Print Date: 5/2/2014 Page: 1 2016-20 FIVE YEAR CAPITAL OUTLAY PLAN (2016-17 FIRST FUNDING YEAR) Hartnell Joint CCD Prepared in reference to the Community College Construction Act of 1980 and approved on behalf of the local governing board for submission to the office of the Chancellor, California Community Colleges Signed Dr. Willard Lewallen (Chief Executive Officer or their designee) Title Superintendent/President Date Contact Person Joseph Reyes Telephone (831) 755-6814 Date Received at Chancellor's Office Chancellor's Office reviewed by Notice of Approval Facilities Master Plan MASTER PLAN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PURPOSE The Hartnell Community College District continues to develop and refine its district-wide process for master planning of academic, facilities, and budget strategies. The Facilities Master Plan is currently in the revision phase, and will reflect the Vision and Mission of Hartnell College to prepare our students for productive participation in our society. The new Facilities Master Plan will provide the district with the framework to meet the educational goals of the college as it moves forward into the future. In addition, it establishes direction for facilities development addressing the short and long term educational and facilities needs of the District. VISION STATEMENT Hartnell College will be nationally recognized for the success of our students by developing leaders who will contribute to the social, cultural, and economic vitality of our region and the global community. MISSION STATEMENT Focusing on the needs of the Salinas Valley, Hartnell College provides educational opportunities for students to reach academic goals in an environment committed to student learning, achievement and success. OVERVIEW Hartnell College is a comprehensive community college serving the Salinas Valley in Monterey and San Benito Counties. Hartnell College currently operates three sites: Salinas, main campus; Salinas, Alisal campus; and the King City Education Center. The 2010 population of the district was 312,311. At that time, 64% of our students were Latinos. This number has since then grown to 68.89%. COMPONENTS 1. Funding - Measure H Projects In 2002, the Hartnell College district community voted and passed a measure to fund a $131 million bond to support facilities development. The funds were allocated in the following specific areas: · · · · · Additional classrooms and modernization Health and safety upgrades Site development and accessibility, safety and security Information technology and equipment Energy efficiency improvements Total $80M $21M $14M $10M $ 6M $131M The bond is flexible enough to allow revisions and adjustments to the projects based on the changing needs of students and the community. The Strategic Plan and the Facilities Master plan provide the basis for current and future facilities planning. Facilities Master Plan PROCESS Hartnell College is currently updating the Facilities Master Plan. This process will include meeting with department managers and site Deans. The purpose is to evaluate current and future needs of each department and site location. The College will also have community forums at each campus location. A planning core group has been established to facilitate the decision making process. The Facilities Development Council, also serving as the planning council through the Facilities Master Plan process, meets once a month. Council members have been selected to represent the various constituent groups of the college. The Council receives information from the following sources appropriate to the work of the Council, including but not limited to: Other Councils and Committees, Academic Senate, Program Reviews, SLOs, Accreditation, Performance Indicators, Labor Market Information, Community and Partner Input, Other Trends, and/or Forecasts. The Council makes recommendations to the College Planning Council and other councils, committees, and the Academic Senate. The Council will review, update, prioritize, and monitor the Five-Year Construction Plan. It also will develop, review, and evaluate plans and policies and set directions for facilities in accordance with the vision, mission, core values, and strategic plan of the college. Calif. Comm. Colleges Five Year Construction Plan Inventory of Land Hartnell Joint CCD 5/2/2014 Page 3 List the address and acreage of every land unit owned by the district (Education Code 81821(e)). Please identify all locations, both on-campus and off-campus, grouped according to their "parent" institution. In the event the list is long or complicated, please substitute copies of college bulletins or other notices to the public which display similar information. The list should be current as of October the prior year Address Acreage Allisal Campus (Formerly East Campus) 1752 East Alisal Street Salinas, CA 93905 142.0 Main Campus 411 Central Avenue Salinas, CA 93901 54.0 King City Education Center 117 North 2nd Street King City, CA 93930 0.5 Legislative Districts Campus Hartnell College Assembly Senate House 30 12 20 Calif. Comm. Colleges Five Year Construction Plan Instructional Delivery Locations Hartnell Joint CCD Address Gonzales High School 501 Fifth Street Gonzales, CA 93451 Natividad Medical Center 1330 Natividad Road Salinas, CA 93906 Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital 450 East Romie Lane Salinas, CA 93901 Allisal Campus (Formerly East Campus) 1752 East Alisal Street Salinas, CA 93905 Main Campus 411 Central Avenue Salinas, CA 93901 King City Education Center 117 North 2nd Street King City, CA 93930 Soledad High School 425 Gabilan Drive Soledad, CA 93960 South Bay Regional Public Safety 4750 San Felipe Road San Jose, CA 95135 Greenfield High School 2015 S. El Camino Real Greenfield, CA 92927 5/2/2014 Page 4 Calif. Comm. Colleges No. Project Lect ASF Five Year Construction Plan District Lecture Capacity/Load Ratios Hartnell Joint CCD WSCH Occupancy 2015/2016 1 Science Building 5,054 10,685 Hartnell College 2015/2016 61,592 99% 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 5/2/2014 Page 6 2019/2020 2 Health Science and Nursing Building 3,442 7,277 2020/2021 Hartnell College Lecture Actual*/Projected WSCH 24,079 Cumulative Capacity Capacity/Load Ratio 2020/2021 2021/2022 68,869 92% 2015/2016 62,074 50,907 82% 2016/2017 64,687 61,592 95% 2017/2018 67,301 61,592 92% 2018/2019 69,914 61,592 88% 2019/2020 72,528 61,592 85% 2020/2021 75,141 61,592 82% 2021/2022 75,631 68,869 91% Calif. Comm. Colleges No. Project Lab ASF Five Year Construction Plan District Laboratory Capacity/Load Ratios Hartnell Joint CCD WSCH Occupancy 2015/2016 1 Science Building 10,967 4,434 Hartnell College 2015/2016 30,902 182% 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 5/2/2014 Page 7 2019/2020 2 Health Science and Nursing Building 4,278 1,999 2020/2021 Hartnell College Laboratory Actual*/Projected WSCH 65,634 Cumulative Capacity Capacity/Load Ratio 2020/2021 2021/2022 32,901 160% 2015/2016 17,006 26,468 156% 2016/2017 17,722 30,902 174% 2017/2018 18,439 30,902 168% 2018/2019 19,155 30,902 161% 2019/2020 19,871 30,902 156% 2020/2021 20,587 30,902 150% 2021/2022 20,721 32,901 159% Calif. Comm. Colleges No. Project Off ASF 1 Science Building 515 Hartnell College Five Year Construction Plan District Office Capacity/Load Ratios Hartnell Joint CCD FTE Occupancy 2015/2016 4 2015/2016 302 116% 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 5/2/2014 Page 8 2019/2020 2 Health Science and Nursing Building 4,610 33 2020/2021 Hartnell College Office Actual*/Projected FTE 41,731 Cumulative Capacity Capacity/Load Ratio 2020/2021 2021/2022 335 108% 2015/2016 261 298 114% 2016/2017 271 302 111% 2017/2018 280 302 108% 2018/2019 290 302 104% 2019/2020 300 302 101% 2020/2021 309 302 98% 2021/2022 311 335 108% Calif. Comm. Colleges Five Year Construction Plan District Library Capacity/Load Ratios Hartnell Joint CCD 5/2/2014 Page 9 No. Project Lib ASF Occupancy Library Actual*/Projected ASF 44,216 Cumulative Capacity Capacity/Load Ratio 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2015/2016 28,652 44,216 154% 2016/2017 29,642 44,216 149% 2017/2018 30,632 44,216 144% 2018/2019 31,625 44,216 140% 2019/2020 32,615 44,216 136% 2020/2021 33,605 44,216 132% 2021/2022 33,791 44,216 131% Calif. Comm. Colleges Five Year Construction Plan District AV/TV Capacity/Load Ratios Hartnell Joint CCD 5/2/2014 Page 10 No. Project AVTV ASF Occupancy AV/TV Actual*/Projected ASF 6,653 Cumulative Capacity Capacity/Load Ratio 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2015/2016 10,957 6,653 61% 2016/2017 11,176 6,653 60% 2017/2018 11,395 6,653 58% 2018/2019 11,615 6,653 57% 2019/2020 11,834 6,653 56% 2020/2021 12,053 6,653 55% 2021/2022 12,094 6,653 55% Calif. Comm. Colleges Five Year Construction Plan Load Distribution and Staff Forecast Hartnell Joint CCD 5/2/2014 Page 11 District Load Distribution Reference: Chancellor's Office Forecast Instructional Staff FTE Total Campus WSCH Off-Campus WSCH On-Campus WSCH P.E. Laboratory WSCH On-Campus Lecture WSCH On-Campus Laboratory WSCH 2012 243 90,601 19,760 70,841 5,703 54,519 10,626 2013 223 94,967 15,670 79,297 6,090 57,411 15,796 2014 252 99,333 17,880 81,453 5,702 59,461 16,291 2015 261 103,698 18,666 85,032 5,952 62,074 17,006 2016 271 108,064 19,452 88,612 6,203 64,687 17,722 2017 280 112,430 20,237 92,193 6,453 67,301 18,439 2018 290 116,796 21,023 95,773 6,704 69,914 19,155 2019 300 121,162 21,809 99,353 6,955 72,528 19,871 2020 309 125,528 22,595 102,933 7,205 75,141 20,587 Actual Fall Forecast Calif. Comm. Colleges Five Year Construction Plan Load Distribution and Staff Forecast Hartnell Joint CCD 5/2/2014 Page 12 Instructional Load by Campus or Location Reference: Chancellor's Office Forecast WSCH Distributed to Campuses or Other Locations Campus 2011 Hartnell College 99,780 _______ Total 99,780 Actual 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Projected 2017 2018 2019 2020 90,601 _______ 90,601 94,967 _______ 94,967 99,333 _______ 99,333 103,698 _______ 103,698 108,064 _______ 108,064 112,430 _______ 112,430 116,796 _______ 116,796 121,162 _______ 121,162 125,528 _______ 125,528 Calif. Comm. Colleges Five Year Construction Plan Load Distribution and Staff Forecast Hartnell Joint CCD 5/2/2014 Page 13 Total District Library Load Reference: Chancellor's Office Forecast of Day-Graded Enrollment (a) Total DayGraded (b) Number of Campuses (c) Initial ASF (3,795/Camp) (d) First 3,000 Day Graded (3.83/DG) (e) Between 3k 9k (3.39/DG) (f) 2014/2015 6,650 1 3,795 11,490 12,374 27,659 2015/2016 6,943 1 3,795 11,490 13,367 28,652 2016/2017 7,235 1 3,795 11,490 14,357 29,642 2017/2018 7,527 1 3,795 11,490 15,347 30,632 2018/2019 7,820 1 3,795 11,490 16,340 31,625 2019/2020 8,112 1 3,795 11,490 17,330 32,615 2020/2021 8,404 1 3,795 11,490 18,320 33,605 Above 9,000 (2.94/DG) (g) Total ASF (d+e+f+g) Calif. Comm. Colleges Five Year Construction Plan Load Distribution and Staff Forecast Hartnell Joint CCD 5/2/2014 Page 14 Library Load by Campus or Location Reference: Chancellor's Office Forecast of Day-Graded Enrollment Campus Hartnell College Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 27,659 (100%) _______ 27,659 28,652 (100%) _______ 28,652 29,642 (100%) _______ 29,642 30,632 (100%) _______ 30,632 31,625 (100%) _______ 31,625 32,615 (100%) _______ 32,615 33,605 (100%) _______ 33,605 Calif. Comm. Colleges Five Year Construction Plan Load Distribution and Staff Forecast Hartnell Joint CCD 5/2/2014 Page 15 Total District AV, Radio, TV Load Reference: Chancellor's Office Forecast of Day-Graded Enrollment (a) Total DayGraded (b) Number of Campuses (c) Initial ASF (3,500/Camp) (d) First 3,000 Day Graded (1.50/DG) (e) Between 3k 9k (0.75/DG) (f) 2014/2015 6,650 1 3,500 4,500 2,738 10,738 2015/2016 6,943 1 3,500 4,500 2,957 10,957 2016/2017 7,235 1 3,500 4,500 3,176 11,176 2017/2018 7,527 1 3,500 4,500 3,395 11,395 2018/2019 7,820 1 3,500 4,500 3,615 11,615 2019/2020 8,112 1 3,500 4,500 3,834 11,834 2020/2021 8,404 1 3,500 4,500 4,053 12,053 Above 9,000 (0.25/DG) (g) Total ASF (d+e+f+g) Calif. Comm. Colleges Five Year Construction Plan Load Distribution and Staff Forecast Hartnell Joint CCD 5/2/2014 Page 16 AV, Radio, TV Load by Campus or Location Reference: Chancellor's Office Forecast of Day-Graded Enrollment Campus Hartnell College Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 10,738 (100%) _______ 10,738 10,957 (100%) _______ 10,957 11,176 (100%) _______ 11,176 11,395 (100%) _______ 11,395 11,615 (100%) _______ 11,615 11,834 (100%) _______ 11,834 12,053 (100%) _______ 12,053 HARTNELL COLLEGE Cypress Street 1 et R ar tn el lS tre Softball Field Construction Zone H Z T Track Y 6 V V E E B B V N V ATM L K Soccer Field ge lle Co 2 C S D E Tennis Courts Parking Lot 5 e iv Dr X Parking Lot V W Baseball Field A E E M Parking Lot P E Parking Structure J Pool V U G H E F EV Homestead Avenue Nacional Street Central Avenue Parking Lot 3 Parking Lot 4 NORTH B West Alisal Street LEGEND A. Learning Resource Center (LRC) B. Student Services C. Student Center D. CAB - College Administration Building North E. CAB - College Administration Building South F. Weightroom G. Auxiliary Gym H. Main Gym J. Visual Arts K. Performing Arts / Western Stage L. Maintenance, Operations & Receiving M. Child Development Center N. Merrill Hall P. Fieldhouse R. Facilities Development Office S. Future Science Building - Opening 2016 T. Portable Building U. Pool V. Tennis Courts W. Soccer Field X. Baseball Field Y. Track Z. Softball Field 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Parking Structure Parking Lot 2 Parking Lot 3 Parking Lot 4 Parking Lot 5 Parking Lot 6 E T I P P B ATM V EV 411 CENTRAL AVENUE, SALINAS CA 93901 831-755.6700 Elevator Telephone Restroom Information Student Permit Parking Designated Parking Bus Stop Automatic Emergency Defibrillator Food Service (Hours Vary) Automatic Teller Machine Disabled Parking is avaiable at all lots. Food Vending Machine EV Charging Stations Emergency Phone Tower / Code Blue HARTNELL COLLEGE - ALISAL CAMPUS ive Ea st A lisa l St ree t En try Dr FDA SITE Parking Lot AC-3 B AC-F AC-E Parking Lot AC-1 AC-B Parking Lot AC-2 EV E AC-D AC-C V AC-A ATM LEGEND AC-A. AC-B. AC-C. AC-D. AC-E. AC-F. A Wing B Wing C Wing Future Technical Training Building, Opening 2014 Child Development Center Diesel / Auto Mechanics Lab AC-1. AC-2. AC-3. Parking Lot 1 Parking Lot 2 Parking Lot 3 E Elevator Telephone Restroom I Information P Student Permit Parking P Designated Parking B Bus Stop Emergency Phone Tower / Code Blue T 1752 EAST ALISAL STREET, SALINAS, CA 831-755.6960 Automatic Emergency Defibrillator Food Service (Hours Vary) ATM Automatic Teller Machine Disabled Parking is avaiable at all lots. V Food Vending Machine EV EV Charging Stations HARTNELL COLLEGE KING CITY CAMPUS Lynn Street Parking Lot 1 North 3rd Street V E KC North 2nd Street EV Broadway Street LEGEND KC. King City Center 1. Parking Lot 1 E Elevator Restroom Disable Parking is avaiable at all lots. V Food Vending Machine EV EV Charging Stations Emergency Phone Tower / Code Blue 117 N. SECOND STREET, KING CITY, CA 831-386.7100 Calif. Comm. Colleges No. Project Lect ASF Five Year Construction Plan Campus Lecture Capacity/Load Ratios Hartnell College WSCH Occupancy 2015/2016 1 Science Building 5,054 10,685 Hartnell College 2015/2016 61,592 99% 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 5/2/2014 Page 18 2019/2020 2 Health Science and Nursing Building 3,442 7,277 2020/2021 Hartnell College Lecture Actual*/Projected WSCH 24,079 Cumulative Capacity Capacity/Load Ratio 2020/2021 2021/2022 68,869 92% 2015/2016 62,074 50,907 82% 2016/2017 64,687 61,592 95% 2017/2018 67,301 61,592 92% 2018/2019 69,914 61,592 88% 2019/2020 72,528 61,592 85% 2020/2021 75,141 61,592 82% 2021/2022 75,631 68,869 91% Calif. Comm. Colleges No. Project Lab ASF Five Year Construction Plan Campus Laboratory Capacity/Load Ratios Hartnell College WSCH Occupancy 2015/2016 1 Science Building 10,967 4,434 Hartnell College 2015/2016 30,902 182% 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 5/2/2014 Page 19 2019/2020 2 Health Science and Nursing Building 4,278 1,999 2020/2021 Hartnell College Laboratory Actual*/Projected WSCH 65,634 Cumulative Capacity Capacity/Load Ratio 2020/2021 2021/2022 32,901 160% 2015/2016 17,006 26,468 156% 2016/2017 17,722 30,902 174% 2017/2018 18,439 30,902 168% 2018/2019 19,155 30,902 161% 2019/2020 19,871 30,902 156% 2020/2021 20,587 30,902 150% 2021/2022 20,721 32,901 159% Calif. Comm. Colleges No. Project Off ASF 1 Science Building 515 Hartnell College Five Year Construction Plan Campus Office Capacity/Load Ratios Hartnell College FTE Occupancy 2015/2016 4 2015/2016 302 116% 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 5/2/2014 Page 20 2019/2020 2 Health Science and Nursing Building 4,610 33 2020/2021 Hartnell College Office Actual*/Projected FTE 41,731 Cumulative Capacity Capacity/Load Ratio 2020/2021 2021/2022 335 108% 2015/2016 261 298 114% 2016/2017 271 302 111% 2017/2018 280 302 108% 2018/2019 290 302 104% 2019/2020 300 302 101% 2020/2021 309 302 98% 2021/2022 311 335 108% Calif. Comm. Colleges Five Year Construction Plan Campus Library Capacity/Load Ratios Hartnell College 5/2/2014 Page 21 No. Project Lib ASF Occupancy Library Actual*/Projected ASF 44,216 Cumulative Capacity Capacity/Load Ratio 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2015/2016 28,652 44,216 154% 2016/2017 29,642 44,216 149% 2017/2018 30,632 44,216 144% 2018/2019 31,625 44,216 140% 2019/2020 32,615 44,216 136% 2020/2021 33,605 44,216 132% 2021/2022 33,791 44,216 131% Calif. Comm. Colleges Five Year Construction Plan Campus AV/TV Capacity/Load Ratios Hartnell College 5/2/2014 Page 22 No. Project AVTV ASF Occupancy AV/TV Actual*/Projected ASF 6,653 Cumulative Capacity Capacity/Load Ratio 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2015/2016 10,957 6,653 61% 2016/2017 11,176 6,653 60% 2017/2018 11,395 6,653 58% 2018/2019 11,615 6,653 57% 2019/2020 11,834 6,653 56% 2020/2021 12,053 6,653 55% 2021/2022 12,094 6,653 55% Calif. Comm. Colleges Five Year Construction Plan Load Distribution and Staff Forecast Hartnell College 5/2/2014 Page 23 Campus Load Distribution Reference: Chancellor's Office Forecast Instructional Staff FTE Total Campus WSCH Off-Campus WSCH On-Campus WSCH P.E. Laboratory WSCH On-Campus Lecture WSCH On-Campus Laboratory WSCH 2012 243 90,601 19,760 70,841 5,703 54,519 10,626 2013 223 94,967 15,670 79,297 6,090 57,411 15,796 2014 252 99,333 17,880 81,453 5,702 59,461 16,291 2015 261 103,698 18,666 85,032 5,952 62,074 17,006 2016 271 108,064 19,452 88,612 6,203 64,687 17,722 2017 280 112,430 20,237 92,193 6,453 67,301 18,439 2018 290 116,796 21,023 95,773 6,704 69,914 19,155 2019 300 121,162 21,809 99,353 6,955 72,528 19,871 2020 309 125,528 22,595 102,933 7,205 75,141 20,587 Actual Fall Forecast Calif. Comm. Colleges Five Year Construction Plan Load Distribution and Staff Forecast Hartnell College 5/2/2014 Page 24 Campus Worksheet for Computing FTE Instruction Staff College Instructional Staff, Fall Term. Included are all certificated staff for day, extended day, and adult education except those whose office is located off-campus. Total Certificated Instructional and Statutory Staff FTE (b) (a) Instructors Non-Instructional Portion of FTE (c) Net Total Instructional and Statutory Staff FTE (b-c) (d) 218.0 218.0 27.0 27.0 Department Administrators 4.0 4.0 Librarians Include certificated director of audio/visual, et. al. 5.0 3.0 2.0 14.0 __________ 268.0 13.0 __________ 16.0 1.0 __________ 252.0 Counselors Include certificated special program coordinators, economic opportunity program, coordinators, statutory and Title 5 required staff, et. al. Institutional Administrators Include certificated persons with responsibilities covering the entire institution, such as Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, President, Dean of Instruction, Director of Data Processing, et. al. Fall 2014 Totals Column (b) is the total number of Column (a) distributed to categories Column (c) is the fraction of time express as Full-Time Equivalents devoted to noninstructional work. Counselors, department administrators, and statutorily required staff are counted as if they had no noninstructional duties. Calif. Comm. Colleges Five Year Construction Plan Load Distribution and Staff Forecast Hartnell College 5/2/2014 Page 25 Campus Worksheet for Computing FTE Instruction Staff College Instructional Staff, Fall Term. Included are all certificated staff for day, extended day, and adult education except those whose office is located off-campus. Total Certificated Instructional and Statutory Staff FTE (b) (a) Instructors Non-Instructional Portion of FTE (c) Net Total Instructional and Statutory Staff FTE (b-c) (d) 227.0 227.0 27.0 27.0 Department Administrators 4.0 4.0 Librarians Include certificated director of audio/visual, et. al. 5.0 3.0 2.0 14.0 __________ 277.0 13.0 __________ 16.0 1.0 __________ 261.0 Counselors Include certificated special program coordinators, economic opportunity program, coordinators, statutory and Title 5 required staff, et. al. Institutional Administrators Include certificated persons with responsibilities covering the entire institution, such as Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, President, Dean of Instruction, Director of Data Processing, et. al. Fall 2015 Totals Column (b) is the total number of Column (a) distributed to categories Column (c) is the fraction of time express as Full-Time Equivalents devoted to noninstructional work. Counselors, department administrators, and statutorily required staff are counted as if they had no noninstructional duties. Calif. Comm. Colleges Five Year Construction Plan Load Distribution and Staff Forecast Hartnell College 5/2/2014 Page 26 Campus Worksheet for Computing FTE Instruction Staff College Instructional Staff, Fall Term. Included are all certificated staff for day, extended day, and adult education except those whose office is located off-campus. Total Certificated Instructional and Statutory Staff FTE (b) (a) Instructors Non-Instructional Portion of FTE (c) Net Total Instructional and Statutory Staff FTE (b-c) (d) 237.0 237.0 27.0 27.0 Department Administrators 4.0 4.0 Librarians Include certificated director of audio/visual, et. al. 5.0 3.0 2.0 14.0 __________ 287.0 13.0 __________ 16.0 1.0 __________ 271.0 Counselors Include certificated special program coordinators, economic opportunity program, coordinators, statutory and Title 5 required staff, et. al. Institutional Administrators Include certificated persons with responsibilities covering the entire institution, such as Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, President, Dean of Instruction, Director of Data Processing, et. al. Fall 2016 Totals Column (b) is the total number of Column (a) distributed to categories Column (c) is the fraction of time express as Full-Time Equivalents devoted to noninstructional work. Counselors, department administrators, and statutorily required staff are counted as if they had no noninstructional duties. Calif. Comm. Colleges Five Year Construction Plan Load Distribution and Staff Forecast Hartnell College 5/2/2014 Page 27 Campus Worksheet for Computing FTE Instruction Staff College Instructional Staff, Fall Term. Included are all certificated staff for day, extended day, and adult education except those whose office is located off-campus. Total Certificated Instructional and Statutory Staff FTE (b) (a) Instructors Non-Instructional Portion of FTE (c) Net Total Instructional and Statutory Staff FTE (b-c) (d) 246.0 246.0 27.0 27.0 Department Administrators 4.0 4.0 Librarians Include certificated director of audio/visual, et. al. 5.0 3.0 2.0 14.0 __________ 296.0 13.0 __________ 16.0 1.0 __________ 280.0 Counselors Include certificated special program coordinators, economic opportunity program, coordinators, statutory and Title 5 required staff, et. al. Institutional Administrators Include certificated persons with responsibilities covering the entire institution, such as Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, President, Dean of Instruction, Director of Data Processing, et. al. Fall 2017 Totals Column (b) is the total number of Column (a) distributed to categories Column (c) is the fraction of time express as Full-Time Equivalents devoted to noninstructional work. Counselors, department administrators, and statutorily required staff are counted as if they had no noninstructional duties. Calif. Comm. Colleges Five Year Construction Plan Load Distribution and Staff Forecast Hartnell College 5/2/2014 Page 28 Campus Worksheet for Computing FTE Instruction Staff College Instructional Staff, Fall Term. Included are all certificated staff for day, extended day, and adult education except those whose office is located off-campus. Total Certificated Instructional and Statutory Staff FTE (b) (a) Instructors Non-Instructional Portion of FTE (c) Net Total Instructional and Statutory Staff FTE (b-c) (d) 256.0 256.0 27.0 27.0 Department Administrators 4.0 4.0 Librarians Include certificated director of audio/visual, et. al. 5.0 3.0 2.0 14.0 __________ 306.0 13.0 __________ 16.0 1.0 __________ 290.0 Counselors Include certificated special program coordinators, economic opportunity program, coordinators, statutory and Title 5 required staff, et. al. Institutional Administrators Include certificated persons with responsibilities covering the entire institution, such as Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, President, Dean of Instruction, Director of Data Processing, et. al. Fall 2018 Totals Column (b) is the total number of Column (a) distributed to categories Column (c) is the fraction of time express as Full-Time Equivalents devoted to noninstructional work. Counselors, department administrators, and statutorily required staff are counted as if they had no noninstructional duties. Calif. Comm. Colleges Five Year Construction Plan Load Distribution and Staff Forecast Hartnell College 5/2/2014 Page 29 Campus Worksheet for Computing FTE Instruction Staff College Instructional Staff, Fall Term. Included are all certificated staff for day, extended day, and adult education except those whose office is located off-campus. Total Certificated Instructional and Statutory Staff FTE (b) (a) Instructors Non-Instructional Portion of FTE (c) Net Total Instructional and Statutory Staff FTE (b-c) (d) 266.0 266.0 27.0 27.0 Department Administrators 4.0 4.0 Librarians Include certificated director of audio/visual, et. al. 5.0 3.0 2.0 14.0 __________ 316.0 13.0 __________ 16.0 1.0 __________ 300.0 Counselors Include certificated special program coordinators, economic opportunity program, coordinators, statutory and Title 5 required staff, et. al. Institutional Administrators Include certificated persons with responsibilities covering the entire institution, such as Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, President, Dean of Instruction, Director of Data Processing, et. al. Fall 2019 Totals Column (b) is the total number of Column (a) distributed to categories Column (c) is the fraction of time express as Full-Time Equivalents devoted to noninstructional work. Counselors, department administrators, and statutorily required staff are counted as if they had no noninstructional duties. Calif. Comm. Colleges Five Year Construction Plan Load Distribution and Staff Forecast Hartnell College 5/2/2014 Page 30 Campus Worksheet for Computing FTE Instruction Staff College Instructional Staff, Fall Term. Included are all certificated staff for day, extended day, and adult education except those whose office is located off-campus. Total Certificated Instructional and Statutory Staff FTE (b) (a) Instructors Non-Instructional Portion of FTE (c) Net Total Instructional and Statutory Staff FTE (b-c) (d) 275.0 275.0 27.0 27.0 Department Administrators 4.0 4.0 Librarians Include certificated director of audio/visual, et. al. 5.0 3.0 2.0 14.0 __________ 325.0 13.0 __________ 16.0 1.0 __________ 309.0 Counselors Include certificated special program coordinators, economic opportunity program, coordinators, statutory and Title 5 required staff, et. al. Institutional Administrators Include certificated persons with responsibilities covering the entire institution, such as Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, President, Dean of Instruction, Director of Data Processing, et. al. Fall 2020 Totals Column (b) is the total number of Column (a) distributed to categories Column (c) is the fraction of time express as Full-Time Equivalents devoted to noninstructional work. Counselors, department administrators, and statutorily required staff are counted as if they had no noninstructional duties. Calif. Comm. Colleges Five Year Construction Plan Cum Sum of Existing and Proposed Space, 2015 - 2021 Hartnell College 5/2/2014 Page 31 Cumulative Summary of Existing and Proposed Areas, 2015-2021 Priority and Year of Occupancy (a) Total ASF 1 2 2015/2016 2020/2021 Classroom 100's (b) Laboratory 200's (c) 24,079 65,634 41,731 10,967 76,601 Science Building 5,054 29,133 Health Science and Nursing Building 3,442 4,278 32,575 80,879 Office 300's (d) Library 400's (e) 44,216 AV Radio TV 530 - 535 (f) 6,653 P.E. 520 - 525 (g) 40,401 Assembly 610 - 625 (h) 15,083 Inactive 050 - 070 (i) 1,192 All Other Areas (j) Total ASF (k) 69,109 308,098 515 42,246 95 69,204 16,631 324,729 4,610 46,856 1,000 70,204 13,330 338,059 70,204 338,059 Total Existing and Proposed Space 32,575 80,879 46,856 44,216 6,653 40,401 15,083 1,192 Calif. Comm. Colleges Five Year Construction Plan Capacity of Net Existing On-Campus ASF Hartnell College Classrooms, Classroom Service (Room Type 100's) Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5/2/2014 Page 32 Net ASF ASF/100 WSCH Capacity WSCH 24,079 47.3 50,907 Net ASF ASF/100 WSCH Capacity WSCH 4,953 385 1,286 13,954 257 5,430 Laboratories and Laboratory Service Areas (Room Types 210, 215, 220, 225, 230, 235, 255) TOP Code/Description 0100 Agriculture and Natural Resources Net ASF ASF/100 WSCH Capacity WSCH 1,680 492 341 TOP Code/Description 0956 Manufacturing and Industrial Technology 0116 Agricultural Power Equipment Technology 856 1000 Fine and Applied Arts 0200 Architecture and Related Technologies 257 1100 Foreign Language 0300 Environmental Sciences and Technologies 0400 Biological Sciences 235 5,327 235 1200 Health 2,267 2,316 1300 Family and Consumer Sciences 0500 Business and Management 128 1400 Law 0600 Media and Communications 214 1500 Humanities (Letters) 0700 Information Technology 15,620 0800 Education 0900 Engineering & Industrial Technologies 0945 Industrial Systems Technology and Mainte 171 9,135 321 755 321 235 5,736 556 1,032 238 150 150 1700 Mathematics 150 1800 Military Studies 1900 Physical Sciences 2000 Psychology 0947 Diesel Technology 856 2100 Public and Protective Services 0948 Automotive Technology 856 2200 Social Sciences 0949 Automotive Collison Repair 856 3000 Commercial Services 0950 Aeronautical and Aviation Technology 749 4900 Interdisciplinary Studies 749 1,082 257 1600 Library Science 556 1,670 214 150 0946 Environmental Control Technology (HVAC) 0952 Construction Crafts Technology 150 159 214 6,583 257 2,561 150 893 214 417 150 214 5,909 257 2,299 223 Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65,634 Campus Avg Lab ASF/100 WSCH Office and Office Service Areas (Room Type 300's) Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26,468 248 Net ASF ASF per FTE Capacity FTE 41,731 140 298 Calif. Comm. Colleges Five Year Construction Plan Project Intent And Scope Hartnell College 5/2/2014 Page 33 District Priority : 1 Science Building Project Type : Site Acquisition New Construction Reconstruction Replacement Infrastructure Equipment Total Estimated Costs : $28,065,000 Anticipated Source(s) of Funds : Non-State Type of construction : Seismic Retrofit : If Existing - Age : If Existing - Condition : Anticipated Time Schedule Land Acquisition Preliminary Plans Working Drawing Construction Equipment Occupancy Year 2012/2013 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 Estimated Cost $1,000,000 $1,098,000 $24,660,000 $1,307,000 Explain why this project is needed: This project proposes to demolish the existing Science building (Merrill Hall) and construct a new Science Buidling with expanded space to accommodate growth in the Physical and Biological Sciences. The current Science building was constructed in 1964 and does not meet current building codes or the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Because of the major changes in building codes in the Science area, the most cost effective alternative is to demolish the 43,337 gross square foot building and construct a new 21st century, technologically smart Science Building. Calif. Comm. Colleges District Priority No.: Five Year Construction Plan Project Intent And Scope Hartnell College 5/2/2014 Page 34 1 Science Building Outline of Project Space - Buildings and Remodelings Classroom Type 100's Project Primary Project Secondary Project Net ASF Laboratory 210 - 255 Office Type 300's Library Type 400's AV - TV 530 - 535 All Other Total ASF 8,442 20,825 2,300 2,800 34,367 -3,388 -9,858 -1,785 -2,705 -17,736 5,054 10,967 515 95 16,631 Project Net Capacity Net ASF/100 Capacity ASF WSCH WSCH 5,054 47.3 10,685 Net ASF ASF/100 WSCH Capacity WSCH 0400 Biological Sciences 0400 Biology, General -2,367 -1,260 235 235 -1,007 -536 1900 Chemistry, General 1900 Geology 1900 Physics, General -3,987 -760 -1,484 257 257 257 -1,551 -296 -577 Classrooms, Classroom Service (Room Type 100's) Classroom Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Laboratories and Laboratory Service Areas (Room Types 210, 215, 220, 225, 230, 235, 255) Primary Effect Secondary Effect Net ASF ASF/100 WSCH Capacity WSCH 0400 Anatomy and Physiology 0400 Biological Sciences 1,428 2,493 235 235 608 1,061 0400 0400 0400 0900 1700 1900 1900 1900 1900 1,428 1,428 1,428 1,785 500 116 6,060 1,901 2,258 235 235 235 321 150 257 257 257 257 608 608 608 556 333 45 2,358 740 879 TOP Code/Description Microbiology Other Biological Sciences Zoology, General Engineering Technology,General (req. Mathematics Astronomy Chemistry, General Geology Physics, General TOP Code/Description Laboratory Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Office and Office Service Areas (Room Type 300's) Office Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,967 4,434 Net ASF ASF per FTE Capacity FTE 515 140 3.68 Calif. Comm. Colleges Five Year Construction Plan Project Intent And Scope Hartnell College 5/2/2014 Page 35 District Priority : 2 Health Science and Nursing Building Project Type : Site Acquisition New Construction Reconstruction Replacement Infrastructure Equipment Total Estimated Costs : $10,494,000 Anticipated Source(s) of Funds : Non-State Type of construction : Seismic Retrofit : If Existing - Age : If Existing - Condition : Anticipated Time Schedule Land Acquisition Preliminary Plans Working Drawing Construction Equipment Occupancy 2017/2018 2017/2018 2018/2019 2018/2019 2020/2021 $428,000 $445,000 $9,213,000 $408,000 Year Estimated Cost Explain why this project is needed: Currently the college's Nursing program is temporarily housed in the CALL building since moving onsite offsite from the formerly leased Natividad Medical Center. The program's are expanding and in order to serve the needs of the community appropriately, a permanent facility is needed. The project will construct a 13,330 asf building consisting of 4,278 asf in lecture, 3,442 asf in lab, 4,610 asf of faculty offices and a 1,000 asf meeting room to accommodate the growing programs. Calif. Comm. Colleges District Priority No.: Five Year Construction Plan Project Intent And Scope Hartnell College 5/2/2014 Page 36 2 Health Science and Nursing Building Outline of Project Space - Buildings and Remodelings Classroom Type 100's Project Primary Laboratory 210 - 255 Office Type 300's Library Type 400's AV - TV 530 - 535 All Other Total ASF 3,442 4,278 4,610 1,000 13,330 3,442 4,278 4,610 1,000 13,330 Project Secondary Project Net ASF Project Net Capacity Net ASF/100 Capacity ASF WSCH WSCH 3,442 47.3 7,277 Net ASF ASF/100 WSCH Capacity WSCH Classrooms, Classroom Service (Room Type 100's) Classroom Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Laboratories and Laboratory Service Areas (Room Types 210, 215, 220, 225, 230, 235, 255) Primary Effect TOP Code/Description Secondary Effect Net ASF ASF/100 WSCH Capacity WSCH 4,278 214 1,999 1200 Health TOP Code/Description Laboratory Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Office and Office Service Areas (Room Type 300's) Office Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,278 1,999 Net ASF ASF per FTE Capacity FTE 4,610 140 32.93 Calif. Comm. Colleges Five Year Construction Plan Project Intent And Scope Hartnell College 5/2/2014 Page 37 District Priority : 3 CAB ADA Compliance (Exterior) Project Type : Site Acquisition New Construction Reconstruction Replacement Infrastructure Equipment Total Estimated Costs : $541,500 Anticipated Source(s) of Funds : Non-State Type of construction : Seismic Retrofit : If Existing - Age : If Existing - Condition : Anticipated Time Schedule Land Acquisition Preliminary Plans Working Drawing Construction Equipment Occupancy 2015/2016 2015/2016 2015/2016 2015/2016 2015/2016 $40,000 $40,000 $461,500 $0 Year Estimated Cost Explain why this project is needed: This project will address exterior ADA issues around the CAB building. Calif. Comm. Colleges District Priority No.: Five Year Construction Plan Project Intent And Scope Hartnell College 5/2/2014 Page 38 3 CAB ADA Compliance (Exterior) Outline of Project Space - Buildings and Remodelings Classroom Type 100's Laboratory 210 - 255 Office Type 300's Library Type 400's AV - TV 530 - 535 All Other Total ASF Project Primary Project Secondary Project Net ASF 0 Project Net Capacity Net ASF/100 Capacity ASF WSCH WSCH 0 47.3 0 Net ASF ASF/100 WSCH Capacity WSCH Classrooms, Classroom Service (Room Type 100's) Classroom Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Laboratories and Laboratory Service Areas (Room Types 210, 215, 220, 225, 230, 235, 255) Primary Effect TOP Code/Description Secondary Effect Net ASF ASF/100 WSCH Capacity WSCH TOP Code/Description Laboratory Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Office and Office Service Areas (Room Type 300's) Office Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 Net ASF ASF per FTE Capacity FTE 0 140 0.00 Calif. Comm. Colleges Five Year Construction Plan Project Intent And Scope Hartnell College 5/2/2014 Page 39 District Priority : 4 CAB Elevator Project Type : Site Acquisition New Construction Reconstruction Replacement Infrastructure Equipment Total Estimated Costs : $491,500 Anticipated Source(s) of Funds : Non-State Type of construction : Seismic Retrofit : If Existing - Age : If Existing - Condition : Anticipated Time Schedule Land Acquisition Preliminary Plans Working Drawing Construction Equipment Occupancy 2015/2016 2015/2016 2015/2016 2015/2016 2015/2016 $20,000 $20,000 $451,500 $0 Year Estimated Cost Explain why this project is needed: This project will address some of the ADA issues in the CAB building by adding an elevator. Calif. Comm. Colleges District Priority No.: Five Year Construction Plan Project Intent And Scope Hartnell College 5/2/2014 Page 40 4 CAB Elevator Outline of Project Space - Buildings and Remodelings Classroom Type 100's Laboratory 210 - 255 Office Type 300's Library Type 400's AV - TV 530 - 535 All Other Total ASF Project Primary Project Secondary Project Net ASF 0 Project Net Capacity Net ASF/100 Capacity ASF WSCH WSCH 0 47.3 0 Net ASF ASF/100 WSCH Capacity WSCH Classrooms, Classroom Service (Room Type 100's) Classroom Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Laboratories and Laboratory Service Areas (Room Types 210, 215, 220, 225, 230, 235, 255) Primary Effect TOP Code/Description Secondary Effect Net ASF ASF/100 WSCH Capacity WSCH TOP Code/Description Laboratory Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Office and Office Service Areas (Room Type 300's) Office Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 Net ASF ASF per FTE Capacity FTE 0 140 0.00 Calif. Comm. Colleges Five Year Construction Plan Project Intent And Scope Hartnell College 5/2/2014 Page 41 District Priority : 5 Modernization of Merrill Hall Project Type : Site Acquisition New Construction Reconstruction Replacement Infrastructure Equipment Total Estimated Costs : $777,500 Anticipated Source(s) of Funds : Non-State Type of construction : Seismic Retrofit : If Existing - Age : If Existing - Condition : Anticipated Time Schedule Land Acquisition Preliminary Plans Working Drawing Construction Equipment Occupancy 2015/2016 2015/2016 2016/2017 2016/2017 2017/2018 $50,000 $75,000 $652,500 $0 Year Estimated Cost Explain why this project is needed: This project will modernize Merrill Hall to meet the current needs of the students and staff. Calif. Comm. Colleges District Priority No.: Five Year Construction Plan Project Intent And Scope Hartnell College 5/2/2014 Page 42 5 Modernization of Merrill Hall Outline of Project Space - Buildings and Remodelings Classroom Type 100's Laboratory 210 - 255 Office Type 300's Library Type 400's AV - TV 530 - 535 All Other Total ASF Project Primary Project Secondary Project Net ASF 0 Project Net Capacity Net ASF/100 Capacity ASF WSCH WSCH 0 47.3 0 Net ASF ASF/100 WSCH Capacity WSCH Classrooms, Classroom Service (Room Type 100's) Classroom Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Laboratories and Laboratory Service Areas (Room Types 210, 215, 220, 225, 230, 235, 255) Primary Effect TOP Code/Description Secondary Effect Net ASF ASF/100 WSCH Capacity WSCH TOP Code/Description Laboratory Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Office and Office Service Areas (Room Type 300's) Office Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 Net ASF ASF per FTE Capacity FTE 0 140 0.00