Math 123-1692 Elementary Algebra Hartnell College Spring 2015 Instructor: Dr. YaoTang Liao Email: Office: N Class meets: T TH 02:00- 04:15 PM in D261 Office hours: by appointment or e-mail To obtain class information such as syllabus, announcements and messages, go to To access the learning material and online exercises, we will be using the website Instructions to register are included in this syllabus. PREREQUISITE Completion of Math 121: Pre-algebra or placement based on STARR test placement or multiple measures. MATERIALS Miller, O’Neill & Hyde, Intermediate Algebra, 3rd Edition WITH ConnectMath Access Code & a scientific calculator. (You can get an e-book bundled with the access code directly from Connect Math for cheaper than the bundle at the bookstore—and environmentally friendly!) Scantron, form 882-E (for all exams) A scientific calculator COURSE DESCRIPTION Review of elementary algebra plus more advanced problems of factoring, rational expressions, linear and quadratic equations, functions and graphs, systems of equations and inequalities, exponents and radicals, exponential and logarithmic functions, conic sections, sequences, series and applications related to all the functions of intermediate algebra. This course requires a minimum of 15 hours of work per week including class time and homework. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES Upon completion of this course, students will be able to 1. Students will be able to solve a 2x2 system of linear equations. 2. Given a quadratic equation, students will draw the graph and identify intercepts and the vertex. 3. Given a logartithmic equation, students will choose a strategy and solve. COURSE OBJECTIVES o Upon satisfactory completion of the course, students will be able to: 1. recognize, analyze, and employ the most effective strategies to solve various mathematical problems (both equations and inequalities) and judge the reasonableness of their results related to the following functions: linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, radical, exponential, and logarithmic. 2. compare and contrast the equations and graphs of the following functions: linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, radical, exponential, logarithmic, and the conic sections. 3. model real world situations found in various fields of study that are related to the following functions: linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, radical, exponential, logarithmic, and the conic sections. 4. compare and contrast expressions, relations, functions, equations, and inequalities. 5. simplify, manipulate, and evaluate expressions and functions. 6. communicate the mathematics of intermediate algebra in both oral and written form. 7. solve applications related to all of the functions of intermediate algebra. 8. use appropriate technology to enhance their mathematical thinking. 9. demonstrate the basic concepts of sequences and series and their applications. SERVICES FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES In compliance with equal access laws, I am available to discuss appropriate academic accommodations that you may require as a student with a disability. Request for academic accommodations should be made as soon as possible, if possible during the first week of the semester. Students are encouraged to register with Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSP&S) for disability verification and for determination of reasonable academic accommodations. For more information, visit CALL building, room 107 or call (831) 755-6760. GRADING CRITERIA 4 Exams 40% B 80 – 89% Online Homework 25% C 70 – 79% Classwork and Quizzes 5% D 60 – 69% Final Exam 30% F below 59% A 90 – 100% Connect Math Online Homework Homework is your opportunity to practice what you have learned during the lectures and the reading, which is a necessary step in understanding the concepts. Homework will be graded for accuracy and correctness to ensure that you are practicing the skills correctly and learning the designated concepts. Each problem will be worth one point. However, since homework will be completed electronically, you will have unlimited opportunities to correct your mistakes and receive on-line tutorials or hints to achieve the best score possible before you submit it. Homework will be assigned daily and DUE weekly on Sunday night. Late homework will not be accepted. You are strongly encouraged to work with other students on the homework and to seek tutoring assistance at the many available sources on campus, including myself, but make sure you know how to do all the problems on your own and are able to perform where it really counts. Your Course Code is:YETEX-WQG9D Your Financial Aid Access Code is: 2869D-3377E-684B5-7DCF0 The Financial Aid Access Code does not add an additional two weeks to your account. NOTE: This code gives you temporary access to Connect Math for a two-week period. Once the code expires, you will be locked out of your Connect Math account until you purchase a regular Student Access Code. It is highly recommended that you purchase the Student Access Code BEFORE the two weeks expire to prevent interruptions with your Connect Math account. To sign up to Connect Math using the Financial Aid Access Code, go to: Click on the "Sign up now!" link located under “NEW USER?” Enter your "Course Code" and press "Continue". Verify that you are registering for the correct course and click on "Continue." Enter the 20character Financial Aid Access Code. Continue with the registration process until your account has been set up successfully. After you complete your account set up you will be logged into Connect Math and can immediately begin working in the course. You can extend your Connect Math account at any time by clicking on “extend your account” and entering a purchased Student Access Code. If your temporary access expires before you purchase a Student Access Code, simply log in to Connect Math and you will be directed on how to extend your current account. Attendance According to Hartnell College’s attendance policy “Absences in excess of two weeks (consecutive or non-consecutive) may result in the student being dropped. It is the responsibility of the student to drop from courses they do not wish to attend. DO NOT assume instructors will submit the drop for you”. Therefore, instructors have the right to drop you if you miss more than two weeks, but are not responsible for dropping students. If you decide to drop the class, you will need to fill out a drop card with Admissions and Records or use PAWS online to avoid receiving a grade of F. Also keep in mind that everything we do in this course builds upon the previous concepts. Be sure to attend every class meeting. If you miss even one day, you will miss a great amount of crucial information that will affect you in the lessons to come. Exams There will be four to four exams worth 100 points each as well as a comprehensive final exam. Make up exams after the exam date will not be given; therefore you must plan to attend class for all exam dates. However, if you know ahead of time you will not be able to attend class on an exam day; you may make arrangements with me so that you can take an exam before your absence. If an emergency occurs during an exam date, speak with me and we can make arrangements together. If you cheat on a test, you will receive a zero. A scientific calculator may be necessary during exams and you MAY NOT use your phone as a calculator nor have it out during an exam. Notes and calculators will not be allowed during exams. Exam dates are(tentative): Exam #1 Friday February 13, 2015 Exam #2 Friday March 13, 2015 Exam #3 Friday April 17, 2015 Exam #4 Friday May 15, 2015 Final Exam TBD The exams will be multiple choice, and short answer and will require that you purchase scantron sheets form 882-E. Please remember to bring the scantron and a #2 pencil to the exam. Exams will be closed book, closed notes. Absolutely no cell phones are allowed during the exam. The week before the exams, I will pass out a practice midterm exam, which will contain questions that you can use as a guide to study for the midterms. The questions on the exam will cover what I talked about in class so it is important to take good notes during the lectures as some of the material will not be covered in the book. The questions on the actual exam will be similar (but not necessarily the same) as the practice exam questions so be sure to look up the answers for all the questions on the practice exam. The actual exam will also contain between 20% additional questions that will not be covered on the practice exam. The final exam will be cumulative (will cover everything!) and must be taken in order to pass the class. Homework (to be done electronically, using CONNECT tool) Homework is your opportunity to practice what you have learned during the lectures and the reading, which is a necessary step in understanding the concepts. Homework will be graded for accuracy and correctness to ensure that you are practicing the skills correctly and learning the designated concepts. Each problem will be worth one point. However, since homework will be completed electronically, you will have unlimited opportunities to correct your mistakes and receive on-line tutorials or hints to achieve the best score possible before you submit it. Homework will be assigned daily and DUE weekly on Sunday night. Late homework will not be accepted. You are strongly encouraged to work with other students on the homework and to seek tutoring assistance at the many available sources on campus, including myself, but make sure you know how to do all the problems on your own and are able to perform where it really counts: EXAMS. Quizzes, Class Activities & Projects It has been shown that students retain more information when they are actively engaged in their own learning. In this class, you will learn to think critically and work together in small groups to solve problems. Attendance and participation are very important factors that will determine your success in this class. Obviously, you must be present to participate in class quizzes, group activities and explorations; therefore, you may not make up the work in case you are absent. Other projects or activities may be completed individually or by working with peers. In any case, each student is responsible for turning in his or her own work. Academic Integrity Policy (AIP) Please note that cheating on an exam, quiz, and homework will result in an automatic zero for that assignment. Any incident of cheating will be reported to the department and the Vice President of Student Affairs where it will remain in your file permanently. Academic dishonesty (or cheating) is defined as, but not limited to, copying others’ work, looking at another’s paper during an exam, using written notes during an exam when you are not supposed to, reading or knowledge of test questions prior to test date, changing any portion of a returned graded test for regarding, or assisting another to do any of the mentioned items. Expectations Just as you can expect me to be on time to every class and come prepared, I expect the same from you. Be on time. This means you must arrive a few minutes early so you can be settled and ready to take notes at exactly our scheduled start time. Ear buds and cell phones are not allowed during class unless you are taking a picture of the whiteboard for your notes. Please refrain from texting, taking calls, or any activity on social networks and games/apps. This is both out of common courtesy as well as to enhance your learning experience during each class. If you are expecting an important phone call or text, please let me know in advance so that we can make an exception and please remember to step outside to minimize distractions. Resources This is a demanding class, and many of you will need assistance at some point or another. It is extremely important that you seek help immediately. There is no such thing as a dumb question and I believe you ALL can learn Mathematics with the proper support, time commitment, dedication, and perseverance. I am your first line of support so come see me during office hours! Other suggestions are: o Ask questions during class; don’t let doubts linger. o Form study groups to do homework and study for exams. o The Tutoring Center is located in the second floor of the library. They provide free drop-in tutoring as well as individual and group math. Pick up an application and bring it back to me so that I can sign it. o The MESA program, located on the 2 nd floor of Merrill Hall also provides support, but there are some requirements. You can find more information at o Are your study skills up to par? Find out by taking this survey available at o Algebra videos are available on the internet in abundance. All you have to do is Google a question, but here are some suggested sites: Course Calendar Tentative Schedule and Homework Assignments Week # All homework will be completed using Connect Math(CM). Classwork (CW) will be completed during class working in groups or individually. Due Date Week 1 Week 2 CW: Syllabus & Expectations Section 2: Sets of Numbers and Interval Notation Section 3: Operations on Real Numbers Section 4: Simplifying Expressions Section 1: Linear Equations in One Variable Section 2: Applications of Linear Equations in One Variable Section 3: Applications to Geometry and Literal Equations Section 4: Linear Inequalities in One Variable Section 5: Compound Inequalities Section 6: Absolute Value Equations Section 7: Absolute Value Inequalities HW1-CM HW2-CM HW3-CM Week 3 TBD Week 4 HW4-CM TBD Exam #1 HW5-CM Week 5 TBD Week 6 HW6-CM TBD Week 7 HW7-CM TBD Week 8 HW8-CM TBD Exam #2 Week 9 HW9-CM TBD Week # All homework will be completed using Connect Math. Classwork (CW) will be completed during class working in groups or individually. Due Date HW10-CM Week 10 TBFD Week 11 Spring Break March 30 to April 3, 2015 Week 12 HW11-CM TBD Week 13 HW12-CM TBD Exam #3 Week 14 HW13-CM TBD HW14-CM Week 15 TBD HW15-CM Week 16 TBD Week 17 HW16-CM TBD Exam HW17-CM Week 18 TBD Final Exam This is syllabus will be subjected to c as needed during the course of the semester.