreas Perschl, Dietmar Engel, Patrick Jaeggi, Karin Basler / Alexandra Ureña, Sacha Rigoni, Gisela Enz, Erika Saiti, Jürg Egli. right Page from the top ( l. to r. ) : Matthias Mühlinghaus / Marco Isaak, Patricia Bieri, Rainer Rüegg, Liza Vonwyl, Leo Diyenis, Sandra Wohnlich, Peter Mikusi, Jan Pobuda, Markus Kräuchi, Anja Petritz, Toni Piscitelli. 43 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 Information on Off-Balance Sheet Transactions 44 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 4. Information on Off-Balance Sheet Transactions 4.1 Contingent liabilities CHF 1000 31.12.12 31.12.11 Credit guarantees 15 803 27 901 Irrevocable commitments 4 018 3 926 Total 19 821 31 827 4.2 Outstanding derivative instruments CHF 1000 Positive replacement values Negative replacement values Contract volume Foreign exchange / metal instruments Forward contracts 6 070 5 370 1 141 425 Options (OTC) 496 496 20 538 Total 31.12.12 31.12.11 6 566 15 733 5 866 1 161 963 14 921 927 398 The above outstanding derivative instruments are held for trading purposes. There are no netting agreements in place. Outstanding derivative instruments by counterparties CHF 1000 Banks Positive replacement values 31.12.12 Negative Contract replacement volume values 2 558 2 432 760 936 Positive replacement values 6 706 Negative replacement values 3 232 31.12.11 Contract volume 373 736 Non banks 4 008 3 434 401 027 9 027 11 689 553 662 Total 6 566 5 866 1 161 963 15 733 14 921 927 398 45 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 4.3 Fiduciary transactions CHF 1000 31.12.12 31.12.11 Fiduciary deposits in CHF 8 500 4 903 Fiduciary deposits in European currencies 489 872 1 408 989 Fiduciary deposits in USD 515 296 504 940 Fiduciar y deposits Fiduciary deposits in other currencies 17 592 24 600 Total 1 031 260 1 943 432 Fiduciar y credits Fiduciary credits in CHF — — Fiduciary credits in European currencies — 2 402 Fiduciary credits in USD 12 632 13 460 Total 12 632 15 862 Effected fiduciary deposits placed with banks within the Schroder Group at the end of the year amounted to TCHF 7541. 46 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 4.4 Funds under management CHF 1000 31.12.12 31.12.11 Private Banking Assets in own managed investment funds 7 943 8 720 Assets under discretionary management 1 585 729 1 724 674 Assets subject to other management 4 727 909 4 762 389 Total funds under management Private Banking (incl. double counting) 6 321 581 6 495 783 of which double counting 7 943 8 720 Total funds under management Private Banking (excl. double counting) 6 313 638 6 487 063 Total net inflow / outflow of assets (286 695) 353 031 The Bank does not hold any custody-only assets. Debit interest on current account overdrafts is treated as negative performance, while interest charged on Lombard loans is a cash outflow. The Bank calculates performance according to the direct method. 4.5 Funds administered by the Service Centre Private Banking CHF 1000 Assets administered banking activities (cf 4.4.) 31.12.12 31.12.11 6 313 638 6 487 063 insourcing for Schroder Group companies 23 851 529 21 066 321 Total assets administered by the Service Centre Private Banking 30 165 167 27 553 384 Assets administered in connection with the The Bank’s Service Centre Private Banking renders administrative services to other Schroder Group companies in the areas of custody, operations and finance. For this insourcing business the Service Centre charges fees which are reflected in the profit and loss account under the position other ordinary income (see explanation about the Service Centre – insourcing business). 47 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 Information on the Profit and Loss Account 48 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 5. Information on the Profit and Loss Account 5.1 Results from trading operations CHF 1000 2012 2011 Securities — Foreign exchange 5 049 6 765 — Total 5 049 6 765 5.2 Personnel expenses CHF 1000 2012 2011 Authorities, meeting compensations and fixed compensations 180 216 Salaries and extras 29 989 33 039 Social security contributions 1 654 1 752 Pension plan contributions 3 915 3 921 Other personnel expenses 717 906 Total 36 455 39 834 5.3 Operating expenses CHF 1000 Occupancy expenses 2012 2011 3 487 3 758 3 267 3 963 Expenses for EDP, machinery, fixtures and fittings, vehicles and other equipment Other operating expenses including: Telephone, telex, postage, electronic information systems, legal and other consulting fees, stationery and printing, courier services, property insurance, travel and entertainment, publication and advertising, audit, other costs 8 056 8 557 Total 14 810 16 278 5.4 Extraordinary income CHF 6.5 million of extraordinary income is due to the reversal of a provision which was no longer necessary. 49 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 Report of the Statutory Auditor 50 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 Report of the Statutory Auditor As statutory auditor, we have audited the financial presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the statements of Schroder & Co Bank AG, which audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropri- comprise the balance sheet, income statement and ate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. notes, for the year ended 31 December 2012. Opinion Board of Directors’ responsibility In our opinion, the financial statements for the year ended The Board of Directors is responsible for the preparation 31 December 2012 comply with Swiss law and the com- of the financial statements in accordance with the require- pany’s articles of incorporation. ments of Swiss law and the company’s articles of incorporation. This responsibility includes designing, implementing Report on other legal requirements and maintaining an internal control system relevant to the We confirm that we meet the legal requirements on licensing preparation of financial statements that are free from mate- according to the Auditor Oversight Act (AOA) and independ- rial misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. The Board ence (article 728 CO and art. 11 AOA) and that there are no of Directors is further responsible for selecting and applying circumstances incompatible with our independence. appropriate accounting policies and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances. In accordance with article 728a paragraph 1 item 3 CO and Swiss Auditing Standard 890, we confirm that an internal Auditor’s responsibility control system exists which has been designed for the Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial preparation of financial statements according to the instruc- statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in tions of the Board of Directors. accordance with Swiss law and Swiss Auditing Standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit We further confirm that the proposed appropriation of avail- to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial state- able earnings complies with Swiss law and the company’s ments are free from material misstatement. articles of incorporation. We recommend that the financial statements submitted to you be approved. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial PricewaterhouseCoopers Ltd statements. The procedures selected depend on the audi- Roman Berlinger, tor’s judgement, including the assessment of the risks of Markus Meier, Audit expert, Auditor In Charge Audit expert material misstatement of the financial statements, whether Zurich, 22 March 2013 due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers the internal control system relevant to the entity’s preparation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control system. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of the accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made, as well as evaluating the overall 51 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 Board and Senior Staff 52 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 Board and Senior Staff ( as of 1 March 2013 ) Board of Directors Senior Management Philip Mallinckrodt Beat Bochsler Andreas Borsari Chairman Dr. François Bochud Jonathan Brander Deputy Chairman Isabelle Brechbühl Dr. Martin Eckert Norbert Brestel Jean-Claude Marchand Pierre-Antoine Carron Jean-Charles Roguet Reto Dietrich Markus Rütimann Pascal Ducry Markus Engeler Executive Board Slavica Barovic Esnault-Pelterie Luc Denis Pierre-Louis Favre Chairman Heinz Scheiwiller Rolf Fischer Deputy Chairman, Head of Service Centre Private Banking Claudia Giger Enrique Gil Pierre-Louis Favre Roland Heule Member, Head of Finance Jürg Klingler Jean-Jacques Hunziker Bernhard Leibkutsch Member, Head of Compliance Michael Kiepert Samuel Moulin Denis Purmann Member, Head of Investment Management and Banking Martin Liebi Michel Rossi Member, Head of Client Relationship Management Stefano Scanzoni Christian Schmid Michael Spörndli Urs Winiger Paolo Zaglia External Auditors PricewaterhouseCoopers Ltd, Zurich 53 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 Main Schroder Branches 54 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 Group’s Head Office United Kingdom Schroders plc 31 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7QA Tel + 44 207 658 60 00 Schroder Investment Management Limited 31 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7QA Tel + 44 207 658 60 00 Schroder & Co. Limited 100 Wood Street, London EC2V 7ER Tel + 44 207 658 60 00 Schroder Investments Limited 33 Gutter Lane, London EC2V 8AS Tel + 44 207 658 60 00 France Schroder Investment Management Limited 8–10 rue Lamennais, 75008 Paris Tel + 33 (0)1 53 85 85 85 Germany Schroder Investment Management GmbH Taunustor 2 60311 Frankfurt am Main Tel + 49 (0)69 97 57 17 0 Schroder & Co Limited Taunustor 2 60311 Frankfurt am Main Tel + 49 (0)69 97 57 17 5 Schroder Property Investment Management GmbH (SPrIM) Taunustor 2 (Japan Center) 60311 Frankfurt am Main Tel +49 (0)69 97 57 17 800 Europe Channel Islands Schroder Investment Management (Guernsey) Limited c/o Northern Trust International Trafalgar Court, Les Banques, St. Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 3QL Tel + 44 (0)1481 74 50 01 Schroders (C.I.) Limited Regency Court Glategny Esplanade St. Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 3UF Tel + 44 (0)1481 70 37 00 Schroders (C.I.) Limited 29 Esplanade, St. Helier Jersey, JE4 9WB Tel + 44 (0)1534 75 66 00 Denmark Schroder Investment Management A/S Store Strandstræde 21 1255 København Tel + 45 33 15 18 22 Italy Schroders Italy SIM S.p.A. Via della Spiga 30, 20121 Milano Tel + 39 02 76 37 71 Agenzia di Padova Private Banking Piazzetta Bettiol 15, 35137 Padova Tel + 39 049 876 57 76 Schroder Property Investment Management GmbH World Trade Center Tower A, Level 5 Strawinskylaan 521 1077 XX Amsterdam Tel +31 (0)20 301 65 60 Spain Schroder Investment Management Limited Calle Pinar 7, 28006 Madrid Tel + 34 91 590 95 41 Oficina de representación en España de Schroder & Co Bank AG Calle Pinar 7, 28006 Madrid Tel +34 91 590 05 05 Sweden Schroder Investment Management A/S Danmark Sveavägen 9, 11157 Stockholm Tel + 46 (0)8 678 40 10 Switzerland Schroder & Co Bank AG Central 2, 8021 Zürich Tel + 41 (0)44 250 11 11 Agenzia di Roma Private Banking Piazza della Maddalena 6, 00186 Roma Tel + 39 06 321 83 68 Schroder & Co Bank AG Service Centre Private Banking Pfingstweidstrasse 60 8005 Zürich Tel +41 (0)44 250 11 11 Luxembourg Schroder Investment Management (Luxembourg) S.A. 5, rue Höhenhof, 1736 Senningerberg Tel + 352 341 34 22 12 Schroder & Co Banque SA 8, rue d’ltalie, 1204 Genève Tel + 41 (0)22 818 41 11 Netherlands Schroder Investment Management Benelux World Trade Center Tower A, Level 5 Strawinskylaan 521 1077 XX Amsterdam Tel +31 (0)20 305 28 40 55 Schroder Investment Management (Switzerland) AG Central 2, 8021 Zürich Tel +41 (0)800 84 44 48 Schroder Investment Management (Switzerland) AG 8, rue d’ltalie, 1204 Genève Tel +41 (0)22 818 41 91 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 Americas Asia / Pacific Argentina Schroder Investment Management S.A. Ing. Enrique Butty 220 C1001AFB - Buenos Aires Tel +54 11 43 17 13 00 Australia Schroder Investment Management Australia Limited 123 Pitt Street, Sydney, NSW 2000 Tel +61 (0)2 92 10 92 00 Bermuda Schroder (Bermuda) Limited 90 Pitts Bay Road, Pembroke HM08 Tel +1 441 292 49 95 China Schroders plc 7 Finance Street Xicheng District, Beijing 100033 Tel +86 10 66 55 53 88 Brazil Schroder Investment Management Brasil DTVM S.A. Rua Joaquim Floriano, 100 São Paulo, SP, Brasil 04534-000 Tel +55 11 30 54 51 55 Cayman Islands Schroder Cayman Bank and Trust Company Limited PO Box 1040GT, Harbour Centre, Grand Cayman KY1-1102, BWI Tel +1 345 949 28 49 Schroders plc Shanghai IFC Phase I No. 8 Century Avenue Pudong, Shanghai 200120 Tel +86 21 50 12 05 80 Schroder Investment Management (Hong Kong) Ltd Two Pacific Place, 88 Queensway Hong Kong SAR Tel +852 25 21 16 33 Mexico Schroders S.A. de C.V. Montes Urales 760 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec México, D.F. 11000 Tel +52 55 11 00 10 30 Indonesia PT Schroder Investment Management Indonesia Jakarta Stock Exchange Building Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52–53, Jakarta 12190 Tel +62 21 515 01 01 USA Schroder Investment Management North America Inc. 875 Third Avenue New York, NY 10022-6225 Tel +1 212 641 38 30 Japan Schroder Investment Management (Japan) Limited 21st Floor Marunouchi Trust Tower Main 1-8-3 Marunouchi Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 100-0005 Schroder Investment Management North America Inc. Penn Mutual Towers 520 Walnut Street Suite 1150 Philadelphia, PA 19106 Tel +1 215 861 09 97 Singapore Schroder Investment Management (Singapore) Limited 65 Chulia Street, #46-00, OCBC Centre Singapore 049513 Tel +65 65 35 34 11 56 Schroder & Co. (Asia) Limited 11 Beach Road #06-01 Singapore 189675 Tel +65 65 07 01 23 South Korea Schroders Korea Limited Seoul Finance Centre, 84 Taepyungro 1ga, Chung-gu, Seoul 100-768 Tel +82 2 37 83 05 00 Taiwan Schroder Investment Management (Taiwan) Limited 9F, Suite B1, 108, Sec.5, Hsin-Yi Road, Hsin-Yi District, Taipei 11047, Taiwan, R.O.C Tel +886 (02) 27 22 18 68 Middle East Dubai Schroder Investment Management Limited Dubai International Financial Centre P.O. Box 506612 Dubai Tel +971 4 704 9100 S c h r o d e r & C o B a n k AG — A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 Schroder & Co Bank AG Head Office Schroder & Co Bank AG Central 2, 8001 Zürich Postfach 1820, 8021 Zürich Service Centre Private Banking Pfingstweidstrasse 60, 8005 Zürich Postfach 2222, 8031 Zürich Tel +41 (0)44 250 11 11 Fax +41 (0)44 250 13 12 Branch Office Schroder & Co Banque SA 8, rue d’Italie, 1204 Genève Case postale 3655, 1211 Genève 3 Tel +41 (0)22 818 41 11 Fax +41 (0)22 818 41 12 Subsidiary Companies Schroder Trust SA 8, rue d’Italie, 1204 Genève Case postale 3655, 1211 Genève 3 Tel +41 (0)22 818 41 22 Fax +41 (0)22 818 41 28 Schroder Cayman Bank and Trust Company Limited P.O. Box 1040GT, Harbour Centre Grand Cayman KY1-1102, B.W.I. Tel +1 345 949 28 49 Fax +1 345 949 54 09 57 © 2013 Schroder & Co Bank AG Annual Report 2012 Project management: Schroder & Co Bank AG Concept: markenart, Zurich Peter Bütikofer & Company, Zurich Schroder & Co Bank AG Design, production: markenart, Zurich Fotografie: Stefan Baumgartner, Zurich Printed by: Neidhart + Schön Group, Zurich The Annual Report 2012 is also published in German. The German version takes precedence. The web version of the Annual Report 2012 is available at Zurich Westpark “Gleisbogen Zurich West” View from pedestrian bridge over Pfingstweid road Schroder & Co Bank AG | Annual Report Schroder & Co Bank AG | Annual Report 2 012